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Esoteric Wizardry


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Was planning out a way to kill myself by magickal means when I got too tired, went to lay down in bed, couldn't really think for a couple hours as I struggled to sleep, and then I plunged into ultra-lucid parallel reality and received the inspiration for this meditation.

All I do is, I start off with my other meditations, then when my mindset is right I just form spheres around me each of different colours that correspond with basic emotional clusters like happiness, love, hate, fear, and lust. Each ball's colours are not necessarily stable, they are generally along the lines of that suggested in the occult colour correspondences for the aura but there's no time to think about details like that you just feel the colour that is appropriate for the sphere. Now you put yourself into a state of pure awareness, or center the awareness upon the self, elevating your self and remembering the emotions are subject to your will. Effectively you begin to operate on the planes of causes and of emotions. Through each sphere you then vector in on a whole bunch of influences that come with the emotions, happiness is not just euphoria, but rather a flood of visual impressions, thoughtforms, and other meaningful content that connects you into the happiness stream. Each sphere is to tune into and stream thoughts which correspond with the emotional character of that sphere. I see each sphere around me and I just focus my awareness more intensely on the one I want to connect with and then I switch to another, usually its opposite, and keep going bringing in stronger and stronger emotional thought currents. I do this alone because if I do it around mundanes I seem batshit crazy. This practice allows me to heal my emotions and unfuck my reality, putting me on a new path, and increasing my freedom of will by letting me wield and intensify whatever emotions I want.

It's powerful but I don't get to do it as often as I want because mundanes act as if they were agents of the demiurge hellbent on stopping me from practicing this.


Realize the perceived level you were at before you decided to learn to meditate. Your arrogance gave you the belief that you were something of value, until you decided to die.

This is perhaps the first time you die, but not your last. We have to die many times in order to live. Only those that are ready to die, are ready to live.

The secret to the first step of enlightenment, is to accept the current situation and present moment as it is. Then accept your past actions and be grateful to yourself and your life up until this point. Then accept the future of the unknown. Then accept that you accept that. Now you have control over your life and consciousness.

Thank you for sharing a method. You should look into kundalini, energy work, out of body travel and astral projection next if you want a challenging training.

The moment you slip out of conscious, you suffer. When you are conscious, you do not suffer.

Good morning.

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