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What is Happening?

First Amendment rights will no longer apply to the Internet on October 1st, 2016. Obama is handing control of the DNS to the world on October 1st.

You just saw the effects of this from YouTube. Websites are forced to change their rules and ToS or face termination by foreign countries outside the countries in which their servers actually reside.

Why is this Happening?

>Wait, how does Obama hand over the keys of the internet?

The DNS Server that controls the entire internet (Everything with a .com at the end, or .org. Like youtube.com, gamefaqs.com) was controlled by the United States

On October 1st, they relinquish control of the DNS protocol to all the foreign bureacracies of the world.

The practical effect on this is that it means other countries besides the United States can take down websites without having to go to the U.S. beforehand, which has had a history of protecting its First Amendment rights.

If the U.N. wants to take down a website for hate speech, they can do so now without any intervention by the U.S. This also means all websites that exist within DNS (this means gamefaqs.com) must answer to the laws of ALL countries, not just one.

Doesn't matter where in the world your website/server is anymore, you must respect the laws of all countries or be taken down.

Since the U.N. bans hate speech, that's out the window and so YouTube is forced to do this

Republican Senator Ted Cruz, who lost the Republican Primary to Donald J Trump, has launched a countdown clock


Republicans are fighting to stop this deal, but they need to get past Obama's presidential veto before they can do it. Some democrats will need to be red-pilled on this issue or else it's getting veto'd

What can we do?


CERN created the internet.

or at least that's what the facts are in this timeline.

in my timeline CERN never created the internet.

in my timeline the internet was created in the earlier days of the military to create a new secret more secure form of communication, and the project was used by the earlier hackers who basically found and then began to use the internet for their own needs, and the military did nothing to stop it, but rather sat back and watched. they always wanted others to use it, because look at what it became today. today the internet is the largest worldwide surveilance system where people unknowingly or knowingly give their information to the entire world. However, it is beginning to appear more as though CERN may have hijacked the timeline for their own purposes and made themselves the original creators of the internet. in theory, how much money or power would one person hold if they were to go back in time and become the original creator of google, and never sell it?- let alone the entire internet?

here are some links, some are more conflicting than others- perhaps due to timeline residue. not everything gets changed or erased, similarly to how so many people remember things differently.












>What can we do?



so what does that mean for 8chan, since jim is a greedy mason

Will illegal websites get up or what?


>japs take down all of the doujin sharing sites and any uncensored jap cartoon porn

>NEETs riot in the streets

>NEET uprising 2016

>coming to a city near you soon

This is going to be a fun year.


basically what OP is saying is that ICANN (the organization that hands out domain names) is going to become property of the UN, meaning the UN will probably start taking down domain names for sites that host "bad" content.

if it happens here's what you can do:

>bookmark ip's of sites you use (cloudflare makes this not possible for 8ch)

>use hosts file to direct domain to ip

>wait for custom dns groups to start doing their thing and then use their dns

solutions in the meantime:

>change dns to opennic to encourage alternatives

>encourage the use of i2p/freenet/tor



The internet was created by governments/universities and eventually got domains etc created by some random civvie so that other civvies could access the internet thus it became the world wide web


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So the UN is gearing up towards a one world government? How long till they form UNATCO and "save" the world from terrorism?



they've been gearing up for decades


>What can we do?

We have two options:

1) connect to website servers directly using IP addresses instead of domain names, bypassing DNS

2) start a private DNS network as an alternative to the government controlled one



Google has a DNS. It's and

A warrant will make them give your information and they might direct ads for you but other than that, it's a lot better privacy-wise.



Not what I meant.

Google's DNS servers are just mirrors of the current DNS network.

I meant a completely new network of DNS servers with its own new top-level domains that would be censorship-free, while redirecting the requests for current TLDs to the old government-controlled network.

Kind of like tor's .onion addresses, except it's be just the DNS, none of the anonymity features.



>A warrant will make them give your information

Are you yidding me goy?

Google belongs to Alphabet Inc. a shell company owned by Mossad.

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