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Esoteric Wizardry
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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time
7. Do not raid/attack the board
8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact live:chanseywrites on Skype to give the board to her.

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Is this a good start?

Feedback please? My objective is to answer all "how to" questions concerning magick. I want everyone to know how to do anything. I think magick is very simple but we overcomplicate it or get confused as we adjust from the materialist reductionist worldview to the hermetic worldview.


I guess it depends on the target of the message, who you expect to need to read that.

But to be more concise I would say that Awareness is the movement of energy and Will is the vertex of Awareness at any singular point. Don't know if the average person would know what I am trying to convey though.



What are all the variables you have identified that would add up in an equation for magickal influence?

I should probably add a part about enchanting, which is basically mental influence + thoughtform attachment.

Is there anything missing in there? I've already added two new things since posting this thread.


Added a bit about enchanting and another part about protection.



People from fringechan.org are shit-talking Smiley on here and spreading disinformation while pretending to counter disinformation.

Some of their disinformation:

1. Claiming the Order of Fringe Wizard's Skype Group was a "safe-space". In reality it was completely unmoderated which was why it was so fucked up most of the time. It did not function as a "safe-space".

2. Claiming that Smiley had made all these demands he didn't about trademark/copyright/etc, when all he wanted was to be admin on his own site.

3. Claiming "Contrary to popular belief: Smiley did not create, trademark, copyright or had anything to do with the creation of fringe as a community, other than stealing it's name from the original website/community that were before 2013 which there is no trace off today." not knowing the original site/community before 2013 was owned by Gabe and administrated by Smiley.



History of Fringe

The name "/fringe/" is inspired by the book Fringe Knowledge for Beginners by Montalk (which can be found here: http://montalk.net/books). Visiting the montalk site is also a good way to understand the scope of the topics of discussion which /fringe/ covers.

/fringe/ lineage: 5chon.net/fringe (✝), freedomboard.kirara.ca/fringe (✝✝), fringechan.org/fringe/ (✝ but has been resurrected now), 8ch.co/fringe/ (✝), 8ch.net/fringe/ (✝✝ this board)

These are the various places /fringe/ was hosted over the years. It has died and been reborn about 7 times now. Each cross is how many times an instance of /fringe/ has died. Fringechan used to exist long ago, died for a very long time, but the domain was bought by Alpam and it's alive again now there. 8ch /fringe/ has been wiped out at least twice now also but obviously is alive if you're reading this.

Fringe (the occult imageboard) began with its owner's journey into the occult back in late 2012 or early 2013 after having met various persons with demonstrable occult powers who made him question the materialist paradigm and being introduced to montalk.net.


So in other words it went like this:

>4chon back in 2011 and 2012 there's some guy who posts lots of stuff about nibiru and he drops some links to montalk and so on

>a couple of 4chonners including smiley discover montalk and begin a question for fringe knowledge

>esoteric discussion becomes increasingly common on /new/ and because it's taking over, a new site called 5chon is created by gabe

>shortly afterwards he buys the domain name fringechan.org as well, and you can visit the site either by typing in 5chon.net or fringechan.org

>around the same time, a mysterious gook by the name of stal creates freedomboard.kirara.ca and hosts /fringe/ as well since there's a LOT of drama and instability on 5chon and so /fringe/ is hosted on two different sites at once

>eventually fringechan/5chon dies and it redirects to some site for supporting gays

>8ch.co is created and and /fringe/ finds a second home on there, it now exists on freedomboard.kirara.ca and 8ch.co

>8ch.co becomes 8ch.net

>freedomboard.kirara.ca is archived and shutdown because most activity all happens on the 8ch site

>fringechan.org is bought and revived again by alpam

>they make smiley an admin but because he is inactive and because they don't like him, they throw him out

>smiley remains in control of 8ch.net/fringe/ to this day, with but a few interruptions and wipes caused by the global admins of 8ch giving away the board for some stupid fucking reason to protagonist, then giving it back to the original owner

Fringechan.org 'rs are very disrespectful. I should get Gabe to talk to them and set the record straight.




> I should get Gabe to talk to them and set the record straight.

Yeah you'd better Correct The Record.



Fuck off back to fringechan.org newfig or subversive. Anyone from /4chon/ remembers the true origins of /fringe/ and remembers 5chon.



>the BO is Eris poster

Should've known…


Need feedback, literally nobody seems to give a fuck about this page I'm writing.


I know this is meant to be a how to, but a little more explanation about the elements might be useful. I doubt I'm the only neophyte who, after six months of reading a whole bunch of books (including half of IIH), doesn't understand what they are. Or at least something to point people in the right direction.



Have you read Bardon Companion second edition?

Franz gives a clear and concise definition of the elements in chapter one of IIH.

>fire and water are the only true elements

>air is a mediator of fire and water, earth is a combination of fire, earth, air, and water

>akasha is the prime ether and central point of the elements

>electric is as to fire as magnetic is to water, electric and magnetic are the primal forces and the polarity of akasha



I downloaded it the other day, but I haven't started reading it yet. I probably should have been more specific, actually. What is an element? It's difficult to articulate my confusion. Everything I've found, including the how to in the OP, just describes the manifestations and features of the elements, and doesn't explain what an element actually is. Not understanding it all doesn't stop anyone from using them, but it's kind of like knowing 20 different potato recipes without knowing that a potato is a kind of vegetable.



>What is an element? It's difficult to articulate my confusion

Essentially water and fire are the two "true" elements and are analogous to yin and yang/electric and magnetic/feminine and masculine. They are the polarity of existence, the negative and positive charges, the root of All.



>Franz gives a clear and concise definition of the elements in chapter one of IIH.

lol no he doesn't, I have had to spend an incredibly long time trying to figure out wtf he meant by the elements, and only recently because I started reading the companion and I getting a better grasp on what it is



All of this is basically "imagine it so hard it will eventually happen"

Why do you need books and shit when that's all they say



>Don't know if the average person would know what I am trying to convey though.

Those fucking normie mundanes, not knowing shit like usual.



It is simple state but in practise there is a system to it and systems require study and improvement. Certain ways of imagining and certain constructs to imagine serve certain purposes better than other ways.

I feel like I need to read hundreds of books just to keep my mind centered and to affirm the core truth or something like that. Maybe I just hope I might find something more to it than that.

I think all of magick can be summed up like this maybe:

>imagine objectively

Do not imagine subjectively. Imagine that what you are imagining is an objective manifestation and do it with great intensity. The mistake many make is to imagine subjectively and thus create thoughtforms and such tied only to their perception when if they'd just choose to imagine that what they are imagining is a something real and objective taking form, they'd break that barrier where it becomes part of consensus reality.

I feel there is still a need for a better magick book than everything currently written. There's a lot of good material but nothing so streamlined as to be a hyper-efficient universal training program for wizards. A one-size-fits-all. I have to wonder if such a thing is possible, I feel like it is to some extent, and that at the very least it can be accomplished for the members of this community in this time and place; though its relevance may fade for future genrerations. We need something very concise but at the same time meticulous in that it leaves out nothing of importance. Atkinson's books were written for men "of average intelligence", for their comprehension. Other books seem to leave a LOT to the reader to figure out and rely on their high intelligence to walk the path. Perhaps something a gradation in-between would be more suitable for the people here, as we are certainly a cut above the rest of the normalfag population, so we don't need Atkinson's repetitiveness so much.

One of the annoying things about spirituality is there's a thousand different paths of ascent. They all require persistence, samadhi (spiritual effort), etc. but there's a shitload of different styles and different techniques and different ways to assert the spiritual power over reality.



In regards to paths of ascent we could perhaps leave that to the individuals to find out what that is and what it means, I don't know and details of the idea of it but if different techniques produce different results and people call it ascent then there isn't much we can do but provide all the ways in witch they could ascend and tell them of the most likely result of following that path.

Like what I've suggested with ascent what we have to do is provide detailed guides that explain how to achieve a result, making sure we define our terms in a easy to understand way and give examples of how to identify what we're talking about, this will make things more clear and easily accessible to readers.

That major problem I find when people communicate ideas is language. but more specifically understanding what the other party means with absolute certainty, we can't leave other wondering what we mean.


I think that so far the page is good and it has helped me understand some of the things people are on about (elements) but what do you think of adding to the definition of emotions, perhaps what it entails, the smell of a flower, pain, warm, cold, feeling sick, what something taste or feels like.

Are these emotions?

If not what sets them apart from emotions? and what are emotions?

if they are, then isn't experiencing sight an emotion?

Also on another note is the will intention?

if not what is will and in what instance is it used?


>Our intent is the programming factor for any manifestation. By intention we call to us others, we change their attributes, we see >into their soul, and we see the connections.

What do you mean by see?

See with your eyes or understand?

Well that it so far.




>What do you mean by see?

>See with your eyes or understand?


By see I mean, you literally see all the thoughts that compose their soul. You see their aura and you see into their memories and everything. The stuff that was the most important because it emotionally affected them the most is the stuff you generally see first, unless you're specifically looking for certain stuff in their soul.

The soul = the collection of thoughts, memories, and emotional colourings that compose their thought-matrix



>What do you mean by see? See with your eyes, or understand?

>Neither. You literally see




From my experience I would say that you see/feel a representation of theses things with in your mind which feel septet from your self and come from the other person.

How to do this is to do something that conjures the idea of the person into your mind .eg saying their name or literally see them, when this happens the person in your mind should feel different from you and possess different attributes.

Also you should see them objectively and put aside your own biases, this could lead to faulty information; it should also feel different then imagining a fictitious person If I were to describe it I'd say more complex.


Also what about adding a section for healing?


Kenneth when will you change this shitty CSS theme?



You see with the mind not with the eyes.



When a better alternative exists / the site is not so broken.

Flag fix when?



>I think all of magick can be summed up like this maybe:


>>imagine objectively


>Do not imagine subjectively. Imagine that what you are imagining is an objective manifestation and do it with great intensity.

Intuition tells me there is something to this. Could you elaborate on what it is to "imagine objectively" and what the difference between objective and subjective is in this context?



Objective means to imagine what you are imagining as actually real, real meaning a part of the consensus reality and shared with others, and not just something subjectively perceivable only by yourself.

In other words, don't discredit your imagination, don't imagine that your imaginings are unreal and disconnected, imagine that what you imagine is actual and manifested.

I think Michael Talbot in that series of talks he gave on youtube explained it pretty well especially when he was talking about Sufis and how they view the imagination and how their view of the imagination is different from the typical person in our society.



Good info.


It is the same with the cosmological order: "'The world is eternal,' 'The world is not

eternal,' 'The world is fmite,' 'The world is infinite,' 'The life-principle and the body are

the same,' 'The life-principle is one thing, the body another,' 'The Accomplished One is

after death,' 'The Accomplished One is not after death," The Accomplished One both is

and is not after death,' 'The Accomplished One neither is nor is not after death'—this is a

blind alley of opinions, a thicket of opinions, a wood of opinions, a tangle of opinions, a

labyrinth of opinions, painful. desperate, tortuous, not leading to detachment, not leading

to progress, not leading to vision, not leading to awakening, not leading to extinction."'

The doctrine of the Accomplished Ones is described as that which "destroys to the

foundations every attachment to and satisfaction in false theories, dogmas and systems"

and which therefore cuts off both fear and hope.' The reply to the question asked of the

Buddha: "Perhaps Lord Gotama [this is the Prince Siddhattha's family name] has some

opinion?" is categorical: "Opinion: that is remote from the Accomplished One. The

Accomplished One has seen."

All of this philosophical nonsense only serves to drive you further from Truth.



>All of this philosophical nonsense only serves to drive you further from Truth.

No it does not. Why would it?


So if I require a book of knowledge i don't possess and a pill like nzt I just have to wish really hard?



Wishing will get you nothing.

Intending and imagining will.

Do the following exercise: right now I want you to imagine an apple. Vividly and as clearly as you can. When you're done, hover down and read what I have hidden here.

What colour is the apple? What is its texture like? Did you ever think about any of these things? No you didn't. You thought to imagine an apple, and these other details just got filled in automatically. You don't have to plan out every detail of a thoughtform, there is a natural process whereby information is filled in. Imagine a book now, and open it up, and see what you end up reading in it. You don't have to think out every line of text in there, and yet, there will definitely be lots of text in there unless you intend to imagine a blank book. In which case just try again or imagine bookshelves full of books and with various titles on them, and go look at them, and see what you find.



Anything from this thread that should be added?



You're right, damn that was a good apple.

I'll be trying this as soon as possible.

Thanks anon!


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I tried it and I found I couldn't read any words, it was all out of focus, I got the book to read it's self to me and then it recited the contents.

It seemed to create an idea, not completely out of character for my self but I'd never thought of it.

It seems like it caters the information to you and it doesn't seem like you'll encounter something you won't understand.

So this raises the question dose it come from with in you and your knowledge or are you taking information from a meta physical source?



I'd like to second this question.

I was unable to discern anything until a song stuck in my head at the time started writing itself on the pages.

An apple I can imagine, taste, smell, feel and see.

I can all but feel it filling my stomach.

But a book, I can imagine the outside, I can imagine what it feels like and smells like. But the text is just a blur, I can't imagine what I don't know.

Any tips?



Depends on your intent.

When you try this and your visualization isn't that good, it's blurry at first, but you just have to keep focusing and switching pages until you can see clear.


Don't imagine it as if it's you imagining it, imagine it's an actual book coming to you out of the great ocean of thought. I end up seeing tons of random shit, often in languages I can't even speak and don't understand, and many times lots of beautiful illustrations, sometimes stuff like musical notes (I have no idea what they mean) and lots of other stuff.

Magical Use of Thoughtforms by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki is a good read.



But.. isn't that just imagination then?

I can imagine beautiful illustrations I've never seen, I don't have to meditate to do that.

And of course I could imagine elvish or some something, but these are all things within the realm of the normal and not paranormal.

Don't get me wrong, I'll keep trying.

But it seems like a waste of time at present.



I'm currently writing a 'pamphlet' that will essentially say what your saying in a less concise (although, still very correct) in terms of magick.



>But.. isn't that just imagination then?

Please listen to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4M--cHh5qOg71_-UDzsdtw0vU1lV-T5q

…and pay attention to what Sufi's say about the imagination.

…and consider also the meaning of the third hermetic axiom and of all this remote viewing research.



I imagined an apple and didn't even think about the texture, but oddly enough I was pestered by a visual of someone or something constantly licking the apple I was trying to imagine.

I think my mind has a very odd way of filling in blanks.



And I just noticed I've been posting with a neophyte flag and forgot that initiate comes before neophyte. Considering myself a neophyte would be woefully presumptuous of me.



Which axiom are you referring to? They don't seem to be numbered.



Everything moves, Everything vibrates.

I don't know what he means.



I thought so but he said axiom and not principal so I wasn't sure. In that case I'm not quite sure what he means either.

Waiting is until fullness.


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Come on you can't title the next section "The Time-Traveler" and leave me hanging! pls teach me time travel


the greenpill is full of lies

you are being fooled by satanism


𝕂𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕙 𝕊𝕔𝕙𝕦𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝟚𝟙𝟙 ℂ𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕥, 𝕎𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕠𝕠, 𝕆𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕠 ℕ𝟚𝕃 𝟝𝕎𝟛

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𝕂𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕙 𝕊𝕔𝕙𝕦𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝟚𝟙𝟙 ℂ𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕥, 𝕎𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕠𝕠, 𝕆𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕠 ℕ𝟚𝕃 𝟝𝕎𝟛


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