Also, another thing sort of related to the above quote: try not to read too much shit and building expectations in your mind on what you "think" is supposed to happen. Magic is not some make believe mental fantasy bullshit or some mental exercise that only exists in your head. You are interacting with forces outside of you. It seems "magical" to us because we aren't used to it, but it's as natural and mundane as the 5 senses to many beings, including probably entire communities of humans in the past and even present.
When you are doing evocation/invocation, you are NOT interacting with an "aspect of your psyche." You are interacting with intelligences that exist outside of you.
When you try to spend a whole fucking month doing intense scholarship on every single aspect of an entity before summoning it, you will not get accurate information, and will probably end up conversating with YOURSELF like a MPD/schizo patient, conjuring up elaborate thoughtforms that you THINK is the entity you summoned. Congrats, you're just making yourself bipolar/schizo and aren't developing your true intuition, clairaudience, clairvoyance, etc.
Now instead of reading book after book after book, imagine getting nothing except a sigil and a name of the entity and nothing else. You don't know anything else about the entity. Just the sigil, name and ritual procedures. You know nothing about it's personality traits, history, what it does, etc.
And you spend every single fucking day using up your free time summoning this entity, and finally after a couple months of grueling work and no results, you begin to receive your first transmissions of distinct and unmistakable communications from the spirit and actually see the fucking thing clear as day in front of you and you're 100% sober. It starts telling you about yourself and the people in your life, about itself. Then you banish it. You do this another 3-4 times getting to know the entity, etc., and just gaining the experience of what it's like to talk to real spirits OUTSIDE YOUR HEAD. Mind you, you still haven't read anything about this entity except it's name.
Then finally you go do a little research on the spirit and everything about it's personality traits and what it appears as, what it does, etc., checks out to the tee.
Congrats, you're a magician. And you did it without a single book. And it's not an "aspect" of your mind or whatever. You've developed your psychic abilities and you're still a sane person who is grounded in physical reality.
Do you get the point I'm trying to make here? I hope so.