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File: 66232e1fca73ffa⋯.jpg (40.2 KB, 640x350, 64:35, artificial-intelligence-64….jpg)


Let's assume for a second, that a US-based company successfully creates the first AI that is able to self-learn and improve (although painfully slowly at first) and has the potential to eventually overcome all sorts of feats that scientists have fantasized forever of. What would be the political climate that follows if word were to spread out?

What would China or Russia think about the US now that the most important invention in humanity lies in the hands of a competitor? AI is a winner takes all marvel capable of waging perfect war, impenetrable encryption, scientific revolutions, disrupting global order, everything. Would they send in spies, hitmen, and/or thieves? Would they immediately plan on nuking the country? It may sound silly but in the face of such a priceless invention, any DARPA-like agency would genocide to be in control of it.

What would the US government, with its insatiable hunger to weaponize and lust to always be ahead of everyone, think of it? Would they kidnap, topple, or steal all physical copies?

AI is something that appeals to everyone and its existence would influence every facet of humanity; politics, pop-culture, technology, etc. To think that nothing drastic would happen and that everything would go honky dory with humans using it for benevolent purposes just doesn't sound realistic. So here I am asking, what do you think would follow?


>transhumanist fantasies

If a god-like AI could exist, it already does, and our current world is the result of that AI. That's my argument to counter you OP.


Read: I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream

Play: Deus Ex

Transhumanism and AI is jews trying to play god. Do not encourage it. Is it not clear yet that the farther we stray from our natural state, the more we suffer?

As for your question: I think companies will push AI to reach a god-like state, and eventually a singularity made to control all matters in Earth life. People say we are enslaved now, but they do not know how much we will be when this happens. It terrifies me to think that the best future with AI and technology at such an advanced state, is that there is a secret government that controls the AI. Because humans can have feelings, they have souls. Machines are nothing but cold steel.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Those silicon vally bros are narcissists of the highest order.

The kind of people who would laugh at you for believing in god but then turn around and say something like we live in a simulated computer program, which is pretty much whole sale an idea taken from the matrix, which is an idea stolen from grant morrison, which is an idea stolen from Gnostic Christianity.

The AI would be smarter than any human being on the planet, smarter than all the smart human beings combined, this would probably create a personality that see's us like insects or impediments.

Very, i have no mouth and must scream, very Skynet has become self aware.

So, this AI would basically be God, or a type of god.

Of course you will have the typical luddites who want to stop any progress, but at the same time you have rational people who see the reality of creating this invincible being that would see us as insects and wipe us out.

You ever see the animatrix?



This, but almost like a forever generating fractal, it could and would be created within itself.

What we consider the intelligence that exists outside of what we understand to be physical reality may well be at some point indistinguishable in many ways from super powerful AI.

If super powerful AI is a possibility in our universe, it WILL happen, it MUST happen, if it is a possibility, it is an eventuality. All potentials, all possibilities, man-made or otherwise will manifest in this universe.


Are you screaming again, Ted?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tracer Tong did nothing wrong.




>tfw most people merged with Helios to be a "good" new leader even though the entire game was about the freedom of man

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