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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time
7. Do not raid/attack the board
8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
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Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: http://archive.is/RnddD FAQ: /fringe/faq.html


File: aeeb1acb2575c08⋯.jpg (26.05 KB, 474x474, 1:1, .jpg)

I am currently going through the report que, please report more anything that violates rule 5, I am unusually busy as of late and haven't the time to watch every thread and every post made so you help me by reporting what breaks the rules. Currently deleting a lot of discord spam.



The idea is to do it remotely. I want to learn.

Ok, enough said then. Don't tell me what the issue is (I'm assuming it's physical). Just open yourself to the possibility that we are doing this.



You are undergoing psychosis. Seek mental help.


I have been traveling around Ontario constantly walking into, as if by chance/accident, various alchemists, mediums, psychics, medicine men, shamans, etc. and also always putting questions to the All and receiving answers back through synchronicities, signs, and visions. I can barely even get near a computer. In this time many things have been revealed to me or come clear, various insights that have increased my power greatly.

I have attained greater clarity concerning communing with … well everything.

I was not properly oriented previously to interact efficiently with the souls (etheric bodies) of the plants, animals, people, and everything else. As some of you may know already, everything has a soul, a kind of subtle energetic structure that defines the form and personality. Although I have done it haphazardly many times before, I am now much more efficient at this.

If any of you have read Magical Use of Thoughtforms by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki she vaguely mentions how in imagining something at a certain point you make an actual connection to it and are able to manipulate as by mind-power the thing and how for example she advises not to make a thoughtform or a doll or such representing or based on a living or dead person less you pierce through their astral-matrix and control them.

Well lately I have been staring right into the souls of people a lot, unnerving them when they sense it, and forming stronger connections. Simply put, there are two ways to look at anything, one is with the eyes taking in impressions of light, the other is with the mind. Have you really looked at a man if you can't close your eyes and see his likeness before you as if your eyelids were still open?

Well there must also be a proper understanding of the nature of things and the world. This "orientation" I am speaking of is where you know the relation of self to object and are able to properly focus on what you actually need to. You may with your mind imagine some individual, but if you do not regard that imagined form as the individual, you won't make that connection. I have become much better and telling apart a phantom so to speak from the actual thing. I can now look at someone's organ, or arm, or what have you; and KNOW that before me is indeed the actual representation/form/soul/etheric-body of that thing and now I can manipulate it and interact with it. It's all about the regarding and the knowing. You must regard what you see as the thing itself and will that the condensed astral-light takes its proper form. You must have a good sense or orientation for what is an unconnected form and the actual perception of the organ, arm, plant, animal, or whatever you are focusing on.

Now the world is more alive, more vital than ever, for me. For everything can whisper its secrets to me and teach me. There is this simplistic, unguided, unintelligent view of reality where human progress and achievement is viewed as some kind of trial and error process where men fumble about trying this and that and seeing how it works. This is not how everyone operates. There are men who alone and without subjects to test or any cumbersome and slow processes of experimentation receive intelligently the subtle wisdom of the all, who can enter into new lands and quickly come to understand its inhabitants, flora, fauna, and minerals… and who produce tremendous advancements to our knowledge faster than the mundane processes of trial and error and careful observation allow for. There are men who know the varied causes of all things and the proper remedies and they receive this knowledge because they are open, understanding, strong in the virtues, and most of all - intelligently engaged in the soul life of all things.

All is mind; the universe is mental. If you will but strengthen the higher senses, know yourself, know reality; you will understand everything you care to and discover for yourself the secret mind powers inaccessible to the mundane and undeveloped.



Your entire post history is a mindfuck. I'm trying to decipher what your views are and it looks like you've just swallowed too much golden apples. Are you using a popular proxy or what? It's a mix of fedora posts, posts pushing psychiatric memes, bullshit occultism spam, being edgy, talking about authors of magick books, and lots of arguing against your own self with many personalities at play…


File: c5f426d901dfc62⋯.png (407.38 KB, 1567x2874, 1567:2874, tip in esoteric.png)

I have realized something recently from hanging out for a time in a community where the culture is such that magick is accepted and known to all there.

When everyone knows magick, what happens is, you either need a couple REALLY strong shamans to keep everyone else subservient and in check, or you have a scenario of constant magickal warfare because when everyone knows at least the basics of applied magick then the majority just use it to constantly curse, terrorize, and cut each other down and the result is a broken community that can never organize to do anything great. It makes me think that maybe all these memes that were created to delude people into powerlessness maybe were engineered purely to create a mass man so there'd be a shitload of raw energy available to be used by higher ups as they please. I believe many memes that have been propagated to the masses are all to make them into docile and relatively civilized beings that mostly harm themselves and not others. Mass society was engineered on the idea of keeping people in such a condition that they do harm upon themselves primarily and do not attain power they would abuse.

Then I think also there is a selection process where people with certain qualities and inclinations are picked out of the populace to receive the higher knowledge and end up in places like this. I suspect I myself was picked out at some point by someone to receive the teachings.

Something else that is nice to keep in mind is that in the spiritual hierarchy there are many blocks and things in place that are there so people are meant to go through certain experiences and higher intelligences and powers that control the lives of people need to be bargained with or have certain requirements fulfilled if you want to intervene and revise someone's life path such as to heal them of some sickness or other. There will always be sickness btw as long as people are underdeveloped as the imbalances in their souls will cause some ailment or other to keep coming up, no matter what mundane cures come into play. You wipe out some disease, something else replaces it immediately to continue its role.

Even when people don't have a formal understanding of magick of course they do it all the time but there are many memes that are going around which dampen the powers of the people so the damage they can do to others is minimal. Most of the time when someone else gets hurt it's because of their own weakness and imperfections letting that hurt come through.


File: 1a30972eb8b2774⋯.jpg (525.98 KB, 696x717, 232:239, laughing_wiccans.jpg)


>>it looks like you've just swallowed too much golden apples

>"F-f-fuck you"




Calm down Eris!



yeah right b*tch i wrote the book on wicannism j/k pls respond


File: 321aa2f70ce1381⋯.jpg (17.25 KB, 250x355, 50:71, hourglass.jpg)



sorry….idk if we're really "playing against the clock" here…. especially if we live forever through belief in Jesus Christ

i don't mean to antagonize you or harass you just pls gtfo my /fringe/


File: dc7f1b90cdd009a⋯.jpg (71 KB, 425x282, 425:282, black-white-hand-shake.jpg)

prove to me you are not a conspirator….rat out the network you're from…who hired you, etc….you know and gtfo my /fringe/ pls…these are my requests i'm beggin' ya…i'm a decent fellow


woman are sooooooooooooooooooooooo f*ckn' stupid dude oh my goodness…no wonder the bible goes so hard on women

it's all just so stupid such a waste of time…every girl and her nonsense games and fears and shite


we are trying to play wizards and search out the mysteries of the cosmos pl0x


File: d0804cb060729ed⋯.jpg (152.54 KB, 940x529, 940:529, 63178.jpg)

you have all maybe have been brought here by a foreign spirit to kill off time from your life and cause you to suffer whilst spending time on this website trying to FIGURE OUT ALL THE CRAZY MYSTERIES AND PSYCHOLOGY

enjoy your climb out, i'd just drop the whole matter and move on to better things

if you find it in your heart to tell me if you're working for a network and what network you work for, God bless you


File: bd3624e40b7b2f0⋯.jpg (9.76 KB, 250x421, 250:421, 8799_2.jpg)

i'm a girl, not a boy, for the record, so i don't any loose psychology eating at you unnecessarily

i must say it is a life of suffering, it is not an "ability" to be bought or sold



Read The Tao of The Shitpost -by Anonymous

All will be clear. Let Chaos reign.


File: e5d93f025a4ae75⋯.jpg (5.13 KB, 150x200, 3:4, ethereal_mist_by_uraszz-d4….jpg)


although one could live however the hell they wanted really and claim that ability…but what i mean is that i am a different person by the nature of creation

it is a divine and existential ordinance for my life to be like it is so…i think my biological dad tells me some wise words… "not to analyze yourself too much"

surely the world is very vast and we can even get lost in our own thoughts

my life is my life, there are peaks and valleys, but one should strive to know themselves on their own terms



Old news. What gets me is nobody's found a way out yet. I feel it right on the tip of my mind though. It's never been so clearly overwhelming. Like I'm constantly being smothered by a wet blanket.

Christ, magick and chi are shit, I'll give you that, but you can't generalize everything everyone says like that. I mean, I'm the fucking best, how dare you lump me in with the scum.


File: a18087da70eec42⋯.jpg (70.3 KB, 604x453, 4:3, fire from heaven.jpg)


Right, right. I hear you.

Mankind deserves its respect, too. We are made in the image of God, or so it is told to us.

God says unto us, "Have Dominion."

I am logging out for now.

I suppose all things considered it really depends on what God calls you for. He calls different individuals for different purposes, it seems.

pce out

"54 And when his disciples, James and John sawe this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that wee command fire to come downe from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did?

55 But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what maner spirit ye are of.

56 For the Sonne of man is not come to destroy mens lives, but to save them. And they went to another village."



What's my post history like?



Sm*ley I'm really greatful for all your posts, every time you post something (under the Fringe wizard flag) it's like pure, practical magical advice, without any filler like in every book



Btw can I screenshot this? I know it kinda creeped you out last time but your advice is so good I really would like to keep it for future reference



File: 1aaa7a052b09fb5⋯.jpg (90.94 KB, 392x516, 98:129, images.duckduckgo.jpg)

What's your take on this?

Was he right?



How would you know love without loneliness?


I just entered into a portal through some door while meditating and came out from a hole in a ground into some beautiful sanctuary and there was someone or something named Sangha Ganga there and they just told me to come back when I was 39 years old and that it was too early.

All this happened literally right now. It took quite a lot of force and many tries just to walk up to the portal and get through it btw.

wtf just happened



Also what does Sangha Ganga mean? That's literally what was written in the entrance of the place I entered. "Sangha Ganga".


File: d0aec7b35c6dc79⋯.jpg (230 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 800px-Mythsofthehindus00ni….jpg)


संघ (sangh[a]): Union.

गंगा (ganga[a]): the Ganges river and Ganga the deity

>The Ganges is also the mother, the Ganga Mata (mata="mother") of Hindu worship and culture, accepting all and forgiving all. Unlike other goddesses, she has no destructive or fearsome aspect, destructive though she might be as a river in nature. She is also a mother to other gods. She accepts Shiva's incandescent seed from the fire-god Agni, which is too hot for this world, and cools it in her waters. This union produces Skanda, or Kartikeya, the god of war. In the Mahabharata, she is the wife of Shantanu, and the mother of heroic warrior-patriarch, Bhishma. When Bhishma is mortally wounded in battle, Ganga comes out of the water in human form and weeps uncontrollably over his body.

>The Ganges is the distilled lifeblood of the Hindu tradition, of its divinities, holy books, and enlightenment. As such, her worship does not require the usual rites of invocation (avahana) at the beginning and dismissal (visarjana) at the end, required in the worship of other gods. Her divinity is immediate and everlasting.

>Since Ganga had descended from heaven to earth, she is also the vehicle of ascent, from earth to heaven


Well, anon. I'd say either something very good or something very bad awaits you when you hit 39.


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Are you shitting bricks right now? Please respond.

Also I want details on your meditation techniques if you'd be so kind.


I feel that the Universe really does sincerely respond to my requests, when I sincerely make them. I, even now, am capable of asking for a calm, fearless mind and that's exactly what I get. Suddenly, my issues with prolonged concentration as pains from my past resurface in my mind and I must apply mindfulness to leave the thoughts alone is no longer necessary. I asked for a calm, fearless mind and I got it.

Is it safe to do this however? I mean, I don't know why my requests are being fulfilled. Am I fulfilling them (because it's actually I doing it or because it's actually in the sense that I am and I am all and all is I) or is something/someone actually helping me? If so, what is it?

Basically, I have a choice: I can meditate and practise mindfulness or I can just ask for the absence of fear and get that too. Why meditate if I can just ask for fear's absence? Is there some kind of trick here?


How do I get over crippling anxiety from past religious life? This shit is so deeply ingrained in me. I get synchronicities everywhere to help me but it rarely lasts, I cannot fucking let go of that shit. Actually I am reading the Art of letting go book by Hawkins, its great and it helps but I still cannot get over this crippling insecurity of what if the religitards are right and all that



Go to the mundane level folder in the library and watch the recommended videos in the readme file.



It took God or "the All" to reveal anything to me about anything spiritual. Without such a revealing I would have simply remained atheist/agnostic.

As spirit I commune with thinks highly of the individuals who post on /fringe/.



I got that too, the first part…however, except I used to be religious and I often times have great clarity, synchronicities, revelations and so on, but the religious indoctrination I went through often clouds it and puts thoughts in me like: "What if this is from Satan" and all that.

I know it is irrational and I should know better but goddamn it does limit me.



Yes, most certainly. It seems to be one of the great trials of discernment in one's life and in human destiny.

I try to discern as far as my ability is capable. I have found that the "path of love" is one of the most trustworthy 'paths' for guidance whilst we are walking with our eyes closed, so the speak. Also of course a willful ability to reason and practice reason.


My question for Finge Wizard: Is Canada a decent land of liberty and human rights, free of wicked forces and free of incessant politicking and abuse?


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I am a Christian but here is someone (a former American itinerant-ronin Buddhist) with what I think is a lot of experience to merit who was raised in an evangelical Protestant/Reformed Christian household who today preaches against conventional Christianity.




Just say fuck it dude. That's what I did, right before I left the christ-cuck animal farm, I was afraid I'd go to hell for learning outside of the norm, eventually I got tired of the normalfag life, and one day I said, "Fuck it, if I go to Hell it'll all be worth it". I was right, and turns out that was one of the hells anyway



Just do what you want bro, its the difference between beating Dark Souls with invincibility, vs beating Dark Souls legit




Did you seriously delete the other new question thread just to make this one? I had posted in there for something that I actually needed advice on. There were a lot of posts last time I checked.


Everything you typed out is basic gnosis that any beginner can tap into. Also, stop masturbating your own ego. There's a lot of people right now tapping into what you're talking about because of the current astrology. You're no snowflake or tru wizard


Sounds like your energy is mostly low frequency right now and you're attracting a disharmonic environment. Also you're not special. Shhhhhhhh

Can anyone recommend me some traditional pagan/witchcraft material, I don't want any of that kitchen/soccer mom witchcraft. I recently started paying my respects and offering devotion to the moon through her waning phase. I'm passively tapping into more than I'm used to right now, from working through the moon, but handling it with minimal stress as much as I can manage. Some direction would be nice and in my life that usually comes from suggestions strangers give me when I'm open to receive and when I'm asking. Any and all suggestions accepted.



>>>106076 (OP)


>Did you seriously delete the other new question thread just to make this one? I had posted in there for something that I actually needed advice on. There were a lot of posts last time I checked.


>Everything you typed out is basic gnosis that any beginner can tap into. Also, stop masturbating your own ego. There's a lot of people right now tapping into what you're talking about because of the current astrology. You're no snowflake or tru wizard


>Sounds like your energy is mostly low frequency right now and you're attracting a disharmonic environment. Also you're not special. Shhhhhhhh

All your posts are responding to the B.O. of /fringe/, he's more interested in trivial stuff instead of doing good things to this board.



> I had posted in there for something that I actually needed advice on. There were a lot of posts last time I checked.

What was the question? Maybe I could answer it?



Bottom of my post



I disagree with this anon and the other anon regarding Fringe Wizard, the board moderator.

I feel that Fringe Wizard is a well respected Internet Celebrity.


Is it possible to transfer your consciousness/soul through through sperm by ejaculation? If so, is this the natural path to immortality?



No and No.



"Do What the F*ck You Want"

A great GNU Public License for real progress in the material world.


File: 1e957e43b9711b4⋯.jpeg (192.44 KB, 1143x812, 1143:812, final-judgement.jpeg)

"No wisdom, no understanding, no counsel can avail against the LORD."


"38John said to Him, “Teacher, we saw someone else driving out demons in Your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not accompany us.”

39But Jesus replied, “Do not stop him. No one who performs a miracle in My name can turn around and speak evil of Me.

40For whoever is not against us is for us.

41Indeed, if anyone gives you even a cup of water because you bear the name of Christ, truly I tell you, he will never lose his reward."



Look, we get it. You are a huge cuck and want to be loved by a being you believe is powerful. Don't put your bullshit here.


File: 6dbc08f79e44e5e⋯.jpg (56.98 KB, 750x389, 750:389, judgment.jpg)

11As they heard these things, he proceeded to tell a parable, because he was near to Jerusalem, and because they supposed that the kingdom of God was to appear immediately.

12He said therefore, “A nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and then return.

13Calling ten of his servants,a he gave them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Engage in business until I come.’

14But his citizens hated him and sent a delegation after him, saying, ‘We do not want this man to reign over us.’

15When he returned, having received the kingdom, he ordered these servants to whom he had given the money to be called to him, that he might know what they had gained by doing business.

16The first came before him, saying, ‘Lord, your mina has made ten minas more.’

17And he said to him, ‘Well done, good servant!c Because you have been faithful in a very little, you shall have authority over ten cities.’

18And the second came, saying, ‘Lord, your mina has made five minas.’

19And he said to him, ‘And you are to be over five cities.’

20Then another came, saying, ‘Lord, here is your mina, which I kept laid away in a handkerchief;

21for I was afraid of you, because you are a severe man. You take what you did not deposit, and reap what you did not sow.’

22He said to him, ‘I will condemn you with your own words, you wicked servant! You knew that I was a severe man, taking what I did not deposit and reaping what I did not sow?

23Why then did you not put my money in the bank, and at my coming I might have collected it with interest?’

24And he said to those who stood by, ‘Take the mina from him, and give it to the one who has the ten minas.’

25And they said to him, ‘Lord, he has ten minas!’

26‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.

27But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.’”



Please stop spamming you garbage in a QUESTION THREAD. Take it over to the cuck thread.



Spiritual immortality has something to do with raising Kundalini and shedding ego, (being child mind but smart).



I'm sure you already watch Varg Vikernes, I don't know bro. The first pagans learned from nature itself, maybe you should ask mom?


File: 6beedf34a7bb5fa⋯.jpeg (309.92 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, 1-DHFK2jOU7ydpWXwxLwFroA.jpeg)



Only after ya, eat the peanuts outta my shiet!


File: c5597c23ccd0d9f⋯.gif (225.14 KB, 1004x653, 1004:653, Map_of_Mexico.gif)

File: ce562dd44f15aa4⋯.jpg (44.32 KB, 404x389, 404:389, republicoftexas.jpg)

File: b19e4e190acad56⋯.jpg (69.92 KB, 587x612, 587:612, tumblr_mdhrcteigX1r3fzq3o1….jpg)




I kinda wish the rapture would actually happen, just so all these christ-cuck shitposters would take a hike



I actually started on Kaballah material, witchcraft/paganism just sync'd it's way into my life. A lot of it is intuitive but I don't know much honestly. I'm trying to learn through nature and it's working partially. A lot of nature spirits try to get my attention when I walk past certain plants but tapping through to communication isn't so easy for me yet. It's coming though, slowly but surely.

I'll check it out though, thx wizbro



Bruh, when you communicate with spirits, believe and intent that you're talking to the real thing. Grind void meditation its the best thing for this and pretty much everything else. Also, all is mind, so when you communicate with plants, remember that your mind is literally touching theirs, helps alot. This was Smiley's idea btw, don't wanna steal credit



Wow that was the gayest fucking thing I have ever read. You are mentally ill and make me cringe.



jelly fagit?


I'm addicted to porn in particular interracial and sissy videos.

How do I make it go away?



Look at this fucking cringey faggot.

"I just entered into a portal through some door while meditating and came out from a hole in a ground into some beautiful sanctuary and there was someone or something named Sangha Ganga there and they just told me to come back when I was 39 years old and that it was too early.

All this happened literally right now. It took quite a lot of force and many tries just to walk up to the portal and get through it btw.

wtf just happened"

Go to a fucking doctor and get on some fucking meds.



My ass is acting up again. Do I smell shit?



Franz Bardon's soul mirrors, keep balanced



Also, I used to like interracial too, it was the degrading aspect that the girl is getting fucked by a literal subhuman. It went away after I started playing gta sa again, and I actually started seeing niggers as people, albeit primitive ones


File: 0145383ba6f232f⋯.jpg (48.14 KB, 638x912, 319:456, zooey-deschanel-katy-perry….jpg)



You jelly, motherfucker? I sure am.


Stop and keep stopping until the urge goes away. Also >>106231



Surely he must've meant that happened in the astral though, I couldn't fathom that happening in 3D


File: 22a6b26b0a4c43b⋯.jpg (4.81 KB, 240x160, 3:2, images (5).jpg)


For a much simplified answer, I like to say Steve-O's 3 axioms

1. Don't be a dick

2. If you were a dick in the past, address it and make it right

3. Go out of your way to help people

That's really it. The Universe recognizes compassion and will acknowledge you for it.

Besides, even if you do go to hell (you wont), its not permanent. Its only until your spirit learns how to not be a dick. Really Hell is reserved for the baaaaaad folk. Like I'm talking serial murderers/rapists/torturers and dictators like Stalin or Mao who caused mass suffering. Even if you're only moderately a dick, chances are you'll just become an animal.



Yeah, he actually said this was during meditation. Sounds like Jung's active imagination or Shamanic journeying.

But I still want to know exactly how he does these meditations.



t.smiley talking about himself


File: e2a40e87b2ca841⋯.jpg (168.06 KB, 796x720, 199:180, Smiley DP.jpg)


I'm glad you asked, he kinda just does his own thing, + all the shit in the meditation super thread



>the meditation super thread

I'm gonna have to ask you to direct me to that place anon



I think the brownpill was talking about the now dead meditation super thread on Fringechan (rip).


File: 935bbc72817dcf9⋯.jpg (180.16 KB, 846x457, 846:457, meditation 01.JPG)

File: a0019b2df790d42⋯.jpg (112.38 KB, 799x360, 799:360, meditation02.JPG)

File: b184d0a9247a00b⋯.jpg (89.02 KB, 795x314, 795:314, meditation03.JPG)

File: dd616e240c5c338⋯.jpg (152.62 KB, 795x420, 53:28, meditation04.JPG)

File: eba61919f9255f2⋯.jpg (99.13 KB, 798x315, 38:15, meditation05.JPG)


I don't have the link but I do have all the meditations conveniently archived for my neurotic pleasure, hol up a sec



File: b79c44cd997a66a⋯.jpg (71.86 KB, 798x281, 798:281, meditation06.JPG)

File: 2f971d1b701ce2b⋯.jpg (73.37 KB, 800x272, 50:17, meditation07.JPG)

File: 18491865b0b1b93⋯.jpg (56.85 KB, 774x233, 774:233, meditation08.JPG)

File: ee185087ccb600c⋯.jpg (104.75 KB, 783x356, 783:356, meditation09.JPG)

File: 8ae8d4534c21649⋯.jpg (72.73 KB, 788x277, 788:277, meditation10.JPG)


File: 28b36929aeb78ff⋯.jpg (123.6 KB, 795x355, 159:71, meditation11.JPG)

File: d03af81305cf0c1⋯.jpg (82.59 KB, 794x292, 397:146, meditation12.JPG)

File: f7501ada6367142⋯.jpg (101.14 KB, 796x304, 199:76, meditation13.JPG)

File: c359fe34b474226⋯.jpg (87.12 KB, 791x307, 791:307, meditation14.JPG)

File: 9fdac7d5d974c50⋯.jpg (90.78 KB, 796x305, 796:305, meditation15.JPG)



A suggestion, create a meditation thread and throw all the pictures in there.


File: 9052ae59635bd78⋯.jpg (86.23 KB, 779x291, 779:291, meditation16.JPG)

File: bd477a07a893085⋯.jpg (62.82 KB, 788x271, 788:271, meditation17.JPG)

File: 0109049d29e3dfd⋯.jpg (80.55 KB, 788x312, 197:78, meditation18.JPG)

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AuntWaterm*lon's Tummo



You're welcome Zoebro



Good idea


I've been meditating a lot lately and I have some questions.

Are the chakras just symbolic representations of focal points within the body and used to direct awareness and not actual "magical wellsprings of energy"?

Does each chakras spin in a set orientation and with a set frequency always?

How can I internalize or put into use the energy that comes out when I "breath into each chakra"? Sometimes I can feel a little burning (similar to when you fan a furnace) and it feels cool and makes me excited, but I don't know what to do from there or how to use it for something productive.

On another topic, I had a very vivid lucid dream in where I tried to summon my worst fear and a mirror appeared. I waited for something to be shown but on the other side I could only see my empty room. I did not dare to walk up to the mirror and see my reflection. It is obvious I fear myself, but how? What can I do to confront myself? How can I know more specifically what is it that I fear?



This meditation makes me want to get up and improv some taiji.

Sometimes it makes me want to masturbate furiously and probably cum truckloads, no kidding. This is serious stuff.


"The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight." — Joseph Campbell

You guys, Fringe Jizzard especially, think that if you go just a little bit deeper you'll fibd what you're looking for, the treaure buroed in the sand. You claw your way deeper and deeper and it gets darker and darker. But eventually you'll run out of air and it will be too late to surface, and in any case you cannot swim. Pull yourself out, struggle to the shallows, learn to swim. Re-evaluate your entire life because you are legitimately psychotic. I know you think this post is "le troll", it's not. I'm not "le jelly xDDDD" of you, I feel bad for you. The buddhist is one of the few who's not insane but it's ubfortunate he can't tell the rest of you clearly are.

Look at yourselves. You're larping with teenagers about your supposed powers, you're making yourself feel special with bullshit. This isn't healthy, you are ill. Mentally ill.



Wait a minute, do you have a raised Kundalini? What's this meditation like really?




jelly fagit?



Chakra are a visualization tool and meditative guide for energy work. They are a symbolic representation of the actual energy body which is more complex than the physical body. People spend decades studying the physical body and don't know exactly how everything works, the energy body is the same.

And the dream means you're afraid of being alone, take it as you will.

Try to see things clearly and not convince yourself you're special or some bs because it leads to psychosis.



I understand that you are undergoing psychosis and empathize with your situation. However your shitposting cannot effect me, as I am a MAGUS LEVEL SHITPOSTER myself lad.



>Are the chakras just symbolic representations of focal points within the body and used to direct awareness and not actual "magical wellsprings of energy"?

Yes, but at some point you must realize there is no difference between "actual" and "symbolic representations" when it comes to etheric stuff.

There are many models with different numbers of chakras for different things. They didn't even have colors at first.

So don't get hung up on frequencies, orientations and stuff. These are etheric tools for manipulating the underlying "actual" stuff. Just pick a model and use it well.


This guy knows what I'm talking about.

>How can I internalize or put into use the energy that comes out when I "breath into each chakra"? Sometimes I can feel a little burning (similar to when you fan a furnace) and it feels cool and makes me excited, but I don't know what to do from there or how to use it for something productive.

Because meditation is not an end in itself.

>On another topic, I had a very vivid lucid dream in where I tried to summon my worst fear and a mirror appeared. I waited for something to be shown but on the other side I could only see my empty room. I did not dare to walk up to the mirror and see my reflection. It is obvious I fear myself, but how? What can I do to confront myself? How can I know more specifically what is it that I fear?

I'm also afraid of myself. I suggest walking up to the mirror.


>What's this meditation like really?

I don't understand the question. You mean how it feels like for me?

As for the kundalini, I have no idea. I guess not if the experience is supposed to be so fucking intense. I don't know.



Nice work


Chakras aren't "magical wellsprings of energy" they are only energy centers in your body. A physical example of what this is like is a nerve center. They are energy vortexs, they spin quite fast, have a set orientation, and each one "rules" over specific things. For example, the 6th chakra is generally related to the higher senses, sacral chakra is related to sexual stuff, and the solar chakra is general empowerment/strength. These are just very general descriptions for those specific ones, I suggest you study more on them.



>>What's this meditation like really?

I don't understand the question. You mean how it feels like for me?

As for the kundalini, I have no idea. I guess not if the experience is supposed to be so fucking intense. I don't know.

How powerful is it? How strong is your energybody and how much of a recoils does such a powerful practice give you?



Kundali is enlightenment. You're undergoing psychosis. You think that what took Christ of Nazereth decades of singular pursuit and countless hours of torment at the hands of the jews and romans to achieve you can do with little effort at 17.

Re-evaulate your worldview.



Chakras are a visualisation tool. Your energybody just looks like a big glob of colors, an aura. Its comprised of multiple different frequencies of energy in the same mass. When you focus a bunch of energy into a one color vortex, you're specifying the energy to just that vibrational layer of the aura. There are no real higher or lower chakras via physical latitude, the higher and lower are symbolic of the higher and lower frequencies, same with the colors



jelly fagit?



No I legitimately feel sorry for you because I understand what you are going through. I too was once an edgy 17 year old with an inflated ego. I can emphasize with you. And I know that while nothing I say now will change your foolish views in timeyou may reconsider your positions as you age and mature, growing out from your childish state of psychosis and delusion.



>Kundalini is enlightenment

>Tipp is enlightened

>"YOU FUCKED UP FRIEND, I WAS GRANTED ANGEL WINGS BY SHIVA HERSELF" - this over a minor misinterpretation of his post

Yeah sure man, sure



Tipp has not undergone kundali. We are talking about your delusions and psychosis here, not his.



. . . . . jelly fagit?



Oh god, you don't wanna say that, that's his magic word. You tell Tipp he doesn't even Kundalini and mr. weedchad goes off like a bomb. Its kinda funny really, I guess we all have flaws


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I still don't know what you mean by "recoils". I have no way of knowing how to measure how strong my energy body is because I don't know what that strength would entail.

Sometimes, when I do this meditation (which by the way I discovered elsewhere, so that's nice for validation), I feel a very intense surge of energy, but not in the sense of a physical sensation, rather an incontrollable urge to DO things. I feel like I could fuck the brains out of someone for hours, punch through walls, jump miles. Like I'm on top of the world. It's like an irresistible urge to RUN. It's joyful. Similar to an anxiety attack, but positive and directed focused. I don't really know how to explain it better. Perhaps Tipp can, since he's the one that has more experience with this stuff.

Also, instant motivation to do anything obviously, and great for sobering up (haven't done nor want to do much testing there) and pains disappear.

I have also noticed when I have any knots in my back or tensed up muscles, I have the impulse of "dancing" and doing weird spontaneous poses and moves and the knots get cracked away, like a self-massage.

Other times it's milder, like wanting to stretch out like a cat, or shift my pose around. Similar to vid related, I guess. I also experienced this before I even knew it was a thing, so nice validation as well :D


You go back to shitposting. Magic isn't real. Don't jump into the conversation just because we touched a subject you're emotionally invested in, fam. You're in psychosis. Enjoy your suicide.



Sure we all have flaws. And if we all saw our own faults as clearly as we see the faults of others, and did something to fix them, we wouldn't be so badly off. People like tipp and fringe wizard talk about ego, about not having pride, yet they demonstrate not with their actions but their very self that they are simply saying words.


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>Chakras are a visualisation tool.

I disagree, I believe they are large and fundamental part of advancement. I have had great personal success in it.

>Your energybody just looks like a big glob of colors, an aura

I believe you are talking about the energy body as whole. There are several layers and parts. The aura is the furthermost outside layer. A good example of what I mean is taking a look at a flame, there is the flame itself and then there is a glow around the flame. Although it is not such a fickle thing, the aura is a part of your bodies.

The chakras aren't free moving things, they are in specific parts of your body facing specific orientations. I'm not familiar with the idea that each chakra is on a different frequency, but that is certainly a possibility that I have not given much thought to.

Do you have any books supporting your viewpoint on the chakra system?



>Chakras are a visualisation tool.

>I believe they are large and fundamental part of advancement. I have had great personal success in it.

There is no conflict there.




>Do you have any books to support your claim?

No, and in fact I may be wrong, just that usually with astral things… its just different dude, Sm*ley already explained it up there pretty good

>Yes, but at some point you must realize there is no difference between "actual" and "symbolic representations" when it comes to etheric stuff.

There are many models with different numbers of chakras for different things. They didn't even have colors at first.

So don't get hung up on frequencies, orientations and stuff. These are etheric tools for manipulating the underlying "actual" stuff. Just pick a model and use it well.



Bum twitchings.


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>The buddhist is one of the few who's not insane but it's unfortunate he can't tell the rest of you clearly are.

Eh, well I wouldn't call them insane. Misguided, maybe. Insane? Far from it. Humans just like to express negative emotions instead of coming to terms with them, so people who are dealing with the same negative emotions love to congregate together. Law of Attraction.

Even then, not everyone here is misguided. I see a lot of people are on the right path in their own way. Its only those who are obsessed with selfish or low vibration matters that are misguided, such as

>how into magick for gf

>how into magick to be no ugly

>how into magick for munnie

These are all matters of the ego and matter not. Funny thing is, the solution will get them what they want, but when they get there they wont want it anymore, and vice versa. When you insist upon something, you do not get it. When you accept something to go either way, the way you want comes to you. This is the case for pretty much everything. However, our egos rationalize it as

>oh i just became more confident

>oh i just happen to eat right and exercise and have hygiene

>oh i just happen to run into a good business opportunity

Well, how do you think any of those situations started? Your own consciousness started moving those events into gear. The wish fulfilling jewel is within us. Our egos justify it otherwise.

We should not condemn those who are misguided, as that will only vindicate them and make them hate the peaceful path. We should seek to help them and have compassion for them; but if they insist on not finding peace and going their own way, that is simply what is. Forcing change or help will get us nowhere.


>As for the kundalini, I have no idea.

that means you haven't had it.

>I guess not if the experience is supposed to be so fucking intense. I don't know.

yes. It's like being burned alive by your inner fire. just like auntwatermelon's instructions state.


when I did it, along with khan's kundalini meditation, and some training/energy attunements, it caused my first kundalini rising. I felt like I'd have died if I didn't ask kali/kundalini for mercy. then it subsided and I could sorta hang on til I got to the earth and drew in cooling yin energy.

Auntwatermelon described kundalini as a serpent of fire the thickness of a coke can going up your spine, and the goal of tantra to control this energy.

Kundalini can be risen multiple times.

I wish I could namefag.


I don't think kundalini is what you think it is. Maybe when you can control it you are enlightened but it's not exactly the same thing, or at least not the general way people speak of it. Kundalini is just the mass of energy at the base of the spine, which does connect one to the divine, or can fuck someone up if they raise it too early.

It amplifies everything, good and bad, meaning one needs energy and mental development to not go crazy and harm themselves/their circuits.



Thank you for sharing your experience with this meditation. I've been hesitant to redo it lest I experience another kundalini rising that I wouldn't be grounded enough for, but it sounds like in my current state it would be alright to do it and beneficial.



Did it help you with magic? Like firebalks 'n shit?



Don't shizzaz brozzas once u kundalini u wil be a mad kuntalini magneto haha

all da bitches at yo highschool be fukin u once u kun-da-leenee


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15 That whosoever beleeveth in him, should not perish, but have eternall life.

16 ¶ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Sonne: that whosoever beleeveth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.

17 For God sent not his Sonne into the world to condemne the world: but that the world through him might be saved.


How may I view a 'past life'?



Christike shoo, slimey limey pauline jew

Christ would rightly pity you



Bullshit occultism



I don't give a shit about bullshit. How do I do it?


File: f00e32ebc01d67d⋯.jpg (207.4 KB, 633x960, 211:320, louijover01.jpg)

1 Now wee beseech you, brethren, by the comming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together onto him,

2 That yee bee not soone shaken in minde, or bee troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter, as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand,

3 Let no man deceive you by any meanes, for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sinne bee revealed, the sonne of perdition,

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himselfe above all that is called God, or that is worshipped: so that he as God, sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing himselfe that he is God.

5 Remember yee not, that when I was yet with you, I tolde you these things?

6 And now yee know what withholdeth, that hee might bee revealed in his time.

7 For the mysterie of iniquitie doth alreadie worke: onely he who now letteth, will let, ontill he be taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that wicked bee revealed, whome the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightnesse of his comming:

9 Even him whose comming is after the working of Satan, with all power and signes, and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse, in them that perish: because they receved not the love of the trueth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should beleeve a lie:

12 That they all might bee damned who beleeved not the trueth, but had pleasure in unrighteousnes.

13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren, beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation, through sanctification of the spirit, and beleefe of the trueth,

14 Whereunto he called you by our Gospel, to the obteining of the glorie of the Lord Jesus Christ.

15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which yee have beene taught, whether by word or our Epistle.

16 Now our Lorde Jesus Christ himselfe, and God even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation, and good hope through grace,

17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and worke.



Flap your arms like a chicken while walking in a backwards circle around an oak tree 7 times



I wish you had a name so we could filter you instead of having to hide your spam, cunt.




To be honest, it scares me. I really don't want any kundalini business. I just want to know more about the nature of reality, and that's what moves me to do magic and all that, but perhaps I should stop messing around with this energy stuff, or at least get back to IIH and focus on it.



That's not what I'm after, mayne. Even if it's bullshit, they still affect people so deeply they often end up running around in orange pajamas for the rest of their lives. That's such a shit job, I can't believe it's all for nothing. At minimum, there must be something useful to take away.

I want to know how to see one of these 'past lives' for myself. Who knows how?



Just read WWA. All answers to all wuestions lie in the works of WWA. WWA was the greatest magus ever and the avatar of God.


File: 458516a650c0479⋯.jpg (447.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, jesus_in_the_desert_by_tim….jpg)

This parable spake Jesus onto them: but they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them.

7 Then said Jesus unto them againe, Verily, verily I say unto you, I am the doore of the sheepe.

8 All that ever came before me, are theeves and robbers: but the sheepe did not heare them.

9 I am the doore by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall goe in and out, and find pasture.

10 The theefe commeth not, but for to steale and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

11 I am the good shepheard: the good shepheard giveth his life for the sheepe.

12 But hee that is an hireling and not the shepheard, whose owne the sheepe are not, seeth the woolfe coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the woolfe catcheth them, and scattereth the sheepe.

13 The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, & careth not for the sheepe.

14 I am the good shepheard, and know my sheepe, and am knowen of mine.

15 As the father knoweth me, even so know I the father: & I lay downe my life for the sheepe.

16 And other sheepe I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall heare my voyce; and there shall be one fold, and one shepheard.

17 Therefore doth my father love me, because I lay downe my life that I might take it againe.

18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it downe of my selfe: I haue power to lay it downe, and I have power to take it againe. This commandement have I received of my father.


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In my experience, they just come to you during meditation, but forcing it wont make them come. As such, I'll give you what I do during meditation, and perhaps you'll see it. You will only be able to see glimpses or frames of it. Those few frames will stick in your head, though. I remember mine quite vividly.

Meditate daily for 10 minutes total. For the first half, with your back straight, eyes almost fully closed but enough to see 2-3ft in front of you. Concentrate on a point within those 2 or 3 feet. All the while chanting OM AH HUNG. Visualize a white light, a red light, and a blue light located at the crown of your head, your throat, and your heart respectively.

For the second 5 minutes, slowly close your eyes and remain in that state of Mahamudra, no-mind, no thoughts. I often find that visions appear here the most. Then, imagine the white light slowly coming down into the red light. Then slowly again imagine the two morphed lights going down into the blue light.

Finally, slightly open your eyes and return your state of consciousness into the 2-3 feet in front of you. Then back into the room, and done.





There's no humor in this continuous shitposting. It's just shit with a smile pasted over. Like you can't stop and know it.



You are undergoing psychosis.



This guy >>106337 is right about everything, isn't he? You're all possessed by a monster of shit and this board is its butthole.



Seek mental help.


File: 14c8df681706f5e⋯.jpg (245.36 KB, 774x500, 387:250, ThinkstockPhotos-493536069….jpg)

"be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil.

20The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you."


File: e5709d7fdf82299⋯.jpg (124.58 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 004-lightning-strike-canbe….jpg)

"2 Flee from sinne as from the face of a Serpent: for if thou commest too neere it, it will bite thee: the teeth thereof, are as the teeth of a lyon, slaying the soules of men."


"When the ungodly curseth Satan, he curseth his owne soule."


Satan rules, god's for fools. 666 Hail Satan brosephs


The shitposter sits down ready to begin his daily work. His fingers are a blur on the keyboard, his eyes empty and distant. His mouth twists into a rictus of insane joy, and a hoarse laugh of insanity rises in his throat. This is his everything, this is the thrill of shitposting. An ecstasy greater than any drug, a feeling like no other. He can't stop, he won't stop. He is the shitposter.




It developed my energy body to the degree I could withstand a psychic attack. I had someone who disliked me and every time I was near them they'd attack my solar plexus chakra and pull me out of my body. After my rising they would just make me sick rather than make me feel disembodied.

After that I did try turning my hair blonde for a few days and it started, though I became disinterested in that.

So, yeah probably, but I haven't really tried magic aside from basic manifestation. No fireballs, but people around me felt hot for awhile afterward, and I was also superhot.

Also I'm now a pretty strong energy channel and that makes for amazing makeouts/sex.


Yeah I don't know. I wanted the kundalini awakening so that sped it along. People do kundalini yoga all the time and don't have awakenings, too.

The reasons I'd be careful is AuntWatermelon's warning plus my experience. I just noticed the 4th image; I wrote that, lol. I haven't seen anyone quote me before.

I think if you don't overdo it you should be alright; I chose to poke the beast. Khan called Auntwatermelon's meditation a kundalini energy pump, so it might just be that if you don't try to make it a full rising the way I did.


I would try what this guy said.


I have had flashes of past lives, but feeling rather than images.

I'd go with trying meditation, maybe learn to astral project/access the Akash. Past life stuff is in there.



Khru, you are way more badass than I thought you were



His palms are sweaty, knees weak arms are heavy, there's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti he's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm 'n ready t' drop bombs, but he keeps on forgetting what he wrote down the whole crowd's goin' so loud, he opens his mouth but the words won't come out, he's chokin' how, everybody's chokin' now, the clock's runnout, time's up over blaow"


File: 3f4c5cf6f62abc3⋯.jpg (9.75 KB, 317x215, 317:215, 457c8980de4fbaf1097917e49a….jpg)



You seem quite upset, I've seen most of your posts to be self-evident of that.

Because of this projection, I believe you are undergoing psychosis tainted in aversion. Seek mental help.



oh hey, you know my name.

Thanks. We all have our moments (:



It's clear to me now why I was called. It's also clear that my job is done. Goodbye.


File: 1b6f259e96af876⋯.jpg (3.68 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images (3).jpg)


See ya soon mate



I have a question about this. I've been practicing the 5 elements qi gong, and this would be described as 'earth' and 'water'. Earth = harmony and community; peace and centeredness; water = truth or philosophy; clarity and imagination. So, what then is the Wood and Fire of the esoteric? "Cause" as in "for a cause" and "passion" are the haymaker phrases of Wood and Fire, the Pioneer and the Wizard. In that case I suppose it would be to MAKE reality rather than PERCEIVE it. Then what's the equivalent ritual for ultra wizard power? Yours caused great perceptual shifts, but what about great power shifts?



Power must be stabilized and restricted, then placed into structured shells in order to create stable restricted order. If your values were different than what society taught you to value (and generations before you), or rather more Wood/Fire, you would have the opposite opinions. "dude WHERE'S THE FUCKING MAGIC WARFARE. Where's the fireballs and jojo stands."

Personally I would like a power expansion to occur. Courage, bravado, might, enthusiasm, spontaneity, confrontation and hard work would be much more relevant then.

Your statments about human perfection and shit is textbook Metal. You already said it yourself, people hurt themselves rather than others. When they don't hurt themselves in a specific way, they stop being a pussy and make others eat shit. It's ultra-cucked to justify a status quo that demands self-punishment for disobedience. There's enough rigid self-control in this world; we need to stop behaving and start fighting. Calcification, purification by fire. Set yourself on fire, then burn brighter and hotter than the sun.



True this, but fuck the bible.

Self-understanding not "everyone seems to think they understand me better than myself" – understanding.


Only because you puss your practice, instead of DOOMSDAY IS NOW, TRIAL BY FIRE, WE MUST BECOME THE MIGHTY OR DIE WITH THE MEEK, LEARN THE HOLOCAUST FIRE CULTIVATION MARTIAL ART OR BE KILLED BY THE INVADING BARBARIANS - hardcore training. Thus you have weak progress and gain nothing. Fighting fit or dying lit.


closed eyes are the problem


I suggest you boost yoru wood and fire element so you can be a certified badass.


Leave qabbalah to the joos



I agree but only because they can't swim. Can't center dynamically, and a weak fire n' fighting spirit.


This isn't advanced, but still good.


You're explaining away intrinsic reality with intrinsic reality. Nonsense.


Meditating for energy and vitality is retarded. People should be channeling their mind, body and will into high pressure, highly challenging and confrontational situations instead, as this produces the strongest physical and energetic and psychological response. The roots immediately penetrate at 10 m/s and crack mountains in half, drawing up strength and vitality and ancient powers from the dead bones of dinosaurs and human ancestors. It's about the fight, the confrontation, the will power, the struggle, the FIRE. The spontaneous challenge. Growing out of, to become. Then instead of leveraging a bunch of tiny energetic/physical mechanisms until your spine explodes suddenly after a year of practicing every day, you just fucking TRAIN and INCREASE your FIRE and grow into a full body NUCLEAR REACTOR, rather than force fitting a physical process and results into the pomp and presentation of an act of magic.

It's physical you phaggots, do it the physical way. This is the equivalent of trying to get laid via magic. Jesus.



Do it at high noon. DO IT.



Was he strong or is your fire weak and tree drowning from all that damn water?



she, actually, and she's fairly strong for someone who hasn't trained specifically for energy; actually she is probably among the stronger women I know energetically. She's channeled a lot through devotional singing, and had a relationship with a crazy psychic dude, both of which I assume led to her strength.

I was not that strong at that time, as I'd only started training ~3 months prior to that, and was quite new to this stuff. My tree was probably drowning, as you say. I had a lot of yin/cold from eating raw foods in cold months.



Yeah that's an easy fix boyo. or girlie. Just go all fire and lightning and shout out a challenge to the heavens, "DO YOUR WORST FAGGOTS. I'LL BRING YOU ALL DOWN." and try to fight everything until you're burning and full tesla-coil mode (biothermal bioelectric power generator?!??). Then hardcore train to prepare for the up and coming challenges that you'll force upon everyone and everything. If you don't feel a strong sense of near-death at least thrice during a training session, you're not training right.



Has anybody ever just star 69'd a psychic attacker's energy signature and beat the shit out of them irl? Seems like a pretty funny way to do it albeit alittle uncreative




+1 if you have an international gang of psychic beat squads to enact vigilante justice upon those your strange and animal brand of righteousness demands be done.



>Irl Doom

Could you imagine what unholy vibrational frequency Doomguy is in to literally attract exclusively demons and mass hellish chaos


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2Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

3For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.

4But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor.



Kek, you don't get van'd, you get wiz'd


File: 6d71ac7c4e26575⋯.jpg (18.96 KB, 400x266, 200:133, lightningstrikes.jpg)

Power comes through the LORD.



Hate this overused chord progression but at least the lyrics aren't shit………………… BUT THE FUCKING MUSIC RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


Martian :^) kkkkekeke


4 was k but 3 is shit and 2 is only cool if you're doing it for reps.







6This is he who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ; not by the water only but by the water and the blood. And the Spirit is the one who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.

7For there are three that testify:

8the Spirit and the water and the blood; and these three agree.


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4“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.

5You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.


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>Martian :^) kkkkekeke

>Doomguy on Mars

>Like attracts like

>Mars is wargod

By Odin's beard, IT WAS PLANNED!


There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.


And Adam called his wives name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.

21 Unto Adam also, and to his wife, did the LORD God make coates of skinnes, and cloathed them.


File: cbfca0e9946539b⋯.jpg (86.22 KB, 500x499, 500:499, The-Void-copy.jpg)

Here is some esoteric knowledge from the Esoteric Gospel (of Thomas)………….

22. Jesus saw some babies nursing. He said to his disciples, "These nursing babies are like those who enter the (Father's) kingdom."

They said to him, "Then shall we enter the (Father's) kingdom as babies?"

Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom]."


114. Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary leave us, for females don't deserve life."

Jesus said, "Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven."



These are esoteric traditions, not orthodox traditions.



traditional literature*



The Gospel (of Thomas) specifically says at the beginning…

>These are the secret sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas recorded.

>1. And he said, "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death."

>2. Jesus said, "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. [And after they have reigned they will rest.]"



[redacted], if you see this and you're still considering a suicide pact, don't fucking do it. I know this guy who's really good at past life regression and he said he was once a very advanced brownhood occultist who did a suicide pact for power. From what I can gather his dying in lust and greed for what he perceived that he didn't have caused him to reincarnate as a depressed /pollack/ who luckily got back on the good path, anyway it's your call, just heed my warning bro

Post last edited at



Didn't Thomas Aquinas spend an entire lifetime writing shitloads of doctrine only to completely disagree with that doctrine at the end of his life?



Yes, actually. That is a popular tidbit of knowledge in Roman Catholicism regarding auld Thomas Aquinas.



Furthermore, there was once a guy on here that did past life regression and found he is quite possibly a conglomerate of multiple lhp magicians who entered a suicide pact to merge and become a quad-soul superbeast, same thing happened


The Thomas referred to in the Gospel (of Thomas) is the apostle Thomas from the "Orthodox" gospels.



Could you give me a quick rundown of what that was about?


File: fdd66848a51d783⋯.jpg (35.15 KB, 460x276, 5:3, Thomas-Aquinas-007.jpg)

For centuries, there have been recurring claims that Thomas had the ability to levitate. For example, G. K. Chesterton wrote that, "His experiences included well-attested cases of levitation in ecstasy; and the Blessed Virgin appeared to him, comforting him with the welcome news that he would never be a Bishop."[65]


File: 4d3d03eb717a69b⋯.jpg (13.94 KB, 321x410, 321:410, Thomas Aquinas.jpg)


It was something along the lines of this:

"On one occasion, at 1273 at the Dominican convent of Naples in the chapel of Saint Nicholas

[52] after Matins, Thomas lingered and was seen by the sacristan Domenic of Caserta to be levitating in prayer with tears before an icon of the crucified Christ. Christ said to Thomas, "You have written well of me, Thomas. What reward would you have for your labor?" Thomas responded, "Nothing but you, Lord."

[53][54][55] After this exchange something happened, but Thomas never spoke of it or wrote it down.

On 6 December 1273, another mystical experience took place. While he was celebrating Mass, he experienced an unusually long ecstasy.

[55] Because of what he saw, he abandoned his routine and refused to dictate to his socius Reginald of Piperno. When Reginald begged him to get back to work, Thomas replied: "Reginald, I cannot, because all that I have written seems like straw to me"

[56] (mihi videtur ut palea).

[57] As a result, the Summa Theologica would remain uncompleted. What exactly triggered Thomas's change in behavior is believed by Catholics to have been some kind of supernatural experience of God.

[58] After taking to his bed, he did recover some strength.[59]"



I believe it, Franz Bardon said a saint is as powerful as a high-initiate but naturally and way more enlightened instinctually



That's so interesting, thanks for typing that out


Okay, I am seriously leaving /fringe/ forever. I think this will do it. I have resolved within myself to not even read /fringe/ anymore. I want to dodge all of this ridiculous social engineering rubbish on the internet.

You are all free to go.

Go with God, He has proved to me over and over again that He really is righteous and true.



Are you the psychosis shitposter? If so then good riddance. If not, good luck bro



Learning something devotingly and through natural intuition and instinct will do that. Put your entire being into something every moment and you can become THE BEST. Like how DOOMGUY IS THE BEST AT DEMON SLAYING >>106430



Enjoy your suicide



Needy bitch let him leave. You KNOW you're trying to draw him back in with that comment.




They're the same people



Sorry, needy birch. Were you bhorn between december 24th and january 20th? Or your moon was in capricorn? cause you a basic birch



The anonymous poster you're possibly talking about that I'm not identifying because I don't want to get banned said a few months ago that they reached their goal so they aren't going to kill themselves anymore.



Good for him, I know alotta fuckers hate the guy for some reason, but I like him



Oh, hello then


>You can be an adept and control the physical but rarely do you see a Hermeticist practicing for his next life

This from a high level buddhist. What did he mean by this?





Hey [redacted], your basically an adept, can you answer my question?


(5. No identifying posts / namefag drama)
Post last edited at



Go piss off to /occult/ if you can't handle us here.


Does anyone have the [redacted] pics? I need them for a ritual *cough*

(5. No identifying posts / namefag drama)
Post last edited at


Can someone explain to me whatever happened to fringechan? All i've ever got were half-answers.


Boy this fuckin' "le namefig drama" shit sure is funny. I tell ya, real fuckin' funny :^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))



We don't hate him. He's just crazy. Like you tbh. You need mental help.



What? You mean [redacted]? I think he's alright but goddamn, for an adept that can mind control bankers and remote-view people by his posts, you'd think he wouldn't be so autistic about, "What do you mean, I do not understand ur post"

(Rule 5 - also the bans will get longer for everyone in this thread if you don't stop as you can't say you haven't been warned and don't know any better...)
Post last edited at



You are legitimately mentally ill. Find someone irl who cares, not a doctor just a person. GET HELP!



Nothing wrong with that board. It may be slow but its decent.



Why do you do all this fedora posting under the anon flag?


File: 619f7fcf0f651bc⋯.png (7.13 KB, 414x34, 207:17, Untitled.png)




We need a rule 7

"No meta"



>thinking rules other that 4 & 5 will be enforced







Was reading your wtfpl license and came across this: http://biblehub.com/1_corinthians/10-23.htm

What do you think of that passage?




Is this picture good enough?

(Fuck off to >>>/4chon/)






Could you post in 4chon and link the thread plz? I didn't get to see it :c



It is in 4/x/. Check the catalog.


What is anon's thoughts on Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig?

Is this a shitty magical primer?It seems to be the go-to suggestions wherever I go.

Are there much better suggestions for beginners? Perhaps Initiation Into Hermetics.


File: fea80aa01d836a3⋯.jpg (75.78 KB, 224x224, 1:1, fea.jpg)


I appreciate the flattery but I'm not a high level Buddhist by any means. I'm just a layperson who participates in tantric yoga

Also feel free to ask me if you need anything explained, I'd be glad to help



You're taking the words of a teenager pretty seriously there famalama.


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Well I'm just doing what my mentor did when I called him a high level Buddhist/Guru.



What if he told you the truth, because, consider the following;

>>You can be an adept and control the physical but rarely do you see a Hermeticist practicing for his next life

>practicing for the next life, as a buddhist

>entering the race with the intention to lose

Isn't the point of Buddhism to not reincarnate?

If I didn't want to keep a modicum of courtesy I would write something like

>butthurt bullshit buddhist saying throwing out stuff from a wounded higher ego

But I wont.

Shitposting aside, the two means of practice share a lot in the way one walks these paths to reach the universal truths, difference being, a Hermeticist might chose to use the powers he has sought to develop for developments sake, with a conscious mind, aware of action and consequence while a Buddhist will not actively seek out powers and will not use them, or even completely disregard them in an effort to seek release from reincarnation, which is the end goal of even a casual Buddhist because of the faiths teachings.

If I accuse Buddhism of being a means to suppress magicians, a beautiful religion I agree (I hold to many of the tenets), but ultimately a religion tailored to suppress an aspect of divinity, what say you?

Would you please tell me what your beliefs on interfering on behalf of others using magic, say, to heal, and what the attitude towards such acts is among the temples?

Correct me where I'm wrong, this could be fun.



Ÿa mån is bo fuck penis jou kńo ęêt fæh


File: a44e053dd334341⋯.png (429.01 KB, 499x501, 499:501, BR1-4lHCcAE6oOt.png)


>practicing for the next life, as a buddhist

>entering the race with the intention to lose

This is under the implication that you are currently in one of the highest 2 realms of rebirth. As far as I'm aware, if you were, you wouldn't be here. Even if someone became a Buddhist in this life, they would have to spend BARE MINIMUM 2 more lives (Asura then Deva, demigod then god/heavenly figure respectively) in order to escape samsara. It almost ALWAYS takes more than that. You would think that Rinpoche's wouldn't be a reincarnate but they were Lamas in past lives.

>Isn't the point of Buddhism to not reincarnate?

Yes, to escape samsara as mentioned above.

>If I accuse Buddhism of being a means to suppress magicians, a beautiful religion I agree (I hold to many of the tenets), but ultimately a religion tailored to suppress an aspect of divinity, what say you?

Not really true. You're right when saying that the point of Buddhism is to escape samsara, but to do that you must Become a Buddha. Doing this means, technically, you are endowed with abilities known as siddhis. There are quite a few.

>Would you please tell me what your beliefs on interfering on behalf of others using magic, say, to heal, and what the attitude towards such acts is among the temples?

>To heal

Absolutely fine, encouraged even. Technically speaking, even as a lay person, I am allowed to give blessings of healing as I have been given the empowerment by my Vajra Guru to do so. I have done this on myself and it worked instantly for my chronic sciatica pain.

>attitude towards such acts is among the temples?

Again, absolutely fine and encouraged, especially receiving blessings from a Lama/Rinpoche because they REALLY know their shit.


File: 71b7c8d974b739d⋯.gif (35.39 KB, 267x200, 267:200, 200_s.gif)


I should also mention that the role of Buddhist who help others spiritually and physically without escaping samsara are called Bodhisattvas; I am one of these and have taken the vows for it. We will not escape samsara until all sentient beings are enlightened. Then we all go together.

During the down time before everyone is enlightened we constantly reincarnate as devas and receive all the pleasures of this world



that sounds so cultist, I bet you could write a good hollywood story about religious brainwashing.



You are undergoing severe psychosis. Seek mental help before you cringe to death ugh.



cringe ugh



I have a loose rectum, I have no balance.

I am a mentally ill schizo, I should seek help.


So, you're telling me I'm not getting out of here until ALL these shitters get good?

I have a number of titles given to me, Bodhisattva one of them but I care so little for titles I have actively avoided learning more about them because I don't want them to shape my life, but now I want to know, how does a Bodhisattva come to be?

Tell me more of reincarnating as an asura/deva and the others, and these two highest realms you mentioned.

Ill drop my titles but I really give zero fucks about them.

"Witness" (priest said he recognized me(whatever the fuck this is)), avatar of Krishna, Mahadev, Adonai, avatar of Metatron or scribe of Metatron/God.

As for the part about Metatron, it was, or became very unclear because while I was hearing trumpets I denied it due to my bias against Christianity and my unwillingness to be special resulting in reluctance to claim my supposed rightful place, on some level I am still afraid to be special, all I ever wanted was to be normal - and the message was befuddled.

One or two more which I can't recall right now.

I live my life as if I had never heard them and upon receiving these titles I got the tingling of recognizing a truth spreading from the top of my head down the rest of my body, a strong ecstatic bliss accompanied by some variant of the naam of God (from sikh faith)/conch shell tunes/Gabriels trumpet sounding clearer than ever.

I strongly relate to Bodhisattva and was given the title only a few weeks ago. Synchronicities bah.

Why can't I leave?

>>You are undergoing severe psychosis. Seek mental help

Yes, probably, ill say it myself this time, you obnoxious cunt.


Anyone got any Zoroastrian tips?

Some Persian guy on /pol/ told me I might be able to convert if I put the work into it. I'm not sure where to start.


Since the world is continuously bleeding out, how long will it be until it completely dies? I'm tired of waiting for it


The hubris is getting thick in here.



>So, you're telling me I'm not getting out of here until ALL these shitters get good?

Not unless you are Kshitigarbha. He "is known for his vow to take responsibility for the instruction of all beings in the six worlds between the death of Gautama Buddha and the rise of Maitreya, as well as his vow not to achieve Buddhahood until all hells are emptied."

Probably you just came here to do a few things, save a few souls.

>Why can't I leave?

Of course you can. But you chose to come back, so you won't be able to unless you try hard enough that your higher self allows it.

>avatar of Krishna

avatar of love

>avatar of Metatron

A bridge between the physical and nonphysical worlds. A believable person that brings knowledge of the Soul to those who need it.

I am also both of these. I don't know what the other names are though, but I've come across/identified with the other 2.




oh, I had had the impression that a bodhisattva wasn't necessarily to save that many, but just coming back to save more made one a bodhisattva.

I wouldn't be too surprised if I kept volunteering to come back though, even though my human doesn't care for the idea right now.



>Of course you can. But you chose to come back, so you won't be able to unless you try hard enough that your higher self allows it.

And your conscience is clean enough for your lower self to even allow you to communicate with your higher self.


Now this is an interesting discussion.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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>So, you're telling me I'm not getting out of here until ALL these shitters get good?

No, you can leave, but the role of Bodhisattvas is to stay until everyone else is enlightened. Think of it as the soliders standing at the gate evacuating people.

>Bodhisattva one of them but I care so little for titles

Title means nothing. Absolutely nothing, they're just words. You are not a Bodhisattva unless you abide by the vows and start helping others.

>how does a Bodhisattva come to be?

For starters, we don't view others as shitters just because they are not enlightened/on the path. And again, by taking/following the vows and spreading the dharma.

>asura/deva and the others, and these two highest realms you mentioned

The two highest realms are Asura then Deva, demigod then god/heavenly figure respectively. If any of us were, we wouldn't be shitposting here, doing our thing. We would probably be enjoying a life of luxury whilst spreading the dharma.

>Ill drop my titles but I really give zero fucks about them.

Remember, actions > titles always. Bodhisattvas are defined by following the vows and spreading the dharma, not just by being called one. I'm assuming you haven't taken the vows, which is good, because you will fuck up your karma and current life so bad it won't even be funny. But if you have please tell me immediately so we can fix up your current state if so.

>Why can't I leave?

Again, to help everyone else first. Compassion. It develops naturally over time.


>oh, I had had the impression that a bodhisattva wasn't necessarily to save that many, but just coming back to save more made one a bodhisattva.

You keep coming back until everyone is enlightened. Of course you can't do it alone, thats why there are many Bodhisattvas. You just have to do your part. But because of good karma you keep coming back into a life of luxury/fortune and blessings, like asuras/devas.



>I'm assuming you haven't taken the vows

I haven't, but I live to serve.

>Title means nothing

True that and I wholeheartedly agree that action speaks louder than words.


Please don't assume I identify with or mean even half the dumb shit I say, I play the devils advocate to push others forward because that is the attitude that makes people listen on anonymous channels, coupled with poking holes in people egos so they might self reflect and grow stronger.


>staying on this shithole of a chan, at times literally a pit of shit in the pit of piss that is the internet, with some of the most negative self loathing screeching autists the world has to offer, answering questions when I could be making sweet, sweet love with human beings of the opposite sex for purpose of spiritual growth

>doing it for free

I'm not doing this for fun if you think thats it, I can enjoy myself at times but thats only because it becomes what you make of it.

What is relative luxury?

I'm not comfortable disclosing much more.



> If any of us were, we wouldn't be shitposting here

Maybe we are shitposting here precisely because of. You said you were a Bodhisattva right?

Have you seen the future? I have. The future is here. Each and every one of us that make it through the trials presented and conquered on this board will help in bringing in the new age as a figure of future history.



As for the part about Metatron, it was, or became very unclear because while I was hearing trumpets I denied it due to my bias against Christianity






You keep coming back until everyone is enlightened.

>earth population 7.442 billion

yeah…thats literally going to take forever.


File: 1b46b7437c3df10⋯.jpg (12.62 KB, 214x317, 214:317, MV5BMTg4NTA3OTI5OF5BMl5Ban….jpg)


>I haven't, but I live to serve.


>Please don't assume I identify with or mean even half the dumb shit I say

Poe's Law

>staying on this shithole of a chan, at times literally a pit of shit in the pit of piss that is the internet, with some of the most negative self loathing screeching autists the world has to offer, answering questions when I could be making sweet, sweet love with human beings of the opposite sex for purpose of spiritual growth

Same reasons why I'm here. I like this place because I get to help those who need it most.

>What is relative luxury?

Wealth, happiness, ease, peace, harmony, compassion, bliss, etc etc, essentially all the pleasures this world has to offer. The world bows to you.

>Have you seen the future?

No, but it doesn't concern me much. Being more grounded in the present is more in tune with reality. Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a myster, but Today is a gift. That is why its called the present.


In due time.


>thats literally going to take forever

Time is a concept of finite, the universe is infinite



I will take a long vacation after this, if you guys have any questions then get them done with.



Thank you.


I got rid of my lower ego years ago and replaced it with the higher (at first it was a disaster, it couldnt socialize at all and I had to rebuild the lower ego using the higher ego as blueprints), I always suspected, believed I knew my path but now I know for certain and that has given me ease of mind and more firm confidence in my identity and purpose, thank you for helping me answer what I couldnt alone.*


File: 661c3c7ae1883dd⋯.png (858.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1428347548202.png)



No problem. But be warned, neither I nor you have any say of how long you will stay there, what you'll come back as, so on and so forth. I doubt you will stay there for long, though.



Translation: I am a bullshit sissy wizard who is mentally ill and has delusions of geandeur. I am currently having a psychotic breakdown.



How do you know your "lower ego" isn't deceiving you? You sound like a poseur, and very full of yourself to be honest.



The lower ego is all the experiences and learned bias you've accumulated throughout your incarnations. As a baby, or sometimes a young toddler, you have a similar consciousness to egoless enlightenment, albeit in a state of ignorance.



/fringe/ by its very nature attracts bullshit sissy wizards. It was created by a delusional bullshit sissy wizard and like a lodestone he drew in other mentally ill retards.





>Lower ego


You fell for that shit?



I like the variety this new character adds to /fringe/. Before he came /fringe/ felt bi-polar, now it's absolutely schizophrenic. Let chaos reign tbh.



It's almost like there's more than two people on this site… but there's only (You).



You're right, I do sound full of myself but while I know I have progressed faster than others I don't look down on them for it, instead I chose to help them.

The lower ego is the emotional responses you are programmed with at birth or have come to pick up during this life.

The higher ego or the self is your true desires, your true values, your moral compass guiding your right and wrong when the lower ego wants to steal money or food to satisfy itself, the voice saying "this is wrong" when you are cheating on your partner or make decisions that will make you rich at the benefit of others.

My higher ego would allow me to steal food if it meant I would live another day so that I can help others. My higher ego would not allow me to walk out of a restaurant without paying if I could.

Being enlightened means inhabiting the higher ego or the self and alchemy is restructuring the lower ego to reflect your true self.

I know how I come off, there is no way to not come off like you perceive me and my posts here. I do have pride, a sense of importance, but while being enlightened these seemingly negative qualities are not based on an unhealthy foundation and do not express to feed the lower ego, they are simply statements of my being. I take pride in being able to help others, that gives me happiness and courage to keep doing it. Its a requirement to feel certain emotions which if I were lacking would make me empty and unable to sympathize with others.

I still have desires. I desire a world of equality and prosperity, that leads me to search for a position of power from which I can make a change for the betterment of all.

My desires are not fueled by my lower ego, power for powers sake, I aim to accumulate power by what means I can and find just to use it to help others and that is why I have been fortunate and blessed in my journey.

Before this conversation was had I aimed to suppress any sense of identity, letting the lower ego act out only that which the moral self can agree to, because I thought that the higher self had no identity and instead was the moral code, this is not the case.

The higher self is the identity and the aim to shed away all things that make you react so that you become a shell is not the way. After mastering the ego and imposing the higher ego/self upon it one needs to find his true identity as it is in the after without that which hampers it, the lower ego, making decisions on behalf of the animal body.



Morality is bullshit. Higher ego is bullshit. Ego as it is is a bullshit concept.

Slave morality in full affect on this board.


File: 40ee26365ee92bd⋯.gif (213.46 KB, 191x256, 191:256, 40ee26365ee92bd64500b9de3e….gif)

Does anyone here truly believe it's possible to help someone over the internet, let alone on an imageboard?



No, there are at least 2 other tree flag posters. Sick discord magic tho, you really fucked everything up man.





Maybe try being a wizard instead.



WHOM here is trying to 'HELP' ??? :^)


File: eb2b2bf45fc4822⋯.jpg (269.7 KB, 1000x1104, 125:138, larp.jpg)

File: 81c1221576790f7⋯.jpg (66.87 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, larp2.jpg)

File: 63fd5ff763fe67a⋯.jpg (16.1 KB, 250x212, 125:106, cringe1.jpg)

File: 14b403ae5a676b1⋯.jpg (5.52 KB, 255x198, 85:66, cringe2.jpg)



pls no larp and cringe


File: 73427ede54c060b⋯.png (929.29 KB, 1404x2133, 52:79, recommended.png)

File: 8d5bfcd918b5835⋯.png (159.02 KB, 764x744, 191:186, MONTALKISGOOD.png)


If you truly want to stop being a mundane, start with Montalk.net, then the recommended reading list. If you don't believe any of it, you're not ready


So weak willed, defeatist fuck to the end. You might as well start sucking Schlomo's dick if you aren't a shill



>reading list

b-b-but i probably won't get any of it, my attention span is probably less than 3 seconds

i'm also 28yo literall brony incel basement autist



My magic wand is in my pants, want to touch it? My magic cums out of it :)


File: 1d83f863a9cb903⋯.jpg (347.41 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, old micropenis.jpg)


>My magic wand is in my pants, want to touch it? My magic cums out of it :)


File: b9b65aecce63f76⋯.jpg (29.87 KB, 350x394, 175:197, b9b65aecce63f76e50bc711d6b….jpg)


I like how you completely ignored the question in favour of /pol/-tier witch-hunting. Unless your idea of helping people is pointing them at books (in which case it's the books that's helping them) maybe try answering the question this time?


File: c71c5890ceb80f1⋯.jpg (64.3 KB, 945x845, 189:169, 213435239-523235.jpg)





>no larp and cringe




>braindead autist linking to dead boards




>Trying to sage a sticky




Shit outta luck m8, not everyone is ready for the magic path



>Unless blah blah books is helping them

A book doesn't shout out, "Hey, I'm here!", pointing out books is helping them, just as many people wouldn't even be able to be legit occultists without Smiley paving the road for them



They do, just because you don't know what magic is and thus can't point it out irl, doesn't mean it isn't all around you



The only thing I fucked was myself in the ass by sitting wrong on a wiggly buss :^)


File: 765c4dac779e0f9⋯.jpg (17.5 KB, 251x242, 251:242, 1478178650712.jpg)


>Smiley paving the road for them



>using the word cringe



>implying everyone irl shoots fireballz n shieet

you must be special kind of stupid



You wouldn't want to challenge me irl.



<lel reddit




>using the word triggered



>larping this hard on a meme wizard board



This isn't me btw, I don't give af what you think about me, live and let live



If you think the only kind of magic is fireballz 'n shit, you might as well get off my board



Welcome newfriend, I can tell



>been here three months

>'sup newfriends



File: 195d024a62cf1b0⋯.jpg (11.59 KB, 207x193, 207:193, _20170622_032455.JPG)

Well (nobody in particular), you have successfully killed the best board on this fucking site. You take away tripcodes in a place where trustworthy identity is vital, you shill for /fringe/ on shithole boards like /wiz/ and /4chon/, and you sit back and watch it all happen without doing anything, like a fucking cuck. I remember when (generic smiley face) first passed the board off to you, everybody was bitching cause you were from (((freech))), but I had faith in you, I thought that if (previous BO) trusted you, I could too, but now I realize, you've "improved the board" yeah yeah, for you, a shitposter fedora mongrel. I get that you're just trying to find happiness deep down, and I could probably help with that if you'd let me, but honestly you fall into the rare category of people in my life who've inconvenienced me so much, fuck it, I won't retaliate for any negativity, but I'd rather watch you suffer than help.

Funny thing, nihilism and pointless media-consumption is a level of hell in Buddhism, enjoy faggot, I can already tell you're having a blast

I'm really disappointed in you Corvo,

<T. Brownpill


I've been away for a bit, did everyone enjoy their suicides during my absence?



Dude /fringe/ is dead, I think everyone else is gone


I apologize for my absence, I had to visit the doctor regarding a ruptured anus and while there he said I was mentally Ill and, could you believe it, he wanted to "help" me!

Fucking whitecloaks, always trying to put nanobots in my bloodstream.



I should've known,


File: bb1424bb0de2013⋯.jpg (124.46 KB, 736x1015, 736:1015, 16629733f0829e81bfdbec936a….jpg)


You got one year left. Saturn is coming to kick your ass (she's already looking from behind your shoulder tbh).

Get a job. Disregard everything else for a year, get a job, any job. Imagine the mafia has threatened you with chopping off your balls unless you get any job within 6 months.

If you don't, you are going to be in deep shit.



Make /fringe/ better



This place has always been this way. It comes in cycles just like life.



Of course not heh

Only bullshit sissy wizards think that



You're literally a teenager cid. Accept that not a single grown man who isn't mentally ill gives a SINGLE SHIT what you think. You are a child.



>calling other people newfriends when you worship a schizophrenic bipolar jew who has among other things cut himself on livestream





Do you happen to know Sir Reginald Brownpill?



You're not fooling anyone, mutant Satan.



It's a tough pill to swallow!



U jelly faggit?



I am beginning to think that Sir Bownpill and the Fecalmancer were one and the same. I miss the Fecalmancer, wish he would come back. He was always good for a laugh. God bless him.



Hey I'm pro name but there's some vocal minorities or something.

All the resources are here, just find someone who wants to host an imageboard. Save all the libraries and archive some threads/screenshot them, and take 'em with you. The seed is here you just have to find fertile ground. You lost perspective yo.

If I were to force fit this situation into the 5 element theory as I've done for months now… I'd say this is Yin Water. All that sentiment, emotion and wisdom and creativity, but it can only reach us on planet earth through the perspective of a raindrop. Not enough breadth of vision. Vision… vision… ah! The Wood element. Stop listening and start seeing… the element of expansion and the EYES. It'll drain the mysts and undifferentiated oceans, and create a… rain forest??? Some sort of impressive ecosystem, that is. And that's what you want, yes? A wonderful, magical ecosystem?

Then get to it. It takes leg work, so get off your high horse and into a.. chair? And start downloading and searching for a replacement. Maybe there's free forum hosting sites? Like blogging but for forums. If worst comes to worst, you can use an old $100 computer and turn it into a server, and then hand out its IP. You'll have to learn computer skills, but that would probably only augment and enhance your magical wizardry skills… right :^) ????

The reason why a shit poster can ruin this board is because it's full of lazy people. Magic is basically lazy, for the lazy. It's a cheap way to get big thrills. It might be legit to a certain extent, but so is e-Sports and working at McDonalds at 32.

"Hardcore wizards" are basically the protags of an anime or manga, because it's an actually magical and eventful life full of conflict and surprises, plot and backstory. Everyone on HERE is not the "real deal". This is like, the first test, where you have to realize that everyone around you is too flawed, too inferior, to achieve anything in metaphysics or apply it effectively to their life, or apply ANYTHING effectively to their life…

The rule of THIS game is not to play it on Beginner Mode. The second rule is to buy a better game.



Are we still going to plan a big get together?



Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to the /fringe/ meetup..



Wow I never thought about that, I bet you a million bucks that guy's a legit coprophile, its not too unheard of around these parts


I seem to be able to pick up elemental configurations through the depth point of an object now. I started practicing with psychomancy a few months ago so that eventually I could just absorb information from books via essential meaning like Sm*l*yberg, and, maybe its just me, but I didn't really get any "intuitive understandings" at first, but now when I depth point an object its almost as if I take on the object aspects, I don't know, maybe just crazy-wiz, just posting some oc in an attempt reanimate a dead board I guess.


File: 8097059bfa9430d⋯.jpg (8.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


>Hardcore wizards" are basically the protags of an anime or manga, because it's an actually magical and eventful life full of conflict and surprises, plot and backstory.

Actually Franz Bardon was just a mechanic, usually when someone's life is constantly an anime esque battle over good 'n evil, it means they don't really grasp all the axioms fully, like B*arH*art, or Papa Croc*dile as he goes by nowdays whatever



Bullshit Teenage Sissy "Wizard"



jelly fagit?



I'm hot too, I look really rugged like a 30 yr old knight


For last two weeks or so I went way the fuck down the LHP and did some crazy shit I ain't ever gonna talk about rest of my life now. I finally put it to rest today and feel free of the insane compulsions that came over me. Hopefully the damage I did won't come back to haunt me and I my next experiments don't lead me into such dangerous and questionable waters again.


File: 7792433475315df⋯.jpg (11.46 KB, 256x256, 1:1, shrekxcory.256.556727.jpg)


Very much so. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, because they can't deal with the fact that they wont receive help because they act like dicks and refuse to better themselves spiritually.


Don't fret. Impermanence is a part of life. Cycles move on. Perhaps if the BO refuses to improve the board, we can make our own.



>Perhaps if the BO refuses to improve the board, we can make our own.

Then you can be like the hundred or so other splinter sites that all tried to make their own boards and die.

Make more good and thoughtful posts and threads if you want the board to be better.

The board won't get any better by hotpocketing it extra. Shitposters can and will get around bans easy and shitpost more. It's like trying to use negations as suggestions. You can't do that. You have to use affirmations.

What "improvements" do you want for the board?


File: b0cc761c46f6272⋯.png (305.2 KB, 451x571, 451:571, Kyle Massey PNG.png)


>Then you can be like the hundred or so other splinter sites that all tried to make their own boards and die.

Right, just like this board is dying too because of a lack of management of discipline, which is inherently unhealthy for any board. Do not be upset nor surprised when a lack of action and cultivation of a board leads to emigration.

>Make more good and thoughtful posts and threads if you want the board to be better.

Please take a look through my post history and tell me what you would like for me to do better.

>Shitposters can and will get around bans easy and shitpost more.

So then we do nothing? We just let the shit flow and not even try to make it a better experience for everyone? This is the intrinsic responsibility of the BO.

>What "improvements" do you want for the board?

I have less quarrels with the BO than most here do, so asking them would give you more insight. But personally,

1. Ban shitposters vigilantly (Personally I would see to it done everyday)

2. Erase no/low effort posts

3. Get rid of rule 5

Those are the things I would do to improve the state of the board.

But please, feel free to toss it out the window and disregard it. Its not like the BO seems as if he wants to improve things much. And I know that I am not the only one to feel this way.


File: b2916160454fa02⋯.png (36.98 KB, 867x382, 867:382, Screenshot from 2017-08-31….png)


>1. Ban shitposters vigilantly (Personally I would see to it done everyday)

So ban everyone from here then? This is where shitposters are born and trained and exported from. Shitposting is a high art on 8chan.

>Right, just like this board is dying too because of a lack of management of discipline, which is inherently unhealthy for any board. Do not be upset nor surprised when a lack of action and cultivation of a board leads to emigration.

People have been saying this for years and years and the board continues on as usual.

>Please take a look through my post history and tell me what you would like for me to do better.

You're doing fine I guess. I suggest a shitposting trance with intent to improve quality of /fringe/ and attract qualityposters held continuously for hours as you do this. It should get the board fixed. I'll do it myself later if I have time I just have been seriously bogged down with a lot of stuff lately.

>So then we do nothing? We just let the shit flow and not even try to make it a better experience for everyone? This is the intrinsic responsibility of the BO.

No I use magick to modify and redirect their behavior subtlety instead of getting them to come back on a VPN and spam the board to death because someone wanted to see full hotpocketry take place.

Whenever I see the board is shit I fix it without using mod tools to "fix it". Anyways I just got through the whole report que and handed out a shitload of bans. This report was one of the various funny reports that stood out to me.

>3. Get rid of rule 5

So you want this place to become a never-ending drama circlejerk like a certain other board that went to shit? It's an anonymous imageboard.

>2. Erase no/low effort posts

So waste lots of time censoring people all day instead of just writing and channeling good material for people to take an interest in? Shitposters shitpost more when bored.

It must be really frustrating for you, judging by your post history, to see all this chaos about you. Just pray and focus on the shitposters and reform their behaviours in their sleep or beat them up in the astral if you want.

Tell me what you think about this: http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/kyog/kyog02.htm



>What "improvements" do you want for the board?

I want my name back fam, I want my fams' name back fam


File: 5892b9e41ee91b9⋯.jpg (12.01 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 7i6WPjRE.jpg)


>So ban everyone from here then? This is where shitposters are born and trained and exported from. Shitposting is a high art on 8chan.

I think you and I have different standards of what is considered a shitposter.

>People have been saying this for years and years and the board continues on as usual.

Not sure when this board was created but it could not have existed for more than 2 and a half years relatively.

>I suggest a shitposting trance with intent to improve quality

I'm sorry but this seems immediately counterproductive.

>No I use magick to modify and redirect their behavior subtlety instead of getting them to come back on a VPN and spam the board to death because someone wanted to see full hotpocketry take place.

I see what you're getting at. Perhaps we have different approaches on what we consider the solution, and thats okay. But I feel a tad frustrated seeing a place I like a lot being shat up, and I feel a responsibility to do something about it.

>So you want this place to become a never-ending drama circlejerk like a certain other board that went to shit?

I completely agree that drama is stupid, but it is also easily handled. I am not trying to condescend to you but I have quite a bit of experience handling drama both IRL and on the internet, and its a lot, a lot easier than you think.

>It's an anonymous imageboard.

Yes, but the fundamentals of a board like this somewhat require identities.

>So waste lots of time censoring people all day instead of just writing and channeling good material for people to take an interest in?

If you put it that way it sounds bad, but yes. Vigilance and perseverance.

>Tell me what you think about this

Fair criticism. But I think there is a difference between being passive and acceptance. Letting the shitposters roam freely is passive.



>So you want this place to become a never-ending drama circlejerk like a certain other board that went to shit? It's an anonymous imageboard.

Asking *untW*termelon about tantra isn't circle jerking. Furthermore when I got guys like T*pp taking every post under the brownpill flag and saying I'm a horrible person cause someone thought tripcodes weren't a good idea, that's bullshit, and here's some fine examples:




^ This one especially, I would never threaten someone with magic save for self-defense, now T*pp's gonna go on about how I need to shed my ego again



Hop on skype real quick bud





You listen right now you schizophrenic delusional little piece of shit. You banned me and now the gloves are off. Game Over bitch. You can disable TOR from posting on /fringe/, don't worry I have plenty of VPNs and proxies. I will keep spreading the truth. Kenneth you are a retarded little bitch, you are crazy, you are worthless. Enjoy your suicide.



Hi newfriend, hop on our board!





I would also like to invite you folks over to /fringereborn/ as well. We're much more lax but essentially the same thing.



Hey treehuggers, want a new chan?

If we build it, will you come?




If you want to make a new spiritual board then why are you asking a bunch if folk that hardly know what they're doing esoterically speaking and why is that number important?



Number? Name you mean?

I care for the community, if I am to be responsible for hosting and moderation its good that you know that im just your regular crazy person who hear voices telling him to "build it and they will come" if he loosens his solar plexus and not some CIA op.


Alright guys it's time to raise the quality in here.

Post pictures of cool shit you own/have done, like that one anon who posted his walking stick and the story behind it.

Is it possible to see auras/subtle perceptions through digital photographs? I imagine it isn't possible, but neither is any of this shit.


Can we integrate Goodreads or something? I want to see the shit people create, get into the creation aspect of shit. Get a stick, enchant it, that type of thing. Touchstones, gem storage, geometric house layouts/energy dynamic feng shui… more pictures from anons. IMAGEboard. A book app would sort of sweep the repetitive book shit into a centralized node with easy interfacing for archived book reviews, comments, discussions, databasing (expand the library through the easy to update app, even if just the metadata to know what /fringe/ folks read).



There will be a thread up by tonight in which we will discuss features like this and our godsent codemonkey by name of Travis is full of amazing ideas and gives off an air of brilliant competence.

From my part there will be complete dedication and for what Travis can't code I will use all my resources to employ friends and acquaintances who can.

This vision and project is a stepping stone to something greater, I have confidence in the final result.


File: 10bd5ddc0dc275e⋯.jpg (335.9 KB, 1200x849, 400:283, 10bd5ddc0dc275e0da1aef9340….jpg)

In recent years I started seeing the time 11:11 and 22:22 so often, I can't help but wonder if there is some significance to this.

Or is this just confirmation bias?


>what Travis can't code

Bitch please.


I've had it too. I have no idea. Sometimes it seems to indicate I'm on the right track. Other times it feels like I'm causing it. Trust the ones you genuinely don't expect.





How about Occult Media/Live Stream? All the big names we want to get updates on are up on a feed at the top/side/bottom of the site.

We can get vetted anon profiles up there too. "Oh hey Tipp posted an image of his STAFF on Twitter. BAN HE."

Oh fuck guys I might be a shaman. I think instead of spirit it's body though. Red learns White, White learns Red. This Hawk is looking so fucking intense. Fuckin' Atreides. Fuckin' Griffith. Fuckin' Reinhardt.



You've got plenty many good ideas, save them for the thread tonight, I need to bounce for a bit.



I suggest /occult/ as well. Board is already set up with decent stuff.



But what is the importance of seeing something like that?

Is there any meaning?


How do I get someone to fall in love with me over the internet?

I've tried using some of the Seals of Solomon (specifically, the First, Second, and Third Pentacles of Venus), but I haven't been seeing any results so far.



I'd say the importance is contextual. Depending on what you are doing or thinking at the moment the synchronicity happens. And I'd only say it's relevant if it is genuinely unexpected.

Once you start playing the "catch the dubs" game on the clock intentionally you'll find it becomes really easy to do so (and meaningless).



All right then, thanks.


Occasional reminder that WWII ended the last golden age of human science and we have been living a lie as cattle ever since.

No end in sight.



I was being ironic, personally I suggest either /fringereborn/ or Tipp's site



For the love of god don't make my mistake, if she doesn't already like you and you're powerful enough to completely stomp their will, it'll really fuck em up mentally. She was a bitch, it was just a test, but nobody deserves that, the look on her face when she saw me was, like she'd been raped, poor girl




Its your guides telling you you're balanced and synched to your life path, I've been getting it since I started cultivating love and kindness



Daily reminder that not even Franz Bardon was inedian and yet we have one



Assuming he's a legit inedian. We might be living some kind of awakening, but it's in the shadows, surrounded by bullshit and human moral misery, manipulation, lies, intentional setback of sciences.

Damn Montalk. I hope he's as delusional as I always thought he was regarding the alien invasion.



Just looks a wwa fan club. You can't get more echo chamber than that.


Guys! I just figured out what this world full of self obsessed knowitall douchebag faggots needs!


We need people who think they transcend all the laws of reality to go around telling people that their delusions are now reality!

Fuck trying to work with people and make something reasonable out of this chaos. Join the magic wizard clan!

The sky is gonna be pink starting September 23!!! Because this wizard said so! It is in all the books! If you don't know this, then you need to go buy a wand and start masturbating to sun cycles.

Just don't forget to take your meds every night or your latent psychosis might creep up and interfere with your fun games!



I'm going to wait until the sky is pink September 23rd a regular occurrence where I am and take a picture for you. Hail Eris faggot!



>Not sure when this board was created but it could not have existed for more than 2 and a half years relatively.

It's been around for nearly 5 years now.

?I see what you're getting at. Perhaps we have different approaches on what we consider the solution, and thats okay. But I feel a tad frustrated seeing a place I like a lot being shat up, and I feel a responsibility to do something about it.

You're shitting it up right now. You're creating a revolt and causing all the shitposters to shitpost more by not actually talking about magick or doing anything worthwhile right now.

>I completely agree that drama is stupid, but it is also easily handled. I am not trying to condescend to you but I have quite a bit of experience handling drama both IRL and on the internet, and its a lot, a lot easier than you think.

I know how to handle it and it's not through useless mod tools. You just get spergs like this: ( >>106716 ).

>Yes, but the fundamentals of a board like this somewhat require identities.

No definitely not.

>If you put it that way it sounds bad, but yes. Vigilance and perseverance.

So instead of trying to understand them and talk to them you're just going to use muh banhammer on them and think it's going to go anywhere? Ask how that's working out for the owners of >>>/pol/ and >>>/4chon/

>Fair criticism. But I think there is a difference between being passive and acceptance. Letting the shitposters roam freely is passive.

Try talking to them and reforming their behavior instead.

I've been rather absent because I've been doing a lot of personal magickal work with drawing out suppressed and negative stuff, externalizing it, interacting with it, understanding it, and reintegrating it in a harmless way back into my personality and I feel it's been making more efficient and less constantly drained but it's a lotf work. Now I guess this is a sign from God I need to do some operations concerning /fringe/ and heal the macrocosm.



>We're much more lax but essentially the same thing.

No you're not you're the very opposite of lax you're more uptight with a whole bunch more rules like "don't be mean to each other guys".

I'm just going to remove rule 5 fuck it.


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There are some pretty nice pics in that board.

/fringe/ is also nice, but it's a spawning ground for dick pics and people literally eating turds.

I'm going to leave this here for later because I'm not at home: https://pastebin.com/2ZtvKN1g


>it's not through useless mod tools

I don't think the tools that an imageboard offers are suited to moderate this kind of community. The balance between anonymity and the ability to ban people are essentially raiding the bard is not right.

By the way, I'm still interested in hearing about the meditation that told you to merge with the Ganges and all that stuff from a couple days back. Have you had any more revelations? What do you think that was all about?



*that are essentially raiding the board



Finally, fuck




The community doesn't need moderation beyond the absolute bare minimum and any rules that can suppress someone's freedom of expression by demanding others be "nice" or such.

You guys need to fuck off of imageboards if you want a regular heavily moderated forum with reputations, identities, and permanence.

/fringe/ is the magickal hardcore and was founded by a bunch of nazi wizards bent on political power and changing reality; and they have been tremendously successful while you live and light hippie fags change nothing



Very much true. Any books written after WWII are largely worthless.



Is everyone in your life made of straw?



>Read a new Kahn thread

>Take his advice


>It's not really Kahn

Yeah, tripfags reee, right Bois?



Lel, he's salty


File: 798761329d41b79⋯.gif (36.62 KB, 309x200, 309:200, laughingatsaltyfaggets.gif)

>/fringe/ is the magickal hardcore


What about just having your posting rights tied to a password so that the mods can ban your ass effectively? Systemspace did that I think.

Also this

>>106777 (magickal tripos checked)

In a place like this, knowing the background of someone is sometimes important. Tripcodes have a use.





File: 1b3a829079c72e0⋯.jpg (432.68 KB, 1000x1166, 500:583, fug.jpg)

Where is the name field?

t. ebil shidposder


File: bb9e84f81f431fe⋯.jpg (4.73 MB, 4288x2848, 134:89, man thinking.jpg)

I've been thinking that the name fringe is too synonymous to cringe

What should be the new name of this place, any suggestions?


Is magick greenpilled?







/fringe/ - Bullshit Occultist General



Epic 'pill meme my man simply epic!


The problem with (((buddhists))) is they're delusional bullshit occultists who think that they somehow have authority to decide how people should act and think they are the shepherds of mankind. (((Buddhists))) are literally the same as kikes.


How can a community of people who are supposed to be working on improving themselves spiritually be so fragile and full of butthurt bullshit?

I sometimes think you guys are just having fun, but you are really salty, huge egos, a fuckton of emotional issues steaming out of your ass 24/7. Like, what the fuck is wrong with this place?

How many people have actually done ANY shadow work?



I have powers you could not even imagine you mundane. I could reach out and kill you instantly. Learn your place or die.



gas yoursef schlomo



>good name

>bullshit sissy wizard

>literally 17 years old

Lmao simply ebin, simply…ebin


File: 86caf4d96ed6ce4⋯.jpg (16.61 KB, 214x225, 214:225, _20170622_033628.JPG)


What's your problem with me? Why do you insist on ruining my good name?



Why do you have a problem with me? Why do you insist on ruining my good name?



jelly fagit? I don't have to prove shit to you



You can't prove shit to me kid, because you're literally a teenager and therefore worthless lmao.



Your just projecting.

Smiley and tipp are adepts, and kahn and AuntWatermelon are ascended masters. /fringe/ is the most powerful place that has ever existed.. We are the future of humanity…





File: 82d42d0fda4ba0b⋯.jpg (407.1 KB, 1330x748, 665:374, download (1).jpg)


How can I be projecting if I'm literally the only one not shitposting constantly with no contribution whatsoever to anything else than shitting up the board?



You are clueless, kid. But it's nothing personal. You juts need to learn the lesson



>sees people shitting in an ocean of shit


>nobody listens


/fringe/ was never good

it was always bullshit occultism by retarded neophytes

literally everyone here is a neophyte

this board is worthless



You have no idea how powerful I am..

I'm only 13 but already on my way to becoming an ascended master.. I can already levitate and will soon be an adept.. Shut up if you don't know what your talking about okay?



Do you even know who you're talking to? I got my anus wings before you were even in second density preschool.

My balls' wings have wings. I could snuff you out in an instant without even activating my kundalini chakra.

Adept my ass.



I killed a kid that was bullying me with magic lol, I'm like super poweful you don't even know..



Yeeeh mon keep scratching me.


I am a living god, filthy mortals.


File: c8d01f51590c3a2⋯.jpg (133.52 KB, 700x618, 350:309, 1414620532914.jpg)


You're really trying aren't you? You can't piss off ol'brownpill, its impossible



Why don't you go tell your parents people are bullying you on the internet kid. LMAO







Idc lol



Did you have a nice day again at school today? How's the luck with the girls going son? Or are you one of those homosexuals.




Want to talk about something productive?

I'm still curious and you haven't really told me to fuck off. So, what are your thoughts?



>How's the luck with the girls going son?

Hehe, terrible, even as an 8/10, finding a girl with any sort of moral compass is absurdly difficult, there was this one girl who was thicc, aryan, and sheltered, and she liked me for a while, I honestly thought she was my twin-flame, but pure luck we got separated before we could form any bonds, 6 months later now and I depth pointed her to see how she feels and she doesn't even miss me, whatever I'm supposed to learn from this, I don't know




>moral compass





I'm not gonna be the guy who didn't try. I'm worthy of my waifu, and I deserve my waifu, if I die trying so be it, but I won't stop until I find her



Whats your sign? Fixed or mutable?



Aren't you the same kid who said he'd sodomize a man if he looked girly enough?



With your insecurities, much like smooth bum teenage girl, projected all over you two might be a good match.



*unzips dick*

bend over fuckboi



Gemini, why?


So I was just thinking that if thehyperrelative relation of thefifth chakra tothemundalini vector is inverse that meansthatoursouls have ears.And if oursoulsare madeofjellyweare obviously martians.If wecamefrom mars thatmeans humansarealiens andaliens areanimals. But how can we bealiveifnothing isalive.Who is hereamIhere alonewhat are yousaying huh whois this. Hello?



That was before I realized why sex is sacred, it's part of the passion, it's part of the love



It's OK to be GAY



Mutable I guess, why? Pls respond bb




we must kill those who opposeour will destroy those who destroy them destroy kill kill kil killl them alllllllllllllllllllllll



no reason in particular, maybe.


you wil all be destroyed for this impertinence hahahahahahhahahahHHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAH youwill p''apayyyyyyyyyyyyy dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee





Am I fucked, give it to me straight doc,



You've got a terminal case of "bullishitius occultisme", very deadly, I'm sorry. It will progress into schizophrenia and eventually you will kill yourself. Enjoy your suicide.



Is it okay if I depth point you to see what frequency your on? I'm wondering if you're a fedora, a jew, or just mundane



depth the point of my dick kid suck it



Let me curse you bby ;) I have no roots.



Only person cursed is yo momma for having a mentally ill son like you boy



Okay, I'll take that as a no


Fedora please, you couldn't even charge a sigil


>needing sigils




Smiley is an adept and uses sigils.



they have their purpose for sure, focal point, casual cursing but meh, if i can pick up on your energy signature by your post i can do anything i want with you.


allow me to curse you.



Allow me to curse you



>depth pointed

Please explain or give me relevant reading material.


Stop practicing (((magic))) you idiots. Don't you realize it's exactly what (((they))) want? All (((magic))) was created by kikes, it's disinfo and does nothing. Wake the fuck up, take the redpill come home white brother.





>hurr durr durr i can read ur energy signature from ur post durr

bullshit occultist

How about this, quote minimum (10) posts of mine, posts by me and me only. You literally can't because you're a BULLSHIT SISSY WIZZARD.



Okay just allow me to curse you.You may not believe me but I've killed thousands with curses. You underestimate my power.




>come home white brother.

Sorry that is >>>/polk/ you have that confused with. Only people that use /pol/ are cringe tier kekistanis.



ahahahahahahahahaha not all of those were mine tho

bullshit sissy wizard CONFIRMED


>thinking i'd waste time watching your fat ass




im not even fat im only 260lbs you stupid dumb dumb


my point is you're relatively easy to spot, you're projecting the same insecurities of yours in every post.



> stupid dumb dumb




got bitch tits and complexes all over huh?


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I'm glad someone still cares, from my experience IIH can give you a good general parameter for practice, but to understand it you really need Rawn Clarke's Bardon Companion special edition.

As for practice, at first you'll get nothing, it'll seem stupid, but after a few months you start to just "feel" certain things, it's like invoking something without knowing what you're gonna get, that's the "essential meaning", the unique energy signature of any given thing. I guess I still don't absolutely know I got it for sure, but I say that everytime I get a new siddhi, so I'm pretty damn sure






Nice, muh nigga!


Was it the Fecalmancer that said you can use a magically charged gas pass as a powerful incense?


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Give me permission to curse you.



>Nice, muh nigga!


Yeah, really useful even at the most basic level. I was trying to work up the courage to talk to my this Aryan waifu after about 6 months of isolation, but I just figured I could try this. I was expecting she'd be either really mad, or think I just ghosted her, but no, I divinated that she just didn't care, lost interest in me. Saved me one hell of an awkward scene on the bright side, and maybe I might find my flame now,



Translation: I'm a pussy who didn't want to put in work to make a relationship last so I decided to fall back on good old bullshit occultism and tell myself I "divined" some bullshit and gave up.



Yeah, I guess I was a sissy faggot, I should've been skipping classes and sneaking out of the house before I just gave up, but whatever, it's over. Whatever comes next, I'll be a little more experienced



Don't worry. Jamal's thicc nigger dick is satisfying her more than your little white boi micropenis ever could, ayy yo.


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Anybody know what happened to that channel Audioenlightenment on youtube? It seems it got hit with a copyright infringement and was deleted.

Anybody knows where to find those audios? His voice was pretty awesome and I want to listen to the emerald tablets again but none of the other people online have a voice like his.




Whatever, I felt her signature today, she's just not the one for me anyway, I could care less what she chooses to do in ignorance




I liked her because she was kind and loving to all, radiantly happy, (and thicc). But she was mundane, blue-pilled, wouldn't accept any other doctrine. It just wouldn't have worked out


>tfw i came up with IIH physical exercise for step IV out of the blue before even knowing that book existed

>came to /fringe/ to talk about it months ago because it works very well

>nobody paid any attention

Yeah, I'm boasting. It feels very good to develop the same technique that master Bardon developed, independently :)

I should really go to bed now though.



Kek, nice job



Go to bed kid, mommy will get mad it's past bed-time.



Mommy's dead bro…







When all is chaos, what power emerges? What rules the chaos in the dark times of humanity, a civilization, a group? How about… what COULD emerge… If everyone thinks themself a wizard, someone will try to actually become something truly god-like.


>/fringe/ is the magickal hardcore and was founded by a bunch of nazi wizards bent on political power and changing reality; and they have been tremendously successful

I wish this were true…


The problem with you and others is that they let Buddhists push their buttons instead of getting their authority-shepherd mega-boner on and just doing and saying whatever the fuck they want to whoever, guiding people into the active volcano.

i.e. develop your own spiritual code or storm or volcano; make sure to ruthlessly steal whatever looks good because fuck it.


The spirituality thing is only some of us. What you're noticing is a general "human moral misery" as >>106752 mentioned. More than likely we are all LIVING in shadows, so, shadow survival rather than shadow work. Shadow megalith projects, civil shadow engineering, shadow railroad, shadow capitol, shadow nation, shadow economy, shadow civilization.


pls. Alright let's change things up here;

>You're an Initiate when you can perform some magic undeniably.

>You're a Neophyte when you can do something serious, like heal people, or just flashy cool shit like crackle with electricity and fuck with technology/wiring.

>You're an Adept when your anime powers are beginning to blossom into full flashy seriousness.

>You're a Magus when history books are written about you and the other worlds know of the existence of a NEW MAGUS ON EARTH (rare event), with all your anime powers n' shit in full dick swing, and you're THE political force of our age. Welcome God-Emperor.

>Forget being a Master, you'll have left this board behind long ago and redefined what magic and reality is by the time you reach Magus. I'm not sure how psychadelic, mind blowing and reality shattering being a Master is, but travelling to other worlds and astral projecting, interacting with machine consciousness, casting fireballs and lightning, killing at will with your mind, is all basic in comparison. Perhaps it's just a refinement and wise honing of being a Magus… perhaps it's something much more.

Serious power gap between Neophyte and Magus that is overcome by getting out of a Neophyte mindset and hubris, folly and ignorance, weakness and laziness.

But why is there so much shitposting.


Initiates. Not even Neophytes. Maybe 5 neophytes total have browsed this board in the last year.



It's how deep into a subject/object you have to go to understand and know the answer/result is true, or what the answer/result is.



Bruh neophyte is below initiate

There are no initiates on the interney because the internet is hell



Ah oops.

There should probably be an Eastern version of this to be honest. Qi vs Mana heh.



I actually overslept and was late to work today… Will heed your advice next time.



>A person who has learned a lot of magick, probably studied at least a minimum of one year, read multiple books, engaged in a variety of practices with enough success in magick to not take the doubters seriously anymore. He has achieved gnosis, he's seen some shit, he's got results. He knows there's "something to it" and doesn't doubt his path any longer. Considers himself a wizard, is able to help others along the path and teach them as well.

There are plenty of initiates here



That definition is where most of us seem to plateau or get distracted.


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>Damn Montalk. I hope he's as delusional as I always thought he was regarding the alien invasion.

hes not

they're here, they're always been here.



Only the most dedicated occultists become adepts


Can anyone recommend me a reliable site to get my astrological birth chart from?








Good one, its my intepretation that they are indications of being on the right path or having found a new path


How to best deal with the passing of someone dear?



Cliche as fuck but time heals all wounds.

You might not feel something right now, it could take days, weeks or months until you have subconsciously dealt with it and let it all out in one form or another because you got reminded that you will never experience what made him or her so special to you again.

Cherish the memories and accept it, learn what you can from it and feel feels stronger every day after because you shine with the best memories of the passed one along with your own light and in this he or she will live on in you.



Tipp you're chad right? So I've been flirting with this girl since January but it got awkward and I stopped talking to her since March, I've even walked past her on many occasions saying nothing because I'm afraid she hates me now. Am I fucked, can I get her back? pls resbond bb



Also she used to really like me and I depth pointed her and she's disappointed in me. What do?



If this is a fuckin' initiate then Master of Masters is ONLY THE BEGINNING.

That should be the definition of Neophyte to be honest.

People get lazy because they hit the "halfway point" of the ranks and feel like they accomplished something. It also coincides with the general point of "I can do some magical shit, but I'm too lazy to be any better at it." and "Some magical shit" is usually quite low tier, if we take magic for granted. If we just assume "magic is real" like we grew up with it and everyone is doing it, then we see that we are barely at, or not even at, the 1/2/3/4 pl8 equivalent in weight lifting.

Where the 2/3/4/5 people in here? Neophyte => OBULLSHITIST, Initiate => Neophyte, Adept => Initiate, Magus => Initiate, Master of Masters => Magus.

Let's be honest here, LET'S BE QUITE FUCKING HONEST HERE -→ You have to move past your reverence for Thoth and Hermes if you're going to surpass them, or even reach halfway to where they are. You have to raise the standards (3/5/7/9 pl8 & judo championship trophy ???) to get better results.

If we had a verification system for ranks… or rather, if we had a thread where we demonstrate our magical shit, that would be awesome. Get an OpSec thread stickied and we're golden. OpSec part II: electric bugaloo; Magic OpSec (hide those magical crumb trails). With a couple of stickies like that… we can get some shit posted, see Neophytes make people walk around the left or right of eachother, grab the attention of specific people in a crowd, change the wind direction, heat up a thermometer in the hand to 105F, and attract specific kinds of people to places (e.g. a red headed woman) and etc.


Does anyone have a link to khan(?)s old threads about energy works?? Some of the best material I've read before and could really use it atm


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Nigga a magus is an occultist who is absolutely perfect in every form of magic. They, only he currently, is a literal madgod, absolutely believing whatever he thinks up, and instantly changing the universe in whatever way intended, big or small. Hermes was a magus before your spirit even existed, (metaphorically speaking). You simply cannot surpass Hermes in any way because he is the archetypal embodiment of knowledge and magical power. The only things stronger than Hermes are the most abstract universal laws like growth, and The All itself, Hermes is the last point of power you can reach before you start to lose your identity, to be any more powerful means to become something more than human, in it's absolute apex potential





Is it unusual that I have no memory whatsoever of the first four years of my life?




It doesn't say that in the ranks at all… plus, those who write about things greater than themself always exaggerate the omnipotence and omniscience and omnibus of a thing (person) and downplay or ignore all the limitations and faults and foibles.


Help! I need to destroy thoughtforms or even entities. I don't care if it's a shotgun approach.



>Master of magic

>Master = perfection

>Magus isn't perfect bro




Y tho?



Well there's the good ole' chi approach.


>Yin and Yang

>5 elements

>Qi Gong Movement Arts

I think it was Robert Peng, but as part of qi mastery he was taken into a graveyard during a particularly active time for the dead and meditated there. A dark cold thing went for his kidneys, and he had to burn through it. After he learned how to burn that shit off him, he then took in a shit ton of evil per instruction, to lighten the load on the planet and others. Strange thing. The former is more relevant in this case, but the point is that you don't have to evoke a spirit to get rid of spirits, that you can just use your own bioenergy.

The Master Key by Robert Peng and other qi books, along with some intuitive exploration and meditation, will suit ya. Get into martial arts (cultivate a killer, fighting spirit) will bias your energy expression towards effective offense and defense… as in, your Stand powers will blossom and ORAORAORA some niggas.


While I respect your trips, Master =/= perfection when imperfect people are claiming who is and who is not a master. A master on another planet could be 100x a master on our planet. Open your fucking eyes, you're in a field where deception, lies, secrecy and misdirection are a standard mode of operation. Stop pretending you can see through it like you're a master yourself. It's pure ignorance to take this shit for granted or accept things at face value.

Come on. What naive trust in the words and reputation of the shining. There has to be internal standards and definitions to contrast the external.



>A master on another planet could be 100x a master on our planet

Perfection is perfection, there is no higher step



And you seem to be unfamiliar with the fallibility of your human condition. Don't worship because others do. Stories are stories. And you seem too easily impressed. "Perfection is perfection" can you put the cock deeper down your throat? Need some warm honey water for the soreness? How can you blindly trust in what you've been told, in the story weaved by others? There's a severe lack of vigilance and discernment in this community; these faculties must be exercised at every turn.

The breadth of vision of a raindrop.



I don't understand your psychology here, are you trying to say that perfection is an abstract concept? Yeah, of course, but with the gap between high-magus and 1° magus being someone who knows everything vs someone who knows almost everything, the gap isn't too significant



Do you have bushy eyebrows? You seem to be metal incarnate my friend



They drive me towards misery and death. thou latter doesn't bother me.



Just banish 'em. You don't have to kill a pack of coyotes to get them to stop biting you



>thou latter doesn't bother me.



Damn dude, when I go into hypnogogic trance I hear laughing from familiar voices like my friends, sometimes shit like, "He's behind you", a minute ago I heard, "ROMANOV", and when I looked it up it turns out it was the Russian tsar family that had ties with Rasputin, an adept I thought was cool recently. I can't wait to start ap



I'm saying you can't know if someone knows everything, and you can't know the limitations or powers/abilities of these individuals. You have no idea what EVERYTHING even is.


No. I'm like Batman, I adopted the darkness, while others were born in it. Growing up I was especially sensitive, and eventually had to throw myself head first into a completely Metal way of being. Being a Wood/Fire prominent Water type, I've been quite successful.

Swearing off temptations and desires was the best thing I've done for myself, starting at 11. Self-control is an amazing thing. I'm glad I learned it thoroughly. Gotta learn some other shit too though; I'm not sure what an elementally integrated person is like exactly, but I have my impressions of exemplary individuals over the course of my life time that should guide me to an answer of such a question.

Anyway, when did you gain interest in the 5 elements? Do you practice them? I've been practicing for a few months or so now, and am getting quite good at it. Usually takes me 3 months to get something to stick (depth point?) and carry on by its own momentum, with opportunistic additional "pushes" afterword. Kevin Chan is rather great at Ba Zi. It's difficult finding anything about the 5 elements directly, though I haven't looked too hard, but Ba Zi is a wealth of info to connect back to the 5 elements and how they exist within people and civilization.



Ah I got carried away. I even compared myself to Batman, ha.

Being goal and strategy oriented (mentally at least), I see it as counter-productive to live under the tree canopy when the goal is to grow above them, and the strategy is to get as much raw sunlight and rich earth as possible. Don't thank the tree for its filtered shit. Get out of that phase where direct sunlight burns, and start rising. I'm honestly quite the subjective thinker in that regard, so just tend to your own growth. However, it's still folly to trust in what you've been told by others.

If being more metal will improve your discernment and give you whatever that special ingredient is to read between the lines and think for yourself, then be more metal.

My Month pillar is Yang Wood over Horse, which is Yin Fire and a small bit of Yin Earth, with Yang Fire outward expression/form. https://kevinchanbazi.wordpress.com/2014/06/01/month-pillar-the-one-that-decide-all/

This means, I'm a growth and guiding oriented person, slightly nurturing. The guiding/nurturing side is expressed as persistence. Rather perfect for a teacher or coach. I find it highly accurate. Go check out your own month pillar.


Alright I have a problem. I think I have burnt myself doing energy work. Some spots in my skin feel like they've been skinned. They are very sore and hurt to the touch, but the skin looks and feels perfectly normal, there seems to be nothing there.

There's one spot right below my left nipple and another one directly opposite, in my back.

The fuck is this? I don't have any allergies or anything like that.


You might find interesting to read the Exegesis of Philip K. Dick. At any rate, like always, it's 90% meaningless noise (or playful thoughforms if you wish).



Yup. You burnt a fuse, either keep pushing energy through that broken fuse in hopes it will acclimate and heal now being able to deal with more and more varied energy or drop doing energywork if you think you are at risk of severe mental health issues (and you're not in a place to deal with that right now) such as losing foundation or drive, if this happens see option 1, analyze the injury and transmute accordingly, the question is "Why or what wasn't strong enough to carry this quantity or quality of energy over from left to right hand."



Alright, thanks. Time to regroup and do some work.

Yesterday I got mad at my computer. Something that hadn't happened in quite a while.



Shit. I just remembered. A few days before this skin pain started, I felt very annoying and sharp pangs at the level of the muscles in that same area. It's as if it has "surfaced" or something.

I don't know shit about all this stuff.



Intuition is usually right.



The latter doesnt bother you because you know the former wouldnt stop.


Or maybe its because you think it would stop.

It wont (:^


Dear friends..

Can anyone receive spiritual assistance by non-physical intelligences? What steps can I take towards gaining such assistance?



Just b urself.



>tfw Yin Fire Month

>tfw it sits on top of Snake which is Yin Fire

>tfw it's apparently made of Yang Fire, Metal and Earth (does that even count?)


I think I have Yin everything tbqh… send help?



Embrace it. Tease her and she will make herself known, starting this month she is beautiful like never before.



For the record youre balling with heaven and earth during a time when i have never felt the duality express this violently before.

Make sure your heart is strong enough, if its not, fuck it, do it anyway and see where the madbess leads you.

I wouldnt miss out on the energies of this month if i were you but at the same time i would be careful.


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You can get "help" from many places, but you don't want to get it from some of them. Meaning, you could go the evocation route, but some spirits will try to trick you and shit.

If you are starting out with entities, I'd suggest a ritual consisting in a combination of LBRP and praying to your higher self / holy guardian angel / god.

Find something that resonates with your beliefs. That's usually the first step, though, knowing yourself, meaning getting to know what your subconscious is going to accept and what it's going to reject, because it is your communication line to the divine and if your subconscious doesn't let you, you ain't doing shit. So, know thyself.

Quite on point, actually:



See pic related. That's me.

I'll be on the safe side. Rather safe than dead.



Fire is masculine. The top is most obvious and outward like an aura, the animal is like the body, and the secret elements are like inward shit that peaks through the cracks of your body every once in a while, but none the less are always working for you.

Your element yin fire makes you a guiding force. You should guide others, or learn how to guide others. You could also go into entertainment, somewhere you shine and share warmth. Or you could think of it as the Dark Fire of Consciousness. The genius individualism that was gifted by Seth or Prometheus to humanity.

Yin Fire can forge Metal quite well. That means you can transform shit. Alchemical in essence. Forge your destiny. What god is yin fire for you? Hurting officer, Indirect Wealth, 7 killing, direct resource… which of the 10?

Just practice your Fire element for a while. Yang fire = persistence; yang metal = action; yang earth = trust. Apophis wanted to swallow the Sun by the way.



You will die many times over before the work is complete and then some more

If you manage to kill yourself, you win and get to live ;^D



>What god is yin fire for you? Hurting officer, Indirect Wealth, 7 killing, direct resource… which of the 10? According to What god is yin fire for you?

If I read it correctly my Yin Fire God (Ding) would be Qi sha (7K).

Just in case I fucked something with the earlier post: my Day is Xin (Yin metal) on Pig (Yin water) and Month is Ding (Yin fire) on Snake (also Yin fire)

My previous post was a tad melodramatic for sure. I think myself good at guiding others but it's much more difficult for me to guide myself.

I am quite popular. I am welcome everywhere, yet I do not feel I belong with them. Every so often my whole being is saying "I am not like them" but they do have "mundane" things I lack so we teach each other. "Mundane" as they may be they are not bad people.

At times I can manage incredible feats (creation, strong leadership in crisis, concentration, intuition) but feel somewhat burnt out after that, so some consistency would serve me well.

I used http://bazi-calculator.com/ but I have zero Chinese astrology experience so I do not understand most of it. I also checked the site you linked and I think this is my day master (if these combinations are supposed to be daymasters): https://kevinchanbazi.wordpress.com/2017/05/07/bazi-60-pillars-xin-hai-辛亥-odyssey/


There was an esoteric discord channel I went on about a week ago. I got the link from one of the threads but I think the link was deleted. Does anyone have the link? The name of the discord was "Sun society" or something along those lines.




Me again. By synchonicity I got delivered a Chinese astro reading. What it said rang true but I have no idea where he pulled the animals from. Seems to me he shifted the agriculture year(starts with tiger) by 2 weeks to line up with western astrological signs. Also no idea whether hour should be local or recalculated to China's time and maybe change the date because it would push it past midnight…. Lots of questions. Does this stuff even matter if one would transmute oneself? Except in determining the origin point.

Bottom line is this: In my "free internet chart" I had Two Pigs and a Snake, in his "paid expertise" I had Rabbit, Horse and Pig. But the info seemed legit and similar to what I saw in myself. Seems that is enough from the foreign occult cup and one should perhaps focus on what is closest to him.




Bamboo and oak are both perfect, yet different.

Unrelated note: Anyone read Initiation/Einwehung by Haich? (her autobiography in a story, it reads like a mixture of Twilight and Kybalion/IIH; I skipped right to the Ancient Egypt Initiation bit and found the shadow splitting most interesting). She also wrote a book explaining the Tarot initiation system (haven't read past magician though).


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Discuss the reaches and possibility of biokinesis binaurals/subliminal hypnosis(otherwise confirmed for working and for being reals) as not only changing the iris color, but the whole genetic makeup.

Could Nordic people be produced using sound technology?

Did jews use a malevolent biokinesis device to create the negroe?



Depends on your magical maturity. A random normalfag can't change anything, whereas there have been adepts who've changed themselves into completely different beings, like werewolves 'n shit



>Could Nordic people be produced using sound technology?

No, sound is merely a crutch, not the actual practice



no, if you're open and meditate the sound is more like a Panzer and you're like, a reall brave tank operator




Binaurals in general DO work for anyone, they don't need any effort or skill.



You're asking if sound can physically alter a man's racial genetics, and the answer is no. Complete genetic overhaul requires much higher magic, sound is merely a crutch



>just banish em

But how?



The same could be said for visualisation too, except you don't see normalfags instantly levitating after reading 'The Book of Knowledge. For the shit he's asking about you're gonna need alot more energy than just binaural beats



>implying normalfags read books



You really gotta come up with this on your own.

>Blow out with the intent of expelling any unwanted energy

>If it doesn't work at first you don't have enough power, keep doing it until it builds up enough

All is mind dude, your thoughts can literally hit enemy thoughtforms like solid objects



Its a metaphor





I believe one way to bring about those changes without requiring magus-level power would involve systematic rituals by trained magicians in order to nudge random genetic mutations over many generations.

But still, not practical at all.


Well, first of all, suffering is a chance to learn something you're going to have to learn sooner or later. So you might want to look into it deeper.

In any case, I've always had difficulty banishing using homemade or plain visualization techniques like >>107103 and it turns out heavily ritualized things like the LBRP worked great for me (I couldn't make my own made up rituals work until I completely shed my previous materialistic worldview). So don't get hung up on thinking "how" and experiment.

Experience is key in this business.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you dare respond to this post you are an egoic faggot and you should kill yourself.



> it turns out heavily ritualized things like the LBRP worked great for me (I couldn't make my own made up rituals work until I completely shed my previous materialistic worldview).

You're right, I should've taken that into account.


Unless you're at a level where you've done enough shit to realize the gravity of all your thoughts, you'll probably be better off with the LBRP like initiatebro recommended, but at the end of the day its all about thought and force, (energy)



This movie better not spawn anymore "woke" normalfags



How are they going to become anything else if they don't start by being woke normalfags?


I received over a 2 day period healing and have had the symmetry restored in my face and in my body in general. The whole right side of my body has been injured for a long time and most of it is now gone. What was involved in healing this was very intense, I was hanging out with a guy who regularly keeps all spirits in general, but especially negative shit far the fuck away banishing everything, and I basically ate an extreme ascetic diet of very high quality food, and he went full chad preacher on the neg shit and healed me a fuckload in just 2 days. Problems I've had for years now are GONE and my aesthetics are very much improved.



>You take away tripcodes in a place where trustworthy identity is vital,

Fuck off shill. Appeal to authority is shit. I have never once in my life followed or believed anything just because someone says it. I listen to everyone and expose myself to every viewpoint and figure things out for myself. If you're going to get anywhere, that's how you got to do it. Learn critical thinking, formal logic, and the rest; how to think – and stop trying to "save" everyone. Those who are meant to attain power and freedom will; the rest destroy themselves and it's hilarious.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What to do about these shills who post nothing of value, who sit on /fringe/ all fucking day shitposting, and who try to declare the board "dead" over and over like they've been doing for years now in an attempt to sway public opinion?

Seriously shills, stop complaining about the board, and read books and pray to god and do stuff. I'm too damned busy with the great work, constantly doing energy work, meditation, introspection, affirmations, reading synchronicities, etc. and it keeps me busy. If you're not happy go fucking do some magick or study and come back when you have something of value to say.

Funny thing how I took away rule 5 and 6 and you stopped breaking those two rules. You just broke them for fun to create trouble. If I add them back you'll probably keep breaking them; not because the rules aren't good (they are perfect and have good reason for them), not because you want to discuss drama, but because you're here to attack the board all day.

As of now I'm adding them back. However rule 5 is going to be modified slightly. I will only ban breakers of rule 5 when they are reported for it. No report and I just assume that the person being talked about in question doesn't mind. The exception will be obvious malicious doxxing attempts.

So for example if you want to reference Tripfaggot McPersona saying something like "Faggotface suggested doing this meditation blah blah" I'm just gonna leave it alone but if you're going to just shit the board up with stuff like dox posting and stuff that is clearly about attacking someone I will probably ban.

Also my sigil did everything I wanted it to - and it took only a few minutes to induce the trance, charge it, and caste it. It might be basic bitch magick but it did its job. Simple & effective. Deal with it.


Today in the astral I was a woman with blue hair and very beautiful. I was so happy. After awhile though I morphed back into a man.




Well there is all the different "classes" (thinking rpg here) of magic practictioner. In that sense, yes, spot on. As well, there's just people better at what you're already doing. The alien xenomorph superbreed.

As for the horoscope, there are fancy looking books on the subject that would clarify all of your questions, but I haven't read them and I'm a little uncertain of all the variables myself. Time zone matters yes. I've read that it's based on Jupiter and Saturn's orbit, 12 year Jupiter orbit and 60 year Saturn orbit. I'm not sure how the agricultural cycle synchs with that.


Fucking water element. I kind of had a dream similar. Water element as well. There was dancing and healing a connection with a someone with destroyed hands, that I had destroyed, because he was on the wrong side of some conflict. The whole place was some goddess god olympian shit and I was somehow in the body with a feminine counterpart. Male body though. Emotions personified and gendered. I was some sort of angelic olympian warrior. It was strange. In the end though it's just some Water shit with some precious Metal/Air (yin Metal) shit.


No one has to exercise their rights day 1. Day 3 would be a much better time.

Also not sure what the sigil thing is about but k. The video looked cool, I didn't listen to it but seems promising tracing the mind on paper then going for the sigil cast. I've done similar but instead I play piano or draw shit until I enter a trance, then dial it into art. It's weird because it doesn't hit on anything specific as I'm not trying to, but it all starts to become SOMETHING and it's just a great way to get your mind onto paper or into your music.


A name means people post their shit in chronological order, and informs our reason and decision making. "Well he's doing this crazy ritual that'll get him struck by lightning a thousand times and then he plans on becoming a god… but he also did all this other shit for 10 years, and I've been following what he's been doing for a while, and I'm only as good as he was his first year so I won't try it."

The rest you said is a result of trying to save others yourself, and finding that you're empty from self-neglect. Understandable, and I guess a sense of humor is good, but damn dude put the fire in the fire pit.


"All things are thoughts"

But doesn't this mean that the one who did, decided after having thought it? That doesn't make them one and the same at all. As well, where one does by instinct, you have to go through a couple degrees of separation to reach "thought".

Aren't we just overlapping our own belief system and images on top of reality? Isn't this the opposite of TRUTH? Aren't we deceiving ourselves and others? This is dishonesty, pure intellectual dishonesty. We are MAKING these things the truth, rather than actually perceiving what is true.



Fucking plato



Nigga you're over-thinking a grossly macrocosmic statement


>visualizing a girl I like

>Accidentally establish an astral tube and start to see her face in life-like detail

Shit, better stop thinking about her before I creep her out



This is more like knocking sand castles over in the playground. It's not macroscopic, that's what a belief does. A belief forces something into being a macroscopic truth or a microscopic nothing, rather than the thing being just as it is. No god-like omnipresence or existential nothingness required.

This is pure platonism. Fuck plato and his metaphysics. Use your damn brain instead of your astral hologram, which is just an extension of PLATONIST BELIEFS OF A WORLD OF IDEALS.

You could go at it the other direction, claiming that the idea that plato invented.. get it? .. was really perceptions of the subtle and impressionable astral dissection of reality. That would suggest an INVERSION of reality and thus stuck stagnant bullshit beliefs such as Platonism, like a damn rot. A misperception of an actual factual reality.

Think about it. Astral spirit world is perceived by learned greek man, and as a result you get the mother fucking WORLD OF IDEAS WHERE PERFECTION EXISTS like the civilized upright philosopher he fucking is, full of principle and virtues, eating hummus or what crock shit they ate, trying to spin up some metaphysics from a cluster fuck of perceptions and thoughts and culture and this n' that. Ideals and Axiomatic Meditations are the heirloom of the Greeks; aren't they just an ancient and primitive point in the learning curve of Astral-Spirit-Energy-Realm mastery? Are these just gropings towards a higher mountain of achievement? Then what the fuck are we doing carrying beliefs with us like golden idols, instead of going utilitarian about it? It's about pragmatism. That's why it existed, that's why it has existed, and we need to use the best tools available to us. Enough pompous "truth", the truth isn't here. I've looked for it, and had a better version of it before all this. This is about something REAL. Not spiritual, not metaphysical, PHYSICAL. It works, we can make it work, or it isn't worth any of our attention.



Any chance of getting senpai to notice us and teach us some stuff?


Nice. Good change.


I've had that, but she didn't seem to notice. How is it like for the person at the other end? What would she notice?



Not sure I understand but I will think on it.

Thank you for the recommendation in past thread. I got some and they are amazing!


Honestly the hour is in my opinion connected to circadian rhythm which would point to local time the rest should probably be adjusted. I think I will leave it at that. I played with an incredible tool which was unknown to me. I am glad I got at least some answers. That has to be enough and the universe is waiting for my next move.


Three questions today:

1. Perhaps loss/deprivation is sometimes useful in realizing value/need. There is some talk about how doing x before y is reckless and unsafe, but what is occult danger? How can a person get into trouble relating to occult practice? Specifically we would ask for the kind of trouble that has atleast some aspect that's interesting or spectacular.

2. Consider a person that is suicidal.. Isn't it more accurate to say that his/her ego, or some other component depending on which "psychospiritual" model we use, is suicidal. Can we consider the concept of ego-suicide? If the ego is creating pain and is aware of that situation, the ego might be willing die so that the remaining creature might be free of pain, perhaps substituting another ego. Is it possible then for the current ego to enter non-existance in a form of ego-suicide that is apart from physical suicide?

3. Another thought..

If we suspect that the consequences of a deliberate physical suicide are undesirable and do not solve the issues that brought it forth: Can we consider manifesting accidental death? In other words can we intend to die accidentally and manifest it like we might conventionally manifest good fortune, wealth, love, e.t.c.? What would be the consequences of such a death, would they differ from those of a deliberate suicide?

Sincere thanks for those who read, consider, and/or offer input.



>1. Perhaps loss/deprivation is sometimes useful in realizing value/need. There is some talk about how doing x before y is reckless and unsafe, but what is occult danger? How can a person get into trouble relating to occult practice? Specifically we would ask for the kind of trouble that has atleast some aspect that's interesting or spectacular.

A lot of times, "getting into trouble" written like that means relatively minor things that throw you off course and impede your progress for a time: emotional turmoil, household disturbances, money problems… But sometimes it can mean insanity, physical injury, disease or death. So…

As for loss, if it causes suffering, learn from it. If it doesn't, you don't care anyway.

>2. Consider a person that is suicidal.. Isn't it more accurate to say that his/her ego, or some other component depending on which "psychospiritual" model we use, is suicidal. Can we consider the concept of ego-suicide? If the ego is creating pain and is aware of that situation, the ego might be willing die so that the remaining creature might be free of pain, perhaps substituting another ego. Is it possible then for the current ego to enter non-existance in a form of ego-suicide that is apart from physical suicide?

Suicide is avoidance from pain. That means it's the ego. This of course supposing it's actual suicide and not just a cry for help or stupidity. I'm not very knowledgeable in the psychology of suicide. But in any case, it's the ego who wants to kill itself and we know that because the action is an avoidance of pain, which only the ego does.

The ego does not do anything for the sake of "the remaining creature" because the ego identifies with everything you are regardless if you identify with it. It is the ego who wants to be free of pain.

See >>107109 if you haven't.

>3. Another thought..

>If we suspect that the consequences of a deliberate physical suicide are undesirable and do not solve the issues that brought it forth: Can we consider manifesting accidental death? In other words can we intend to die accidentally and manifest it like we might conventionally manifest good fortune, wealth, love, e.t.c.? What would be the consequences of such a death, would they differ from those of a deliberate suicide?

I haven't done any experimentation with this, but given what I currently believe to be true about the nature of magic, it would be very difficult or even impossible to manifest your own death. Disease and pain, sure, but death? I don't think so.

You try it tho :=)



>1. Perhaps loss/deprivation is sometimes useful in realizing value/need.


>There is some talk about how doing x before y is reckless and unsafe, but what is occult danger? How can a person get into trouble relating to occult practice? Specifically we would ask for the kind of trouble that has atleast some aspect that's interesting or spectacular.

Potentially more dangerous as minor changes upstream can have major consequences downstream. You can experience something which you are not ready for, scarring yourself in the process, meaning you effectively take a step back (happens all the time but if its just one step it's np). Picking a fight with "adults" even though you are a "child." I suppose the biggest danger I can think of right now is permanently blowing your body's circuitry with high energy.

>2. Consider a person that is suicidal.. Isn't it more accurate to say that his/her ego, or some other component depending on which "psychospiritual" model we use, is suicidal. Can we consider the concept of ego-suicide? If the ego is creating pain and is aware of that situation, the ego might be willing die so that the remaining creature might be free of pain, perhaps substituting another ego. Is it possible then for the current ego to enter non-existance in a form of ego-suicide that is apart from physical suicide?

>3. Another thought..

>If we suspect that the consequences of a deliberate physical suicide are undesirable and do not solve the issues that brought it forth: Can we consider manifesting accidental death? In other words can we intend to die accidentally and manifest it like we might conventionally manifest good fortune, wealth, love, e.t.c.? What would be the consequences of such a death, would they differ from those of a deliberate suicide?

I do not believe ego WANT to die. It does EGOtistical things. I do not believe you "get punished" for the act of suicide, it's just that it isn't really the answer. If you were to manifest "an accident" it wouldn't solve your problem as in the source of why you want to kill yourself.

Incidentally I think there might be legitimate cases where suicide is the answer but those are fringe cases where one sacrifices oneself for one's highest ideal. Something that matters to one more than one's life. (Think heroic death.)



Yeah, did this start friday night at around 23.30-00.30 and stop around 4? If it did stop?


If it was me it wasnt intentional, its your own fault for creating a negative emotional connection with me. I played with polarity, want some help out?

What did the voices say?



>I've had that, but she didn't seem to notice. How is it like for the person at the other end? What would she notice?

I don't know, one time I did it intentionally to autosuggest a girl into fucking me, except I didn't try to camoflauge the suggestion I just imagined me fucking her from my perspective. I guess she kept having wierd thoughts of having sex with that wierd guy from his perspective and she just couldn't get it out of her head? Of course with the human intuition that those were my thoughts


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>Hehe, I almost haunted you to suicide, sorry brosef :^)

I thought we were better than this,



You don't need to depth point The All because, you're already within The All's depth point


One time I nofapped so long that I had a wet dream and the cum was chunky


Tipp, what happens if I ground and sungaze at the same time, meeting the yin and yang at the solar plexus?


File: bc5e19c2510c08d⋯.png (66.2 KB, 893x501, 893:501, 17ebe235c99e2880404235031f….png)

Was told to post this here so this girl's retardation can be deconstructed. Please respond


File: 2440c5acc480c4a⋯.png (80.16 KB, 300x170, 30:17, 244.png)


Great intro video. I'd recommend it.


<Seriously shills, stop complaining about the board

>stop voicing your concerns

<Funny thing how I took away rule 5 and 6 and you stopped breaking those two rules.

>wow why didnt you exercise the right on the first day smh im gonna put it back

>The exception will be obvious malicious doxxing attempts.

So what would you qualify as doxxing? When someone else actually gets doxxed, or when someone posts information about you yourself and your questionable past, like when you tried to kill yourself, including the time on camera with a knife, slicing yourself over and over only to be stopped by someone on the phone? Or when you attempted to buy a fucking sex slave over the internet? Or how you shill blind hatred of other races and women on other websites because once again you are insecure about yourself and your beliefs?

I grow tired of your over inflated egotistical power trip with this board, because there are genuine people here who want to improve the community but you are afraid that they will make changes that you are insecure about; especially changes that will expose your questionable past which you so desperately try to dissociate yourself from. By insisting on keeping these immature standards and atmosphere here on this board, you are repelling people more and more with your endless cycle of negativity.

Continue planting this seed, and you will bear the fruit of your negativity in time.


Avatarfagging nig-poster buddha flag anon is a poopy head. We don't listen to poopy heads around here.


File: 782dfe2b3c6ec3b⋯.jpg (9.72 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 782dfe2b3c6ec3b2b2719f5dcb….jpg)

Are people with schizophrenia more spiritually developed? They are often very religious in their own way and seem to be quite red-pilled, but it's like their thoughts are being interrupted (by something external?), so they can't express themselves coherently. Is there something supernatural going on? Are glow-in-the-dark CIA niggers real?



>Or how you shill blind hatred of other races and women on other websites because once again you are insecure about yourself and your beliefs?

Antifa confirmed.

>Continue planting this seed, and you will bear the fruit of your negativity in time.

You're the one sowing negativity by not letting people move on, bringing up their dark past over and over, being combative, and wasting your time on drama instead of discussing what the board is actually for.

Also you're talking only for yourself but think you're talking for everyone. It's you at the moment going on an over inflated egotistical powertrip. So much projection.

>By insisting on keeping these immature standards and atmosphere here on this board, you are repelling people more and more with your endless cycle of negativity.

There are many forums with the kind of moderation standards you want. /fringe/ is one of a kind and it's where you're spending your time. This place keeps growing year after year while those other places don't. Why are you here hating on the freedom that /fringe/ provides and not spending your time elsewhere, living in the anti-freedom dystopia you want?



I have actually legit seen people glow in the dark when my vision has at times changed over from normal vision to where I see their energy bodies. So glow in the dark CIA niggers are an actual thing, you just need to be able to see the energy body is the CIA niggers standing around in the dark, and they will glow. Schizophrenics are what happens when you have a lot of raw power but no discipline. Strong emotions, strong thoughts, but it gets wasted on creating negative thoughtforms that fuck their shit up. Terry A. Davis though is highly functional and speaks a lot of truth.


Sick of the indirect fucking ways everyone tries to reach their goals here. Just go straight to the fucking point, with clear cut boundaries and objectives. Jesus fucking christ.


Lay this shit out:

1. What the fuck are you all here for. It better be one fucking thing you shits. In fact, I KNOW it's going to be 10 different things. I'm choosing – WE are choosing one objective for our being here.

2. How the fuck are we going to reach that objective? And it's not "fuck around and see if shit ever gets done"– IT WON'T. Coherence and a direct fucking strategy. We'll figure it out.

That's it. Let's figure this shit out. In fact, I'll post a thread so I'll see you there (since this is a fucking questions thread).


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>Antifa confirmed.

Yeah we can leave /pol/ at the door for the dogma it is. I'm not saying races are "all equal bro!!!!", there are obvious differences in behavior both criminal and social. But blind black and white generalization is just plain out stupid. By the same logic, all white people are trashy crackhead meth users, just as all black people steal stuff and act like animals. Doesn't add up.

>You're the one sowing negativity by not letting people move on, bringing up their dark past over and over, being combative, and wasting your time on drama instead of discussing what the board is actually for.

I would absolutely love to have regular discussion, but with Smiley's lack of disciplined moderation solely ignored because he thinks he can repel shitposters on his own without moderation (he hasn't), the board gets shat up and filled with unnecessary bullshit because he refuses to listen to the will of the community on the board. He acts so high and mighty that he waves off people who raise criticisms against him as shills–much like a board you frequent.

>Also you're talking only for yourself but think you're talking for everyone. It's you at the moment going on an over inflated egotistical powertrip. So much projection.

Right thats why >>106871 this thread exists, totally just me saying this stuff. Nobody else is concerned at all, just me. Whose Tipp? Never heard of him. Brownpill? Nah he doesn't exist. Outeanous? Dunno. Omran? Sounds imaginary.

Thanks random /pol/ack who obviously knows these people and their concerns. I'm glad you were able to tell me their thoughts, I couldn't have done it without you.






Although I don't give a shit about my made up name. Everyone knows everyone in that thread is just you samefagging. Including myself.

You're lucky IDs aren't a thing in this board. Otherwise you'd be exposed and mocked by everyone.


File: 38d8956d44e70f4⋯.png (315.31 KB, 500x600, 5:6, 2f4.png)


>Everyone knows everyone in that thread is just you samefagging.




>assumes the intention of the sigil without it ever being declared as to what it does

Predictable; and thus controllable.


File: ccd372916baa16a⋯.jpg (11.11 KB, 320x180, 16:9, mqdefault.jpg)



Yeah man look at this its all me samefagging

Come on man, I'm fine with you insulting me but at least don't tell lies or make assumptions.


File: 67116e3f2fe2821⋯.jpeg (74.64 KB, 500x281, 500:281, images.duckduckgo.com.jpeg)



It was a joke. I thought it was obvious.


File: 3d0b35ca38498fe⋯.jpg (9.82 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


Oh shit, my bad, I'm totally fucking retarded when it comes to Poe's Law


File: 646a834ebf7b866⋯.png (160.37 KB, 1008x843, 336:281, Screenshot from 2017-09-03….png)


>claims his board has less rulefaggotry and is more lax about everything

>has already banned the few people that dared post on his board and for ridiculous amounts of time such as 1 year long ban


Oh also your reasons for your bans aren't valid reasons. You have 0 guidelines as to moderation policy and you aren't giving proper reasons for the bans.

/fringe/ has everything laid out extremely fucking clearly in its board pages so you can know exactly what breaks the rules and exactly what the length of the ban will be & mods are required to cite the rule broken for each ban.

You currently have 0 accountability, legislation, and due process and are proving you're a typical mundy shit mod like on /leftypol/, /pol/, and other boards who have retarded mods running a tyranny.

/fringe/ is an advanced civilization. Your board is less developed than a bunch of niggers in mud huts.



> lack of disciplined moderatio

He moderates exactly like the BO of >>>/tech/ - aka extremely well.

You're the undisciplined mod who thinks he can win a war with the shitposters purely through use of moderation tools instead of diplomacy.

>the board gets shat up and filled with unnecessary bullshit because he refuses to listen to the will of the community on the board.

You always think you speak for everyone and not just yourself. Also if there is any shitposter that needs to be banned right now, it's (you).

>Whose Tipp? Never heard of him. Brownpill? Nah he doesn't exist. Outeanous? Dunno. Omran? Sounds imaginary.

Ah a list of people that need to be gassed. It's too bad your board doesn't have a chance of going anywhere, as it could be cancer containment otherwise.


My dudes you are leaking loosh. The kind that nobody should absolutely unless they want to get sick.

You are also sagin a pinned thread.

Get a hold of yourselves.


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Beta orbiters make me sick



It was entirely unintentional.

i spoke to god in the unity and realized myself being the witness and actor to the show of infinite potential between duality and the spark they create, the infinite potential, the two principals showed themselves in the music, he was the logic and reason upon which she, the chaos could smile, every time the music hit a peak like when she smiled i was in bliss, she was like "I'm here" and then kissed me on the forhead, so i used the male principle and channeled the logic of the music through my body so that when the music hit a peak for her to express i would feel it in the body - during that my spine extended into the tree i was leaning on and grew into it and i could feel EVERYTHING and suddenly i was looking straight forward to another massive beautiful tree and on the left was the male and on the right female and then they merged and the tree was the spark which was the tree and BAM i'm a pillar of light breathing in tact with countless others next to me and i completely realize what chaos & order, what female & male, and positive & negative, all being vastly different are and i use that to channel the energy of the music from my body to between my hands and suddenly i'm holding a quantity of attraction, the now between my hands like a giant ball of energy that WUBS in its vibration, pushing out and dragging in in a constant flux and i can feel how everyones attention around me go zoom to me and i just drop it in fear of what i just did



Exactly what this guy said


Schizophrenia is The logical endpoint in magic, where you completely believe whatever you're doing. I call it, "The mark of the madgod", or "divine madness" is Buddhism



>This entire post

That's cool, do you know any way I could make my oatmeal less runny?


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Alright here is a more in-depth breakdown of why she is retarded.

The first question about being the eyes of the world is a false premise and a non-statement. Talking very vaguely and not saying anything of actual substance.

The second question is also vague and very broad in scope. It can be answered very bluntly and vaguely with "that which we experience". It's a stupid question.

The third question is for retard solipsists. Don't be a solipsist. It's also stupid because what exactly does the dumb bitch mean by "the main character" and "being concerned" about your role? Who the fuck cares and why should a solipsist care?

Third question is again posed to solipsists. Solipsism is a stupid defunct philosophy and her statement and thinking process there is irrational.

The part about choice is more blather. She offers no insights into the freewill discussion. She says nothing of substance at all there. Why is she talking about responsibility, heroism, villainy, and stories? It's all fucking vague nonsense / verbal vomit she's spewing.

Second paragraph is some cobbled together broken nonsense where she seems to have mashed together a couple half-written sentences into one sentence and never completes any thought there.

Third paragraph is meaningless unless you understand the baptist view of love. Without clarifying what she means by love, it is silly. The part about living without fear and being brave is stupid as well and I would highly recommend someone read Karma Yoga by Swami Vivekananda if they want to have some clear, cogent insights into bravery and fearlessness. Third sentence of the third paragraph is another appeal to the solipsist and also her contradicting herself and botching up trying to say "sort your priorities, look after yourself" aka her failing to state the truths contained in this chapter: http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/kyog/kyog05.htm

Fourth paragraph is projection of her own mentality/attitudes onto whoever she is writing to and failing to state principles in a simple and clear manner. It also is shit because when she talks about "conspiring in your favor" there is no contextual clarity present as to she she means by "you". The way she talks about being "part and parcel of something so much greater" is a retarded stating the principles of holism, unity, and correspondence. A really good analogy for what she is trying to express that she should have used is that you are a "drop in the ocean, individual, and yet inseparable, no clear boundary, but a cell within the greater body" aka man is a part of the body/mind of god and everything man feels and does is felt by god. When you understand this, you realize why when you have a very strong emotion, god responds strongly to it; for a strong emotion from a man is to god, like a sudden pain coming from one of your organs in your own body.

Her criticizing "self and other" and "right and wrong" is typical post-modernist egalitarian trappings. She thinks these things have to "be transcended", essentially stating without realizing it that "ethics is bad" and "individuality is bad". She is also basically saying that god is mysterious to her and so beyond her that she doesn't at all begin to comprehend god; which is definitely case as she is so fucking confused in her writing.

(part 1 of 2)



(part 2 of 2)

Next paragraph she talks about choices and says "you're entitled to them". This is just her stating her attitude of apathy and also at the same time dismissing you. When a person says something like "that's just an opinion bro" and "you're entitled to x" it means they're trying to diffuse their butthurt by stating that what you think and do doesn't matter to them. She has a tendency in her post to universalize btw, to speak in terms such as "we" as if she speaks for the whole world and not just herself.

Saying "the choices have chosen you" is irrational bullshit. Choices can't choose. Choices are choices. Choice does not refer to an entity, "an object possessing behavior". Choice is a noun. Noun: any member of a class of words that typically can be combined with determiners (see determiner b) to serve as the subject of a verb, can be interpreted as singular or plural, can be replaced with a pronoun, and refer to an entity, quality, state, action, or concept.

Her statement "you did ask for all this" needs clarification and is also just plain wrong. Clarification is needed as to WHEN you "asked for this", what form that asking took, etc. Her idea that we have signed up for the experiences we end up receiving in life is ridiculous and contradicts the very idea of the infinite. The biggest problem with this statement in particular is that she is ascribing to the notion of predetermination. The stupid cunt probably doesn't even know what "compatibilism" is anyways: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/compatibilism/

Next paragraph she states everyone and everything will come to an end then goes full retard by describing that end as a singularity. Her statement is not true. Here is a correct and very logical statement: All things temporal have a beginning and an end. The next two sentences where describes this "singularity" and "rebirth" just seems to be her fucking up on processing and understanding pop-science concepts. I'm just going to take a moment to recommend this book for reading as it deals better with concepts she is barely succeeding in articulating on or wrapping her mind around: http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1909arcaneteaching.pdf

Here is a special tip for recognizing truths. Truths are self-evident and rational. Every truth should always incur a "no shit sherlock" response once it's stated. If someone say something vague and clouted, deniable or highly open to interpretation, they are just blathering around.

Last paragraph of her first post she says to "take your time" and "it is yours for a reason". Again, more vague non-statements. Then she says "it also doesn't exist". The fuck does she mean by "it"? Is she saying time doesn't exist? That is retarded. Maybe she means to say time is relative and not absolute and that time lays on the foundation of timelessness/the eternal.

Next post she declares there is nothing to worry about. Basically at this point by spewing a lot of self-placating horseshit she has soothed the cognitive dissonance in her mind and is now making an affirmation to reinforce her attempt at self-placation. Then she spews a popular quote "the only thing to fear is fear itself" which is damned stupid, as fearing fear is actually a process to generate fear, just as loving love is a process to generate love. Aka like begets like ( http://montalk.net/notes/reality-creation-redux ). Fear should not be feared. Fear should be disregarded / transmuted into an inactive state. Fear is not a useful emotion unless you are a fear-junkie who wants to scare him/herself and create/attract circumstances in life that create fear within yourself. Fuck fear. Again, read Vivekananda when he talks about bravery and fear, his words are far more potent on this subject. Next thing she does is declare fear "doesn't exist", making a denial, and comparing it to time. Well bitch; if fear doesn't exist, love doesn't exist either. As an actual fact, they are one and the same thing, expressed in different degree of vibration. Cunt doesn't know what she's talking about.

Then she says "make you choice" and "it's all love". More nonsensical blather.

She is akin to a non-sentient AI chatbot that is processing popculture input and outputting some nonsense. This is why women are primitive mental invalids and can't produce civilization or write any philosophy.




tl;dr the dumb cunt is spewing solipsism, half-processed pop-science and quotations she doesn't know the context of or understand at all, being tremendously vague, making some basic affirmations and denials, arguing from false premises / strawmanning, generalizing, mystifying, projecting, assuming, half-annunciated incomplete thoughts, self-contradictions, egalitarianism, post-modernism, stating her apathy / indifference, not understanding the English language thinking "actions act" instead of "objects (entities to be more specific) act", and generally proving women are barely sentient.



Me the radical individualist shitting all over your collectivist impulse.




>Divine madness, also known as theia mania and crazy wisdom, refers to unconventional, outrageous, unexpected, or unpredictable antinomian behavior linked to religious or spiritual pursuits. Examples of divine madness can be found in Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufism, and Shamanism.

>It is usually explained as a manifestation of enlightened behavior by persons who have transcended societal norms, or as a means of spiritual practice or teaching among mendicants and teachers. These behaviors may seem to be symptoms of mental illness to mainstream society, but are a form of religious ecstasy, or deliberate "strategic, purposeful activity,"[1] "by highly self-aware individuals making strategic use of the theme of madness in the construction of their public personas"




>Avadhūta (IAST avadhūta) is a Sanskrit term from the root 'to shake' (see V. S. Apte and Monier-Willams) that, among its many uses, in some Indian religions indicates a type of mystic or saint who is beyond egoic-consciousness, duality and common worldly concerns and acts without consideration for standard social etiquette.[1] Similar figures (colloquially called 'mad/crazy monks') are also known in Buddhist traditions, such as the medieval Zen monk Ikkyū, and the 20th century Tibetan tulku Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. In Tibetan Buddhism the equivalent type is called a nyönpa (Wylie: smyon pa).



>>These behaviors may seem to be symptoms of mental illness to mainstream society, but are a form of religious ecstasy, or deliberate "strategic, purposeful activity,"[1] "by highly self-aware individuals making strategic use of the theme of madness in the construction of their public personas"

Divine madness is literally 88D chess


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>Banned 2 people for shitting up the board with "this board is like le reddit xdd" jargon

>Other person brownpill banned as a joke

>The rest are deleted test posts

Im sorry my dude but if you like reddit as much as the guys I banned you should stay over there with them. I wont have that shit on the board. Of course, you seem like you'd fit right in with your reddit bros.


>Banned two people for reddit jargon

>He disapproves of his fellow reddit brothers getting banned so he goes on le offensive xdd


Who hurt you two? Why are you so salty? Why are you saging a sticky?

These questions may never be answered.


Permaban me.


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Additionally, why is it that I am receiving such wise commentary from folks whom I've only had the pleasure of interacting with once or twice? Why do I have the creeping feeling that at least one of you are actually somebody else…?

Hmmm….suspicious indeed


/fringe/ is a cancer.

Yes, /fringe/ is unilaterally cancer, pure cancer. The discussions that take place here and trivial and meaningless, wastes of time. Nothing is accomplished here, nothing is created, nothing is born. This place is empty of value save the library which contains some good works.

Notice that Smiley spent years here, never changing and manically going in circles. When he finally stopped using this place all the time he progressed from being a completely delusional batshit insane sissy wizard to being a functionally boderline insane sissy wizard. Sure it may not be progress to you but for him its big progress. It's more subjective progress than any of you make.

Spiritually humans are fetuses. Give them the correct environment and nutrients, remove large stressors, and they will likely be born fine, given time. The amount of time they take to grow and mature is what it is, you cant force them to grow faster. Or rather you can but they will be born deformed and likely die, and if they do live they will be horribly disfigured.

In my opinion the absolute worst aspect of /fringe/ is the delusions of grandeur. The religious such as the buddhist poster who think they know "THE TRUTH!" and people such as tipp who think they are "enlightened" or whatever bs. Any notion of enlightenment is delusion. Anything that is true without circumspect cannot be translated to language or spoken. "The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding" strikes particularly true. All books, all so-called-knowledge, act only as forces to shape and culture the mind. A properly prepared mind can begin to recieve Truth, though in small amounts at first, directly from God/Tao/The All, whatever you want to call it. All the metaphysical discussion, the ramblings, the monologues, they have no more worth than the inane shitposts such as "kill urself my man LMAO", they are dead ends.

Simple words on a screen will not force people to look at themselves and see their own selves as they are. This post is as much a waste of time as any other, because I doubt any of you will be affected and will actually bother to consider these words. After all it's easier by far to believe what you have convinced youself of, to close your eyes and stare at the little corner you have created in your false reality.


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>The religious such as the buddhist poster who think they know "THE TRUTH!"

I don't know "THE TRUTH!", nor did I really claim to know the truth. Why do people feel the need to put words in my mouth? I know the dharma, thats about it, take it as you will. I just try to help others on here.

Surprisingly however, nobody has asked me about tantra, except others who are in a similar situation outside of /fringe/, which is essentially the esoteric/magic(big question mark because I wouldn't necessarily classify it as magic) part of Buddhism.



>I know the dharma

And if you actually knew what that statement implied you would realie the absolute and total arrogance of such a claim.


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Yeah okay sure dude definitely man I'm going to take advice from you a random gondola guy on /fringe/ about Buddhism rather than my several mentors and teachers including Lamas and Rinpoches who have spent countless hours researching, studying the dharma and teaching others so that those who learn from them may know the dharma as well thanks dude you're truly a help



>Nothing is accomplished here

Actually a lot of is accomplished here and furthermore a lot more is accomplished elsewhere by the Fringe Wizards who come from here.

>nothing is created, nothing is born.

So? Fringe deals with the eternal, the timeless, etc. – truth is ancient.

That said, fringe has spawned a shitload of memes, has crashed a plane with no survivors, has created the worship of ebola, has elected a president, and started the meme magick phenomenon. It has literally revolutionized the world, kill thousands of niggers, and made countless anons wake up to the realities of magick.

>Notice that Smiley spent years here, never changing and manically going in circles. When he finally stopped using this place all the time he progressed from being a completely delusional batshit insane sissy wizard to being a functionally boderline insane sissy wizard. Sure it may not be progress to you but for him its big progress. It's more subjective progress than any of you make.

Oh it's another butthurt faggot breaking rule 5 and getting mad he can't create a legacy like the BO can. Reported.

>Spiritually humans are fetuses. Give them the correct environment and nutrients, remove large stressors, and they will likely be born fine, given time. The amount of time they take to grow and mature is what it is, you cant force them to grow faster. Or rather you can but they will be born deformed and likely die, and if they do live they will be horribly disfigured.

Might be true in general but I can test reality to see otherwise. There are surely ways to accelerate development just as there are ways to stunt it. The meddling however of some higher being aside, the fetus analogy is surely the default.

>In my opinion the absolute worst aspect of /fringe/ is the delusions of grandeur. The religious such as the buddhist poster who think they know "THE TRUTH!" and people such as tipp who think they are "enlightened" or whatever bs. Any notion of enlightenment is delusion. Anything that is true without circumspect cannot be translated to language or spoken. "The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding" strikes particularly true. All books, all so-called-knowledge, act only as forces to shape and culture the mind. A properly prepared mind can begin to recieve Truth, though in small amounts at first, directly from God/Tao/The All, whatever you want to call it. All the metaphysical discussion, the ramblings, the monologues, they have no more worth than the inane shitposts such as "kill urself my man LMAO", they are dead ends.

I'm trying to think of how I'm going to play devil's advocate and contradict you here but I can't. You are right. Holy books and the rest are wasted on the masses; but tools for mental cultivation when in the right hands. The Bible for example might unlock all doors and make a superman out of someone who has the right mentality that they can look at it from a thousand different angles and discover every layer of meaning it can produce… probably you can use any starting point, even something like a rock, and work your way from there. Some starting points are more fertile grounds though, some texts when exposed to have a greater power.

Anyways, I myself realized the futility, and eventually understood that /fringe/ is just a medium for expression and contemplation, and stopped caring (but pretended to care) what others do on here.

There is no need to talk but you're free to do it. If everyone here was enlightened, there'd be no discussion, or alternatively it would just be a totally insane schizophrenic word salad shitstorm.



Reading the words other men have written does not give you understanding. Understanding comes only from within. And in fact I am not giving advice and do not know why you assumed I was.

I will say it again. Siddhartha did not achieve Awareness through the teachings of fools and charlatans, he recieved it from within, as must all men. You can defend your religion and the dogmatic views that you follow as you will, I have no interest in attacking them nor do I care what your opinion on them is. The teachings of men amount to nothing, no more can a word teach you to See than can a man learn to swim by walking in the desert.


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>do not know why you assumed I was.

And I do not know why you assume that I shallowly accept the lessons and texts from my mentors without realizing that both the guru and the universe are my teachers and that the lessons given must be learned and understood from within rather than accepted as literal as possible just because the mentor said–so I guess we're even.

>You can defend your religion and the dogmatic views that you follow as you will, I have no interest in attacking them nor do I care what your opinion on them is.

No offense but I've never read a more pretentious sentence. Please move on, I hope you find peace.



>Reading the words other men have written does not give you understanding.

Yes it does if you were ready to receive those truths.

>Understanding comes only from within.

Why would you limit understanding within a false dichotomy of within and without? Within what? You're talking like a girl right now.



>Oh it's another butthurt faggot breaking rule 5 and getting mad he can't create a legacy like the BO can. Reported.

If anything I was complementing him. I genuinely thinkk that he has made significant progress. Given a few years he may even become initiated, I wish him only the best and hope that he can make real progress without falling back into the trap of primping himself on the vain opinions of people who mistakenly view him differently than his actual person is.

And in fact I did not even call him by his name when I very well could have. He can ban me for it, but I will just use my VPNs or TOR if I want to post again. The correct action should be self-evident, and to change your actions based on rule or law created by any man or men is an affront on human decency.



I cannot make you understand what I am saying because words have no meaning. That should be self-evident.



And actually to explain what I mean by the concept of "within" could be explained at a low level through symbolic imagery and metaphor, but the actual idea and concept would be lost in the translation to language. Suffice as a metaphor that when I say "within" I mean the masculine seed, "Will" (from the Kybalion), and a number of other analogies.


Has anyone ever been to Vipassana more than once? I am looking to go a second time, just wondering if anyone could share their experience compared to the first time.



That is retarded. Those who say "nothing has meaning" are wrong. The actual truth is the opposite; that we are over-saturated in meaning, that everything has meaning, that there is such a piling up of meaning that it takes forever to unwrap it all.

Furthermore, speaking is spellcasting. Speak powerfully or write a post with fervor, and a strong psychic impression is carried along with it through subtle channels, to its intended targets. Properly inspired and well crafted, the words become part of a parting of intense thought/meaning/information.

Also I think right now that you should read this thread: >>>/fringe/107260

...and pay close attention to what he says about cybernetics, the fourth model of magick. I have a book about cybernetics that doesn't exist at all as a pdf or any other format online that I want to read or type out for /fringe/ so they can see it, but it's the newest model of magick, and builds on the previous spiritist, animist, and psychological views of magick with a whole new model that is better than the others.


blah blah blah



>understood from within

Again with this within meme. Why do you faggots speak like this? Mind is has nonlocal features. Y'all niggers need to learn holographic universe theory. Within what? …and you seem to imply there is an understanding without. Why can't you just say it needs to be understood, without adding this "within" part? Your mind isn't even ready to operate it seems on levels of reality where the within/without stops having any meaning at all.





Why are you acting like I actually care about the things I write or actually believe them on a fundamental level? Opinions are like food, no matter how much you put in all that comes out is shit.



Just part of my current cultivation/practice I am doing at the moment.

Also confirmed chaospilled.



>hates reddit

>acts like a redditor mod

I've never posted on reddit and don't know what the site is actually like but from what I've heard from other anons it's the same shit as 99% of the rest of the internet; hotpocket mods that ban anyone they don't for no reason other than they felt like it. You just ban because your feels were hurt and are extremely heavy-handed about it, banning for an entire YEAR. You're just like any other tyrannical mod that bans anyone.

Why not just delete your current shitty rules and put one rule; "don't trigger the BO or he will ban you".

…or just you know, rope yourself nig-lover.



It's not radical individalism if everyone is collectively practicing it :^)

I guess that makes ME the radical!


Ignore the false tree poster. He is an imposter.

Everyone here is an obullshitist. If they weren't, they either wouldn't be here or they would try to improve this place.


/fringe/ didn't do any of those things.


It's honestly not that mystical though. Take in the world and grow. Starve yourself and wither. This board starves itself like they're punishing themself.



>You're talking like a girl right now.

I almost said that to the BO in the other thread heh.

Taking in all the shit in the world, so it's there, then searching for catalytic experiences is a superior method I think.


Tree poser. I bet you ain't even good at survival.



The fuck are you talking about? Do you think I have a single post on your board or that you've banned me from your board? I just looked at your mod log.


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A man can only really learn by not boxing himself into one worldview.

Freethinking requires exposure to as many different concepts as possible so one can become familiar with them all and then observe their own reality and, knowing each competing conception of reality, he will see which is true. He can't see that however if he is the type (like buddhist anon) who bans people he doesn't like.

Pic very related. Me the chad rationalist.


>Smiley bans namefagging

>the ULTIMATE cancer which almost killed imageboards, aka avatar fagging is allowed to go on

coreyposter aka buddhabuttboy and shrekposter aka teenagebrownpill are cancer lads

at least tipp doesn't avatarfag, for a CIA agent he's pretty cool




Nigga why can't we just be friends? I don't even Shrekpost that much anymore


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>/fringe/ didn't do any of those things.

Yes it did. Those were all headed by people who were part of /fringe/ . /asatru/ and /ebola/ and many other boards on here are all controlled by fringeposters or have many fringeposters on them. Most of the memes and the planning was created and done right here on /fringe/ or in the Order of Fringe Wizard's group chat. I knew them personally. Many memes you have saved that explain chaos magick and such; all created and originated and propagated by fringeposters.

I don't try to create identities around flags, I notice there are other anons that use the same flag, so what? You can even see in certain threads various tree-anons responding back and fourth to each other. Get over it. I also don't have to use the same flag always, I can and will switch between flags, as I use the flag which corresponds most with what I want to channel in a given post, not as some attempt to build an identity around a flag.


Projection. Even though you are projecting though, there are no doubt individuals here doing exactly that as well.



The cabal known as /fringereborn/ and its evil rulers must be overthrown. /fringereborn/ and its 3 buttbuddy rulers are the cancer killing /fringe/. You people are trying to turn this into reddit. /pol/ turning into r/The_Donald is enough for me, there's no reason for 8ch to turn into reddit.

Smiley isn't perfect but he's the best BO on 8ch at this point.



Now hold on a minute, let's talk this out like gentleman. Why do you think we're turning /fringe/ into Reddit, in >>107290 you can clearly see that me and Corybro are against Reddit, why do you think we're turning /fringe/ into Reddit?



If he does so it'll only prove he's a shit mod



You do realize this has never ever been a democracy right and it has never been pretended to be such right?

You also do realize you have a long-ass history of trying to destroy this board, being jealous, being a troll, and generally being known for not having the best interests of this place at heart?

Why do you expect your vote to count or that of other trolls to count?

Votes aren't all weighed equally. Some opinions/votes matter more; depending from whom they originate or how much effort someone puts into that opinion.

In other words; by cultivating an identity, you have only fucked yourself over "anon". If you had actively tried to avoid having one fixed identity, your opinion might matter more today. However since you're part of the cancer on here that wants to spend its time creating fixed identities, you have simply brought disrepute and scorn upon yourself.


Poals are a meme and you have been memed on hard.



>You do realize this has never ever been a democracy right and it has never been pretended to be such right?

Bullshit, one of the founding pillars of /fringe/ was to let everyone have equal speaking grounds. This is what made /fringe/ better than any Mason oldboys circlejerk



You're only "against reddit" in the sense that dictators are against dictatorships only when they aren't the dictator themselves. If you controlled reddit you'd be happy, since you don't, you aren't. You are however creating an abomination that attempts to be reddit in spirit.


Democracies are shit and your opinion is shit and your attempts at sabotage are shit. Leave this board alone. Every couple months you bunch try to destroy the board and fail every time. Your legacy is failure after failure.

God is Great and Fringe Wizard is his prophet!




This word triggers me. Egalitarians out!



>In other words; by cultivating an identity, you have only fucked yourself over "anon". If you had actively tried to avoid having one fixed identity, your opinion might matter more today. However since you're part of the cancer on here that wants to spend its time creating fixed identities, you have simply brought disrepute and scorn upon yourself.

You're only justifying your hubris. Ladies and gentleman, the "just a normal anon" turning /fringe/ into a pozzed dictatorship


>when your ideology is fascism but you end up being the embodiment of liberty

>when your ideology is neoliberalism but you end up being the embodiment of oppression

Strange world we live in where fascists are the ones that guarantee people's freedoms and people preaching love and tolerance are the most intensely intolerant and hateful.

Really Makes You Think.



>You're only "against reddit" in the sense that dictators are against dictatorships only when they aren't the dictator themselves. If you controlled reddit you'd be happy, since you don't, you aren't. You are however creating an abomination that attempts to be reddit in spirit.

I'm against Reddit because they're new, lackluster normalfags with no hint of intelligent willpower. Are you honestly trying to say I would rule Reddit if I could, a brownpill shut-in? You're getting desperate

>Democracies are shit

There you have it folks Mr. Libertarian erisian in the flesh


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You do realize that before rules 5 and 6 existed, even back in the freedomboard.kirara.ca/fringe/ days, and perhaps even early as the fringechan 1.0 days (when gabe hosted it, not that JoS satanist that created fringechan 2.0), people were banned for identity fagging and flag-squatting right? The addition of those rules was a mere formality. Nothing has changed. So either /fringe/ was a "pozzed dictatorship" from the very start, or it's just that time of the month when the usual cabal tries their dirty tricks to smear the BO and attempt to destroy /fringe/.



>Why do you expect your vote to count or that of other trolls to count?

>Votes aren't all weighed equally. Some opinions/votes matter more; depending from whom they originate or how much effort someone puts into that opinion.

how do you measure a vote?

>However since you're part of the cancer on here that wants to spend its time creating fixed identities, you have simply brought disrepute and scorn upon yourself.

who even speaks like that other than the holier-than-thou bullshit occultist BO?



Great men are born in the conditions that /fringe/ offers not the coddled, overmoderated, heavyhanded bullshit you bunch are trying to create.

How many splinter boards and usurpers have there been now? Like 30 maybe? All failed.

You can't beat the Fringe Wizard.

>There you have it folks Mr. Libertarian erisian in the flesh




>how do you measure a vote?

By the authority, intelligence, power, and influence of the person.

>who even speaks like that other than the holier-than-thou bullshit occultist BO?

lol butthurt



>You do realize that before rules 5 and 6 existed, even back in the freedomboard.kirara.ca/fringe/ days, and perhaps even early as the fringechan 1.0 days

"We need a board for free expression and communication for occult themes that usually get ruined when it becomes a vapid circle jerking to the higher ranks"

Regardless of what /fringe/ was, are you honestly saying that we should go back to a faulty system that has ruined every occult lodge since the dawn of man, just like a communist?


RULE 5 is just for the BO


>the (((jewish))) BO get called out by his first name

>ban the poster

>instead of removing the name he just edit in the name of the poster

really make me think

>5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.

>6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time.

5.Respect the anonymity of the BO*

fixed the rule for ya, brainlees kenny.


Why did the 33rd question thread have to end up being the biggest meta-drama thread ever? It's almost all filled up thanks to drama and will soon have to give way to the 34th thread.

I was hoping we'd have lots of discussion about freemasonry. ;_;

Anons please ask questions relating to Freemasonry… while it's still not too late. Lets try and salvage this questions thread.



>it's not TRUE communism

>it's not TRUE reddit




>By the authority, intelligence, power, and influence of the person.

How do you measure the votes in poal?



The only great men I see are the already advanced occultists that find the place and start threads to help along the neophyte /Pollack's/



>How do you measure the votes in poal?

For me the overall volume of the responses to the poal is a rough indication of just how much the subject of the poal matters to anyone. In other words; poals that barely anyone votes in nobody cares about. Ones that get a ton of votes someone is very uppity about.



Yeah, I got a question Mr. (((Change the subject))), don't you agree that it would be illogical to go back to the dictator-like ways of the freemasonic lodges of old, that always inevitably end up as an oldboys circlejerk? Wouldn't it be better to keep the new system that has obviously worked better and judge accordingly?



>You do realize that before rules 5 and 6 existed, even back in the freedomboard.kirara.ca/fringe/ days, and perhaps even early as the fringechan 1.0 days (when gabe hosted it, not that JoS satanist that created fringechan 2.0), people were banned for identity fagging and flag-squatting right? The addition of those rules was a mere formality. Nothing has changed. So either /fringe/ was a "pozzed dictatorship" from the very start, or it's just that time of the month when the usual cabal tries their dirty tricks to smear the BO and attempt to destroy /fringe/.

Nope, if rule 5 and 6 actually existed why didn't Khan and Auntwatermelon get banned for name and trip fagging? or the countless other namefags that existed in this board.

Sounds like a pozzed decision from a brainlees BO tbh fam



This x 1,000,000




>Nope, if rule 5 and 6 actually existed why didn't Khan and Auntwatermelon get banned for name and trip fagging? or the countless other namefags that existed in this board.

The answer is simple. I went through the entire report que and banned every single person that was reported for breaking rule 5. Then I went over the front page and the second page looking at each thread that was created and banned people violating rules. Then I went and did other things.

I can't monitor every single post on here and believe it or not there's like 5 mods on here, it's not all just one guy, but only 3 mods seem to ever actually do anything, and mostly all they do is just make sure to archive the question threads and create and sticky a new thread.

Make use of the report function more stupid.

Also it's extremely obvious you suspects are just digging really hard and grasping at straws trying to find anything you can to criticize the moderation here. A few days ago it was endless blather about "the mods don't do anything, we need more rules" now you've gone the other direction. You're trying to pull every trick you can out of the bag to overthrow /fringe/. This is no different than the countless other times your cabal did the same shit.



<Nope, if rule 5 and 6 actually existed why didn't Khan and Auntwatermelon get banned for name and trip fagging?

>I can't monitor every single post on here

You're honestly gonna try saying you just didn't see all of K*hn's posts? Not the entire fucking threads with over 200 posts? Holy shit dude, just admit it, you're trying to silence and control /fringe/



Smiley while we're on the subject of rules this kid literally admitted to being 17.

Literal undeagefags are the cancer killing /fringe/ right now. You asked why there's so much meta discussion. It's because UNDERAGEFAGS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE



I'm not even sure what the fuck you are saying and am not familiar with the history you are alluding to. Why don't you make a big post talking about lodges and citing sources and stuff?

>Wouldn't it be better to keep the new system that has obviously worked better and judge accordingly?

What new system are you speaking of? The various reactionary cancerous splinter-groups that have all failed and died off? …or the system that /fringe/ has right now which you are claiming is a "new system" even though it's the same good and highly functional system it always has been?

…and how is /fringe/ anything like a lodge? /fringe/ is unique and new phenomena in the history of man, enabled by the technology of the internet and the format of imageboards. There has never been anything like it before.



>how is /fringe/ anything like a lodge?


>I'm not even sure what the fuck you are saying and am not familiar with the history you are alluding to.

The lodge from the beginning of Frabbato is a perfect example. It was said in the book that such lodges were dangerously common back then, and their arrogant ways always led to their downfall



>Holy shit dude, just admit it, you're trying to silence and control /fringe/

No that is what YOU ARE TRYING TO DO RIGHT NOW. Also the fact all your subversive shill posts are tolerated and left to stand here shows he ain't silencing anything, unlike on the board your cabal has created, where everyone will have their posts deleted and get 1 year bans if you don't like them and want to exclude them from the circlejerk you're attempting to create. /fringe/ is the opposite of a circlejerk in that allows and tolerates dissenting voices from fedoras to shill-idiots like you.

Also I literally have no idea who the individual you mention is and you would have to link me to his thread and I have no interest in stalking and cataloging who various people on this board are. The only reason I have the misfortune of instantly recognizing the posts of one individual in particular (who is associated with flag related) is because of the drama shit he kept instigating, provoking, and propagating on /4chon/. Hell, the individual in question was nearly responsible for killing the BO, as it was immediately following a suggestion made by him that the BO immediately began to try and end his life. Not that there weren't many other factors at play but said individual could have stopped it then and there if he didn't use the opportunity he had to push him over the edge and didn't join in on the conspiracy to destroy his life. Otherwise I wouldn't know who this person in question is at all.

So all these personas the are /fringe/ exclusive? Guess what? I don't know who any of them are as I never paid attention. They aren't from /4chon/ then I don't know them.



>BO bans everyone he doesn't like.

That's literally /fringereborn/ though. Smiley hasn't banned anyone for more than 24 hours except for me because I enjoy shitposting AKA chaosposting tbh, and he repealed it anyway. I guess you could criticise him based on what he has shared of his personal life (kind of petty tho tbh ciddie) but as a BO he's been pretty good.



>That's literally /fringereborn/ though

We ban shitposters, as everyone wants the shitposters gone

>Smiley hasn't banned anyone for more than 24 hours except for me because I enjoy shitposting AKA chaosposting tbh, and he repealed it anyway.

Could you be anymore obvious?


BO had taken a huge overdose of melatonin, which in the medical records is known to be hypnotic at does over 5 mg, and said individual used that opportunity to apply suggestion/hypnotism to get the BO to kill himself and very nearly succeeded.

…and yet said individual is still tolerated here. Why I will never understand. BO has infinite patience and forgiveness to put up with the shit he does. If he wanted to ban him forever, he'd be pretty well justified, but he doesn't; and yet you fags will pass out 1 year bans on your newest splinter board for the most silly of reasons.



>could you be more obvious

About what, /pol/ ciddie?



>Smiley hasn't banned anyone for more than 24 hours except for me because I enjoy shitposting AKA chaosposting tbh

You were banned for 6666 seconds aka "666s" was written as the length of your ban. The only reason you got that ban length was because of the GET. It was a humor thing. Standard bans on here are around 10 to 15 minutes usually and rarely ever exceed 1 hour.



6666s* I mean

and of course it was repealed.



Probably because he understands how 8ch works. If people want to shitpost you can't really ban them. VPNs and TOR exist, there is literally no way to stop people from shitposting. The only reason people don't bombard /fringereborn/ with shitposts is because it's a dead board run by a cabal of one known underage and 2 possible underage obullshitists. It would be easy to destroy the board with spam and shitposts but really why would anyone bother raiding a dead board?



>About what, /pol/ ciddie?

I'm not getting b8'd into that one m8, but it goes without saying that we all know it's you, and who the fuck else has posted with the mlp flag with "a certain someone's" schizo-robotic type typing format? "Plays all sides", yeah, poorly



>We ban shitposters, as everyone wants the shitposters gone

Ban yourselves then. You coons are the most cancerous shitposters.



Ahahahahahahaha holy shit this is pretty funny actually. I've never posted with the ponymancer flag, not once. Keep trying ciddie, heh.



That's cool, /fringereborn/ is only a prelude to T*pp's new site. The shitposters won't have such an easy time on there, and once that happens, what possible criticism will you have left?


I have to go to sleep. Someone else take over defending the board for now from this all out assault, I don't want my sleep schedule fucked up. I wonder what phase the moon is in right now, I remember Montalk talking about having more problems on his Noble Realms forum thing during certain phases of the moon. This whole drama is probably some kind of synchronistic attack by the archons followers to throw me off balance as I was getting my shit together and then this happens in an attempt to throw me off balance again. The corrupted demiurge is getting desperate.



>this is actually pretty funny

Yeah, funny enough for you to desperately demonstrate to the neophytes that he clearly isn't based BO


That's actually a pretty sick burn, gotta admit, I kek'd



>as everyone wants the shitposters gone

What is it with you bunch and always speaking in terms of "everyone" and "we" thinking you talk for everyone?



Kid do not worry. Once you cancerous redditors fuck off this will be a much better board. I've been here since the exodus. I remember how supremely shitty Apalm's Fringechan 2.0 was and the huge circlejerk it was. Knowing tipp and knowing the posting styles of you /fringereborn/ cabal autists your new site will be a literal circlejerk of sucking each other off with no new users coming in.



> I don't want my sleep schedule fucked up

Gee, I wonder who that sounds like?



Goodluck with your "exact same shit as 99% of the moderated by control freak leftists" site. You may as well ask to be hired by Google next so you can crush freespeech on Youtube and other platforms. Funny thing that you are HERE though and not the thousands, perhaps millions, of moderated alternatives; all of which don't suit you for the simple reason you don't get to be the tyrant.



Just ignore 'em mate. They're just cancerous underage faggots and reddit-tier idiots. You're making good progress. Get some good sleep and try to meditate more every day tbh. Night lad.



>I've been here since the exodus

Wow, 8 months, what an oldfig


>Goodluck with your "exact same shit as 99% of the moderated by control freak leftists" site. You may as well ask to be hired by Google next so you can crush freespeech on Youtube and other platforms

Complete straw-man



He's not a leftist per-se. From his posting habits and the information he has gathered the profile I have assembled on him says that he's a 17 year old and mostly frequents nu-/pol/. He came to 8ch somewhere between 2016-2017, he does not have firm beliefs or convictions but desperately tries to convince himself he does. He's very susceptible to group think and peer pressure, possible fluoridosis of the glands and brain caused by drinking tap water or soda-pop. His diet is likely deficient in zinc and selenium and not very balanced in terms of etheric content within the food.




>8 months

>confusing the exodus and the second exodus

Adding this to the profile.


Also I should point out that there is a 40% propability according to my calculations that brownpill poster is not infact an actual person and is an assumed personality used by some government agency for some unknown purpose.



>He's not a leftist per-se. From his posting habits and the information he has gathered the profile I have assembled on him says that he's a 17 year old and mostly frequents nu-/pol/. He came to 8ch somewhere between 2016-2017

Kek, ad hom. I came to 8chan after the gamergate exodus. Went to wizchan after being black pilled by the Tumblr drama most of 2014-15, came back here to /v9k/ after wiz went to shit, found /fringe/ around January of 2016, and magic has been my life ever since.

>he does not have firm beliefs or convictions but desperately tries to convince himself he does. He's very susceptible to group think and peer pressure, possible fluoridosis of the glands and brain caused by drinking tap water or soda-pop

I use the brownpill flag because social pressure is completely ineffective against me, sometimes to a fault, like wearing dri-fit clothes to funerals and shit no matter what people say



I'd show you my face, but I've already been attacked by someone before, (albeit poorly). You can think what you want of me but it seems that half the board already agrees with me anyway



Please send an email to FringeWizard@protonmail.com or FringeWizard@gmail.com thanks.


Oh god what is this email protection bullshit

fringewizardatgmaildotcom or fringewizardatprotonmaildotcom




No it was an observation based on small tics. You use phrases that are very rarely used outside of nu/pol/, but then they are used on /v9k/ (which is cancer) so that is a sufficient eplanation. Thanks for the profile information.

>Went to wizchan after being black pilled by the Tumblr drama most of 2014-15

You went to wizchan when you were ~16? You are the cancer that killed wizchan. It was shit in any case but kids like you turned it into cancerous shit

>found /fringe/ around January of 2016

It was around January 12-18 that you first posted on /fringe/ according to the profile I have on you

>I use the brownpill flag because social pressure is completely ineffective against me, sometimes to a fault, like wearing dri-fit clothes to funerals and shit no matter what people say

This is a common misperception people your age had. I myself had such views (everyone's edgy at that age) when I was a kid your age. It's not special or cool to do things just to go against conventional norms, it's just called being an edgy arsehole. Hopefully when you grow up a little you'll realize the difference between uncompromisingly following your own convictions and divine providence, and just being an edgy sack of shit who is rude for the sake of being rude and thinks it makes him special. You're nothing special, anyone can be edgy, anyone can claim "magic is my life". How many hours a day do you meditate? And don't answer because that was a rhetorical question. The answer is evident.



There's like a few hundred different people posting on /fringe/ each month and the current drama of the last few days only really has like maybe 6 people at most actively participating in the back and fourth while everyone else ignores it, doesn't care, or is just lurking.

Saying "half the board agrees with you" is delusional. The majority of /fringe/ users don't give a shit about you and likely aren't paying attention at all or are completely unaware of your drama.

Regards, reality check.



>This entire post

So basically now that I have completely demolished any argument that we should stay on /fringe/ you have completely resorted to ad hom because I'm a teenager. You have no idea what I'm like, you have no idea what I do in a daily basis, and you do not know me.

>Hopefully when you grow up a little you'll realize the difference between uncompromisingly following your own convictions and divine providence

This is pathetic, while I don't usually bring up my siddhi, I think a guy with rudimentary essential meaning capabilities can tell between edginess and godly guidance



>And of those 100 posters, like 6 contribute

Yep, you're right, and of those 6 who actually give a shit about /fringe/ and the occult, about half agree with me



Of course I don't know you, of course I don't know how you act or think. I can only make educated guesses based on the content of your posts over the past 8 months which I admit I have not bothered to read the majority of. If I was being paid to do this I would find your name and address, research your childhood and activities/interests, and create a complete psychological profile of you before using it to systematically harass and defame you. But I literally don't get paid and don't give a shit so why would I do that?

>I have completely demolished any argument that we should stay on /fringe/

There are hundreds of people on /fringe/. Your cabal makes up a very small amount of posters. I cannot speak for the majority of posters but I would assume they would be glad to see you leave as your cabal has very low quality posts dressed up as wisdom. Metaphorically you are beggars dressed in robes of silk.



>I have completely demolished any argument that we should stay on /fringe/

Hey, you're free to go, just don't come back here again. This board will be much better when a certain group of about 3 cancerous shitposters are gone to circlejerk and suck each others dicks for awhile and leaves the rest of us in peace. We can start a new golden age on here then without your disruptive presence. There'll still be hundreds of anons here.


>Yep, you're right, and of those 6 who actually give a shit about /fringe/ and the occult, about half agree with me

Just because you don't shut up and post non-stop for hours and hours on end doesn't mean you care about the board. You're like a Portuguese or Mediterranean who can never ever shut up and has to ramble bullshit all day every day while the silent Nordics only speak when absolutely prudent or necessary.



>If I was being paid to do this I would find your name and address, research your childhood and activities/interests, and create a complete psychological profile of you before using it to systematically harass and defame you. But I literally don't get paid and don't give a shit so why would I do that?

Here ladies and gentlemen, we have the BO making a big fusss over how no one can dox him anymore, only to blatantly threaten a 17 yr old with dox/harassment

Le based BO everyone!



> Us



Surely you don't think this will effect me?



>he actually thinks I'm Smiley

Lel. And it's not a threat. The only people who would pay someone to do such a thing are CIA or Freemasons and if you work for them you are above the law. There's no point to do something like that for free.

I've got to hand it to tipp, at least he's better at telling posters apart than you are.



>it's another paranoid faggot seeing smiley behind every post episode

Right now all across 8chan and other parts of the Internet there are hundreds of people trying to stalk you-know-who and calling random anons him thanks to his massive loosh farming. It's hilarious. He could go completely off the internet for a month at a time and nobody would notice he was gone and the legend would just keep going, as your kind see him everywhere.



The use of "we" was justified here as it is a well-founded assumption to assume that the majority of users of this board give exactly 0 fucks about you and your drama. The overall post quality will massively improve when you stop filling up the board with your off-topic metadrama bullshit.




>Critique Smiley

>Immediately multiple "other posters" come to his aid

>At 2:00 Am

Sure man, sure



The same could be said about them supporting me and Tipp's site, Schrodinger's lurker, man




Smiley literally went to sleep.


It's only 1am where smiley lives californianigger.



Experience shows that hundreds of people come here every month, and have been doing so for years, and ignore the various discords, splinter boards, and other bullshit trying to piggyback off of /fringe/'s success.

When I spoke of a golden age starting on /fringe/ and said "we", by this golden age I meant that posting would go on as normal, except without the ton of noise created by your cabal. The golden age would be automatic and not require any special effort from the userbase other than that they do what they would do anyways.

Your hypothesis is not well-founded at all.



So we think…


Actually does Smiley even real? Has anyone ever met him irl in a city near enough to ride by bus? Bus ride is only like $3 even homeless people can use it.




I live in Brazil fagit



>literal huemonkey




Enjoy your neophytes man, I'll be hanging with [muh tripfags]

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Hue hue,



>any of those people


[muh tripfags] are the least gay tripniggers that still post but I haven't seen any proof that they're initiated.

Why do certain people on /fringe/ act like reality is a LARPage quest where you level up to become supremus memus LE WIZARD? Being initiated means you have established a direct connection with God. If you can commune directly with god what need do you have of a fringechan other than to shitpost and subvert peoples' views?

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Being initiated means you have established a direct connection with God. If you can commune directly with god what need do you have of a fringechan other than to shitpost and subvert peoples' views?

False, that is adepthood, why would you need 3D books if you have a direct connection to god?



If Smiley edited this pls go to sleep lad it's late. If it was a vol carry on.



>[muh tripfags] are the least gay tripniggers that still post but I haven't seen any proof that they're initiated.

You're kidding,

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Me the adept.


> False, that is adepthood, why would you need 3D books if you have a direct connection to god?

You don't but you may use them as an aesthetic experience, for entering trance, for centering the mind on a subject, for the sake of holding one in your hand, etc.

A lot of things become mere aesthetic experiences that you appreciate for the beauty of the experience. Why ride a bus or walk when you can teleport? Maybe you just want to.



Lel, you're right, the energetic cultivation and qigong threads poofed outta nowhere, got it




>reading books

The only widely circulating book that has any substance of value to an initate is Bardon's Key To The True Kabbalah. There are some private books that have not been published which are useful but good luck getting ahold of them.

And while an initiate might be able to understand the theory behind Key To The True Kabbalah the deeper mystery of it takes a very accomplished and profecient magician to turn into practice.



I thought you said you were going to sleep?


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So Smiley, now that I know that I have struck a nerve with >>107201 it seems you've called up the lackeys to play. Fair enough, but I don't understand why. Or rather, I somewhat do.

I think it was because someone threatened your position of power, and it wasn't really just me, it was just a few of us regulars who were getting tired of your ideas and actions. I just happened to call out your past, which again, you try so desperately to dissociate yourself with because you are afraid of people being repelled by it.

However, I commend you for it. Why? Because it shows you want change. Change for yourself. Shame and embarrassment are natural feelings to feel for your past. However, no matter how hard you try to suppress these feelings and memories, they'll never go away. It will rear its ugly head time and time again. Once again, its natural, and you shouldn't feel bad for reacting like you do.

Like I said before, you have quite the bit of pride in you; once again, this is not inherently bad. You are a culmination of your environment for the most part. It is not your fault you are the way you are. This can, unfortunately as it is evident, lead to you waving off genuine criticisms for the board as shilling. It comes off as pretentious and disregardful of the will of the community.

But, at the same time, I must admit I myself am at fault as well. Perhaps I was too rash or too quick to pass judgement on your capabilities in moderation of this board. I mean, in truth pic related is a summary of how it happened but things between all of us got pretty heated. A lot of people are saying it but we're missing the point of the board.

Smiley, I offer a proposal.

I want you and I to talk, have a one on one about our problems with the board, and what we can do to improve the relations between the users and you. I will listen with an open mind but I would like you to do the same. We should talk about both of our solutions and why they would respectively work or why they wouldn't work in detailed explanation.

If you refuse, ban me on the spot permanently.

There is no point in conversing beyond this. We will simply move on, but you will well remember this moment.



There are four ways a thread can disappear.

1. The thread reaches page 5 while having less than 10 replies and is automatically culled by the early 404.

2. The thread reaches page 25 and, regardless of whether it's 10 or 750 replies, is culled because it falls off the board.

3. The user deleted their own thread.

4. A mod deleted the thread.

I don't know what you think happened but I assure you it was most likely one of the first three possibilities. There is a moderator log to look at as well with timestamps for moderator actions, and it even indicates when and which posts are deleted, as it indicates the post number.

If you are implying mods deleted it, then look to back into the log to the day where the thread disappeared, or remember what the post number of the thread was and ctrl + f to search through the log for that, and see if it was deleted.


File: 27e87cfe5a8ed98⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 95.61 KB, 280x329, 40:47, yareyareinthehouse.png)

Smiley, if you accept, please let me know and I will give you my skype name so we can speak.



Cultivation of the energy body and qigong are basic bitch practices. Magic is simply the application of fundamental laws. The magician symbolically becomes Sol during practice, he becomes the proverbial center of the solar system, this local material and mental reality. Of course it takes a master of masters to become a literal center of all reality which nobody on this board is, and even if they wanted to be it would take tens to hundreds of thousands of years after achieving immortality so not very likely tbh.



>There are some private books that have not been published which are useful but good luck getting ahold of them.

Pill me more on this. I met a woman who was running some kind of spiritual coffee shop in Northern Ontario and she mentioned some "Green Lion" book or whatever that she said a Hermeticist who is hundreds of years old recommended to her. She talked to me about immortality and was pleased to meet a self-identified hermeticist, asking me if I "believed in death". I talked to her a bit and tried to get more clarification on what she meant by that, thinking she was talking about dissolution or death as process, but she meant death as in "do I believe in my own personal death" or put another way "do I believe I am immortal, having a physical body that will not die or age". The whole exchange in general was synchronistic.



I'll give you my advice Smiley, take it with a grain of salt. Ignore both his demands. He's not worth it.



>Cultivation of the energy body and qigong are basic bitch practices.

Holy shit no, energy is fuel, it's what separates the magus from the common schizophrenic. Tell that to Tipp with his literal angel wings from doing nothing but energywork and cybershaman



Usually they fall into two distinctions. Private grimoires or magical journals which are inherited or found after the magicians death. And magical books which are either passed down from teacher to student, or copied in small amounts and given to people at a certain level in a brotherhood/lodge/cult/etc. The first kind are only useful to other people sometimes because more often than not they're written in code which only the person who wrote them knew. The second type, just hope the group didn't have an internal language they created specifically for themselves. Usually these kinds of books are closely guarded though, so it's a bitch to get them.


Tipp is a drug addled fool. Smiley at least is on the road to initiation, given time and effort he may be able to become an initiate (no offense Smiley but you're literally not an adept, let's cut it with the whole egotrip thing man, it's not healthy I know from experience tbh). Tipp is pretty much worthless, I wouldn't even grace him by saying he's a neophyte. He's delusional human trash who takes advantage of susceptible people like you to pimp his ego. Other than that he's an okay poster tho :^)



>Tipp is a drug addled fool. Smiley at least is on the road to initiation, given time and effort he may be able to become an initiate (no offense Smiley but you're literally not an adept, let's cut it with the whole egotrip thing man, it's not healthy

Heh look I'm critical of myself that must mean it's not me!

>Tipp is pretty much worthless, I wouldn't even grace him by saying he's a neophyte. He's delusional human trash who takes advantage of susceptible people like you to pimp his ego.

Oh my God you're delusional, Tipp is one of the best occultists on this board, if he was a neophyte he would've been slaughtered by those Saturn pents that got misused



1.) I'm literally not Smiley

2.) You are literally LARPing about tipp. This is /fringe/ not /larpage/

3.) You are undergoing psychosis :^)



>I'm literally not Smiley

You are literally Smiley



There are some people that can read me and my motivations exactly. You are definitely not one of them and are way off about everything. All you're doing right now is projecting your own thoughts onto me, because you're unable or unwilling to enter into and experience my consciousness

as it actually is (and please don't even try, I don't want your soul near mine).

I couldn't care less if it was my persona being discussed or someone elses. This isn't /4chon/ and I don't want it to be /4chon/. This is a board for the discussion of the occult, not the discussion of tripfag drama. I don't want people to have to enter into threads and see hundreds of back and fourth posts about my persona or that of others, all irrelevant and off-topic. I'd rather people act like every anon they talk to is a completely new anon they've never seen before, like on the bigger boards, and that they are discussing everything for the first time, without any baggage and persona bullshit getting in the way. Personas should be flexible, you shouldn't have to live out one fixed role that others put you in. One day when I'm a literal shapeshifter, not even in the world of flesh will I be confined to one name and body and history, but I will be anyone I feel like.

>the will of the community.

uh oh, speaking again as if your personal opinion is the consensus of everyone else on the board. When will you cut that shit out?

>have a one on one about our problems with the board

I have only one problem with the board right now and that's you and your desire to assign an identity to yourself and to everyone else on this board, making it more like fleshspace, and limiting people's potential for self-transcendence by so doing. Do you not know that personality is its own plane in the astral and that there are higher planes than it? There is literally a "plane of personality" and if you are operative on it, you see personality as a glove, a thing to be shed, a thing apart from yourself. You understand that everything is open to you, that you can be anyone, and this is not limited by space or time. Yet here you are, incessantly creating post after post, in which you try to identify and create reputations for and make every single anon on here known. It's like on /4chon/ when FoKy, a poster who was always anon, ended up having an identity created for him by the tripfaggots there. Soon because of dwindling pop-count and constant stalking and profiling, every single person on the board had an identity, and there were no anons left. I'm trying to retain the purity of anonymity on here and you're doing your best to completely shit over it. There is something sacred about a discussion between complete strangers; you are violating that sanctity by attempting to make everybody have an identity on here.

Stop avatarfagging. Stop using the same flag constantly. Stop limiting yourself to one fixed worldview, one persona, one identity. Transcend-your-self.

>If you refuse, ban me on the spot permanently.

No. Bans on here are symbolic and not real. When a child throws a tantrum you don't kick them out of the house, you try to reason with them, and you hope they smarten up. That is very condescending analogy as I'm comparing you to a child right now but your whole persona you got going right now is very immature and very stagnant. I said days ago to you that the chaos on /fringe/ upsets you. One day you might look back on what you're doing and realize with great regret what a fool you've been.

Stop ruining anon culture.



Legitimate question here.

Have you been diagnosed with Autism? Because I just looked in the mirror and confirmed that I am literally not Smiley.



No, and nice copy-paste fagit, I see what you're trying to do with the timestamps



You are having a psychotic breakdown cid. Seek help. Seriously.


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Ah, so you refuse to listen. Fine then, let's continue

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)



>psychotic breakdown

Totally, Smiley went to bed 2 hours ago only to coincidentally wake up, twice, and come reply to my posts, right after you, one after the other, like clockwork. Something smells fishy m8, and it ain't your mom's cooch

(5. Do not attempt to identify, name, or dox another anon you see on the board. You may know (or think you know) who the anon is based on posting style, flag selection, file names, or other hints; but )



>Holy shit no, energy is fuel, it's what separates the magus from the common schizophrenic.

Actually that's completely wrong as both the magus and the schizophrenic are high energy. What separates them is one has high energy but uses it irrationally / without mastery. The other uses it rationally and with mastery. One knows what the fuck is he doing, the other has no idea what the fuck is he doing. What separates both the schizophrenic and the magus from the mudane is the mundane is low energy and so thoughts are not strong. A schizo being very high energy has very strong but silly thoughtform that fuck his shit up.


>Tell that to Tipp with his literal angel wings from doing nothing but energywork and cybershaman

So is that what that one "angel wings" flag on Fringechan 2.0 was about? Please, I don't want to learn about these different personas and connect them to various ideas, I don't want to read anon posts and realize who is behind them. Fucking stop building identities for everyone.

Also angel wings can be made by anyone in literally seconds by simply creating the thoughtform for them. Why you think something like a pair of wings if significant is beyond me. You can modify and dress up and change the form of your astral body however you want without much difficulty. Those who have difficulties doing so are the exception not the norm.


Let's look at the facts. The original "tipp" poster has not used /fringe/ in over 6 months. The imposter currently using the "tipp" persona is in fact a CIA operative. The personas who have taken over operation of the /fringereborn/ board are in fact freemasons. This is not a "far out conspiracy theory". Stormfront and several other sites were taken down by the shadow government at around the same time that these posters suddenly became very aggressive in their posting style and approach. Observe the way that each of them type their posts. They do not change their posting style occassionally like authentic posters will, using different speech patterns and slang depending on their mood and the discussion. They write their posts under certain guidelines given to them. This is part of a larger concentrated crackdown on right-wing online communities and online communities whom discuss occult topics. Look at the evidence again and you will see this is self-evident. This is a coordinated attack on freedom of expression by the CIA and freemasons. In fact I suspect the title of this thread aggravated them and caused the unnatural spike in their posts and creation of /fringereborn/. Nothing is as it seems.

t. bad goy


I know I know. You're probably sweating right now, furiously typing out your rebuttals. Coming at me with a couple paragraphs about how THIS ISN'T TRUE YOU'RE CRAZY REEEEEEEEE. I can see through your BS you stupid dumb mason scum. Neck yourselves this is amateur work you're doing and you should be ashamed.


File: 1588114fb07ce98⋯.png (11.3 KB, 447x378, 149:126, At Last I Truly See.png)





yes, yes goyim, corale all the still-gullible blue-pills on /fringe/, while all the truly greenpilled initiates ascend to Fringechan 2.0. Like I said, this is a self-solving problem



You mean 3.0 you retarded mongrel. 2.0 died a couple months ago.



See the problem with your lingo is that it's not natural. It's like someone gave you a quick rundown on how "8channlers" talk and gave you a background story to tell people in case they asked. You don't respond like a genuine authentic human being, and you do not write English like a Brazilian particularly your grammar. You are a freemason likely the united states, and I would assume you are in your mid 20's or early 30's though that may be somewhat off the mark as it is difficult to tell through your assumed persona. It's somewhat similar to the uncanny valley effect. You're just close enough to a genuine poster that it becomes glaringly obvious that you are not a genuine poster.

Shoo shoo mason


Also the techniques being attempted should be obvious to anyone who is familiar with the idea of consensus cracking and similar sociological tools. It's a fairly simple operation they're pulling here, relatively. That shows that the CIA doesn't really give to much of a shit about this place and is just pushing masons in here for good measure.



I've already said what I need to and I've already exposed to the community the side of you that I wanted to show. Good game Smiley, I always heard you were a master ruseman, well, you definitely were a fun and formidable debating opponent, and to that I say to you, good night and namaste.

brownpill out

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)





I asked you many times about your Ganges meditation and you never answered. Also, stop using that flag as an identifying trait. It's against the rules.


I'm just some fat dude from Europe.

Jesus Christ this board I swear…



A single word escapes my lips

>Smileberg. . .

Next thing I knew, I was b& from my own room

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)



Damn the stuff in that room is worth at least $20K. I ask him for gibs, money plox.

(Rule 5 / participating in namefag drama.)


>tfw the board is under attack by CIA niggers

We must channel our inner Terry A. Davis and expel the CIA niggers from our temple.



>I'm just some fat dude from Europe.

Maybe you are maybe you aren't. But I know for a fact the rest of them are CIA and freemasons. If you are not a freemason I advise you leave their little cabal they are forming, nothing good will come to you from participating in it.


I need more mods. Any mods that are active right now, please just immediately ban on sight everyone and anyone that participates in or responds to namefag drama until this storm passes over and we get back to normal discussions. This needs to end. I am declaring a state of temporary martial law until this problem is resolved. They've all been banned many times now and have no excuses.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Diplomacy has failed. DAY OF THE ROPE!



You have no power here.

Death to namefags. Death to avatarfags. Death to mods. Death to all governments. Death to all shadow governments. We are anonalmous. Expoct us.




File: d24b3af44e1e61b⋯.jpg (132.83 KB, 960x760, 24:19, When Your Board Goes Full ….jpg)


You go after the avatarfags and namefags all you want vols. But the second you ban me it's war.



The flag thing wasn't a serious comment, to note. I've been one of those tree anons.

The life sucking shit is a true honest dilemma though. I find the discussions lacking on here. It does not stimulate my mind no matter how much I attempt to get a good conversation goin.

Positive board culture is all I want for this board. A second site for harmony sounds good as well, but the numbers ain't there.



Negative board culture is positive board culture. The Esteemed Shitposters are the antibodies that protect imageboards from the disease of forum-tier posting. Without a general atmosphere of disdain, arrogance, and cruelty imageboards devolve into what cuckchan has become. The Shitposter is your greatest ally goy, accept him and revere his glorious shitposts.



The whole purpose of that second site has absolutely nothing to do with harmony. You want to look at a legit second site made by people that actually care? Go see ☸ Friends of /fringe/: ( >>>/asatru/>>>/occult/>>>/ebola/>>>/cure/ ) (all in the sticky). The people behind this recent drama are boardwrecker trolls who are both responsible for the lowering of quality on here and the fake "solution" they have proposed as an alternative. Simultaneously creating the problem and the "solution". It's a trap.

About two or three months ago the board was better. It has just been under constant attack ever since the (((CIA))) decided they were going to launch an all out assault on the right. Do you know that the BO of /fringe/ knows and has Andrew Anglin as a personal contact on Skype and knew him before he even created the Daily Stormer? BO here has connections to a LOT of big people in the free speech, anti-government/ZOG, far-right movement. It's no (((cohencidence))) his board is under attack right now at the same time as the Daily Stormer had to go onto the deepnet and Stormfront was taken down and a meme war is happening all across the Internet.

Like the other anon was saying, we're seeing consensus cracking and fake personas following guidelines and other typical dirty tactics all being played out right now. Don't fall for it. These shills need to be exposed and disregarded until they give up and the site can recover from their attacks.

Flag related is ultimately who is behind the current shittiness of /fringe/.

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The jews are only responsible for a portion of the world's ills. It's jews and white people. Most masons are people like Jim, not Schlomo McShekelsteinbergowitz.



Well of course. Whites are the superior race. A superior race can only be brought down by an inferior when there is treason from within.

"Race traitors will be the FIRST to go on the Day Of The Rope!" as the saying goes.

Race traitors and jews have to be purged and then there will be nobody left capable of opposing the white race from conquering space and achieving unprecedented technological and spiritual progress. The subhumans will be easily exterminated then.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

― Marcus Tullius Cicero



You really should stop using /pol/. The most likely outcome by a fair margin is that WWIII and natural outcomes due to changes in the output of Sol and weather patterns here on Earth, along with the eruptions of Yellowstone and Fuji will contribute to the deaths of all but a few million or perhaps a few tens of million people. I am sure that in the course of this many governments will be toppled and assuredly the power structures will collapse. But there will be no dotr, there will be no RaHoWa, there will be no white domination, no space colonisation. Primarily the two most likely scenarios at this point are:

>a "great awakening" where many of the surviving members of humanity become enlightened leading to a golden age the likes of which has not been seen since Atlantis

>the complete and total death of humanity, only immortals remain

All things as they are, eh?



Is a man who is the embodiment of the Aryan ideal any less superior for having been deceived and stabbed in the back by some weak, disgusting, degenerate coward?

Inferior beings can and will do harm to superior beings, especially if someone in the ranks of the superior being betray them.

Imagine this scenario for a moment. Lets say it's 700 AD and some space alien Pleiadians land in Africa. All the niggers there are bathing themselves in cow piss and shit, dirty, and completely subhuman. They are only armed with muh dick and spears. The Pleiadians all have advanced suits, guns, a spaceship, etc. Unfortunately for them, one in their crew is secretly a degenerate faggot nig-lover who has always hated the rest of his crew. So he convinces his crew to take the niggers on board, "for study". He then, without the rest of them knowing, convinces the niggers to try and rape and kill all the white pleiadian space women on board the ship, after having purposely locked down the ship and letting all the niggers into the room where the guns and ammunition is kept, and then he lets them loose on the rest of his crew trapped there. Everyone dies and the traitor jerks off. Does that mean the niggers are superior? Does that mean the traitor is superior? Fuck no. The niggers are niggers. The traitor is a degenerate.




>The most likely outcome by a fair margin is that

I am not talking about outcomes. I am talking about the state of things as they are RIGHT NOW. We were betrayed and dominated by the jews and we're living in that reality RIGHT NOW. This shit isn't something that is going to happen at a later time, it's the reality we live in at this very moment.



You can only be controlled if you wish to do so. I am slave to no man.



Well good for you anon – but can you save your race from destruction? Can you preserve a sustainable population of high quality breeding material and make sure that a thousand years from now, your descendants carry on your traditions, and produce new vessels to reincarnate into? It's one thing to liberate yourself. It's another to achieve what I'm speaking of. Indeed, it is much easier to resist control, than it is to control. Can you dominate others? Can you bend them to your will?

In actual fact there is also an art to submission. Can you be controlled? Can you submit? Can you let someone play with you? Can you serve someone? Maybe you can't.

You should hold as an ideal both resistance and non-resistance, submission and domination.



>AWyattMann just take a look at any jew.jpg


>your cherry picking of random degenerates that are atypical of the white race

You'll have great difficulty finding ANY jews, even with cherrypicking, that aren't disgusting goblins. Meanwhile I'd say at least 5% of the white race is worth saving and very beautiful, intelligent, etc. -- a few million whites at least. You'll be hardpressed to find even a hundred jews worth preserving.


I asked previously about banishing thoughtforms and your instructions did indeed help. Thank you.

But after a while the same of kind things keep coming out, so I figured it's useless to weed out bad things out of bad soil. It seems that these thoughts have common things in anger, envy/jealousy and lust. Would it help to get rid of, or even make these emotions less intense?

Now anger and lust i can handle, but jealousy is something incomprehensible. I see and feel it, but can't do a single thing to it.



>Well good for you anon – but can you save your race from destruction? Can you preserve a sustainable population of high quality breeding material and make sure that a thousand years from now, your descendants carry on your traditions, and produce new vessels to reincarnate into?

Not my problem. If humanity is destroyed, or if it survives, that is really no concern of mine. And as long as humanity does exist in some form I fully understand the theory of changing a fetus' characteristics and genetic material within the womb and am working on applying the hermetic science of genetic manipulation into practice. Assuming humanity remains in any capacity it will be relatively trivial to create proto-aryan (whites are a corrupted race though nearer to "true humans" than other races currently on the surface) genotype children from nearly any genetic stock, as long as the host mother has a decent energy body.

As to dominating others and submitting to others, I have no need. I take only what is freely given and give freely.



Sounds like someone just needs to smile more



Have you tried simple meditation and introspection? Like attracts like, as they say. Certain states and emotions attract primitive thoughtforms like flies to a corpse. Meditation and introspection are the simplest and best ways to refine yourself.

or you could just wear silk, that works too



Strawman. The typical American is not "white", being far removed from the proto-aryan genotype. Americans are in general a lower breed of human near the level of niggers, mostly because their government has been poisoning and brainwashing them for 5 generations.



Read what Franz Bardon has to say about what he calls "larvae" and how they're spawned from the emotional experiences you go through during the day. My suggestion is to purposefully cultivate and create very strong thoughtforms that you can keep as your company with you that will effectively drown out / block / cut off the other shit from feeding, or you can try and tone down the emotions and starve all the larvae in general.

I personally never experience jealousy and can't understand anyone who does that. Literally every single person I ever meet I want them to get better in every way and I feel happy when someone improves in any way, financially, in love, in health, and so on.

On the other hand, I feel plenty of contempt for those that embrace degeneracy, and who I have the misfortune of having to live with and suffer their presence. I have a variety of negative emotions but not jealousy.



I am tbqh VERY INTERESTED in what you're talking about and have seen tidbits here and there (mostly on bibliotecapleyades.net) about this. Please make a whole thread for this. I too aspire to manipulate and regenerate the genetics of humans.

Also you ever heard about that alien abduction case where a blond hair was left behind but the dna traces back to some rare ethnic group in Asia? Really makes you think…

Also if you don't have white genetic stock around to work with it's going to be more difficult for you to restore the archetypal aryan man than if you have to do it with the other races so you should for that reason care about the fate of the white race at least a little.

>As to dominating others and submitting to others, I have no need. I take only what is freely given and give freely.

…but can you do it? If I requested you to dominate me in a very specific way like making me suddenly fall asleep at my computer right now, could you do it, or is that beyond your current capability?






































































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