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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: f1ff5b9b90c5313⋯.jpg (577.64 KB, 1136x680, 142:85, darkandlight.jpg)


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You need to restrain your mind and let it be silent at times so you can just get shit done, other times it needs to release mental energy stirred up usually by other people attacking you, and other times it needs to place itself firmly in the future so to scan different futures and find one to energize with the emotions and some part of the mind has to stay there and remain connected to that for a long time, sometimes about 4 days, othertimes a month if it's something very serious, until that future is dragged hard and fast into the present or enough energy has been released into it that you can now put aside thinking about that and just turn your mind to other stuff or to silence while the energy released does its work.


That guy talking shit about Yoda, he espouses a philosophy that is far more attractive to me than Yoda's.



I followed that path first. I did exactly as described. I thought I was helping myself in the best way I knew how, I opened up Pandora's Box instead.

Feel free to follow it, if not in the manner given one following the same template and logic. It gives results, but probably not the kind you want.

Yoda does not espouse domination of being over doing, which is its own slavery, devoid of reason, but a balance between them.



Tbh ahnlimited powah sounds tempting. What went wrong according to you?


File: e25aa457a4591dc⋯.png (133.75 KB, 500x384, 125:96, image.png)

What about Demon King Piccolo?

Also why is there only one Pepe flag? When will you add the others?


File: bf21d969397cf6c⋯.png (962 B, 16x16, 1:1, Smugfrog.png)

File: fd58a22328673ab⋯.png (1022 B, 16x16, 1:1, Kek.png)

File: 17197af057d5bff⋯.png (953 B, 16x16, 1:1, Sadfrog.png)

File: db545a1b8264932⋯.png (966 B, 16x16, 1:1, Well Meme'd.png)

Also your Smugfrog version sucks compared to HDV's. Yours doesn't have thinking fingers gesture. Please change it and add these other 3 as well.

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