first things first, for reference i just like the picture
becomiing the ruler of your mind is the best thing you can do for yourself. to do this you must follow principles in accordance to the natural order of things, by things in this case i am referring to a creature of reason and the specific constitution that is made with god(the all) from our creation (not creationism, creationism is a misguided and focused form of the theory of evolution. i do not characterize my philosophy by any name as to make it a particular and further remove it from its relation to the all.)
principle and method are the means of controlling your mind, principles are the ruler of the mind.
i have seen those who have attempted to "live outside the matrix" , that is all very well but what you are doing is separating yourself from the whole which is adverse to the natural order and a product of selfish thought
humans are beings that reason and that are social both elements have allowed us to outlive the Neanderthals as well as numerous other competing species and to create communities that evolved into villages into towns into cities into metropolis into states into nations and so on.
evolution is of the natural order. the relatively unintelligible substance that penetrates all things. (negative space? i am not sure how to define it so when i refer to nature i also mean this formless substance that surrounds us from which form is created by thought). things are created for the means of creating more life, or disregarding life for a moment since it is simply a symptom of the universe, one particular in a swarm of infinite particulars that all come from the whole. I may say nature creates things that have a use, and when they can no longer advance and/or contribute to the advancement of the whole (or the smaller whole [internal universes of our universe]) than they cease to exist.
like fire extinguished by rain and returning to dirt, that dirt then swept down stream to a pool, the small pool evaporates into air and rains down unto a fire yet extinguishing it once again.
things are in a constant process of change and movement. this movement is always concentrated to the good or what is forever beneficial and true(I will refrain from using this word as much as i can). what we perceive as good and evil is exactly that perception. all things in this world are GOOD, however not all things are good, as we perceive evils for a use. which relates to my point earlier all things are created to be useful, everything has its place.
realize i am not saying anything new here