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Esoteric Wizardry


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Everything I say is a lie and thus it is completely true. If I contradict myself that means I am highly magical and meaningful. Gods and Death and Enlightenment are all my bitches and I have an army of tulpas that suck my astral peen every night while I hermetically meditate on the empty void of existence which consumes all that is. Every night before I rest I shoot loads of blood and semen onto a page which I have encrypted a secret message which means "I am completely full of shit but because I own up to it that means I am actually a powerful wizard," naturally encrypted from a latin translation I copy-pasted from Google Translate.

Some day around my 5th or 6th reincarnation I will reach Nirvana and ask Lord Eris to send Kratos to rip everyone's dick off, which is prophecized to happen the day God of War 4 comes out on PS4. Then I will ascend to the 7th plane of logos and bend the very matrix of God's will to suit my desire to become King of the Hokages. On that day a rain of angels and demons shall encompass the lands but until then I will continue masturbating aka having hot sex with my completely real tulpa girlfriend with massive anime tits and an amazing personality (because I have classy standards for women you see).

Anyway, I am not an elitist full-of-shit illusioned wizard just because I use my bloody semen to power all 151 chakras I sexually identify with. Please do not make fun of my chakras because that is chakraphobic.

Also Franz Bardon did Donald Trump.

or wuz pence really kill?


It would have been more convincing if it was Kratos from Tales of Symphonia tbh

Also you broke rule 3


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>implying mages follow rules



Why hasn't this fucking shitposter been permabanned yet?



The moment a group throws out their best critic is always the moment the group plants its own seeds of demise. It's not like you or anyone else on this board can prove their bullshit is any more or less bullshit than my bullshit either. The threads that sound least made-up on here are the ones that are least magical. Instead of criticizing the satire itself, look at the underlying moral message of the satire; I thought mages were good at pulling meaning from bullshit.

Frankly, I find this whole board is only useful as a creative concept only. That is why I prefer meme magic -it's just memes which at least have SOME logical backing. Meme magic is pretty much synonymous with posting memes anyway but eh, potato potahto.



>fuck doing or trying anything - we need muh logical backing

>muh meme magic

Back to the /pol/, buckaroo



Sounds good. You sound sharper than 90% of the bots (just the bots :P) posting here, but no one truly sharp would say they do that to a tulip, ergo you can't hope to last as the best critic.



>Their best critic




The magic of criticism is compelling to those who seek the truth.



You don't understand "meme magic", it's all the same fucking thing. The fact that you've managed to suck your own cock in an attempt to rationalize this is proof of your lack of understanding.

It all originates from the same place, it is not mediated by the material and physical.



>it is not mediated by the material and physical.

>implying that there is any real difference between the high and low

>implying the lower does not mirror the higher as the higher mirrors the lower

bullshit sissy wizard



No it doesn't, that's a metaphor, you stupid shit.

People with your mindset are the one's responsible for projecting human trivialities upon deities as well.

I know people with autism have trouble understanding anything except the most literal interpretation of something, but you've got to at least try.



Yeah I at least have enough autism to realize dieties aren't fucking real.



I cast a level 4 spell of seduction on your mother and cast a level 2 buff spell to give me +2 proficiency in banging your mother.

See, I don't have autism I am just a high-functioning wizard.



So a loose, associative mind is contrary to having autism? I hope my doctor doesn't get wind of this info.

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