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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 18138ea679ecae8⋯.png (851.98 KB, 1280x543, 1280:543, 18138ea679ecae8a7d22b005bc….png)


JOY is objectively the greatest emotion in a cost to benefit analysis.

Will JOY into every macro and micro process and part of your physiology and enjoy the benefits of a reformed body, will and awareness that now runs on the JOY OS.

I suggest that JOY is closest to life force, and can move between active and passive states effortlessly. I also suggest that JOY boosts intelligence, power, flow, wisdom, creativity and productivity. Thus, one should choose JOY as their favorite emotional 'flavor' for it has the least cost and greatest benefits.

The reason it is the best is because one's body does not need to defend itself from it, and likes to be shared. It is fulfilling and healthy.

Love on the other hand can lead one to self-sacrifice and thus the user may not defend themselves, and become too passive to attacks.

Hate has more killing potential, but is difficult to maintain for any extended period of time without constant negation from turning on its user. Yes? Also, it tends to destroy other emotions whilst positive ones permit co-existence and thus a greater repertoire and reservoir of energies and powers to draw from. Greyscale vs color.


>What magics are possible with different emotions?

>What capacities and abilities are gained through different emotions?

>Positive vs Negative emotions and emotional affinities for combo moves and synthesized emotions/fuel e.g. courage + hate + pride = war???


File: a73a0dfcf1be3f2⋯.jpg (2.03 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, baphomets return.jpg)

i believe fear, physical pain, and joy combined have worked great for me and some fellow zard. to be in a place of both joy/camaraderie and fear (past, present, future, or lingering existential seems to work differently) and cast summoning magick seems to have a weaker effect, but more likely to go smoothly if also combined with pain at the moment of casting. i have seen great accomplishment achieved where it should have been impossible where a group cast was used.


I suppose it's possible, but then that's not the only combination that leads to war, using your example.

So this idea that blends of emotions fuel things, coupled with the observation that different blends can fuel the same thing… Might we use this as a way to quantify the power of different emotions, or to balance the Principle of Polarity? As some examples instead of Love>Hate or Hate>Love as the Kybalion states, could Love>Pride, or Fear>Hate under this idea? Or am I just being a retarded Neophyte?


File: 44776f486416524⋯.png (120.16 KB, 550x354, 275:177, PowerVsForce.png)

File: a47fb55b313701e⋯.jpg (55.85 KB, 720x555, 48:37, EmotionalGuidance.jpg)

I've moved beyond joy but for a while my motto was Integrity and Joy.


I've posted that stuff before and posted it again.

I post under many different flags on this board but you can call me. Just kidding, you can't call me anything besides maybe PEDO RACIST SEXIST RAPIST BIGOT. Hehe…

If you combine Power Vs Force with Realm Dynamics you get a pretty good map but gl progressing up the ladder, cucks.


File: 7a5759994cfdcc0⋯.jpg (308.26 KB, 1600x1152, 25:18, 859880_10151786375266375_2….jpg)

File: 673c50e7e4e06f7⋯.jpg (82.38 KB, 960x536, 120:67, Power-vs-Force-ChartB.jpg)

Just relax, it's OK.

This image is more detailed but the black line is in the wrong spot WHAT A FUCKING SCREW UP. And idk who made the other chart.


Magic is for women and pussies. There are only different variances of I AM. When you lead a divinely pleasant and simple life all comes without effort. LOL AT BITCHES MAKING FROGLEG CANTATIONS HEY IS THIS LOOSH THING WORKING MUH TULPA.


Chans are one of the most toxic divisive environments to ever exist and even drive enlightened beings like me to scorn which is really a negative because I need to remove myself from this existence you call life but which is really suffering at various low levels of lifeforce/conscious awareness. The entire animal and plant kingdom is more conscious than Humans in their fallen state, go read some nature channelings.


So looking at http://fringechan.org/fringe/res/11863.html , I remembered what made me me and life so great before a very trying personal phase where I questioned everything.

Remembering that the Is and Enlightenment, the inner, is top diamond dozen dogs, I tried these methods and met huge success.

The true irony is that enlightenment is a downward spiral, and all the negatives are an upward one. Qi should drop and ground. Grounding is in fact enlightenment, as enlightenment is in the body and it's mechanisms. Once you co-create with the body, you are winning. Once the mind co-creates with the body, and the breath with the mind and the body, you are bi-winning.

So it is. So it may.

Becoming dense and strong from inside is essential.


The specific emotion doesn't matter, the archetype does. Use what's at your disposal and gradually or suddenly bring in the qualities (become possessed by them) that you want. Every day forget who you've been and become more and more aware of the archetype you are conforming with. aka do what Liber Astarte tells you and you'll MAKE IT.

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