> Supplementary [Credit to Khan in the Daily Cultivation thread for refamiliarizing me with Dao yin/yang cultivation concepts, which are similar to the following]
Neuro POTENTIAL means there being a large voltage, or , electrical differential without there being movement. You can literally feel the energy. When you have tension, or are numb, you lack neuro potential. You react too much or not at all and only every reach the surface of something, you can't reach any depth in anything. Be it either intellectual, spiritual, emotional, or physical.
Imagine a lightning storm brewing overhead. The air is electrified, negative ions are accumulating in the atmosphere. There's lightning in the clouds above when CRACKOOOOOOOOM the difference between the air and the ground is too great and it connects.
This is the way I describe.
This is the ability to accumulate a lightning storm.
When you ground, in this case tension or contortion, or just try to ground and root in general, no power can generate. You try to connect things too much, you start seeing things that aren't there, you get stuck in tiny details (tiny electricity), instead of seeing the big picture, the big storm, the actual engine driving reality. You're weak instead of strong.
Now imagine all storm, no ground. Maybe a planet that's always storming, full of lightning at all times. More so than any planet in our solar system. Just lightning storm after lightning storm, maybe it's a gas giant. It never grounds, always rages on, powerful. In this case life does not develop, complexity is spontaneously formed then destroyed, there's no safe harbor for the good things it creates to go because the simultaneous creative force is also highly destructive. In other words, it's power.
You have to give your power security, and your security power. Discern the better of your powers and the better of your securities, which can be a healthy broad range or a much too critical micro range.
Where in your body can you grow very uncomfortable from neuro activity until you twitch and jerk, or in other words increase the neuro potential, the most? Where is it "dull"? Where do you feel almost nothing at all? Now you know your powerful and not so powerful areas. For me, in this moment, my legs are most neuro powerful, and my upper body and butt is least. Yet sometimes it's different, sometimes my upper body is somewhat more neuro powerful. The point is to be powerful more often, all over. This requires practice. The more imbalanced you are, the less you can use your power.
Grounding is easy. Just exercise lightly, drink some water, eat some food, perform deep breathing meditations, and listen to white noise. Horse stance and tree stance is very good for grounding as well.
Grounding is incredibly easy for me, but charging can be incredibly difficult. I often charge uneven, or can't hold my charge and want to "arc" (get excited, shaky, explosive, over hyped) as soon as possible. When this happens, instead of grounding, which just makes the energy disappear, one has to spread, channel and store the energy.
When you are hit, you can dissipate all that kinetic energy through the legs. The weakest link will break, however, so balance and "going down the chain" is required for growth. A strong brain gets drained by a weak body, and vice versa.
If you are cold, structure focused, and intellectual, you want to focus on heat, energy flow, and dynamics. If you are hot blooded, energy dynamics focused, and creative, you want to focus on giving yourself definition and rigor (mind or body). Cold deals with details, Hot works with the big picture. Literally change your body temperature by will. When I try to heat my body, I feel cold. When I try to cool my body, I feel mild or actually start cooling. This is how I know I need to focus on heating myself up.
Hot people distribute and redirect energy well and intelligently, but maybe not generate or store it too well (cold under developed). Cold people can store or focus their vigor (usually only on a few things that interest them), but are inefficient, uneven and uncreative in their distribution and dynamism outside their narrow focus.