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Look into the awakened mind of your own awareness!

It has neither form nor color,

neither center nor edge.

At first, it has no origin but is empty.

Next, it has no dwelling place but is empty.

At the end, it has no destination but is empty.

This emptiness is not made of anything

and is clear and cognizant.

When you see this and recognize it,

you know your natural face.

You understand the nature of things.

You have then seen the nature of mind,

resolved the basic state of reality

and cut through doubts about topics of knowledge.

This awakened mind of awareness is not made out of any material substance;

it is self-existing and inherent in yourself.

This is the nature of things that is easy to realize

because it is not to be sought for elsewhere.

This is the nature of mind that does not consist of a concrete perceiver

and something perceived to fixate on.

It defies the limitations of permanence and annihilation.

In it there is no thing to awaken;

the awakened state of enlightenment is your own awareness

that is naturally awake.

In it there is no thing that goes to the hells;

awareness is naturally pure.

In it there is no practice to carry out;

its nature is naturally cognizant.

This great view of the natural state is present in yourself:

resolve that it is not to be sought for elsewhere.

When you understand the view in this way

and want to apply it in your experience,

wherever you stay

is the mountain retreat of your body.


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Now, when you are introduced (to your own intrinsic awareness), the method for entering into it involves three considerations:

Thoughts in the past are clear and empty and leave no traces behind.

Thoughts in the future are fresh and unconditioned by anything.

And in the present moment, when (your mind) remains in its own condition without constructing anything,

awareness, at that moment, in itself is quite ordinary.

And when you look into yourself in this way nakedly (without any discursive thoughts),

Since there is only this pure observing, there will be found a lucid clarity without anyone being there who is the observer;

only a naked manifest awareness is present.

(This awareness) is empty and immaculately pure, not being created by anything whatsoever.

It is authentic and unadulterated, without any duality of clarity and emptiness.

It is not permanent and yet it is not created by anything.

However, it is not a mere nothingness or something annihilated because it is lucid and present.

It does not exist as a single entity because it is present and clear in terms of being many.

(On the other hand) it is not created as a multiplicity of things because it is inseparable and of a single flavor.

This inherent self-awareness does not derive from anything outside itself.

This is the real introduction to the actual condition of things.


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Mahamudra is knowing that

all things are one's own mind.

Seeing objects as external is just noetic projection.

The whole of "appearance" is as empty as a dream.

The mind as such is merely a flow of awareness,

without self-nature, moving where it will like the wind.

Empty of an identity, it is like space.

All phenomena, like space, are the same.

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