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Esoteric Wizardry


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>Upon changing the Bible drastically, we removed all parts which said the Spirit is made from natural plants which are part of other dimensions. There are still many hints in the Bible, but the one goal we wanted to change was that the Spirit was a ghost, an imaginary being which appeared in everyone. This was a lie. The Spirit is the Holy Oil which John the baptist made, and Jesus was baptized in. There are 144,000 plants to the Spirit, and combing them in the right way creates a God. Jesus was baptized in the Holy Oil made from the Spirit

>So then was God a normal man, who by making the Holy Oil through alchemy was able to achieve godhood?

>Odin's flask of knowledge

>Zeus' wine

>Jesus' Holy Oil

>Ark of the Covenant

The holy anointing oil described in Exodus 30:22-25 was created from:

Pure myrrh (מר דרור mar deror) 500 shekels (about 6 kg)

Sweet cinnamon (קינמון בשם kinnemon besem) 250 shekels (about 3 kg)

Kaneh bosem (קְנֵה-בֹשֶׂם kaneh bosm) 250 shekels (about 3 kg)

Cassia (קדה kiddah) 500 shekels (about 6 kg)

Olive oil (שמן זית shemen zayit) one hin (about 5 quarts according to Adam Clarke; about 4 liters according to Shiurei Torah, 7 liters according to the Chazon Ish)

My understanding is that its a topical DMT tincture made from acacia resin and olive oil that you then bathe in.

This extreme overdose "illuminates" your soul when you breakthrough.

Exodus describes the ritual as slathering oil all over the inside of a tent and yourself and then hotboxing it with cannabis and myrrh.

The tent is a tabernacle which has specific implications, it could be a metaphor for the body as a temple or for culture as the body of the lord etc.

The ark is also used to mean chest, which could be the container of the heartsoul within the temple of the body.

In this way the ritual of raising the tabernacle for the ceremony of the ark invokes as above so below.

It is said there are over 10000 plants needed to make it, it has something to do with increasing DMT production. It is also said Paul used to to baptize Christ.

The Ark being constructed of Shittah(acacia) and the tree of life being the Acacia Nilotica, which was used in Egyptian rites like the opening of the mouth ceremony.

This is extremely significant because Christianity and Islam come from Judiasm, the religion of Egyptian slaves, and the story of Moses birth and relation to pharaoh matches Horus'.

The baptism originally referred to bathing in oil.

It was probably a rite of passage for new Christians.


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Essential oils like rosewater are very important in Islam and Frankincense and Myrrh are likely to be watered down or censored symbols for the original recipe.

The trees are very similar in shape, structure, leaf style, thorns, resin accumulation, location of origin, use

Its also important to note that the Ayahausca ritual is primarily characterized by the spirit of the Caapi Vine which contains Harmine/Harmaline and is psychedelic on its own.

These beta-carbolines are also found in Syrian Rue(burning bush) and Scorpion's skin in Egypt.




Anointing Oil

>Then the Lord said to Moses, “Take the following fine spices: 500 shekelsd of liquid myrrh, half as much (that is, 250 shekels) of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekelse of fragrant calamus, 500 shekels of cassia—all according to the sanctuary shekel—and a hinf of olive oil. Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer. It will be the sacred anointing oil. Then use it to anoint the tent of meeting, the ark of the covenant law, the table and all its articles, the lampstand and its accessories, the altar of incense, the altar of burnt offering and all its utensils, and the basin with its stand. You shall consecrate them so they will be most holy, and whatever touches them will be holy.

>“Anoint Aaron and his sons and consecrate them so they may serve me as priests. Say to the Israelites, ‘This is to be my sacred anointing oil for the generations to come. Do not pour it on anyone else’s body and do not make any other oil using the same formula. It is sacred, and you are to consider it sacred. Whoever makes perfume like it and puts it on anyone other than a priest must be cut off from their people.’ ”


>Then the Lord said to Moses, “Take fragrant spices—gum resin, onycha and galbanum—and pure frankincense, all in equal amounts, and make a fragrant blend of incense, the work of a perfumer. It is to be salted and pure and sacred. Grind some of it to powder and place it in front of the ark of the covenant law in the tent of meeting, where I will meet with you. It shall be most holy to you. Do not make any incense with this formula for yourselves; consider it holy to the Lord. Whoever makes incense like it to enjoy its fragrance must be cut off from their people.”

I'm surely missing something important and including something that is pure speculation but I'd like to know others thoughts on this topic.

For Keks sake lets also consider that frog poison contains 5-MeO-DMT and that Egyptians liked to make wine out of frogs, snakes, scorpions, and flowers.




I skip all the ritualized nonsense and pour aged urine all over myself.

>rich lather

>wonderful moisturizer

>squeaky clean feel

>strange oily consistency

>pungent odor

>lasting pheromones

It's great, you should try it sometime.




That is very interesting OP, but don't psychedelics also require what is called 'set and setting'? Without the proper influence one could easily be deceived no?


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DMT doesn't really require set and setting in the same way. The experience generally takes you outside of the set and setting.

Thats not to say I recommend it while under psychological distress.



>not drinking fresh urine

>not bathing in aged urine




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Idk why he identifies as a cube when that is a soul trapping device currently orbiting the rings of Saturn and paid homage to by many a jew

>gee, haven't posted these pics in a while





OP is a gigantic douche, btw

>literalists, when will they learn?


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I'm feeling generous, have some more


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all images from a purely materialistic point of view, of course

there might be benefits. still.

>actually doing it


File: 92abfd39a8d4465⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 169.51 KB, 1099x563, 1099:563, lord-shiva-5794df4a48f69_l.jpg)

>knock, knock

>guess who?



Let's not derail thread



It's more of a holding device than a trapping device. Traps aren't voluntary.



>not drinking your own piss

Fucking casual



call me what you want i wont fall for the meme.



This never was a thread and only the ill-representation of bullshit ideas. Wait, no, even bull shit is more holy. Did you know that a special breed of cow in India produces gold in it's urine?



Okay how is it an misrepresentation an idea and what idea is supposed to make sense?



I tried a very low dose one time and it literally warped the setting around me, so that definitely matters



It's taking allegories literally and with blatant falsities. I can't tell someone how to make sense of it, as such requires inner realization.



>I can't tell someone how to make sense of it, as such requires inner realization.

if you can't explain shit then you don't know shit

allegories/metaphors etc can be explained using other analogies/allegories/archetypes etc







>>I can't tell someone how to make sense of it, as such requires inner realization.

>if you can't explain shit then you don't know shit

actually this isn't really true.

You can explain quantum physics to a child using analogy, but they wont understand how that analogy relates to their perception of reality until they have a grown up and learned extensive years and physics.

The realization of how all that is connected and how it works, truly learning it, can only be done internally. This can only be accomplished after sufficient data is gathered.

Allegories only go so far and will never substitute for years of research.



>The realization of how all that is connected and how it works, truly learning it, can only be done internally.

Well duh, learning and explaining are two different things. I think I understand quantum mechanics and wouldn't stop at explaining it to a child either. Whether they will understand it or not is a different issue, though I also think anything can be understood with enough explaining. The catch is it doesn't work if they don't want to understand but that's obvious too

Anyways, anything can be explained one way or another



The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

One cannot defend himself against the Jew. He attacks with lightning speed from his position of safety and uses his abilities to crush any attempt at defense.

Quickly he turns the attacker’s charges back on him and the attacker becomes the liar, the troublemaker, the terrorist. Nothing could be more mistaken than to defend oneself. That is just what the Jew wants. He can invent a new lie every day for the enemy to respond to, and the result is that the enemy spends so much time defending himself that he has no time to do what the Jew really fears: to attack. The accused has become the accuser, and loudly he shoves the accuser into the dock. So it always was in the past when a person or a movement fought the Jew.



lol I'm muslim


get these Abrahamic religions out of my fucking face before i rip off your fucking face you unevolved simpleton faggots




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