Reading the Arcane Teachings, I realized they got something wrong. Very wrong. It may even be a trick the ancients have played, to weed out the dumb ones, but I'll go ahead and fuck up their filtration process and throw my two cents in.
There is no infinity. There is only the finite, the absolute. The Arcane Teachings talk about The Law, being absolute and in-of-itself, but I say, that is all things. 1 is absolute. 2 is absolute. 3 is absolute. etc. 1 being the best representation of the absolute apparently.
In the Arcane Teachings, it equates infinity, and infinite potential, with no-thing, or no-thingness. It differentiates this from The Law, which is absolute in its existence and power, separate from infinity, being finite and absolute. I say they call no-thing or nothing as infinite potential merely because they do not know what may potentially happen, that they do not know the beginning and end to power, and thus have created a concept of it that they work within in order to always have a carrot in front of their faces to keep the donkey moving. It is a matter of practicality then, to have a concept of infinite potential and finite law/power.
My attempt at a proof:
>> "No-thing" or "No-thingness" or "Nothing" or "Nothingness" is the state of non-existence.
>> Absolute is the state of existence.
>> "Nothing" cannot be interacted with >> it cannot be multiplied, added to, subtracted from, or divided; only the existing, absolute symbols can, and that is the Absolute, not "Nothing".
>> "Nothing", thus, cannot create, cannot generate, and is thus immutable, and absolutely does not exist, and no thing comes from it.
>> Thus, only from the absolute and finite does existence continue to exist.
>> Thus, all is finite and absolute in-of-itself.
>> Thus, all is relative to each other absolute.
>> Thus, the Universe does not extend for infinity, it is finite.
>> The Universe does not shrink down infintismally, it stops somewhere.
>> All things are by rule and measure, relative and absolute. That is the Law.
There's an edge to the universe. There are edges within the universe. It's impossible not to exist by some rule and measure. Some things are impossible, as one cannot be done without one. Since all things are finite and absolute all things are relative to each other.