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Trump and Hillary - two polar opposites with no choice in between, or is there…? That is what they want you to think. As the population of Earth is awakening in droves they had to do something drastic about it. They cannot kill you all since the positive forces would be forced to intervene. As long as they don't go against your free will, there is nothing the positive forces can do but try to guide humanity towards self salvation. They would rather have you believe that there is nothing you can do and you need their carefully selected saviors. The thing is, you don't. For you have the latent power to save yourself and make the Earth Great again.

For the cult of kek followers, they are not (((they))), rather the controllers of the political drama on Earth.

Stay safe in the coming years.



Yes, Trump won't save me. I can only save me. I know. I'm sure everybody knows.

But at least now I won't have Tyrone and Jose Culturally Enrich me.

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