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Reading the Arcane Teachings, I realized they got something wrong. Very wrong. It may even be a trick the ancients have played, to weed out the dumb ones, but I'll go ahead and fuck up their filtration process and throw my two cents in.

There is no infinity. There is only the finite, the absolute. The Arcane Teachings talk about The Law, being absolute and in-of-itself, but I say, that is all things. 1 is absolute. 2 is absolute. 3 is absolute. etc. 1 being the best representation of the absolute apparently.

In the Arcane Teachings, it equates infinity, and infinite potential, with no-thing, or no-thingness. It differentiates this from The Law, which is absolute in its existence and power, separate from infinity, being finite and absolute. I say they call no-thing or nothing as infinite potential merely because they do not know what may potentially happen, that they do not know the beginning and end to power, and thus have created a concept of it that they work within in order to always have a carrot in front of their faces to keep the donkey moving. It is a matter of practicality then, to have a concept of infinite potential and finite law/power.

My attempt at a proof:

>> "No-thing" or "No-thingness" or "Nothing" or "Nothingness" is the state of non-existence.

>> Absolute is the state of existence.

>> "Nothing" cannot be interacted with >> it cannot be multiplied, added to, subtracted from, or divided; only the existing, absolute symbols can, and that is the Absolute, not "Nothing".

>> "Nothing", thus, cannot create, cannot generate, and is thus immutable, and absolutely does not exist, and no thing comes from it.

>> Thus, only from the absolute and finite does existence continue to exist.

>> Thus, all is finite and absolute in-of-itself.

>> Thus, all is relative to each other absolute.

>> Thus, the Universe does not extend for infinity, it is finite.

>> The Universe does not shrink down infintismally, it stops somewhere.

>> All things are by rule and measure, relative and absolute. That is the Law.

There's an edge to the universe. There are edges within the universe. It's impossible not to exist by some rule and measure. Some things are impossible, as one cannot be done without one. Since all things are finite and absolute all things are relative to each other.


I think that Atkinson wrote in Personal Power, that all occult practice is based on nature, and that otherwise it is metaphysics based on faith. Questioning the legitimacy of faith based beliefs withheld, can you express this without directly imparting experience, no. So yes it may exist, as experience, but whether it manifests, or voids things are a whole other bag tater chipes. If you are talking about this in the context of personal, or human experience then yes there is boundaries. Though I think these boundaries ideological rather then material, if I have not already made that clear. Whether these boundaries as they actually exist are, who knows?


Keep in mind, WWA may have had access to a high level of information, but it had to pass through the filter of human understanding both when it was turned into a book and when you read it, so there's bound to be things that are wrong. His books are important, but that doesn't mean he was immune from making mistakes. It's probably impossible for any higher level of information about the nature of reality to pass from one human to another, at least through words.



>but it had to pass through the filter of human understanding both when it was turned into a book and when you read it

Is that why he writes like a fucking used car salesman?



No that's because he's a bullshit occultist. Who better to be the king of the jews than the ultimate jew? /fringe/, the den of bullshit occultists, worships him for no reason other than he is a obullshitter



Back to fringechan.org with you.



bullshit occultist detected



Return to your dust, fedorawad



I always thought he wrote weird because of the books being 100 years old.



I guess my point is that reality is emergent, from matter, and we're all extensions from the past, recreating or continuing itself. The future is not assured and we must secure it. Power is the beginning and middle and end, I feel. People always try to limit each other, because of the potential of power to destroy, as I see it now. Independent people only answer to themselves however, and what they place their trust in (solid facts and that nuclear war is/is not upon us, for instance). One should create a greater absolute self, since that seems like a good idea. I'm not sure when one would do the opposite, create a lesser self… besides these faggots who demand we become more vulnerable and soft and fruity tooty knob in the booty perhaps.



Actually everyone is always imposing their authority on others. Spiritual, metaphysical, moral, emotional, physical, mental, all of it.

Maintaining your integrity, your absolute authority over yourself, and emerging your own reality from the hotbed of your soul, however material that is, seems like a good principle to live by.

No one should have nihilistic or existential concerns, because that is absolutely impossible, except relatively. You die but what doesn't exist anymore was a composition, like a song, but the band members still go on playing in other bands.

Morality begins and ends at the self, since everyone is just making shit up, just making their own song up, and if you buy into it it's your own damn retarded band members who decided they would play along.

I don't know I'm trying to reconcile some contradictions. Approaching reality with the understanding that it is understandable, that nothing is different from the other at least in part, that it all relates, BUT, that very unique and novel things emerge and procreate, and that things beyond my and your current conceptions and understanding will always exist… all contradictions are worked out with a well enough adjusted world view.

Maybe we should all effortpost our manifestos or something.


>>> Thus, only from the absolute and finite does existence continue to exist.

Yes. More existence through more division

>>> Thus, all is finite and absolute in-of-itself.

Kind of, there are aspects of infinity like infinite division in existence

>>> Thus, all is relative to each other absolute.

kind of

>>> Thus, the Universe does not extend for infinity, it is finite.


>>> The Universe does not shrink down infintismally, it stops somewhere.

kind of but how so

>>> All things are by rule and measure, relative and absolute. That is the Law.

sure but how so

So where do you think existence/finite/absolute comes from?


UPDATE: While studying the 5 element theory of Chinese medicine, I came across the movement of wood… "Collapsing, as a building collapses in on itself."

Remembering then in a grade school class conversation about if 0 is positive or even, that I held the conviction and still do that it is not a number and cannot have either positive or negative connotation, as it does not exist, whilst the teacher and most the class saw it as even.

Then, thinking about the collapsing nature of black holes, how all black holes despite their nature, despite absorbing plenty of matter, being in an ongoing collapsing nature, all eventually die and return to the calm positive pressure of the universe.

I realized, that it TAKES energy to maintain permacollapse, which what an immortal nothingness' affect would be, requires tremendous matter and energy, to OVERCOME the infintismal micro structures of reality. Of course, once there, you can harness untold power/energy as any extreme gradient allows, but if nothingness existed in an absolute infinite way it would destroy all of creation.

Somethingness necessarily destroys nothingness… because it does not exist. For non-existence to exist, there would have to be no existence. It occupies no space and no matter and has infinitely less pressure relative to existence, and thus existence would be destroyed by the pressure differential. Even space has a pressure, else every object in the universe would explode and no structure could form.

Thus nothingness is merely relative, as space to the atmosphere/earth is relative. It is impossible to not destroy nothingness through our somethingness, our existence. If it were not so, nothingness would absolutely destroy any somethingness the moment it tried to exist. But it is not so, nothingness is destroyed in the instance of its attempt to exist as not-existence (an oxymoron).

You can go infintismally smaller or larger then. Infinite existence denotes infinite life and infinite relativity to the rest of the universe, infinite connection. You can of course create a relative differential to the rest of the universe, like the difference between a black hole and a human being, and THIS is the creation of energy, and the energy of creation, through differentiation.


The universe is finite and so is God.



thanks for your input



Haha faggot.


Imagination is finiteless.




Both of these statements, to the best of my knowledge, are 100% correct.



This, then, suggests that God has a shitty imagination.


The Jewish God is Oil, and the Christian God is Electricity.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This, then, is the Electric Boogaloo!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Please listen closely to the lyrics of this song. I will post them here:

Why are you using a broken mic?

In through rays of your reflection.

We enter from a terminal connection.

In through rays of your reflection.

We enter from a terminal connection.

We're God's shadows, on the internet. Electric thoughtforms, given names made from the movements of electrons, which have transcended the internet and now act in "reality".


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Basically, the Internet is a dope as fuck Unmake (black mirror style) for God.


Thus, R.D. Laing's experiments with literal creation of thought have undone God and rebelled against Tavistock, while carrying the Tavistock banner.

Q.E.D. Motherfuckers! Nietzche couldn't handle this shit!


There is both infinity and nothing, but neither need necessarily exist.


So while we exist, capable of both ending ourselves and creating more of ourselves, we might as well just chill out and have some fun with it.



Adendum: We're electric thoughtforms in real life, too.


File: e170c71b27b7264⋯.png (169.29 KB, 1273x413, 1273:413, Proof..png)

Fun coincidence…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Que sera, sera.


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counterpoint: the only thing "absolute" as far as you know is your own conscious awareness.

the entire universe could dissolve around you and as long as you remained, your subjective experience of being would still be "absolute". You can't refute your own awareness.



Counterpoint: Fuck it, there's still more!


What is finite?

Is it a natural number? That presupposes you can divide things into distinct categories, which shows no signs of being true. Modern physics agrees with Heraclitus.

Is it an extent? A ruler length that you can say is finite because it ends here? That presupposes some universal frame of reference. Gregor Cantor discovered infinities of different sizes. What does one infinity look like to a larger infinity?

"If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite." said Blake



and this is why proper targeting is important

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