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Esoteric Wizardry


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


(waves arms around like a retard)

Abracadabra! hocus pocus! افتح يا سمسم‎‎!


File: 4cf15ef6cf797d6⋯.jpg (48.09 KB, 553x355, 553:355, telephone1.jpg)


Waving your arms takes energy, be careful.


File: 31e9b1e902c3d28⋯.png (194.49 KB, 643x507, 643:507, Being a black knight is mu….png)


It's that flapping motion thing that I've heard autists do. They wave there arms like a bird.. I have yet to see it.


Dice rollRolled 21, 54 = 75 (2d88)

I'm just gonna…..yyyyeah.

# kek

# Thoth'sphone


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dice rollRolled 6, 72 = 78 (2d99)

Hello operator? Yes connect me to Thoth please….sure I'll hold……


File: 48f8157d69dadf2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 97.6 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, myvoiceisinyourheadnow.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 68, 8 = 76 (2d69)




File: bb813419d60037e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 110.96 KB, 736x475, 736:475, thoth2toearth.jpg)




File: 55c2bf5038a9c3e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 15.68 KB, 720x405, 16:9, e2a.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 2, 4 = 6 (2d6)


Yes Mr.Dr.Professor Thoth…hi neophyte here…I'm afraid I have gotten stuck on my journey. I LOVE learning but it seems my external sources are thin now a days.

The more I read the more I realize that I don't know anything. I have read lots of books but they dont give me the knowledge I crave anymore. History,philosophy,math are all FASCINATING but I when I realize my life hasn't changed well..it's a little discouraging. It seems like knowledge that changes lives comes from within.

What are some ways I can access my inner genius/magus so that I can start changing my realty?


File: c38699d4dbb6bfe⋯.jpg (89.11 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, d212df6da4dc7ed6cbce65d79e….jpg)


Hello…….who is this?



OH Hermes Trismegistus! I BESEECH THEE! I apply the seven laws in all the ways I can comprehend. I meditate on all books of any school and always find wisdom. You said once to not cast pearls before swine but I am a man living in a world made by boars. I have found peace and solemn beauty in not just the world but in what is and could be. But my fortune is ruined when boars ask "if your so smart where are your truffles?" XDXDXD!!!!! :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^). Dishearten I pick up my cracked pearls and ponder: "why do I still hold on to these?" "I'm a mad man chasing a fools dream?" I look for answers but only find more questions. I am staring at the abyss and it is glaring back at me. Hermes Trismegistus! What are thine magic words so that I may transcend my limitations?



There is no difference between truth and fiction. There are, instead, a multiplicity of truths.


File: aac56b703913e07⋯.jpg (7.53 KB, 320x246, 160:123, thoth.jpg)

hello…HELLO?!!……..God I hate when this happens….It's creepy






hhhmmmm that was weird……….maybe I should actually dial a number this time?…..


Dice rollRolled 61, 73, 13, 83, 72, 34, 18, 19 = 373 (8d88)

I'm just gonna…….…..yyyyyyeah…….

## killyourself # nope ## nosy aren't ya cunt? ## :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^) # >>92643

## sup? # you want something? ## killyourself # you # should probably go

# die ## die # just fucking die # Eris ## You stay here # You'll go ## mad ## which is a # good thing ## for me # Cthulhu

## nope # no # nein ## нет # YourNumber ## wut? # JUST LEAVE! ## …… # I warned you


Dice rollRolled 26, 22, 3, 3, 37, 4, 30, 51, 13 = 189 (9d55)


WHOOPSIE! Almost messed it up! I should probably get some sleep…….I'm…..just….gonna….yeah

## killyourself ## don't you have # something better to do ## :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^) # >>92763

## hi # you lost? ## Chaos # you should probably go ## or stay

# you're # gonna ## DIE ## Ever wonder # what it's like ## in somebodies head? # wringwring # wringwring # mysteryphone

## nope ## wut? # JUST LEAVE! ## …… ## I like you # babe'sphone ## wanna play?



sssssshhhh…wwwrrrr(click) 8

sssssshhhh…wwwrrrr(click) 8

sssssshhhh…wwwrrrr(click) 8








right you told me to call you now what?



pretty sure I'm not the one you should be calling


first you say call,now your saying I got the wrong guy? what gives pal?



>Implying ((( I ))) said anything

I'm not the one you REALLY want to call



You gonna help or not asshole?




Right, don't need "MAGIC" for this one. You owe somebody an apologie.



screw you, I don't owe you dick. My game my rules.



dude man, this is your higher self speaking XDXDXDXD! ;^) :p

look you shouldn't need magic on a what seems like a simple issue TO ME. This will be the only time I can say this.

Look at your thoughts dummy and maybe try different phone.


Dice rollRolled 17 (1d100)


how'd you know what phone I was on?


Dice rollRolled 4 (1d100)


Ever wonder # what it's like ## in somebodies head? # wringwring # wringwring # mysteryphone

or this one ## killyourself



easy their friend, that salt mine belongs to me. You shouldn't be playing with that.

but just so were clear this is…##killyourself I warned you



right so whats the point of this thread exactly? Are you and BO fighting?


Dice rollRolled 7, 2, 12, 10, 8, 12, 12, 2 = 65 (8d12)


wouldn't you like to know? :^)

ssshhhh I'm playing with the bot


Dice rollRolled 5, 2, 3, 3, 1, 9, 10, 10 = 43 (8d12)


>the bot?

So your saying BO is a bot?…not real? Are you real? Why play with the bot?


Dice rollRolled 2, 3, 3, 2 = 10 (4d6)


>Why play with the bot?

Because were playing the same game dummy

## Ever wonder # what it's like ## in somebodies head? # wringwring # wringwring

bot doesn't like dice


Dice rollRolled 3, 2, 1, 1 = 7 (4d6)


>Because were playing the same game

I get a sneaking suspicion were not


Dice rollRolled 13, 6, 8, 7, 6, 2, 9, 6 = 57 (8d13)







Nice rolls! wanna play again?



Nope! I don't know whats going here but I don't think I want anything to do with it. Good job guy you definitely make question my sanity


File: dde24a2e2b3ecda⋯.gif (2.72 MB, 500x375, 4:3, (((YOU)).gif)


>MFW I remember what game I'm playing

>MFW every time board was wiped it was someone killing themselves

>MFW I remember this thread when I first came in fringe

>MFW I knew it was the same guy ((( ME )))

>MFW I cant remember how this thread ends

>MFW this was a last ditch effort to reason with myself

>MFW you didn't listen

>MFW if I try and quit they will remind me I'm still playing

Pay attention to >>93149

Dont forget to hang up the phone like this…(click) just because you stop posting doesn't mean we stop playing

# you # should probably go ## …… # I warned you




File: 91a8673ceb968e3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 67.35 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, ringringIt'sForU.jpg)

Ding-a-ling # ling-ling ## ling-ling ## ling-ling # Boo-ba-doo-ba-doop Boo-ba-doo-ba-doop

# Ring ## ring ring # ring ring # ring ring ## banana-phone

# Ring ring ring ## ring # ring ring # ring # banana-phone

I've got this ## feeling so # appealing For # us to Get ## together and sing. # Sing!

# Ring ## ring # ring # ring ## ring # ring # ring banana-phone

Ding # dong ## ding dong # ding dong ding ## donana phone

It grows in ## bunches I've got my # hunches It's the # best! # Beats the rest # Cellular modular, ## interactivodular

# Ring ## ring ring # ring ring # ring ring ## banana phone ## Boo-ba-doo-ba-doop

# Ping pong ping # pong # ping # pong ping # panana phone

It's no # Bologna it ain't a ## phony My cellular ## bananular phone

Don't need # quarters don't need dimes, To call a # friend of mine!

Don't need # computer or # TV,To have a real good time!

I'll call for # pizza I'll call my ## cat I'll call the # white house have a chat!

I'll place a call around the # world, operator get me bejing # jing ## jing # jing!

# Ring # ring ## ring # ring # ring # ring ## ring banana phone # Boop-boo-ba-doo-ba-doop

## Yin # yang ## yin yang yin # yang ying # yonana phone

It's a # real live # mama and ## papa phone,

A brother and sister and a dogaphone

A # grandpa phone and a grandma phone too! Oh # Yeah!

## My cellular, bananular phone!!!!!

## Banana phone, ring ring ring! It's a phone with # appeal!

Banana phone, ring ring ring! Now you can have your # phone and ## eat it too!)

Banana phone, ring ring ring! This song drives # YOU, Bananas! Banana phone, ring ring ring!


File: 2e09278386b997a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 24.44 KB, 1665x521, 1665:521, wannaPlaySailor.PNG)

Dice rollRolled 28, 7, 6 = 41 (3d69)

# Skipper's in the ## wardroom drinking # gin, ( # Hey -oh, chicken on a ## raft )

I don't ## mind knocking but I ain't # going in, ( ## Hey -oh, ## chicken on a raft )

'Jimmy's' ## laughing like a # drain (Hey -oh, # chicken on a raft)

Been looking at ## m' 'comic cuts' ## again # (Hey -oh, chicken on a raft)

## Chicken on a raft on a # Monday morning, oh what a # terrible sight to see,

## Dabtoes' for'd and the # Dustmen aft sitting there picking at a ## chicken on a raft

hey-oh, ## chicken on a # raft oy-oh, chicken # on a raft

## Hey-oh chicken # on a raft, ## Oy-oh # chicken on a raft.

They gave me the # Middle and the ## Forenoon too, ( Hey -oh, # chicken on a raft )

And now I'm ## pulling in the # whaler's crew, (## Hey -oh, chicken on a raft )

# Seagulls wheeling overhead, (Hey -oh, # chicken on a raft )

I ought to be flogging in a feather bed. ( ## Hey -oh, chicken # on a raft )

I had a little # girl in ## Donny B* ( # Hey ## oh, chicken** on a raft )

And oh, she made a ## fool of # me ( # Hey -oh, chicken on a raft )

Her ## heart was like a # Pusser's shower, (Hey # oh,## chicken on a raft)

From ## hot to ## cold in a quarter of an # hour (He # y -oh, chic ken # on a raft )

An ## Amazon girl lives in ## Dumfries ( # Hey -oh, ## chicken o n ## a raft )

She only has # kids in ## twos and ## threes ( # Hey -oh, chic ken # on a raf t )

Her # sister lives in # Maryhill ( # Hey # oh ## chicken on a raft )

She says she ## won't but I think she # will (Hey -oh, chicken on a raft)

We ## kissed goodbye on the midnight # bus (Hey # oh, chicken on a raft)

She didn't ## cry she # didn't fuss ( # Hey -oh chicken ## on a raft )

Am I the man that she ## loves best ( # Hey -oh chicken on a raft )

Or am I just a ## cuckoo in another man's nest? ( ## Hey -o h, chic # ken on a raft )


Dice rollRolled 64, 48, 36, 10 = 158 (4d66)

# Little Weapon # Little Weapon ## Little Weapon

We're calling you…..# Cthulhu'sphone ## There's a war

# if the guns ## are just too tall ## for you

# We'll find you # something small ## to use

## Little Weapon # Little Weapon # Little Weapon

We need you now

# A macabre Parade ## of the toys ## he made # sanity frayed # we whittle # your soul away

## They struggle # only to learn # it was in vain ## To fear no pain # and hear no tongue

# I hear ## no screams # and I shed no tears ## If I'm in ## your dreams # then your end # is near

## Little Weapon # Little Weapon ## Little Weapon

We're calling you…..# Azathoth'sphone ## There's a war

# if the guns # are just too tall ## for you

## We'll find you ## something small # to use

# Little Weapon ## Little Weapon # Little Weapon

We need you now

ph'nglui mglw'nafh n'gha-ghaa naf'lthagn


File: 72fd56fd1dacf75⋯.webm (3.87 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1478518624.webm)


Hello operator? Yes connect me to Cthulhu please….YES I'm sure..…alright I'll hold……


File: 14e499dc9b0d374⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 73.28 KB, 742x805, 106:115, cthulhu-rising.jpg)



hi Mr.Cthulhu? What are some ways that I can harness magick and bend others toward my will?


File: ed5cd70ca343e97⋯.jpg (59.8 KB, 404x550, 202:275, Cthulhu.jpg)


vulgtlagln ya ah ee athg s'uhn c- k'yarnak r'luh phlegeth shagg shogg nilgh'ri ah hafh'drn hai sll'ha hrii gof'nn hupadgh n'ghft

c- ch' ebumna tharanak syha'h



I did that already.


File: 8dd8ebbfafaf291⋯.jpg (100.81 KB, 540x405, 4:3, Great-cthulhu.jpg)







File: 2943d03aefb9a4f⋯.jpg (25.41 KB, 300x346, 150:173, -og uaaah.jpg)


-og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah

-og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah

-og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah

-og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah

-og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah

-og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah

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-og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah -og uaaah



so you want me to call you directly instated of your phone? Yeah…nah….I'll pass thanks for your help though.





See I knew this was a bad idea your making me confuse my words, I'm done.






Ring!Ring! Ring!Ring! Ring!Ring!





File: b34bd312a54c283⋯.webm (1.15 MB, 480x360, 4:3, GOTCHA BITCH.webm)




Dice rollRolled 42, 28, 15, 8 = 93 (4d74)


ah fuck now what?



Also how did you get past my magic phone defenses?


File: 07eca0ac3608e8f⋯.jpg (86.44 KB, 900x675, 4:3, cthulhu3543.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 636, 260, 633, 316, 599, 400, 889, 728, 1004, 17, 937, 644, 927, 362, 963, 26, 744, 856, 950, 343, 859, 220, 1020, 699, 31, 529, 266, 73, 493, 313, 333, 109, 573, 966, 424, 152, 346, 292, 879, 329, 309, 795, 973, 216, 136, 915, 242, 880, 751, 171, 203, 589, 390, 202, 268, 420, 731, 534, 493, 204, 847, 825, 312, 399, 771, 735, 550, 96, 7, 408, 424, 316, 183, 376, 531, 319, 271, 772, 178, 1, 943, 381, 590, 312, 582, 857, 732, 293, 370, 204, 496, 196, 9, 807, 595, 779, 521, 124, 875, 528, 532, 278, 843, 714, 654, 353, 12, 925, 105, 190, 926, 27, 571, 495, 339, 132, 331, 50, 425, 701, 253, 920, 896, 262, 706, 470, 20, 207, 594, 894, 734, 106, 152, 556, 820, 806, 909, 832, 710, 1013, 1, 615, 20, 571, 90, 358, 703, 420, 407, 108, 100, 660, 7, 996, 921, 712, 445, 941, 919, 19, 815, 632, 125, 966, 168, 944, 752, 56, 755, 442, 49, 756, 37, 68, 307, 126, 425, 1010, 545, 832, 97, 645, 472, 103, 620, 372, 815, 45, 292, 713, 64, 87, 324, 188, 33, 492, 111, 784, 547, 866 = 96033 (200d1020)


>implying they do anything

I bet you think hiding under neath your blankie protects you from monsters ## goodluck # yourfucked




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