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Discussion about chemcials which enhance magickal powers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYez37NMu-o

(Video very related to this topic, plus video comments)


Even if you call them "chemicals" your still a disgusting fucking druggy.

How much of /fringe/ is a fucking druggy btw?


Yes this includes marijuana.



I'm not too certain how much of the members of this board consume drugs. I would assume most of them occasionally drink coffee or alcohol. I am sure many have experience with psychedelic drugs. Why are you being so hostile toward me? You may not agree with my lifestyle or life choices, but you're still free to do whatever you want as long as you're not hurting anyone. Please lets be kind and gentle here.



That is all. It is legal. Please try some.



>ywn cast chaos magic at an edm festival while candyflipping



Maybe i shouldn't have been so aggressive, I just don't approve of the use of drugs as i believe them to be gateways to degeneracy and to cripple the will and mind of the user. I want my fellow wizards to be better than that and not need them. I'll fuck off your thread now sorry for bugging you.


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I'm fully in support of drug-free magick, I only wanted to request a thread for drug based magick because it interests me. I don't want my fellow wizards to become addicted or die either.


Okay I will research this. What do you consider the best ROA or method?


This video isn't related in the slightest. Just so you know, any synthetic drug in crystaline form will open some sort of portal upon use to other worlds. Chances are you're not actually performing magic, and if you are its only because of those open portals and influences around you. I only know because in a sad part of my life I got a free dose of molly, cut to hell with methamphetamines, and noticed hundreds of small weak spirits pop up out of nowhere. The metallic psychedelic clicking sound these things produce is so fucking obnoxious. They follow you for a while too and try to get you to do more and allow more of their worlds energy to flow into this plane, talk about a fucking haunting. Back to the topic though. I was curious until I googled it up and found out this niggah was just taking bath salts, fucking noob. If anyone wants to experience some real magick through drugs there are much better options.




>Dmt(Not for the weak minded)



>Nicotine(although in its current mass distributed form it has a lot less potential)

Alcohol has allowed me to enter slight trance states back in the day and I would get lucky as shit, would always beat my friends at billiards even though I have no coordination with the game.(Surprised me the most)

I'd just recommend small amounts of a single psychedelic and dxm if you want to achieve any magickal ability though. Shrooms and Dxm pried open my 3rd eye and I met a water elemental at the beach. Shared experience with a friend too. Though I wouldn't trust you noobs with over half the secrets I know about dosing dxm and hitting specific states of mind that allow you to hack reality in real time. It comes with the added bonus of possibly sparking up latent mental illness within you.


Drugs are shorter and more chaotic paths to their corresponding parts of the magickal path.


It's that cuntposter that stole my flag.

All the chemicals you need are in your weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!



You are one dumb cunt.


File: cb7c3b210daf602⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 37.07 KB, 564x423, 4:3, arenige284.jpg)

heh, he he

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