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Esoteric Wizardry


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i will not bother with much effort to this thread as you are not worthy of it

you imagine yourself to be working for a worthy cause whatever political ideology or such you cling to, however you are behold to the will of others and ultimately the reaction of Consequence

by working for a cause, by working for the benefit of external forces you create of yourself a slave

likely these words will be lost on you all but I do not much care as it is not the effect of an action that is important but the act of doing it


Na homie I'm here for my family and I but mostly me



>i will not bother with much effort to this thread as you are not worthy of it

ok bye then


I already know that, man.

I fight for nothing but self-interest.

I'm a hedonist in the perpetual search of a better pleasure.

Got any other info you wanna share?

Not being sarcastic, you reached the same conclusion I did into my outlook on life, I'm really interested in knowing what else you believe in.

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