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Esoteric Wizardry


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Greenpill me on Berbers

Pic related. Their culture is almost completely dead now but there's still some that all believe in magick, speak a different dialect, and retain these traditional beliefs.


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I remember Wikipedia telling me Berbers were black, then I saw the Berbers yesterday on /pol/ too which makes me wonder who is right. Now I have to go research Berbers.

The face paint is highly fascinating to me because it resembles French folk magic / hoodoo design.


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They're definitely Aryan, although many have been arabised.



Half berbere from morocco here

>tl;dr History

north africa (morocco-algeria-tunisia-muritannia…) used to be berbere land,berberic is a language, than an arab muslim tribe came here and persuaded berbers to become muslims


yes some berberes do so occult stuff, I'm not well informed regarding /fringe/ stuff but I will try to describe a pracrice they are famous for :

first I have to explain what zouhri in moroccan culture means :

a person with some specific traits, whom is bellieven to be lucky, (Something about the lines in one's hands and sometimes people can tell by his eyes or by his arm's veines)

Zouhri people in morocco try to hide it in fear for their lives.

Some Berbers kidnap those people, or lure them using magic, then they use them to find treasures.

I have heard numerous account of such occurence, if you want I can tell you in detail.

Also, sometimes in morocco two people wearing traditional clothing come to you, on of them keeps asking you about something (just a pretext to talk with you) while the other remains completely silent (they say he would be reciting distorted verses of the Quran or some spell ir whatever), if you try to help them, you'll end up giving them all your money

Of course only few Berbers practice such things, some regions are famous for these practices

Sorry for text being too long and bad English, hope you can make a meaning out of these practices


The word magick needs to go. The word magic wasnt douchey enough? Do you have any idea how pathetic you losers look? Not only does the world hate you for claiming you are exempt from the laws of the universe everyone has to abide by, but they hate you for because you are a burden on everyone else. You contribute nothing to the world. You are glorified jews. Just because you did a cool dance while being selfish parasite doesnt mean you've tapped into some illuminati mana pool. You are a pathetic bitch just like everyone else.



>claiming you are exempt from the laws of the universe everyone has to abide by

I though Hermetism was about manipulating things science hasn't been able to have a good grasp on yet, but never tried to defy science and instead claimed to be on its side all along.

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