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This is a thread for gnosticism. Probably a well-known subject in here, but just incase there are people who have no idea what it is about; These are the basic notions that [most] gnostic groups agree upon:

>Human is a spiritual creature living in a material body

>The spirit is easily buried under the materialistic stimulus. If a person doesn't seek for spirituality in this day and age, he will be living blinded by the material world

>Everything that exists is made by a universal cosmic consciousness. Human soul is in singularity with this universal consciousness, but burdened by the material world

>The meaning of life is to get to know yourself within. That way he get's to know the universal consciousness - Gnosis

There are countless different gnostic schools of thought and they all argue about the details, but this is the basics that most gnostics admit to.

Gnosticism ascends above all other cultural and religous sects of people:

>There is philosophical gnosticism


>There is the abrahamic gnosticism



>There is buddhist gnosticism


And the list goes on. Gnosis means simply "the truth", and that is what gnostics are attempting to find. Almost all religions have a small grain of truth, and those grains are what gnostics are here to collect.

Even though hermeticism and gnosticism have evolved seperately, there are overwhelming similarities in both teachings. That these both movements for truth have come to almost the same extraordinary conclusions about the essence of reality, independently, is a subject of curiosity in itself.

Picture related, it's some of the "ascended masters", or people who found gnosis and gained eternal life outside the material prison. You can still contact them in the gnosis, even if you weren't ready to fully ascend yet, however it takes a lot of practice and knowledge of self.


I was wondering about that maybe 'gnosis' is the collective unconscious.

the more aware a spirit is to it, the better the connection is to it.


K thx


I've heard it said that gnosis is a mind-virus to be avoided.

Keeping the strongest and most ambitious minds complacent and detached from the world so the elite can do what they please.

I still can't reconcile the world-denying aspects of spirituality with my practical-minded worldly philosophy. What good is discovering the Truth if everything good is wiped out?



Depends on your view of blissful ignorance



Typical meme/chaos magick /pol/ shill. You'll never go anywhere just pastaing all the esoteric info you even bother reading into your mind, stay 'red-pilled' Bro.

And oh yeah the door they showed you after the red pill was also just placebo.

Loosh farmers = /fringe/ shills.

>implying chaos/meme/ego magick > God

First step is realising that you're powerless as opposed to the natural forces and meme magick doesn't work for good reasons, which you should find for yourself.

Hail kek


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I agree, I have tried gnosis, full blown like AIDS. I even tried being as active and work as much as I am suppose to, but again, it is AIDS. I went full gnosis as well, not no half way shit.

Sum totale: Gnosis is to control the strongest and most ambitious minds like you say. I even use to be Buddhist, and have meditated and done Zen, and have done Gnosis which isn't meditation; every time it appears to be the false light lies that keep good men under evil men's thumbs.

Gnosis, not even once. Regain your anger, it is the expansive force that keeps you from being a push over and powerless.


This guy is one degree irony/sarcasm, don't believe he is some double ironic super meta dude, God is really non-existent or at least irrelevant to everything.

Recultivate your anger, from the liver and gallbladder (as far as I know the chinese know the organ associations well). Anger is expansive and creative, a true pioneering force, like trees that spread over the landscape. Your anger is likely hidden in sadness. This is common. Break out of your prison. Most people are anti-anger, and hide it in other emotions like sadness or manipulative "friendliness" "politeness" or "spirituality". These niggers are the greatest threat to mankind today, they're pussies. Limp wristed, weak, tamed, shameful mutts.

Anger will clear everything, give you focus, clarity and vision. Don't stop being angry for anything or anyone. Don't listen to anti-ego bullshit. They're strawmaning the human fucking condition. "Ego" is you, and they want you to destroy yourself. It's fucking bonkers.



Any advice for those looking to get out of this mind-trap? I basically adopted Montalk's brand of Gnosticism after reading Fringe Knowledge, The Kybalion, and some other recommended beginner reading last summer when I went down the rabbit hole. I started learning to control the ego because I bought into the whole attitude of "anger is a negative emotion, and negative emotions only attract entities/situations/circumstances to incur more of themselves", which definitely helped me deal with obstacles/challenges more constructively instead of stressing over shit that I didn't need to/shouldn't be. But I'm starting to think that you guys may be right about that teaching being a perversion by the powers-that-be to keep us mentally cucked and too checked out of reality to achieve our full potential.

Over time, I've come to realize that the anger I've weeded out was what kept me focused/motivated/productive, and now when I face challenges or stressors, I retreat into my vices or just kind of mentally shut down like I used to when I was less mature. Or in place of "anger", I just get annoyed/frustrated or even fall into the vicim mindset of "I'm getting fucked over/this is happening to me". I'm tired of stalling in my spiritual development and my goals in the material world. I'm ready to get pissed again. Where do I start?


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Gnosis isn't a "mind-trap" or all those mouvence wouldn't have been persecuted through the age by the "baddie". Gnosis is just another term for Tao, illumination, christ consciousness, etc.

The point of it, being again part of the ALL… consciously. It's letting the part of divine in you being free and active.

And yes, by going on that path, you'll lose any interest with mundane life. What's the point of dancing with the mad ? Why using your power to hurt or use when you already have everything you need ? Why would you hate a part of yourself ?

The real trap is thinking whe have to smite the "baddie" while all you need to do is teaching and BE.


You have experimented with that mindset, and it apparently did good to you. Why would that change now ?

You need to be perseverant and stand up. Fight against your attachements.

What are those vices, when are they manifesting, how ? What can you do to stop them, etc etc

It's work, a lot of work cause we've been indoctrinated since birth.

To finish, you don't have to be angry to be productive. Anger is a negative polarity of the fire element, bring the positive one in your life so you can act.

>as always sorry for the engrish



Kill the ego and don't be cucked. Unite the polarities. Jesus was angry in the temple when he expelled the merchants. Every emotion has a pure form and a negative inversion. Destroy the ego and cultivate the highest purest emotions.

There are lots of psyops going on to associate certain ideas with personalities. Understand them and extract the gold from the sludge. Unleash your fury with the highest, most subtle degree of knowledge and consciousness.

What you truly need is knowledge, wisdom, development. Cultivate these with any emotion you wish. Feel the emotion rising in you and channel it everywhere, positive feedback loop more emotion, until you become a demigod.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Too many words. Losing meaning.

Maybe read some Gnostic texts if you want to glimpse it, instead of autistic reinterpretations and justifications which blind one to reality.

Gnosis is our natural state, not your fettered mind.

You aren't going to find Gnosis on this retarded namefag kike shill trap board. It's the antithesis. Only if you were led to such information via intuition would you know you were on the right track.

This compartmentalized website structure is hilarious as it is impotent.


Does any one have a list of/links to their recommended Gnostic texts and/or resources? I intend on going through the Nag Hamadi and have studied Hermeticism to a reasonable degree, but would like to learn more about this.



Jesus and his Essenes bordering on sex cult where they consumed aborted fetuses for nutrition to fuel their communing with God and ecstatic state.

The Hebrews who became Druids when migrating to the British Isles and founded unsurpassed universities while erecting monoliths and later cathedrals.

Those Egyptian priests who mastered the mysteries easily due to lineage from the progenitors of our race and also excelled in shaping stones, the most lasting form of communication.

Aryan Vedics and their modern remnants like the gracious Anastasia who still lives today in deep Siberia or parts unknown to Vladimere Megre.

Gnosticism is something you do. It finds you. I hear Google is also good.



Dude give the fuck up and come to /x/ we have some nice threads, everyone on here's just trying to fucking shill you.



Senseless wrath is bad, even 'the gods' get 'mad' you know, but you should use this 'anger' for a higher purpose, not to erradicate the infidels, but to teach those who seek, and just turn your cheek on the infidels and leave them behind, it's their choice, be ignorant or straighten the fuck up.

Most people are just on here because they would get insta-shilled/banned for being so clouded by wanting to be special snowflakes and having their own specific religion and disregarding anything they don't see fit.

Gnosis IS a virus if you're a fucking zen-buddhist faggot, they literally lust for satori after satori never using their knowledge for actual practices, like teaching the masses, they just sit up their in their holy reddit temples and circlejerk themselves into thinking they're reaching 'higher states of consciousness', they literally haven't heard of entities like Djinn's who will show you ANYYYTHIING for a dime, and that dime is the energy you create through these epiphany like states.

Reaching states of 'gnosis', yes it can be used as a verb, look that shit up, should be limited to 60 minutes a day and you should not fall for the 'magic-itus' as they call it, where you're being bent into a state of delirium by some entity trying to tell you that EVERYTHING is magical and there's nothing but magic, because nigga, 90% of your life should be the fresh air that's called out fucking side and real life.

You should be able to 'keep character' within the real world, be a functioning member of society and be able to actually use the so called 'magic' that you're learning for practical use in the real world, you need to test that shit so you know you're not getting duped by some entity presenting itself as 'The All' speaking to you, meanwhile your retarded ass is just being loosh farmed big time by a Demon, Djinn, Alien or what so fucking ever.





>implying chaos/meme/ego magick > God

>Chaos magic = God




>Regain your anger, it is the expansive force that keeps you from being a push over and powerless.


God is really non-existent or at least irrelevant to everything.

irrelevant to most things, but just my opinion

>Anger will clear everything

gonna have to disagree on that one. Cant solve ALL your problems with anger just most


>What you truly need is knowledge, wisdom, development. Cultivate these with any emotion you wish.

This, the only reason why I got so far was because I was angry at my ignorance


>Only if you were led to such information via intuition would you know you were on the right track.



are you gonna leave with him?


>Senseless wrath is bad, even 'the gods' get 'mad' you know, but you should use this 'anger' for a higher purpose,

>When gods use it because of higher purpose

If you read some of those myths the gods were actually pretty shallow.



Yeah excuse my previous sperging, I thought Chaos Magick was all this 'hail kek' shit the blind retards do on here, I got majorly redpilled over on /x/ tho.

I've also come to realize that I've been a chaos magician ever since I started magick, so I can't complain.


>If you read some of those myths


Eh, just kidding, but anyone following/hailing a shallow God get what they ask for honestly.

Also most of the God's from the myths stem from the collective subconscious (claim) from the society/civilization that hailed them, and stemming from a majorly hedonistic society that thinks they're the top of the food chain, are doomed to be proven wrong by other societies on other parts of the planet, that's why I like 'The Old Gods' as I call them the best (The Holy Feminine/Masculine), as these were probably the ones perceiving the human evolution and it's steps towards creating 'dieties' of their own, they might have been the ones to give them this information in the first place to see what the results of humanity toying with these 'higher powers', as we've been proven, it turned out pretty ugly through religious wars and human sacrafice or what not, apart from greece/egypt from what I know, eventho they became corrupt at one point.

I think that's why we're having these 'mass-awakening' these days as we are nearing peaceful days, obviously infidels get the infidel treatment, allahu akhbar and whatnot, I think this is where humanity strives towards becoming 'one with the universe' and soon we will be let into the 'intergalactical commitée', persé.

But I think it's gonna be pretty conspiracy like, for the shit niggers that blindly believe in a 'false' god and are close minded will stay blind, so maybe we're all bound to be 'picked up' by a higher power along our magick journey, that's what I could imagine with this stuff being 'basic knowledge' for anyone who wants to seek, instead of having to walk 3 times around the earth which some magickal scholars did back in the day.


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These are soulless clones, I reckon.

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