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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 4a7ec2405241efc⋯.jpg (176.96 KB, 1440x1072, 90:67, Pinocchio - Blue Fairy.jpg)


Let's discuss esoteric symbolism, stories, and archetypes in mainstream media. What are some of your favourite examples?

Disney's Pinocchio was one of my favourite films as a child and rewatching it as an initiated adult blew my mind. Have you achieved conversation with the Blue Fairy and become a real boy yet, /fringe/?


Stars, or pentagrams, everywhere from Hollywood to the American Flag.. Plus all the eagles and stuff…



There is no resounding what or repeated amounts of question marks to explain my confusion.

The people behind the United States flag didn't intend to replicate pentagrams in first place, hollywood it may be incidental but the dumbasses always go straight out with the Pentagram.


I'm going to have to go with the american flag as well.

A sublime work of esoteric symbolism, half disclosed, half concealed.



could you elaborate in the symbolism behind the flag?


File: fe1c3980953d3df⋯.jpg (17.29 KB, 375x265, 75:53, Nut_1m.jpg)

File: 28e2e8ce93902ab⋯.png (15.89 KB, 220x293, 220:293, pschent.png)


Sorry if this is a double or triple post, the site was acting up earlier.



I wouldn't be a bit surprised. America is filed with old symbolism, even if it isn't in their culture… Just look at the 1$ bill, its under everyone noses and maybe it's where most their «secrets» are hiding in plain sight… «Ocult» symbolism at its finest…

«If a picture is worth a thousand words, a symbol is worth a thousand pictures.» Not all understand this tho.


File: 50e75e299a29a3d⋯.png (167.44 KB, 466x358, 233:179, Bart Sells His Soul.png)

The Simpsons

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