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I've been able to do something since I was a child, rather intuitive.

What I do is, by will, raise my neurological potential to the point of needing to twitch or jerk. I didn't know exactly what it was besides raising the neurological potential in my muscles, but I believe now it's the rushing of qi through the body. Shortly after trying to "qi rush" downward, self-diagnosing too much upward moving qi, I noticed I could identify blockages in areas of my body. So as well as gushing qi, I became more sensitive to its presence just by a simple ticklish exertion of my will.

Qi moves the blood, and poor circulation is the cause of numbness in limbs, and cold extremities, and low lethargic energy. If you strengthen your qi exercising the exertion of it, you shall grow stronger and gain energy.

As well, electricity is the masculine energy, counterpart to magnetism the feminine energy. Thus this neurological potential raising exertion increases manliness. I've been practicing a short time, but am noticing greater awareness and clarity, higher intelligence, and better discernment. When done in my torso I feel temporarily cold, perhaps cold energy leaving the body suddenly.

I feel stronger, and more confident, but there is definitely a symptom: Shit comes up. As things get moving, the "dirty energy" begins to circulate and you have to clean it. So this is a purification technique as well.

Let me know if you can do it, and how it affects you.



To make it clear-cut:


>Use your will to blood and neural rush an area of your body to the point of twitching or jerking your muscles

>Do this with your brain for brain gains

>Do this down to your feet for grounded brain gains


>Experience the joy of clear and strong chi channels




I forgot something again!

>Focus on the skin, not the interior. You want to do this from the outside inward.



good job, yes and no, doing this you move your awareness onto your body, its a third eye thing. doing that/entering this state you can feel the energy in your body becasue something something theta/delta brainwaves, and whatever area you focus on you move energy into or from.

keep at it.


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I'm back for another round.

We're going to base our next exercise on the three dan tiens. Refer to image.

In fact, I'm so inspired by this exercise I'm going to trip as the name of it. The visualization has deeply impacted me. I have borrowed it from similar in the past.

Let's begin by mentioning that yang is in the upper dan tien, and yin is in the lower dan tien. Also, that though this didn't effect the development of this technique in any way, that I have recently come to believe that metal is associated with electricity, and that electricity on its own is the most yang basic force existing, or maybe second most.

I'd like to begin by splitting the previous exercise into three, one for each dan tien. Personally, the lower dan tien came easiest to me, perhaps due to my having discovered it in childhood, and thus being more "yin". Begin by laying down, vitruvian man style. The square form for the middle and upper dan tien, and the circle form for the lower dan tien. I'll be starting going from the top down, outward inward. Reverse the order if you are a very yang type person, that is, very high body temp and impressive masculine physique, with accompanying personality of confidence and "superficial"/non-emo.


> Upper Dan Tien

In the square form, as the square breaks things down into its parts as in alchemy and right-angle logic, relax.

Focus on your head region, the skin and hair, the surface most area.

Let your focus be an upward motion, from the neck to the top of the scalp.

Spread awareness and feeling here until you feel sufficiently tuned into your head region.

Now imagine a small shallow river through a landscape, as though you were near it or an eye hovering somewhere near it. Look up to a wide open expanse above, and a brilliant white sun directly above, and a crystal clear sky. The atmosphere is so thin that it gradually reveals at the borders of the sky around the horizon the dark backdrop of space and millions of stars. See the dark river as it flows gently and lazily over the land.

Now imagine electric sparks seeming to form and disappear in the water, and static filling the air so much so the hair on your skin raises. Now see this electricity in the process of slowly growing in this river. See the small arcs within and on it, the water lighting up from electricity arcing here and there all around. See the water turn lighter and lighter blue, and that the river itself seemed to move with a life of its own, fighting gravity, suddenly changing course, jerking and twitching and shivering along its length, and jumping lowly off the ground.

Switching back, again raise awareness of the surface flesh on your head.

Begin trying now to feel this electric coursing energy from the river visualization coursing over the surface of your skin and into your muscles. It sort of feels like your body is preparing energy to move the muscles quickly in the next moment.

> Don't visualize it, -feel it- now. This is about feeling strong lightning not seeing weak visuals.

You should feel something, probably tingling, maybe something ticklish or uncomfortable within a minute.

Continue to do this until your face, scalp, and neck feel like jerking or twitching or contorting.

>If you feel like contorting, relax more. If you jerk too much, lower the voltage to a more manageable twiqiness (heh).

>Make sure to balance the front/back, left/right of energy.

Don't do this too much, only a few minutes, as this energy will spill into your brain and you must connect this energy flow to the rest of your body before you can perform the exercise longer.

Later on, raise the threshold of your tolerance to the electricity until you can be very uncomfortable and charged and still remain still.



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> Middle Dan Tien

This one is similar to the previous exercise, except for a few things.

> The visualization is now a slightly green environment and water with a thicker partly cloudy atmosphere, less electricity, and a bigger, deeper river.

> The energy/awareness is now more in the organs, muscles and rib cage instead of the skin.

> The energy now moves from the center of the chest outward to the hands (horizontal).

> Focus on the energy getting through blockages in the shoulders, elbows and wrists.

> Use the hands as a focus or ground for the energy, to draw it through the joints better.

>Lower Dan Tien

This ones is also similar, but now move into circle form.

> The visualization is now a dark environment, with a thick dark cloudy sky and a setting sun. The river is very large very deep now, so much so that it seems more like a still lake than a river at first. The water is dark, and the only way you could tell there's any electricity is if you swam in it or drank it for a "tonifying" subtle energy boost.

> The energy is now deep, from within to without.

> The energy moves from the low navel to the feet, downward.

> Again use the feet as a ground or focus, and generate from the navel.

When you're done with all of this, go backwards but reversing the energy flow. Feet to low navel, hands to center of chest, top of head downward through the neck. Surface of skin for the lower, same for middle, inner for upper.

You can now experiment however the fuck you want with your newfound ability. LET ME KNOW HOW IT GOES :^)))


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> Supplementary [Credit to Khan in the Daily Cultivation thread for refamiliarizing me with Dao yin/yang cultivation concepts, which are similar to the following]

Neuro POTENTIAL means there being a large voltage, or , electrical differential without there being movement. You can literally feel the energy. When you have tension, or are numb, you lack neuro potential. You react too much or not at all and only every reach the surface of something, you can't reach any depth in anything. Be it either intellectual, spiritual, emotional, or physical.

Imagine a lightning storm brewing overhead. The air is electrified, negative ions are accumulating in the atmosphere. There's lightning in the clouds above when CRACKOOOOOOOOM the difference between the air and the ground is too great and it connects.

This is the way I describe.

This is the ability to accumulate a lightning storm.

When you ground, in this case tension or contortion, or just try to ground and root in general, no power can generate. You try to connect things too much, you start seeing things that aren't there, you get stuck in tiny details (tiny electricity), instead of seeing the big picture, the big storm, the actual engine driving reality. You're weak instead of strong.

Now imagine all storm, no ground. Maybe a planet that's always storming, full of lightning at all times. More so than any planet in our solar system. Just lightning storm after lightning storm, maybe it's a gas giant. It never grounds, always rages on, powerful. In this case life does not develop, complexity is spontaneously formed then destroyed, there's no safe harbor for the good things it creates to go because the simultaneous creative force is also highly destructive. In other words, it's power.

You have to give your power security, and your security power. Discern the better of your powers and the better of your securities, which can be a healthy broad range or a much too critical micro range.

Where in your body can you grow very uncomfortable from neuro activity until you twitch and jerk, or in other words increase the neuro potential, the most? Where is it "dull"? Where do you feel almost nothing at all? Now you know your powerful and not so powerful areas. For me, in this moment, my legs are most neuro powerful, and my upper body and butt is least. Yet sometimes it's different, sometimes my upper body is somewhat more neuro powerful. The point is to be powerful more often, all over. This requires practice. The more imbalanced you are, the less you can use your power.

Grounding is easy. Just exercise lightly, drink some water, eat some food, perform deep breathing meditations, and listen to white noise. Horse stance and tree stance is very good for grounding as well.

Grounding is incredibly easy for me, but charging can be incredibly difficult. I often charge uneven, or can't hold my charge and want to "arc" (get excited, shaky, explosive, over hyped) as soon as possible. When this happens, instead of grounding, which just makes the energy disappear, one has to spread, channel and store the energy.

When you are hit, you can dissipate all that kinetic energy through the legs. The weakest link will break, however, so balance and "going down the chain" is required for growth. A strong brain gets drained by a weak body, and vice versa.

If you are cold, structure focused, and intellectual, you want to focus on heat, energy flow, and dynamics. If you are hot blooded, energy dynamics focused, and creative, you want to focus on giving yourself definition and rigor (mind or body). Cold deals with details, Hot works with the big picture. Literally change your body temperature by will. When I try to heat my body, I feel cold. When I try to cool my body, I feel mild or actually start cooling. This is how I know I need to focus on heating myself up.

Hot people distribute and redirect energy well and intelligently, but maybe not generate or store it too well (cold under developed). Cold people can store or focus their vigor (usually only on a few things that interest them), but are inefficient, uneven and uncreative in their distribution and dynamism outside their narrow focus.

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