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File: 27578477b53608d⋯.jpg (14.07 KB, 300x276, 25:23, 51CekwfI7VL._SX300_QL70_.jpg)


First, three points:

-Not checking this for spelling of grammar.

-I am a new so I will likely miss standard conventions/Make mistakes and for that I do apologize.

-By your ranking system I am at the level of Mundane. I would be closer to Fedora but I like to consider myself at least a bit scientific, and a true scientist does not completely rule out a possibility simple because current evidence does not support it. That is what fools do.

TLDR: We will try to harness meme magic to do something. A strong belief is necessary to make this even reach the level of a shitty experiment so read the post to get the basic points. For the same reason any significant flaws should be pointed out with an answer to make the theory stronger not weaker.

This is likely already covered by someone else and applied in a similar manner but I did not find it (Barely looked but eh, fuck it). So if it already exits let me know.

- Suppose Divine beings are the manifestation of our combined will/belief I.e. if enough people believe something strong enough reality will reflect that belief

– An apt example is the orcs from 40K (if you happen to be familiar with it)

- Due to lack of ability to communicate in a scale and specificity available in the modern world such beliefs would widely be a reflection of the “default settings” based on observation

- Memes may be acting as a focal point of this aspect of our universe uniting our thoughts/beliefs resulting in minor changes dubbed “meme magic”

- In this sense gods DO exist in that they are a more singular manifestation of a groups will. Kind of like a hive mind.

- The will of gods then will be a reflection of the combined (averaged will and beliefs) of its people

- In this case gods would not be sentient unless the people “creating it” were in some way aware of it/its nature and wanted it to be

- Kek would be the creation of a new god (not an old Egyptian god because they are different in nature because of the beliefs of the people creating them)

- Kek is not self-aware as its people do not fully accept or understand it. Maybe no gods are any longer sentient because of this. Maybe they never were.

I propose an experiment to focus the will of and perhaps “awaken” kek. If his will is the averaged will of our own we can focus that by using a strong get, something like quads or greater, to focus our thoughts on a single objective. Ideally this will take the average and make it not just the average but the mode (for fags lacking basic stat that’s the value occurring the most often). If the theory holds true the more people believing it the more likely/stronger the thought is. Kind of like the whole dubs are now true threads except we are aiming to actually make it happen.

I won’t say what to pick specifically, after all this is intended to be a group will sort of thing, but I do recommend considering my proposed guidelines:

-We are aiming for an experiment here the focus needs to be something visible and easily measurable, not everybody will be happier, or the world will get edgier (although those are measurable to a degree we want quick obvious answers).

-Avoid something that has many opposing viewpoints inb4 Hillary or Trump will win. This is because if this theory holds true there is a group with another will that’s opposition will weaken the effects of our own.

-It would be best to keep the focus on something “relatively” realistic. No magic rains from the sky. Boundaries can be tested later but for a start something basic, preferable within the laws of conventional physics (possible to occur on its own yet highly unlikely).

A request:

-In the event that I as OP am chosen as the target of this experiment, and the effects will not be positive, at the very least don’t fuck me up too much. I at least to a degree value my life in its current state.

Final note:

Even if you disagree with the best roll or are annoyed Kek did not choose you it would be best to just accept it. It won’t work unless a significant enough population believes in it.

Go harness the power of meme magic to better the world. Hopefully. At least do something entertaining.


Kek is associated with pepe. Pepe is associated with Trump, Nazism, gross jokes, and autistic jokes. You want to turn that into a God? Fine, go praise your gross autistic Nazi Trump God; count anyone with self-respect or sanity out.

tl;dr this would be a ridiculously short-sighted garbage deity


Fucking bullshit occultists shitting up the board.




Where the fuck have you niggers been for the past year or so? Half-/pol/ has been making this shit happen for ages.

>The ork analogy is apt; Meme Magic is crowdsourced magic via the focused collective consciousness of a group

>Meme Magic has already crashed the Bane Plane, killed 28k people in West Africa using a proto-plague goddess, turned Marco Rubio into a gay robot, and it on the cusp of electing Trump and/or burning down the US government

>Kek, being a primordial chaos/darkness god and the bringer-in of light, is being revived and raised up in direct opposition of Moloch and the Bohemian Grove cult/globalist cartel/Jewish conspiracy et. al.


Kek is a demon

focus on God the unconditional love not a "kek" entity



Daimon = Socrate's Tulpa

This word eventually became demon.

Which… under chriscucktianity… became a synonym for neg-entity.

Demon is for the most part a word that ought to be discarded from ones vocabulary. You may as well call the people around you "demons".

>demonizing kek


>Where the fuck have you niggers been for the past year or so? Half-/pol/ has been making this shit happen for ages.

On /new/ and /pol/…


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