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Esoteric Wizardry


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Alright 8ch. im drunk and it's still early morning, so i'll cut to the chase.

basically, I know that there is something - something - in my past that is stopping me from reaching my full powerlevel. and I also know that it is somehow connected to my mother.

here's where the problem comes in. My mother refused to even acknowledge that she HAS a past, including whatever bad shit in the past happened to me. I have a few suspicions of why this might be the case, but in any case those are completely irrelevant. The point is, so long as my mother continues to avoid her own demons and act like everything between me and her, within herself, and within the world at large are fine and dandy - nothing is ever going to change. And if they don't change, I know that these secrets are going to destroy us. Frankly, I'm not in the mood for being destoyed.

My question is then this - what the fuck do I do? How do I get my mother to face whatever it is that's causing her to be deluded, when a huge part of it has to do with something involving me? I've tried, so many times before and in so many different ways - to try and get her to open up, but because it's connected to me it's like Ronald McDonald telling someone not to eat hamburgers - they just brush it off. I'm absolutely at a loss. I've even contemplated just locking her in a room and screaming abuse at her until she finally breaks and admits to WHATEVER it is, but in my heart I know that won't work.

What the hell do I do?? The only person she's ever listened to is her father, and now he's comatose in a retirement home. She doesn't listen to my dad, she doesn't listen to her family, she fucking ignores EVERYONE and goes on about laughing and pretending like her whole world isn't in flames.

I'm pretty pissed, not going to lie. The idea of me having demons consume my soul because someone else couldn't face theirs bothers me a great deal.

If there's any savvy motherfucker sages reading this, please drop me some life bombs. A young wizard could use your help.


Drunk or not, this goes in the question thread. Read the rules before posting.




its her burden not yours faggot.

its not on your karmic account.

if you still want her to answer, be quiet. when in doubt be quiet. dont acknowledge her until she coughs up whats regarding you.


you could always make a spell to make her talk.




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Read the Casswiki article on realm borders: https://thecasswiki.net/index.php?title=Realm

you can't redpill her, she's gotta do it herself. Likewise, you gotta open your own eyes, so focus on that at first.

Btw, women can't get really far in the occult anyway, they are high 2d creatures, a cross roads between instinctual animal, and "individual" man. The best you can hope for her is to mindlessly parrot whatever you tell her. If she was individual enough to learn herself, she'd have reincarnated as a man



My entire family is the same way. You should just make a tulpa and move on. You'll never beat what they can't even sense.

Their demons would love nothing more than to consume you as well. They will leverage that stupid desire for love, over and over, just to burn your time and tear you down. That's where the tulpa comes in. You'll have something sort of safe by your side so they can't leverage your isolation.


Glad to see the fucking retards are still here. You'll get yours one day.



fuck off cunt this should be in question thread.




It has sufficient substance to deserve its own thread.



>women are high 2d creatures

not even true, i know a married 5D wanderer qt


>My mother refused to even acknowledge that she HAS a past, including whatever bad shit in the past happened to me.

are you sure? What makes you certain?

I think shes well aware of what she did but what can she do? Whats done is done. Every time she sees you she probably reminded of her failure as mother. If shes like me, after you realize how much you hurt people saying sorry wont fix whats already broken.

The only other person she can relate to is a vegetable

>My question is then this - what the fuck do I do?

realize your both fighting the same demon were all scared and lonely


Can you go over the part where something in your past is preventing you from reaching your full power level? What makes you feel this way?

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