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Esoteric Wizardry


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Have any of you fags ever successfully summoned something?

I'm thinking of trying to summon a succubus but I kinda just wanna know about some people who have actually accomplished what they set out to do

>pic related shitty mothman cult i joined


Yes I have and I'm currently working on spreading the worldwide succubus religion. I've done most of what I wanted except physically visiting their world. I doubt a lot of people here can do it though because you generally hate women and only think about sex for your own sake, not for spreading good genes. If you really were right wing like you claim, you'd be healthy, fit, not on drugs and you'd quit degenerate sexual activities like faggotry and hedonist porn.


Succubus care more about racial purity than any of you, that's why most fail in contacting them, your genes are shit. (and learned traits ARE inherited, so you could change this if you wanted)



I've been thinking about summoning aliens, but with good frequencies instead of fear and paranoia. I'll let you know how it turns out if I do it.



actually sounds really interesting


i have no clue what your on about but i quit porn for lent and exercise 3 times weekly and dont do drugs except for beers on a saturday/friday night


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Summoned a couple of different things, mostly by accident.

Am averse to giving details though.

The more imaginative/energetic we become the greater likelihood of summoning and drawing what we desire happens.

There are constraints on our reality, so often we may dismiss the things we summon because we fail to see the correlations. The Universe does the best it can with what it has.

Summoning actual living people seems like the easiest, though as stated before the Universe works with what it has so don't be surprised if you end up with someone with just the same name as the person you wanted to summon.

>pic related


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Try summoning your Genius Self.



>i quit porn for lent and exercise 3 times weekly and dont do drugs except for beers on a saturday/friday night

You're the good exception to the rest of /fringe/ then.

If anyone else feels the core users of this board were misrepresented, please do tell. Maybe we'll find lots of people on here changed their lives lately.


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It's not /fringe/ that's helping people deprogram themselves. It's a Third Position that's doing that.


I've never deliberately summoned things, but I have met spirits whenever I've had a need for them. A few months ago I was having a really shitty time, so I lit some incense and all of a sudden I was surrounded by rieklings (yes, those rieklings) and we had a party.

Since I didn't do it myself I dunno how to do it, but it was always during moments of emotional vulnerablity. I'd caution against summoning things just for shits and gigs, though.



>Summoning actual living people seems like the easiest

How would I go about doing that?

Just intent as per usual?



Youtube said that succubus are djinn trying to create hybrids so they can destroy humanity and send humans to hell.



Yes hello I started smoking cannabis but it quickly developed into an addiction and triggered a psychotic episode which is also what lead me to taking the green pill. I haven't smoked in almost 2 years and only drink occasionally in social situations. I know fuggin everything about optimal nutrition and breath from my stomach through my nose passively when asleep and awake. I could go on but the long and short is smoking weed showed me the way but only because i'm in a minority of people who have such a potent reaction to it. I'll never touch the stuff again as it is very degenerate (along with all addictive substances). I may take mushrooms once as a learning experience.



Unknowingly/accidentally, yes.

The spirit I summoned is still with me to this day. Recently she was quiet and didn't do anything but after I got into a metal workshop with some ~30 different people she started to become more active again. May have to do with the fact that I vocally allowed her to suck as much energy from the people around me (except for family, pets and close friends) as she wants. As long as nobody dies of course. I mean why kill walking generators?

Although I can't quite figure out what she wants from me currently… She turned my PC back on after I turned it off and wanted to go to sleep. Twice in a row. And today I woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to go back to sleep but before I fell asleep again she turned on my PC. She also let the navigation system tell me that I arrived at my destination the moment I entered my mothers room because I had the urge to pet my dog. No idea what she actually wants right now but she has been helping me so far so I guess she's pretty cool.



maybe she wants to tell you something via pc




Similar story here. smoked for years, no psychotic shit tho, just escaping, wasting time. had 'ego death' experience on lsd. quit smoking. quit porn. yoga every day. meditate every day. read educational shit, breathe diaphragmatically, hike in terrain; all that shit, daily. been going since november.

drugs can lead to good things, but there's nothing to gain from constant use. a small amount of thc goes a long way with yin yoga, breathing exercises and meditation.



I already vocally allowed her to use/posess my PC and keyboard to type out a message and save it as a text document on my desktop if she ever wants or needs to tell me something or communicate with me in an for me understandable manner.

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