Here is a synopsis of improved fringe conception:
Three spheres of existence: Biosphere, Ideosphere, Animosphere. Biosphere for physical realm. Ideosphere for mental realm. Animosphere for spirit realm. A true mage can alter the biosphere through the use of matter from the animosphere.
Kybalion was a crack at creating Universal Generalizations everyone can make use of but it wasn't accurate. The 12 True Universal Generalizations: 1. Everything has a frequency 2. Everything can change slowly. 3. Everything can change rapidly. 4. Everything is based on a code underlying reality. 5. Everything is the product of this code. 6. Everything is altered by perceptions. 7. Everything can follow a pattern. 8. Everything can break away from a pattern. 9. Everything can be polarized into absolutes. 10. Everything can be merged into vibrations. 11. Everything can be specified. 12. Everything can be generalized.
10 Dimensions of string theory are on the nose and are the basis of chaos magic, but they do not consider possibilities that cannot be imagined [11th dimension] and do not (accurately) consider possibilities that exist but convey no information [0th/12th dimension]. This 12 dimensional setup forms a dimensional donut, in that the 12th dimension is also the 0th dimension since both would include possibilities which convey no information yet are still possible.
The 7 esoteric realms are actually metaphors for the 10 dimensions of string theory, except the first 4 dimensions of string theory are contained within the 1st esoteric realm which is just the physical realm.
The 4 elements earth, water, air, and fire are actually metaphors for the 4 main states of matter solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.
Gods are just synonymous for higher-dimensional beings. The ALL would embody the entire final dimension.
Magic cannot be proven through any logic and must be experienced firsthand, as is the common impossible dilemma between mysticists trying to prove what they say is true to philosophers since that is not possible except through experience yet philosophers prove everything through logic; though of course true proof does not exist except through self-experience, and even then many philosophers disagree with that notion as well.
Spirit Soul and Body are metaphors for natural personality, your mind, and non-metaphorically your body. There is also a 4th aspect of Influence which surrounds a person. Call that the Astral Body for metaphorical reference. These 4 aspects serve as metaphors for the 4 elements, spirit [personality] being air, soul [mind] being water, body [body lel] being earth, and astral body [influence] being fire.
Humans tapped into technology, meaning they brought the ideosphere to the biosphere. For humans to reach the next level of being mages instead of mere technologists, they'll need to tap into spiritual abilities by bringing the animosphere to the ideosphere.
I have never experienced magic. I do not believe in or disbelieve in it. It intuitively makes sense to me that it will EVENTUALLY exist if it does not already, but my intuition is merely my instinctive guess. God logically makes sense based on string theory's dimensional model and how they managed to make free will part of an actual scientific theory (study 5th dimension for details on free-will-based alternate timelines). If you would like a guide to Fringe concepts, this is it with some proper revisions added.
Pic is unrelated I am just ridiculous.