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Esoteric Wizardry


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you have a blog where you write about your findings, synchronicities, your meditation on symbols etc - share it.

it might not be yours just strictly _personal_, so one could see that person is learning and going somewhere.

and what do you thing about this kind of blogging? maybe it should stay private? "keep silent" that principle



I have this amazing thing created from sheets of pressed and bleached wood pulp bound together with a hard black material cover. You use what is known as a "pen", a long phallic shaped device that contains ink and has a nib intended to release ink when pressed against a pliant yet somewhat hard surface.

You may have heard of this amazing invention, many call it a "journal". It is actually quite amazing and can hold written word from any language or even drawings and sketches. I prize it as one of the greatest inventions of the modern era.

You should try using one they are great.


how is this /fringe/ related?



Well /fringe/ is smiley's blog so existentially it is certainly related.



is there a video on this you'd recomend?


I have a site where I basically just re-suggested the FAQ books, but no posts yet. I'm conflicted on staying silent like you're saying. I figure there's a reason that this information isn't so public, but what if I'm the person meant to change that?


Obviously he meant publicly sharing information.



>Obviously he meant publicly sharing information.

Yes, I did. Look, we're studying, trying to conceptualize reality around us. Sometime we get paradoxical thoughts and breakthroughts. Should we work together and add our perceptions to see the whole picture? because, you know, if you're white - we are just a part of one single spiritul being of Light.

but i'm not sure maybe you just don't talk about these things aloud.


Cool. Hope you'll get a show one day

on adult swim


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I think you will find all the answers here in my blog. As Jesus used parables I use whatever you think it is that I do do


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File: 865ad0593692b3d⋯.jpeg (135.09 KB, 1024x1148, 256:287, do not fear03.jpeg)


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