BULLSHIT OCCULTISM THE THREAD 02/18/17 (Sat) 17:07:33 No. 92575
right so found this http://solve-et-coagula.us/index.php and I like the website but some of the rules for the magic systems are just plain stupid so I'm gonna use Occam's cleaver and hope fully we can get a school of magic more pragmatic for internet wizards.
If you are familiar with any of the schools feel free to add anything or explain WHY that rule is there.
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:12:44 No. 92576
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:14:06 No. 92577
The Pentagram of Solomon
"This is the Form of the Pentagram of Solomon, the figure whereof is to be made in Sol or Luna (Gold or Silver) and worn upon thy breast; having the Seal of the Spirit required upon the other side thereof. It is to preserve thee from danger, and also to command the Spirits by."
I like how the ass hole just assumes I'm made of money and know A bench jeweller who can make this.
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:16:13 No. 92578
Rolled 3, 3, 4, 2 = 12 (4d6)
the razor wasn't big enough to cut all this bullshit
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:17:25 No. 92579
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:20:24 No. 92580
The Magic Ring or Disc of Solomon
"is to be held before the face of the exorcist to preserve him from the stinking sulphurous fumes and flaming breath of the Evil Spirits."
New rule the magic circle already does this and there is no need for the disk
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:27:35 No. 92581
The Vessel of Brass
why does it have to be brass? technically cant anything be a vessel for spirits?
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:32:25 No. 92582
The Other Magical Requisites
"The other magical requisites are: a sceptre, a sword, a mitre, a cap, a long white robe of linen, and other garments for the purpose; also a girdle of lion’s skin three inches broad, with all the names written about it which be round the outmost part of the Magic Circle. Also perfumes, and a chafingdish of charcoal kindled to put the fumes on, to smoke or perfume the place appointed for action; also anointing oil to anoint thy temples and thine eyes with; and fair water to wash thyself in
>hurr your magic wont work unless you have the right larping items!
>durr so what if some of these items are extremely hard to find if you want to do magic you'll do it!
Dont forget solomon was king of the kikes so he add access to more material than most.
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:36:43 No. 92583
The Adoration at the induing of the Vestments.
“By the figurative mystery of these holy vestures (or of this holy vestment) I will clothe me with the armour of salvation in the strength of the Most High, ANCAR; AMACOR; AMIDES; THEODONIAS; ANITOR; that my desired end may be effected through Thy strength, O ADONAI! unto Whom the praise and glory will for ever and ever belong! Amen!”
After thou hast so done, make prayers unto God according unto thy work, as Solomon hath commanded."
>my clothes are now magical the spell
Look I'm all for safety but I dont see the point in the magical ciclre if I have to keep casting "safe space" on myself every 10 mins
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:47:30 No. 92584
The License to Depart
O thou Spirit N., because thou hast diligently answered unto my demands, and hast been very ready and willing to come at my call, I do here licence thee to depart unto thy proper place; without causing harm or danger unto man or beast.
Depart, then I say, and be thou very ready to come at my call, being duly exorcised and conjured by the sacred rites of magic.
I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and the peace of God be ever continued between thee and me!
After thou hast given the Spirit licence to depart, thou art not to go out of the circle until he or they be gone, and until thou shalt have made prayers and rendered thanks unto God for the great blessings He hath bestowed upon thee in granting thy desires, and delivering thee from all the malice of the enemy the devil. Also note! Thou mayest command these spirits into the Vessl of Brass in the same manner as thou dost into the Triangle, by saying: “that thou dost forthwith appear before this Circle, in this Vessel of Brass, in a fair and comely shape,” etc., as hath been shown in the foregoing conjurations.
>Because you need to give long winded speeches to let the spirit go
Right I understand that this is a kike magical system but It seems that unless your religious most of these prays and rituals are gonna be useless
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:49:00 No. 92585
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>92582
Ever seen the movie practical magic? …they just kind of take materials and t week it for modern day. Can't people do magick the same way?
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:50:59 No. 92586
Because real magic has no need for materials and there are few that actually do anything besides awakening your inner bullshit occultism.
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:52:29 No. 92587
>Ever seen the movie practical magic?
>they just kind of take materials and t week it for modern day. Can't people do magick the same way?
Yes it's called chaos magic but alot of people dont seem to like it
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:53:07 No. 92588
Rolled 4, 2, 5, 4 = 15 (4d6)
>Because real magic has no need for materials and there are few that actually do anything besides awakening your inner bullshit occultism.
really feels that way tbh
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:54:00 No. 92589
Ummm that is not true friendo
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:54:29 No. 92590
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:55:57 No. 92591
There are materials for everything in life.
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:57:35 No. 92592
Vague, but I am not in the mood to explain.
02/18/17 (Sat) 18:00:05 No. 92595
Ars Paulina pt. I: the Angels of the Hours of the Day & Night
Here beginneth ye Book called the Art Pauline of Solomon the King, & this is divided into two parts, the first the Angels of the Hours of the Day & Night, the second the Angels of the signs of the Zodiack, as hereafter followeth.
The nature of the 24 Angels of the Day & Night changeth every day & their offices is to do all things that is attributed to the 7 Planets but that changeth every day also, as for example, you may see in the following treatise is that the Angel Samael ruleth the first hour of the day beginning at Sun Rising, supposing it to be on a Monday, in the first hour of the day that is attributed to the Moon, and you call Samael or any of his Dukes, their offices in that hour is to do all things that is attributed to the Moon but if you call him or any of his servants Dukes on a Tuesday morning at Sunrising being the first hour of the Day their offices is to do all things that is attributed to Mars & so the like rule is to be observed in the first hour of every day & the like is to be observed of the Angels & their servants that ruleth any of the other hours either in the Day or Night, also again there is an observation (rule) to be observed in making the seals of the 24 Angels, according to the time of the year, day and hour that you call the Angel or his servants in to do your will, but you cannot mistake therein if you do but observe the example that is laid down in the following work, they being all fitted for the tenth day of March, being on a Wednesday in the year 1641 according to the old account. To know what is attributed to the 7 Planets, I do refer you to the books of Astrology whereof large volumes hath been written.
When the seal is made according to the former directions, lay it upon the Table of Practice, upon that part of the Table that it notes with the Character that the Lord of the Ascendant is of, lay your hand on the seal & say the Conjuration that is at the latter end of this third part for it serves of all, only changing the names according to the time you work.
The perfume is to be made of such things as is attributed to the 7 Planets
I let >>90104 handle this one
I like astrology but not when it starts to be restraining and anal about every hour and day.
02/18/17 (Sat) 18:01:13 No. 92596
Rolled 5, 6, 6, 2 = 19 (4d6)
fair enough, when you do feel like please come back.
02/18/17 (Sat) 18:01:24 No. 92597
Isn't that just like taking a occult recipe.. and using substitutes?
02/18/17 (Sat) 18:07:52 No. 92599
Rolled 5, 3, 1, 4 = 13 (4d6)
Chaos magic? nah They just tell you to make a sigil and charge it with intent. Then give you little tidbits that they picked up.
>using substitutes
seems like they just cut most other stuff out and try and get down to what magic is but I that's just my point of view tbh
02/18/17 (Sat) 18:10:34 No. 92601
Then I was not talking about chaos magick. I was talking about people tweaking spells for modern day using substitutes for the magical recipe.
02/18/17 (Sat) 18:16:55 No. 92602
>tweaking spells for modern day
Which is the end goal of this thread but you gotta cut out the shit that's dated
>using substitutes for the magical recipe.
What makes a good substitute and why? The only one who could this are old school wizards and they would most likely tell you not to cut corners
02/18/17 (Sat) 18:17:54 No. 92603
The only one who could answer this
02/18/17 (Sat) 18:30:14 No. 92605
These be the 12 Seals which is Attributed to the 12 Signs and the 360 Angels Aforesaid
Make this seal of mars 1 ounce sun 2 Drams venus 2 scruples & melt them together when the sun enters the first degree aries on the day of mars
When the moon is in the 9 or 10 degree of aries make it or finish it.
>giving physical measurements to metaphysical material
Case and point if you know any substitutes for this I'm all ears if not I am gonna disregard it.
02/18/17 (Sat) 18:34:12 No. 92606
Ars Almadel pt. I: the Almadel & Altitudes
Determine the current Zodiac sign of the Sun and thereby your current Altitude.
Create an Almadel and four taper candles out of wax, carving the prescribed design into the Almadel, and create or otherwise procure the rest of the furniture in the color proper to that Altitude. A gold or silver seal is described and reference is also made in the text of the invocation to a 'crystal stone' wherein the angel is asked to appear visibly.
Creation of the Almadel as well as the invocations should be done on a Sunday.
>four taper candles out of wax
I'm surprised it didn't say I needed to make them out of the fat of a Chimera and sprinkle ruby dust on them.
02/18/17 (Sat) 18:38:14 No. 92607
Ars Almadel pt. II: Proper Times & Invocation
Based the current Zodiac sign of the Sun, Invoke the proper Angel(s) and make your request.
Creation of the Almadel as well as the invocations should be done on a Sunday.
>because metaphysical entities are bound by the rules of time
02/18/17 (Sat) 18:45:07 No. 92608
Rolled 3, 6, 3, 3 = 15 (4d6)
Well these were my main gripes with the solomon magic. I like the drawings and aesthetics of it though
02/18/17 (Sat) 19:24:57 No. 92614
I just meant.. you would make it work. Substitutes….tweaking.. it all would depend on whatever you are working with and if it's possible.. pretty much winging it…
02/18/17 (Sat) 19:25:42 No. 92615
Oh.. well.. with care of course.. don't want to be dumb about it…
02/18/17 (Sat) 19:30:23 No. 92616
Rolled 1, 1, 4, 2 = 8 (4d6)
>you would make it work
Then there no need for all this convoluted bullshit if it's all my intent and will
>pretty much winging it
That's still sounds like chaos magic to me. I admit I gave a gross generalization of it but that was just based on my research.
spurdo if you got anything then feel free to add your wisdom
02/18/17 (Sat) 19:35:04 No. 92617
For example with hoshen stones.. it calls for a diamond but using a quartz is fine?With cooking for example.. if you don't have something.. YOU USE A SUBSTITUTE?
02/18/17 (Sat) 19:36:48 No. 92618
Is anyone understanding what I'm saying?
02/18/17 (Sat) 19:43:01 No. 92619
Rolled 3, 2, 5, 6 = 16 (4d6)
>it calls for a diamond but using a quartz is fine?
You tell me
no we get it
but I'm not gonna find a substitute for every little god damn thing on their list
I rather do pic related and then go through all this nonsense.
02/18/17 (Sat) 19:45:07 No. 92620
So.. you would not be doing a spell? No ritual? Nothing?
02/18/17 (Sat) 19:46:58 No. 92621
Do you know how to follow recipes?
02/18/17 (Sat) 19:49:03 No. 92622
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>92621
Tfw that is not how you do magick.
02/18/17 (Sat) 19:49:27 No. 92623
Rolled 4, 5, 6, 1 = 16 (4d6)
>you would not be doing a spell?
No I would just getting rid of the stuff that's not useful
>No ritual?Nothing?
I never said that I'm fine with some of the stuff but like I said in >>92608
some of it is just plain stupid.
Do you know how NOT to be a bullshit occultist?
02/18/17 (Sat) 19:50:32 No. 92624
I mean..I guess it could be.. if you have your formula down… b-but
02/18/17 (Sat) 19:52:20 No. 92625
People do things differently. No need to be upset. What works for one person.. won't work for another. I just meant if you were doing a SPECIFIC.. sort of thing..
02/18/17 (Sat) 19:53:36 No. 92626
Rolled 2, 5, 6, 5 = 18 (4d6)
The only way you would know which substitutes are good is by doing it your self and finding out which "ingredients" work. I'm NOT spending over a thousand dollars on crystals and other larping tripe just on a chance.
02/18/17 (Sat) 19:55:18 No. 92627
>No need to be upset.
sorry but it's hard not to be annoyed by snide little comments like >>92621
maybe follow your own advice and not get upset that I'm "attacking" your system
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:00:16 No. 92628
..stuff like this but for magic instead of cooking..
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:03:23 No. 92629
I don't see why attack in would be needed. I am not attacking you.. so why would you be attacking me. I am just trying to explain and communicate stuff. I feel that you're not understanding what I am saying. I don't see why we can't meet some where in the middle.. and it's always fine to agree..to disagree
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:03:24 No. 92630
Rolled 5, 6, 1, 5 = 17 (4d6)
Then fucking make a list of substitutes for every little thing they want. I'm not gonna do that.
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:04:42 No. 92631
Ummm there are a million spells in the world.
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:08:19 No. 92632
Rolled 6, 2, 1, 4 = 13 (4d6)
>I don't see why attack in would be needed.
I'm assuming that's just the way you feel. and
>so why would you be attacking me.
confirms it
>I am just trying to explain and communicate stuff I feel that you're not understanding what I am saying.
fantastic any thing else bubala?
Then fucking list them
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:09:51 No. 92633
spurdo you might want to take lessons from gondola
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:12:43 No. 92634
Why don't you go find them?
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:14:33 No. 92635
I am not the one upset here. That other poster is butt frustrated.
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:17:18 No. 92636
Rolled 1, 6, 5, 6 = 18 (4d6)
Because that's not solomon magic
Also don't move the goal post.
>I'm so NOT upset that I have to make a post sating it.
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:17:52 No. 92637
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:19:16 No. 92638
I was talking about magic in general.
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:24:28 No. 92639
Rolled 4, 2, 1, 4 = 11 (4d6)
and so far you added nothing other than
let me guess your some kike that owns a "magic shop" and are defending his profits.
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:28:36 No. 92640
Nope. Did you at least understand the main thing I was trying to explain?
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:31:21 No. 92641
wow great advice m8
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:31:55 No. 92642
:) thank you. Have a nice day.
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:36:43 No. 92643
Rolled 4, 2, 6, 2 = 14 (4d6)
nosy aren't ya cunt?
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:40:38 No. 92644
I was adding to the discussion of magick. I am not nosey or going anywhere. I just wanted to communicate a point. Thanks for expressing that you understood.
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:46:19 No. 92645
>I was adding to the discussion of magick
and doing a piss poor job of it
>I am not nosey
clearly you are
02/18/17 (Sat) 20:51:47 No. 92646
How was adding poorly to the discussion nosey?
02/18/17 (Sat) 21:02:26 No. 92653
Rolled 4, 6, 3, 4 = 17 (4d6)
Your little vid proves how "winging it" is retarded and unless you know the RIGHT substitutes it's not gonna work.
you haven't given us a list of good substitutes either.
any other "peals of wisdom" you want to throw before this swine?
It doesn't but when you said >>92642
I assumed you were leaving.
Either start making a list of convenient magical substitutes or actually add something useful.
02/18/17 (Sat) 21:07:01 No. 92655
02/18/17 (Sat) 21:09:39 No. 92656
I added all I wanted to add. I am not spoon feeding you. You do the work if that is the route you want to go down. I don't know. what resources and tools you personally have available at your disposal.. nor what spell(s) that you're interested in.
02/18/17 (Sat) 21:24:55 No. 92657
Rolled 3, 5, 5, 1 = 14 (4d6)
>I added all I wanted to add
and it was useless, now bugger off
>I am not spoon feeding you
great help "master wizard" just because you flay your arms around like a retard and spent god knows how much money on your "ingredients" doesn't make you Hermes Trismegistus.
>You do the work if that is the route you want to go down
Clearing the path with Occam's machete
>I don't know. what resources and tools you personally have available at your disposal
you made that painfully clear when your only "help"was
cause you know we all have wads of cash laying around to spend on your
02/18/17 (Sat) 21:51:27 No. 92658
I never said that you had to pay a butt load for ingredients. Where did I say that?
02/18/17 (Sat) 21:59:25 No. 92660
I don't think you understand wtf substitutes are.
02/18/17 (Sat) 22:01:58 No. 92661
Pearls into the trash.
02/18/17 (Sat) 22:33:21 No. 92662
Rolled 3, 2, 1, 6 = 12 (4d6)
>whats that your (substitute) didn't work? How about you try (other bullshit substitute)
Cause you know magic has nothing to do with intent and will just what sparkly dodads you can get a hold of.
(tips fedora)
>I am not spoon feeding you
>Their pearls because I said so
It must be nice being a BULLSHIT OCCULTIST who larps like he has wisdom and doesn't have to prove it.
02/18/17 (Sat) 22:49:13 No. 92667
I don't think you're understanding me.
02/18/17 (Sat) 22:51:14 No. 92668
Rolled 2, 1, 4, 5 = 12 (4d6)
No I am
But I don't think these are pearls and I don't believe you know anything about magic.
02/18/17 (Sat) 22:52:06 No. 92669
There are many different types of magic.
02/18/17 (Sat) 22:55:56 No. 92671
Rolled 4, 3, 4, 5 = 16 (4d6)
but yet you wont say what they are.
or why you have to do x y z.
if you want me to believe you or listen to your advice then PROVE TO ME that you actually have some wisdom and not just hide behind vague bullshit.
02/18/17 (Sat) 22:56:44 No. 92672
Rolled 3, 6, 4, 5 = 18 (4d6)
what is your school of magic anyways?
02/18/17 (Sat) 23:08:55 No. 92675
Doesn't fringe have an occult library? Doesn't it contain many different types of magic? Don't you have a search engine?
02/18/17 (Sat) 23:18:14 No. 92677
Rolled 1, 1, 6, 1 = 9 (4d6)
>PROVE TO ME that you actually have some wisdom and not just hide behind vague bullshit.
>proceeds to prove my point
well done
02/18/17 (Sat) 23:23:38 No. 92678
Rolled 2, 6, 2, 6 = 16 (4d6)
It must be nice being a BULLSHIT OCCULTIST who larps like he has wisdom and doesn't have to prove it.
It must be nice being a BULLSHIT OCCULTIST who larps like he has wisdom and doesn't have to prove it.
It must be nice being a BULLSHIT OCCULTIST who larps like he has wisdom and doesn't have to prove it.
02/18/17 (Sat) 23:24:49 No. 92679
I don't need to prove anything to you.
02/18/17 (Sat) 23:26:06 No. 92680
Prove stuff to yourself.
02/19/17 (Sun) 00:03:11 No. 92683
Rolled 1, 5, 3, 5 = 14 (4d6)
>I don't need to prove anything to you.
>yet I'm gonna larp like I have wisdom
>Prove stuff to yourself.
already have and now I'm trying to come up with a better more concise magical system. You just came in here said
and I dont have to prove anything and it might work.
>Doesn't have to prove wisdom
02/19/17 (Sun) 00:16:27 No. 92690
Rolled 2, 2, 1, 4 = 9 (4d6)
I'm pretty sure Hermes,Jesus, Buddha had to…. you know…. show people they were enlighten with their actions and words. That's why theirs an almost endless amount of books on them. Had they done what your doing now, no one would have given them the time of day.
02/19/17 (Sun) 00:27:03 No. 92692
Jesus was an ayyyy lmao.
02/19/17 (Sun) 00:28:40 No. 92693
I would ask you to prove that but….uh…….BULLSHIT OCCULTIST
02/19/17 (Sun) 00:29:23 No. 92694
I don't want to prove or need to prove myself to others. I don't need external validation in that form.
02/19/17 (Sun) 00:31:59 No. 92695
Rolled 3, 2, 5, 3 = 13 (4d6)
but all these guys
if they wanted people to listen to them.
>Jesus was an ayyyy lmao.
>just trust me goys
02/19/17 (Sun) 00:35:10 No. 92696
>I don't want to prove or need to prove myself to others
because you can't
02/19/17 (Sun) 00:35:11 No. 92697
Idon't want you to listen to me. Do your own thing.. follow your own path and do what works for you. >>92695
02/19/17 (Sun) 00:36:16 No. 92698
I have nothing to prove to you. The only person I have to prove things to is myself.
02/19/17 (Sun) 00:38:02 No. 92699
02/19/17 (Sun) 00:38:42 No. 92700
Rolled 1, 4, 1, 6 = 12 (4d6)
then don't add your piss poor wisdom to the discussion
02/19/17 (Sun) 00:40:02 No. 92701
I don't. If it doesn't agree with you.. let go of it and find something that works. >>92700
You're rude and grouchy.
02/19/17 (Sun) 00:41:45 No. 92702
Rolled 5, 6, 1, 5 = 17 (4d6)
and your useless and a waste of space.
You dont understand there was only SOMETHINGS I had problems with the key of solomon NOT all of it.
02/19/17 (Sun) 00:44:39 No. 92703
That quote sounds a lot like "believe only the things that agree with your already formed preconceptions of the world, your philosophies and your political beliefs", ie masturbatory reading
02/19/17 (Sun) 00:46:23 No. 92704
I am going to hide this thread now. That disrespect was rude and uncalled for. You have been nothing but rude and I have tried to be helpful and thought maybe you would share your own personal insight. All you have done is give non constructive criticism and bash me. Take care. I'm done.
02/19/17 (Sun) 01:37:10 No. 92706
Rolled 5, 1, 2, 1 = 9 (4d6)
>masturbatory reading
and it suits him perfectly
>I am going to hide this thread now
being this butt flustered
>That disrespect was rude and uncalled for.
you get what you give
>I have tried to be helpful
>All you have done is give non constructive criticism
not my fault some of the magic is fucking dumb
>Take care. I'm done.
FINALLY! now piss off.
02/19/17 (Sun) 02:17:03 No. 92708
right sorry guys I WAS gonna do the rest of them and maybe we could have decided to make the ultimate magical system but the retard got in the way. Cant promise I wont respond next time but well see. Also if smiley deletes my thread he just a fanny bothered kike.
02/19/17 (Sun) 02:28:32 No. 92710
You are all bullshit occultists because magic is for malnourished sissies while real men manifest glory through the golden elixir, just like Buddha.
02/19/17 (Sun) 02:31:35 No. 92711
shouldn't have posted that webm, now the real troll is here
02/19/17 (Sun) 02:42:04 No. 92712
Deep you have sunk into delusion. I'm not sure what you namefags and loosh posters are up to, but it's dangerously close to sinister AI. In fact, you are already soul-captured I guarantee it.
Meanwhile I'll just chill over here being all liberated and sheeeeeeeit.
02/19/17 (Sun) 02:47:27 No. 92713
>dangerously close to sinister AI
gotta play with the bot if you want info
>In fact, you are already soul-captured I guarantee it.
maybe….I feel fine and my soul is there.
sorry man I don't doubt what you feel but I doubt drinking piss is gonna cure everything
Solaris Invictus !8/RCUiyzNU 02/20/17 (Mon) 01:27:46 No. 92760
to be honest fam (can I call you fam? thanks fam) all of that sounds pretty badass magical, and before I ever got involved with the occult and thought what I would do without ever researching any of this shit, is pretty much exactly the type of stuff they're prescribing to do.
Bullshit occultist detected. Respect the effort you need to put in or be a programmers equivalent of a script kiddy or doxxer.
02/20/17 (Mon) 02:14:20 No. 92763
>name fag
can you at least larp like a better anon
tbh smh fammy
>what I would do without ever researching any of this shit,
Have you done it? Cause I'm not gonna do it until I cut outs some of the bugs.
>is pretty much exactly the type of stuff they're prescribing to do.Bullshit occultist detected
>nice meme
If it works then It doesn't need all these stupid dress up just the right cause and effect
>Respect the effort you need to put in or be a programmers equivalent of a script kiddy or doxxer.
but enlighten us friend have you done it? then you wont mind answering a few questions then….or you know actually help instead of blindly defending king solomon.
we already got…
or we can shit fling your call
02/20/17 (Mon) 02:24:43 No. 92764
For a board supposedly into a heightened existence, this sure is a cynical thread showing much mental weakness. I bet y'all don't even exercise.
02/20/17 (Mon) 02:28:54 No. 92766
Rolled 6, 5 = 11 (2d6)
>literally google magic circle
>See this
>pssssh your in over your head kid!
really now that's just sad
02/20/17 (Mon) 02:37:58 No. 92767
Rolled 5, 3 = 8 (2d6)
>heightened existence
>Define heightened existence
>cynical thread
>much mental weakness
>How dare he criticize solomon king of kikes!
>I bet y'all don't even exercise.
Did another 50 today, feels good when I remember that I could barley do 10
Solaris Invictus !8/RCUiyzNU 02/20/17 (Mon) 06:03:56 No. 92786
Nah I was just saying I would be fuckin' stoked to do this shit, like, "Fuck yes I'm going to buy lion pelts off of the darknet black markets!!" After doing one of the easier ones of course…. You should just go for it, do one of the easier ones and find out for yourself.
Bitch I can do 3+ one arm push ups, working on the one arm pull up, which of the normal kind I can do about 16 of.
Started going for short jogs too.
02/20/17 (Mon) 06:42:41 No. 92788
>I defend magical systems I haven't used
>Bullshit occultist detected
Irony is lost on you isn't?
>I was just saying I would be fuckin' stoked to do this shit, like, "Fuck yes I'm going to buy lion pelts off of the darknet black markets!!"
thanks but I didn't need your help on that one
>I'm going to buy lion pelts off of the darknet black markets!!"
So you want me to support poaching for….""magic""…that might not work…
or better yet I kill this majestic creature myself while screaming MUH BULLSHIT OCCULTISM!
I DO NOT support poaching of any kind for ANY reason. Self defense is fine but I'm not gonna hurt fluffy bros because my ego is hungry.
>After doing one of the easier ones of course
>of course
>because I know what I'm talking about
>You should just go for it, do one of the easier ones and find out for yourself.
Not until I fix some of the bugs
>Bitch I can do
autistic chimp screeching
Solaris Invictus !8/RCUiyzNU 02/20/17 (Mon) 07:12:25 No. 92791
You sure do love implying. I am aware of the irony. A 3 inch piece of lion pelt is quite the low sacrifice; go ahead and sign some stuff, raise awareness of the endangered status of lions, and perform a magical ritual to their benefit to appease your karmic debt, but I would just look for a used lion pelt. Honestly I wasn't being all that serious in the first place.
I don't know why you would do one of the more difficult, high ingredient rituals first when you've vocalized its functional boundary to your performing a magical ritual. It seems simply a logical next-step to perform a low ingredient ritual, without lion pelts.
Get off your high lion pal. Maybe you should exercise, get motivated for some magic? Maybe do 33 push ups while reciting a 3 word incantation to summon some motivation? Or are you lazy like your lion pals?
02/20/17 (Mon) 08:03:14 No. 92794
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Rolled 75, 40, 38, 75 = 228 (4d100)
>You sure do love implying.
>showing much mental weakness
>I bet y'all don't even exercise.
I liked how you took off the flag. DEFINITELY fooled me.
I am aware of the irony.
>I would just look for a used lion pelt.
Great and where do i get one and how much cause amazon is useless
>Honestly I wasn't being all that serious in the first place.
Then why did you open your mouth?
>It seems simply a logical next-step to perform a low ingredient ritual, without lion pelts.
but the spell calls for LIONS pelt unless goat is fine, how about monkey
>Maybe you should exercise
>You sure do love implying.
>get motivated for some magic?
>Maybe do 33 push ups while reciting a 3 word incantation to summon some motivation?
has that spell worked for you?
>Or are you lazy like your lion pals?
Technique nigga