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File: de0aa052face85a⋯.jpg (74.85 KB, 696x604, 174:151, leadspielf-696x604.jpg)

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What do you think? tend to think these guys are completely full of shit, especially Michael Prince.

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. )


Literally who?



Max Spiers was definitely legitimate, and was about to expose some really juicy info, he was taken out before he could.

Don't know about the other guy.



Why would you think that? Look at yourself, idiot. Obviously you are simply projecting your own inefficiencies.



I've wondered about these boys as well. Max seems earnest. Michael Prince definitely seems like a liar. They both claim to be of Rothschild descent though and they first appeared being interviewed together so if one isn't legitimate it delegitimizes the other. Why do you think Max is definitely legitimate? I have my reservations but he certainly spins an interesting yarn. His untimely demise lends more credence to it. At any rate glad to see a thread about this guy.


To the mod that anchored this, go fuck yourself. This forum is so goddamn slow in the first place who gives a fuck if i make a new thread to ask a specific question? I made a thread about breathwork in October '16 and its still up. Mods are normalfags


Suck my dick mods



I believed max because of the confirmation bias I tend to give dead people. The only compelling evidence for Prince is that he was in fact married and had a child with a rothschild



Stop shitting up the board like this just because it's slow. The fact it's slow is why we need to moderate like this. If it was very fast your shitpost thread would die pretty quick. As it is, you're just knocking off a good thread.

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