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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: f9646f24b9488b1⋯.jpg (20.45 KB, 640x623, 640:623, b3e55bcc84a276e370f6221b95….jpg)


Come talk about occult things.

#solveetcoagula on Rizon



Am in but I have no idea how this thing works


never mind got it




waiting for friends to play with





im waiting buddy


Dice rollRolled 4, 5, 2 = 11 (3d6)





File: b6f9520b4587e8c⋯.jpg (61.61 KB, 444x550, 222:275, nazi-mickey-mouse.jpg)

Do you goatfuckers know who you're advertising to? Even if we decide not to troll you, you'd never accept us and we would devour you.



true nothing but bullshit occultist in there.




Dice rollRolled 6, 6, 1 = 13 (3d6)

Guy who runs it is confirmed bullshit occultist.

commencing dump in a little


yes please do so everyone can see what twat you are



>commencing dump in a little

cant w8


File: f87dcfacb8ac1c9⋯.png (5.09 KB, 1084x67, 1084:67, simple questions.PNG)

File: 78a167cf8be910d⋯.png (16.69 KB, 764x253, 764:253, am i wrong.PNG)

File: 277cdc54ff03aa0⋯.png (15.51 KB, 516x288, 43:24, wow so tough.PNG)

File: ec1a9de3b6e52ec⋯.png (37.02 KB, 730x735, 146:147, sad.PNG)

Dice rollRolled 6, 5, 6 = 17 (3d6)

cause everyone who asks questions and doesn't get in line is a troll now


Dice rollRolled 4, 5, 5 = 14 (3d6)


well at least he admitted it in the end so it's not all bad





>bumping when you're already on front page



can we go ahead and lock this thread since there is 0 discussion. the cunt is just here to advertise his shit show


beware of atheists


File: f84fd0f9a06dc8c⋯.png (4.7 KB, 620x65, 124:13, gez really.PNG)


the guy clearly doesn't want any magic discussion just lackeys.




File: 4cd7ef94260f3cc⋯.png (6.78 KB, 224x225, 224:225, images.png)

Dice rollRolled 2, 2, 1 = 5 (3d6)







right your not even trying at this point.



Hmmm, wise one you are. Just come chat about the occult!


File: 4b7f1937279f89d⋯.png (54.68 KB, 1702x994, 851:497, ss (2017-02-15 at 10.49.39….png)

File: 00e319577b108a9⋯.png (57.6 KB, 1716x981, 572:327, ss (2017-02-15 at 10.51.14….png)

File: 1810a07278b1943⋯.png (13.84 KB, 1715x185, 343:37, ss (2017-02-15 at 10.51.49….png)



lol, that guy is a fucking clown


Dice rollRolled 2, 6, 2 = 10 (3d6)








the f is for go fuck yourself


Dice rollRolled 5, 4 = 9 (2d8)





same what? agreeing with me or saying that



are both me cause they are.




good one famalam


bump ;^)





File: e258ca5f6bc1301⋯.png (150.04 KB, 1224x714, 12:7, 2pMDEA4.png)

Doesn't know what LOCKED thread means.

>hurr I was only pretending to be retarded

good for you ;3 xoxo


>epyc wynn

>kicked by bullshitoccultist

>implying bullshit occultists dislike epyc wynn

In a way I was very strongly complimented.

I am a true occultist by implied contrast.

Spoiler: Nothing on this site works and The Kybalion is just a bunch of generalizations about how the universe works that don't always hold up but they're vaguely on the right track.

Also still have yet for anyone to give me a genuine magical experience through reading and following steps.

Maybe I should hit up the Freemasons… nah they probably can't do it either but just want people to think they can.

This board is a daily reminder of how mages are teaching impaired or just fakers like Shadow the Magehog.



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