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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: c438c6ce3ec430f⋯.jpg (40.6 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pepe girl.jpg)


You exist within a simulated reality created by future Type 2 humans for the purpose of preparing you for entry into actual society. How are you doing?


Let me help you correct your statement:

It is possible that you are living inside a simulated reality created by what can be perceived as future type 2 humans with the purpose of what seems to be: preparing you for entry into actual society. What is your current state?

Current state:

I love you. Keep on being awsome.


Friendly reminder: The reality within which said Type 2 humans may potentially reside is just as fictitious as our own.



how do i know that you guys are real?


if this is a simulation, why do i have all these psychological issues? whats that preparing me for?


doing good. Facing piles of trials with smiles.



What does "actual society" look like?



this one but less simulationy



I don't give a shit about this society, I won't give a shit about yours either. Was making me an anarchist chaos wizard part of your plan?


File: 7cc034908f1631f⋯.jpg (58.52 KB, 416x700, 104:175, reasons to live.jpg)

Shit. I grew up with an older brother who beat the shit out of me my whole life both physically and verbally. Pretty much destroyed my self esteem. Was also born in a place that is now economically in the fucking shitter so finding a job is hard. If I didn't have my parents I'd probably kill myself to escape this dystopia of a world. I've had near death experiences so I have a feel for what the afterlife is like, but the human brain is pretty much incapable of understanding it.


File: eaa6340857e3648⋯.jpg (107.78 KB, 540x1198, 270:599, eML7aTv.jpg)


You will always have memes.


We'll all be great once we exterminate the SJWs and their enablers.



A true magician.



It's not, it's novelty generation, we're checking off boxes quantum potential through existence.

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