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File: 207b7e444e6d357⋯.jpg (34.95 KB, 409x614, 409:614, 02_teal_bosworth.jpg)


Anyone got her old nude model photos?

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I would actually like a thread on the truth about people like Teal Swan and Ralph Smart. I have a few friends who are just now getting into spiritual matters but are getting lost along the way in the comforting "light" of these con artists. One of my friends even told me Teal Swan explained it away by saying she was in some luciferian cult or some shit and did ritualistic abortions or something of the like. Never watched her vids tho.

Supporting bump


GTFO degenerate filth



Circa '14, '15 I posted here about Ralph Smart supporting him. Now, I kind of regret it.

After watching him, and Teal Swan for a lesser amount of time I've noticed.

Teal Swan is completely full of bullshit.

Ralph throws some pearls here and there, and then it's all regurgitated bullshit. I like Ralph's person. I think he's a cool guy. I don't believe he's a con artist like Swan. Just a meme echo chamber.



sage goes in all fields

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