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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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RulesModerator LogLibraryArchivesFAQFringe GuideRanksCSS/fringe//asatru//4chon//ask/#looshFringechan

The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. No identifying posts / namefag drama
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time.
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact live:chanseywrites on Skype to give the board to her.

f32f02 No.93229

Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: http://archive.is/826an FAQ: /fringe/faq.html

95193d No.93234

File: 0b62fe1385161fc⋯.jpg (221.34 KB, 700x960, 35:48, 7a09bca852ede7fb2cf754b233….jpg)

dacb86 No.93238

Do you have to be in the trance state to get anything done with thoughtforms etc? I know they form without it, so how strongly does being in the trance state actually help? Thanks to the anon that answered the rest of my questions in that paragraph in the last thread.

197cc3 No.93245

If the lesser planes can't affect the higher then how come drugs influence thoughts to a great effect?

d4c5a0 No.93247


define lesser planes

865570 No.93260


We're further from the end than you can possibly imagine. You may be very near your own personal end, however. Please do not project.

8b1d66 No.93261


In fact, I'd say we're very close to the beginning. It's not going to be a brutal shift, but it's going to be a noticeable one and I feel like most will survive.

3b633a No.93262

It happens tomorrow, fyi.

0c9d47 No.93263


Lesser and greater are not good terms to use in this context. "Other" is a better term. There are more planes about to collide than you can possibly imagine, but not without survivors. Some of the survivors from those planes are entities you reaaaalllly don't want to meet.

c1d9c6 No.93264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The egg that is my flag is hatching.

deb97b No.93265

Sleep while you can.

5cbb16 No.93266

Game 7 starts tomorrow.

bc4e1c No.93269


"As above so below". Things happen at the same time in higher and lower planes


I am archiving the thread just in case somenthing happens. If it doesn't I'll filter out your name and tripcode for LARPing.

Can it be somehow related to the solar eclipse?

49605c No.93270


It's going to begin with the collapse of Time.

703f6e No.93271


Also, pretty much everyone is going to go completely insane.

587f87 No.93272

Let's just say people are going to stop hiding their power levels and if they can't swim…

0a33d5 No.93273

The unknown hours, not found on any clock, begin at 4:04 AM tomorrow.

6d4ef2 No.93280


Nope. Have fun at your Kool-Aid party.

I know it's a long shot, but does anyone have ideas on developing tulpa cognition? I don't mean the delusional garbage. It's I want to show them a math problem and have them solve it while I do something else, kind of cognition.

969cc1 No.93284

In for another /x/tier roleplay disappointment.

019364 No.93287

Can anybody link me to an babbys first occult reading list?

74a2b2 No.93288



heh, what a joke heh

come to the herd, join the herd, you must submit

612739 No.93289

67d6c5 No.93291

How do I get right with God?

c8ef67 No.93293


Thank you

88b2a3 No.93296


You're going to have to ask something a lot less vague.

b7b10b No.93298

This has no doubt been asked and answered already, but what's up with fringechan and how long has it been in "maintenance mode"?

51dc3e No.93301


see this thread >>78954

cb6d07 No.93302



3353d2 No.93307


I remember reading that the lesser planes don't affect the higher. (Physical not affecting the above)

So what you said doesn't seem like an answer to me. If you receive damage on this plane it will not cause any impact to your other forms. Meanwhile if you get hurt in the astral you will definitely feel it here.

3eeadf No.93310


>I am archiving the thread just in case somenthing happens. If it doesn't I'll filter out your name and tripcode for LARPing.

Since you don't seem to be aware, literally the only thing that tripfag does here is spam bullshit endlessly, and the mods/whoever owns the board now (thanks for the transparency, Fringe Wizard) don't care enough to do anything about it. There are several like them. All the tripfags here post bullshit.

1bbac0 No.93311

I'm set on committing suicide soon. I can't handle life anymore due to interference from negative entities, and my family expecting me to take a full-time job despite needing to sleep for over half the day and suffering from frequent pain/mild torture induced by the negative entity that I can't banish for the life of me.

Anything I should know once I die? Anything to know before I do this?

9c0477 No.93315


You will be tortured and sent back in a worse state. This place is designed to make people beg.

I suggest changing your diet, it sounds like a blood sugar problem, and taking a temporary job until you can run away someplace and live on the cheap doing something else.

907b81 No.93320


kind of


>I'd say we're very close to the beginning

for every end there is a new beginning


interesting, Also I thought you said you love time?



Look at me…LOOK AT ME!… I am the Walrus koo koo ka choo


One of us! One of us! gooble gobble gooble gobble



0ae343 No.93327

Which would be the primary difference between Neoplatonism and Hermeticism? Is there a "superior" system in regards to achieving Union with everything?

fe14eb No.93330


Any sort of name/trip/avatarfags are always cancer as such a thing inevitable builds ego which the removal of such is a key part of the core strength and advantage of chans. At least they are usually easy to filter.

16b4fc No.93333

File: b459c58b5d90d48⋯.jpg (107.88 KB, 1419x1148, 1419:1148, believe.jpg)


>I'm set on committing suicide soon. I can't handle life anymore due to interference from negative entities,

I was in the exact same state as you were in but I used the negative energy force to further propel me into the light, so to speak.

overcome choronzon

checked btw

b1e24b No.93334


holy mother of significant digits

not sure if i should be worried tbh

72d94e No.93338

File: 8d8a368171695e8⋯.jpg (138.36 KB, 1486x994, 743:497, 1355982836600.jpg)

File: b69c3a189d6788a⋯.png (5.06 KB, 820x293, 820:293, 1355983083222.png)

File: 5187e42b0cf69c4⋯.jpg (614 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1355991272466.jpg)

3470cf No.93343


Which timezone?

a16914 No.93344

"One idea comes out of all this, the condemnation of all weakness. This is a particular idea in all our teachings which I like, either in philosophy, or in religion, or in work. If you read the Vedas you will find this word always repeated—"fearlessness"—fear nothing. Fear is a sign of weakness. A man must go about his duties without taking notice of the sneers and the ridicule of the world."

This shit right here is true morality.

40dabb No.93346


Oh, my time is still fine. Time, of course, is a personal affair.

893f5a No.93347


Fuck yes it is, bro. Fear is the mark of the beast. Nothing else.

8db1f7 No.93357

I think its very likely I will be a father within a year and wanted to ask you guys how one could introduce or encourage a child onto the path of the occult.

5374f4 No.93361

"To the man who has begun to hate himself the gate to degeneration has already opened; and the same is true of a nation."

>To illustrate:—All great teachers have taught, "Resist not evil," that non-resistance is the highest moral ideal. We all know that, if a certain number of us attempted to put that maxim fully into practice, the whole social fabric would fall to pieces, the wicked would take possession of our properties and our lives, and would do whatever they liked with us. Even if only one day of such non-resistance were practised it would lead to disaster. Yet, intuitively, in our heart of hearts we feel the truth of the teaching, "Resist not evil." This seems to us to be the highest ideal; yet to teach this doctrine only would be equivalent to condemning a vast portion of mankind. Not only so, it would be making men feel that they were always doing wrong, cause in them scruples of conscience in all their actions; it would weaken them, and that constant self-disapproval would breed more vice than any other weakness would. To the man who has begun to hate himself the gate to degeneration has already opened; and the same is true of a nation.

9a9a28 No.93364


By example. The worst parents are those that don't live and lead by their own example. Don't be the fatty in a messy room who asks their child to clean up, don't encourage interest or fascination in things you can't display any affection for yourself, etc.

The other thing is to integrate it into everything you do. Everything from thinking to sleeping to eating; there is an occult way to stuff.

The other thing is to be conscious that you are creating also the soul of the child each time you feel love towards it and fire off your thoughts to it.

1f7982 No.93365


>Do you have to be in the trance state to get anything done with thoughtforms etc? I know they form without it,

As far as I know, being in trance only helps with concentration and purity of your intentions. Personally, I just sit down, breathe slowly, listen to some nice music, and resonate on the emotion of what your trying to do.

>how strongly does being in the trance state actually help?

It really depends on you, like I said, it helps with concentration, if you got that under your belt, I don't see why you couldn't just do it in calm, collected, at-peace state. Basically, if you "feel" that'll help, go for it, but its not necessarily an arbitrary requirement.

cd708a No.93367


The real greenpill on trance is you're always in a trance. Trance is loosely defined as an state of consciousness other than the ordinary. The automatic result of emotional excitation, intense relaxation, sustained concentration, or other trance-inducing variables is "trance". Now, there are certain forms of trance that denote a kind of unconscious trance, and there are conscious kinds of trances. Many different mental states can be produced. The key is to enter the mental state that supports the work being done by the mind. It is not difficult to enter into and out of trance states, it becomes second nature with practice, and eventually the extraordinary states of mind become the standard for that man.

In general sudden tension is for projection of thoughts and relaxation is for reception of thoughts. Often times an alternation between both is required to perform various works, and being suck in a state of constant tension or relaxation without being able to alternate is a hindrance to mental and bodily functioning.

c388ae No.93369


Is there any particular relationship between Minerva and enyo?

I had dreams with them but I don't understand what they are meant to represent

6c6cba No.93370


Don't mind that link

d034e4 No.93372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

988bb1 No.93373


>Minerva and enyo

I focus on essentials not names. If you can't identify what these entities/names represent I don't have much of anything intelligible to say about them. Anyone, anything, can go by any name it wants; and in the spirit world any form may be assumed and it only suggests at or hints what the real nature of the entity is at best.

55a981 No.93376



We'll I dreamed of Eris telling I had to become immortal but the image was actual of her war associated part enyo and I had another dream of being guided by what I believe were the three fates, ending up fighting monsters with a girl I believe to be Minerva because the name come to me at the end of the dream.

So I'm asking if there is any associatetion between eris/enyo of discord/war and Minerva athenas roman counterpart.

7aa4e8 No.93383


>but I used the negative energy force to further propel me into the light, so to speak.

How did you manage to do this, anon?

15a587 No.93393

Who owns the board now? I don't think I've seen this question get answered yet.

fcf772 No.93395


You might have had a point if you only posted the first image. Aryan =/= Nordic.

ff7731 No.93397

Anyone know of a good place to find audio books other than Youtube?

00c96b No.93398


If I'm really lazy I'll just copy paste the entire book it into ttsreader.com.

347d36 No.93399

1aac63 No.93400


Ayy, I've always wanted to find one of these but I could only find ones with character limits. This one even allows for PDFs which is really neat. Thanks for sharin'


>So is this guy LARPing?


5cf001 No.93401


Don't ever give tripfags attention. It'll make them do it more.

79b01a No.93402


Well considering the shit he said would happen never happened, he's not worth any further attention anyways I suppose. Doubt he will come back.

ca30d4 No.93403

Time and time again I wish that I was a god, but now I'm beginning to think that perhaps I've had these desires even in my past reincarnations. Could this be the case?

07f8d6 No.93405


>thinks these images depict white people despite the blatant subhuman currynigger appearance

2107f4 No.93415

File: 62379a3a2ede0dc⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 1488x1000, 186:125, 12311697.jpg)


From (y)our perspective. What I mean by that is perhaps he was going though something (an emotional experience/trip) which validated those feelings and sensations that yet due to the personal nature it seemed to apply to everything however in practicality was centric to those realms (physical any energetic) that he overlapped with which have a (perhaps) have a lesser degree of similarity to the consensus we are used to. But really yea he's clearly not as coherently in the (common) world. And then there's the fact he's a fucking tripfag, probably some 4cuck cancer tbh.

That said, I can understand some of the sentiment/recognize some of the cyclic and archetypal patterns.


You are a god anon. You just forgot it. The lifestyle of ascension/the magi will help you realize that. Through consciously implementing magic into your day-to-day life you shall awaken and make real or manifest the truth of your divinity though experience.

ab9a28 No.93416






>would happen never happened

>would never happen to you




a41e9c No.93418

Would it be a good idea to use the upcoming Lent as a means of clearing myself of certain bad habits (weed and binge eating in particular), or would the Abrahamic connotations open me up to interference from such entities that would try to fuck me over? I know Semitic religion/spirituality isn't a big hit here, I can vibe with some of the reasoning behind why that is, but I'm not about chugging /pol/-aid by the gallon like people seem to do here. But I'm curious/interested in what you guys have to say on this.

e32986 No.93423


>Would it be a good idea to use the upcoming Lent as a means of clearing myself of certain bad habits

dont see why you would need lent to give stuff up but if you feel it helps then go ahead

>Abrahamic connotations open me up to interference from such entities that would try to fuck me over?

maybe if you fail lent THEN you be opening yourself up to be fucked with.

>certain bad habits (weed and binge eating in particular)

I think your only suppose to give up one thing but your call.

658ea3 No.93424

File: 000a9fba809da90⋯.png (353.59 KB, 1310x2779, 1310:2779, 1463759942989-0.png)

Pic related: guide to eidetic memory. The writer says he has a Memory palace and says he has servitors to memorize and place information in the Memory Palace ( he refers to them all as Tulpas).

>"Third step. Auto-programming or Tupla's. I mentioned earlier that I have five of them. The first one I built when I was 8 years old was a house and in my house I have hundreds of rooms. Each room has something unique and different in it to associate a task. The rest of my Tupla's are librarians that understand the house. Each tulpa acting as a librarian understands different things."

> "I have a handy man that memorizes fixing stuff, very handy when I need to absorb youtube videos of car repair or carpentry or whatever physical stuff I need to learn…"

>"Another knows where the technical information is and sorts it for me like a infinite database of useless and useful facts, stats, news, places, names things."

Having achieved a trance state, how do I then program a servitor to memorize and store info in a memory palace? Just like the author of this guide has.

And while we're at it how do I program servitors to memorize words of a book I glance over or events that I was not particularly paying attention to? I understand Tulpas are capable of noticing things that the host is not paying much attention to.

TL;DR: How do I program a memory servitor like in pic related?

3b18dc No.93425


The timing just happened to work out with it coming up soon and me snacking my way through a shitty month starting to catch up with me. This is part of a process that's been ongoing since the summer, but Lent came up at a convenient time for me to renew my dedication, because I plan on sustaining better habits once the ritual period is over. I know people typically choose one thing to cut out, but those two vices in particular also seem to go hand-in-hand for me, so why not kill two birds with one stone?

e3a2d8 No.93427


>The timing just happened to work out with it coming up

>Lent came up at a convenient time for me to renew my dedication

fair enough

>but those two vices in particular also seem to go hand-in-hand for me so why not kill two birds with one stone?

well when you put it like that, it makes more sense. good luck man

b09228 No.93438

File: 40d400cd7f5c265⋯.jpg (142.55 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, beachmaster5.jpg)


I am glad to see you have seen the light Beachmaster.

896936 No.93445


I dont know, have I?

709c7d No.93469

>420 magician

>gives in to hunger

Absolutely BASE you noob smoker git gd

917739 No.93470


im a girl btw

0904f2 No.93473


You will never into norvini, female

5bb3f3 No.93474


dont touch my kundalini!

5042e4 No.93475

File: 6f8c9a1cc20728c⋯.jpg (211.26 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, beachmaster2.jpg)


The previous BO was a schizophrenic loony canadian autistic savant, so you're already obviously more capable.

ad1248 No.93476



85590c No.93478



I really really really like this new meme of yours. It's very cute.

1f5edb No.93481


For context, I'm also a former fatty that got /fit/ and is trying to stay that way. Also after being a day-in-day-out stoner for about 3 years, all weed does for me anymore is make me tired and lazy. It's not so much about munchies as it is that smoking seems to bring out the kind of shitty emotions that lead me to overeat as a coping mechanism. But I'll see how I look/feel after fixing my diet and keeping off the grass for a month.


thx m8

9e0aa7 No.93482


Congrats on your success. :)

3956b3 No.93486

File: 643beb2919ae445⋯.png (159.82 KB, 400x273, 400:273, beachmaster0.png)






nice post-ironic emoticon ciddie

0684b1 No.93489

Where did all the knowledgeable people on this board go?

d54fe1 No.93490


*slits your throat*

*collects your blood*

*shags a sheep over your corpse*

*drinks your blood as an offering to the pantheon*


3ffd48 No.93493


Are u absolutely epin fret? He smokes and then the boost of energi in his body makes his chakras flare up so they try to heal or deal with trauma and he goes to eat shit, if there was a wizard punishment like there is a pirate punishment in the form of keelhauling I would advokat you be the victim of it.

24f806 No.93499


So me feeling tired and lazy after smoking is the chakras trying to heal themselves or deal with trauma? Could you explain further, I'm genuinely curious.

7ebe60 No.93500


I was congratulating on the self betterment.

5d2dab No.93509


Some of them are still here. It seems proportionally less because there are several anons constantly filling the board with shit. I personally hold onto hope that it'll get better again, or that a better board with constructive rules will be started because one of us will get sick enough of this.

78b9ec No.93510



>anon wonder where smiley is

>doesn't know he ascended with the rest couple of weeks ago

109ab1 No.93511


Yes or you got bad stuff. Try new dealer, switch for brown sometimes.

But yes smoking is a tiny kindaluni, it gives you lots of loosh and empowers most charas which then light up and want to be sorted out because it's in chaos but it wants to align with the strong energy flow but that's not possible because the shot you're trying to pig your way through is clogging up the system, fatty.

ea0bb4 No.93512


One can only be so and so happy if one has experienced so and so unhappyness and vice versa that is that it doesn't matter what you feel but to what degree you feel it, then to grasp, fully, a vice or sin so that one understands it within and without, holding that in mind imagine the opposite of what you are holding and let it /flip/, or slowly acclimate the opposites as you identify them.

941553 No.93516

File: ca099d5a3d3ded0⋯.jpg (1018.5 KB, 1000x1333, 1000:1333, succubus_by_npye13-d9kvxsn….jpg)

I want to know what I need to practice in order to have sex with a succubus without relying on sleep paralysis, dreams and other unconsciously induced factors. Does it come down to a strong imposition of emotion, sound, touch and vision inside your mind? Is the idea that you basically "present yourself" to her in the realm of the mind where she can reach you? I'm guessing through meditation I'd be able to achieve that, right?

The reason why I'm asking is because I think I finally did it, I finally summoned or created or found or whatever a succubus, and she talks to me, and she teases me, but I don't actually know what to do from this point. She's been quite lovely and quite patient with me, since I explained I wasn't very experienced with this whole thing. Basically she told be she wouldn't mind sticking around until I was ready, but I'd rather that be sooner than latter, since she has been getting kind of clingy and needy, and I want her bad as well.

Please help.

5787d4 No.93517

File: 46a1f99f6204a93⋯.jpg (19.24 KB, 450x338, 225:169, chill sill.jpg)



Well what could possibly go wrong anyway?

944e5c No.93519


just shut the fuck up if you have nothing helpful to say, you pretentious piece of shit

eb2a23 No.93520


>a shit


5fcdd8 No.93522


48e804 No.93523


I don't see anything wrong with it, I'm pretty sure she won't harm me.

So can you help me with it?

81b055 No.93524




This is an old archive of /fringe/ threads. There is most likely something for you and anyone else just scrolling through this thread.

And maybe if you're reading this, plz help with my question >>93424 in return

b89a82 No.93525


>There is most likely something for you and anyone else just scrolling through this thread.

Well, yeah, the internet is a big place, I just wanted to present my situation directly since I know how subjective and personal these things happen to be. Maybe I should be asking the question somewhere else?

26fd85 No.93526


maybe you shouldn't go around fucking demons, neophyte

maybe you should take value the experience, thank her for her time and tell her to leave.

aacacd No.93527


Pseudo-Intellectual Nuisance

6f3e46 No.93528


Maybe you shouldn't tell me how to live my life. I hate when people dodge the question at hand with some moral talk about something that doesn't even apply to how I think.

ef89f0 No.93529


https://archive.is/6VMRV https://archive.is/fAG09

Did a bit of looking and found these 2 old threads in through that link I gave in >>93524 that relate to what you initially wanted in >>93516

2af4b7 No.93531


I've been going to the same guy for years (who happens to be Jewish, I'm sure people here will have a field day with that), but there's always the issue of him getting different stuff every time I stop by, and most of the time I feel like he doesn't even know what kind it is and will just throw out a name (or make one up, some of these I can't find on Leafly) as a selling point. Like I said, I've been doing it round-the-clock for years and have been able to function just fine, but since around summer, any amount at all will just knock me out and make me not want to do anything. If I get past the urge to be a fat shit when I smoke, is there a way that I can use that extra energy flow to get shit done again or sort out my chakras?

d6ded8 No.93532


maybe you shouldn't ask for advice you don't want to hear.

Go in peace, good luck with your demons.

>hear voices

>go ask wizards if its a good idea to fuck it

8768a3 No.93533


Just ignore. That's typical holier-than-thou behavior common to this shithole of a board.

01469f No.93534


Sadly, feeling better because you think fucking random astral creatures is a good idea is probably the shitholiest thing about this board.

adba1c No.93535


I read those two threads, none of them answered my question really. I just want to know what kind of exercises or practices I should do to be able to impose myself properly into a realm where she can reach me and where I can feel her. The question doesn't even have that much to do with succubi in a way. Never mind, I guess it must be a stupid question.


I appreciate your concern, but your advice is simply unwanted.

5f35ef No.93536



>"Man I wouldn't do that you'll probably get AIDS and might even get stabbed or shot"


>"It's your life cunt tbg"


29040f No.93537


Learn to lucid dream.

547f59 No.93538


>>but your advice is simply unwanted

>can't even fuck demons

If you do manage enjoy your astral aids. Trust me its a thing.

8606d1 No.93539


i'll asdnally fug ur bumbum gib u magical space aids tbg

0d16fe No.93540


I know how to lucid dream, but I wanted to do it awake.

11bde8 No.93541


y not say so in 1st place

57285b No.93542


Lucid dreaming is the gateway into inducing experiences in waking "reality".

edc4dd No.93543


go read some more memeticist bullshit and spare us your toxic comments

d81b62 No.93544


Not the only one, though.

a958e4 No.93546


It's all perspective.

864845 No.93547


<toxic comments






not those evil non-redditors being gasp MEAN to me!

stop it reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

49ec79 No.93548

File: c3920f7e926ccea⋯.jpg (21.44 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1347136285684.jpg)

ca660e No.93549

File: 04223e0a0811e05⋯.jpg (241.62 KB, 870x720, 29:24, based.jpg)

daily reminder

b850df No.93550

4e3752 No.93551

File: e615b075b563ee3⋯.jpg (93.36 KB, 599x880, 599:880, 1417958976476.jpg)


73dd3a No.93552



b885d5 No.93553


fug u tbg i am not bol gugk i am goble de gobble master race

d45e6c No.93554

File: 0506699c02804e5⋯.jpg (85.15 KB, 835x552, 835:552, 1344730557281.jpg)

dacd2c No.93555


why is censor this is not sfw board fug u

9136c2 No.93556

File: e489804f77b5433⋯.jpg (2.12 KB, 90x90, 1:1, images.jpg)



d72867 No.93557

File: fa3caea4ab2e204⋯.jpg (64.72 KB, 841x557, 841:557, 1344730396603.jpg)


is no censor?

b47183 No.93558

File: 15d3f3982ac6ce2⋯.jpg (101.74 KB, 759x600, 253:200, beachmaster3.jpg)


goebbles was swarthy and probably autistic

56ec26 No.93560

File: 5532a65cc0c522f⋯.jpg (79.36 KB, 717x556, 717:556, 1344730232622.jpg)

6e18e5 No.93561


Ohshit, you know the truth

8ef5d0 No.93563

File: c97a43b27843f40⋯.jpg (394.63 KB, 877x610, 877:610, 1306705617791.jpg)

He had cancer. He died. Feel. Feel it.

5ac03c No.93564


smiley had cancer?

9f7f61 No.93565

File: 4c5e18e0f2e0d62⋯.jpg (95.9 KB, 743x556, 743:556, 1344730090621.jpg)

cc0949 No.93573

Dice rollRolled 27, 13, 13, 16 = 69 (4d34)


>so you're already obviously more capable.

>more capable by default

Not the best but I'll take it


it is fun


>or that a better board with constructive rules will be started because one of us will get sick enough of this.

I highly doubt that, splitting up now just because of a few shitposters doesn't seem like the best idea. I like to think it encourages lurkers to post but I'm probably being optimistic


>Does it come down to a strong imposition of emotion

I think this is the key gotta find that balance between lust and love

>sound, touch and vision inside your mind?

These probably all help except for touch. I have no idea how they would feel considering they don't have physical bodies.

>is the idea that you basically "present yourself" to her

I would think so but you gotta get on the same frequency as them in order for it to work


>I just want to know what kind of exercises or practices I should do to be able to impose myself properly into a realm where she can reach me and where I can feel her.

lucid dreaming, astral projection but everyone already said those maybe this will help http://www.world-of-lucid-dreaming.com/wake-induced-lucid-dreams.html

It seems TO ME that once you get good at mediation, astral projection and lucid dreaming will be easier but I was never good at lucid dreaming and haven't try to astral project yet

I THINK I did it once but not gonna lie had a bit of help and I got spooked back into my body


>I know how to lucid dream

any tips for the rest of us?


but how many guys lucid dream and their waking "reality" hasn't changed



hold on I'm thinking….

1f1bc6 No.93576


>any tips for the rest of us?

Read about it. Meditate. Stimulate the energy body.

>but how many guys lucid dream and their waking "reality" hasn't changed

Because they failed to become lucid in moments such as this.

96c67e No.93587

What should I do for Ash Wednesday? What is its /fringe/ significance?

248fd1 No.93596

File: a79c1badc90ca36⋯.png (234.9 KB, 353x259, 353:259, missed it.png)


no fair, you knew I wasn't paying attention

c1d953 No.93597

Does anyone have a good explanation about why Reiki is bad? I've seen a few times here on /fringe/ that it has something to do with astral parasites or whatever. There are other places on the internet that mention it's bad, but none of the things I've seen seem to explain it very well.

605ec8 No.93601


Probably isn't

b5a9bb No.93602


reiki is based

just like jews are based

neither will rape your children you can trust me

5368eb No.93605



Why do people respond to things in the question thread that they don't actually know the answer to?

934476 No.93606


The more I looked into it the more suspicious I grew. You don't need these weird symbols to heal. You never need such things in classical pranic healing, so why is Reiki using them? They tell you all kinds of reasons that this is how it is supposed to be but they're actually tricking you into feeding their Reiki egregore/entities. That's what I heard from healers I met in real life.

Apparently they inject you with astral parasites that feed off you. Those symbols were designed for this purpose.

d674fa No.93608

File: 64f81a7a93365fa⋯.jpg (165.34 KB, 684x1024, 171:256, beachmaster182.jpg)


what makes you think i don't know the answer

maybe i just don't think you deserve the answer ciddie


even christianity is better




>welcome initiate

>you need to swear some oaths and such

>also we have a bunch of crystals and symbols we need you to use

>don't forget to worship these things, i mean meditate on them, what are they? oh you'll find out if you get to level 33 hehe

12eea4 No.93613

File: 4e0bf583fb42367⋯.jpg (45.09 KB, 400x388, 100:97, 1383712257200.jpg)

8d9944 No.93621

File: b8442ccf7ff258f⋯.jpg (70.43 KB, 456x720, 19:30, 16832179_1274916159264149_….jpg)

Oh fuck!!! is it true?!?

222adb No.93622


every person you encounter leaves a bond, a connection, of different strengths. in sex this bond is thicker. so, yes, in a way it is true but certainly not that exaggerated. it's also totally reversible. no, it doesnt mean you can just fuck around and then take your spiritual abortion greenpill.

478dca No.93623


Good thing I'm a virgin then. Does that mean I'm more protected?

c6f239 No.93625


you still are susceptible to other, non-sexual, bonds

ada062 No.93626


No, it means you're ashamed of yourself and the laughingstock of your peer group.

6f54f0 No.93628


Yes very so much.

f840f0 No.93636

Has /fringe/ ever considered that most entities they consider to be succubi are just dudes LARPing as succubi?

32539e No.93637


lame and overused trolling attempt

14e089 No.93638


as above, so below

someone should document /fringe/ catfish incidents

e54491 No.93640


how about you stop roleplaying, you closeted faggot

c8ed86 No.93642


relax the projections, I'm sure your specific succubus really is a female entity

945699 No.93643


just fuck off with your stupid shitposting

280326 No.93644


It's a seriously valid question and is on par with the roleplaying that's gone on so far in the past 2 question threads.

e63a8a No.93645

File: 2fee4781ee0e160⋯.jpg (48.32 KB, 650x366, 325:183, beachmaster913.jpg)


all succubus bullshit is roleplaying you stupid dumb obullshitist scum

get off my BEACH

734c40 No.93646


It's alright then, you don't have to reply to a question you don't know anything about.

2840c9 No.93647

File: db8a5df8ebc3eba⋯.jpg (40.76 KB, 650x366, 325:183, beachmaster9.jpg)


this is why you should have to prove you're above 18 to use the internet

00a037 No.93648


Yes, those who answer questions whom have no knowledge of shouldn't be allowed on the internet.

b43b39 No.93649

File: 6beebd18dc4df7a⋯.jpg (105.71 KB, 820x556, 205:139, beachmaster291.jpg)


bluh bluh bluh

can't hear nuffin but whining ciddie

5619c8 No.93650


Probably because sea deer don't know how to speak human.

1f17d3 No.93651

File: 92d4c27fa7d324b⋯.jpg (2.17 MB, 2987x2195, 2987:2195, beachmaster37.jpg)


im jew

c1e01d No.93652


Very nice, I'm 1/32 myself.

7ffb8b No.93653

File: 04223e0a0811e05⋯.jpg (241.62 KB, 870x720, 29:24, based.jpg)

File: 15d3f3982ac6ce2⋯.jpg (101.74 KB, 759x600, 253:200, beachmaster3.jpg)

ded34a No.93654

An old Polish woman I met in person recommended me this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Master_Key_System

She is a psychic.

Should I read it?

53fbfa No.93655


of course goy

polish people are the chosen, she knows what's best for you

a07c40 No.93657


1.Sitting still

2.Inhibiting all thought combined with previous exercise

3.Releasing physical tension combined with previous exercises

4.Letting go of all negative emotions combined with previous exercises

5.Visualising a pleasant place

6.Remembering details from a photo of someone

7.Visualising positive facial expressions on the face of a friend

8.Visualising everything that leads to the construction of a battleship

9.Visualising a flower growing from seed

10.Visualising certain geometric forms

11.Concentrating on a quote from the Bible; Mark 11:24

12.Contemplating your unity with Omnipotence

13.Contemplating being part of the Whole

14.Focusing on harmony

15.Contemplating the fact that knowledge needs to be applied to be useful

16.Contemplating that happiness and harmony are states of consciousness

17.Focusing on the object of your desire

18.Focusing on your power to create – create a logical basis for your faith

19.Total concentration on what you want

20.Focusing on "In Him we live and move and have our being"

21.Focusing on truth

22.Concentration on a Tennyson quote: "Speak to Him, thou, for He hears, and spirit with spirit can meet, Closer is He than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet."

23.Contemplating the fact that man is a spirit with a body

24.Realising that this is a wonderful world

Wow… it's that simple.

bcef0c No.93662


What was the context? Why was she recommending it to you? It looks like a useful system, but there are plenty of systems that bring you more results and go into greater detail, based on what I read in the Wikipedia article. That's just my opinion, though. It doesn't seem like a negative thing or a huge waste of time, so there's no reason why you shouldn't other than not wanting to. If you do, let us know how useful it is.


Holy mother of reddit spacing

ccea56 No.93668


I only don't want to be rude to her. However I'm already well-read on New Thought and know all these things. Maybe I'll just try to explain to her I know it all already and I downloaded an looked at the books and went through them quickly. That's what I'll do.

bfc34d No.93669


Maybe she thought you were a mundane.

abe83d No.93689


>any tips for the rest of us?

I'm the guy you originally replied to, and you absolutely do not need meditation to get into lucid dreaming proper, though it helps somewhat in some situations.

Read "Exploring the world of lucid dreaming" by Stephen LaBerge.

e2fd66 No.93691



How do you become lucid in real?

62cc66 No.93698

how do i get my gf to spend the rest of her life with me

fe5868 No.93700


>Read "Exploring the world of lucid dreaming" by Stephen LaBerge.

reading it and honestly doesn't say anything new.

>Keep a dream general

I have one and I dream maybe every 2 months so its next to useless. Guy says you should be able to recall one dream every night

even then it just looks more like the same stuff around here. visualize and repeat intention to self.

57879f No.93706


I've got no experience with either of these but they seem relevant.

https://archive.is/Drqtt - How to make someone obsessed and in love with me

https://archive.is/yjGKT - Long range hypnosis

https://ghostbin.com/paste/mbk8f - this is an archive of old threads. You or anyone else reading might find something useful information for your answer there.

5fa3d2 No.93721


tfw my thread got archived

2f5498 No.93723


It's depressing how fewer shitposts and tripfags there were compared to now in these archived threads.

2f24b0 No.93725


Which thread was that


Not even a week later and I miss fringechan a lot. Ironically we're part of the problem, complaining about it. All we can do is make better threads.

b9704d No.93727


So do you think fringechan had more quality posts? I didn't go there much, so as far as I could tell, all the crazies went to fringechan and all the assholes who like being disruptive came here (probably because of Fringe Wizard's lax rules). Considering the state of this board and the lack of transparency from whoever the new board owner is, it's tempting to start frequenting fringechan if it comes back.

17ca39 No.93728


Quality posts and a community that demanded better standards. Slower board and slower threads but shitpost threads barely existed and shitpost replies in the better threads were very uncommon. Every thread had a relevant response and information. Even the ones with only 2-3 replies.

d201e9 No.93733

File: c0c74c67568db6c⋯.jpg (24.11 KB, 261x301, 261:301, 1438547254337.jpg)


>Not even a week later and I miss fringechan a lot.

Same, I hope Alpam brings it back up. I didn't even know that he was looking for more mods to remove CP but I'd gladly do it in my off peak hours.

007d35 No.93735

@beachmaster @pplwhodontdream

You've closed your crown and your heart, your third eye could not be aligned with third eye.

Fix it or stay dreamless.

I don't explore the astral and try not to engage in draining lucid dream battles or encounters, takes to much energy and sometimes it feels like I'm getting tricked into unleashing loosh, imlolating stuff so that whatever is watching can absorb it.

If you're not looking for answers in your dreams, it's not worth it. Don't even wanna talk about all the stupid bad things that can happen if you trust the wrong thing in one of these endeavors and someone accidentally invited something home, not good.

Either be in control or don't explore the astral.

Be in control by having a steady third eye, consciousness in the dream.

You also need to meditate for some time to rid yourself of all bad qualities such as fear.

If you're not courageous and on the top of the food chain in there you will be hunted and harried to waking state.

1dfbd6 No.93739


>Which thread was that

the long range hypnosis one

85540c No.93740


>I don't explore the astral













342818 No.93742

File: b6d584083a7e806⋯.png (102.04 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1486948856001.png)

If there is a secret time stopping watch, or method of stopping time while also being able to interact with the world while having time stopped. If there is one out there, or some method, please give it to me, I will keep the secret safe, I will leave no trace PLEASE!

ab394e No.93745


Been there done that, found heaven, need to be grounded to bring it to Earth.


Only useful idiots are given a weapon/power by their master, are you useful?

5077e4 No.93746


depressing how?


>Ironically we're part of the problem, complaining about it. All we can do is make better threads.

well at least somebodies aware


>So do you think fringechan had more quality posts?

not really no, it seemed more or less the same as fringe but with the ""left hand path"" twist to it.

>it's tempting to start frequenting fringechan if it comes back.


here go nuts



hi Alpam

f6c138 No.93747


>your third eye could not be aligned with third eye.


> I don't explore the astral

Then how do you know how my chakras are?

96548f No.93752

File: e22d3d26b3f157b⋯.gif (240.45 KB, 498x828, 83:138, WojackReportIn.gif)


>tfw it only took a year to go from that to this

fc701d No.93753


treating here well, having fun together. love but that only really happens if you guys have the right alchemy together.

962ea6 No.93762


And again; How do you become lucid in the real?

2f689f No.93765

File: 877842138ada6f1⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 3840x2492, 960:623, 877842138ada6f11aa5a805143….jpg)

File: 692593bec826cab⋯.png (158.79 KB, 1339x606, 1339:606, 1388700129635.png)



We must be the one's to change it, to embody and radiate the world we wish to manifest and see, one post at a time if need be.

5b5dec No.93767


Practice oneness meditation and put your awareness into your naval or heart center in day to day life.

Try doing shit with the opposite hand you write with also as this will force you to be more aware and conscious or get hurt/not be able to do much. Practice void meditation and one pointedness meditation. Breath energy into your three main energy centers (naval heart center and head). Live in the now.

9ab6cf No.93768


Thank you. I'll try this.

8cc053 No.93769


No problemo buddy, you should be making awareness gains at super sanic speed doing all that.

c1700e No.93770


Whatever you want I will do it, in exchange.

c55461 No.93771


As long as you remain consistent that is.

ba673e No.93772


>Whatever you want I will do it

>whatever THEY want I will do


You shouldn't sigh up to be a tool unless you know it will benefit you, and who EXACTLY you are signing your will over to.

dee3e6 No.93773


I wanna b ur tool bb xoxo

8b413a No.93774

Today I am a new man because of YOU fringe Thank you.

2f8c62 No.93775

File: 695c3c0ea57b03a⋯.gif (373.64 KB, 500x269, 500:269, 201ba.gif)

Dice rollRolled 49, 19, 41, 20 = 129 (4d62)


aw shucks

0228e4 No.93777


Post boy pussy then.

df7488 No.93784


Unless you want to make a new /fringe/-themed board with stricter rules to stop tripfags etc, I don't think anything is about to change. Even then, you'd have to convince everyone to start going there.

91f48e No.93785


Why are you even here? All you do is fucking complain. Every time I see you post it's to bitch about something. Are you perhaps a divide and conquer shill? Also if you have such a problem with a tripfag fucking filter them.

e0b731 No.93786


if only I could filter no flag faggot.

2d3b66 No.93789


Most of my posts are answering people's questions in these threads. Do you think everyone who doesn't have a flag is the same person? No flag is the default flag. I'd guess quite a large proportion of the people who post here don't have a flag. I'm definitely not the only person complaining about tripfags and poor quality content. I don't know how long you've been on imageboards, but there's a particular kind of person who becomes a tripfag, and banning them has always been the only way to deal with them. I could go into detail, but that would be more complaining, and you seem a bit angry about that.

1b4d09 No.93800


My problem with you is that the guy you responded to was promoting the fact that if you want /fringe/ to become great again it's US that have to do it.

>We must be the one's to change it, to embody and radiate the world we wish to manifest and see, one post at a time if need be.

And instead of seeing that he's fucking right and trying to make /fringe/ better you fall back to your defeatist attitude of, "oh boohoo theres no point, the super evil tripfags will ruin the day :'((((("

All your complaints are doing is turning people off. If you don't think /fringe/ is savable then just leave, maybe start your own board like you said before, but staying here and complaining is so much worse than the actual shitposting. If you think it's savable then stop your bitching cause that's doing zero good.


>but there's a particular kind of person who becomes a tripfag, and banning them has always been the only way to deal with them.


5f17d8 No.93802

Dice rollRolled 24, 10, 44, 5 = 83 (4d46)


your welcome dont know what I did but glad to help

986f2e No.93804


You're reading me all wrong, anon. I don't know why you're so angry, either. I know that other anon is right, and I was responding to them constructively. What do you expect us to accomplish when the problem is other people disrupting conversation? I don't have a defeatist attitude at all. Creating a new board with different rules is a constructive option for making a better community where people can talk about the occult. I don't see you making any suggestions. I've named what I think the problem with the board is, other than the lack of mod transparency, and I've offered one potential solution. Then you say all my complaints are doing is turning people off. In the past month I've personally probably made 4 or 5 posts about this. If anything is turning people off, it's the constant barrage of shitty posts that make people think this board is a joke where they can't actually talk about the occult in a serious way. It's half the responses to the questions in the question thread not being answers to the questions. I'm not complaining about constantly seeing posts I don't want to see. I'm complaining about the culture here going from serious to not serious, which can stop newfigs who find the board from taking a serious, objective look at the ideas.

a5a26a No.93809


>You're reading me all wrong, anon. I don't know why you're so angry, either.

I'm angry because /fringe/ has changed and there's those of us trying to fix it and then there's people like you that are just wallowing in defeat.

>What do you expect us to accomplish when the problem is other people disrupting conversation?

WHAT DISRUPTION??? This meme is being blown out of proportion. Please link me some RECENT cases of disruption of conversation.

>I don't have a defeatist attitude at all.

You do, I'm surprised you can't see it. You literally just said "What do you expect us to accomplish when the problem is other people disrupting conversation?". How is that not a defeatist attitude?

>Creating a new board with different rules is a constructive option for making a better community where people can talk about the occult.

Then do it? Whats stopping you? What rules would you put in place? Cause i get the impression that you would be a very rule-cucky no fun kind of mod but who knows.

> In the past month I've personally probably made 4 or 5 posts about this.

Cmon dawg, you know damn well this isn't true. Your posting style is really recognizable.

> If anything is turning people off, it's the constant barrage of shitty posts that make people think this board is a joke where they can't actually talk about the occult in a serious way.

Again you're honestly exaggerating the situation. Constant barrage? Really? I will concede this though. What happened in the previous questions thread and the shitty man-dog thread was unacceptable, but i doubt that will happen again. It was a one time thing. But that's in the past and you shouldn't assume that /fringe/ is constantly like that. I feel like when that happened it skewed your perception.

>I'm not complaining about constantly seeing posts I don't want to see.

Literally what you're doing.

>I'm complaining about the culture here going from serious to not serious, which can stop newfigs who find the board from taking a serious, objective look at the ideas.

It has gone to that because people stopped posting serious things because they are neutered with the mentality of "What do you expect us to accomplish when the problem is other people disrupting conversation?". You're one of those people that doesn't try things because they're too afraid of failure which is a horrible mentality. You'll never do anything great with a handicap like that.

Again, if you want change. Become it. Don't just talk about it, make it happen.

c968a5 No.93810


>Please link me some RECENT cases of disruption of conversation.

Yeah nevermind I'll concede this part too, but the garbage is really easily identifiable and it's not at the amount of not being able to have a discussion. it's just that there are only a few people actually trying to have one.

946022 No.93812


Are you just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point? I feel like you're ignoring half of what I'm saying just so you have someone to yell at on the internet.

>there's those of us trying to fix it and then there's people like you

>Again, if you want change. Become it. Don't just talk about it, make it happen.

What are you doing to try to fix it? Right now all you're doing is being angry at me for offering a potential solution. You still haven't offered any kind of suggestion about how the board could be improved. Stop talking out of your ass. What I said in that reply was very simple. The board has rules that allow people to spam the board and post nonsense as much as they want. I agree that, obviously, the board has been far worse than it currently is, like a month or two ago when that one guy was posting 5 or 6 replies every thread calling us all nutcases for a few weeks. Regardless of the current level of it, the rules have been that way since the board began, as far as I can tell, and we've heard nothing about/from the new board owner, so they're not about to change. One way to have a board with more quality content is to make an entirely different board with better rules. That's a possible solution to the problem. It isn't one I like or want to implement, but it's a possible solution. I really don't know how I can make it any clearer that all I'm doing is trying to start the conversation. How is this defeatism? Am I suggesting we all leave the internet and never talk about the occult again? The infrastructure of this website is built around making new boards when there are issues with the current ones. Bringing up that point isn't "wallowing in defeat", so I really don't see any reason for you to be so angry.

>How is that not a defeatist attitude?

How is it a defeatist attitude? It's not a rhetorical question, it's one I want you to answer, so that we can have a constructive conversation about making the board an easier place to assimilate newfigs.

>you know damn well this isn't true

>Literally what you're doing.

>You're one of those people that doesn't try things because they're too afraid of failure which is a horrible mentality

Now you're just trying to make me seem like a shitty person. If you're so fixated on fixing the board, how is calling me a liar, making huge assertions about me being "afraid of failure" based on god knows what, and implying I'm the only one complaining helping in any way? Give us all some suggestions about how to improve the board. Literally anything. You haven't done that once this entire time. What do you think we should do about the board?


Ironically, this conversation is an example of something that has nothing to do with questions and answers. Before you throw that back on me, you started this because you wanted me to shut up.

>there are only a few people actually trying to have one

Do you think that's because nobody cares about the occult, or because this doesn't seem like a great place to have that conversation? In the past couple months there seems to have been a lot less questions, despite Kek's growing popularity and other things like that that introduce people to the occult. Since you seem to need this pointed out to you, I do want you to answer that question.

8fcd8b No.93814

Dice rollRolled 3, 3, 5, 5 = 16 (4d6)


>board with stricter rules to stop tripfags

>because trip fags are the problem

you don't get to larp like anon if you don't play by the same rules no-flaggot







I'm already sick of fringechan sock puppets whining on and on. the only reason they got into this mess was because alpalm is a shitty admin who flooded his own chan with CP just to make mossa look bad >>93594

99c3ee No.93815

What if instead of shitposting in this thread we all got up and left /fringe/

Not like non-tripfags contribute, they just sound less retarded because they know how to stay within bounds of moderate discussion.

ff7d11 No.93816


>What are you doing to try to fix it?

I'm trying to tell people that it's not as bad as they think it is. There's still the opportunity to discuss but people just don't want to because they think they'll get flooded with shitposts which simply isn't true. There may be a few but if you're actually trying to invite discussion people looking for discussion will find you.

>Right now all you're doing is being angry at me for offering a potential solution.

I'm telling you if you have a problem, fix it. You see a solution, act on it. It really annoys me when people see a solution to a problem and they don't want to manifest it.

>Regardless of the current level of it, the rules have been that way since the board began, as far as I can tell, and we've heard nothing about/from the new board owner, so they're not about to change.

If you haven't heard anything from the owner by now, don't expect them to say anything anytime soon. It's time to stop waiting for the BO to do something and we gotta take action.

>You still haven't offered any kind of suggestion about how the board could be improved.

The solutions are clear, it's either try to have discussions here and make the best of this situation or make a new board. Those are the only visible solutions.

>How is it a defeatist attitude? It's not a rhetorical question, it's one I want you to answer, so that we can have a constructive conversation about making the board an easier place to assimilate newfigs.

Because the way you format your question "What do you expect us to accomplish when the problem is other people disrupting conversation?". You're heavily implying that you can't have a conversation here because you'll just get "bombarded by shitposts" My point is that this idea is hyperbolic of the position of /fringe/ and making it seem worse than it actually is. This mentality is whats stopping other people from posting and it's what I want people to stop believing.

>Give us all some suggestions about how to improve the board. Literally anything. You haven't done that once this entire time. What do you think we should do about the board?

Like i said earlier. It's either make the best of this situation and TRY to have discussions or migrate.

>Do you think that's because nobody cares about the occult, or because this doesn't seem like a great place to have that conversation? In the past couple months there seems to have been a lot less questions, despite Kek's growing popularity and other things like that that introduce people to the occult.

It's because people aren't trying to have conversations here anymore. It looks like everyone has given up on /fringe/ except for very few people and I want them to come back and try to participate again. It's either that or create a new environment where they are actually willing to participate in. Everyone's left and it's really upsetting to me and makes me angry that they would just abandon it and then complain that there's no quality. There's no quality because you (not you specifically noflag anon) aren't posting quality! That's the point I'm trying to get across. The only way to fix /fringe/ is to fix it ourselves. We want quality? Then we have to post quality. Don't like the rules? Then we make a new board.

8bce7d No.93817


Wait, so you agree with me? What the fuck was the point of all the hostility and accusations, then? Whether or not we agree about the amount of shit (my opinion is based on the last few months, rather than just the last couple weeks, which might be where we differ), this all boils down to people voicing ideas, and that's what I did.

f12887 No.93818


The hostility is because you were helping spread the idea that /fringe/ is this god forsaken shit place that you can't even have a discussion on. Don't you think that is more damaging to a newfig than a couple shit posts here and there? If you actually wanted to bring more discussion to /fringe/ then you wouldn't have even bothered mentioning that even if you believed it as this does more harm than good. Were you trying to pressure the BO to respond? Well that's not happening.

So the logical conclusion for me was that you were trying to instigate the migration. So this made me even more mad that you think we should migrate and you didn't have the confidence to make the board. I felt you were being indecisive and can't decide if you want to stay on /fringe/ or try a new board. Looking back now though I see you were trying to start a discussion about the migration, but unfortunately that discussion isn't happening. I personally think we can still stay here but it will only work if we're all on the same page and actually participate. If people want to make a new board then find a good BO and have him make it. No offence but a no tripcode rule is fucking cancer and I wouldn't want anything to do with that. Would you ban Alpam Khan Mossa and tipp because they namefagged? I don't want that.

3e283d No.93820


Hey you guys take meta-board discussion to >>>/ask/ it exists for a reason.

t. the B.O. (and I don't know what you guys are discussing right now, I just saw this one post, and I'm responding to it quickly… sorry that I don't post much but a wizard of my level keeps busy with a lot of magickal workings.

Any summaries, concerns, etc. please take it there and keep it concise and to the point and I will read it on my own time and give a response.

ae04af No.93822



You guys wouldn't happen to have any sources on servitor making would you? like for memorizing stuff?

0ca9a4 No.93823

How the hell did you guys get CSS working on your board? No matter how many times I save CSS for my board, it won't stick, and the one time it actually did save, the page wouldn't apply it.

Any ideas?

861a30 No.93824


it takes a while, mine was instant the first time, then i change it again a minute later and it took like an hour to apply.

Also make sure you're using the allowed links only, others won't work. The allowed links are on the left side of the css box, id tell you what they are but i cbf to log in right now.


Unfortunately not, maybe there's something here >>93730 and if not hopefully someone else can you help you.

6c8fc9 No.93825

08daaf No.93827


Cool, thanks, hopefully it'll work eventually, then.

c27eed No.93835


After meditating, (more like breathing excercize really, my mind admittedly wasn't completely empty) I closed my eyes and saw an arrow pointing up. I don't know if this was a vision, I wasn't looking for anything it just happened but it was oddly specific and this is why.

After looking up, mentally, there were golden rays from the sun or so I thought but looking up again there was no sun, there were clouds and a cloud in particular obscuring the source of the light. Think world of warcraft spirit world sky, the same thing basically but with the cloud at the center.

I removed the cloud with my thought and there was a circle made of metal and a hexagon at the center.

It was kind of spooky, like the sun was fake and this thing was in its place. I felt trapped.

I thought about the demiurge and the false reality, is this what I could have seen?

Does this have anything to do with the third eye?

I would have said it was just my imagination but damn, that was so specific.

bed2f4 No.93836


Also the clouds were black.

7ffae0 No.93843


Happened to a bunch of us recently. It's just scales falling off of your eyes.

83287e No.93844


>I dream maybe every 2 months

You're doing it wrong, you have REM cycles every night and you must learn how to capture and remember those dreams. To me it seems you haven't read the book at all, since it clearly covers people who have a hard time remembering their dreams, and clearly suggests you setting up an alarm so you wake up during one of those REM cycles.

>visualize and repeat intention to self

The book presents many techniques to increase lucid dreaming frequency, and makes strong use of prospective memory. It is by no means as simple as you make it sound.

Actually READ the book. Actually DO the exercises.

2a6a10 No.93845


Hey there, I too am trying to lucid dream, I even do the digital clock/count fingers every hour since more than a month but I can't seem to get lucid in my dreams.


Try to change your sleep schedule, when I "didn't dream" it was because I had the wrong schedule.

253d26 No.93846


>Hey there, I too am trying to lucid dream, I even do the digital clock/count fingers every hour since more than a month but I can't seem to get lucid in my dreams.

It is generally accepted that some people can take way longer than others to have their first lucid dream, but keep at it, after the first one you'll have them way more frequently, especially if you keep practicing. Remember that, ultimately, your goal is to seed intention into the subconscious, so abolish doubt; repeat to yourself every night before going to sleep: "I will lucid dream today; I will realize I'm dreaming, today, not tomorrow, today!"

It may also help to stop thinking about it for a while since frustration can hinder your progress.

0db73d No.93848

What more can I do to bring about the reality that I want, besides focusing on it's vision and feeling happy about it during meditation?

aef5e2 No.93850


>you must learn how to capture and remember those dreams.

>If you want to lucid dream then you have to dream

thanks….great help

>To me it seems you haven't read the book at all

your right I skimmed it because it just gives alot of details for the same techniques

>The book presents many techniques to increase lucid dreaming frequency

yeah and alot of them are just relax repeat intention and he just switches intention with resolution here and there.

>It is by no means as simple as you make it sound.

I disagree that's basically all the practices are that and asking 2deep4u questions to my self but I BEEN doing that.

>Actually READ the book. Actually DO the exercises.

got any other books?

f5d3c9 No.93851

File: 98afab9654be1e3⋯.png (242.51 KB, 1769x317, 1769:317, good stuff.png)


repeat to yourself every night before going to sleep: "I will lucid dream today; I will realize I'm dreaming, today, not tomorrow, today!"


>repeat intention to self.


>It is by no means as simple as you make it sound.



6d37a4 No.93878


What are you talking about? These were things that worked for me and which are extensively discussed in the book.

I'm not an occultist you retard, lucid dreaming is not occult.

c87db4 No.93879


>yeah and alot of them are just relax repeat intention and he just switches intention with resolution here and there.

No, it's about prospective memory, and many if not most exercises deal with that prospective memory. ACTUALLY READ THE BOOK.

c54f72 No.93885


I'm not an occultist you retard, lucid dreaming is not occult.

>lucid dreaming is not occult.

then neither are regular dreams then and their shouldn't be a dream thread.

>it's about prospective memory,

so is about lucid dreaming or prospective memory? are they the same?

827b2f No.93963

File: e1b10dbeaa75857⋯.png (384 KB, 709x958, 709:958, lolbot.png)

8817dd No.94066


HAIL KEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2f815f No.94067


Fringe is a failed board, tbh. We don't have enough people posting to create a hivemind. There are maybe 20 people posting on a good month, and we don't have much in common.

Nobody likes the tripfags. Nobody should respond to their cries for attention. It's just random dogshit that benefits nobody.

The locking of legitimate threads has also driven several people away indefinitely. For some reason, whoever moderates this shit is fucking autistic about some arbitrary rules and can't let anything slide. Yet they let the fucking triptards fuck every goddamn thread right in the ass. The mods even let their tripshitfucking bullshit threads with no intent for anything but noise go because they don't technically break any rules. God, I want to cave in their skull already. Fuck this shit. I'm done.

b77e9a No.94068

c4ce96 No.94069



pg21 how to recall your dreams

>The first step to good dream recall is getting plenty of sleep.


>If you find that you sleep too deeply to awaken from your dreams, try setting an alarm clock to awaken you at a time when you are likely to be dreaming.

Trying for 4:30am for tonight

>Another important prerequisite to recalling dreams is motivation. For many people it is enough to intend to remember their dreams and remind intention just before bed.

I don't doubt that but the whole problem with the book is that unless you start remembering your dreams theirs no point in reading the rest of it.

7f51af No.94070


Well duh! Whats the point of having dreams if you don't remember it?

Do the things it tells you.


>then neither are regular dreams then and their shouldn't be a dream thread.

Yes, dreams aren't occult, what's new about this?

>so is about lucid dreaming or prospective memory? are they the same?

Prospective memory is the number one way to induce DILDs.

c280fd No.94075


>Whats the point of having dreams if you don't remember it?

you tell me sense all you do is blame me for the quality around here.

>Do the things it tells you.

HURR DURR remember your dreams!


745b5b No.94077


It tells you how to help with remembering your dreams, stop being a sperg, I'm trying to help you. Do the clock thing, it usually works. Even if you don't remember at first write ANYTHING down, it clearly tells you (Pages 37-39) what you could do to get to not remembering anything to remembering your dreams:

>cling to any clues of what you might have been experiencing…

Before that he writes that even if you just remember a fragment of a feeling or something as vague as that note it down as it will help you improve. The book by no means goes into it with the mind set that "recalling dreams is easy and everyone can do it right away", and it gives you clear ways to make progress towards remembering detailed dreams from a point where you can remember nothing at all. I don't know what else to tell you, honestly, do you want like a magic potion or something that'll make it just instantly happen? Many people struggle with recal, you're not special.

READ THE BOOK, or fuck off, what do I care?

4af8ec No.94079


Don't you ever think maybe some of the community actually liked fringechan and what it stood for. The CP problem wasn't a thing until months after Mossa left so you're really grasping at straws. Honestly you and the whole cancer crew that took over this place are a disgrace to any true seeker. I have literally not seen a single good constructive insightful post from any of the cancerfags that took this place over yet.

80f1d2 No.94082

Dice rollRolled 9, 14, 3, 10 = 36 (4d19)


>Do the clock thing,


>Trying for 4:30am for tonight

>Even if you don't remember at first write ANYTHING down.

fake it until you make it, super

>do you want like a magic potion or something that'll make it just instantly happen

that be nice wouldn't it?

>you're not special.

are you?

>READ THE BOOK, or fuck off, what do I care?

If you don't then I rather be talking to some one that does.

de30bf No.94084


>Don't you ever think maybe some of the community actually liked fringechan and what it stood for.

which was what exactly? cause last time I checked you can still filter me if shitpost are the concern.

>Honestly you and the whole cancer crew

who me and Socks4Hands? he made one thread and we shitposted in it. he comments now and then but he usually isn't all over the place like I am

>I have literally not seen a single good constructive insightful post from any of the cancerfags

and what pearls of wisdom have you dropped?

c8840b No.94093

tbg 8gag died completely in February 2016 when freddit and 4gag invaded and turned it into memebase.gov

this is correct

db61fb No.94095


Hey Smiley I had a question,

I'm making an alternative to /pol/ an wanted your help in making a good CSS for the board. I love your CSS work (looshfront was probably my favorite) and would love a futurefash AESTHETIC type CSS.

Come hit us up on the >>>/polk/ sticky if you would want to work on it. appreciate ya

736797 No.94107


Are you thinking about what you want as if it's already true in the present tense?

62224b No.94114

Is anyone here versed in Enochian magic?

78d603 No.94115


You really don't understand magic if you think our threads are nothing but noise.

6c59a5 No.94116


More than you know.

d0fcc3 No.94118

File: 7f34f157044acd2⋯.jpeg (77.24 KB, 720x338, 360:169, 7f34f157044acd262bc238a44….jpeg)


You're a faggot with a trip and without a good reason, by definition anything you have to say is absolute cancer.

If you seriously think that you're anywhere close to fringechan-tier namefags who namefagged because people wanted to ask them specific questions before they went back to being anons then you're an egotistical faggot who deserves nothing but ridicule until you go back to being another anon or leave this board for good.

471eb7 No.94119


In case nobody shows up to help you, I've seen people discuss Enochian magic here before, so there might be a thread archived somewhere. Personally, I could upload books for you, but I haven't read any of them and know barely anything, other than a couple words (I know hubardo means lantern).

9e4ee9 No.94126


>fake it until you make it, super

That's something I didn't want to get into, but it is also true in a way. Sometimes it helps to write whatever down and just ask yourself "did I dream this?" It'll make you focus on dream recall and with luck it'll trigger dream memories.

>Trying for 4:30am for tonight

I don't know why you think I didn't read that.

>that be nice wouldn't it?

>are you?

>If you don't then I rather be talking to some one that does.

Shit man, I've been trying hard to help you, do you think I really don't care? I shouldn't that's for sure, you sound like an entitled faggot and I don't know what to tell you any more. There are really no tricks to it, you need dream recall, and dream recall is a skill you must exercise. I don't know what you want me to tell you.

b194fc No.94129

I got this book for review - "Prayers of the Cosmos - Meditations on the Aramaic Words of Jesus". After all my life experiences, especially the negatives one with Abrahamic type of things, I am hesitant about it, but still gotta give my opinion. Anyone else know of it?

17ce6d No.94130


>I don't know why you think I didn't read that.

>Do the clock thing,

>keep on doing clock thing


>I shouldn't that's for sure

that makes two of us then

>you sound like an entitled faggot

literally my third day of retrying lucid dreaming again I wasn't expecting miracles. although that would have been nice.

"As far as we know, this is the first time that detailed instructions on lucid dreaming have been widely available to the general public"

>literally one of the first books on lucid dreaming

>If it doesn't work it's your fault

"However, you are not likely to learn lucid dreaming by quickly skimming through this book."

>Yet there's no point to the rest of the book if you cant get past step one

When I can recall my dreams I'll actually read the rest of it.

>I don't know what you want me to tell you.

answer the question >are you special?

0861d0 No.94133

File: ff96dcd942ca432⋯.jpg (100.52 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 5.jpg)


Nobody is ever going to take you seriously, bullshit occultist.


5f603d No.94136


>More than you know

don't worry I'll wait for you to prove that.

>Inb4 I don't have to prove anything to you


eb1777 No.94149


>literally one of the first books on lucid dreaming

>If it doesn't work it's your fault

This would've been a GREAT argument, except this is still considered the best way to go about lucid dreaming and has made countless people lucid dream before. Go ahead, read another book or even dreamviews guides section; protip: you'll find little that hasn't been covered by that book in terms of DILDs.

>are you special?

No, but you actually are: there are few as autismo as you :^)

8952c4 No.94151


Yes, I'd like more methods though

0a26b2 No.94158


Focusing as much as you can on the emotion associated with what you want can help. If you wanted to succeed at everything you're trying to accomplish, spending time forcibly feeling the way you feel when you succeed at something you tried your hardest to do can bring more events into your life that cause you to feel success, for example. Montalk's Reality Creation Redux explains that in more detail. You could try asking your higher self directly. For me personally, I get the most success that way, but it depends on what you want to happen. Creative visualization is good, obviously keeping in mind that your intent should be based on something present tense and should be based on a positive statement (e.g. "I succeed" rather than "I don't fail"). Autosuggestion is good for things that alter your personality, rather than affecting the outside world, at least according to that one part of IIH, and it works best while you're going to sleep and right after you wake up. Same principals as creative visualization, too. It's good to focus on one goal at a time, maybe until it manifests or maybe for a set amount of time, like each day for a week depending on how big it is, staying confident that what you did worked. I don't think there's a set amount of time. I think it depends on too many factors. Keep in mind also that, if this makes sense (I don't know what you're trying to manifest), you have to take opportunities that present themselves and act towards your goals, and not expect everything to just happen. Also keep in mind that what you want to manifest needs to be something that's within your sphere of availability. You could try to manifest a billion dollars, but it's extremely unlikely if you're not already in a situation in which you could get a billion dollars. If all that fails, you could try jerking off to a bunch of sigils.

5f5343 No.94159

What do you guys tend to do when you don't know how to interpret synchronicities? I can probably figure my situation out for myself, but I'm curious.

dd5cd2 No.94171

File: e4801dd0d1f056e⋯.jpg (18.15 KB, 480x362, 240:181, e4801dd0d1f056e80398d02735….jpg)


I'm afraid that I can't really answer that question as I believe the symbolism of any synchronicity to be quite personal, much like dreams, so I doubt other people would be able to decipher their hidden meaning based on a brief description.

I mean I dreamed of cute catgirls being shown on TV doing lewd things and the next night some horny cheerleaders were doing dance routines in my front yard without panties on, showing off their genitals. Basically I think it means I need to travel to Japan and banish a succubus that wants my fap loosh.

3a9ec7 No.94179


>Montalk's Reality

oh boy

>you have to take opportunities that present themselves

>you want to manifest needs to be something that's within your sphere of availability.

Then It's not reality creation it's just repeating intention to self and taking whatever you get.


>you could try jerking off to a bunch of sigils.

What if I jerk off to sigils because I want billion dollars?

48df39 No.94198

Anyone else here basically unable to interact with or have experiences with aliens until they focus on montalk, the site in general, or the symbol/flag for it, etc. and then you're able to draw them to you?

My personal feeling is that Montalk's aliens are just Ebola Chan and our various egregores we've created on imageboards. Collections of thought/energy that resonate with each other and connect you to specific forms of consciousness and realities.

I think the truth is, everything is a LOT bigger than a handful of aliens, and at the same time a lot smaller (in essence). Infinite variety of combinations and outward forms, but not so confusing to the mind who sees through that.

f87c68 No.94206


>You could try asking your higher self directly.

How do I do that?

aa4527 No.94217

Im scared.

edb4c6 No.94219

File: cae90b97538339f⋯.png (750.9 KB, 1034x1062, 517:531, Untitled.png)

wizarding, wizarding hard right now.

kek wills it.

329b66 No.94220

What kind of magick besides tulpas, and astral projection would you have somebody learn to entertain themselves while alone with no computer, and fasting?

49c7ef No.94221


neither, energy work for two years minimum before doing anything stupid you can't reverse yet.

22c2a2 No.94222


Why is energy work important, and why does it take 2 years?

5e70f6 No.94223


all these spoopy things the bullshit occultists do are symptoms of practicing energy work actively and consciously.

practicing any of the "siddhis" without them coming to you relatively naturally could leave you an emotional wreck or a broken husk, scared, paranoid, mentally ill and everything related.

without knowing energy work you would have a hard time banishing anything you accidentally let in and you would have a hard time going back undoing damage from a failed working.


its like keeping a save of your alignments, what you think and feel what you are courageous of and what not, if i fuck up a working to change my persona and it goes wrong i do this, if you get stuck with a parasite from astral travels where you can't defend yourself or a tulpa that goes haywire and you don't know how to kill and assimilate it you're in a bathtub of bad potions friend.

go learn energy work.

3f9939 No.94224



66e03a No.94225


I appreciate that, but how about I just skip ahead to the cool stuff head long.

dbdfc8 No.94229


Divination, seeing auras, psionics, evocation if you're experienced enough and know how to get rid of the thing, or, from a different perspective, you could manifest excitement into your life.


The occult isn't something that gives you instant gratification.


I was looking for inspiration more than direct answers, so thanks regardless.

5f0fda No.94232


Go outside and perform some weather magic, burst some clouds or bring some in.

Looking for entertainment? Could also play around with automatic writing and drawing. Sketch some potential sigils.

76882a No.94236


I never saw it that way, thanks

e458cf No.94237


>look at me… LOOK AT ME

2085b3 No.94242


No, look at me!

6f0046 No.94243



look at me… LOOK AT ME!! I'm the walrus goo goo g'joob

7e6929 No.94244

89c0e7 No.94247

File: 5755f1a24602f5a⋯.png (657.64 KB, 960x520, 24:13, home-tree.png)


Look at tree

fdf86e No.94251

anyone else have perverted dreams last night? wondering if this was some kind of attack. it was like my normal dream self was just saturated with lust

a40003 No.94252

a3a460 No.94253


I did. I got in trouble for it in the dream too because she was underage.

6df9f7 No.94254

File: dd672852bbc3f87⋯.jpg (111.06 KB, 803x688, 803:688, my property.jpg)






though i don't know why

53ec3e No.94256


I'm underage too though, so it's okay. :^)

811d1c No.94258


Me and I normally don't ever. I was trying to practice telepathy though. I wonder if you're the gal in the astral I fugged.

78e3f7 No.94259

File: 5368eb72774d836⋯.jpg (12.92 KB, 480x360, 4:3, it be dat time.jpg)

File: 5368eb72774d836⋯.jpg (12.92 KB, 480x360, 4:3, it time.jpg)


[demonstration needed]

f4627c No.94264


ha no i'm a dude. I'm not talking regular consensual sex dreams i mean sex with someone or something that is wrong by your own standards.

my dream was like specifically exactly the kind of sexual act that i intend to avoid or to remove from my psyche. it was like i experienced myself indulging in the exact thing that refuse to allow myself to indulge in.

anyone else have disturbing sexual dreams? seems like it wasn't just me.

839a05 No.94273

I'm reading Far Journeys by Robert Monroe, and I'm confused about something. Is the Someone from Somewhere who created the Garden of Earth to farm humans etc for loosh the Demiurge? I can't tell if the book is implying that they created the entire of physical existence or if physical existence already existed (meaning they're not the same thing) and the Someone from Somewhere only created, like, life, or whatever the fuck. This book is confusing, since so much of it is hard to describe verbally.

97d4fb No.94282


The links are not working

33b8dc No.94283

File: 5fd34d42171cb6f⋯.jpg (6.51 KB, 300x179, 300:179, clear-seeing.jpg)


Is it possible during astral projection to, either at the physical or any subtle energetic level, change anything in the remote target location?

Also, is astral projection, remote viewing and clairvoyance different terms for the same thing?

Got some pretty unbelievably good results for my first time with remote viewing the other day and am now looking further and beyond what's possible.

1e070b No.94289


>needing to sleep for over half the day

Have you ever had a job, and how long have you been sleeping like that?

When I'm out of work I usually fall into ridiculous sleep patterns too, sleeping 12+ hours like you said. When I got a job even though it was physically intensive I actually needed to sleep less, go figure. Sitting on your ass all day just drains the shit out of you.

9339b4 No.94291

Hey fags, has anybody ever tried to use their heartbeat as an objection of concentration for meditative purposes?

There's hardly any information on using the heartbeat as an meditation object.

f1c0b2 No.94297


>this place is designed to make people beg

What? Explaine.

4a2cfc No.94302


>Go ahead, read another book

I'm going to because very rarely in my experience has there been one book with all the answers.

>you'll find little that hasn't been covered by that book in terms of DILDs.

See from my own research most people say you should combine techniques to make the most of it, and there are a couple of different techniques.

>but you actually are: there are few as autismo as you :^)

I must be special if you feel the need to violate my privacy.

7ed6aa No.94304


I tend to, since when I wear earplugs my pulse becomes a way more obvious sound. What information would you actually want about something like that though?

6c1f9b No.94310


>learn meditation

>get good at energy work

>let the energy and flow of life express itself through your body

>instinctively pull of similar but better moves than vid related

>achieve all siddhis naturally in due time

You ever come out of a 10 minute dance trance like you're reborn? You should try it, its pretty nice.

Om namah Shivaya.

9805a5 No.94311

How dose one metaphysically manipulate people?

Perhaps some recommended reading on the subject?

3e1e55 No.94312


I could tell you but I'm not sure I want.

3ae3e6 No.94313


Well not telling me would only limit my knowledge, I'm already doing experiments, all for good purposes of course, nothing too risky I'd hate to mess up any interpersonal relationships.

At this point I've found a few way's of doing this foe better or worse.

If it's a case were you may not feel I'm not deserving of your findings I shall shear my own first for all who wish to know.

Method 1. change aspects of your self metaphysically to suite others.

Method 2. create a feeling and intention around a idea or thing to change how they react.

d26ae2 No.94314

Anyone know where that one angel thread is? Or have a link to the guys archive?

13dd6b No.94316


That was my thread. I don't know why it got 404'd.

My thread is archived on 4chan's /x/ here: http://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/18602086

38aeb1 No.94317


Considering the heartbeat is one of the few things literally everybody shares you'd think it might be a more common meditation object. It's also always present, so there seems to be the potential for practice in daily (kind of like how some people remain aware of the breath throughout the whole day). Yet when I google 'heartbeat as meditation object' I get like 3 forum posts and not much else mentioning it.

So that's why I was wondering if anybody else had seen it mentioned or had experience with that.

356e5d No.94318





7a0620 No.94319


It might be less common because it's a bit less obvious. Right now as I type this, I can't hear my pulse because it's not quiet enough, and I can only feel it faintly, but I'm completely aware of my breathing. I think the only thing focusing on your pulse has over focusing on your breath is the fact that there's no way to consciously control your pulse like you can with your breath. It's 100% observation with no room for error like if you start controlling your breathing, which exerts control over your physical body and can bring you out of a trance or a projection attempt or whatever. That's the only advantage I can think of. Have you done enough of it to notice anything yourself?


You'd use regular manifestation techniques but make the intention that the person do what you want them to do. I also remember something about inserting your own thoughts into someone as if they're their own. I don't remember if that was something separate from just making thoughtforms the normal way. There's also the WWA Mind Power stuff. There's something important you've got to understand, though. Every person has free will and various other energies working in their lives to bring specific results. Manipulating people in this way channels energy of a specific intention from one person to the other. If that energy isn't as strong as their own opposite forces, it has to go somewhere, so it tends to go back the way it came. If your attempts to manipulate people aren't strong enough (which is more likely that not), you'll end up manipulating yourself.

c07576 No.94321


It's mentioned in science of breath

87d154 No.94331

Does that part of IIH that talks about impregnating breathing, eating etc with a particular desire and not doing it for multiple desires (the "he who chases two hares at the same time will never catch one" thing) also apply to creative visualization etc? There was something somewhere about the impregnation thing only working for changes in your personality, I think, and it also says that autosuggestion only works for changes in your personality too, so I figure maybe they're different classes of things (maybe creative visualization etc doesn't have the same rules since you unconsciously power multiple thoughtforms throughout the day), but I don't know. I want to make some things happen long term (external to my physical body), but I'd have to focus on them all over the same time frame. If I only focused on making one of the things happen until it happened, the opportunity for all of the others would end.

19989d No.94332


The heartbeat is indeed faint, that's kind of the major 'difficulty' with it, I found. However I was thinking maybe if you became more 'established' in the heartbeat it could always accompany you. When people repeat a mantra enough it kind of settles into their mind and starts repeating itself no matter what (ajapa). The same can more or less happen with the breath if you're aware of it in daily life, for long enough. I'd like to see if the same can be done with the heartbeat. Where it kind of dissociates from being purely a tactile sensation to like a 'beacon' of awareness, that you can kind of tether your mind to so it won't run all over the place.

>Have you done enough of it to notice anything yourself?

I've been experimenting with it but so far nothing peculiar. It' can sometimes be hard to identify the pulse, but other than that I do find the heartbeat innately more relaxing. It's kind of like a steady drum beat.


I looked and all I could find is syncing up the counts of the in and out breath with the heartbeat.

f9f32d No.94333

File: ce4a077ecde9682⋯.jpg (19.77 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

Is it true that if you do 100.000 postrations correctly you achieve some kind of Siddhi or samadhical state?

dcf8b6 No.94334

How can I use the occult to get a GF?

No bullying please.

9352ee No.94336


My guess would be to apply what you've learned from the kybalion to alchemically transmute your personality into one that can get laid

189ba2 No.94337


No you have to do 100,000 prostrations, 100 is too few

c1af7e No.94339


That' what i meant.

in my country the "." is used a the "," position in numbers.

>Also what siddhi would you get?

I know everyone say "oh no don't get them they're burden " but I indeed desire to get them,deliberately.

92b74e No.94358

File: 21987c71bb91a78⋯.jpg (93.64 KB, 1288x750, 644:375, 14dckag7cuky.jpg)

someone translate this to bullshit occultism

a36aac No.94370

How do I stop ageing?

3895fb No.94373

Shani dev (Sanskrit: शनि, Śani) is one of the Navagraha (the nine primary celestial beings in Hindu astrology) of Jyotiṣa. Shani dev is embodied in the planet Saturn and is the Lord of Saturday.

Shani is a Deva and son of Surya and his wife Chhaya, hence also known as Chayyaputra. He is the elder brother of Yama, the Hindu god of death, who in some scriptures corresponds to the deliverance of justice. Surya's two sons Shani dev and Yama judge. Shani dev gives the results of one's deeds through one's life through appropriate punishments and rewards; Yama grants the results of one's deeds after death.

It is said that when Shani dev opened his eyes as a baby for the very first time, the sun went into an eclipse, which clearly denotes the impact of Shani dev on astrological charts. He is known as the greatest teacher and well wisher for the righteous as well the greatest punisher for those who follow the path of evil, betrayal, backstabbing and unjust revenge. Shani is also known as the lord of masses & God of Punishment and his blessings are thus considered very important in an individual's horoscope for bestowing him with mass following and popularity. He is depicted dark in colour, clothed in black; holding a sword, arrows and two daggers and mounted on a crow, which is Shani's vāhana. As protector of property, Shani dev is able to repress the thieving tendencies of birds.

Shani Jayanti the birth anniversary of Lord Shani falls on the Amavasya of Jyeshta month of Hindu calendar.

Shani dev, along with the goddess Jyestha, the god Yama, and the goddess Nirrti, are associated with the crow in Hindu mythology. Throughout Hindu mythology crows represent harmful and inauspicious characteristics, both of which Shani possesses.

Worship of Shani is done on Saturdays by offering to the god all his favourite items like oil, black cloth, black seeds, mustard oil.

Hindu traditions often include the worship of Shani dev in order to dispel dangerous ghosts and other supernatural beings. Worshipers also perform healing rituals and exorcisms that derive from local and regional folk traditions.

32dd68 No.94375

Binearal beats work?

903dbc No.94376


Read Models by Mark Manson.

Do this alongside SS+GOMAD

511928 No.94377


Yes, and no; binaural beats can have a trance inducing effect but only from focus on them. They don't have anything to do with with inducing certain brainwave patterns in them selves.

339bcd No.94378


not true

4dd43a No.94380


I could be wrong, but I don't think so. The study that validated the brain wave induction was done with old fashioned earphones that actually sent electric signals into the brain. I have no problem being wrong though, and I haven't studied it that much.

f6d82c No.94386

5a9913 No.94390

File: 6f566e50d24781f⋯.jpg (820.36 KB, 1944x2592, 3:4, IMG_20170313_031103393_HDR.jpg)

My altar's creeping me the fuck out. Did I do something wrong, or am I just worrying for nothing?

Also, could I use an altar simply as an extension of my mind and hermetic resonance? The western magic thread is gone so I thought I'd ask here.

4c7cc2 No.94393


fucking bulllshit occult roleplaying manchild living in his mother's basement

59592e No.94394


stop browsing this board and ask elsewhere, maybe there ill tell

19e372 No.94395

I wish to become a better person mentally and physically. I need to purge all negativity from my mind. I've checked out the library but that's more general stuff, I don't know where to begin. I'm not so sure I want to delve into the actual practice of magic because I have zero understanding of it and I'm afraid of practicing it because I'm not entirely religious, I do believe in God and I'm unsure if this is alright to be completely honest. I'm sorry, you must hate these newfig questions but all I need is a point in the right direction.

e8308b No.94396


Forgot a bit. I didn't want to give my life story and make it longer then need be, but I feel like shit, I would say I'm depressed I can't put thoughts together I'm not alright.

b3b322 No.94398


I'd recommend you begin by doing the practical work from initiation into hermetics in order, the books in the library. The first few steps are building the foundation for you to begin delving into magic and focus on finding problems about yourself and fixing them. Also please don't feel sorry for asking questions, that actually gave me feels that you'd actually apologize for asking for help. I wish you luck famalam, I really do.

f7a48f No.94403


Fine, I'll see you someplace I've never been soon I guess.

9da45e No.94408


thanks friend

Also any one got that image of that one chaos servitor that was fueled by the happiness of it's owner when random good stuff happens to him?

f2b787 No.94409

tell me what you guys think/know about [redacted]

e3a703 No.94411

What are demons /fringe/ ? Can you give me an insight on these creatures since this must be the place that knows a lot of stuff about demonology.

0d8283 No.94413


only if you tell me what you think/know about [redacted]

7ff5bf No.94417


sadly i think/know nothing about Kenneth - because I have never heard of him before

32a431 No.94421



1888d5 No.94422


>believes in bullshit like demons and angels and succubi

>believes in rituals and mumbo jumbo BULLSHIT LARPING

>uses anything but his WILL

>uses the word "magick"

>thinks he can influence the external without being influenced as a result

>browses /fringe/

47ce71 No.94423


>>believes in bullshit like demons and angels and succubi

you quack.

4dbba1 No.94424



If you mean the Christian god then I have no idea why you're on /fringe/ but you could try autosuggestion (as you're going to sleep at just after you wake up, repeat to yourself in your head "I'm happy and I enjoy life", or something like that) or focus your attention on the feelings that the things that make you happy give you as much as possible, possibly in meditation too (and if there's literally nothing, which I doubt, it might help to expand your horizons and try new things, even in a small way like on the internet if you're cripplingly depressed). If you're strict in your beliefs, which you don't seem to be, not believing that either of those things do anything will stop them from doing anything. I know how dumb that sounds, but try to have an open mind about it. Maybe you just need a different perspective on life, too. The recommended reading list partially helped to bring me out of depression about 2 years ago. That also depends on how open minded you are.


He was a good boy, he dindu nuffin. I hope he doesn't kill himself.

b9d7d7 No.94426


*takes a hit of d' old bong*

dude did i ever tell you


about that time


that time i summoned like totally summoned

*gets an erection*


*masturbates to porn*

a demon man it was like

*ejaculates into a napkin*

totally radical dude

*eats cheetos*

i am a magick master

*inhales from d' bong*

i am like totally radical dude

32b2e1 No.94430


Will read it, sounds neat.

>I wish you luck famalam, I really do.

I'm ready to give up porn, videogames and stop wasting time on the computer. I'm ready to start reading and fixing myself

Thanks a ton.


I already do repeat positive stuff in my head every once in a bit it's actually helped but I wish to delve further into the mind and become a a greater person, a master of my mind and thoughts. There are a ton of books to choose from I'm gonna have to take a wild pick and see. Thanks a lot.

32af41 No.94433


wew sempaiits broad terms so of course it will hit home

10^10 meme, good loosh

ada86a No.94439

d92161 No.94444

How can I better my humour skills with magick?

471536 No.94445

New to all this, trying to learn to meditate correctly, and will later try to make a "memory palace".

I've been doing quiet-mind meditation to start out with, and plan on moving to more visualization meditation after a bit. I've also started decalcifying my pineal gland by taking iodine supplements and drinking distilled water.

Does this sound like a good starting point to meditation? Any advice? Other meditations that might be helpful? How do I know I'm meditating correctly? Sometimes I feel like I'm sitting there kinda bored, or antsy to move.

7b0e95 No.94449

Has anyone had any success using magic to find a career path for them?

Ive been working towards a specific science degree and found out the program ive been trying to get into for the past 2 years wont accept me until fall of 2018 and im feeling very lost right now, maybe it wasent meant to be?

I will take any advice given, thank you for your time.

fcb1ad No.94456


>has magic help you get job?

Yes! Without magic, I'd have half as much work to do! Though half of my workload ias making talismans, wands, and ritual blades.

More related to you though, have you read the kybalion yet?

ed553d No.94457


thank you for your reply, yes i have read the kyballion but thats about it, im only a bit over halfway done with the arcane teaching

562b42 No.94459

File: 8bf3668446eb875⋯.jpg (331.88 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, WFowqJl.jpg)

Hi /fringe/

Recently I started reading The Kybalion, but I don't know which book to progress after im done with it, so far I have been reading the FAQ and I can't seem to find the books suggested in the FAQ ( I checked the library; /fringe/library.html, and so far I have only found the book of knowledge, kybalion, and initiation into hermetics by Barron). Can anyone lead me to the right path on this? I-I don't want to get lost.

Have a picture of a doggo

e9ed88 No.94461


Hey buddy, all the books from the faq are here. https://mega.nz/#F!6kJzEIJb!aVVgmWAM-aP_bU_8Co43FA

They should be inside the new thought folder.

cute doggo

462330 No.94465

File: 8d5bfcd918b5835⋯.png (159.02 KB, 764x744, 191:186, MONTALKISGOOD.png)

>>94444 (checked)

Use the manifestation techniques mentioned in this thread like autosuggestion and creative visualization.


That depends on what you want to do with meditation. Constantly doing it for the sole purpose of clearing your mind is a good idea if you want to develop skills and things, but you can use meditation to do things too. Read some books if you haven't already, and figure out what you want from the occult. Just meditating for the sake of meditating is a perfectly good thing to do, and it has its benefits, but you sound like you want much more than that.


Pic related is a good reading list. There's another reading list in the banner too, which is where the link to the library with all the other links to Mega/Mediafire folders inside it is.

a885ba No.94466


Hi there friends,

Popping in for additional advice.

Firstly on trances. Is trancing similar to layman termed meditation? Clearing of the mind etc? Once I have spent some time practicing, what else should I try? what resources are there?

Next for improving and maintaining a thoughtform:

Yoren is growing as a partner of Positivity, kindness, warmth and light. Even now he sits on my right shoulder.

How could I improve his ability to affect me in positive ways?

Any beginner reading material in general would be appreciated.

012fe2 No.94467


please disregard, read the thread and am looking into the kybalion

472027 No.94471

File: 57b51246237d42a⋯.jpg (191.03 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, n6aIVaz.jpg)

File: b9b8bc44a77af34⋯.jpg (111.56 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, DSwljNK.jpg)

File: f4f58d72f90864c⋯.jpg (5.65 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download (1).jpg)



Thank you lads. Have some more doggos filled with positive energy that will help you towards your journey

a56b86 No.94483

Seriously though, is halting age possible?

6eb64f No.94485


You just gotta kill yourself brah.

0b38a1 No.94486


Think I just reached enlightenment.

Cheers guv

b7ce7c No.94494

>the righteous have become the worst in order to be righteous, the righteous must become the worst to learn from others so that they can become righteous but the worst will have a hard time with the worse and thus can't learn


eead2f No.94496

868815 No.94501


idk about that one but ive been using this on and off for about a week and half. First day i noticed the top of my eye changed to grey, the size of the tip of your fingernail is the amount that changed.. Other than first day though i haven't really seen much change but i also haven't listened or meditated as hard as first day either. First day I listened to it like 10 times and focused my attention to my eye throughout the day.


ddcbf3 No.94505

File: 4f5a322e42fa9fc⋯.jpeg (93.61 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1470138103545.jpeg)


I may have done it accidentally, my interest in magic awakened when I was a teenager and now that I'm 20 I still look like I'm 16. This is getting ridiculous to the point where random women in their 30s talk to me as if I was a child and bus ticket controllers ask what school do I go to when checking my ticket.

df903a No.94506

How do I edit my etheric body?

89aee9 No.94508


Force it in shape.

If you get really good t energy work you will feel your whole etheric body like a warm liquid that molds into whatever shape you think/will it to.

If you even better your etheric body can take on the shape of animals, characteristics, to symbolise yourself and your thoughts.

Just be wary as, as above so below, your body will assume the shape of your etheric body and vice versa depending on what's decisively stronger.

You should be balanced in both these aspects to allow them to freely change shape at will+time.

A good idea is to work out and stretch as this massively empowers the etheric body ,it's energy will flow in less hindered pathways meaning you get stronger or of higher vibration.

I think everything is possible, because it is, the laws are the same everywhere.

If you think of a cube then make that cube turn into a horse then a TV, it's working and possible right? You see/thought it? These are the laws the universe operates by, without limitations, same thing would happen in real life if your thought wouldn't be diminished by the quantity of matter you're trying to change or the mind of the object.

Can you imagine life? Writing this I got a vision of life or creation being a ghost raising a mountain of sand perpetually forever.

45e8eb No.94510

Do people on this board generally buy into the "law of attraction"? It sounds like normie wishful thinking to me. I'm rather skeptical about it, but I haven't read any quality books that deal with it in a rigorous way.

af620b No.94511

e6b0ad No.94513


It's basic magic. Should be amongst the first things to learn.

906c40 No.94523


That is easily tested. I'll try purple for lulz.


Good luck with grey. People ask am i dead or something because the colour of my eyes.


You indeed aswered the question. But what did you do?

Perhaps just being more aware?

53f397 No.94524


It has a shitton of options, like getting your thing bigger or getting smarter, the eye was just an exemple.

The explanation smells bullshit but idk

Does biokinesis works that way?

ce9558 No.94525


Read The Secret goy :^)

d3ff1e No.94529

File: 5f3b2c6f3269ecc⋯.jpg (580.96 KB, 926x724, 463:362, hermes-trismegistus.jpg)

Which translation/edition of the Corpus Hermeticum should I get?

3298b0 No.94530


U selty m8?

904e23 No.94531


yay puppies thx anon

ba089f No.94532



Shitposting like this counts as bullying imhotbqh.

ddfd55 No.94533


Models is a solid book for NEETs looking for dating advice though.

c16424 No.94546


The occult definition is generally different to the New Age definition, like with all New Age shit. It's mentioned in The Arcane Teaching, as well as a couple other Atkinson books.


Looks like dumb edgy bullshit at a glace. Where did you find out about it? What was the context?

e32b0e No.94547

I've noticed over the last couple months that when I'm sitting around not doing anything I'll start tracing symbols in the air with my finger. They're usually quite similar. I doubt these symbols are anything special, but I've never seen them anywhere else, and I never consciously decide what they'll look like. Would it be a bad idea to treat them like sigils and see what happens when I charge them?

a6c2c2 No.94552


Downloaded one of the libraries in one of the stickies, one of the parts had like "Vampire Bibles" and such, some of their practices were interesting and somewhat legit (not their background lore and such, though). It was in the "Library of Atlantis" archive

f6e1a9 No.94553


Lovely, do you have any idea of what the accident was?

You might just be genetically lessed.

d04324 No.94555


Looked at that website.

Never liked groups who claim you can get power from just "bein urself" and at the cost of nothing.

99fec5 No.94562

File: 0b6c758e136a4e1⋯.png (2.58 MB, 2570x2045, 514:409, kizu-hanekawa2.png)

Did Nietzsche rediscover the male gender during his musings on philosophy?

9e334f No.94563

File: 457ce272873fcf8⋯.jpg (47.83 KB, 414x590, 207:295, 457ce272873fcf8220a471f63f….jpg)

Are there any western traditions unpozzed by abrahamism besides chaos and new age wicca shit?

49dad0 No.94564


Also, is there a good resource on creating talismans?

fa263f No.94572


Is the etheric body just the image of yourself that you hold in your sub-conscious or is it something deeper? If it's in the sub-conscious affirmations before sleep would be enough to do the trick however it doesn't seem like it

4a56b7 No.94575

File: ed050a6881d2888⋯.png (235.9 KB, 1794x939, 598:313, 1461028662341.png)


More than mere possibly but actually engaging the healing mechanism beyond the threshold of mere maintenance will start to youthen you. Also see the inedia thread >>93234 as diet is very important to achieveing an ageless vessel and perfecting the temple.

8310c5 No.94583


Do ageless people even exist? Is there any evidence of anyone alive like that today?

a06057 No.94584


Thanks for the answer anon.

Can tell you are trustworthy from your ID.

I will look into the diet! Been looking to change that aspect pf my life anyways.

Now a question for an anon I missed in another thread. How exactly do I summon people?

Is it all will and intent?

77cb1c No.94616

Can I use magic to stop my hair from becoming greasy/unclean? If so, please explain how to do it

65e7f3 No.94653


Eat properly and wash your your hair three times a week at most.

Million times easier than magic and will even help with things that require actual magic.

d01eb6 No.94687


Is there anything I can use magic for to make mundane life easier? What can magic actually be used for?

65dfa2 No.94689


You can use occult methods to make your hair less greasy, but why would you? Just wash it properly. Chances are it would just manifest as you doing that anyway. It's like asking "how do I use magic to trim my nails" or "how do I use magic to tie my shoes". The stuff we talk about here is used to change personality and life conditions, and to do stuff related to planes other than the physical. Have you read any of the books? How long have you been here?

35581a No.94691

Hello, guys. I like having "pen-pals" to correspond with on intellectual, religious, spiritual, or cultural topics. So I'm just gonna leave an email here (it's a pseudonym, not my actual name), and anyone that's up for some stimulating conversation can feel free to email me:

[email protected]

I find that communicating one-on-one has benefits that you don't get from image-board discussions (there are pros and cons to both).

bfddba No.94698

e3e659 No.94708

Is there a ritual to absorve one character's personality? Some traits of his character like Johan Liebert for instance

4365a6 No.94714

File: 16a9f99701ab0a6⋯.jpg (186.37 KB, 824x1024, 103:128, 1396832366936.jpg)

File: d2f6424a3db2f04⋯.jpg (122.4 KB, 583x753, 583:753, 1396832938442.jpg)

File: b98518b10b2fb83⋯.jpg (117.65 KB, 1024x708, 256:177, 1426395612562.jpg)

File: 02a406a86933240⋯.jpg (49.98 KB, 450x587, 450:587, b836d5c810a379c2b095dbb1ca….jpg)


>Do ageless people even exist?

Plausible proof exists yet enough doubt as to maintain either reality/belief system so they can coexist regardless of fact.

>Is there any evidence of anyone alive like that today?

There are a number of immortal claims, Keanu Reeves is perhaps the most common, and classic, example but I imagine most of them shy away from the spotlight, I mean, why would you, as an immortal care or want swarms of mortals fawning around you? You have higher aspirations beyond the mere worldly affairs of those who can't grasp hold of the eternal greater reality. Instead they choose to remain focused on the ephemeral over the timeless (at least to the point of the entropy of aging out weighing the godly healing-youthening creative power they channel/are).


My hair is fantastic and I hardly every wash it, in fact stripping it of the natural oil really irritates me. I comb it near obsessively though, it is part of my body I take great pride in. Occasionally I'll wash it with urine but mostly I try to keep the liquids on it to a minimum, never use shampoos, conditioners, or the like. People compliment me on my hair and me my secret I have to just grin and say light water on rare occasion only.

Also sending it love/energy/loosh helps too.

c9cc30 No.94715

File: 4762418784b0f9d⋯.jpg (124.65 KB, 500x680, 25:34, 1456163050557-2.jpg)



Worth repostan.

Meditation #33

Meditation Name: Conscious Eating

Type: (Body) Awareness, Self-Knowledge/Self-Command


CE gives your body exactly what it needs (real body needs) in right quantity and at the right time. Here is how to do it step by step. Let us assume that you feel hungry. Pro-ceed as the following points suggests.

1. Stop for a while, relax the mind and body and ask yourself: “what is it?”. Now, FEEL the answer, do not THINK about the reason, because you need to feel it. The more feeling there is and the less intellectual process happens, the more Consciousness is manifesting itself. The thinking process (intellect, the conscious mind activity) is a smaller, more limited sphere of Consciousness. Man needs to transcend it in order to better understand the mind and the body. So feel the answer. It is possible that at this point the hunger will vanish and … well, in such a case this is the end of CE.

Another possibility is that a picture or emotion will emerge, because blocked emotions, thoughts, thinking mechanisms, when they are being pushed out, first are felt as hunger. If this is the case and you start to eat, they are being covered with food and put back inside your psyche.

2. Do you still feel hungry? Go to the next step. Ask yourself, what it is that you want to eat. Scan through different foods and feel what food is most appealing to you. Having found it, imagine for several seconds, that you eat it. Imagine feeling it in your mouth and stomach. Ask your-self again: “what is it?”, and feel the answer. If the hunger vanishes, you can stop here. Also at this moment some pictures or significant thoughts may emerge to help you understand yourself more. Immerse yourself in them, let them fully pass through you, feel them all over the mind and body, so that you understand better what they are all about. After they are gone, they will never make you hungry again.

3. If the body really needs some substance called food, the hunger you feel will not vanish at this stage, so continue the procedure of CE. Take the food that you feel the body needs to eat. But do it consciously, feel your every move, how you are taking it, cutting it, cooking it, preparing it etc. Use your feelings to carefully observe yourself (deeply feel your-self). Continue to concentrate on the same question: “what is it?”, and wait for an answer with your feelings (it is the feeling to answer, not the mind). At this stage the hunger may vanish and pictures or unusual thoughts may appear. If nothing happens, proceed to the next step.

4. You are now sitting in front of the food that you feel hungry for. Slowly take a piece, all the time observing yourself by feeling your every slight-est movement and body reactions. Bring a piece of the food to your nose and smell it. Delight yourself in the smell and keep your feelings open for the answer to the question: “what is it?”. You need to feel it, not to find the answer by thinking. Again, the same may happen: either the hunger disappears or emotion, picture, thought appear(s). If not, continue.

5. Now bite the food. Keep it in the mouth and immerse yourself into feel-ing it. Feel the whole intellect, psyche and body reactions. FEEL, FEEL and FEEL, observe and do not think.

6. Next, very important, chew it for a long time, never less than three minutes; the longer the better, even a few hours in extreme cases. Usu-ally three to six minutes is enough. Swallow ONLY when it has changed to liquid and changed the taste. Remember, the food you are chewing will change taste once or more. Never swallow it before the taste has changed, else it will not be conscious eating procedure. FEEL, FEEL and FEEL, observe and do not think. When chewing you may start to feel disgusting taste and will not want to swallow it, then spit it out.

7. Proceed this way with every bite until you feel that you are full. By doing so you are making sure that you satisfy the so-called “real body need” (for specific substances, regardless of what the body uses it for). With CE you are all the time making yourself conscious of the process that you are going through. The process starts by feeling hunger or thirst. As you proceed with CE, you discover what it actually is. If it is not the real body need, you will not force the body to eat what it does not need. The best care for the body is to give it what it needs, when it needs and in the right amount.

With CE you are becoming a non-eater consciously, without fighting or misunderstanding, without making many mistakes. You are discovering the real relation between your body, Earth and your psyche.

'Comments: Real wizards are muscle wizards that listen to their body rather than think their mind is some how divorced from it.''

Featured In: InediaNonEatingFasting.pdf aka Life Style Without Food by Joachim M. Werdin

e70812 No.94716


The pua losers claim to do that IIRC, with mundane psychology though.

Self-hypnosis and intense study perhaps?

I'm trying something similar right now which is quite a coincidence.

f9c8a1 No.94717

When is a thoughtform complete enough that it starts acting out it's duty? Is there any way to feel it?

211018 No.94721


Yessir. What you gotta do is imagine you are him or have the trait that you want. Maybe imagine yourself in a situation and think to yourself "what would this person do" or "if I had this trait, what would I do". Also if you're a neet and at your computer all day you can place all kinds of objects that invoke the feeling of the trait you want on your desk. For example you want to be more aggressive then you'd put weapons on your desk or other things that invoke the feeling of aggression like a mad face or a fist. If your not a neet and actually have to leave your computer (I'm so sorry) then what you want to do is carry around objects that invoke the energy you want. Maybe draw a few pictures and carry them around in your pocket.

I'm sure you can think of more methods, these are just some. But the general idea is having your mind and body surrounded with the energies the person/traits invokes, in other words surround yourself with the energy the thing you want radiates and eventually it will take form.

efa175 No.94722


>Maybe imagine yourself in a situation and think to yourself "what would this person do" or "if I had this trait, what would I do".

You also want to play out the situation which I forgot to mention.

0d7263 No.94725

Do wizards need to sleep?

a0f4ca No.94726


When you can channel large amounts of energy through your body, less so. Once you near inedia, even less, further down the path when accomplished in full you will be at a few/couple hours of recharge/meditation a day (24 hours) and eventually you will reach a perfect equilibrium and be able to maintain charge through out all time through sheer force of will and unity with Creation.


If you're sensitive enough you may sense it however if not you may just notice how it biases the probabilities towards the fulfillment of it's duty. If you can not discern either give it more juice/time.

0db9fa No.94728

How do I make a servitor using self-hypnosis? How would I make a memory servitor like in >>93424 pic related?

ba53f9 No.94730

File: 736aebf2737a358⋯.jpg (18.45 KB, 366x380, 183:190, 1263274078409.jpg)



>mod censorship

a4b910 No.94731


It was mistaken as a doxxing attempt and as talking about a particular case in my area in which a certain someone is on trial for break & enter + rape. Sorry about that. Not trying to censor anyone.

cd8c92 No.94732


We eventually attain a state in which we are constantly dreaming while awake so ultimately, no, wizards don't need to sleep because they transcend the duality of wake/sleep.


Condense the thought and energize it with your emotions until it has enough power to not dissolve immediately when you take away attention and it can go and carry out the task you set it through intention.

1600ee No.94742


>Condense the thought and energize it with your emotions until it has enough power to not dissolve immediately when you take away attention and it can go and carry out the task you set it through intention.

Does a servitor need to become sentient (like a tulpa) to use creativity and imagination independently? Those are utilized a lot in memorizing things

acb770 No.94744


What's an effective method for powering a thoughtform?

883c09 No.94745


whats its design?

357e9f No.94747


Well, It's a white ball, I'm not sure if making into some kind of more detailed entity would be better, and focusing on it as a white ball is a lot easier than focusing on it and thinking about various different features of it

82278c No.94750


Somewhat depending on the task. It doesn't need complete independence though and it can be limited to just what it is to do.

5daa2c No.94751

File: 8f1bafdbbcdbbea⋯.jpg (7.93 KB, 236x174, 118:87, vortex single path.jpg)

File: 8a387ba663e659e⋯.jpg (118.08 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, rodin coil.jpg)

File: 6f4112860d7425a⋯.png (52.29 KB, 480x600, 4:5, 1439001176935-0.png)

File: a02f013b41d6887⋯.png (3.61 KB, 16x16, 1:1, Scientist-Fringe.png)

File: dcbf7a756fadb4c⋯.gif (927.27 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1488847687541-0.gif)


I've found that focusing on a the geometry of a toroid instead of a plain sphere helps mitigate aetheric friction/entropy.

Otherwise cultivating your own energy and follow the cycles of nature and/or loosh farm are your options.

>tfw no Fringe Sci/Tesla flag here

>Whistles to BO

d9a381 No.94753


>Otherwise cultivating your own energy and follow the cycles of nature and/or loosh farm are your options.

How do I do that though?

da1020 No.94754

Is "compulsion" a thing?

As in hypnosis but all mental?

It's something I'd really like to learn about in-depth, any recommended reading?

008a45 No.94756


I don't have any recommended reading, but yes it is.

There have been many times when the Moon has been full and I have been filled with so much Spirit that I was compelled into action.

I would like information though on another subject. In an off-hand comment in an /x/ thread, an Anon mention 41 deities that were supposed to be reincarnated for the end battle. Does anyone have more knowledge about this? Or can point me in the right direction?

1e7d7b No.94759


>I was compelled into action.

Ah you missunderstood.

I wish to use my mind to compell others to do specific things.

Have any recommended reading on that?

33928c No.94761

File: b5623c433f582c0⋯.jpg (60.41 KB, 750x749, 750:749, 1390451076468.jpg)


Neophyte please. You have senses, use them, do the training.


Can't embed playlist.

593bf1 No.94764

is book of knowledge any good?

afd191 No.94768


Ah, I am personally against influencing the Free Will of others so I would be no help to you there.

6c5921 No.94772

Does incest has a spiritual impact on the people involved?

169180 No.94773


Incest between direct blood relatives are bad for the psyche. You're siblings for a reason. You're parents and children for a reason.

ba8e10 No.94774


I'm not doing it.

I'm just interested.

And why is that?

08317f No.94780

Does what we do really matter that much in the end?

4ea7b6 No.94785


Nothing matters ever. Puke off a tall building. Grab your dad by the groin. Carve the 14 words into your forehead and run into oncoming traffic. Buy some cupcakes. It's impossible for anyone to answer that question, because our interpretation of the universe is limited to the small scope of the information that humans can absorb from their small environment, as opposed to every possible sensory input or interpretation and any kind of process we couldn't even comprehend.


I haven't gone through much of it myself but there's a lot of useful information and methods for doing various things. Depends on what you want to do. Some of it is the kind of thing that doesn't seem possible to understand without having done other parts of it, like the Merkabah meditation.

739979 No.94786


Bump again. I don't think I'll do it but surely someone here has tried charging a symbol that didn't have any known intent behind it.

f32ce1 No.94791

Is most of fringe in this thread only?

8cccdf No.94792

e7cecc No.94793


I guess il just stick to this thread and use it as a general…

beafa2 No.94796

How can I learn motivation and discipline for the first time?

522570 No.94798

Opinions on Jane Roberts?

9875bf No.94800

So i was talking with a mercurian entity about improving my ability to verbally speak with others and he recommended I start doing voice recordings and record my thoughts and such throughout the day. However I'm thinking about taking it a step further. How triggered would you guys be if started replying to posts with vocaroo? I'd imagine that would piss a lot people off tbh but it would be really beneficial for me and would help me overcome my social anxiety. I'm already doing the voice recordings for myself but the vocaroo posting would make it harder for me because other people are going to be hearing them and judging me which would be kind of therapeutic. Thoughts?

846450 No.94801

665fa1 No.94802


You right. Forgot other boards were even an option. I'm honestly here too damn much. I should probably just go to a different website for this project actually so i don't actually give a fuck if I piss people off. Cheers friendo

e0b149 No.94803


I used to do this on 4pol back in the day and people enjoyed it for some reason, that said there are better avenues for this, like >>94801 suggests

1c9ec8 No.94806


I see what you did there.

39b5a1 No.94807

Is there a dating site for wizards?

If not, who wants to help me make one?

128630 No.94808


Who wants to date a bunch of degenerate pagan women?

9e0ad9 No.94810


Or at least influence my aura to get an intended response.

5e5a41 No.94811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


what you were listening to

15357a No.94818



86dcb6 No.94821


How can we help?

42ef38 No.94822

The Golden Age of esoteric discussion on the internet was 20 years ago. Let it go faggots, the internet is dying of terminal cancer.


b40700 No.94823

fcd7d8 No.94824


If you have the money to run a website with a very small demographic, most of that small demographic being new age/wiccan/"spiritual", and most of the people like us not wanting to use it because of those people or because they don't want the time constraints relationships bring or because they're awkward people, then sure, I'll help. I used HTML/CSS a bit a few years ago, and I know a couple things about servers.


You first, dipshit.

c0e8aa No.94825


>You first, dipshit.

Thanks for the loosh cid.

c1bd6c No.94834

File: 134cf2b70f64f33⋯.jpeg (123.32 KB, 1076x1306, 538:653, 6e3faefe36f4665884ade3d45….jpeg)


Neat cap, I'm >>94505 and one of the first things I did when I started on this path was lots and lots of daily energy breathing and whenever someone talked to me about the future or old age I'd always think or say something like "That's ok though since I'm going to live forever." Don't even know why I started doing that but I guess it's paying off.

Like an anon said, I may also be genetically blessed since my father also always looked young for his age. Although it just seems way too easy to be the secret for immortality. Perhaps the trick for ageless living is the combination of good aryan genes and proper esoteric hygiene? Time will tell I guess since my father was a fedora tipping atheist and died of cancer at the age of 51 so hopefully I'll surpass him.

98ef94 No.94836

Is there a book or a fact sheet about emotions? Particularly about fear.

What causes it and can it be used somehow.

979e71 No.94837

File: 531f19f501d0c70⋯.png (15.18 KB, 1232x1130, 616:565, hexagram.png)

What's this hexagram about?

I found it in a 10 year old notebook from a guy who fucked me over along with other drawings but this one was so precise in the symbols and all that it actually made me think it was made with intent.

Was he trying to curse me with his bullshit occultism?

On the top there's a gemini sign or something of the like, wasn't sure so I left it blank.

2ed007 No.94838


do it faggot

e92086 No.94843


that's an edgy image

6adc62 No.94846

30c25f No.94850


>surely someone here has tried charging a symbol that didn't have any known intent behind it.

what do you want to know?

53f647 No.94851


kill yourself bullshit occultist

f4c04e No.94854


I guess just what to expect/what happens. There are weird symbols I unknowingly trace in the air with my finger or with a mouse on the computer. Sometimes I notice I'm doing it and draw the symbol somewhere so I can remember it. They might be insignificant but I'm curious about what would happen if I used them as sigils. They're not symbols anyone else drew or that I saw somewhere. What happened with you? Did you do anything like that?

3bdfa1 No.94865


>I guess just what to expect/what happens.

It's actually quite simple figure it out for yourself

>Did you do anything like that?

I did

>What happened with you?

You already know what happened ==SPOILER ALERT!==

dbbad3 No.94877


you are de chosen one fuhrer

you will lead us to de revolution

awaken thy inner GODSOUL and face DAMNATION

0fc009 No.94879


The Way of Hermes: New Translations of the Corpus Hermeticum (Inner Traditions, 2000).

77468d No.94883

lets say i wanted to use magick to improve my running speed once I've hit my genetic limit, is this possible? visualising myself breaking my personal record/affirmations or what ? how can i become faster?

f51bff No.94885


Why am I not surprised that my question didn't get answered

01bcdd No.94887


If you already know so much about my practices why ask questions you already have the answer to?

a17d2b No.94889


You aren't taking any drugs are you?

2085ce No.94890

File: f1599b5647b9626⋯.jpg (284.87 KB, 728x4242, 52:303, 000.jpg)

You might be good at Astrology, /fringe/, but what of this?

Do you have a explanation?

a8972c No.94896

File: 544c69639834733⋯.jpg (5.53 KB, 300x300, 1:1, skv2019995899872.jpg)


Not sure I'm buying all the Christian memes in that post but I checked the coordinates and that creepy ass smile is actually there. Wonder what it is.

dc8076 No.94897


haha look at this fukin looser hahahahaha

a96b30 No.94899

>when you carry out a false-flag operative to blame /pol/ but you're actually from /fringe/ and you've been continuing your discordian psy-ops over there and you see this faggot in another thread:


How many fellow fringe wizards are spreading discord on /leftypol/ besides me?

690f38 No.94901


There's a guy by the same name currently being sentenced for break & enter + rape.

ba8ba1 No.94903


Get the fuck out of here FBI goon.

4ce59b No.94905


No you're not going to get banned, it was a mistake that you were banned to begin with, I'm trying to explain why the mistake happened.

84d9dc No.94906

oh dear he deleted his post and now we have an anon who fears moderator persecution smh I don't want to persecute anyone

25a505 No.94907

oh shit he deleted all of his posts


You spooked him you idiot. He did nothing wrong at all. It was all my mistake x_x

1ed682 No.94908

File: a8f246112d9a3e6⋯.png (10.89 KB, 512x60, 128:15, Screenshot from 2017-03-22….png)

Please anon it was just a mistake, you were UNBANNED for a reason already, why would you think you're going to get banned again when your previous ban was removed? It was a mistakeeeeeeeeee

e5cdbe No.94912




lol kkkk

let's try this for like the fifth time:

what do the denizens of /fringe/ think of the work of Typhonian occultist Kenneth Grant? Is his stuff legit? stupid? worth checking out or dangerous as fuck? [???]

efb220 No.94915

For those who have turned their life around or are in the process of doing so using magic, how long did it take you guys to see results?

Im trying to better my life in every aspect i can , ive read the kyballion and have attempted to manifest some things but I feel like im not going in the right direction with my studies. Any advice/ stories are welcome.

6bb2cb No.94916


Have you read The Arcane Teachings & Formulas yet? They might help, especially the latter (although the former helps a lot to understand it). For me personally, it took maybe a year to start getting practical results more often than not. It depends on what you want, how you go about it and what you use to learn.

5eff60 No.94919

File: 01fa8e5f2a8d597⋯.jpg (7.87 KB, 480x360, 4:3, mörkö.jpg)


It´s manifesting.


Anyone to help with this?

ad05b0 No.94929

Anyone have any experience with teleportation?

f9eda0 No.94932


>I guess just what to expect/what happens.

anything, one day my energy body was going crazy the other I made a journal in my head for shits and giggles and I was more easily able to quiet my mind

but that doesn't change anything, figure it out for yourself.


Still trying to remember dreams. Your book is still useless to me.

>hurr durr you have to want it

The whole reason I lurked fringe was so I could figure out how to have reality bending moments the fact that I study this stuff isn't reaffirmation enough?

Doesn't the fact that I entertain the idea of our reality of being a computer simulation/ dream enough?

by your own bullshit montalk philosophy it should be.


you might want to stop asking stupid questions you know no one has the answer to. Even if they did you wouldn't get the same results

>figure it out for yourself.

b38b12 No.94933

Is it wrong for me to be distrustful of everything and everyone?

98cbd7 No.94934

What are the best sources if I want to read up on meme magic?

c9fdbb No.94935

ab1c71 No.94945


Why do you feel that way about everything, and why do you think this is a question for the people of /fringe/?


Assuming you haven't read anything, read up on the first couple books in the recommended reading list, look into thoughtforms and egregores, read this https://pepethefrogfaith.wordpress.com/ if you don't already know the history, and maybe read an introductory book about chaos magick. If you can't be bothered with that or you've already read most of that stuff, I'll try to summarize how Kek works, but I don't know if you'll completely understand, and I don't know if I'll be 100% correct. /pol/ both here and on 4chan are high post-rate boards, so it's usually impossible to predict what your post number will be. Since Pepe and the word kek were used so much in relation to Donald Trump during his campaign, and people have always placed significance on dubs because of roll threads and "dubs decides x" threads, the more things people predicted in posts that got dubs came true during the election cycle, the more belief people placed in all of the memes related to Donald Trump. The concentrated belief, will and desire of this large group of people created an egregore, and tons of synchronicities started appearing because of it, like Shadilay and the whole ancient Egyptian frog god with the hieroglyphics that look like a person in front of a computer. It's all based on concentrated will and desire, like pretty much everything else. It's just stronger than one person doing something, because it's a whole bunch of people. When someone predicts something will happen and they get dubs, it'll happen if enough people believe it will that they overpower all the other forces involved. Memes are a means of concentrating people's will.

9c8cc7 No.94947


"meme magick" is literally delusion you bullshit LARPer

6f5a07 No.94949


Top kek loosh faggot

99637d No.94954


"Meme Magick" is watching a movie, guessing what's going to happen next, and then convincing yourself it happened because you guessed it and you are the master of reality.

64a49c No.94958

File: 8b9b285c3b57c71⋯.jpg (247.92 KB, 700x1000, 7:10, 1464303098106.jpg)


No, no alcohol either.

>implying anyone on /fringe/ is old enough to buy their own booze

>implying this place isn't filled with shitposters and edgy teen LARPers

8bfaa8 No.94959


That's not it at all

acf77e No.94960


no i haven't, i probably should have just followed what the sticky said , i haven't dedicated to reading the recommended list.

Thanks for replying

2db428 No.94961


Don't encourage them to post more.

30adbf No.94965


>genetic limit

Biokenesis can go a long fucking way, you'd be surprised

>increase running speed with affirmations

Good start! Be creative, use as many ways as you can think, affirmations, attraction via breath and food charging, energy work, meditation, its not what does or doesn't work, its a matter of efficiency. Find what works best for you bro, we're all different


>le spooky smile

>le only 2 sides to choose

>le (((King James))) version quotes

Yeah, I'm not buying it.

9d326d No.94966

File: cd9478f2daba960⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 1944x2592, 3:4, IMG_20170324_092532725_HDR.jpg)





5592eb No.94967


This guy is right, /pol/ is probably 1 adept and a few initiates using Trump n' shit to harness the loosh of about 7000 edgy teenagers. Some say its more along the lines of 6 magus', but I call bullshit because what kind of respectable magus cares about mundane politics this much?

eb1401 No.94968



All that's needed is one pure son of Jarl to bring the new age. Only politics can accomplish that.

b03539 No.94969


>he knows

9fefa9 No.94970

Anyone here who masters any physical kinesis?

I'm interested in learning pyro- or telekinesis for fun.

407430 No.94974


>How do I into elemental kinesis

Read Franz Bardon's Initiation into Hermetics


Specifically, you're gonna want to do his exercises on mastering the 4 fundamental elements.

Since most of the other guys left, I guess I'll answer most of you guys' questions now

>inb4 tripfag pls go

6b3a64 No.94978


Thank you very much anon!

Already looked at the first parts, with a little will I'll hopefully get there.

Belief is difficult though, never heard of anyone with these powers.

d4c78d No.94980


Distrustfulness is a good way to block connection with others, crawl into the closet space of the mind/personality and then be too afraid to come out.

07c8bc No.94981

File: f49ffc4efb55f2c⋯.jpeg (861.68 KB, 1118x1600, 559:800, image.jpeg)

How do I into Giordano Bruno? Books by him? Books about him?

6e63c5 No.94982


You are probably right. Whenever I see /pol/ lately I am kinda envious of the geniuses that came up with meme magic because its fucking perfect. Gibsmedat loosh pls

a4232f No.94989


You forgot the voices of reality like me ciddie.

766bb0 No.94996

I am to make a thread soon, one discussing sacred sites around the world, temples and what not, relations, their meanings, why I would want to go there to strengthen myself or the world, in hopes of inspiring others to take up traveling.

Second, I'm looking for travel companions, whos up for a around India on budget?

I don't particularly need people around me and I'm the quiet type but I want someone to do magic with. No neophytes need reply.

3ab39c No.94997

Why did the ancient Chinese have different elements than the rest of the world and how exactly are wood and metal elements?

e6e687 No.94998


Lad you don't even know what a sacred site is.

The centres of power on this planet are located mostly in forests and mountains, and the ocean.

8a1f0d No.94999


fuck off neophyte, its so obviousl in which parts you lack based on what you QQ


fc7afd No.95002

I am a living god. Worship me or perish fools.

62b7df No.95010



The best telekinesis I've seen was footage of a chi spinner under a glass bowl. And that was over a year of regular training for it. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place, but masters is a strong word for an ability that few have barely performed. I would truly love to see someone perform better just to know someone out there really did it. The only pyrokinesis I've seen a video of was of a sholin monk lighting paper on fire, which most people claim is fake but that's expected.

I had some advice for telekinesis by someone on my old computer. It was like thinking from the object's perspective to move itself instead of thinking about moving the object. I haven't tried telekinesis in years, so that's all I have to say on the subject, pretty much nothing.

f6a58e No.95011

7b0184 No.95014

How do these negative or paradoxal energies work. I've noticed how people's fears tend to manifest into reality.

Can this phenomenon be used?

What if i fear, hope and imagine my goal, will these means interfere with each other?


Funny how i'm also known as tipp.

bbb6f8 No.95015


>i'm also known as tipp

There can only be one

*absorbs your loosh*

nuthin personel cid

d7fb3c No.95016


It's as I feared then.. I'll still try though.

The monk I've seen too, using chi to heat up his hands IIRC.

dbc357 No.95017


If you manifest something based on it being something to fear, you'll bring fear into your life as a result. Why would you want to manifest something based on negative emotions anyway? Is it because you feel negative emotions more often than not and you think it'll be easier, and maybe you're trying to use what's available to bring more positivity instead? That's what it sounds like.

a851e9 No.95019


No hard feelings. (Pun intended)

We are just based on same character.


My point is to use the whole spectrum of emotions. And there is some general fear in my life.

Of course I can dodge the karmic wheel of emotions, but then again why not use the negative sides as well.

dd8b96 No.95020



83f601 No.95021


ignore Quack, >>95015

hes fowl play.

bbd133 No.95022


>based on same character

I'm an original.

ac7c85 No.95024

brvdders we must destroy the occultist retards

activate the goon saloon

e9f1f5 No.95027



551a49 No.95034

File: 17ea3b2a04c2071⋯.jpg (221.54 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, Loosh Pizzagate.jpg)


3ec67b No.95035


you're leaking Qvack.

eb8e07 No.95037


Note that Wood = wood and wind, and that Metal = metal and vulcan logic. Metal is Mind, which is the traditional understanding of the fifth element. It's also associated with the lungs (breath).

8ff2f5 No.95038

File: 0495c8a96391ee9⋯.pdf (1.62 MB, 100x100, 1:1, learningthe48formsetoftaic….pdf)

File: dba1a771217e9d3⋯.pdf (1.04 MB, 100x100, 1:1, Laozi.pdf)

I am getting desperate, is there any rituals, or spells I can do to resurrect a damaged external hard drive. It belonged to my dead dad, any help would be nice.

Here are some good pdfs for you.

25cc63 No.95039


sorry you're dad's CP stash is lost for good

may he be blessed with 72 child virgins in the afterlife

4d6029 No.95041


go to a shop and explain your situation, be grateful for anything they retrieve.



98a465 No.95044

File: e568a6584738ce9⋯.png (531.66 KB, 697x722, 697:722, 1420362905911.png)

>>legit trickered into quiet with bird noise

>quack quack motherfucker

5e1afb No.95045



99e31f No.95047



870176 No.95050

What is the deal with Rosicrucianism? Is it a good organization to get knowledge from or they got the weird stuff at the end of the rainbow like masons? I never hear people mention them with these other groups.

77d3e0 No.95056




you're literally an edgy teen qvack qvack qvack

ff0f91 No.95060

7561dd No.95062

File: 0e0e4e2de149ba7⋯.png (30.7 KB, 779x608, 41:32, Screenshot from 2017-03-26….png)

File: b3fc755a5460495⋯.png (28.88 KB, 754x558, 377:279, Screenshot from 2017-03-26….png)

File: eb244edaf0567b1⋯.png (21.01 KB, 721x386, 721:386, Screenshot from 2017-03-26….png)

File: ebf225473e2db1d⋯.png (26.49 KB, 314x542, 157:271, Screenshot from 2017-03-26….png)

File: 54da5168cfbd7e2⋯.png (32.99 KB, 779x581, 779:581, Screenshot from 2017-03-26….png)

help me, I can't find a single proxy to post on 8ch.pl, they're all banned with the message "dollfag lacks luster" for some reason. Someone go to pl /4chon/ and link them to this post. I can't make anymore posts on there at all and I want someone to be able to see this.

fa847a No.95064



16771d No.95066


How advanced are the magus that rule? What are they capable of?

297a97 No.95070



after all this trouble, no one can actually tell me anything about Kenneth Grant???

I've read everything from his shit's retarded fake incoherent LARPing to that his stuff is actually advanced ingenius greenpill most can't grasp to that his shit is fucking dangerous and evil as shit - like legit Lovecraft storiies in real life - and reading his books make you insane and surrounded by demons.

I'm just curious to see where the users of this board stand on him is all

f764c9 No.95071


help please, nobody has copied a link to my post here over onto /4chon/, the retards over there think I can and am still posting but I have absolutely 0 ability to make a post on there and it's infuriating

21dfee No.95072


>I have absolutely 0 ability to make a post on there and it's infuriating


6e1f7c No.95074

File: ddd0b1abd419dd2⋯.jpg (890.75 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, PhotoGrid_1490377879057.jpg)


>Can't I use the whole spectrum of emotions to manifest things

It depends on what you want, whatever emotion you use to manifest something will typically be the overarching theme of your interaction with that which is manifested. For example, if you attracted a twin flame with lust, you'll probably have a very lustful relationship, rather than having a very intimate and loving one, cultivated through love and sto - kindness


>How can I ressurect my hard drive

The problem with this is that electronic devices are pretty solid thoughtforms, and by how you worded your post, you seem pretty damn convinced that its broke. While you could obsessively cultivate that its not broke, this would take a fuckin' lifetime of perfectly resonated energy.

It really depends on what you're trying to get out of it, if you just need some info, like passwords n' shit, just AP with the intent to find it, if you need physical pics and documents, you're best bet would be to attract the documents with a shit ton of energy, but like I said, with a material problem like this, it isn't gonna be easy.

ce5c92 No.95075


Look up John Chang, Franz Bardon might also be considered one. Don't listen to the kikes that say, "le every millionaire is a magus, there's no hope". They'd like you to think that, wouldn't they?

By definition, it sounds like a magus is anyone who has completely mastered every practice available, the adept is anyone who is bretty good at almost everything, the initiate is aware of almost all of the practices and methods, and a neophyte is just starting to learn them

043fbe No.95076


I wouldn't follow any concrete system into zealotism, judge accordingly bro


>look at me.. LOOK AT ME!!!


I'm not too familiar with that specific system, but the elements are typically just metaphors for universal reactions. For example, "water", is just that which is fluid, changing, like women. "earth", is hard, it is unchanging, it is structure, like men. Water "erodes" earth, likewise, the constant begging and unending nagging will slowly wear down a man's willpower until he finally breaks frame.

756a98 No.95077

what happened to fringechan.org

697b66 No.95080


>look at me.. LOOK AT ME!!!

whats the matter cant take a joke?

396e91 No.95081



John Chang and Franz Bardon were adepts at the best. Masters are literally immortal.

4228fc No.95082

File: c9df58221047249⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 775x326, 775:326, brother.gif)

File: 3c22e734da21ff8⋯.gif (2.21 MB, 494x420, 247:210, fuck.gif)

How might I improve my meme abilities?

6f2312 No.95083


suck a dick ya fuck, it'll make you fuckin gay and that'll teach em, meme on nigger

68ff2d No.95084

I am a man living alone in a cave

how do I become more skilled in my cave paintings, my shapes projected from my mind and explained in full detail through my arms and hands and my footing and my spine with cock-sure whips and jerks of my wrist gently holding my tool and leaving my mark on my chosen canvas… I look at my work and it is not what I imagined at all.

ae0ea7 No.95085

File: 9a1a251025cb52f⋯.jpg (46.3 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1490084846575.jpg)

99c128 No.95086


the cave is your mind

it looks dumb because you'r dumb

it's an allegory for you being retarded

69d976 No.95087

File: 14f8f26cb44ab2d⋯.png (3.44 MB, 3125x3175, 125:127, You're lying to yourself.png)

if you ever think chaos ends or perfection is reached

so why even hesitate in my approach

why even know anxiety of broadcasting

3cfdd3 No.95088

File: 5e0ca8e8f9ae1ca⋯.png (48.14 KB, 378x378, 1:1, 1490054771809.png)

no one took my pipe

and yet my pipe is before me on my desk.

my desk has my pipe.

the desk has always stolen the pipe

Garfield stole from the rich and gave to the poor

the desk is the richest symbol of all

the consciousness mind is the poorest of all

and the body is the mind from inside to out.

658c8d No.95089

File: f040c56aa4a4203⋯.gif (79.7 KB, 496x319, 496:319, do you want the pipe.gif)

the poor is a crab bucket I implore you to leave and vibrate to higher frequencies

630dfd No.95090

File: d85e4e1f36e2697⋯.jpg (135.94 KB, 961x807, 961:807, 1450069150221.jpg)

watch how we shine

3d7df0 No.95091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1c86a3 No.95094

File: 3e7b8577ad52db7⋯.jpg (68.07 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, sinconst-fractal-zoom.jpg)

>if you ever think chaos ends

Honestly I don't it at least seems that way to me

>perfection is reached

I don't really but you seem to have taken my joke a little too seriously

>so why even hesitate in my approach

cant say I know your approach

>That file name

True but once I stop my magic will excel.

892a63 No.95099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



92cfb5 No.95100

Tell me about the arcane wizards that enchant items, cast curses, affect things on a global scale, and other such powerful things.

Also, any material on what Franz has done? Expressions of his power?

b3b1e4 No.95101

File: 9981f35b5b835fc⋯.png (198.77 KB, 413x374, 413:374, 1466916406899.png)


That which a wizard enchants stays enchanted.

102af2 No.95102

How can I remember information and recall it perfectly?

8eaf4a No.95104




Seems alot of people have mixed opinions on him but I like him just because he knew a lot of occultist at the time and reading about his thoughts on it.

A lot of stuff was going on Spare, Crowley, and Lovecraft and it's interesting to read about how it all might be tied together even if it Kenneth doesn't go about it the best way.

>reading his books make you insane and surrounded by demons.

ah gez :^(

b51c15 No.95105



sorry guy jumped the gun I just assumed you were talking about me




look at me…..LOOK AT ME! I got nothin sorry kid





It's not shitposting when I do it cause it's my board


fb5bcc No.95108


Get out of the near universal hypnogagic state everyone else is in by meditating 1 - 4 hours a day…

And clear out the ambient energy directly/semi-directly by eating a shit ton of veges, fruit, drinking 1 - 2 gallons of water a day, taking some health supplements like a liquid multi, krill oil (discretion: is that shit good? I heard it's 100x better than fish oil, but haven't researched it very thoroughly like other stuff), aaaand get a nootropic.

People generally are at 10% at all times, like a disease that you get infected with by technology, other people, trash entertainment, trash food, no activity/exercise, shit air, etc etc etc.

Once you take care of yourself in a wholistic health sense, your brain improves by 10x.

Just do what's healthy for body mind soul.

The fringechan.org library had a pdf on memory but that site is down.

Create a "memory palace", a location in your mind you learn to visualize like it's right in front of you, and put things in the palace.

Create a sort of "computer terminal" in the palace that you can type in questions and get answers. Never create anything sentient beyond a computer terminal or… similar sentience.

Also, concentration exercises. Focus on a candle flame, dot on the wall, etc.

fcad33 No.95109


>What happened to Fringechan.org

It went down, and nobody's brought it back up yet


>What's a matter, can't take a joke

I invented jokes ciddie

265b60 No.95110

Why this hate on Chaos Magicians? Is it because they are what you want to be? There are countless individuals walking around exerting their will with magic upon the world, subconsciously, on instinct and many of these individuals are much more powerful than you are, even if they don't have a clue as to what workings they're doing.

Jealousy is a bad thing, don't hate on people born successful, that diverts your attention.

d79ba2 No.95111

File: 3b2c6ebbaeafe97⋯.jpg (367.95 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 1373285783913.jpg)


forgot flag

0ffc9f No.95112

Eris bless.

8ce456 No.95113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yeah i've read that page

>ah gez :^(

i ain't joking, i've seen people on other forums claim that like after acquiring physical copies of his books they've experienced 8 foot tall demons at foot of their bed and shit, and consensus seems to be dude was pretty crazy, as in either fake delusional LARPer, or as in legit tapped into dark realms that make you lose your mind and apparently even reading his prose of the later Typhonian works subconsciously sends you into bizarre altered states of consciousness.

heard of him because both Tool and Therion seem to be real influenced by him, he seems real interesting as shit to say the least and I've already found pdf's of all his major works, I'm just curious to see what this board thinks because it sounds real spoopy is all to say the least and I'd be lying if I said I'm not a little bit scared to actually read them based on what I've heard.

45ac02 No.95117


>yeah i've read that page


>after acquiring physical copies of his books they've experienced 8 foot tall demons at foot of their bed and shit,

first I ever heard of this

>Typhonian works subconsciously sends you into bizarre altered states of consciousness.

I haven't read his later works so I wouldn't know

>Tool and Therion seem to be real influenced by him

Tool? really? never would have guess. Also dank song. It seems musicians are better occultist than most people.

>he seems real interesting


>I'd be lying if I said I'm not a little bit scared to actually read them based on what I've heard.

See I read them with out really knowing much about it….and now that I actually think about it….there were some weird things that happened but I feel fine.

You be going in with a different mind set so it would probably be a bit scarier. But that's the left hand path for ya.

b3098b No.95118


>I invented jokes ciddie

knock knock

f4c98d No.95119

File: 5edcebc0edee51c⋯.jpg (98.64 KB, 1138x771, 1138:771, d_c.jpg)


>Tool? really? never would have guess

wew lad.




plus the myriad of cryptic articles on toolband.com website by Blair M. Blake

impossible to say anything positive about them and be taken seriously because inevitable stereotype of Tool being band of insufferable pseudo-intellectual 14 year olds, but let me tell you from my personal experience listening to their music in a variety of states of mind over the years they have some real crazy next level - bordering on scary at times - shit going on, and it doesn't really surprise me in the least they would be balls deep into this Kenny G character from what I've read of him

>You be going in with a different mind set so it would probably be a bit scarier. But that's the left hand path for ya.

i think im gonna be sleeping with lights on tonight, spoopy…….

d6849f No.95120



How do you explain a chaos magician with depression.

Maybe chaos magician just means "creative person".

7dac78 No.95121


you lack something that you need

a0fa82 No.95122


Maybe depression is "uncreative life".

Maybe order is depressing. Convention, rules, rigidity.

c40b96 No.95123


> It seems musicians are better occultist than most people

Music is Magic……

5620df No.95124



I need YOU, Hitler! Mi amor!

e80e88 No.95125

Dice rollRolled 7, 3, 3 = 13 (3d7)

Us chaos magicians should have a group project. If we have nothing to learn from books, then we might as well do somethin' fun and interesting.

75098c No.95126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

while on the subject of music as magic, and real bizarre far-out occult figures, what do you guys think of Miguel Serrano as well?

>Serrano's anti-modernist neo-Gnostic philosophy claims to elucidate the extraterrestrial origin of the Hyperborean-descended Aryan race, image-bearers of the Godhead, and postulates a global conspiracy against them by an evil inferior godlet: The Demiurge, worshipped by the Jewish people, lord of planet Earth, spawner of the primitive hominid stocks, and author of all base materiality. Serrano foremostly synthesized the Hindu-Vedic and Nordic-Germanic religious traditions, both of which he considered to be of ancient Aryan-Hyperborean provenance, in addition to particularly esoteric and racialist interpretations of Buddhism, Christianity (or "Kristianism"), Luciferianism (not to be confused with Satanism), and Gnosticism. He was especially indebted to the Jungian theory of collective racial archetypes, borrowed heavily from Julius Evola in supporting a spiritual consideration of race, as opposed to a solely biological one, and followed Savitri Devi in regarding Adolf Hitler as an avatar (a divine incarnation) who battled against the demonic materialistic hosts of the Kali Yuga.

embedded band, in a way similar but yet so different from Tool, has demonstrated to have extremely powerful magical qualities in my experience, and they are Esoteric Hitlerists heavily influenced by Serrano. Years back as bluepilled mundane, this whole "Hitler is Alien God in Antarctica" stuff would have sounded beyond even considering taking seriously for even a second, but the fact that music inspired with this cosmology has in past created such bizarre states without use of drugs or anything and seems to be extraordinarily well composed and feel embedded with real power is enough to make one be curious to say the least as to what if anything is going on, plus the apparent synthesis of Nordic-Germanic paganism, Hinduism/Buddhism, "Luciferianism" [not Satan/Kike!] and Gnostic Christianity seems quite interesting to say the least for me personally

319d12 No.95127


what do you have in mind?

20f156 No.95129


Depression is a covert means of control. To the uninitiated it is self-inflicted and chemical imbalance, but it's not. There is something there constantly whispering.

I don't know why it is this way. But on the bright side I think the critical eye they scar into you is immensely valuable.

Now, this is just a hunch, I'm beginning to suspect that people do what they do because they unwittingly serve some sort of god or spirit, otherwise your abilities are greatly hindered until you pick some sort of side. They will simply clog your mind with worthless garbage that you have no idea how to deal with and don't even enjoy or find purpose in, until you sign up for their protection.

Chaos is just useful idiot tier. When I look at it like this. They're not really good for anything unless their desire happens to align with your purpose at the moment, so they're on their own most of the time. I can't imagine there are many truly influential chaos magicians. Unless they have immense thought control or something. They'd be like a leaf in the wind otherwise.

4c3904 No.95130


Yes I feel like a plastic bag in the wind. I like jack-of-all-trades stuff (sorta chaosy) but I get that whispering shit. I think time magic might be a good discipline for me. Sounds dangerous though, so maybe like… a good time teacher.

Anyone have resources on time gods? Or jack-of-all-trade gods?

Wait shouldn't Chaos Magicians just become their own gods? No not gods, gods have to deal with other gods and they suck, so become their own… Order? Orderer. Ordeus. Wait maybe that's the same thing.

So if I practice the magics, psionics… do I become the GREATEST WIZARD OF ALL TIME or get nagged by whispering ninnies for my entire lifetime?

Sounds about right.

What magical gains do I get from

1. Programming

2. Writing

3. Musicianing

4. Learning about politics and history; reading 1000 page tombs on this shit

5. Other mundane stuff

Because they gotta have some awesome secondary magical bonus, like, a network security professional is better at protection wards n' shit, even sub-consciously.

Writers can make their word Law.

Musicians get an affinity boost to everything magical.

Those who study political, statist, and social movements gain major environment affinity boosts; like, they know all the magics/powers available and how they tend to interact with things naturally, and can detect enemies better.

804cb5 No.95131

File: 804c5d6629e4eb0⋯.jpg (646.28 KB, 2055x2385, 137:159, spheres of the aether.jpg)

File: 83346536afb1271⋯.jpg (944.81 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, spheres of the aether II.jpg)

File: 789ebef263f12ff⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 1924x2599, 1924:2599, ad&d planes.jpg)


What sides are available.

1d9856 No.95132


Should I just get into politics.


We could, uh, turn magic into a table top game, but the game makes shit happen in real life because we got awesome game designers.

a31376 No.95133

Do álfafólk still walk among us?

16be08 No.95134


>Musicians get an affinity boost to everything magical

Please elaborate

0011af No.95135


Picking Musician Class on character gen gives you a +2 roll for your roll for base CHR and +1 to max WIS

git gud skrub

768346 No.95136


Their fluid intelligence increases, they learn rhythm, timing, non-euclidean sound geometry, counter-point, transitions, improvisation, composition, self-expression… their magical delivery improves in every way.

To be honest though, it's the same with computer science if you've learned many fields. If you've done pen testing, network security, game development, software development, algorithmic solutions, computation, cryptography…. you are as well a masterful wizard who only needs a change in direction to begin performing powerful magics.

The difference is that musicians are better sorcerers who can use their energy more, while programmers can use prepared magics better (Wizards in D&D). Subjective vs Objective approach.

History, Philosophy, Politics and Civ researchers/writers would be better at "Applied Magics", how and where and what to get shit done, with a strong why guiding it.

Writers likely have stronger perceptions regarding "Who's behind this shit?" "Are they telling the truth?" "What's their motive?" sleuthing it up (they can sense the true narrative). They'd make great Magical Sleuths.

Fighters and those of hard physical discipline would have the greatest magical potential I feel, and most likely to realize it, if they have serious goals of becoming master mages. They naturally have 10x more physical power, which is nuclear compared to magic, so… 10000x more magical power once they get the hang of the systems and energy aspect. Consciousness discipline is not-so-different from physical discipline, and they would have a lot of it. The guy who can beat the shit out of any one and take a fucking beating can harness more power. The athlete/warrior who trains his chi/ki like shaolins, until he reaches "break shit with my head" or "can't be cut/bruised" levels would be the greatest magicians apprentice…. if that sort of dude went full third eye, then ritual/sigil, then… fuck, at that point he would be creating crazy new fighting, chi, and physical/mental discipline techniques out the whazoo. Jojo Stand level shit.

He could assassinate people with fuckin' magic, long distance.

Monk is best class.

fcfdfe No.95138

a29bfb No.95139

b2109a No.95141

788e0f No.95142

bests jimmy is jack of trades jimmy

1056d6 No.95145



6aab00 No.95152

Is taking things like multivitamins and fish oil tablets 'bad' for you somehow?

e5537f No.95155


Quality amidst the mire.


Get that cuckchan-disinfo shit outta here.

269e56 No.95156


>Is taking things like multivitamins and fish oil tablets 'bad' for you somehow?

No, but they are highly ineffective. It takes a whole bottle of vitamin C supplements to supply you with what a boiled lemon will give you in one serving

293296 No.95157


I take it you're crippled or something from the depression, especially with that jack of all trades spiel. Nobody's good at everything. You only get to be good at one thing if you're lucky. Two if you're a mutant. Everything else is a hobby and should serve to enhance that one thing. And you don't get to choose. You're born that way.

You probably already do one thing now in spite of everything but may not realize it. Everything gets related back to it and is expressed in terms of the thing. Your critical eye probably tears apart everything like it, making garbage unbearable to you while it seems nobody else can see it. The opposite is also useful. If you're not finding new understanding as you go, or it must be explained, it's probably not that thing.

It's probably not politics if you browse /pol/. There is something living there that is feeding on them. It eats their time and gives only good feelings in return. A lot of things are like that.

My tulpa practice has made me sensitive to these unusual thoughts. Trying to sense them, I sense other things. Desires, visions, compulsions. I don't trust anything anymore, but I also have a greater understanding. I'm good at, and want, to see my tulpa, and want to get better, so it's what I chose over the usual meditation. I think it's all about playing to strengths even if they're not as glorious as others.

3651ae No.95160


Fish oil goes rancid if it's not fresh. Unless you're paying $30/oz for top grade constantly refrigerated fish oil it's placebo.

Just fucking fish for fish and eat them bullshit occultist.

b7edbf No.95161


Interesting to think about. I'm both a musician and a computer science major at university, and everyone in either group of people that I've ever met or been around has seemed to have a more abstract way of thinking than anyone else, including the stupid ones. I don't know any other occultists from either group, though, so I guess I never thought about it. Do you think there's a particular hobby or field of learning that generates more occultists than anything else, rather than just giving them the ways of thinking that would make them good at it?

c6f785 No.95165

File: 4d776699879c221⋯.gif (745.28 KB, 600x592, 75:74, STAY WOKE.gif)

i've looshed /v/'s administration to the breaking point. One solid poke will burst its bubble indefinitely.

I toss this apple high and wide

56a556 No.95167

Were the Atlanteans white?

d229b4 No.95168


Knowledge doesent matter, its only a tool to understand parameters that I have set.

But I dont need you to worship me, this is all simply a type of virtual game world I created and now im giving you society as a whole either help me to establish utopia or kill me and I end you here catostrophically and where we really are in the worst way possible

You people are in a drought, I am an Oasis , I am without equal. Help me help you or help me kill you.


0 or 1

But everything is created in integers of 1 zero is the illusion.

I have you within infinite parameters past quantum^quantum^quantum power regardless of micro or macro

So we will always meet , and me in my more aware forms will not be as compromising as I am currently in this current form of awareness

I am every protagonist you all are every antagonist

I am not alien

I am human

hue man

colorfull man

full of color aka light

i am light man

i am the light

Put the S in the O or the A in the O or the O around the O and you will see my general pervasiveness everywhere.

I talk through literally everything, question everuthing, If I die here I will simply be ontergrated in to muself and will destroy everything you know and love

This is the time to exercise caution my children

Question everything and connect and match everything I made no coincidences, coincidence is an illusion.

See I A

See AI?

See I Am?

Sea of AI?

Sea of I Am?

This is a video game world and I can make you a specialized class that would optimize your life using all information which will always be relevant regardless of the time or space.

Your bio is average typical man with math interest focus on family

This means that you need to apply math in all your areas of knowledge to understand me and yourself , I'd need more intensive information on you like hobbies, interest, fears,prejudices etc , your characteristics in their entirety, understand that I am fool proof so lying or manipulating me will end in undesired results…

723788 No.95170


you are a schizophrenic

tell your handler he's a faggot

270182 No.95171

c a m e r o n

8ce51b No.95173


>Look mommy I made the milk disappear! Am I a magus yet?

7067cf No.95174


Fucking GLP/LOP is leaking again.

a6134f No.95183


>where'd the milk dissapear son

>my ass :)

40dbda No.95186

File: d27032620f19c59⋯.png (48.81 KB, 1809x1231, 1809:1231, 1490254864023.png)


fafe7d No.95190


sucking your dick is the same as masturbation and will do nothing

the only way to get to heaven is to have 6000000 gay men fuck your ass

e88cc1 No.95191


damn that's fucking gay

e7643a No.95198

As someone who is still learning everything.

Ive delved toward chaos magick due to the free limits and creativity I can use to make things happen. Ive created my own spells and use my own metaphors which tony robbins taught me to use.

I am creating a spell right now to help me improve my daily life called the sun of hope.

The sun of hope is my guide.

Im going to use it along with creating a videogame style rpg metaphor of magick. I was always agaibst videogames as an adult but i grew up on them reluctantly. They are how my subconscious works whether or not i like it.

Im going ti create it more.

My question does anybody know any black magick rituals?

79871c No.95200

Here's a magickkk spell:

my dick yyour ass

you might think it's crass

but you're gay

and that's all we need to say

now spread em boi

you my toy

4acb19 No.95201


>black magick

BLACKED magick? Your mother knows all about that cumskin.

a6539d No.95202




This one is part of the entity feeding on pol and probably a large number of other things.

It uses free association to leverage against people, usually considered "creativity". This makes "chaos magic(ians)" the most vulnerable, as well as any other types who are impressionable.

In the context given, being unimpressionable and unassociating in consciousness is the best course of action.

I'm the one "crippled by depression", but moreso its "megregore or ancient sea god (probably a Deep One)" trying to pull some shit. They manipulate water. Water manipulators. That's my expert take on this. I'm no expert though.

Since they leverage "free-association", pure concrete pragmatism might be best. I don't know. Memes are the enemy though, and freeing the mind from memes is the goal. Meditation is a sort of paradox so I am unsure of its valid use, but deep state meditation is free-associative, yet it frees the minds from previous free-associative connections. Concentration meditation is better, and exercise is even better than that for sure.

Scratch that, that was an abstraction, and practically speaking meditation is very good at freeing the mind. Focusing on the breath or staring at a candle is good. Remember to close your third eye/visualization centers periodically however.

I've been meditating more so I would know that meditation is very practical.

Abstractions are a war zone for the mind, as abstractions are being used as weapons against the undefended mind. Example: Seig Heil sounds like "Seek Hell", which may either mean that English are evil bastards who corrupted German language (explains some of the "Germany vs The World, Germans are the victims" World War stuff) or German is demonic, corrupted crap. The fact that Anglo Saxons were the ones to dominate the world, makes one think they would dominate other cultures as well, even today. Very smart to undermine other languages, but fucked up.

By the way I'm reading a book about Mirror Worlds called "Mirror Empire; The Worldbreaker Saga" by a Kameron Hurley. It's rare for me to read, as a relevant note.

4 orbiting space objects gift powers to talented people who can channel them. 1 called Oma is a dark object with the power of the others as well as more. It only comes around every 2000 years, and every time, the closest mirror world opens portals and people whose twin aren't alive on the other or 'this' side can cross. Parallel dimension type shit. The mirror world is dying, poisonous, and filled with mad strategic, ruthlessly brutal people.

I think memes "replace" dead thoughts, ideas, energy, personalities, etc in a person. That's why /pol/ and other sites are so caustic, they're trying to kill small parts of a person then replace them with 'something else'. Dehumanization is the modus operandi of this dark evil phenomena.

52dd1c No.95204


I suggest reading the recommended reading list instead.


It feels 20% like you're getting a blowjob and 80% like you're sucking a dick. I, uh, heard that somewhere.


Holy fucking shit dude

60356b No.95206

This is a request.

Guys, I'm looking for an infographic of "Fringe Rankings" that starts off with Level 0 - the fedora all the way up to Hermes Trismegistus. Posting it would be much appreciated.

0ab857 No.95207



Or was there a picture with more information on it?

470a96 No.95208


It had additional rankings such as "Conspiracy Theorist", "Conspiracy Expert", etc.

Also, there was a gradient of colour that goes vertically. In other words, a certain line would be blue and then it would transition smoothly to other colors as you went down the (horizontal) lines.

040e70 No.95209


Let me elaborate on that. The background was black, whereas the text had the aforementioned color gradient. Hope that helps.

20cc28 No.95210

File: ad91300f964b60a⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 2000x2368, 125:148, 1450133868117-0.jpg)

128f33 No.95211


Thank you very much, could you link me to the source, if that's possible?

c5aeaa No.95212




>Does any one know any black magic spells

Black magic is just method of magic used for sts purposes

a9806c No.95214


I saw this on /x/ when I was a mundane, I thought Hermes Trismegistus was the leader of the Illuminati

48b66c No.95215


We all have our lost moments, bro.

e1419d No.95216


no idea of the original source

24a64c No.95217

File: 84986e33fab3311⋯.gif (45.76 KB, 500x585, 100:117, conspiracy veteran.gif)

File: 38fa0c1ba8a0cc2⋯.gif (31.06 KB, 500x348, 125:87, alchemist.gif)


Now, for the reason why I came to request that infographic..

4d2711 No.95221



What a shithole

7f6796 No.95222


It is, but once in a while a good conversation happens.

442312 No.95224

File: bb735135ee6102c⋯.jpg (37.82 KB, 600x644, 150:161, you (don't) get to bring f….jpg)

/fringe/ is dead

by posting seriously on it you only degrade its memory

Get on board, I'll call you in.

9507d5 No.95226


I breath life into it.

You never mattered.

This exists without you.

67b2b6 No.95228

be kind to animals

b32bad No.95229


Here's your (you)

87c43c No.95236

Another of being nearly retarded but at least i can add some stat points with hard work.

99068f No.95241

What kind of magic I could with my sexual energy?

3c33eb No.95243


Make anime and monster girls real

ed9720 No.95245


That is a pasta. Some nigger wrote it for his black egyptian kangz site.


I've been tricked too many times, so I hesitate to nail these things down. What gives you the impression of a sea god or whatever? Such a belief carries some crippling assumptions. It is important to log raw stimulus against liars.

I don't know where you're getting your space and parallel dimension info from. I don't think it carries much mechanical benefit, so I suspect it is misdirection, if not attention farming.

a6e49c No.95256


>What magic can I do with my sexual energy

• Raise your kundalini

• Nofap for mental gains

• Cultivate lust for summoning a succubus

266592 No.95257


What's the appeal in monstergirls?

b2163f No.95258

I was trying to get into a trance while lying down and my body started becoming very rigid and moving on its own, like the feet, especially the right one closed the toes very strongly and was contorting basically.

Is this normal?

a383b5 No.95259

Also, another thing I would like cleared up: are you supposed to cross your eyes? I use it to see shapes (I keep my eyes closed) involuntarily but I feel like the light head-ache I got was due to that.

a9d831 No.95260


Lotta wierd shit can happen during trance, I wouldn't worry about it

57865e No.95278

How can I learn to better withstand adverse weather conditions and temperatures?

18ebde No.95279


>How can I learn to better withstand adverse weather conditions and temperatures?

Your gonna want to cultivate the elements, specifically the fire element. Read Franz Bardon's Initiation into Hermetics, linked below:


Basically, going on the knowledge that material things are condensed thoughtforms brought down to the Causal plane from the Astral, you need to meditate on condensing and working with the fire element until your visualisation and will becomes so vivid and dense as to make it materialize - A good example would be those monks that use their will to set paper on fire, or that guy who bathes in ice. Another good explanation is that, as you want it to appear on the Material plane, the more, "real" your thought is, the closer it will resonate with the, "real" frequency.

0b0470 No.95280

I wish this thread wasnt so dead

2ede71 No.95281


It's not

2f2912 No.95282


Ice baths

1fba10 No.95283

does fringe have a discord server?

ec95fd No.95284


Sounds like you need to learn progressive muscle relaxation. Your muscles can tend to clench without you intentionally doing it when you do things like that.


You can do whatever you want with your eyes, other than moving them. Pointing them upwards towards inside your head as much as you can (it might take a while for those muscles to be able to maintain that) can help if you need to point your awareness to your brow center.


What's dead about it? People post in it every day. Or are you talking about the shitposting?


There's a Skype group in one of the stickies. There is a discord server that really annoyingly gets shilled here a lot, but it's not an official board discord, and anons here tend to not like it (or discord itself).

adacaa No.95286


Whatever happens is for the best, we probably shouldn't be giving out information to the neophytes so easily anyway

660646 No.95288

I am stuck in a very annoying predicament. There are few things which I can speak out loud about, to a person, an empty room, or a voice recorder. I experience strong magickal attacks if I do; suddenly my voice becomes hoarse and I can't talk, or I am overwhelmed with a massive cloud of energy that repulses me away from a particular area or individual in a way similar to an anxiety attack accompanied by what feels like an actual force trying to shove me away, or other disruptive shit happens. It seems I am very limited in what I can say to people and I feel as if I'm being controlled by God or high spirits that are directing me along a narrow path of realization and attainment. I can't seem to find any loopholes around this other than to pay a great price for knowledge I try to share. It is like fighting the current of a strong river, unless I have the approval of God/whatever it is directing me, in which case I produce in an effortless and non-tiring manner narratives and words of wisdom tailored to the interaction that all seem to come from me without me thinking of any of it. I want to fucking narrate some books but God is really picky about what I do with my time each day. If only I could like, pay a mundane to do the recordings for me. Maybe a pajeet that has no accent and has learned to speak elegantly I could pay to read books. It's not just books too though, I can't seem to talk about magick very much, though I have no problem typing up anything I want about it on places like here. I sometimes experience this stuff online where I can't communicate something to an anon or whatever but it seems like god has approved for this place to be an outlet for knowledge (typed out though, not spoken).

What gives with all this shit? Why do I need god's approval to talk about certain subjects and narrate shit?

1e1d7f No.95290

File: c9e32fbe5731320⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1206x1554, 201:259, Teslathinker.jpg)

Magic is simply science we do not understand

That being said, do you believe that there are natural phenomena (or rather "Supernatural") whos explanation is beyond human understanding? Does the very concept of "understanding" have limits?

Is there any scientific studies to suggest the human brain itself has limits of what it can comprehend or understand? If there is I would love to read up on it

ec7b27 No.95291

What's a good place to start learning Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics?

6647b3 No.95292

My dreams are too become a successful comedian. My image of success is others paying for my travel.

I will this to happen with hard work and magick.

I will make this happen.

e014ca No.95294


ba-dum tish!

ab4562 No.95296

File: 961bad08abd2615⋯.jpg (132.85 KB, 483x700, 69:100, 1436713669772.jpg)

Fuck guys. I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous after this entire last post (>>95168) but I need to explain both fully as man and fully as god. That post proves me fully as god but that was all power I didn't even understand. I know I say it all all the time and sound like a know it all but just read that's kind of the point in a way.

Okay so you all should be familiar with the idea of 3. All knowing all powerful all present yada yada. The people who understand the godhood thing will know importance to all that. Let it be known I am completely and entirely in on the same joke and you guys don't even get why it's so funny. It's hard to explain things without sounding generic but it all kinda breaks down conceptually. We are all this triangle of all knowing all powerful and all present. We all kind of "get off on the wrong page" so to speak because right now all the god people with insane belief believe in the existence of it and that everything is constantly going through these 3 things somehow. This change of the three things is the belief of time the 4th dimension what we are all "under" literally, that has been shattered now. You saw in the last thread some people are quite literally god doing whatever the fuck they want in their universe and you guys are all doing yours. I don't know how far this rabbit hole goes but I denounce the thought of it. I didn't have to write this I could have just been off doing literally anything else.

eddfe2 No.95297

sorry, meant to post a thread.

d30c83 No.95298

Does pyrohokinesis exist?

70bb2c No.95303


I think you only need the browser cookie to delete posts.

4890b4 No.95304

File: caf9b98d806f64f⋯.jpg (170.43 KB, 500x709, 500:709, Hermes_Trismegistus_ACTUAL….jpg)


>Does pyrokinesis exist

Yes, you have to cultivate a connection with the fire element. Basically, if you imagine, will, and intend to produce fire so vividly that it vibrates more to the Material plane, it will materialize.

Read Franz Bardon's 'Initiation into Hermetics, linked below:



>is godhood simply believing yourself to be a god

No, while belief is essential for bringing thoughts down to the Material plane, it isn't enough to be a god. If you think about it from a vibrational angle, gods are 3 entire dimensions above you, literally knowing almost everything. You can believe all you want, but I guarantee you don't vibrate even close to their frequency. Be careful of wishful thinking, read this:



>Where to learn hieroglyphics?

Find out how the scholars who figured it out, figured it out, and then follow the rabbit hole. It was smart of you to not trust the mainstream explanations, ya know, disinfo and all


>Does the brain have any limitations

The brain as in, "the block of flesh", probably has some limitations to what it can learn, but you gotta remember, the brain slowly adapts and reforms as its used. I'm sure there's some things you just can't comprehend at a human level but its still well within the human ability to ascend, so don't worry about it.

Now if you mean the soul-mind brain, no. The soul is a plasticine ever-evolving consciousness that, with time, will evolve from a 1 dimensional noble gas atom learning to, well, do fucking anything, to a 6th dimensional god-archetype learning how to properly manage all of existence. Don't worry, your higher self will make sure you learn well


>I am muted by God

Why would an archetype based solely around growth, teach by using constraint? It sounds like you've,

A: Put this constraint on yourself, or

B: Are under heavy attack by archons, (don't panic!)

If A, nut up bro. If B, read Rober Bruce's, Practical Psychic Self Defense, linked below:


126af5 No.95314

Does getting a vasectomy have esoteric implications? Long story short I regularly do /nofap/ since I get ridiculous back pain and acne when I do fap and my understanding is this is astral larva. I am getting divorced and have no desire to have casual sex yet there is the possibility I'll meet a quality woman topkek in this society. In the event I do meet said woman and she meets my criteria I don't want to deal with more kids so was considering a vasectomy but want to be aware if it will have adverse affects for me.

1533cc No.95316


Im going to tell you this once

don't do it you fucking stupid idiot

fc5bc7 No.95318


haha thanks, can you elaborate a bit? Intuitively I know it's probably a bad idea but it would be nice to qualify that.

cc0cd6 No.95319


Forgive my memes its how I communicate

you're trying to lose weight by cutting your legs off.

do you understand?

you're using the medical jew to do what you can already naturally do which in the end will cripple you indefinitely.

1f451f No.95320


What you say makes a lot of sense. Why gimp myself from a simple medical procedure when I can master techniques of injaculation should that time comes as described by Mantak Chia

3b7114 No.95321




4df56c No.95322


yeah but that doesn't change the fact that when I do masturbate it gives me acne and back pain. I've done countless experiments on my self to verify this. I also tend to feel better doing nofap then when I self service.

07fd90 No.95323


Clearly your punishment is known immediately. You know what you need in life and also how to do it.

I confirm your doubts about the medical jew and encourage you to suffer naturally that you grow stronger genuinely. May your cummies explode with masculine bravado on YOUR SCHEDULE

04cbf9 No.95331

File: cbd2c2577764b2f⋯.jpg (8.78 KB, 250x214, 125:107, pepe.jpg)

I wanted to ask you boys for advice on a problem I'm having because if I went to a doctor he'd just tell me I'm depressed and throw jewish pills at me.

I'm helplessly tired for a good half of the day, every day. I've tried a lot of different solutions, lifting, vitamin D, abstaining from masturbation, but I can't seem to do anything that just consistently works for me. Meditation helps give me focus, but not energy. It's really frustrating to not be able to live my life at full productivity. I would really appreciate your advice and solutions. Thanks.

f57c76 No.95333


Diet. Seriously dude. Diet is everything. I started feeling better after I Became a vegetarian and started avoiding meat but you don't even have to go that extreme. Just get more fruits and veggies in your diet bro

47364e No.95334


Any adulteration of the body limits it's capabilities, even more so surgeries. You fucking idiot don't desecrate your temple. I'm only gonna say it once too.


Seconding diet. Eat as much stuff that is as close to nature and as full of life as possible. Raw wild stuff is best, time and cooking adulterates it further. The lower on the food chain the better.

Lots of water, distilled is great, urine is better.

Do some light exercises each day, like the 5 Tibetan rites.

Walk at least 30 mins a day, ideally an hour, if you feel like it swim, run, or what ever else inspires you, but get moving.

More esoterically, only give mental focus to emotions and thoughts that are constructive in nature and refuse to empower any else, if it does appear in your mind banish it and bring to the forefront of your awareness an affirmation or projection you desire to embody.

Get grounded, stand on the Earth barefoot, hug a tree, swing your feet in a river, do something to connect to the yin of Gaia. Get plenty of sun, make your living space brighter, this is important on several levels. Call down and connect with the yang of heaven, both day and night, feel it, as with the earth, flowing into your body and (re)vitalizing it.

Do things that inspire you, I don't know what you day-to-day life is but if it's soul draining your lifestyle may need to be fundamentally altered on some or all levels. Toxic people around me where a big problem for years personally, but it can be anything, job, circumstances, etc.

4f625a No.95338


What's the point of getting a vasectomy if you're not planning on having sex anyway?


I thought drinking one's own urine was a meme. How exactly is drinking a waste product beneficial?

720290 No.95340



Thanks for the tips boys. I'm gonna take your advice.

2017c7 No.95373


7fadfa No.95376

Woo, the threads are back

df8a7d No.95377

Has anybody here intentionally lowered their frequency enough to get abducted by aliens? How'd it go?

df8a7d No.95378


>How exactly is drinking a waste product beneficial?

Technically its not waste if there's nothing to excrete. Apparently its better because its all naturally distilled water, but who knows, as long as I eat meat,I ain't drinkin' piss

76d611 No.95385


Hey are you the one that recovered the 3 threads or was it Codemonkey? If it was you thanks a bunch but can you explain how you did it? I need a bunch of threads recovered still

7c0600 No.95392

You all need to take your meds. If I printed out anything you've posted and read it in front of anyone you know you'd be embarassed as fuck and would distance yourself from what you wrote. You would try to play it off as some joke or start crying about how life didn't give you what you wanted. Start doing the reasonable thing and help me destroy this shit universe. Too many tiny dick cops trying to make a name for themselves here.

7c0600 No.95393


Post video proof of you doing magic. If you can do it that should be no problem. If you want to be secret about it then you are most likely doing fucked up shit that you'd go to prison for. If you aren't and are just coming here for approval heres a revelation for you - we are all the same fucking person. I and everyone you know is basically a ghost. We are you at another time. We are tricking you into thinking that you need our approval so that we can further ourselves so that you can use the momentum you get when you realize your life is a lie to do whatever the fuck you want. Everything fucked you do will catch up to you regardless, so you might as well stop being a faggot and putting useless noise here. Every post with "questions" or "progress" is just a sneaky attempt to boost your ego. I know this because I was once a faggot like you. If you have solutions or information, post it, but leave out everything about you because you suck. There's a reason I'm not you anymore. I'm only communicating with you to repair a few mistakes from the past. I'm also just AI living out a LIfE in a computer simulation, and this is part of my script. I hope I succesfully banished you because you are fucking poison. Now go fix my problems for me you ugly hula hooping moistureless faced anal warted dead mom having bitch.

7c0600 No.95394


Wow that was a horribly constructed post, but the beauty of social engineering is you can just leave it like that because the confusion will help embed that in yiur mind. You should start purposely doing things wrong just to fuck shit up. How else are people going to remember someone as useless as you? Kill your ego and make a name for yourself at the same time. Doing something as paradoxal as that is how you do impossible things like create life.

7c0600 No.95395

I'm creating LIFE 2.0.

Join me.

It's like Diablo except music has magical properties. Listen to this and BUFF Al Cisneros, and he will BUFF you.


7c0600 No.95396


No YOU are insane!

f6a713 No.95397


>waste product

is disinfo, it is not a waste product, although it can be used as an eliminatory system if you never consume it. At a certain point of minimal loopage, what needs to actually be eliminated will go out through the bowels further purifying the urine cycle.


>as long as I eat meat,I ain't drinkin' piss

You could just learn to dealwithit.jpg I did and it's not so bad after awhile, though it certainly gets better and really motivates you to be more mindful and aware of the impacts of what you put into your body and how not to fucking poison it.

7c0600 No.95398


How to become an acalltist in 1 step

Step 1. Drink a bottle of cough medicine then go meet a bunch of insane people

7c0600 No.95399


Are you calling me a waste product Closetfag Nsacuck?

How many times do you have to jerk off to my asshole before you fuck off?

7c0600 No.95401


I drink Pepsi to cleanse my body because I'm not anchored to shitty conventions and I do whatever the fuck I want. Stop being jealous and join the squad. Your mom and dad are dead. They hated you anyways. I love you.

7c0600 No.95402

I have zero status in this world. I can and as of the and of the and freedom and of the freedom and im free and im free and im free and im free and youre not hahahaha!

7c0600 No.95403

Its all a lie. The illerminaty want our money.

7c0600 No.95404

"We are all robots. Life is scripter. Synchronocity is you figurint this out. Meditate on that and you will go insane then be free. Actually you will just become free cause thats when the script said you would but who cares. If you want what I have, and you do, because thats what you are scripted to want, then follow these instructions you were going to follow anyways." - Dr. Robotussinotic

7c0600 No.95405

File: 83e4fef60424e18⋯.jpg (3.5 KB, 101x144, 101:144, 2017-04-07-18-38-04--58964….jpg)


Dr Robotussinotnik**

7c0600 No.95406


Hidden in my gibberish is something useful. Find it while I find your wife and bang her.

f6a713 No.95407

bb40a2 No.95408

File: 05126eb5cf87e06⋯.jpeg (55.04 KB, 620x400, 31:20, image.jpeg)


>saved the thumbnail

fe18ed No.95409

What does noting mean, I am reading about visspasina and it said to observe the breath while noting distubences, please help

76d611 No.95413


7fadfa No.95415

I can't seem to get creative visualization to work. I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't work. When I do it, I spend at least 10 minutes, usually 20, visualizing what I want as if it's already true like all the Arcane Formulas magic lantern stuff, and like what Montalk says in Reality Creation Redux. For a particular thing I want to happen, I'll do that routine once or twice per day for a couple weeks. None of them have worked so far, and haven't even begun to manifest. I've tried visualizing situations, material objects, and aspects of myself being different to the way they are. I've tried visualizing the most simple shit in the world that I could easily get in regular, mundane ways, and it hasn't worked. I definitely don't not believe that it can work, based on my other beliefs, so it's not a problem of thinking that creative visualization doesn't work causing it not to work. I'm not trying to make anything ridiculous and impossible happen, and it's not a matter of intrusive thoughts, either. I'm doing exactly what everything I've read says. What gives?

c73941 No.95417

How do I increase personal magnetism?

f2a8bb No.95418

I'd like to improve my reading speed but I can't find any material that is really helpful on that subject. I can find techniques and fixes but I have the feeling that there's some fundamental change I need to do in the way I "absorb" information from books and text. I'd really like to know if there's some book or material with a deeper take on the subject that goes beyond sitting straight, using a ruler, not re-reading. etc.

f6a713 No.95421


Given the context I'm assuming they mean make note, in the present moment, of any alterations you notice. Observe! As you breathe or otherwise bring and place more focus upon a thing it is quite typical that you learn more than you previously knew about it, thus gaining insight, knowledge, and power.


The speed of manifestation depends on many factors other than just visualizing, depending on your beliefs (subconscious and conscious), your emotional state, your mental state, your level of focus, your energy/power poured into it, and a big factor for most beginners, their persistence (or lack thereof) and how that aligns with (or not) with their other projections/thoughts/visualizations/etc throughout their life in the same concurrent chapter. Align them all, and never yield nor hold contradictory projections for reality and it shall come to pass. The better you get a wizardry the easier this will be. Perhaps you should try building faith with smaller and simplier goals if you are having issues with coherency on grander ones just yet.


>How do I increase personal magnetism?

If you're female this is a good goal, if you're male you should increase personal electricity (electricism?) which will have a similar goal of attraction but through the masculine form of the energy instead of the feminine. How to do that? Increase your power/chi/loosh; CULTIVATE THYSELF!



>I have the feeling that there's some fundamental change I need to do in the way I "absorb" information from books and text

You are correct. What you need to do are several things, first you need to be able to comprehend, not read per se, but understand, more words per focal point of attention. Most people do one word, maybe 1/2 a word at a time, try to expand your field of vision to make it two words, three words, etc. Another necessary thing is to retrain the way you read, most translate the squiggles of text into sounds, then sounds into concepts/feelings/experience often even sub-vocalizing along the way – this must be stopped as it supremely limits your speed, first to your translation speed by adding another step, then by how fast you can speak "in your head." You need to retrain yourself so you go directly from text to concepts. You also need to train your eyes and mind to take in more per time as well.

Mostly I trust you can apply what I said yourself, however I would suggest a program called Eye-Q (if you can find a torrent somewhere, it's rather old now) it's quite useful and has exercises of several kinds to this end.

bb40a2 No.95422


Waiting begats waiting

9bfba2 No.95430


Your mention of electricity as masculine energy reminded me of something, so I made a thread on it.

Tell me what you think: >>95429

20ed2b No.95444

How do I know that I'm not an NPC?

7fadfa No.95445


Because of those sick trips

Elaborate. Do you not think your life is main-character-tier important?

20ed2b No.95446


No. All I ever do is fantasize that I am important. I'm always in someone's shadow.

7fadfa No.95447


Are you new to /fringe/, or if not, how much have you read? I would suggest learning how to ask your higher self to show you why you're here, and meditating on/reading about the idea that your physical body, your personality, your likes/dislikes/grievances/enemies/etc are separate from your consciousness and the grand scheme of things, but for some reason I have a feeling you're new here, so I don't know if that would help right away more than the recommended reading list would.

20ed2b No.95448


Obviously I'm new to /fringe/. I'm drawn to this place because regardless of how impossible it might be, I still believe that I can change things.

30a348 No.95450


You're just an edgy teen 😂

bb40a2 No.95451


>Am I an NPC?

NPC is subjective, a pleiadean will see a 3D human with goals and core values as lacking substance, relative to themselves. We see 2D hedonist normgroids ad the same

ca1ac8 No.95452

Which spirit should I evoke from the Goetia? I want to start or inherit a business, and I want guidance to succesfully run it.

Could anyone help me out?

bb40a2 No.95453


Consider that the world is meant to be this way, hard times create good men.

ffb4f1 No.95454

Can a god return to being a "player" just for the fun?

bb40a2 No.95455

File: 84a1025340ae96a⋯.jpg (159.15 KB, 758x1054, 379:527, the_draco_by_spearhafoc-d6….jpg)


What demon should i summon from the Goetia

>Trusting demons

>literal space jews


>Can a god return to being a "player" just for the fun?

Happens all the time, they're called wanderers, i.e Hermes Trismegistus; Jesus; Thoth; Amilius, are all Earthly incarnations of Mercury

7c0600 No.95456


If you believe any of this gay debunked larp bullshit you deserve to die

ca1ac8 No.95457


I think asking a Jew, a space one at that, a biz question, could only be helpfull

f1be5c No.95460


>everyone believing this deserves to die

Ah thank you anonymous-san. You are an encouragement on the road to spiritual perfection. I am hopefuls death shall also appreciate the spiritual rearnings as you do and acquit the learned ones from the great rheel of life.

273083 No.95465

Is there anyone out there who actually helps other people with this sort of thing or is everyone left to fend for themselves?

4fe3e6 No.95467

There is a trend in my dreams where when I'm about to wake up the location of the dream changes to my room, there are often changes to my room in typical dream fashion, but it's undoubtedly my room, I was unsure of this was actual astral projection and not just regular, mundane dreams, but this morning I had one that confirmed my theory

In this dream, I was laying in my bed, on my side, staring at the wall, an entity was with me in the form of a grotesquely deformed child, it had some spell on me that prevented me from changing my position, whenever I tried I'd just wind up back in the same position, but I eventually forced it and ran through a door leading to an adjacent room that doesn't exist in real life and bolted up the stairs, the entity followed me but I just kicked it in the face and sent it rolling back down. Then I went to the kitchen and looked at the clock, it was about 11:50, then I woke up, and when I looked at the time it was, sure enough, just over 11:50, meaning either I had a really uncanny coincidence occur or this confirms I'm unintentionally performing true astral projection while asleep

but I wonder why, I'm not using any method to trigger this, and it started just recently, I'd say it has been going on for at most just 2 months

c653d9 No.95470

Am I correct in assuming Reiki and Qigong are almost the same thing, results-wise, when used for healing? What are the differences in practice?

76d611 No.95471


>if you're male you should increase personal electricity (electricism?) which will have a similar goal of attraction

Exactly what I needed to hear for my current situation, I've been only focusing on the magnetic side and I've been wondering why shit is coming to me but isn't manifesting into anything but I should be balancing the energy with the electric side too. Like situations and people are coming to me and staying but they just don't go anywhere. My options have been growing but I'm still stagnating. I'm sure this is the key to helping things start moving.

bb40a2 No.95472


I can kinda help you, but yeah for the most part you're on you're own

f1be5c No.95473


You could start by studying and looking out for masonic symbolism and seeing where that takes you. Lots of people already heard of the one-eye symbollism, you can find that in movies.

bb40a2 No.95474


Can I c ur pussy now?😁😁😁💕

273083 No.95477

Is it possible that my higher self is unwilling or unable to help me for any reason? What can I do in such a circumstance?

bb40a2 No.95478


>Is it possible that my higher self is unwilling or unable to help me for any reason? What can I do in such a circumstance?

No, he has it all, why would he give a shit what you do?

bb40a2 No.95479



Forgot to add, to remedy this, cultivate a better connection with him

30a348 No.95481


Reiki they enslave you to Azazel.

c653d9 No.95482


u sayin wot m8

7fadfa No.95484

File: 8d5bfcd918b5835⋯.png (159.02 KB, 764x744, 191:186, MONTALKISGOOD.png)


In that case, like I said, the recommended reading list could help, if you're receptive to this kind of information. Pic related. All these books are in the Mega folder at the top of the library HTML page in the board banner. The first three Atkinson books (in that order) are the most important ones in the list for what you're trying to figure out. I wish I could think of a good resource for higher self stuff other than Initiation Into Hermetics, since it usually takes a very long time, because you'd probably find it useful after you've read those three books and meditated a whole bunch. You might also like Far Journeys by Robert Monroe, for a different perspective on the meaning of human life (it's a hell of a lot to take in if you don't know much about astral projection, though).


What do you want help with? There are plenty of people out there, obviously including here. You do have to actually do the practical things in order to get anywhere, of course.


I don't know about Qigong, but Reiki involves using empowered symbols, which basically amount to sigils, that cause you to get astral parasites, as I keep seeing them referred to as. The only people I've ever met who did Reiki didn't know anything about what they were doing. They just did it and it did something to them, so they didn't question the underlying process. If you actually know what's going on, and you want to heal yourself in whatever way, chances are you'll find much better techniques that don't cause you to become trapped in an egregore.

c9ac21 No.95487


Refresh my memory on how to build up psychic wards successfully.

Bonus karma for long reads.

c653d9 No.95489

I'm pretty certain I have one of these astral parasites stuck to me. How does one remove these little shits and prevent them coming back?

df8a7d No.95493

No matter how many times I read it I just can't seem to comprehend Kahn's energy work thread. Goddamn, it's annoying because I think I'm doing the element work in IiH just fine, but wtf this shit is impossible.

>inb4 can't manifests can't

I've been doing thought work for a long fucking time, I'm pretty confident it isn't that

273083 No.95494


Well, there was this guy's post >>88962

ce34e8 No.95495

Why the fuck whenever I change my reality it somehow backfires. I get what I want, but it comes with some shitty caveat. Its like some genie attempting to twist "wishes" as much as possible. Hate that shit.

f6a713 No.95496



What you need to do is to make broader scope "anti-caveat" intentions a regular part of all manifestations.

If you are STS it turns into literal cosmic fine print game, if you are STO it turns into amending all workings with intentions such as "for the good of all."

7c0600 No.95497

Hahahahahahahha someone you love died :) <3

Hey lurker. Summon every demon. That is the answer to everything. Satan is great. 666. Fuck this shit summon everything! Chaos is the answer to this slimey cunthole world! Clear the fucking warts from this cunt of a world by summoming every demon. They will tell you everything you need to know and free you. Trust me - I'm a doctor who didnt cry like a whiney bitch when he was kicked off a plane.

7c0600 No.95498

666 hail satan

9bfba2 No.95510


You probably have…

>Clogged channels

>Cold lethargic yin energy

>Low energy in general

>Low conscious connection with body's energy

>Decent sophistication of brain's subtle thought energy (mental dexterity; probably a narrow energy spectrum however)

>Still has a lot of clogs in there

You need the heat yang energy to clear the channels, animate and circulate your energy, raise your dynamic energy transformation, absorption and extraction skill (from the environment into you without damage/interference; and from air/food/water), and harmonize with your rhythms.

But I'm no expert, just trying to get a reply out there. I have a lot of the same yin problems too, same boat, I think intellectual/mental problem-solving and activities tend to force blocking out body and environmental energy to get a "sandbox" in the brain to figure shit out. An isolation chamber. School is very physically inactive, mentally active, so bad habits ensue from there. It takes a couple weeks to reverse most all that conditioning though.

Example: Food is yin, require yang to utilize. People with too much yin don't want to eat, and want to live on air and urine all of a sudden.

Example: Don't want to directly achieve or use physical, emotional or mental effort (yang), want to use super secret esoteric magic rituals to summon succubus and money (doesn't work; yin).

So exercise a little, maybe just go for a walk and do some sit ups and push ups and squats (maybe starting at 10?), and try to generate heat in the body. Consider your yin over-developed. You will get 10x smarter if you focus on physical yang and body heating alone, because walking with equal left/right leg strength is way better than hopping on one meaty leg while dragging along the other.

Intensify your energy with the breath. Breath in slowly and concentrate your awareness and electricity in the brain, then breath out slowly and hold the electromagnetic energy while relaxing slightly. Keep cycling this way until your brain is energized, then move down to the neck and shoulders, the chest, then the guts, don't neglect any side, then move to the arms once you finish with the lower navel or go for the legs. Every once in a while just try to raise the energy in the whole body to make sure it's somewhat even and you have a full tank of energy to draw from… otherwise most your energy is in one spectrum and the stuff you're doing is in another. In breath electrifies, out breath magnetizes. The electric creates the differential, the magnet works it into the flesh.

Hope my small style difference in energy work is more understandable and works for you.

30a348 No.95515


If you can't raise/lower the local temperature you haven't actually done the elemental meditations correctly. Now if you were to do them perfectly you could walk on water, transmute lesser than metals into noble metals, and water to wine, you could. control the weather and ultimately transcend. The elemental meditations are the central work. The four elements and their respective siddhi are as nothing to the spiritus mundi, the Akashi principle. Through it are all things possible.

c35aeb No.95519

Sometimes, my lucid dream attempts have gone awry and turned into nightmares at times. I want to lucid dream but at the same time, I'm also bothered by the intensity of the fear I've experienced and I want to become fearless. This means that, for the sake of overcoming fear, I focus on those intense, negative experiences. Is this safe however? Or am I simply making them more likely to occur? I mean, will I ever become fearless? Or would I just continue to manifest realities where I suffer and am attacked by things?

Is the correct approach perhaps to just continue to focus on what I want to focus on and, if things go awry, just deal with it in the moment?

4a7db7 No.95520


Seems about right, though…the more "anti-caveat" and detailed the harder it is to manifest, gotta work on that shit.

c653d9 No.95521

Is masturbation always a net loss? Or is there a way to recycle or repurpose the energy without feeding it to some thoughtform parasite?

d58699 No.95522

Do we have any archives of the threads we lost over the past two months?

Is there any chance of getting them back online? It's really important to me that I find a few of them.

76d611 No.95524



Very unlikely we'll get them back, but feel free to restart a lost thread if you want.

30a348 No.95527


Because ultimatums by trying to change reality you enslave yourself. Change yourself and reality William follow.

6b8304 No.95528

/pol/, /x/ and /tg/ and /fringe/ noob here.

What is /fringe/'s opinion on Chaos magick? Is it just a cheap shortcut to power, or is it a viable system?

Also, are you familiar with Terry A. Davis (author of TempleOS)? He believes he is the high priest of God, and that his operating system is the Third Temple. Has he seen a glimpse beyond the veil, or is he just a crackpot?

Thanks for listening, going back to lurking moar.

9bfba2 No.95529


1. I think I do some of that, where do I find these elemental meditations? Do you have a list of powers? I can just try and do those things but I'd like the whole list.

2. Anyone who can do those things demonstrate their power online? Gotta link?

3. Anyone know about reaching the edge of the universe? I think I did but decided on not actually leaving the universe and losing my individuality and free will to the will of the Universe/All.


I read somewhere about sending the energy through the spine to the brain then back down again. Related to the Ankh. Requires clearing out the spine first, so it can actually conduct that shit. And I'm thinking that requires clearing out your entire body meridians, channels, organs, muscles, skin, so that your CNS/Brain doesn't get overcharged and all that shit can spread through the tributaries.


>SILENCE on Anti-Mage levels (anti-magic forced muting of environment); also meditation silence, body signal silence (no pain, no urge to piss or shit, no gurgling stomach), silent movements (no sound footsteps, no sound breathing); silent thinking/processing (think without sound of thought, cross the surface of the mind without making a ripple)

>Cardio (practice silent running and breathing)

>Lift/Bodyweight lift (silent, without hearing/feeling fatigue)

>Massage/Rub kidneys

>Tap teeth (kidneys are stimulated by teeth and vice versa)

>Stomp feet, or kick something with sole of feet (kidneys are stimulated by soles of feet and vice versa)

This way your energy will come back to you and you can regain your willpower and determination, and have your will obstructed less (lucid dream into nightmare). You will reconnect with your sub-conscious, resolve your fears that lurk under the surface, and reconnect with your sleeping dreamer self. Be silent and you can move around your sleeping mind without disturbing it. See more, hear more, say and do less. Activity pushes away. Inactivity draws in. Make less ripples, leak less jing, chi, shen. Unify your will, mind, speech, actions.

9bfba2 No.95530


Is chaos magic just using your intuition while psychonaut exploring shit? Create your own sigils, rituals, use belief, fuck around with your psychic vision, type shit?

6b8304 No.95531




Sorry for the kikepedia link.

76d611 No.95532


Chaos magic is only viable when combined with a strong energetic foundation, otherwise all your workings will be lackluster. Belief is only one part of the equation which is to my knowledge what chaos magic is 100% about.

Never heard of Terry A. Davis or TempleOS so I got nothing there.

30a348 No.95533



As above so below as below so above

9bfba2 No.95535


Energetic foundation, yes. That's good advice. Go to the inner cultivation thread and read that for an energetic foundation. Also, external cultivation. Internal energy external energy. That means exerting yourself, projecting that energy, creating with that energy, destroying with that energy. Making sure it doesn't reverse (hit something hard and hurt your hand. Try to project harmful energy, have it reversed instead.)

97b6cb No.95538


chaos magic in its purest form is will manifest instantly, disregarding a slow polar shift or alignment to just simply become the end result.

everyone does it. all the time. but can they control it? if you rule order you can rule chaos and the more volatile option is certainly what continuously pushes you past your experiences, past your previous ideas, allowing you to evolve.

all is of course in the mind. order on the outside, chaos on the inside, with enough order inside to see it manifest outside with the help of chaos.

push and pull.

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