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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: c2abef953075706⋯.jpg (126.54 KB, 900x675, 4:3, magickpokey.jpg)


Have you ever asked yourself if the Hokey Pokey really is what it's all about? Well im here to tell you that it is.

You put a body part in. this represents the pokey aspect of reality, in-ness. you take it out, this represents the hokey aspect of reality. out-ness. You shake it all about, this represents the simultaneous hokey-pokey nature of reality.

Then shit gets real. YOU. PUT. YOUR. WHOLE. SELF. IN. Mind blown. All of you is in. Then you take your WHOLE. SELF. OUT. In every way and on every level. You are not there, you are an illusion. the self does not exist and reality is a mental construct.

Hokey Pokey for 12 hours straight and you will gain enlightenment. yes you must play the song for those 12 hours.


seems legit


I have never heard of hokey pokey before. Is there a song for it? What is it?



The song of Hokey Pokey was first played in 1913 by Werner Von Pokesch. You need to track down a copy of the audio recitals in order to hear it. Otherwise you will have to AP and start the AP session while you focus on the mantra, "right foot in, right foot out." That's what it's all about.

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