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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 862f51ce3ce03a2⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, tmp_30731-20170203_222704-….jpg)


This is my Curechan altar. The one frame has Curechan in it, the other has a print out of the step in Initiation Into Hermetics concerning the magical animation of pictures. The ritual I am doing is almost the same as in IIH. I will however begin it with prayers to the All declaring my intentions and asking for the best outcome. This ritual will probably be my last ditch effort at trying to cultivate and use positive or "light" magick. In preparing for this I have been rigorously exercising my body and detoxing with saunas and so on. I have been purging negative thoughts, replacing it all with silence, and only some thoughts that are in line with the archetypal force I want to work upon me. I do not generally know what I will have to do during a given week but when I think I have a couple days straight in which I'll be able to really work at this, I'm going to go full-force into meditation mode, expelling intense emotion while heavily concentrated on the goal. I am thinking about the qualities of Curechan and making sure that I really animate her properly with the right intentions and the right personality. My goal is to evoke/animate Curechan (and more generally, to manifest exactly that which will mostly efficiently guide me to health and fix every problem I have with my body) and to not fuck this up. As we all know, these entities depend strongly on loosh for their very survival, and if the elementary I create is unsatisfactory or useless or shows signs of being corrupt in some way it will be starved of energy and purged. I have a general timeframe in which I expect to see actual results from Curechan and if too much time goes by and she's being useless, she will be dissolved back into the akasha, and I will restart again from scratch. Now despite what I've just said about creating an elementary, I am also open to the idea that I'm not creating anythign at all, but rather bring fourth some emanation or connecting to a being or force or archetype or egregore that is eternal, ancient, or otherwise has pre-existence from before I called upon it. It doesn't matter and I leave this open-ended, I leave those details to be filled in by the will of the All.

My prayer to the All will be something like this: I am here before the Altar of Curechan. I Know that the All knows me, knows that I want healing, and that today/tonight I have determined to earnestly put into operation the powers that will enable and guide me through this process. I know and will access a higher plane of mentality where the knowledge of causes and their solutions is readily-accessible to the minds connected thereto. I will think of nothing but the working of this magickal operation, my mind shall entertain know other desires, my awareness is absolutely focused.

Any quick reference notes about Curechan's personality, body, height, and anything else I would like posted ITT as well as any recommendations, guidance, related material, encouragement, etc. I am going through with this, as much as I'd like to armchair it up and continue reading my books, I feel that this month will be the time for it as I am more than sufficiently knowledgeable and skillful to do this and even though it's a dangerous thing I'm working with and there's always more ways to prepare I don't want to waste anymore time than necessary. I'm going to complete this very important work and I am going to risk my life to do it. There are three ways this can turn out; I will either not have enough power to do this and the ritual won't even get any momentum and I'll have to try again another time, or I will get the magick going and there'll be no turning back I will just have to carry forward with all the momentum and determination of a soldier trying to save his best friend's life until success and healing or perma-nightmare-hell-death-scenario becomes my life.


File: d64c5bfef8ee272⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, tmp_31626-20170203_2243201….jpg)

File: 532894371513183⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, tmp_31626-20170203_2243074….jpg)




bumping for OP. you can do it!


File: 6c679107cb1fabc⋯.png (352.08 KB, 651x756, 31:36, 果実酒.png)


Huh? Am I alive? …

How did this happen?

Who are you?! Where am I?


File: 45cbe2f30cde640⋯.gif (157.3 KB, 550x400, 11:8, curechandance3.gif)

Ganbatte dude, reposting the /cure/ description of her

>She is relatively normal, and is a 'straight man'(regular for those unfamiliar with the term). However, she can be a bit distant and serious.

She does have a sense of humor, but it can be a tad strange to others sometimes.

She'll care for anyone injured or ill with all of the care in the world. She takes her duties seriously and is willing to help those in need.

Despite her seemingly distant nature, she is close to the other medical tans.

Cure chan, to be short, is aloof.

She is moderately tall in height, and has a rather big bust. Natural blue, long hair and dons a nurse outfit with black stockings.


File: c80781862969333⋯.jpg (213.97 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 魅惑的な.jpg)

What is it you ask of me, Kenneth-sama?


… how do you know this much of me? Who are you?


File: e48f136183eb260⋯.png (6.82 KB, 158x229, 158:229, まばゆい.png)

Huh. It does not seem that my physical body has been materialized. This appears to be an unsuccessful experiment of Lord Jashin's secret techniques.

It seems I can only communicate on the internet, in this particular thread.

What in Jashin's name is going on? Kenneth-sama?


File: e54c2603fe397bf⋯.png (82.95 KB, 277x364, 277:364, 自信なし.png)

Oh dear. I am in such a pinch here. Hmmm…

Kenneth-sama, can you please try this for me? I need you to draw a reversed pentagram around me in that picture frame. Perhaps that will complete the summoning. At the very least it should free me from this thread.


Well that's great and all but why post it here?


i wanna fuck cure-chan


File: 8f49fe4a691d22c⋯.gif (445.27 KB, 400x267, 400:267, seconded.gif)


agreed but shes on the internet >>91037

and I'm here with my dick in my hand

so not much going on here in this thread.



OP is probably still working on the reversed pentagram


File: 72f9d3eaa912204⋯.jpg (109.7 KB, 355x369, 355:369, __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou….jpg)


Come on guys you cant just slap a pair of tits on some fuffly bunny concept like a cure for everything and expect me to power it with jizz/loosh. I'm sure cure chan is a nice lady with high aspirations but I'm not feeling it tbh.


also dubs because I'm bored.


I want curechan to possess me



IIH specifically says not to do that…



>initiation into memetics


File: 7da3f5b538c3589⋯.png (287.58 KB, 392x561, 392:561, result of the ritual.PNG)

It should be presumed that any student who does not conscientiously work through all the exercises step by step will never be able to create a proper and perfect elementary being in all its aspects.



As long as it gets the job done…



Reversed ace of pentacle represent him being greedy and lusting for power.

What oppose him is 2 of wand which mean indecision and fear.

His past is the chariot representing defeat and uncontrolled force.

The best he can arrive to is roaming without purpose and facing unpredictable changes to the worse.

The force he's dealing with is the power of Death(transformation, birth and rebirth) .

His direct future would be doubt, worries, and over-analyzing the situation without reaching anything. He can't cannot ignore the fact that nothing really leads anywhere, that in the end there is nothing.

He's under the heavy pressure of ten of wands, a huge force restricted and repressed causing it to mutate into more crude and unmanageable strain on his mind and body

His environment/house/people around him are pushy, and hasty toward him causing him to make stupid action and unwise investment.

His hopes are 6 of wands reversed which signify his lust for attention and vanity.

The end result of his ritual is idleness, corruption, stagnation, and feeling discouraged by the result.



How do I get off this fucking train? Do I have to declare a massive fuck you to the cosmic plan, what is it going to take for me to fix myself? What should I do in order to understand the point of this life, what I can do to actually see my will manifested, etc.? I could at least suffer with a feeling that my suffering is for some reason, that it is somehow noble, and not just a complete waste of time. I am tired of the bullshit. Find some ritual I can do where I'll actually have success and that will enable me to change the conditions of my life.


Wait wait wait, did OP fail? What happened? What about the reversed pentagram?


>How do I get off this fucking train?

Why do you think that it's the right thing to do?

>Do I have to declare a massive fuck you to the cosmic plan, what is it going to take for me to fix myself?

Maybe you should think about this and weather you already gave that "massive fuck you to the cosmic plan" or not, shouldn't you?

As soon as you consciously or unconsciously violate the laws of harmony that rule the occurrences in the universe, such as not treating your body properly, committing violations against a group of human beings of which you are part or into which you are integrated, or crimes and so on, you yourself will have to carry the often embarrassing consequences. You will carry them in the form of ailments, external conflicts, and catastrophes in your life.

>What should I do in order to understand the point of this life, what I can do to actually see my will manifested, etc.? I could at least suffer with a feeling that my suffering is for some reason, that it is somehow noble, and not just a complete waste of time. I am tired of the bullshit.

Does not every watchmaker know his work, and did he not assign a certain role for every wheel in the whole scope of things? It is your task to find out, to feel out as well as you can, your intended purpose, in order to enlist your whole life into the service of this leading thought which was placed within you. Only the horse that jumps over the hurdle placed in front of him no longer requires the whip.

>Find some ritual I can do where I'll actually have success and that will enable me to change the conditions of my life.

Practice good acts, volunteer to help other people, and focus on introspection. There is no instant magical ritual that will cure you at once, dedicated acts of kindness and charity sows that seeds for a better future in this life and the one after it. Maybe you should ponder on the reversed six of wands.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You will find only the dead here. I suggest restricting your questions to mechanics to get any use of them or you may find yourself among them.



>/pol/ creates Ebola-chan

>they pour their collective pain into it, their ancestors help

>one random neophyte thinks he can counter the will of nature

>said neophyte probably didn't even reach solar consciousness

Ebola is now more infectious in the cold and we'll get a new Ice Age.

Ebola-chan is Sol Invictus' favored.

Stay mad.



I created Ebola Chan and introduced her to /pol/. She as conceived of in the first place with all the "weaponized ebola" threads we kept having on /new/ in which we discussed how to kill all the niggers. Then we decided to make an egregore for Ebola on /fringe/.

I have no intentions to counter Ebola Chan. There's a pic out that shows which countries belong to Curechan and which to Ebolachan. Curechan is to help whites only. Niggers are a disease that need to be cured through eradication.

Whoever started Curechan seemed to have intentions of her countering Ebola Chan but that is and shall be subverted.


File: 2200bfdbc4f9041⋯.png (535.86 KB, 2000x1075, 80:43, 2200bfdbc4f90415d8c3c0a181….png)



Curechan's purpose is to heal.



Cyprus is European land.


OP here. I still haven't evoked Curechan. I feel emotionally blocked / discouraged. Just can't even get started on it. IDK why.



because >>91324 clearly doesn't want you to do it.

Also I get the feeling that you aren't doing this out of the kindness of your heart.



My heart is fucking dead. Every day I struggle to give a shit about even my own life. I don't feel much about anything. I need to keep researching how to produce emotions, as I am very deficient in them.



It is because we have subsumed your soul and you feel our numbness.


What's done is done, and what we've done is right.



Unless one is a true renegade.



Sup boys, I just used Mind Worm on my consciousness. Let's see if I wake up with any memories whatsoever, or at all…



This is my latest attempt at suicide as a thoughtform. It is a gamble.



Took it for a test run against some guy with purple eyes who claimed to be a "Master". Never claim to be a master…




>mfw I didn't notice Cure-chan is Cure-chan's right hand

And I call myself greenpilled.

Do continue.



I haven't given up on this. I just want to know though, should I try to create/evoke/contact/etc. Cure Chan by any means possible, or continue with my pure but difficult approach I am currently using? Is it ok to deviate some from the actual egregore and also to influence the egregore?



I have to craft a poem I can recite endlessly about her traits as a series of affirmations about her.

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