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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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We are imprisoned in a global system of mind control created not by conspirators but by emergent, self-perpetuating, and self-serving sociocultural structures that subvert all agency except for the most trivial choices and won't die out because these structures are constantly competing for mind share and evolving to better exploit it, and if one structure dies another will replace it.

Consider religion. Christianity hooks people by playing on fear of death and hell as well as desire for eternal life, salvation and truth. Once it implants itself it burrows in, into mental habit, hijacking emotion. Eventually the believer experiences God, loves God and feels God's love, literally. It has hijacked the most powerful emotion we can experience to perpetuate itself. Through a few years the totalizing belief system becomes a perception of their world. They then are compelled to spread this belief system to others and their children, to spread the good news. And so it is with all religion, in various ways and degrees.

But even if traditional religion died out, it wouldn't matter. We have recently seen the fresh emergence of technology-worship in the wake of Christianity becoming less popular. Gods are promised as super-AIs that are beyond the limits of all humanity, benevolent machines that will save us. We will live eternally by uploading our minds. We will have limitless abundance as robotic servants do every task imaginable for us. We will ascend to the very heavens themselves in shiny spaceships and live among the stars. We will make Star Trek real. This is the atheistic religion of the technology consumer whose appetites know no end.

Nationalism, globalism, political ideologies and parties, socioeconomic systems, just look at how the Believers of these structures act, the mechanisms of control that act upon them, and you will see the truth of this. The Enlightenment myth is that we are rational actors, able to judge claims and ideas by reason alone, that being in error is merely a matter of ignorance, not having enough information. The reality is that we are usually ruled by our emotions, especially when our beliefs and perceptions are deeply ingrained. Because we are immersed in these systems of control our entire lives, we do not know otherwise, the illusion if our own agency can be maintained. We are able to choose between a vast array of products and services.

The economic world is effectively owned and/or controlled by large corporations and banks - socioeconomic entities that only have the purpose of persistence and profit. Even their investors are enthralled, owned by ownership. Most of the time pieces of corporations are owned by other corporations, and corporations may even own pieces of each other and indeed at the highest levels we find an enmeshment of ownership such that it is like a single corporation controls the core of the global economy: https://www.sg.ethz.ch/media/medialibrary/2013/12/james_glatteth-2007-02.pdf The super-rich aren't even in control.

We are immersed in consumer culture, from our birth we are bombarded by advertisements, marketing messages, and consumer media from all directions. It conditions us to focus on consumption, to love it. It plays on our basic reward and punishment mechanisms, giving buy highs, "buyer's remorse" and envy for not having. All of Maslow's hierarchy, every possible need is being serviced, including ones that cannot be commodified: buy this and you will be popular and belong, buy this and you will have self esteem and confidence, buy this and you will be like this celebrity, buy this will make you a good person in whatever way. Love and worship this celebrity, or hate and despise them, check out New Movie by Guy Everyone Loves. Just like religion hijacks all of human experience, so does consumer culture.

If you want peace of mind, reject all of this, as you will find easy to do. There is no way out of this matrix, one can understand their prison but cannot escape, cannot change it. The best one can do is to accept things the way they are, to find some measure of peace in their lives that isn't too enthralled by fed desires and fears.

If you want the red pill, you need to exercise awareness of your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and mental habits, and how they are influenced. Notice how hard it is to detach yourself emotionally when your most cherished beliefs are questioned or threatened, when someone simply says something you don't agree with. Ask yourself, which sociocultural structure is involved with this? Notice this in others as well. Once you cultivate this habit you will understand.


I keep wondering what is wrong with the world, and I think you touched on most of it.


Video representation: https://vimeo.com/129609470


It's all just symptoms of the collective consciousness. You're taking too many words to explain something simple. Also, pro-tip, if you change yourself enough, you'll jack into another reality and leave your old one behind. It will look like small things around you are changing but that's not actually the case. Don't get too caught up in the externalization of the inner workings of your own mind. The world around you is just a projection of the inner self. Change yourself and the world reflects.



Yes it's totally not the jews, you've convinced me.

I mean it's pure coincidence that jews own the media, consist of the majority of western governments, control the education of the world, control the food and water supplies of most countries, and exert influence through all aspects of life.

It couldn't be the jews.



The jews, the jews, the magical omnipotent omnipresent malevolent jews. There's Jews everywhere, Jews in my hair, the jewbity, jewbity jews.


Awareness! That's it! Viralized awareness is the antivirus for the super parasites that plague humanity. Kek is viralized virality, the solution is to create viralized antivirality.

If a hundred million Americans had awareness of this, that awareness would cause society to begin to dismantle this system piece by piece without destroying itself - this system persists because its nature is hidden, it is a well-burrowed parasite.

My job now is to make memes that are highly replicatable that describes this cancerous superstructure in the best ways possible and says that spreading awareness of it is the cure. Viralized antivirality.

Maybe I'll even try to hijack Kek as well for irony.

Daily reminder that Merton Memetic Antivirus 2016 just went gold and you are at the launch party.


I must have read this spiel in different wording 100 times over.








Also saying theirs no escape is very shilly. Don't act like you know that. You're just a loathsome defeatist.



Anything to actually counter the facts that he stated, Schlomo?


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People have been using myths to maintain social cohesion for generations to a point where it's been evolutionarily hardwired into our brains as an essential tool. Pepe Frog became so popular because it represented so many people who wanted a metamorphosis from a basement dweller NEET into an accomplished member of the elite. It's just like how Jesus Christ represented the rejection of Roman hedonism in favor of ascetic modesty.

The meme virus can be used as a powerful tool to change entire cultures but it will only gain traction if enough people view it as a useful deity to follow.



Have you ever considered that there can be deceptions within deceptions? The true reality shift is when you realize all the inhuman traits jews and other power hungry groups possess are caused by Niburuan genetic manipulating (both via technology and direct procreation with our ancestors). They are still manipulating and preparing for when Nibiru returns to the Earth's proximity.

Every truth is a but a half truth.



t. jew



Entertaining, but pointless


Its funny, Pepe became weak once more people started denying his false "godhood". Makes you wonder who the real gods really are ;)






>Makes you wonder who the real gods really are ;)

Makes you wonder who the real gods really are ;)

If only they knew



Touches on many major problems with the world. I think the full list would be pages and pages long.

I'd add that people are made pleased to be idiotic. We get bored by monotony, 'nescience', rote work and so we're happy when they put on the entertainments, which are produced in a manner which makes us dumber and aloof.

Also they try to keep our minds suspended in a state of unreality; whether it be watching a movie or reading the news. They keep the mass of people at each others throats extremely well.

I wish the people who are working so very hard at keeping everyones heads spinning come to the cruelest of fates in the end, something to cause them much bitterness over the existence they lived, and that serves as an end to their type.

OP if you get the opportunity, have a read of The Sleeper Awakes; about the Victorian man who wakes up in the present day. It's by by HG Wells. Compare how the people are composed in that with the people today. See the ways in which people here are divided where they are not. Sounds like maybe you have already read it going by some of the points you made.



What I have said is not by any means novel and has been said in different ways. 1984 is a classic example.

It isn't a "they" though. It's sort of like creationism is to evolution: we expect to see actors behind things like this. It crystallized, not manufactured.

Concretely, it's all of us. You could call it an egregore we collectively summoned over numerous generations if you like that analogy. Except that egregore isn't conscious or aware of anything. I prefer organic analogies.


Do you know of a way to stop this thing that isn't blaming jews?



Oh yeah and good post by the way. Succinct but informative. I saved it for future use.


If someone pointed out to you that your house is on fire, you'd be the type to stand there watching. When someone then tells you again, you stand there going "Yeah I know! You're not the first guy to tell me about it either, smartass!" Talk about learned helplessness…

Anyway killing false, imaginary hope allows the building of new, reality-based hope. So yeah, with that in mind, it is hopeless right now.



Are you saying that there isn't an enlightened conspiracy aware of what they have achieved?



Not on this level or in any similar way. If the elites were aware of what it truly is and how it works they would seek to destroy it, because they would realize that they are chained by it even more than us proles. They doubtlessly subscribe to any number of the thousands of justifications for why social reality is great and works for everyone. It takes a great lack of self-awareness to "make it to the top."



I suspect that the elite have a capacity for introspection equal to that of the average heroin addict. Real power over others and the limitless ability to satiate one's animal desires makes one smaller, not greater. The idea that their power is intrinsic rather than systematic comes from our own animal instincts about social hierarchies.

So I agree that they are not precisely "aware", but I don't think that even awareness would lead them to try to destroy it - they would rather die than live like us. Even if they could foresee the inevitable destruction of our species as a result of the current social order, they would not destroy it.



>I suspect that the elite have a capacity for introspection equal to that of the average heroin addict.

This is another great way to talk about this. The social order is a system of habits, on the personal level all the way up to the highest levels of social organization. Bad habits can become additions, and it is these addictions which controls us. The elites have addictions just as real as heroin addictions, just to money and the illusion of power and control (true power enhances agency and facilitates the growth of those who touches, it doesn't constrict them.)

The first step to breaking bad habits is awareness of the compulsion of them.

>Even if they could foresee the inevitable destruction of our species as a result of the current social order, they would not destroy it.

Heroin addicts usually don't when they foresee their own self-destruction. With climate change it seems we are heading in that direction as well, maybe not extinction, but incredible amounts of needless death and suffering at the very least. The social order has no mind, not even insect-level intelligence. It cannot foresee anything - it cannot account for its own destruction so there's no reason why it would magically hit the brakes.



>The social order has no mind, not even insect-level intelligence. It cannot foresee anything - it cannot account for its own destruction so there's no reason why it would magically hit the brakes.

Absolutely right, and - importantly - there are no effective brakes available to those who are aware of this situation. All attempts at superficial reform are necessarily doomed to failure due to the tremendous inertia of this system if nothing else. The only hope we have is for the wise to somehow engineer circumstances to cause a fundamental transformation of this system into some dramatically different world, some social order that would seem alien to the sleepers of our time.




>assuming those at the "top of the pyramid" is on the same level as a heroin addict

I've seen some dumb things here, but this is one of the dumbest assumptions I've seen in awhile. Why anyone would think that an enemy, let alone an obviously competent enemy, is on the level of an opiate addict is something that I can't explain.

Unless your image of "someone at the top" is a HW Bush, Clinton, Merkel, or any other influential politician or business person, then I can see why you would think that. People that go to things like Bohemian Grove or similar secret societies and exchange blackmail of themselves for power are not in control of anything. They're tools and masks for people who actually get things done and are not on the same level of an opiate addict. If you want an example of a person who I'm talking about read Alamut by Vladimir Bartol.



>the only hope is for the wise to engineer a solution.

You mean the only hope is that there is an enlightened elite?

If the existing elite (who are wise by definition) do bang their heads together to create a new order, they aren't going to erase themselves from it, rather they'd arrange it that anyone with their habits will rise above in this new society.


>The social order has no mind.

>Elites are like addicts

I'd argue this is wrong from my point of view; that of a conspiracy theorist, but it's wrong from a blue pill perspective too: I mean, so many millionaires are trying to solve the problems of the world. The singing and dancing elite just held an international fundraiser to stop child marriage in Tanzanzia ("Did you know girls as young as 14 are getting married in Tanzania? It's barbaric! A waste of potential. Btw we global citizens now"). Corporations are trying to 'go green' and become accredited for doing fair business in the third world. For every ream of paper you buy from paper company A, they plant 10 trees. The governors in Europe have got their people recycling all their household waste and wind-energy farms are sprouting up all over. The message coming in from so many directions (except imageboards) is that the world needs to become a more loving, kinder place where everyone has rights to basic services. People are more 'free' in the physical sense than they've ever been, can express themselves further than ever imagined, and despite apocalyptic, despair-inducing headlines, the world is becoming less dangerous and safer, aided by the new elites, such as Bill Gates (whose vaccines and abortion drives are saving lives) and their think tanks and foundations.

How's that for being ruled by a bunch of heroin/money/sex/power/vice addicts? And yet, as said in the OP; mind control is ever pervasive. Its hooks sink deeply into the brain and piece a veil over it as to replace the truth of this great society – that people aren't free, that none of them care very much, their lives are mostly ignorant and their thoughts in error, that they have no power aside from the feel of an adrenaline rush, they possess less character than serfs and heartfelt happiness will prove elusive to them until they hit the grave, thanks to forever living and thinking at odds with the truth. Terrorism, financial collapse and climate change just assauge real fears about the world. The horror isn't that this social order will be destroyed by lack-of-foresight, it's that it won't be destroyed.



Hitler was a meth addict btw. Anyone can be addicted to drugs, it doesn't mean anything other than they got biologically hooked on something they were treating themselves with.


There is white magick that is common to many religions, but the property of none. It is truly universal.

Focus all of your intent, the essence of your being into finding inner harmony. This is the entirety of the spell. Your mind will follow the direction your being has set, in the ways best for you. No further guidance is needed than this.

To walk the path of black magick is to seek to change things externally with magick instead of internally. This is an illusion, magick does not work in this way. Instead black magick works internally, rotting the soul. If you seek to manifest chaos externally, you only get it internally. Why would you expect anything else? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

The reward of this spell is finding what you seek, and achieving a love and appreciation for life unlike anything you've experienced before if you practice black magick, because if you had you would not be on the path you are on.


>Merton Memetic Antivirus 2016



>Literally a magician

>Self-Fulfilling Prophecy



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>Hitler was a meth addict.

And so were his panzer divisions, but the Red Army was alcoholic, so they beat 'em. The WASPs and the Jews kept it comparatively sober and they came out on top in the war, so hopefully that says everything anyone needs to know about the strengths of different drug addictions versus no drug addiction.



>You mean the only hope is that there is an enlightened elite?

Wise and elite are certainly not the same thing. One is the result of personal development and knowledge, the other is created by social constructs. Believing that they are the same is nothing but a statement of one's belief in the wisdom of the status quo.

>they'd arrange it that anyone with their habits will rise above in this new society.

Fortunately the wise are becoming wiser than that. Self-elevation is not the purpose of society and becomes less important the more progress we make. Glorification of self is the dream of fools.




Mild amphetamines are not "meth". More like the "GO pill" that fighter pilots take today.

>The WASPs and the Jews kept it comparatively sober and they came out on top in the war, so hopefully that says everything anyone needs to know about the strengths of different drug addictions versus no drug addiction.

You're actually retarded



that "cultural explosion" followed by the integral violin thing





>One is the result of personal development and knowledge, the other is created by social constructs.

I'm unsure reading that whether I'm supposed to think the wise are created wise by social constructs; like left or right wing college professors or Tibetan monks (or the self-read disciples of these), while elites are what they are because of personal development and superior knowledge. I can sort of agree with that.

>Believing that they are the same is a statement of one's belief in the wisdom of the status quo.

Not really, it's more like you don't want to admit there are people running the show with wisdom however you'd like to define it. The status quo is something separate.


>Fortunately the wise are becoming wiser than that. Self-elevation is not the purpose of society and becomes less important the more progress we make. Glorification of self is the dream of fools.

How many of the collectivist pill are you taking daily, comrade?



They never do. Can anyone name another race of people that has been kicked out of 2 countries? Let alone 109 and counting.



England, France and Germany.


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its ignorant to blame an entire group of people for all the evil in the world.

suffering begets suffering.

selfishness is not a natural part of the human psyche, we become selfish when we suffer and no one will be selfless towards us; as a survival mechanism.

it works like a virus which infects the human mindnetwork, spreading itself because each act of selfishness in turn causes suffering to others.

the jewish people have been made to suffer greatly throughout history, and this has influenced the group psyche.

because jewish culture is inherently familial it is easy to trace families who have gained gained influence following this pattern.

to blame them for this is to ignore the real problem, to which we are all susceptible.

you think just because someone is of the same race as you they will not hurt you if it is for their own personal gain?

you think just because someone is of a different race that they are automatically opposed to you, even though they dont know you?

then you are foolish my friend.

even the holocaust was in part funded and allowed to prosper by selfish influential jewish people, whose families would be protected (in their mind 'purifying' their race of 'degenerates', just like the selfish non jewish people who also funded it, to 'purify' their society of 'degenerates'.)

did you know the word holocaust is greek for a burnt sacrifice? isnt that disturbing



If people do something evil, and if they know the things they are doing are evil, then there's little point in making excuses on their behalf. If people defend something evil the same case can be made – that they persist in being unapologetically evil.

It isn't contested that the Talmud contains a passage about the 'penalty for raping infants' (The penalty according to that is less severe than for a child). They all know it's there.

They're religious in the worst ways of the word. Observant to law but without a sense of right and wrong. They do the bidding of evil men because it helps them, not because they're forced. They've lead countless numbers of men down the wrong road.

When a jew stops being a jew he might escape being blameworthy, but that itself is a jewish trick I wouldn't trust. Blame on until the end of time.


The Wachowski Brothers were keen that all involved understood the thematic background of the movie. For example, the book used to conceal disks early in the movie, Simulacra and Simulation, a 1981 work by the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard, was required reading for most of the principal cast and crew. The Matrix Trilogy works specifically within the postmodern theory of Jean Baudrillard, whose Simulacra and Simulation makes its appearance in The Matrix in the "Follow Instructions" scene. Neo opens a copy of Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation to a chapter entitled "On Nihilism." The hardcover book is hollow, serving as Neo's hiding place for black market software. He opens the book at the halfway point; the opening page of the final chapter, "On Nihilism," lies to the left while the right half is a hollowed out storage area. First note that the opening page of the chapter was displaced to the left side of the book when it would normally be found on the right. Add to this the fact that "On Nihilism" is the book's last chapter, not a middle chapter, and it appears that the directors have deliberately placed this chapter in the shot to direct viewers to a specific referential point for the film. Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation, in fact, is so intricately woven into the narrative structure that the movie can be described as a conscious validation of Baudrillard's theory.


Facebook and other social media platforms are massively multiplayer social acceptance video games. Likes, favorites, subscribes, replies, shares, follows - they're all video game mechanics with scores. Another way of looking at it is that social acceptance has been commodified - turned into quantitative values - and then monetized for profit to serve ads.

Social media has also commoditized our most basic social interactions as well, they are virtual reality worlds, simulacra of authentic social interactions, and because of the gamified social acceptance element one becomes part of the shared delusion of it.

These social interactions are then monetized to learn how to better serve ads and target demographics, which further undermines the agency of people by creating endless striving for products and services to fulfill the hole in their being reinforced by consumer culture, including ideological products. What flavor of emotion-driven madness do you prefer?

This is a hideous, self-reinforcing cycle we're in, and it's no wonder that politics has become even more of a dysfunctional circus than it was, with crazy identity politics on the right and left, the drive towards ever greater extremes. Nothing sells content, page views, and likes like fear, hatred, and wanting to find someone to blame, reinforcing the hivemind mentality of these increasingly insular social groups.

The true source of wrongdoing is bad habits of thinking and behavior, of which desire to fit in is just one. These bad habits reproduce from person to person and generation to generation, they are infectious mental diseases. If enough people share these bad habits they are manifested in society and culture, which in turn reinforces individual bad habits in a vicious cycle.

The problem isn't illusory "Cultural Marxism," it's the hyperreality of Cultural Capitalism.


Essential: https://vimeo.com/129609470

Modern society is a factory built by Fallacy. A factory for the mass production of human thralls. Lord Sovereign of the Modern Fallacy is mechanistic reductionism, universe-as-machine, human-as-machine, consciousness-as-machine. This Fal'Cie has its roots in the Cartesian-Newtonian clockwork universe. Atop the machinery a soul and free will was placed. Modernism threw away God and the soul and worshiped the machine. Now everything is given computer analogies, "the universe is a simulation" is this same mechanism.


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The Game of the Millennium: The Science of Strategy



What Robert Wright doesn't mention in this video is that there is another kind of nonzero logic: I lose you lose, I win you lose less. It is the logic of dependency, of the parasite that cannot be removed without killing the host. It is Too Big To Fail. Our system, with its fundamental humanity-grinding fallacies cannot be un-done without the whole thing collapsing on us and causing mass chaos.

BUT THERE IS A WAY OUT FOR US ALL. It is awareness. Here is the most accessible description of memes I've found, true to the book The Selfish Gene where the word meme originated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfBx2C9Gsek

The solution is to be aware of our memes. AWARENESS is the key. Awareness lets us break free from memetic tyranny, selecting the ones that are good and killing the bad. Awareness can be trained and strengthened like a muscle, and the best way I've found to do this is mindfulness meditation.

Merton Memetic Antivirus is making a memetic viral antivirus of awareness, awareness of awareness, which cannot be subverted because they payload illuminates the very subversion attempt. It is free of any and all political and religious implication and so it slips under the memetic firewalls of these. The virality comes from out-selling cancerous memeplexes in the mind market by offering something far superior that actually works profoundly to liberate people and restore basic agency.

Some prime candidates for selling and spreading the antivirus of awareness:

Swole Bros: You've cultivated self-discipline and used it to sculpt your body. Now do the same with your mind with the same virtues with mindfulness meditation. There is nothing more manly than training the highest levels of emotional regulation and mindfulness that one can. This truly is total fitness of mind, body, and being. Mindfulness meditation works superbly with physical exercise, and you have doubtlessly been cultivating it already without realizing it. Now spread this out to every part of your being.

Hardcore gamers: Success in Multiplayer Shooter Game requires mindfulness and awareness. Use the same talents you've cultivated in video games in the entirety of the rest of your life. This will make you an even better gamer in turn. You can even train mindfulness while playing video games, in addition to real-life practice.

Intellectuals: Experience philosophical truth directly, as opposed to thinking about it, and from there this experience will work its way down through the rest of your cognitive structure to give you profound insight. It is the top-down as opposed to the bottom-up, where reasoning results in awareness. It will enhance your creativity, your ability to learn, your ability to judge ideas neutrally instead of being attached to them emotionally. It will make you excel at your studies. It will make your whole life feel like existential poetry.

Star Wars Nerds: Be a real-life Jedi. This is the source from which the Star Wars jedi shit was inspired by. Mindful of the force, mindful of being.


The Society of the Spectacle, a simulation of authenticity where being has degenerated into having, and having into merely appearing, will be dismantled by establishing a Society of Awareness. Person by person the antivirus of awareness has spread, is spreading, and will continue to spread, liberating people form the tyranny of the mechanistic memetic crushterfuck that has manifested itself in human social and material reality in an exponential process. When criticality is reached, humanity will begin to mindfully dismantle The Machine and replace it with a society that works for humans instead of humans being enslaved by it. World War III is happening now, it is a memetic war for our minds, and with this Ultimate Weapon there can be nothing other than victory.

Reader, if this thread speaks to you, you have joined the battle. You know what you doing, move zig.


I am a soldier. 12 years ago the full awareness of the madness of humanity sent me into existential depression, destroying my college education - before I had aced every class because of a love of knowledge and life that came from the core of my being. This love led to awareness of society and the state of humanity, not just intellectualization but awareness of it all around me. The contradiction between the values of my being, a love of humanity, knowledge, and life itself destroyed me. The core of my being was shattered, and so began my existential war, the war for my being.

For 12 years I have been fighting, struggling through the madnesses of extreme anxieties, suicidal depressions that had me even pointing a gun at my head, and the chaotic, psychotic heights of mania. My being was shattered and so was my mind. But now I have at long last found the final piece: awareness. It was literally right in front of my face. Mindfulness based cognitive therapy restored me to the absolute peak of mental health in a mere 4 weeks, I have found a spirituality, a meaning, and a purpose that can only be described in one word: life.

I am complete and soon so shall be my treatise. It will be the first of my many pushes to viralize the antivirus of awareness as best I can, to join the fight that I haven't started, but has long begun.



this is the thing, they do not know they are doing evil. their endeavors go towards benefiting themselves; so in their minds they are doing good.

how many times do you hurt others without even realising? i know i am guilty of it. i am not making excuses for anyone, im trying to explain why people do the evil they do, so we can overcome it.

blaming others doesnt do anything but excuse the evil that we do; and allow to happen, everyday, because its not our fault, its those damn dirty others.

the laws where created for a very good reason, many of them are outdated, many of them only applied to certain people, and nowadays very few people read them in context.

laws are created by wise people, then people lose the wisdom and enforce the laws without thinking why they were put in place and new laws must be created by new wise people.

this is because no one asks why people do these things in the first place. theyre happy to sit on their high horse and deal out punishment to those they consider to blame, but does that solve any problem?



What laws? That one from the talmud or all laws?

Is dealing out punishment to a child rapist (shekel fine for that) and sitting on a high horse above the offender solving anything? Is it missing why the crime was commited in the first place? Is this what you've asked?

If you're referring to the criminal system in general I might take the point, a bad case to make it with though.



The Law is universal and governs all Truth.

The laws of men are apparati of the social matrices of control created by those trapped in ego spirals.

As above so below



>As above, Subaru

*nods head sagely*



So The Law(tm) is a cosmic 'matrice' of control created by an entity in an ego spiral? That would be the 'law of correspondence' and macrocosm/microcosm isn't it?

I wonder if Hermeticists find themselves more wise than their creator, seeing as the observance of metaphysics informs them of everything to know about anything.



im talking in general but i can use the law you gave as an example:


in a time when women and children are considered property, a law protecting them or punishing their abuse is revolutionary. that does not mean it solves the problem.that does not mean it doesnt need to be updated. look at any old legal text from any culture and youll find tonnes of bizarre laws. there are laws about eating meat from live animals.

do you really think there are many jews who think its ok to rape a child?

ignorant and uneducated people spread these half-truths around like gossip and it really annoys me, because it does nothing but appeal to peoples emotional nature and enflames cultural wounds.

people often feel entitled to an opinion on something, even if they know nothing about it except what they hear from biased sources.

i dont really think youre getting what im saying, maybe im not being coherent enough.

my point is, our society is sick and no one group is to blame, they are like various limbs which cancer has spread to. yes we could just cut them off and maybe that would cure us; but it would deprive us of a limb that could otherwise have been cured, and opens us up to a huge risk of infection and even then does not guarantee that the cancer is gone.



there is a difference between the law and the lore.

the law is rules created to say what you can and cant do.

theyre written as guides to prevent immoral behaviour, but people forget what makes behaviour immoral in the first place.

this is why people need the lore, the universal order and truth of existence.

but the lore cannot be wholly expressed in this plane, so it must be translated into the law for the common people, and must change depending on the psychology of the common people at the time.

no one is wiser than the creator because he has seen everything there ever was or ever could be. we are his children made in his image so it is natural we should desire to become wise like him.



>i dont really think youre getting what im saying, maybe im not being coherent enough.

I wrote up a different reply which probably understood you better; as you meant the law generally, but on rereading I got thrown off of your exact meaning.

>my point is, our society is sick and no one group is to blame, they are like various limbs which cancer has spread to. yes we could just cut them off and maybe that would cure us; but it would deprive us of a limb that could otherwise have been cured, and opens us up to a huge risk of infection and even then does not guarantee that the cancer is gone.

'No one' is to blame? A type of cancer has spread from no where in particular, and is less likely to spread if the source isn't irradiated? It's not the right analogy because races are not constituent parts of a social body. The more accurate social analogy is 'shepherds, sheep dogs, foxes and herd'.

>Do you really think there are many jews who think its ok to rape a child?

No, rape is against the law.

>people often feel entitled to an opinion on something, even if they know nothing about it except what they hear from biased sources.

Biased sources (http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/van_hyning.html (11a-11b)) despite apologetics and as many 'debunks' they could get in before hand, admit that law is there. If you think it's revolutionary because of the wording of their apologia then I can't convince you otherwise, you've been pre-convinced by the love-dovey fiction of Hollywood and Masonic education.



My first reply was more or less:

We do ask, most of us ask as children why the world is as it is, the answers aren't satisfactory and we learn it isn't our place to judge: 'everything is how it is because that's how it works and offers the most opportunity to everyone'. That's about the time children learn speculation about right & wrong can be more offensive to people than doing types of wrong (maybe rightly, no likes a prig*).

Hence people become moral conformists. Conventionality becomes morality, the inborn sense of right and wrong becomes stifling, is cut to size, easing people's conscience to do wrong, and eventually be led into hell by the slippery slope the consensus rests upon.

Yes it doesn't help to blame, and blaming is like an excuse of one's unhelpful behaviour, but what else can anyone do?

*the reverse seems to be learned in universities.



chemotherapy is way more painful and dangerous than cancer is. modern medicine is all about letting disease progress until it has physical symptoms and then the diseased parts out. the analogy works on many levels.

this might work if you remove the seed of the cancer, but cancer is insidious and can spread many seeds throughout the body and all tissues are as susceptible.

we could try and heal society by cutting off the diseased parts, or we could heal it from within and spare us missing a limb.

i dont really get your analogy, shepherds and sheepdogs? do you mean the race at the top guides a lower race which is for 'wool' with 'sheepdogs' to guard them and 'foxes' trying to steal them? it may be like that in practise but it certainly shouldnt be.

im not saying its revolutionary now, im saying these are historical laws which have relevance in historical discussion, but you are using it to spread hate about a particular culture without any reasoning, which is doing no good



here i agree with you pretty much completely.

we should question right and wrong, and people should not be able to do wrong without consequence.

when someone does something that is wrong you should say that it is wrong, but do not blame them, empathise with them and understand why they do it, and use that understanding to avoid doing wrong yourself. because no one group is righteous all the time, and the delusion that they are is what causes great nations to fall and holy religions to become corrupt. and once they are completely corrupt no value can be derived of them, even if they have a lot to offer humanity



Yes my nigga…goodd shidd my nigga>>84696



Don't forget Thomas Merton, O.C.S.O, American Catholic writer and mystic.


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>My job now is to make memes that are highly replicatable that describes this cancerous superstructure in the best ways possible and says that spreading awareness of it is the cure. Viralized antivirality.

What have you produced so far?



>life is not butter-bread

What did he mean by this?



i think its like in the bible where it says 'man liveth not by bread alone'



>mind control created not by conspirators but by emergent, self-perpetuating, and self-serving sociocultural structures

These structures are the private properties and piggy banks of a group of conspirators, aren't they?


File: b9bedfccc5cb6b3⋯.png (1.21 MB, 736x1239, 736:1239, b9bedfccc5cb6b34237512dced….png)

The general claim in this thread that the elites do not have control and society just does it to itself are both true but ignore the material behind elites and society.

The elite CAN nudge society with enough knowledge and power. If, for example, government wanted to make the people more obedient, they can.

Of course that is a enormous undertaking which has failed in some places (https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/3599 - "The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly"" - a partial success in their side. That they can phase out awareness is already amazing, still)

I do agree society is fucked right now in all places. I want to read up on books but they're "too long" and "not entertaining" so its a fight with my willpower to not do that.


>accept things the way they are

buddhist globalist shill detected





>We are imprisoned in a global system of mind control created not by conspirators but by emergent, self-perpetuating, and self-serving sociocultural structures

nah, there are conspirators and they use technology to directly influence mind. Get on board. Greenpill man wears a tinfoil hat unironically. Though I should note that it is the ferrous metals which still block best this ancient "fairy magic".

The system has been here in various forms longer than our present iteration of civilization.



wow, an old post link long ago 404'd. saging my link to the thread (because I promised the mods) anyway here you are, the thread that actually exists right now.




>starts off with pseudo-intellectual drivel

I'll give it a chance

>Muh Christianity is bad!!!

Stopped reading there. At least try to be original, kike.



80/20 rule plays into this too. In any given population it seems that 80% of the group will never display even the slightest hint of true agency, and of the remaining 20% most will only ever display minimal levels of agency.

The bottom most 80% always gravitates towards the absolute bare minimum of what is deemed acceptable by society.

>one can understand their prison but cannot escape

Once you see the prison walls you have to make a choice. Either you believe that there is no escape, or you believe that escape is possible. If escape is possible, another question comes up, do you actually want to? It is possible that what is on the other side of those walls is far worse.



>If you want peace of mind, reject all of this

>"If you want to be a nihilistic coward and egocentrist, reject everything transcendential and divine, because man is a flawed robot that needs to function properly by killing all his emotions"

>doesn't mention the Jews

>doesn't mention occult practices and why the rich people do them

You fell for the nihilist Jew like many men before you. How about you read "Demons" and then "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky and tell me how your attitude will sustain yourself mentally. You are not wiser than God, and you will never be.


File: 1e9698bbf33f9ec⋯.jpeg (106.41 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, sterling.jpeg)

someone said on glp a vampire vs human war is starting in 3 days. anyone got info? why dont vampires like sterling silver?



sounds like some troll one of the degenerates on 4/x/ made up like they do every day. Some crazy stuff is always about to happen "in 3 days"…fucking bullshit



true, its always habening next week or 3 days LOL



beware the (((buddhist centrist))) Buddha was a prince born in a town settled by the saka-suni. The saka-suni were described by many civilizations but the babylonians kept the best records on them. They had a royal class that were the original saka-suni and a warrior class that were scythian mercenaries They were running around all over the middle east and started marching towards turkey eventually. They were broken up into 3 tribes, each one amounting to a very large mercenary army. They would raid cities and no one could oppose them because no civilization had a standing army that could defend every city from an attacking force that was able to attack with 3 armies from different fronts.

Eventually a low hittite king managed to run around and recruit a force from countries all over to oppose them. They lead a two pronged counter attack, one army went by way of the mediteranean and the other marched from Turkey heading south.

When they met the Saka-Suni in battle they caught them by surprise and managed to completely destroy one of the 3 tribes/army's. The remaining two tribes fled and the coalition assembled by the low hittite king chased them all the way to fucking northern india before turning back. And that is where the Saka-Suni settled.

In babylonian the name "Saka-Suni" translates to Sons of Isaac.

Every fucking time.


The world conforms to will. If the world is not as you will it, you will pretty shittily.


Archons = Memetic Entities. Seeking to perpetuate themselves.


I did some awareness meditation for 90days+

I can't hold phones anymore. I can feel the battery pulsing in my hand.

Also sensitivity to signals has increased, unless they rolled out 5g in my area who knows



>awareness meditation

Please elaborate.


God's love, God's emotion… as opposed to….. ???? thought so…. enjoy surrogate life




>awareness meditation

Yeah this is interesting.

I know somebody who has a history of engaging in meditative behaviours (including transcendental meditation), and they report similar problems. Sensing some kind of buzz from mobile phones which occasionally prevents them from holding it.

Are you sure it is from the battery? Have you taken a phone battery and checked?



>by Pepe, Kek and Donald Trump

>live on stage she'll take a dump



> muhhh emergent strategies

> no hostile agents

Okey I'm convinced you are a disgusting JIDF pushing the "jews dindunofin" narrative.

Yeah yeah, domino effect, emerging strategies and complex systems.

That doesn't mean that there aren't bad faith actors pushing the chaos of the collapsing building in the direction they want.

Begone kike, your memes have no power here.



You yourself are perpetuating the cult of emergence on which this age is founded, by presenting it as the designer, the architect of the age. That is the god worshiped today, the only god that would suit the times, a headless designer without design. You will never be able to tackle the established order if you succumb to its vocabulary, as you will be fighting on their own turf with their claws inside your mind.

That the conspirators are without a leader and act only locally does not absolve them of agency or responsibility. Aristotle's four causes may also be applied here. They are the efficient cause of the system as much as the various forms of degeneration you have mentioned are the formal cause. Then likewise there must also be a final cause, a telos. Nothing is without purpose.



love and emotions are opposed to reason

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