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Esoteric Wizardry


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A Mexican teenager kills himself over his waifu. He spent most of his time thinking about his waifu, and his allowance went to anime merchandise of Ikaros. He commited suicide by hanging himself with a chain, like how Ikaros has a chain around her neck. He sounds like a very powerful mage to me.

Also, the parents thought he was controlled by a demon and burnt all his anime merchandise.


Here is a news story if you can read Spanish or use google translate.



>powerful mage

Allmighty autist*

His spirit is stuck in his soul, trapped in the lower, negative planes of rhe astral, getting looshfarmed by any entity able to take on the form of his waifu, seduced, beaten and tortured (which is why its good to habe a measure of control in your dreams/the realms so you can bypass this), IE, hes in hell now, may God have mercy upon his soul should he somehow deserve it.

Absolutely detrimental/10

Reborn a maggot. Lowlife. Spiritual progress of a tree.

Don't be Mexican. Don't do this.



>He sounds like a very powerful mage to me.

he wasn't


dis, he got looshfarmed to a very low point of existence. Should have made a holy tulpa


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like I'm going to trust a Erisian


Why is it that most people who uses the plebeian flag are pompous twats who don't know what their talking about

>holy tulpa

>When I make them their holy

Please elaborate cause I'm a dumb ass. What EXACTLY is the difference between a holy tubla and a regular one?

Does a holy tupla live off sunlight and the smell of its own farts?

Powerful in the sense that he wouldn't conform. He had a lot of will power to off him self instead of getting with the program. A shame really he could been a half decent wizard.

>Ikaros has a chain around her neck

i cri evry tiem



>What EXACTLY is the difference between a holy tubla and a regular one?

you don't give them bad energy or bad thoughts at all, so it doesn't turn evil

>Does a holy tupla live off sunlight and the smell of its own farts?

if you want



and what if I have autism and get bad thoughts now and then? will it effect my




>you don't give them bad energy or bad thoughts at all, so it doesn't turn evil

He seem to really love his waifu if he killed him self over it. Wouldn't what ever is loosh farming him be "holy" because he is feeding it love



mistreating the thoughtform and giving it an "evil" trait would be the major cause, also deviation. A bad thought every now and then won't affect unless you intend to hurt it specifically


we don't know for sure if he was feeding it love or thoughts of never achieving the desired relationship, that would lead to negative

ie- "I would never be with her" it's negative


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Makes sense to me. Also sorry if I came off a bit "Hostile"

>Does a holy tupla live off sunlight and the smell of its own farts?

>if you want

I rather make a tupla that sustains it self by farting in elevators and crowed places.



How does one reach to the higher planes? Of the astral or w/e you wanna name it?

Put it another way, how does one not succumb to the lower planes, while studying the occult and feeling things intensely?


Honestly I'd just say he was weak, and overly delusional and psychotic maybe..

I mean, I think almost everybody has 'fallen in love with a ficticious charecter that doesn't exist at some early point of their life, and feel a bit depressed about it, but never to the point of losing control of our own lives like he did.

I wouldn't judge him for that, maybe he simply felt emotions too deeply and felt like he'd rather die than not being able to spend his life with his love.

Who knows, maybe he knew something we dont, maybe there is more after death that we don't know about, like an afterlife that you build and create in your mind..

A dreamer and optimist would say he's with her now, finally happy.

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