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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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The more I read, the more still I want to read. Occultism is such a huge, complicated subject. Unfortunately, changes in my life are giving me less and less time to go over and figure out so much stuff using the methods I've been using thus far. I've been going through Franz Bardon's books along with the Bardon Companion, the Corpus Hermeticum, Personal Magnetism by Theron Q. Dumont, and some other stuff here and there.

I feel so much pressure though right now to speed this all up. It's just taking too damn long.

Does anyone here have suggestions on how I can simplify all this? Especially when it comes to Franz Bardon, a lot of his stuff requires lengthy preparation, and much of what he wrote doesn't make sense without the Bardon Companion to help clarify too.

Should I just give up these imperfect books for now and create a tulpa servant to help me study better and use abilities like psychometry so I can read books without use of my physical eyes?

What do I do to free myself from the burden of literally reading through thousand and thousands of pages of text and getting all the information I need to develop myself magickally without the inefficiency?

I gotta live my life and help the people, can't keep studying only, gotta be more efficient. I need to simplify things too, can't rely on making a fucking wand and getting fluid condensers prepared and all this other stuff, right now.


I need a magickal system that isn't overly elaborate and complicated, one that I can perform under trying circumstances, and that is extremely adaptable… and I need to obtain and process large volumes of information much faster than I am presently doing so.


You've been reading a bunch of horseshit.



Thanks for adding absolutely nothing of value to my thread. How is any of it horseshit? What is better?


What are you trying to accomplish with your magick? It's almost impossible to answer your question without knowing what you are trying to do.



I am trying to heal myself and buy myself a lot of time at the moment in which I can then further study and expand my power, awareness, and understanding. I want to master every kind of psychic ability there is and come to know the perennial philosophy.



Are we talking physical or spiritual/psychological healing?

I suggest sudying the yoga sutras of patanjali.

Also I made a thread that gets into how prayer/spells are basically at their root all about intent and that intention focuses attention and focused attention is magick which is heka.

Use of dolls and photos and affirmations and prayers are all props to focus energy and meditation is the preparation one engages in prior to focusing ones intent.

I am not trying to persuade people away from using spells and rituals, those are powerful. I am just saying that the essence of it is intent.


and yoga sutras of patanjali







also time and space is illusion this is why padre pio bilocated to those he was praying for. Just by thinking about them his energy body, otherwise called breath body, visited them.

this is also why thinking about others with hatred is harmful to those people. hatred in the heart is a malediction. Meta meditation is a benediction.

In soviet research they studied long distance mental suggestion and found that focusing negative and positive thoughts at a distance had an effect.

padre pio



soviet parapsychology



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“It is only by working the rituals, that any significant degree of understanding can develop. If you wait until you are positive you understand all aspects of the ceremony before beginning to work, you will never begin to work.”

― Lon Milo DuQuette



Also, another thing sort of related to the above quote: try not to read too much shit and building expectations in your mind on what you "think" is supposed to happen. Magic is not some make believe mental fantasy bullshit or some mental exercise that only exists in your head. You are interacting with forces outside of you. It seems "magical" to us because we aren't used to it, but it's as natural and mundane as the 5 senses to many beings, including probably entire communities of humans in the past and even present.

When you are doing evocation/invocation, you are NOT interacting with an "aspect of your psyche." You are interacting with intelligences that exist outside of you.

When you try to spend a whole fucking month doing intense scholarship on every single aspect of an entity before summoning it, you will not get accurate information, and will probably end up conversating with YOURSELF like a MPD/schizo patient, conjuring up elaborate thoughtforms that you THINK is the entity you summoned. Congrats, you're just making yourself bipolar/schizo and aren't developing your true intuition, clairaudience, clairvoyance, etc.

Now instead of reading book after book after book, imagine getting nothing except a sigil and a name of the entity and nothing else. You don't know anything else about the entity. Just the sigil, name and ritual procedures. You know nothing about it's personality traits, history, what it does, etc.

And you spend every single fucking day using up your free time summoning this entity, and finally after a couple months of grueling work and no results, you begin to receive your first transmissions of distinct and unmistakable communications from the spirit and actually see the fucking thing clear as day in front of you and you're 100% sober. It starts telling you about yourself and the people in your life, about itself. Then you banish it. You do this another 3-4 times getting to know the entity, etc., and just gaining the experience of what it's like to talk to real spirits OUTSIDE YOUR HEAD. Mind you, you still haven't read anything about this entity except it's name.

Then finally you go do a little research on the spirit and everything about it's personality traits and what it appears as, what it does, etc., checks out to the tee.

Congrats, you're a magician. And you did it without a single book. And it's not an "aspect" of your mind or whatever. You've developed your psychic abilities and you're still a sane person who is grounded in physical reality.

Do you get the point I'm trying to make here? I hope so.


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> cont'd

I would recommend starting with the spirit Bael from the Goetia. No the 72 spirits aren't "demonic" or "evil." If you still think like that just fucking go to church. These spirits are intelligences like you and I with their own personalities like you and I, so no they aren't going to fucking try to kill you or take your soul or whatever bullshit religions try to feed the masses. But don't be an idiot. Always keep yourself protected and ALWAYS BANISH. And don't be a fucking weak pussy ass sugar-filled creampuff either when talking to them. Be firm and let it know you are under the authority guidance and protection of the infinite creator, but don't be a dick either. You might want to get grounded and anchored in physical reality and build a connection with the absolute and "live in the light" a little bit knowing you are always protected and connected no matter what. You don't have to be a saint. You still jack off be a normal person and have your flaws and shit like that, but just because you're protected doesn't give you some ticket to be a fucking douche. Use common sense and try to build a "real" relationship with our infinite creator, not based on books/dogma/religion/philosophy etc. Just have the desire to strive to your highest potential and highest ideals and make attempts at it from time to time and you will always be under full protection. Once you KNOW you are protected you will make attempts to reach your potential more and more frequently. You see you have to meet the infinite creator halfway.

Anyways, above paragraph is just to help work out some kinks for sheeple in people who are ultra paranoid "require step by step instructions" type of people. Trust me I'm like that myself.

I haven't tried evocation or any ritual magic (yet). But when I do this is how I will proceed with it. No books or logically convincing my intellect that it's real or some shit like that. A sigil and name. thats it. It's real or it isn't. Either way I'm going to find out. Luckily I have had unmistakable magical experiences so I know it's real. Even though I was still a dumbass and wasting my time reading shit that didn't do anything for me except scare the shit out of my mundane friends and just confuse myself. Read some basic introductory material if you need to, but beyond that trying to do scholarship before basic practice wastes time.

Stop reading so much!

No more pencils no more books.

Just fucking do it!



Recommend you do this everyday for like a month or two and maybe do some volunteer work and try to make a habit of being a decent human being before trying evocation so you stop thinking like you aren't protected




Doesn't the LBRP enslave you to archons post-death?



>I haven't tried evocation or any ritual magic (yet). But when I do this is how I will proceed with it.

Disregard any advice from this man;



>Are we talking physical or spiritual/psychological healing?

>body/mind dualism

your info is wrong



I'm not sure specifically what you're talking about but as far as I'm aware, the only way the LBRP can be dangerous is if you do the illuminati and other secret society versions that use hebrew archetypes and other words. That one will offer you protection in the sense that hebrew egregores will save you just to feed on you later. That's how the illuminati and the like enslaved the lowest within their ranks.



Apparently only if you're using Hebrew names.. though im not sure about 'enslavement',, probably the entities you call upon will take your energy and make you weak for a short period of time. Use planetary names instead. Check out the uncle bearheart folder on the mega link. Though you're still technically calling on egregores, it is still highly beneficial.




> don't engage in heavy ritual preparation building expectations, otherwise you will not get anything accurate. Instead just do the ritual daily until you develop enough clairvoyance to distinctly know the difference between elaborate mental fantasies and real trandmissions from the external macrocosm

This is interesting. I never quite saw it put this way.



I wouldn't listen to someone who just wrote a wall of text regurgitating what Bearheart says in a video word by word.

Also this;

>"I haven't tried evocation or any ritual magic (yet). But when I do this is how I will proceed with it."


Magick is being able to control body, and mind. What you learn from books should not be centered on theory. If you center your study on application you will save a lot of time and you will get what you want out of it. It will not feel like a bore. You can not apply magical theory, because it is based on the application



Still the idea is a compelling one and worth trying. It somewhat makes sense.

Good or interesting ideas can come from questionable sources. In fact, most interesting ideas come from the strangest places.

It's usually the shitty ideas that come from the "authority" sources lol.




what were archons





Those deities are archons???



bumping for that Theron Q. Dumont book.



You are making it really complicated. Well I should say not you but most every occult writer. If you look at almost all systems they have similar preparation stages. Stillness of the mind, release of bodily tension (yoga for example), and the control of elements which is really a combo of the two. If you control your mind and body so that you ACT instead of REACT you are ready to move up. In essence the body must be freed from the animal like instinctual nature of reacting to a constant flow of stimuli. When you do that you can then start to listen more closely to the inner voice without random mind or emotional chatter getting the way. Also projecting your will becomes a lot easier and more potent when muscle, body, and mind tension is gone. You don't need to follow a magickal system at all as the point of magick is to have your own system. Work on mind and body first or you cannot get anywhere.



Why would tension get in the way of that? Are there a class of people who use tension to the same effect + differences as you describe? (will, intuition, act, focus, control, freedom)



What I mean by tension in this sense is constant tension that creates blocks impeding our organic flow of energy/kundalini. We may make use of temporary tension, ie. a difficult yoga pose, to help bring about relaxation and stillness of mind. But constant tension related to stress and emotional worries can wreck havoc on our abilities. Notice when people are really depressed or have a pessimistic outlook they slump the shoulders forward disrupting the bodies natural posture. Gurdjieff understood this well and developed exercises and dances in which various body parts moved at once causing the student to constantly focus on his body. This constant focus had the effect of stilling the mind, while allowing the student to fully know their body and where the tension or resistance was at. I may be slightly biased but Regardie and Dr. Hyatt created the exercises known as Radical Undoing which I find extremely invaluable. Hyatt took elements from Tantra and Gurdjieff and created a great system that could be used as a stand alone system for a beginner in attempting stillness of mind and complete organic relaxation.


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Op, maybe something like this?


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This post seemed invaluable until

>I haven't tried evocation or any ritual magic (yet)

For all the purported wisdom, you should be speaking from experience.

>Luckily I have had unmistakable magical experiences so I know it's real.

If you can detail on what you did, what the circumstances where, what you experienced, and what happened, that would be a start.

When I give advice, I frame it operationally: In circumstance X, do Y to expect Z. All this I derive as much as possible from experience. What was your experience?

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