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Hi /fringe/, I posted this elsewhere but didn't really get any good advice. I experienced a few weird things, and I'm not sure if I should look into more of the occult or just stay away altogether.

Shadow people. Twice were in the same location. I was sitting at the small table in my kitchen, and my dad was in the other room. I looked towards the hall/my room (apartment) and saw it peeking at me. It looked like a complete black silhouette, except I was able to see through the eyes/where eyes should be. Additionally, it was looking completely horizontal, like somebody had moved a portrait 90 degrees. I was startled, but not scared. I turned my head away and looked back again, but nothing was there. On another occasion, in the same place, I witnessed it again. It was just like seeing another person, but a silhouette instead of features. In both circumstances I was looking at it head on.

I saw a silhouette person a third time elsewhere, but this was the least memorable occasion. I was in a different building in the same town, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a man standing. I turned my head to look and nothing was there. This was the most fleeting experience with a shadow person yet.

These three experiences are my three shadow person experiences. Each time I felt spooked, but not scared. Additionally, I didn't feel like I was around something bad or evil either. I know electromagnetism and other things can influence us, but for two of those times I know exactly what I saw.

To make a long story short, I've seen shadow people, stone cold sober, on three separate occasions. I've suffered from the Catholic definition of demonic obsession. I thought I saw a strange creature when I was younger.

Pic somewhat related. I got this book but don't take it very seriously


If anyone reads this I need some sound advice on how to seek revenge on a person very deserving f what I wish to accomplish . I am prepared to take the responsibility for my actions . I need a simple sympathetic spell that will be worked daily . It will involve two people of who I wish to separate ..my plans was to do her name and his on two pieces of paper ..I have personal artifacts of hers such as hair to make it stronger ..but nothing of his ..although i could get a photo which is older .. I will place them together and slowly separate them daily ..what I need to know is a good source of how to write the names in a magic circle ( sigil ) and to make her unattractive by moving the names further away from each other over a months time ..It will involve a lot of visualization on my part which i am very good at ..and strengthening this with the proper way on to which I need the information ..any help would be appreciated


By focusing on the negative polarity you will draw that energy towards yourself. This draws in shadow people. Focus is food for thought. Really think about what energy you want surrounding you in life. Pursue it. But know the more you delve into the darkness the more you'll have to assert you own existence and fight for survival. It's not a path for everyone, hell I don't even like the feel so I backed off. Now I just assert my positive godself and have nothing but good luck.



I've not experienced any "bad" luck since getting involved in magick, but I do specific kinds and I follow a few rules.

I have however experienced an increasing amount of synchronicities, initially at which I was highly skeptical of until now it's simply a part of my daily existence. I don't deny it anymore, it's too coincidental, and many of these synchronicities are quite helpful, albeit in small ways that some people might overlook.

1. Don't go negative, don't wish ill upon others, project intent to solve problems and never ask for things you can do yourself

2. Don't try to intentionally summon entities, an egregore is not the same, but don't fuck around with ouija shit or explicitly by name or invitation ask something to possess you or enter your living space.

3. Gratefully accept what you ask for, I have asked for things and gotten them and the universe has a funny way of putting a spin on things for you or simply giving you what it can based on what's "out there".

In this case it may not actually be what you want or you may be presented with a "real world" dilemma that you weren't expecting, you may have wanted everything to "work out" as if magick just smooths over reality, it doesn't.

It is VERY important to be mindful and acknowledge when you've gotten what you've asked for and to graciously accept what you've been given as that was what you've asked for.

Sometimes it is 100% what you want, a lot of times it isn't, but being an ungrateful twat and asking for things that in hindsight you simply cannot manage or don't truly want is not a good practice, be very deliberate and very mindful when asking for something, accept it when you receive it. To curse the universe is to curse yourself.



Don't go negative, it will come back on you.

Maybe some accomplished people who have abilities or connections that enable them might be successful, but using magick to spite others is like karmically pissing in the wind.

Fix your life, ask for solutions to make your life better, and find a meaningful existence.

If you want to spite somebody, take some ownership and do it yourself.

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