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I am a simple man of average intelligence. I hate the scientific bureaucratic complexities people insist upon the necessity of understanding in order to have the salt to discuss anything scientific. While such complexity is necessary for the science to be supported, limiting one's thoughts to the complex negates one's own ability to theorize of the simple straightforward next leaps.

Here are the 10 Dimensions thought to exist based on String Theory:

0 Dot

1 Length

2 Width

3 Depth

4 Time (our timeline)

5 Measurably different timelines

6 All timelines starting from our universe's big bang

7 Measurably different starting conditions of universe creations

8 All starting conditions for all universe creations

9 All possible physics for all starting conditions for all universes

10 All possibilities.

In order to create each dimension you (scientifically valid approach) follow a pattern of starting with a dot, connecting that dot with another dot to form a line, branching from that line to connect with another dot, and then curving that branched line against the main line to form a new dimension. The 'dot' is used to represent any single dimension (including the 0th dimension which is technically not real), the connecting with another dot represents going one dimension higher, the branching represents going another dimension higher, and bending the branch against the main line of the previous dimesnion represents forming a higher dimension.

Anyway here is my straightforward guess for the next two dimensions that are supposedly not real because of the logic current scientists believe which is "if the 10th dimension contains all possibilities, then any conceivable dimension above this is just going to be contained in the 10th dimension."

And thus, the inconceivable comes into play.

11 Hyperpossibilities (term I made up) in which all unimaginable possibilities exist.

Scientists are failing to take into account when mapping the 10th dimension, if one were to map it, you are not actually mapping possibilities as they claim, but instead you are only mapping conceivable possibilities (though from our perspective we would merely be mapping representations of those concepts which we do not fully grasp). Scientists need to take into account the fact that the act of mapping is in itself a product of conceptual understanding, meaning the 10th dimension is nothing more than everything we can conceive of.

The 11th dimension meanwhile would then contain everything we cannot conceive of that is not impossible, but at the same time we cannot conceive of it. This 11th dimension would not be mappable by anyone human or otherwise because everything within this dimension would be unimaginable. In essence, it is a completely useless dimension from our perspective yet at the same time exists. It should be noted that like with the 6th dimension where things would be relative to the observer's own universe, the 10th dimension and beyond would be relative to the capacity of the observer's ability to conceive because the 10th dimension would contain exactly as much as an observer is capable of conceiving meaning some observers have brains capable of conceiving beyond the limits of what others can conceive, much like how a dog cannot conceive how us humans read books because of its own limited conceptual capacities. This goes against the common notion that the 10th dimension contains all possibilities, when in fact it only would contain all conceivable possibilities.

For metaphor, consider the 10th dimension all that falls under the eyes of The ALL, and the 11th dimension all that is not observed by the eyes of The ALL. Neither The ALL nor a human would be able to know how much is encompassed by the 11th dimension, and it could contain anywhere from 0 to ∞ inconceivable possibilities since neither us nor The ALL would be aware if they are missing something unless they already had it or had an indication they were missing something.


I always thought time as the fourth dimension made sense, and that a life that spans throughout a specific block of time was the generation of an object on the fourth dimension. If you could look at the universe from outside of it, like it was some kind of gigantic cube, you could see it as if it was a 3D graph with matter plotted along each axis. Since you can't view a piece of time like a unit of measurement, I figure a theory that would make sense would be that, if you were able to view the universe from outside of it at a specific point in time and see a solid, unmoving block of 3D matter, and you could then move time along one unit and see a slightly different 3D universe block with a few of the particles moves around, the fourth dimension in that graph would be the comparison between every universe block throughout time.

You should stop namefagging, though.


12th dimension would be Nonmeta Hyperpossibilities in which all possibilities are unimaginable and convey no information but nonetheless exist. Nonmeta = No meta aka information. Hyperpossibility = Possibility which is beyond our imagination.

The 0th dimension would literally be the 12th dimension and vice versa.

This would create a circular structure of dimensions and provide a stronger basis for why dimensions formed how they formed; because they were in essence completing a loop wherein the further from the nth dimension you go the closer to the nth dimension you get since all dimensions would ultimately curve to form a loop.

This can be described as a "Dimensional Donut" essentially.

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