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Esoteric Wizardry


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I have successfully revised the "hermetic key" the Kybalion tried to create and created the 3D Universal Compass for all your esoteric and exoteric needs.

The point of The Kybalion / SUMMUM was to create general principles people could apply and understand everything through (if you would like to know more about how this compass is related to The Kybalion / SUMMUM please look at this previous thread I have created which thoroughly tackled the subject; keep in mind the x y and z placements are different in this thread): http://8ch.net/fringe/res/87112.html

The Kybalion / SUMMUM however, were but early models of something that had yet to come to fruition until now; they were in the ballpark but not quite there.

What I have is a new "hermetic key", I call the 3D Universal Compass.

This compass is not 3-dimensional literally, it is 3-dimensional conceptually, just as a political compass can be 3-dimensional conceptually.

Here is the 3D Universal Compass meant for having a general starting place for understanding literally anything esoteric or exoteric:

-x = Generalization. +x = Specification. -y = Vibration. +y = Polarization. -z = Repolarization. +z = Patternization.

x axis = Rules. y axis = Forms. z axis = Perceptions.

In accordance with The Kybalion's format of calling things principles and for quick reference when talking about them, call these Six Principles the Principle of Generalization, Principle of Specification, Principle of Vibration, Principle of Polarization, Principle of Repolarization, and Principle of Patternization.

The Six Principles stem from the Three Axioms which are the Axiom of Rules, Axiom of Forms, and Axiom of Perceptions.

I can elaborate and give lots of definitions and write out a full book on why this makes perfect sense, but chances are the more you think about these the more it will intuitively make sense.

The point of esoteric studies was to find the absolute basic general coding the universe runs on, and these generalizations I have come up with I believe are within immensely close proximity of said general coding of the universe; if not they are the exact coding of the universe given basic wording though I cannot state for certain if this is true yet. Whether or not accurately generalizing the universe is important, if you wanted to know the generalizations the universe runs on, these are likely it, or at minimum within immensely close proximity of them. All other specific rules, forms, and perceptions of the universe will originally stem from these, if they are accurate generalizations.


so ye ask questions and shit if you wanna. don't feel obliged to read all of the previous thread if you don wanna. I will elaborate on what these principles and axioms mean when I get more time.


P.S. the '-' denotes movement and the '+' denotes lack of movement. I can explain later but that should clarify in case that part confused you.

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