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Esoteric Wizardry


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Humans had technology to live eternal life since thousands of years earlier than now.

Paranormal, religious testaments, mythologies, and parapsychology are records/influenced of humans, with technology of eternal life, interacting with humans who were not possessing technology of eternal life. Another text to say this: humans who didn't have technology of eternal life have explained their experiences, with humans who have technology of eternal life, as religion, mythology, parapsychology, paranormal, and psi.

A realistic evaluation of the humans who believe/work of god, gods, religion, mythology, parapsychology, and psi is SOMETHING HAPPENED TO CAUSE THESE BELIEFS. Humans saw, heard, felt, smelt, and/or tasted SOMETHING; humans were not imagining…daydreaming…or fantasizing.

Generally, humans seem to do technology…so a simple realistic evaluation of believers of god, gods, religion, mythology, parapsychology, and psi?..they are living in a universe where humans have technologies to cause what an other human would experience as god, gods, religion, mythology, parapsychology, and psi.

Where is the proof humans have/had technology to live eternal life? Too many humans are dying to believe that any other group of humans, who have technology to live eternal life, are just making eternal life happen for all humans, else making eternal life happen for all humans is more difficult than can be done or is being done. So if there is a group forcing eternal life for all, or if there are groups, then they aren't benevolent sharers or aren't getting to share…thus we don't have evidence as if humans who have/had the technology are/were trying to help us prove humans have/had technology to live eternal life.


>One man's magic is another man's engineering. Supernatural is a null word.

Only out of narrow-sightedness has man come to believe what he sees with his physical sense is all that can be, and from that belief sprung a blind unbelief in other paradigms of being.

>>95353 (OP)

>Where is the proof humans have/had technology to live eternal life?

Alchemy. The technology, the (w)holy science is a living-breathing-spiritual-divine thing.

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