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How do you explain gigantism? Nephilim?

(Rule 2)


I have also wondered this. I've also been curious as to what causes hermaphrodites.


>5000 cal/day

Will manlets ever learn?




Of course you would explain yourself this with Nephilim and not with the Norse lore where there are literally giants for things?!


There's usually a growth on or near the pituitary gland that causes it to malfunction and massively distribute hormones throughout the body.

The body is not 'made' to be that big. Gigantism sufferers generally have bone issues, muscle issues, and even nervous system issues throughout their entire lives.

If anything they are just more individuals who have come malkuth to learn pain, possibly to overcome it, possibly to succumb to it. Who knows.


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gigantism is caused by too much growth hormone before your epiphyseal plates have fused. usually caused by a benign tumour on your pituitary, but it can be caused by other stuff like near starvation during childhood (something to do with how blood sugar affects growth hormone)

if it happens after the epiphyseal plates fuse, you get a condition called acromegaly (not nearly as bad) where your hands, feet and forehead grow disproportionately large. endocrinology is interesting as fuck


hermaphroditism is caused by an intersex condition. there are genotypes and phenotypes. genotypical intersex is when you have different chromosomes (like xxy, or xyx instead of the usual xx or xy) phenotypical intersex often goes together with genotypical intersex. phenotypical is because of hormone exposure, either endogenous or exogenous.



they were asking for /fringe/-tier explanations obviously.



can you recommend any books on endocrinology?


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just google 'basic endocrinology' and youll find a good overview. just be aware that science only sees the material, outward side of physiology. for example, science books will tell you that the hormone oxytocin is there to cause womb contractions and something to do with emotional bonding; they dont understand the subtle side of it.

then i reccomend wikipedia. follow the hyperlinks for words you dont know or sound interesting. google it if there is a word you want more information about.

most importantly, remember you have an endocrine system. once you know the basic structure of it, look inside your self. see how different things influence your own endocrine system, see how the scientific observations overlay your own observations.

the nervous system is the king of the body acting through direct orders, short-term (mostly conscious) ; the endocrine system is the queen, acting through indirect orders, long term (mostly subconscious). these are the 2 ways your 'self' operates your 'machine'. become aware and use them to their best capacity.

if you want esotericy science stuff, theres a website called 'biologyofkundalini.com' i dont think its peer reviewed or anything, just some guys personal studies, very interesting though. physical and metaphisical observations.

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