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File: 72c3a5cbd289461⋯.png (12.98 KB, 435x456, 145:152, lain.png)



Thoughts? Another lain suicide cult, maybe?



>This does NOT require you to kill yourself; you simply need to die (from any cause) after the deadline. We in charge of this process would like for you to live long and happy lives before this!

So not entirely a suicide cult. They need to learn how to spell correspondence though.


it's just an ARG


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Really weird synchronicity… was just finishing this Heaven's Gate video when I clicked on the link OP gives. There are certainly some similarities. Dunno, just struck me as really odd. Might sign up.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wrong video… was watching on another board, opened on youtube and it was video 2. The talk of Earth being recycled is virtually the same as the Tsuki project system reset…

It's the timing that really gets me. It does seem things are coming to a head.


Second stickied thread on their /b/ says no suicide.

I thought /fringe/ was intelligent.



It seems everyone has a story of synchronicity like that. Something's going on, for sure.


That's what they all say, Anon. It's at least a death cult, if not a suicide cult.


File: c29953e38c7f12e⋯.png (85.03 KB, 492x280, 123:70, doubt.png)

>Why was Systemspace created?

>Systemspace and its Systems are created for good memories. Life was made to be a peaceful System.



>That's what they all say, Anon. It's at least a death cult, if not a suicide cult.

>That's what they all say

What? What examples do you have of cults like this initially claiming that death isn't necessary only to later reveal that they need to kill themself?



>I thought /fringe/ was intelligent

>/fringe/ was intelligent.

Well you got half of it right, it's but a rotting husk of it's former self now.


huh, it's got a site now? interesting

I was nearly worried they stopped doing that picture thing, excellent meme

I wonder what it'll look like after- "Sorry, but your soul is DAMNED"? lol

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