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Would anybody be interested if I started making audiobooks on my own? I want to do it as a hobby anyway but ill share them with you guys. Maybe youtube under cryptic names.


Vocaroo a voice sample.


Good idea. Ive been meaning to do that aswell through librvox. Any particular book you'd like to record?


I've been wanting to do this too but I'm waiting till I start working so I can afford a top tier microphone. That'll hopefully be soon. Which books do you guys need/want audiobooks of btw


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I would just do the one that I am interested in absorbing the most.


Robert Anton Wilson tbh



I'd suggest either going slightly slower or rehearsing each line at least once and then chopping it all together. Some of your words were a little slurred or corrected. Obviously that was just an example but mixing it would be good for the finished product too.



Your voice is bretty gud however like the other guy said I'd recommend sightly slowing down and working on your prounounciation / clear you're words up as you have a tendincy to slur your words.




Yeah this was a one take while my roomates were sleeping deal and showing off my voice to my friends.

Ill definietly take your guys advice. I havent read out loud in years and its kinda tirinf sorta. Ill get better and work on it. Ill record a chapter tommorow of some small thing and see what happens from there

Thanks for the feedback.



I do this. t. Fringe Wizard (you can find my audiobook recording on vid.me and youtube).

I already have a thread up on here about audiobooks, you should post in it…


btw please do an audiobook of The Master Mind by Theron Q. Dumont and Personal Magnetism by Theron Q. Dumont otherwise I'm going to do those myself. I've already recorded 8 chapters of Personal Magnetism.


Does anyone know if there's an audiobook version of Initiation Into Hermetics? I can't find one for the life of me.


I might be, sometimes I prefer to hear videos/podcasts, so I may as well start audiobooks


circleboard/ylilauta has a new board, bronnen.net, if you even remember circleboard

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