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Esoteric Wizardry


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Douglas Duane Dietrich worked as a DOD contractor at the Presidio Army Base until it was shut down over a massive child day care center scandal in the late 80s before the internet. At the center of the scandal was non other that micheal aquino (now a Deputy Director at the NSA). DDD was a liaison and under mentorship of aquino where he was witness to numerous occult satanic rituals over the course of many years. DDD, as a research librarian, was also tasked with the responsibility of documents destruction (the same job that Winston had in 1984). He took copious amounts of notes of what he could of the 100.000s of highly classified documents he destroyed over the years.


File: 7090f0bee786ae7⋯.jpg (125.1 KB, 333x706, 333:706, mpsywar.jpg)


AMA and I will tell you what I have learned.


Aquino is retired now. He's never been NSA. He was psyop specialist.in Vietnam


the military perpetuates mass human sacrifice, for what end i do not know


What practical shit have you learned from this?


Any reasons to do certain things or to cause stronger effects or utilize certain psychic conditions for more power and so on?

I just want to know what practical, usable knowledge you got out of this.



These stanist are attempting to summon entropic gods (gods of decay) Chuthulu in order to destroy life and the entire universe. Freemasons claim lineage tracing back to Atlantis (a global civilization) and they are the ones that destroyed Atlantis by summoning these forces.

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