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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 107cd0c2b38619b⋯.jpg (81 KB, 345x350, 69:70, iching2.jpg)


I'm getting back into Tao after a long stretch of debauchery. Taoism always seemed to make sense with it's relatively simple outlook and respect for nature. there are many teachers available online or with books or distance courses. here's one I found that seems legit and sincere:


"How many hearts are living in my own heart? One idea arises after another dies out.My ego exists as one among the endless hearts of all, which lodge in my own heart. So, to discipline my heart is the same as to discipline my endless hearts…

Heart, like a brand-new mirror stationed in one place, is gradually dimmed by dust as time passes away, no matter how polished it originally was.

At the beginning, the heart had its own nature of quietude and emptiness."


I forgot the question: anybody have any experience with this or other Taoist websites or books?


File: 8ee35a51bb53433⋯.pdf (1.41 MB, Mantak Chia - Awaken Heali….pdf)

File: a085a6b1340446a⋯.pdf (4.85 MB, Mantak Chia - Cosmic Orbit.pdf)

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Dis you read the "Tao Te King" and "the smile of Tchouang-Tseu" ? If not, do it right now.

Taoïsme is one of the simplest and direct way to fullfillement. But remember the first line of the "book of the way" : The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao.

On the Chi Kung side, Mantak Chia is kind of big name with a lot of pretty deep book on the subject. And I think, one of the few author everyone on fringe will agree is not an "occultshitter". But of course, there is other legit author, so choose what you feel is right to you.

Here are some of the basic. And I think you can find the "Chinese Medical Quigong" in the mega who is an in depth file on the subject (1000+pages, 71mo, can't post it with shitty free hotspot internet sorry)



Taoism is all about loli debauchery just lol.

Soon I will leave the mundane world and go practice FLYING PHOENIX CELESTIAL HEALING CHI KUNG in the forest of discipline.




Microcausmic orgic is weak sauce. That's like level one noob stuff. You should constantly have a pulsing in your body that makes you want to sway tu and fro but very subtle tho but still you feel it always because it means your system is functioning like it should there are higher levels than that guy's stuff tho he is so weaksauce like whoa. Everyone except the most crippled mundanes has a microcosmic pulse it's biological.

I like Peter Ragnar's Magnetic Qi-Gong for level 2 noob stuff. Flying Phoenix is like level 3+ real stuff.


File: 3590e695786b3f2⋯.png (33.83 KB, 602x599, 602:599, King_Wen_(I_Ching).png)

The I Ching is cool

this a random generated oracle version:


this translation is top-notch:





You can't become immortal through Taoism without the golden elixir pal.



See, that's where you're wrong kiddo.


It is done.



I also have the bread of life. What noa?


Today I had the urge to get my WHITE POWER on at Wendy's and boy that was a bad idea.

I ate some hamburgers and fouled my body. Now it reeks of the putrid 5 grains. I strayed from Bigu. "Those who break the fast must die the death."


File: 5cded89f12dba2e⋯.jpg (9.35 KB, 225x225, 1:1, pepe.jpg)


>golden elixir pal.

>drink your piss guys!

that meme needs to die already


"Those who break the fast must die the death."

then hurry up and croak then


File: 2a5cfdc38469623⋯.gif (149.2 KB, 718x1200, 359:600, subtle-pic-gomutra-bath.gif)

You ever just get some of that fermented pee on ya and feel it's power?

Sometimes I start spontaneously shouting empowering phrases and incantations when I grip the vessel in my hand.

Since this is the highest level of alchemical knowledge it's only expected that normies and low-consciousness loosh suckers aren't able to handle it.

Reminder that Greys feed through their skin.

"Those who continue to shitpost must become that which they enable."


File: 855cd096cd7e49b⋯.jpeg (15.76 KB, 200x286, 100:143, g8gg.jpeg)

"Although there is no obvious movement, they are deeply engaged in one of the most demanding and powerful forms of exercise ever developed. It is so utterly focused on deep, internal growth that it literally requires learning to stand like a tree. It is known in Chinese as Zhan Zhuang, "standing like a stake', or "standing like a tree." It is pronounced "Jan Jong", or in southern China, "Jam Jong"."

- Mater Lam, Kam Chuen, The Way of Energy, p. 11

“In esoteric training conditions, before beginning the movements of Tai Chi Chuan, a person first practices standing meditation. Beginning in stillness embodies the classic Taoist notion that energy comes from the void, or the mother of Qi, called Wuji, and that the movement of opposites, like yin and yang, are born of non-movement. It also reflects the central notion of cross-cultural healing traditions that “healing derives from returning to the origin of things.”

- Michael Mayer, Secrets to Living Younger Longer, 2004, p. 25

"Standing Meditation is the single most important and widely practiced form of gigong, integrating all elements of posture, relaxation, and breathing previously described. It is a way of developing better alignment and balance, stronger legs and waist, deeper respiration, accurate body awareness, and a tranquil mind."

- Kenneth S. Cohen, The Way of Qigong, p. 133.




Golden elixir has nothing to do with piss. It's about fucking girls.



thanks. that's very helpful.


File: c9d37ba5fbbf6fa⋯.jpg (61.14 KB, 501x434, 501:434, 1475295614657.jpg)



I tried flying phoenix. it's definitely energizing and all that jazz but the breathing patterns are just unnatural feeling.


thank you. I love looking at different versions of I Ching


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I don't know much about Taoism, but it's one of those subjects I'd really like to educate myself on. I found these lectures very interesting.




What the FUCK did you say to me you dumb little loosh farming vampiric bitch?

Those "girls" you worship are the main obstacle to enlightenment, BITCH.


Oh, it felt unnatural.

Oh, he loves different versions of the I Ching.



File: b348c1a61696da7⋯.jpg (23.85 KB, 318x402, 53:67, union[1].jpg)

File: b994284e501eae0⋯.png (315.43 KB, 500x443, 500:443, 2cJcvuj[1].png)

Hey look at this cool pic I found. Isn't that girl a little.. small for Buddha?

>If she's enlightenment I'm enlightenment too, bruh.


File: 4b66721ad66ca4c⋯.png (822 KB, 1610x1200, 161:120, veritas.png)

How do I get cool chi powers like in my chinese picture books?



>Flying Phoenix is like level 3+ real stuff.

Okay then. Where would one go to learn more about Flying Phoenix?



Merely a womanlet.



A 14th Century Shaolin temple.


Is there any way to restore qing



hormone replacement therapy



succ dicc




pls help I jerked off too much



lougle it. you can get DVDs.


eat your cum. or learn injaculation.




>Michael Mayer

>Kenneth S. Cohen

Oy vey!



I actually got this to work once. Pretty nuts. Thought I had ejaculated but there was nothing.

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