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Greenpill me on sleep /fringe/. How can you sleep less hours but restore your energy more efficiently. (Say, sleep 3 hours and feel completely energized, instead of sleeping 7-8)


how do I make sigil? already made two but I am not sure if I did it right.

>created sigil in paint

>stared at it for a while

>deleted it



Treat it as calligraphy and draw it by hand, preferable outside on the ground.



Take a cold shower in the morning?



here's a little tip: do not be awakened rudely. what this means is: no loud alarms etc.

if you are awakened rudely, you will feel horrible even if you had slept for 10 hours.

but if you awaken naturally, you will feel refreshed even if you had slept for 3 hours.



>have no energy blockages in the system

>aura can reboot and gather energy in less than half the normal time

>coupled with conscious meditation on selfgeneration and energybuildup could cut it to an hour or two of meditating once maybe twice a day.

Start with aligning to this.




Meditating makes me feel tired afterwards. Am I doing it right?


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A while back someone posted on one of these question threads about emotional words in English that correspond to alchemical principles.

Does anyone else remember this? What were they?



Depends what type of meditation you are doing.

If you are meditating to clear you mind, theoretically it is the same as sleep, if you are in a comfortable position.

What is sleep? Mind rest, Body rest.

What is void meditation? Mind rest, body rest (comfortable position)

Good luck not falling asleep when you get comfy though.

So this may not specifically help OQ, but if you guys are ever faced with a situation where you aren't permitted to sleep for whatever reason, you can simply use your mind clearing meditation technique to regenerate.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How do I summon aliens or provoke encounters with them like Montalk? I wanna finally see those fuckers and I wanna find out if I can escape being abducted.



Be paranoid of them all the time. Aspire to become the perfect loosh dispenser boi.

t. not a reptilian


Anyone else having as much fun unwrapping the Kaballah as I am? Fuck this tesseract bs, but at the same time I can't help but enjoy solving the puzzlebox.

Anyone have a diagram of The Balanced Tree, the Tree of Life? I have a working hypothetical diagram but have yet to test it out.



You have to spend an amount of time meditating on the meaning and how the sigil you drew represents that. Then delete and forget


How does the occult explain cloning?



What do you mean how does it explain cloning? That's such a vague question. Be far more specific.


You could do what >>115051 says, but since you're familiar with Montalk you might have read Reality Creation Redux and you might be aware that being paranoid of them all the time will cause more situations in which you have a need to feel paranoid about them, and I don't think you want negative experiences with them. Instead you could feel the emotions you'd feel if you already knew them but in a positive way (and obviously read Reality Creation Redux if you haven't already because it explains the feeling begets feeling thing).



There has been a couple of discussions on the various manipulations of the Tree of Life on >>>/occult/. I pretty much lurk there from time to time as only one or two posts come through a day.



Sometimes I do void meditation, and sometimes I do meditation to think clearly. I don't have much experience with meditation, I'm still experimenting. Are you saying that meditation can theoretically replace sleep? Can meditating while still thinking also count as sleep?


recommend me some good books on druid-magick and nordic pagan magic


I made a thread for an elaborate question but nonone is answearing so I'll just cut the bullshit and ask it straight up:

Is fucking around with your conciousness outside your body dangerous? Like is it like a dream were nothing can hurt your physical body?

…Like some of the things you people write on here really disturbs me… Could something else enter my physical body while I'm "away"?


What kind of thing has the power to give me nightmares and be visible just after waking?

Seems like it is quite deeply attached to me since it can show itself even after months of peace.

I'm thinking of larvae or parasite



Life is dangerous. Thinking is dangerous. Doing is dangerous. Be brave, for cowardice certainly will make a short life for you, but courage might let you glimpse eternity.

All the time thoughts and their influences are entering into you. Some of it leaves just as it enters, some of it sticks. At any time a very condensed and powerful thoughtform can enter and attach to you. Doesn't matter if you're present or not. It's more a matter of emotional vulnerabilities and opportunities, what you resonate with, whose attention comes upon you. We have filters that sometimes block out the good, sometimes the bad, sometimes aren't really functioning well at all. You have to refine your being so you get the noise and crap out and to stay out, and you take in plenty of the good.

All the time this is going on, now as ever, and there is not much special about astral projection, other than that you are now aware of the possibility of projecting your awareness totally away from yourself and in a form through which your awareness works. What you might not know is you've been doing it all along and just need to refine the process more.

What montalk has said however about astral projection in particular is absolutely true… that doing it all too much basically weakens the connection between your soul and body, which can lead to exhaustion and sickness and other problems, but is not so bad depending your situation. Weakening the bonds of the body and soul is fine if you aren't under attack by lots of dark shit all the time.

Don't fear anything. When you are dying it is very peaceful anyways. I was so scared until it happened. Once you cross a certain point there is no fear just watching and being pleasantly surprised. All kinds of things can happen; in theory… but my mind has lost the ability to take all kinds of threats to me seriously much anymore and I face everything with inner-calm. The worst that happens to me these days is I go through periods of vagueness and tension but I have found new things to tie my awareness to that are bringing in a lot of good material for me and I have massively accelerated my reaction times and the overall speed of my thoughts lately. I have found some simple aspirations that I can stick with and activities that I can use to enrich my soul. Life gives you lots of opportunities to practice the way.



All manifest things are thoughts in the mind of God. Whatever persists like that is either hanging around you a lot or has some other business it gets mired in until it decides to come back your way again. The power of inflicting nightmares on someone is the power of being a vector for and holding a lot of negative shit and bringing it into someone's mental sphere. If you want to induce nightmares for someone just focus on them and start channeling lots of disturbing shit to them. If you want to take your 4D chess game higher of course you look into the person, see their vulnerabilities there, and you exploit them, and you dodge as much as possible whatever powers greater than you that might want to try and protect them. There's a lot of things you can't do without causing a lot of trouble in "the spirit world" and starting a spiritual war. Everyone has their place in this world and somethings you are invested with the authority to exercise your power as see fit other things you will be challenged and worn down and contradicted by beings that maybe are wiser and more mature than you and know better… or are simply resting upon more momentum. Anyways I recommend you get some insight into the mechanics of this entity by mimicking what it's doing except do it on someone else then you will gain the knowledge you need to deal with it and hold your ground better.



Btw all thoughts influence the body to some degree and stronger thoughts influence it more… and if you're worried about dying well lots of people get killed all the time by strong thought projections, die of "heart attacks" and such, die "spontaneously" and "without known cause" or because of "stress". There are some well cited cases of people being killed through mere suggestion. This can happen to you just by interacting with people any day though and is nothing special to the out of body stuff. Really the only thing I can emphasize about the out of body stuff is it can wear you down doing it a lot, weaken the connection of soul and body which opens you up to more stuff and can be bad depending your situation, but also sometimes depending what you do in the astral and what places you reside you can draw in actually a lot of power and heal yourself quite a lot in as little as three hours… I have seen recommendation also to do everything in multiples of 3 and it seems a good idea.



I don't know. My gut feeling always tells me to get right back into my body as fast as possible. The place were I end up always looks more like some shit straight out of the movie Insidious then what people describe as astral projection. It always feels like there's some sort of sinister presence there.

I am a curious person to the point of being reckless, but even this is a bit to "out there" for me…


3 hours, 6 hours, 9 hours. Aim to keep your astral travel within that timeframe. Don't do 2, 5, 7, etc. hours it has to be a multiple of three.

Discard this though if it doesn't work for you, it works for a lot of people, but not everyone is the same.

If you want to know what is best for you get a clean signal and you can focus in on anything you need to know about your body. It can be so bad to just listen to the random advice of people concerning your body, look at how animals optimally maintain their bodies without having to be told anything, they just know what is good for them. Have confidence in yourself to know what is good for you.



Yeah. That's how you hear about these guys meditating under trees for 40 days or whatever.



Oops. I mis-read your question.

Meditating while thinking cannot replace sleep as you are not resting your mind. (sleep = resting mind + resting body)


What's the green pilled way to fall asleep? What kind of meditation should I do?





go to >>112478

use this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfQVgVayXcc (entity remover), and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCnAyhif3qY (astral projection with safety affirmations included), plus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_dzTijrdBM (FARAON mantra, for instant astral projections)




that's a good thing in general.


also correct.

the lower the blockages are in the chakras, the more sleep you need. if you have root chakra/basic safety issues/developed issues as a baby, you sleep more to recoup a deeper feeling of need.

a book I read said acting from root chakra = 10-12 hours of sleep

sacral = 10 hours

solarplexus = 8 hours

heart = 6

throat = 4-5

3rd eye = 2-3

crown = no sleep necessary

on days I've had 3rd eye superactive I felt alright with 3 hours.

also someone said indian sages sleep from 10pm to 2am? (I don't remember if it was 1am or 4am maybe) and that those hours are the most beneficial sleep times. maybe ayurvedically which may only apply in india but idk try it.

also keep a regular sleep schedule, that helps the body be in a rhythm, which is best for rest.



>on one of these question threads

why not look through them? I'd ctrl+f the words in the archived question threads if I were you.


>There's a lot of things you can't do without causing a lot of trouble in "the spirit world" and starting a spiritual war.

you can put humanity into debt-slavery and seemingly dodge consequence tho? I'm curious as oto your thoughts on 'evil' things in the world and how it works/if there's a spiritual war going on right now.

is it only the lower-level spirits that inhabit the bodies of humans that suffer and can't escape their suffering?

>I recommend you get some insight into the mechanics of this entity by mimicking what it's doing except do it on someone else then you will gain the knowledge you need to deal with it and hold your ground better.

wew. How to propogate virus. But that's a cool idea even if I would want to avoid doing it unless I had no better option.


lay down and meditate, nomind or void meditation. lesser thoughts and/or make your thoughts into pictures, go exploring wherever your mind takes you. when i was younger i had a hard time managing this but nowadays I manage to fall asleep even when i feel like i have too much awakeness to fall asleep.


If somebody says things like "geez everyone has to die, dying is part of life, you just have to die sometimes, so that other people can take over, geez, i mean come on people its the current year when you just going to die so there can be more of me in the universe i mean more people in the universe geez its just part of life geez i mean you just come here and die and then the demiurge takes everything you did i mean then life goes on and a new pure innocent soul is born that lives their life and then just dies" and they never want to even explore those areas, don't want to have 'uncomfortable talks', literally do the equivalent of hearing everything that means something to you then waving a wand to banish it and ban you from saying anything else or they will do that 'woah dude are you crazy are you weird are you psychotic are you ok you are acting strange are you resisting arrest' social cue……………………………….

are they consciousless beings or fragments of the demiurge?

It is interesting how psychology is one of the most jewish fucking industries of all time, considers what anyone here would call a "spiritual experience" psychosis, but then once you are drugged to retardation they eat special meals on special days and try to cast spells and consider any discussion about them existing forever to be non fiction.

Since retarded goyim slaves are just the attack dogs for these psychotic jews, is this one of their black magic tricks or are these people just retarded? I need to know so I know whether to try to educate them or whether I should just move the fuck on.





Any tips for becoming motivated?

Every time I start looking into occult I quickly lose motivation. It has been going on for 3 or so years by now despite being interested in occult for the whole time.



>is this one of their black magic tricks or are these people just retarded?

I think it might be both. They are brainwashed fucks exactly because their retardation makes them easy prey to stuff said by figures of authority (parents, teachers, TV etc..) and were never exposed to people who are saiyng whats what. I mean, not all of them are retarded, just ignorant, brainwashed and doesn't into critical thinking.

>I need to know so I know whether to try to educate them or whether I should just move the fuck on.

But do they want to be educated? A good way of teaching is by asking questions, make them question stuff, its probably the best way to spread redpills, would probably work with greenpills too.


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Wow it hath been confirmeth



Dude any now they will go even deeper. Any day now. The leaks are coming any day. CIA asset I mean revolutionary non blackmailed Jesus Assange is gonna give us those leaks any day now then we are gonna have McAfee/Sanders and get libertarian socialism which will free humanity forever. Any day now. Stay tuned. On the next episode of Water Filter Alex Jones is going to release the files that will change everything.



As me, and also as being me, the creator of that video, I have determined that I should stay tuned in this me because in the next episode they are going to go more in depth. They already let us know about the clone factories which made everyone on Earth look like John Olivers gay lumberjack cousin , but on the next episode, they will get to the bottom of this. Please subscribe.

I love how some people are so fucking gross that they are profiting off the revolution. Within fucking minutes they came up with a business model to best profit off the revolution. Holy fucking shit these things might just be AI designed to be obsessed with hoarding every resource on the planet so they can sell it to you so you think that you are interacting with all these people. I guess we missed a bug there when creating LIFE. next time around we will program these people to always give us 15% off.


Sup /fringe/, i wanted to ask a question regarding the IIH mental training in step 1.

I'm on the 1st exercise and I can't understand what is meant by "being a uninvolved observer of one's mind".

While observing my thoughts, i have tried not to suppress anything, let whatever it might be get on the surface.

But, i feel as i am observing my mind actively. Most of the time, when a thought pops up, i catch myself thinking not to judge the thought or analyse it.

So, when i observe a thought, it triggers a response saying that i should not analyse it, which then prompts me to analyse if i am analysing the thought.

I have did this exercise for 1 week and got it to 10min, and when i started the second one (being present in the moment) i couldn't do it for a minute. I felt as if thoughts were bombarding me.

Then, i started it over again and here i am on day 3 feeling fucking miserable for being such a failure.

I also checked "The Bardon companion", which didn't help me either.

I'm asking which are the results that i should be striving for and what exactly is the state of being an uninvolved observer?



Also forgot to mention that 70% of the time when doing this exercise i have no thoughts to observe, considering i have previously done a breathing meditation for a few months.

So most of the time, i don't know if i am creating the thoughts, or forcing them out, which i guess it's not much different.

I know this post is fucking annoying and retarded but i always find myself over-analysing and not able to grasp the simplest shit pls help



IIH step is basically the same as Mindfulness meditation. You take a neutral response to each thought and return your attention back. Sometimes it is easier in the beginning to focus upon the breath instead of an absent state of mind. When the thoughts arise simply see them and allow them to move away without force or emotional attachment. Eventually the more you practice the thoughts will dwindle down. This step was something that was supposed to be practiced for the life of the magician and not something that prevents you from moving on to the next step. This question was actually very common on Rawn Clark's forum back in the day. Do not aim for full empty mind mastery before moving on to step 2, as it is unnecessary and will hold you back. Basically in the nutshell, all the exercises in step 1 are meant to be practiced as routine habits for the life of the mage. They will become stronger as you develop and move along with each step. For instance you don't just make one soul mirror and leave it at that. You will always be adjusting and updating your soul mirror as you move along. I put a link for a free mindfulness course on >>>/occult/. Read a little bit of it as it gives some tips that will be helpful for those in step 1.


I'm reading Conway's Occult Primer and I'm at his first actual instructions, the visualizations.

He mentions how fundamental it is for the future development of the magical career but his exercises are subpar.

Do any of you know a book or guide to visualization? Something to go from 0 to hero in a sure manner.

If you have good experience with it yourself, I'd be even happier.



when I did a vipassana retreat I started seeing visuals *clearly*



>vipassana retreat

I definitely wanna go on one some day but I don't have the financial means or time to do so right now, unfortunately.



they are free btw.



I'm looking for a book, I downloaded it from fringechan when it was still a thing. It was about human body's hidden powers and stuff like that. IIRC in one of the earlier pages the author gave an example of a yoga pose and said it fixes some problems but explained why people don't know about this. Also I remember he said one of his student achieved some of these powers in about 20 days, but he meditated like 20 hours a day. Those are the only things I remember about the book, does anyone know what I'm talking about? I remember that it was a great book but can't find it in my archive



Also I remembered one more thing, it was written by a German




never say that you are a failure. from the littlest steps, each one has come.

We are All One in the Infinite Source as It is One with Us. We are Sovereign. We are Divine. We are Free.

as long as you hold the intent to PRESERVERATE AND IMPROVE, you are in a positive path.


I consider astrology/religion/all of this to be fucking bullshit. That doesn't mean I didn't use it. Just like a nice shirt or a cool song isn't necessary for survival, all these things which assign value to human life aren't necessary. Unfortunately they are the only tools we have.

Science is the most stubborn douchey thing on the fucking planet:

Science Nerd: Omg dewd we did it we just created a new power planet that royalty can use to control the stupid ass peasants! We could have worked on incorporating every human being into our quest for knowledge, but we don't care about them because cosmic mistake and science! And if you don't listen to me you are anti science! Because I wrote this big ass book!

*persons parents get divorced, trauma leads to chain of events which leads to broken child, all events can be analyzed and solutions can be incorporated into society, as long as our almighty leader Dr. Science approves*

Dr. Science M.D, Certified Genius, Knower of Everything About Your Life, Wants, and Needs: Omg ok well thats just like an outlier a fire that destroys a building is an outlier and we prepare for that with science but i mean come on its just a few human beings and this is just a cosmic mistake and when you die that pain and failure wont even matter so who cares Science! Science! Science! I don't want to explore certain areas of my brain and that is why I am qualified to declare myself the master of reality because not taking everything into consideration makes you a great leader!

Now I will tell you where science got it right. Shut the fuck up ackshully it's not like by saying fuck all science I am not acknowledging that bongs are fucking badass. Quit being a fucking psychopath and following every posters trying to get to the bottom of this to be like OMG YOU ARE WRONG OMG FLAME FLAME FLAME TROLL TROLL so I don't have to waste my time prebanishing you.

Ok back to the point. Computers are where science got it right. Personal Computers I guess. By just using a computer from age 3-23, and using all these different games, format converters, basic html, just growing up seeing all this shit getting built and not fully understanding it but being able to to absorb some things and try some shit without having the gold key to access the nuclear research facilities gold room, I was able to get a fucking IT job. I never read one fucking book because standing there looking at one dudes thoughts in text form for hours makes me want to kill myself. I would just try shit and occasionally search for a specific issue.

So, why can't that extend to everything? Fitness, medicine, physical therapy, nutrition, auto repair, robotics, politics, sociology, music, every thing on earth should be able to be explored with the same efficiency I have when I upload pictures of my ass on the fakesbook. Fucking dumb ass boomer con artists who never did anything except latch onto other peoples accomplishments and get a cut of their profits were able to figure this shit out. Wow, we did it humanity, we evolved our learning capabilities! Fucking stupid ass universities where you have to stand around listening to a dude with a pension stretch out a 5 minute lesson to a 4 hour lesson don't need to exist anymore! Lets start taking over the entire fucking galaxy!

The worst thing about life is other peoples ego. You have to go through like ten different egos if you want to do anything. You have to adjust yourself to their liking, pay them the correct amount of dollars, waste all this time driving to them. Every fucking place you go there are 5000000000 fucking psychopaths with no incentive to improve the efficiency of humans because they get a nice pay check. That has got to the fucking go. There has been a retarded amount of effort by certain cults to prevent humans from being sovereign beings. I sincerely doubt that these things are even humans, because every actual human I encounter who is in this with me has a legitimate aura where its like ok lets not fuck eachother over and do what we can to increase our chances of survival.



Here is the end result of my quest to control my ego: everything that you did does not fucking matter because every day there are new problems to deal with. When you die in a fucking fire, the fact that you won the super bowl doesnt mean shit. That does not mean dont make that part of your being, because winning suggests that you were doing something right, but winning doesnt mean shit until youve transcended things like pain/death/mundane dead end hells.

That is basically the conclusion I have come to through my sPiRiTuAl JoUrNey. All it took was a few times doing some trance/medtation/yoga/chant/tea/weed shit, then when I felt the 50000000000000000 demon hands that pull me in their direction 24/7 released, I reached fucking Nirvana. Would rather you take in what I'm saying than be like ARRGGH HE REACHED NIRVANA FUCK HIM because thats how I would read that, so take comfort in the fact that my life is again complete fucking shit.

The meaning of life is being happy, creating, and expressing your individuality. Why the fucking fuck are there different humans if there isn't a point to each individual human? Your quest is breaking down every barrier sitting in the way of this happening. If you are the highest of the high, and you see the lowest of the low getting picked on by parasite bullies, then they need rescued somehow, because even though you arent experiencing that pain now you are enabling the person creating the pain, and they will keep expanding until they get to you.

Getting to the next plateau is 100% possible, and most people are already working towards that they just don't know. It's probably really just like 1% or less of the population fighting this. I used to think that EVIL was just part of the natural order. That is a fucking lie. I have seen the light, and the retarded amount of darkness I have encountered by just going "oh aight I can control my own soul" did nothing but proved that everyone like "We gotta unite dawg" who got murdered was on to something.




I think you should talk less and listen more.


This was given in May 1833 to Joseph Smith a prophet in the church of latter day-saints. I just wanted to get opinions on it. I recently read The Kybalian by Three Initiates and thought it was quite interesting.

21 And now, verily I say unto you, I was in the beginning with the Father, and am the Firstborn;

22 And all those who are begotten through me are partakers of the glory of the same, and are the church of the Firstborn.

23 Ye were also in the beginning with the Father; that which is Spirit, even the Spirit of truth;

24 And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come;

25 And whatsoever is more or less than this is the spirit of that wicked one who was a liar from the beginning.

26 The Spirit of truth is of God. I am the Spirit of truth, and John bore record of me, saying: He received a fulness of truth, yea, even of all truth;

27 And no man receiveth a fulness unless he keepeth his commandments.

28 He that keepeth his commandments receiveth truth and light, until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things.

29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.

30 All truth is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself, as all intelligence also; otherwise there is no existence.

31 Behold, here is the agency of man, and here is the condemnation of man; because that which was from the beginning is plainly manifest unto them, and they receive not the light.

32 And every man whose spirit receiveth not the light is under condemnation.

33 For man is spirit. The elements are eternal, and spirit and element, inseparably connected, receive a fulness of joy;

34 And when separated, man cannot receive a fulness of joy.

35 The elements are the tabernacle of God; yea, man is the tabernacle of God, even temples; and whatsoever temple is defiled, God shall destroy that temple.

36 The glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth.

37 Light and truth forsake that evil one.

38 Every spirit of man was innocent in the beginning; and God having redeemed man from the fall, men became again, in their infant state, innocent before God.

39 And that wicked one cometh and taketh away light and truth, through disobedience, from the children of men, and because of the tradition of their fathers.

40 But I have commanded you to bring up your children in light and truth.


How to stop focusing on breath while trying to do no mind meditation?


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i want to improve my body in every way, i'm talking taller, stronger, smarter, better hair, bigger junk, the whole package almost like captain america going from scrawny to hero, basically puberty 2.0.

Meditate, visualize, ritual, some kind of super ritual? i'm just some new scrub looking to get into this. i know i cant be the only one who wants to upgrade their body to its max potential.



What was Hermes Trismegistus' true name?



I also want to improve my body but I want to be shorter, just send me the shortness energy and I'll send you the tallness. I can also spare 3 inches of penile length, some muscular strength & build, feet size and visual acuity but in return I want a prettier face. I will do this in meditation most nights at 22:30 GMT, starting after you reply to this post and agree. I will continue for 7 days and then it will be complete or we may start another cycle. This will be an even exchange and it will benefit both parties equally and any attempt to cheat will automatically fail and greatly penalize the cheating party.


Hermeticism draws inspiration from the qabbalah. So i feel like it's a contributing link of energy to the jews. Does Christian Gnosticism concentrate on the trinity? How do I escape the jew matrix?



cool pic.

I had puberty 2.0 when i stopped masturbating/went to live/work at a yoga retreat center. vegan food and work and yoga and meditation was nice. I didn't get stronger but younger-looking, less neurotic, and other stuff


cool pic. interesting idea. lol 3 inches too long of b enis?

I'm a good length rn, can't go any longer, but also wouldn't wanna be shorter benis or height.




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>Nor is the Cosmos to be regarded as a nightmare dream; meditation; illusion; delusion; or imagination; of the Absolute, as some of the philosophical schools of India, and the pessimistic schools of the West, would have men believe, against all the natural intuition of the race.

Why is this recommended by a board full of gnostics?



>a board full of gnostics

Says who? The library Mega has books from many different schools of thought in it.



Says my observation that gnosticism is the most prevalent belief system on this board. I just think it's a bit odd that one of the first pieces of recommended reading is opposed to it.



you don't want to give anything away. it's not necessary. every Being is Sovereign, Divine, Free, Eternal, Infinite, Inmortal, Not-limitated and Unlimited in All Ways, Shapes, Forms, Concepts, Ideas, Etc, Etc and Etc as Fractals of the One.

We are One with the Infinite Source as It is One with Us.

you just need to Intention to *have* what you desire, and you shall have it with no further cost or loss.




the only thing that should be gifted is Infinite Energy charged with Positiveness, Unconditional Love from the Infinite Source, things that *should be* truly gifted from the Heart, the Law of Thanks, the Law of Forgiveness, the Law of Grace, and the Law of Blessings.


The sheer amount of shills on this site is disgusting. I post one piece of unrevealed/life shattering info and its suddenly burried under threads and comments of shitposting.

Im out fam, yall enjoy the loosh circle jerk.



Which thread was it?



was it a shitty thread?

and geez, I don't see the huge deal. post on fringebay.com or mewch if you want a better quality fringe/one that won't slide your posts because there aren't a lot of people on it.


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Is this book from the library a good place to start with Vajrayana Buddhism?


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The original owner of /fringe/ has his /fringe/ board over on Mew Chan.




It's one of two people. A real gnostic or smiley shitposting with the flags. Don't let his jewish trickery work on you



>that reddish tint

Are you using F.lux?



(Not that anon) I use f.lux and it doesn't affect the colour of my screenshots.



Probably just some demonic influence




it's a phone screenshot.

there's an app called twilight on android and the tint on it does affect screenshots.

t. knower


Is there any legitimacy to the subliminals on youtube that don't contain any phrases? Like how it says in the description of this vid


"The repetition it still there, you just consciously will not hear it. "

How does the sub-conscious hear it if I can't hear it?



your subconscious can hear far lower frequency ranges than your conscious, and decipher the messages properly.


What kind of meditation should I do for very fast reflexes?



meditation involving slowing down time, more processes-per-second.

I'd try paying attention to fewer things, as intensely as possible.



I listened to some hair growth related ones (intended for women) out of pure curiosity, and now I have long feminine eyelashes. Whoops.


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Any tips on dealing with Genus Loci of a house?

We're trying to sell up and move; people come to view and seem eager to buy…but they never do. We haven't priced it wrongly and they alway remark on the beautiful presentation.

>I had a dream that myself and my mother were negotiating swapping gifts to a 3ft man wearing a cap. His skin was brown, almost like it was made from wood (since he came out of the walls in our kitchen). He gave me a loaf of bread and my mother a bottle of ale; I can't remember what we gave him.

Would making offerings make him want us to stay? I'd really like him to help us with the place.



Look into Trolldom practices. I first read about it in a book called Serpent Songs. I dont know much about house spirits but the section in the book on Trolldom was very descriptive on dealing with localized house spirits. Id be willing to post snippets but Ill have to get to my computer to do that so I can access the ebook.



Thank Anon.

I was thinking of Trolls and similar spirits across europe, but since we're in England I thought that it may have to be specific to brownies (not much information online, as far as I can tell).

I'll look for the book you mentioned in the meantime, again, thanks!


Greenpill me on Ouija's, /fringe/. Are they dangerous, a scam, or an useful tool?



depends on who is using it.

certainly fuckin dangerous for kids.

shouldn't be too useful tbh because you can just ask the akash for anything


What ended up happening to Smiley? Who is BO now?


How do you greenpill a Catholic girl?



Nag Hammadi library?



Are crystals and minerals, lets say moonstone, actually magical in any capacity Because the only places that talk about such magic are a bunch of women trying to be witches and failing miserably.



they are. they hold specific vibrations and work as amplifiers, quartz more than many. try holding a moldavite for awhile and you'll see

also crystal thread http://fringebay.com/fringe/835



I hold my small genuine moldavite shard for 5 min and I feel nothing, what should I do?




There's something about gnostics that makes me undeniably repulsed and disgusted. They're insidious bastards advocating with an ideology that'll spiral your life out of control easily with no progress in sight. Glad I shook that shit off, I'm never looking back.



GTFO shill. I've had more progress in a month of practicing Gnosticism than any other system Ive used. Im sorry your ego is too inflated for it to work for you.



clean it, activate it and charge it.

for activation you open the tap water (NON-FLUORIDATED OR TOXIFIED! if yours is, then use ANOTHER WATER!), then, you rub the shard with sea salt while it's on the stream (i forgot for how many minutes, 5? 10? if you can feel energy feel the crystal)

to activate it you intention it to be activated. it will awaken its powers.

to charge it, you implant an intention within the crystal, something pure and positive. this will charge it up with the intention and it will add to the crystal's natural powers.

it will stick (crystals are about as easy as water for intentioning) and will constantly radiate it.




he's got it right.

I meant more like keep it in your aura for awhile and it might get uncomfortably strong.

But you can try a quartz or lemurian quartz or charoite or melody stone/super 7 for other stones that are moderately strong/programmable in particular.

or go to a rock shop and there might be one that vibes with you in there.

if you smoke weed you can get a little too high and then grab some red tiger's eye and see how it grounds and calms. or if you're STO angelite or celestite or apophyllite are good angel stones that feel nice. apophyllite was the one that worked best for me but I think my aura is already similar to celestite and angelite is a similar one


What's the best way to access the Akashic records?



If you're capable of mental travel/AP just will yourself there.




Thanks, now I just have to find it. I strangely lost it yesterday just after posting, even stranger I found another green-colored raw crystal embedded in a piece of conglomerate rock in a vase in my house when I was searching. Anyway..


So all the yogis claim you have to only breathe in through your nose. And Ive noticed recently that I start breathing through my mouth when doing anything physical like running/lifting. Ive tried only breathing through my nose but it feels like Im not getting in enough air.Any tips?



you probably have to acclimate. high altitude training is a thing, so I can see training with less oxygen can be beneficial


What is the correct form of noting during mindfulness, is it correct to say the word mentally, or is to observe something conceptually?



Some people say crystals will leave you when their influence is no longer needed. Of course, I take all of this crystal stuff with a grain of salt.

I just lost a piece of malachite I had been carrying securely in my inside jacket pocket for a few months. No idea how it got away from me.


Is there any /fringe/ way to change one's eye colour?




it has seemingly been seen that crystals break by themselves when entities attack, specially those which are naturally protecting.


intentioning, will, and subliminal/cymatic videos.


Currently curled in bed and high on Codeine.

What happens to the Chakras during menstruation?

Pain aside, for me it's like there's *fire* burning internally around the sacral that travels up the spine.

Any recommendations on how to use this energy at this time?


Has anyone else here developed a narcissists persona? This might be a side effect for focusing too on my self.


Do subliminal videos actually work? They have always seemed to me like poor man's magic where the audio is just there to be an external thing for a mundane mind to believe in?



I didn't think so, but then…


This happened.


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Greenpill me on Vitiligo /fringe/. What is the esoteric reason behind this condition and how can someone contract Vitiligo I want to look like a cow being honest, I always thought the pink/white blotches in someone's skin were cool. How do I get Vitiligo?


Now why is it a bad idea to try and create a tulpa for companionship again?

Especially if you have a high chance of having the auts and a good level of social anxiety



Why do you want a tulpa? It's because you want companionship, right? If so, why do you want companionship? Are you scared of loneliness, or do you think you'll never meet anyone you can get along with? If so, thinking those thoughts begets that situation, meaning while you could create a tulpa, maybe you'd be doing it out of fear and instead you should improve yourself and see what kind of companionship your higher self brings into your life if you allow it to instead of fueling negative situations. Introspection like this is an important thing to learn as an occultist. Even aside from the reasons why you shouldn't make a tulpa (because it's a waste of time that you could otherwise spend bettering yourself and doing the work, because they can take over your consciousness and control you like in the screencap in that other thread, because you won't necessarily be able to control it like you think, because you'll be sinking a lot of loosh into it, etc), it sounds like you're doing it for the same reason everyone else on the internet does it: loneliness. Loneliness is a scary and horrible feeling, and I had zero friends for a significant amount of my life, so I get it, but you're not going to fix your probelms with a tulpa, and, if anything, that could make it all worse. You should put that time and effort into getting in touch with your higher self more.



Maybe he doesn't have a higher self?



Is there any way to check the message itself then? Like with audio editing software?





these, and on fringebay

"I'm going to get a new pyrite, last one ran away."

they seem t


mantak chia's cultivating female sexual energy says if you cultivate you can stop menstruation with it.

I dunno tho. we mostly dudes here.

kundalini/sexual energy tends to be hot, but I imagine menstruation/making eggs monthly uses up that energy.


if you dont disdain others and love yourself I'm not sure if narcissism is bad aside from maybe too much ego/harder to channel spirit. elaborate?


how would someone prevent hair loss/grow hair? asking for parental unit



If you're a guy then stop masturbating, only have cold showers, don't eat garbage, switch to not using shampoo when washing your hair. Probably some vitamin supplements would help too. Besides that there are infinite ways to do it with magick. Read the recommended books.


I found god by accident.

I drunk myself to sleep then woke up suddenly. Went back to sleep then I found myself in a midwake state around a nebula. Out of the brightest star this rope extends towards me. As it gets closer I notice that this is no rope but some form of serpent coiled upon itself and those coils coil upon themselves. It was Ivory but emitting golden white light.

What do I do now?…



Thanks, I'll look into that book.

>It's not like a fever where you're hot all over, it's like a field of lava within the pelvic region towards the lower spine (where it rolls up in waves).

>I end up sweating out more than I can re-hydrate myself with, so dehydration's a problem.

>Normally don't sleep the first night at all

>Mum said that she only had cramps and mood swings, no fevers.

Is it Kundalini?



Lots of fruit everyday, throw a few packs of berries into a blender.

Make sure you're getting enough iron (supplements must be Ferrous Fumerate).

Vigourorous scalp massages in the shower.



>general purpose energy is loosh

this is a confusion: they are different.

beside this, the rest of the advice is good.


all beings have a Higher Self. those who don't are not true consciousnesses.

you just have to learn how to tune with it and hear it. if you can't hear your Higher Self, it sometimes will seem like you don't have one at all.




this is no god, and is certainly not the Infinite Source Itself (although this is an oxymoron since the Infinite Source Is and Lives Within Everybody and Everything: All is One as One is All). it may be an entity or a manifestation of a thought-pattern, evne a fractal. consult your Higher Self.


yes, with audacity and others.


of course they work.




thank you.


yeah I was wondering more about supplements and subliminals, stuff more mundies could use 'cause is for my mom and she's not gonna get into magic



sounds like it. I've never heard of it being associated with menses though, so that's kinda weird.

keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth right behind the teeth, and engage your pelvic floor muscles, then draw the energy up to your head and down to below your navel, your lower dantien, and let it sink into there.

you can also release excess energy from the bottoms of your feet or your ming-men


located on the back at the same height the navel is.



I developed some patches on my lower back the first few times I started to experience my symptoms that I've posted about.

It's not as extreme as it's normally portrayed, but it's very noticeable that I have pale splotches marking my coccyx/lower spine.



Thank you!



You can't convince me that shitskins have a higher self. And don't link to scam websites in the future



oh and the energy circuit is up the back and down the front. unless you are overheating like crazy.

that's the yang cycle. reversed it's the yin cycle and cooling but only quite rarely indicated (during menopause and if a kundalini rising gets too hot i think)



Interesting. Reminds me of this MU episode from a few weeks ago.



What use does morality have without one's own self? I am starting to suspect that empathy is akin to physical pleasure as just another burden. I am very empathetic person. I cringe at the sight of an insect's death throes.



(posted prematurely)

There is so much suffering in the world that to feel anything for it is just like an insatiable hunger. Is there any deeper meaning that makes it worthwhile? Will I suffer on my deathbed if I spend the rest of my life unfeeling for others?


> Is there any deeper meaning that makes it worthwhile? Will I suffer on my deathbed if I spend the rest of my life unfeeling for others?

Compassion, ability to feel the goodness/pleasure/joy of others. Empathy makes relationships more fun.

I think shutting out other people's feelings is fine as long as you're not cruel; can't take on everyone's suffering.



>can't take on everyone's suffering

This, you'll have to stop caring about others' suffering as you start to delve into peoples' minds, feeling what they feel and such.


what's up with the rush of spirit that runs through your body when you take a satisfying piss?




by the way if you need help clearing your energy, that tends to reduce some of the attachment of others/desire to do what they want/feel for them in an unhealthy way.

here's an energy clearing meditation


idk if link works on mobl, I can post a pastebin if it doesn't work


How can I stop being such a negative person? Is there anything or anyone that can help me?



>"shitskins" do not have a Higher Self

even though we may hate the brown and black races for race mixing with whites, for having inferior cultures, for living in filth and squalor, and loving it, for not showing intelligence, for being addicts, for raping…

they are still Divine, Eternal, and Sovereign Beings. they have chosen to incarnate in this way for some reason (or were duped into it by the ((("lord" of karma parasites of the false light))), but even that is part of learning).

you know when you meet something that's not a true consciousness. signs are obvious.

>ascensionhelp.com is a scam

some of the things he sells you may be slightly overpriced or shouldn't be sold at all in the first place. however, I met my Higher Self through the meditation he made. there's a point to be made with that.



Feel like a retard right now. I have been interested in astrology and planetary magic for a while. I heard FraterX say on his youtube channel that you can leave out some rum or light a candle to honor one of the planets. I've done this twice and emoted a brief honoring and both times bad shit has happened the next day.

The first time I left out some rum, said the prayer, and the next day a freak rainstorm flooded my car and my phone fell out of my hand from a small height and broke.

Last night I lit a candle and said a prayer and today a bunch of other random shit happened including me almost cutting my finger off.

I didn't ask for anything, I just wanted to pay respect. Am I getting the fucked up stuff because some random entity is just fucking with me or is it because my idiot neophyte self is unworthy?



What do you think it means to "honor one of the planets"? That's an actual question because I don't know. I mean, did you expect it to influence your life in some ambiguous way or whatever? When you do any kind of occult process, you want to know everything about what you're doing. That's especially important if it's something like that that you've never heard of anywhere else, because it could be bullshit or it could be far more complicated than the person is letting on or knows themselves and it could do you uncontrollable damage. Considering you're specifically calling yourself a neophyte, you sound like you're just starting out and you want to make crazy things happen in your life but you can't be bothered studying.

Think of it like this: if you wanted to build a cabinet, you could learn as much as possible about carpentry, get all the tools necessary, write up mathematical plans, measure twice, cut once, all of that stuff, and you'll control every part of the process, you'll get exactly the cabinet you want, and you won't cut your own hand off or end up with a useless pile of wood and nails. On the other hand, you could go to IKEA or one of those kinds of stores instead, take all the parts out of the box, throw most of the instructions away, bang some things together and hope for the best, in which case you might magically end up with a cabinet some of the time, but most of the time you'll probably hurt yourself and you'll end up with a huge, useless mess instead of a cabinet. You also won't have learned how to make more cabinets into the future.

In short, read the recommended reading list.



which planet, and what was the prayer?

I don't know if alcohol is a good offering, but the candle seems good enough to me.

also, how in-tune are you with your spirit/soul? I'd try to get in touch with your inner harmony before expanding out to planets, or you might attract negative things. also could be a trial of some sort, especially if you're honoring saturn.

entity fucking with you might also be possible. you could try some of the sovereignty stuff that that montalk flag guy keeps spamming/check out his thread. I haven't used much of it but I'm past the point where I need it for the most part, I just say something like the sovereignty quote he had in his thread.

T. adept



how often should i meditate in order to be able to do astral projection?



At least once per day. Get your energy body as stronk as you can by shifting energy through it and becoming as aware of it as you can. Also spend as much time visualizing highly complex environments and objects to get your mental/astral senses trained up for the time you actually AP.


Thanks for the replies



I have studied mostly passive occult fields like astrology, tarot, etc. My takeaway from this experience is definitely that I need to work an actual initiatory system before trying any kind of active magical operations.

I should have stated in my previous post but both times I had a series of positive synchronicities and dreams that I thought carried the signature of a specific planetary influence. The first time was Jupiter and the second was Neptune. In both instances the honoring was merely positive emotion plus "I honor you x" while setting out the offering. I merely wanted to pay respect after getting some good things.

The most recent attempt to honor Neptune came after 12 months of frequent and sometimes bizarre water synchronicities and dreams, that lead me to a more spiritual path.


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Is this worth reading? I got it expecting a modern Helena Blavatsky but so far it seems like just a mundane history book.

Side note: I could have sworn Elaine Pagels died in her 40s/50s but I looked her up for an unrelated reason and she's still alive. WTF? Is this the Mandela effect?


Has anyone here ever tried stacking loads of subliminals? I wonder if that would work




>My takeaway from this experience is definitely that I need to work an actual initiatory system before trying any kind of active magical operations.

Hmm ok. Not a bad idea. I don't have that kind of thing tbh but I do have a crazy energy/have been told there's a void in it that is from an unstable foundation.



Please elaborate, Anon. What exactly is that? What do you mean by ask for anything?




What is a "higher self" and why is it important?



The higher-self is you at your highest absolute potential. You're personal aspect of God



Like attracts like, edgy depressed insecure teenyfags attract like spirits, and just like the kid they like to fuck with people and lack empathy



I listen to around five a day (mostly DrVirtual5), mainly focusing on cutting off negative entities.

When I'm on my own, I feel like I think more clearly.

Downside is that when I'm around negative people, I become depressed.

What sort of effects were you hoping to achieve from subliminals?



>What is a "higher self"

Something a lot of people here like to think is worthwhile or helpful in some way. It's not. It may as well not exist for all the good it does. The "higher self" expects you to do all the work to connect with it when it supposedly could reach you effortlessly. I personally wouldn't call it a "higher self" because to do so implies it's somehow better than us. I call it the other self instead.



Mostly physical changes


How can I navigate an intense, obsessive, magical desire?

It seems to me that the techniques of manifesting desire are such that they require or benefit from the persistant obsession with that desirable outcome, and the assumption of it's fulfillment. It occured to me that should my desire fail to manifest, I will in the end have destroyed myself on this fool's errand. Still this desire is intimately tied to my identity, in fact my desire is accurately summed up as the alignment and replacement of my entire present being with my perceived 'ideal being'. I fear then that both paths will lead to destruction, either by giving up on being my true, complete and perfect self thus settling for something inferior and losing all direction and desire at all; or chasing, preparing and waiting indefinitely for an ""impossible"" magical change to occur.

How can I move past this obstacle?




Both of you need to read the recommended reading list.



i shall put it in magical jargon:

desire not the desire of having, but have the outcome itself.

what this means is that if you desire desiring something you only attract more desire, but if you willfully intention like you have your thing, your outcome, it arrives to you.



My mom didn't die of an overdose. Email my dad about it. Pwlang@comcast.net She went in for spine surgery and it got infected. All her organs began to fail. He and my ex jvm222@gmail.com who's facebook is facebook.com/6sun7 and aim is josh420 can let you know that I don't have autism and have never been to a psychiatric ward or any of the other stuff you're claiming.



Sorry I'm not as "advanced" as you are, O enlightened one. Maybe you can tell me what it is the "higher" self actually does since it's the so-called lower self that does all the work.



I bet with your mentality you're just waiting for le epic moment when you ban me after getting bitshekels from me and then laugh at me, had this kind of thing happen to me many times already



I anticipated a response like this because I have heard others talk like this here. In verbal intention I do not phrase as 'I want' but 'I have', but maybe my understanding is superficial.

I cannot 'act' like my desire is fulfilled, and I cannot comfortably 'act' as if the fulfillment of my desire is pending. I don't think this is what you mean either, is it?

How can I understand what else it means to 'intention like I have'?



Please take your retardation elsewhere






with yo dick


just look up akashic records anywhere. library of allknowledge, kinda





Why are you being hostile? It sounds like you're just frustrated because you can't get things to work properly, in which case it's not a problem with your higher self, it's a problem with your physical ego. If you'd read the recommended reading list and done a decent amount of practical work, not only would you know that but you wouldn't act all uppity like you know everything on the internet. Read a book. I'm not spoonfeeding you, especially if you're going to dismiss whatever I say.


Is this a thinly-veiled personal army request or are you just retarded?


Help a brainlet out.

How to make a sigil? How to charge a sigil?



>with yo dick

Does that method still work if I wait 'til marriage?


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quick questions lads :

>daydreams and fantasies cost loosh/energy, right?

>why are they so addictive? i cant seem to stop



DrVirtual7, Sapien Medicine & Quadible Integrity are ones I've been listening to.

They may have something for you; if so, listen to it all day erry for a few months and report back :)



>it's not a problem with your higher self, it's a problem with your physical ego.

Yeah see, this is the problem. Is the "higher" self capable of any kind of fault? I guess not, right? It's all the "lower" self's fault because the "higher" self is immaculate, flawless. The "lower" self has to go through all the effort of improving themselves, alone, then after all that the "higher" self can swoop in and act like it was there all along. But I suppose one should feel grateful that their "higher" self could be bothered to make the effort, it could have nothing like it did all the way up to that point. I suppose since time is immaterial to the "higher" self it makes for a decent enough distraction from sitting in its ivory tower for eternity, but what do I know? It's not like my "higher" self (if I even have one) has decided to grace me with its presence. But I bet you would dismiss all this as completely incorrect because I'm not in constant awe of my "higher" self as I should be.



Thanks m8, I'll check them out


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Hey /fringe/, greenpill me on binaural beats. Does the use of these degenerates one's ability to AP or meditate without them? Do binaural beats make you "dependent" on them? Do they stroppy our spiritual ""muscles""? Or is it quite the opposite?



i think custom made binaural beats tailored specifically to your neural needs is the way to go as opposed to these youtube "EXTREMELY POWERFUL .. CAUTION .. BECOME GOD IN TWO SECONDS" types..

Getting specifically prescribed binaural beats are expensive though, but they apparently do the trick.. not instantly of course.. you're not gonna levitate from merely listening to a binaural beat for levitation.. you gotta do the work. the binaural beats are beneficial supplementary tools at best.



While I have no idea of what the "higher self" actually means, I may be able to come up with a few speculaative explanations.

Your "higher self" could be you right now, you see.. you just don't see it. The higher self can be looked at as your "future" self, but not in the "futuristic" sense, but more as the "unmanifest" self that exists beyond time and space because there is no past present or future [according to reports from other peoples' "higher" selves, but just the "now…" sort of like past present and future all existing at once all the time… your higher self resides in a place that has access to your past present and future at all times… of course this is something we cannot understand or comprehend.

Here is an explanation from montalk:

» I assume my Higher Self is part of me, so why would one part of me make the other part learn something that it already knows? Which is the part that need to evolve ?

We are within space-time, and the Higher Self is outside space-time. Or you could say, the Higher Self is in time-space, which is an inversion of space-time. That is, three dimensions of time and one of space, which would look like having a single unified view of possible timelines and being able to monitor and interact with different parts simultaneously. To us it would look like something outside reality and outside time as we know it. There is a physics relation between space-time and time-space, and it truly is an inversion or dimensional rotation between what’s real (physical) and imaginary (metaphysical). So when you quote that our sphere of consciousness was reversed, I think that is both esoterically and physics-wise correct.


We know that of the totality of our being, a part of us is here right now, and another part is back in our native home. This means we are extensions or projections of that Higher Self that exist here, and possibly are stuck here to a degree. Thus of the totality of our being, part of it is stuck. Thus the part that is free would want to help that stuck part become free too.

Does it do it solely for its own gain? Not completely, as the projected / extended part does have its own freewill. We know that we have some degree of freewill, and so we have some degree of independence. Likewise, the Higher Self has freewill of a higher order and its own independence too. Therefore you and your Higher Self, despite being of the same totality of being, are also functionally separate beings, just united at the root / trunk / essence / origin.

If we view the Higher Self itself as the final, perfected, “standing at the end of time” portion of our being, then we are consequently the earlier, less perfect, immersed in time portion. This means that to achieve unity, it can and must help us get to where it is in order to merge. And that means helping us avoid delays to our own personal evolution. The kinds of lessons that the Higher Self seems to give people who make contact with it, always concerns lessons of overcoming illusions and attachments. Illusions like false limitations, fears, and the kinds of guilts / complexes that come with being human and immersed in linear time. The more we make ignorant choices that bring on bad consequences, the more remedial experiences we bring upon ourselves to correct that imbalance, the more slowly we ourselves move toward congruence with the Higher Self.

There may also be value in the Higher Self helping out its projections that are immersed in time / past. There is this principle that higher beings, by helping us evolve, are helping themselves evolve simultaneously via the experience of doing so. Perhaps with the Higher Self, it goes one step further since we are its extension, thus what we are, do, and become feeds back directly into the Higher Self, either increasing its power and purity or holding it back. To use a metaphor, if you contacted your younger self and told this self to eat healthy and exercise, you yourself then would suddenly be healthier too due to the feedback influence from past to future. So the Higher Self may be helping us actually grow and evolve in order to help itself move forward across that threshold separating individual evolution (of which it is the final form) to whatever comes next, which I’ve read in the Ra Material is group evolution via shared conscious energy.

Because we have freewill, the future is still open. Even a being outside of time won’t know everything we can or will do. If it did, then our future wouldn’t be open, and every action preordained, hence no freewill. Since we have freewill, there is still something left to be experienced, and hence learned or gotten from choosing / experiencing in our time-bound form. This means that even though the Higher Self knows a lot, it doesn’t know every last trivial thing. There is still novelty, and hence use and purpose, to our existing here in time-bound form.


I think we intentionally (to some degree) came here, or projected here. Perhaps like an octopus reaching out to touch/sample its surroundings, we have reached out to touch physicality and its experience. Experience and understanding are different from knowing; you can know certain principles like it’s not good to betray your values to appease authority, but it’s another to through it and test your mettle against it; I think that’s why many beings incarnate at all, same reason science classes have both lectures and lab work. Why do the lab if you already have the equations on the board? Because you learn something that goes beyond abstract knowledge.

If you were to take the view that our being here is a mistake and our sole goal is to eject / end-program and wake back up as the Higher Self, then obviously there is no other point to being here as it’s all a big error. Conversely, if you took the view that we are here to enjoy and experience, then there is no point to connecting with the Higher Self since we’ll all go home eventually when we’re done. Well, I think the truth is in between these two extremes. What if we came here to experience and sample and learn, but it came with a certain risk. The risk is that we could get stuck or delayed and enter into blindness, become too attached, and thus never move forward but rather become worse and worse as we degrade ourselves and adopt the values and limitations of physical existence. If that happens, then the Higher Self would not derive any benefit, as the extension begins to whither and atrophy. There would be no point to us being totally cut off, aimless … hence the Higher Self would be invested in helping us.

So if the Higher Self can offer a lending hand, help the extension see that some things are illusions and don’t get stuck on them, then the original purpose of coming here can be restored and the individual can move through physicality in the proper co-creative vivified, energized mode, evolving step-wise up and up and eventually out when it has served its purpose. Then the way forward and through, under the illuminating warmth of the Higher Self, is the way to go, versus a recoiling and ejection from all of this.

Things get more complicated though if you consider the possibility that this world, the way it is right now, is a counterfeit or rigged world versus, say, a more 4D-like environment, which is truer to our purpose of experiencing some kind of physicality. If the Higher Self is in 6D, and we are in 3D, but 4D is where we need to be, then yes the Higher Self would want to help us get out, but not get out and awaken to 6D which I don’t think is possible as we are our own beings with our own freewill and there’s a long distance between us and the Higher Self in terms of what more we have to gain/grow before we become congruent with it. This means that when I say the goal is to go forward and through, I’m talking about attaining the next level in our personal evolution, which is a 4D state, which is just another plateau to explore under the guidance of the Higher Self until we get through that and 5D, then to 6D, and finally we return home then (or at least have no reason to go back).

I do think we need to retrieve our memories and establish an uplink with the Higher Self. That’s the way of returning to our purpose of why we came here. But I don’t think retrieving memories and establishing an uplink makes us identically the Higher Self. I think the lower vs. higher self-division remains for a few more levels of evolution, it’s just the relation that will get strengthened and the gap that grows smaller until it disappears.


Am I speaking to your soul, or a manifestation of your soul?


How do I know the subliminal videos aren't secretly trying to turn me into a tranny or something? Is there like a list of channels confirmed safe by /fringe/?



you can choose to follow my advice or not; i personally trust:

*quadible integrity

*sapien medicine


*eric bartel (at least the chakra videos)







>you can not act like if your desire is fulfilled

act not as if it is "fulfilled" but act as if you *HAVE* it. for example, if you want a book, intention yourself HAVING that book in the NOW.

the now has more extension than many people think.


the Higher Self is roughly at 7D, present as a direct Infinite Source channel.


we are not stuck, not is the Higher Self. All is One and One is All. this means that ALL has existed as ALL will exist, together with the ALL-ness that is currently existing. everything has happened as everything will happen, all in the Plurality and All-ness of the One Unity.

the group-consciousness that you describe would be a social memory complex, a part of the 6D, 1 big step before the Infinite Source Itself.


yes, somewhat. our individual versions each decided to incarnate here, in this version of the Now.

why does the Higher Self help us? it's true, there are STS beings floating even in the 5D (not on the 6D or 7D btw). but since the Higher Self is at roughly 7D, what does this mean? it means that it Loves You Inconditionally. that means that even if you repeat a karmic-life-lesson 1000000 times, it will Love you regardless. those who Love Inconditionally help All and Everyone, no matter their situations.


I'm pretty sure the subliminals made my dick grow, lads.


What's a good complement to Robert Bruce's Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook? I need to get squeaky clean. Better safe than sorry so let's assume I'm pretty laden.


File: 18e15386028943e⋯.png (25.49 KB, 759x551, 759:551, 1402598980993.png)



How can your soul be real, if your mind isn't real?





File: 093f8e3faff1e2d⋯.png (112.5 KB, 645x729, 215:243, 1515876842127.png)



Any tips on how to find the actual hidden message? I tried to do it with audacity and lowering or raising the frequency of the audio file but I don't hear anything



you have to slow down the recording, the mixer can help too. it seems that it's more intuitive in Fruity Loops Studio, instead of Audacity.

muting selective channels is a very useful strategy.

i'm sure that there's a way to remove a range of frequency, and heighten the volume of the frequencies that contain the subliminals, so you can hear them.

generally, silent subliminals (so far, I have seen none in subliminal youtube channels) are more complex to decipher.


Hello friends, I need help.

Everytime I have some sort of motivation to actively improve me current condition, I inevitably fall back into the endless spiral I've been in for most of my life.

I can't ask help of my parents, they're both below avarage intelligence and unable to understand or even care to try to understand greater meaning behind life.

I can't ask for help of my friends, as they're fairweather and will drift away if I am ever honest to them.

I am honestly at a loss, I am unable to create a concrete goal for myself.

Goals I do manage to create are often fickle and die other after a month or two.

We're free to follow our own desires, but my desires are self destructive in nature.

I am unable to relate to the people around me, as my opinion often differs from theirs, and if I ever want to speak out I will be more alone than I already am right now.

I am extremely afraid of being alone, but cropping myself up and never being able to be honest to anyone, because out of fear that they will hate me is eating me up inside.

I am already getting bored from even writing this.

I have no complaints in my life.

My parents are wealthy, even though they never have time for me, so I have never had to work or do anything for that matter.

Should I consider suicide?

I really do not see the point anymore.

Even if I read esoteric things, they never really stick.

They /sound/ right, but I simply stop caring after a while and step back into the spiral.

I do not see a way out. I just keep doing the same things over and over until I die when I reach old age.

Why should I wait?

tldr; I do not know what to do. I do not get satisfaction from the things I do.



I am sorry, I forgot something.





I remember watching the century of self a while back.

People get sold a personality, and listening to the same personality again and again is so extremely tiring.

People talk, and everything they say is parroted a million times over.

I can;t stand it.

I can't make friends because everyone is like this.

they're never interesting

they're ALL THE SAME.

I've been thinking of simply abusing their simplicity, but doing that wouldn't get me what I want.

I've been thinking of joining a religious order. but the masons in my town are compromised.

The church has always treated me like trash.

Becoming muslim would be treason.

I just do not know anymore, friends. I need people, but the people I know make me sick.

If you actually took the time to read all of this, thank you.




Friend, you need to either be comfortable to be completely alone (and yes, it's possible) or you need to find company outside of the mundane circles (I mean "supernatural" beings). I am currently working on both at the same time, and if this fails, death is always a sure way out of this world.




Hey, why don't you get in the vampire thread, you may benefit from the interaction there. And check the old thread, we had quite interesting results.





please see this >>112478 and these https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m74xiIc6o8A (stop procrastinating), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wma7XWjcHdI (feel unconditional love), and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkBWX0uCKv4 (be positive and happy all day).

peace! :D


/fit/ manlet here, i've been doing regular meditation before my workouts and something has changed. after i get through the first few sets i start feeling very reduced amounts of pain and i feel like i can lift way more. i get this saturated feeling in he lumbar part of my spine. any explanation for this or am i just going crazy?



anything easily repeatable that you can get a large amount of dopamine out of is going to have a chance of being addictive in some form.



Meditation increases activity in your frontal lobe.


>increases in serotonin, dopamine, melatonin and endorphins, in the limbic systems of meditating test subjects



try looking at the color blue for 5-15 minutes before working out and you should be able to lift more


and pink would make you lift less.

according to a martial arts instructor of mine



congratulations. your root or sacral chakra (or even both) are revving up!



alright, i'll give that a try



so that's why it feels so energetic?

i've also noticed other changes btw, for instance having more motivation and being less awkward around others



I've found many of my daydreams to be painful memories I refused to look at. I sat down to an open text file and invited and observed them as they came up. I recorded them and my observations as they interested me. How they felt and what they reminded me of. It turned out to be a spiderweb of all the stupid shit I had lived and done and tried to cover up. Seriously deficient, below scrub tier strats, jokes, and abuse. All the cringe.

I know, daydreams don't look at all like that, do they? I wasn't reliving those moments, I was powerful. In hindsight, the emotions were the same, just the roles were reversed and I was abusing people rather than being abused. I'm also not pacing around in those heavily charged dreams anymore.


Has anyone ever heard of Dr.Willards water? Basically it increases absorption of nutrients by a crazy amount. I'm not a shill, I urge everyone to do their own research. I post this because I stumbled on it by accident and I like to share information just as I'd hope others would too.

>The micelle is an extremely small, very high energy particle with a powerful negative magnetic field. When added to ordinary water, it causes a change in the “ordinary” water molecules that can be likened to the difference between diamonds and graphite — both being made of carbon but with differing molecular structures. This new water molecule structure serves as a catalyst that seems to accelerate and enhance the body’s natural processes. Both Dr. Willard’s Water® and ordinary water consist of H2O molecules but the structure makes all the difference!

>Dr. Willard’s Water® is not a nutrient, but a vehicle by which nutrients are carried throughout the body’s cells, and by which waste is carried away from the cells with water as a means of transportation. Animal research has shown that Dr. Willard’s Water® significantly increases the body’s ability to fully absorb essential vitamins and nutrients!


I'm thinking of buying it, I just bought a water distiller and I need to add minerals back in the water, and I stumbled on this.

I should post this in the diet and fitness thread too, too bad it's slow.



To add, I don't think it contains all the trace minerals needed in water, but I'm sure adding trace minerals with it is the best solution.




My guess, you sound like an abused child, denied love at some critical moments. You then deny everything your love, trapped in that childhood trauma. I think this is the state of most people, why they need a boss and all that all the time. Why when they could be doing anything, they find they can do nothing.

My advice, some things are quite easy to change. >>115995 It is enough to simply observe the memories. >>115344 >>115988 If you want more techniques; both RN and DHS lost their marbles toward the end though. I'm rereading TROM right now, for similar reasons to your own. It was instrumental in getting me this far, but I was still insane the first time. Also success/love/whatever is vital. After the memories are not in the way, overcoming the everyday pain demands changing motives from pain to success/love/whatever. Maybe it means God, or a soul mate, or mastery, I don't know. I'll take anything and use everything to win.

Most people I've noticed, when not grounded in physical results, go insane. Desperation is prime ground for lying and believing lies. For all the legit techniques people develop, if they abandon real world measures and tests, they get trapped in the lies and become useless. Worse than useless if they attempt to spread their disease.

It doesn't take much to stay sane. Just demand performance and success without lies. Hopeful thinking is alright, but to abandon causality is death.



the solar plexus chakra is the seat of willpower. could you be awakening your kundalini? it's marvelous when it happens naturally like so.



The link didn't work, but both those books are in the same thread. Very short reads. At least the relevant part of RN's work anyway. He went insane, but before that he had some useful ideas about meditation. Useful, but unnecessary compared to TROM.



I can't shake off the feeling that a lot of people here are trying to fix you back into the matrix when you are about to breaking out and becoming truely free. It is when you finally start to see they will do everything to make you blind again. This world is nothing, it's one of the worst worlds we can be in.

>material success


>soul mate


>the physical

>worship gaia and nature

>"lucky to have a body and be here"

Imo this is horrible and yet this philosophy floods this board. The word "mundane" comes to mind and also the bucket of crabs analogy. What has this world to offer that it's worth it participating in it and dealing with other people or worldly affairs? How is this physical world worth it to stay here even one minute longer?

To me it seems like it is a huge step in the right direction when one realizes the true face of this world and feels alienated and wants to get away, it's like a prisoner waking up in jail and realizing that he is in fact in jail, his food is shit and he gets tortured every day. After the awakening of course he want's to get away because now he knows how it truely is, but sure enough there are a lot of guards and braindead inmates who will try to stop him. I believe this board is full of guards and crazy inmates, I seem them in every thread. And why would they not be? This is one of the places where people who wake up can come, and it is here who they can efefctively stop a lot of people from breaking free.

If you have eyes to see, then see. There are infinite worlds and planets much better than this, you don't need to put up with any of this nonsense here. Let go of your fear and never betray your own intuition and feelings. This world is insane, how insane do you have yourself to be to adapt to this place? I'd never take advice from a insane person.

>Most people I've noticed, when not grounded in physical results, go insane

Sane by what standarts? Mundane prison matrix? Maybe those insane ones are actually sane and the "sane" ones are insane?



Bitch, bitch, bitch. All bitching and no doing. You refuse to figure out the world, so you never find the exit door. You wake up in a prison of your own creation and then you squeal about your treatment, how it's not fair, how it's horrible, and then, what do you know? You get exactly what you ask for. You made this turd sandwich you call your life and now you're complaining that others are better at playing the game.

There are no participation trophies for sitting on the sidelines and crying.



Oh okay, the same old thing again. Yawn, what a surprise. I'll just leave my post there for anyone whom it may concern and ignore replies like this, those only tire me. Even thought you didn't understand, at least you read it. Thanks for taking your time and trying.



Being enlightened and being miserable are mutually exclusive states.



i don't know, i've just felt so much more energetic presumably because i started meditating, and it feels like energy is coming from those areas and radiating out everywhere, it's gotten so insane that i started punching walls this week in order to lose some.

P.S i'm not an experienced wizard of any kind at all, i've only been dabbling in all of this for about a month and a half so i don't know what kundalini rising is (presumably something to do with the chakras).



congratulations for the 1000th. 1+1+6=8. 8 is 2^3, however.



Idk if I'm just picking subliminals that don't have the message. Could you show an example of a subliminal and the message you found when you slowed it down?


After I started reading about the occult and so on, I've been noticing a lot of synchronicity happening to me even though I've been aware of the concept for a long time. I post a thread on infinity and when I click on the tab, an answer auto-updates instantly three times in a row, when I pick up the phone someone calls instantly, a youtube video I have running in the background while browsing mentions a word or phrase just as I read it in someones post. I smell a smell before I smell it, like this one time I was walking down the street and smelled cigarette smoke, then 100 meters down the road a guy walks by smoking a cigarette. Is this pareidolia or is there something to this? Does anyone have any experiences with this?



both, unless one's soul isn't in tune w/bodhi(sattva)


of course, but hmm waiting til marriage… I dunno about that.

also this assumes your energy is high/good like kundalini rising or energy work/awakened sexual energy (read mantak chia).

I was being kinda facetious but tbh tantra/energysex would probably wake someone up.




when my root is nice I'm definitely less awkward. also when working out hold mula bandha (pelvic floor) and that should make lift easier too


>sane by what standards?

Osho Says: "There are two types of dead people in the world: dead on the periphery and dead on the center. Become the third type: alive in between; go on moving from the center to the periphery, from the periphery to the center. They are enriching to each other; they are enhancing to each other. Just watch! If you meditate and then make love, your love will have a tremendously new depth to it. Love and then meditate and suddenly you will see: when your energy is full of love, meditation goes so deep and so easily. You simply ride on the wave – you need not make any effort. You simply float and reach higher and higher and higher. Once you understand the rhythm of the polar opposites, then there is no fear. Remember: life is a rhythm between day and night, summer and winter. It is a continuous rhythm. Never stop anywhere! Be moving! And the bigger the swing, the deeper your experience will be."


>it's gotten so insane that i started punching walls this week in order to lose some.

when you have too much energy store what you can in your lower dantien by breathing into it, belly breathe in.

and you can vent excess energy through your feet or your ming-men (opposite of navel on back).

maybe you can gift it to someone or a tree. just radiate it to the void if you want, with intention of healing/giving to whomever can benefit.


the more in-sync you are, the more you experience the moment ahead of you. multiple moments experienced simultaneously, less consciously than the now.

your spirit experiences all-time at once, in the now.


I'm in a great state of confusion after seeing many conflicting comments on various chosen curriculums of initiation.

Initiation into Hermetics, Atkinson, Qabala, GOODS/Bearheart, among others… A lot having to do with the Demiurge/Yaldabaoth, and monotheism in general… (still confused about that also, since I most often hear devotion to The Prime Creator/The All is the "right way")

Is there any sort of consensus here on a trusted, reliable traditions/currents of initiation and magick?

What resources are to be trusted? Which techniques? Which philosophies?

Sorry. I've been feeling upheaved. Need some guidance… Thanks…



The demiurge is only the creator of the material world, sometimes the material plane. There are creators considerably above the demiurge, and an 'ultimate' god or figure in Gnosticism, the monad or aeon sophia, from which the demiurge split off some time ago.

I'm saying all this as an explanation of the general gnostic story. If that story clicks with you, then go for it, but if that sounds like a crock of shit, focus on what rings truest to your experience.

There is no hard consensus as to what philosophies are most correct or right. We tend to get along relatively well with one another because of the common themes that weave through the different narratives we follow. The idea of traditionalism–not the political ideology but the idea that all traditions spring from one original source–has some away here. For example, I might be a total virgin when it comes to Akashic records, and I doubt that montalk anon has fucked around with neoshamanic alchemy to the extent I have, but we agree on all the major points because our philosophies are trying to get at the same thing.

Schools of thought are like languages, in fact they are members of the same kind of overarching thought structures languages are. Some are mutually intelligible, others are pretty alien to one another, but the point is that they are useful in mapping information and communicating or replicating that information across the different nodes (speakers) which can understand them. Find the language that fits you best or make up one of your own that will best fit the information available to you, revising as needed.

Initiation from an outside group is a continuous process which will present itself as necessary. If you are worried about initiation, you coming here and asking that question can be a form of initiation all its own. What matters is not that someone has given you a plaque saying "you made it," what matters is whether or not you are integrating the idea of having made it into your practice and your life in a way which works. It doesn't matter if other people call you a magus if you're just some asshole who read some Crowley and acts like a deranged bum. It doesn't matter if other people call you a neophyte if you have the ability to rewrite your whole reality.

Eventually you can call upon your HGA/FMS or whatever else you want to call the cosmic self or non-self, and then you will be initiated into a mystery all your own.

Basically, it's like the rest of magic. The less you worry about it, the more likely it is to succeed.



It's ok. I get upset sometimes, too. The experimental results are there if you read the books or observe your daydreams. The results are immediate and obvious.

The sanity I speak of is being engaged in the world one is in rather than lying about it. It's a very simple game that any enlightened being should find terribly easy. The fact that people are so crippled makes me think the simple rules, that do not permit lying, are a blessing. It's like a rehab facility for junkies. It requires almost no will to survive. People can believe whatever they want, even if it's wrong, and still get by.

You yourself cannot command your body to do very simple things, yet you speak of escape? To do what? It's ridiculous. Like a junkie talking of escape. What aspirations does he have? Sex world? Music world? Crack world? Obviously not responsibility world, or love world, or any difficult world. I doubt any ascending being wants you around in this state, tbh.




Furthermore, evolutionary critters are perfect vessels for this, are they not? They're programmed to do most of the work already.


Should I remove birthmarks?

Doctor said he wants to remove but do they have mental or spiritual significance?



i don't know why you'd need to remove your birthmarks, are they really bothering you?



Thank you very much for your insight. It helps a lot.

And I guess another aspect of this has come from somewhat conspiracy-based and superstitious thinking, what with the demiurge/yhvh/yaldabaoth/whatever being a spiritual dead end/trap. But perhaps it's just some undercurrent of antisemitism on Fringe regarding certain ideas (e.g. qabala being a system to channel energy from "goyim" and such.)

Anyway, I really appreciate your guidance.



As above, so below. If you get rid of your physical birthmarks, you'll get rid of them astrally etc too. I don't know the implications of that myself, but you'll be losing part of yourself regardless of it being good or bad.



So what's your suggestion, suicide?


File: 655bc867f82a920⋯.jpg (21.57 KB, 172x240, 43:60, NEVILLE GODDARD.jpg)

What are you guys thoughts on this guy? I have a guy that desperately wants to convert me to this guys message, but the guy itself is an arrogant, igrogant man who literally believes he can become God. I find this doctrine (as my friend says) of this whole thing of person being Christ himself very suspet, it makes me recall a line from the Kybalion which reads "Some men, Indeed, realizing that THE ALL is indeed ALL, and also recognizing that they, the men, existed, have jumped to the conclusion that they and THE ALL were identical, and they have filled the air with shouts of "I AM

GOD," to the amusement of the multitude and the sorrow of sages"

When he mentions that Neville believes that the truly awakened will have dreams of themselves felt as real as reality being born as Jesus and relive parts of scriptures and gain some absolute kind of truth worries me evenmore. Even though this guy is arrogant and resentful I respect him and spend a lot of time with him, but I have large doubts about what he is trying, by his own words, to iniate me into.

Anyone here have experience with Goddard or dubious characters trying to iniate you into things you have doubts towards? I just want to shout Hail Odin, fuck the Demiurge into his face honestly.


Where can I learn to interpret my natal/astral chart? Here's mine if someone wants to do it for me, but I want to learn too.


File: 7ff3ce070f34128⋯.jpg (1.49 MB, 4000x2352, 250:147, how to create and read a n….jpg)

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File: 55107489cc9b950⋯.jpg (61.1 KB, 672x372, 56:31, Past-Life.jpg)

Are there any methods to uncover one's past life? Are those memories beneficial for my current life? Can it hurt me in any way?

Ever since a little kid I suffer from this feeling of missing someone/something. It's so overwhelming at times. I am pretty sure it has to do something with past life.


Has anyone ever done a summary of the book "personal power" by Atkinson? I mean holy shit 1550 pages



sure. here, we have a dissection of the videos of "mind power" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSvQ6_-QJc0


We could maybe do with a separate thread for this subliminal stuff.



Below doesn't affect that which is above



r u sure?

outer and inner environments tend to reflect one another




I don't claim to know much about magick yet, but I thought changes started on a higher plane, such as the astral.

When you are trying to manifest an intention in reality, I've heard it basically described as "planting a seed in the sky".

But to place a vision/intention on a higher plane is, in some sense, affecting that plane - isn't it?



That's the idea, as above so is below etc.

If you plant the idea and water it with enough loosh, and I guess actually working towards that idea manifesting in the physical as well, it will eventually bloom/fully manifest. Basically working towards some goal, whatever it may be, on all planes simultaneously is the key to successful magical works.


There's no such thing as synchronicities or whatever it's called. It's merely the case of people wrapping themselves in so many delusions that anything that happens to them has "higher meaning" for some reason.



Are you sure that isn't a delusion you've wrapped yourself in?



All of reality is a delusion, nothing is more deluded than grasping for meaning in it


There are these jerkoffs in my mind that repeat things and inaccurately assume opinions and stances as well as appearing in different types of voices. It has conversations and the assumptions it takes from me and run offs with to further the conversation is annoying. It is effecting my ability to think in my own mental space and its disturbing the nuances of my thinking and subject matters. Its almost like a stupid ray in that aspect.

please help me in removing its presence there is a feeling on the top of my skull at times as well am I slightly possessed



a cranial pressure increase has begun with an increase of total awareness being shrunken down from everything to a dragging resistance towards a ever smaller frame of awareness that encompass only feeling and the voices speaking



t. shit karma



I would not be at all surprised if being in this life is my punishment for something



Calm yourself and your emotions down. Once you are in a state of peace and tranquility, begin to dissolve them; to recover your own energy. If you want, you can give them a form and then brutally crush it into even less than dust, to help with the destruction process, although it may interfere with the state of calm.

State and think your intentions to dissolve them. Expulse all negative entities from your Divine Sphere of Influence.

Peace! :D



Hilarious, I just started it too. It's my first read through so as the book recommends I'm just reading through it as opposed to taking down notes


I've been experiencing a certain kind of visual hallucination, and I'm not sure if it's fringe shit or something normal, but it's been happening more frequently. It looks like a bunch of small white lights the size of snowflakes. They spiral around for a few seconds and then they disappear. I used to only see them when I wake up, but now it happens during the day every now and then. In either case it's always really rare, once a month at most. Today was the first time I experienced it the second day in a row.


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Which is the truth. I read Magikal servitors by Damon Brand and it was a simple how-to. Are the 72 demons and angels one and the same?



I do not consider myself a victim of abuse.

While my father did hit me a few times, it was never that bad.

The worst my mother did was lock me up in dark rooms when I was younger.

I believe, when looking back on my childhood, most of my hatred comes from negative interactions with other people.

I agree with most of the things you're saying, I might try to figure our what's really bothering me.

My aunt told me that my mother was always extremely harsh to me, I can't remember that much about it, though.

I do remember that girls used to like me, but I always thought of myself as filth. There is no reason to like filth like me. They're just asking you out so that they can make fun of you. etc etc.

It's sad that I do not remember much about my childhood.

Anyway, thanks for all the replies, it's good to let it all out sometimes even if it's just in written form.



>remember that girls used to like me, but always thought of myself as filth.

you create your own reality.


I heard that it's possible for an adult to learn things like a child does, which is to say faster. Is this actually possible and if so, what does it take to gain this ability?



>Magikal Servitors

you got a pdf for us


File: 17919c868ee8cb8⋯.pdf (506.19 KB, Damon Brand - Magickal Ser….pdf)


Yes I do





Its really suppressing my self and shifting my metnal space to this non personality void awareness only focused on voices and negative feeling as well as pressure on head



How did those "splotches" form? by visualising them and willing them?


File: 8b3ed9333c2d564⋯.gif (2.22 MB, 768x432, 16:9, paul_robertson_beautiful_d….gif)

Can someone drop some info on soulmates? I woke up recently believing my first gf was my soulmate after not thinking about her for 6 years. Is this just a nostalgia thing?


Do you fags know how best to use human bones in a ritual?

Asking for a friend.



soulmates come from before your life. this is to say, you agreed to travel and meet up with them in this way. thusly it's joyous and beautiful to behold.

however, there are also fake soulmates. about this topic there's a whole website called "evelorgen":

http://evelorgen.com/wp/category/articles/alien-love-bite-related/ is general

http://evelorgen.com/wp/news/the-new-predator-2/ about psychical and emotional vampirism (fake soul mates)

http://evelorgen.com/wp/category/articles/psychology-and-relationships/ psychology and relationships



if it's urgent:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfQVgVayXcc instant remover of entities (oily cloak sort of protection)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5-DrYahaSc slow remover of entities (really pushes them away)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY75Ww6LSc4 repel outside negative energy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8k6bF1pkmMw attract love into your life

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wma7XWjcHdI feel Unconditional Love

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjO7H5b9aEM become whole. this may help you to reintegrate these voices.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss subconscious and Personal Universe cleaner, use 1 time per day for 5 days, rest for 2, repeat if you want. take water during the video.

all the other videos can be used for how long you want until your head begins to hurt (subconscious overchrage)

peace :D





YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Your family wouldn't get away with any of that now, would they? They only got away with it because you were small and scared. But that's not the relevant idea.

Overwhelming the emotions of a child creates special unconscious memories that then overwhelm conscious decisions, until the memories are made conscious. The severity of this effect drops off drastically with age, so more recent events are probably echoes of much earlier ones, though still troubling.

It's ridiculous that it works this way. It sets up a cycle of abuse, where your parents probably went through the same thing, and they act it out on you. It's entirely detrimental in effect. Every time you try to do anything, all those memories and feelings flood back and take over without you realizing it, unless you're actively chasing them when they turn up. If you ever wonder why you're doing something stupid, over and over, now you know.

This stuff makes me nostalgic. It's like it was yesterday I was feeling like trash and couldn't help myself. God, I was a hopeless suicidal loser. I felt stress at all times. When I was around people, it was so bad I couldn't think. I was stuck playing the fool or waiting in the corner to leave. I couldn't study until the terror of failure set in and I'd work all night the day shit was due. It was awful, but I wouldn't know what I know without all that suffering; all it cost was most of my life.

He abandons this world, and his mind, like I said, but if I could send anything back it would be this:



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Lol, now I remember my favorite anime, Baki the Grappler. Theme is Child Prey, from the same band.



no problem.



i can help:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9af5Mxzupw remover of depression, stress and anxiety video.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOr8A15G5wY the 3 D's Driving Force of Motivation, for motivation.

Peace! :D




o wait… to remove these unconsciously held beliefs, use this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss 1 time per day for 5 days, rest for 2, repeat if you want. drink a lot of water during and after.




Why do you keep posting these? Nobody's going to fall for it, you know



I am giving people videos that work from authors that have a great reputation, reliability and trustability. If you do not want to hear them, then it's fine. Several have already spoken back to me on here regarding their results: even one telling me that the music is good. I have also seen results in real life, from me and around three others.


How do I become an esoterrorist?



You must engage in a jihad to protect your virginity at all costs.




I can recommend a couple of things:

If you want to get practical and getting things done, i recommend no mind meditation(this is a must), grounding( MPR orstanding barefoot outside for 5-20mins daily, depends on how cold it is outside), gathering the earth element, invoking Saturn or any corresponding deity of discipline, hard work, practicality, perserverance (if you have any experience in invocation this will be most potent). Doing all of them will help tremendously.

Focus on building up little habits (tons of resources online, but basically start small, doing even the simplest shit every day and then build up). Basically prove to yourself that you can finish what you start.

>Even if I read esoteric things, they never really stick.

This. I feel that i am talking to myself back in time. I had the same exact problem. Focus your brain on it. You need to believe that this thing will be of use to you, that you will get something out of it, you're reading it because you need to use that stuff. Think of how you can apply this knowledge when reading, it will help tremendously.

With that out of the way

First of all, stop judging things as good or bad as you know them, try to set your own standards of good and bad.

Who says it is bad to be bored, afraid, being alone, having a different opinion, not knowing what to do?

You are simply chasing after standards that have been set by other, to feel good.

Why not feel good now? Why not set your circumstances as good, instead of bad?

The paradox is that if you see boredom as good, you will simply never be bored again.

You may say that if you think as boredom as good, then you will not have to punish yourself for not being productive (this was certainly a problem for me), but to that i say how has that been working out for you? You have judged boredom your entire life, and here you are still having problems with getting things done.

You also mentioned not standing others. The personality of others should be a least concern to you. You see others, the way you know them, not the way they are(the way the are to themselves).

Most of the time, you are projecting the harsh truth that you are unable to accept about yourself to others. This is called projection. So, next time something really stands out about their personality, check how is this related to me? You'll be surprised about the results.

You will have to do a lot of introspection. Learn about your behavior. Learn about yourself, write down all your attributes (you can also find other stuff on the internet). Why have you had that thought? Why do you behave like that? Why did you acted that way? Probe deeply into the cause. It has to be very precise. You may notice that that is simply how you are, your subconscious programming. So, from there ask yourself: What event in the past led you to you being programmed this way? "Re-live" past memories when you felt bad, shamed, humiliated, put down, guilty, stupid… When the feels come up, let them go: scream, do a temper tantrum, cry, let out whatever comes up, repress nothing(for this you may need privacy, you don't want people around hearing you screaming and acting like an animal). Recognize that shit doesn't make who you are. Don't attach it to your identity. Everyone has been humiliated, that doesn't mean you can't express yourself freely. It wasn't your fault. Maybe it wasn't even something personal. People project on you stuff they hate bout themselves too. Repeat with the same situation until you feel nothing about it.

Sure, you may have success using subliminals for cleaing the subconscious, but i don't think it adresses the core issue. Emotions still remain trapped within, and it doesn't address your specific cause. Also, probably when you experience some humiliation in the future, you probably could not instantly play your favorite remove conscious clutter subliminal. It also gives a feeling of accomplishment and not feeling like a pussy cuz you faced your subconscious fears.

From there, when you are feeling at absolute ease with everything, when you ACCEPT EVERYTHING AS IT IS:

You are the Sun, you are the center of your own solar system.

You have to be the one who sets the criteria.

When you are accepting of everything as it is, you will have tremendous motivation, coming from a very different place, not by fear or lack, but inspiration and eagerness.

You will literally feel that you have everything in the world, you are free from everything, you will find peace in everything, satisfaction in everything.

That is when you will have the power to choose: is it this that i want to do or that, without being polarised on the either side.


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whats that book all about, can i have a quick rundown?


File: 629d010b7e3457c⋯.gif (2.18 MB, 320x228, 80:57, 1511630966143.gif)

How to create own subliminal track with binaural beats or whatever its called? Is it possible with simple audio editors or you need some special knowledge?

It'd be useful, as anons here claim that some yt channels specialized in this topic make tracks with harmful message


File: 91951fc3bb620c1⋯.png (71.85 KB, 796x297, 796:297, maslow-original.png)

File: a08c3307e6bacdb⋯.png (93.29 KB, 801x406, 801:406, maslow-expanded.png)


Somebody gave me an idea with their list. Maslow observed and constructed a list of optimal behaviors that may be of use in finding and treating suboptimal behavior. I'm not sure which to use though.



It's a list of techniques for dealing with traumatic memories, interspersed with insane ideas. Ironically, the trauma is what kept him functional. When he was cured, there was no longer any objective measure for his actions.



Thanks, but I don't do subliminal or hypnotic. I focus entirely on the mechanical properties I observe, which suggest I treat such videos as a hazard, no matter how well meaning or beneficial in the short term.



>Make your own "safe" subliminal binaural track.

>post it on jewtubes for your fellow fringe classmates

>everyones too scared to try it

I too would like to learn to make my own



Geez Louise, I did not notice how upside down the 'improved' Maslow hierarchy of needs is. Sorry for posting such filth. I did not expect outright evil after reading the first. There appears to be a force for unenlightenment at work.


>be me

>hear crash

>run to accident

>feel a dark energy in the air

>car is flipped over

>opened the door and it got worse

>legs of lifeless body falls out

>suddenly feel like I got hit in the gut.

>check pulse

>she is dead.

>dark energy left

>sadness comes over me

>I sat down next to her body and just mentally lost it

>repeating in my head "please be okay you're okay wake up god please don't let her die" x10000

>suddenly she sits up and looks at me

>her skin is absolutely glowing

>her eyes were bright and full of life

<what happened?

>rush of happiness and excitement washes over me, nearly in tears overcome with joy

>literally feel like I just stuck tweezers in an electrical outlet the shit hit that hard

>go home

>so tired I can't even walk

>heavily fatigued for the next two weeks

I can't stop thinking about her. I miss her and I don't even know who she is. I feel like there's an empty part of me now.

What happened? What do?



>be me

Autistic retard confirmed right from the getgo

>she is dead.

Can't even check pulse and tell is someone lives or not properly, what a great help you are in the case of emergency

>>repeating in my head "please be okay you're okay wake up god please don't let her die" x10000

>>rush of happiness and excitement washes over me, nearly in tears overcome with joy

Are you a cucked NEET who interacted with a real girl for the first time in his life and instantly fell in love by any chance?

>I feel like there's an empty part of me now.

Succubus lured you into a trap and stole your soul. Why do you care THIS much about a random person?



>Can't even check pulse and tell is someone lives or not properly, what a great help you are in the case of emergency




Y u so mad tho?


>so tired I can't even walk

>heavily fatigued for the next two weeks

>I miss her and I don't even know who she is. I feel like there's an empty part of me now.

Seems like you sacrificed big parts of energy from yourself to summon this shitty driver chick back into the matrix through your prayer. Good job anon, you sacrificed yourself so now she can crash another time and probably kill someone this time.

But seriously tho, how come you are so obsessed with her? Your post emits weird energies.



>you sacrificed yourself so now she can crash another time

kek. That sounds like me.

I don't know why I'm obsessed with her, I shouldn't be, don't even know the chick's name, but her face and those eyes are seared into my memory



I know that feel bro. Maybe she just was one of "those" girls that you insnatly feel a lot for just from seeing them. Had a few of those in my past days too. But still something feels strange about that story…I'm gonna find out what it is…if I care enough. Let's see.


File: 1b55613264a2053⋯.jpg (170.75 KB, 540x960, 9:16, wreck.jpg)


>I'm gonna find out what it is


Do your thing my man.



Nah I'll just leave it at that. Maybe you are a hero who saved an innocent life through immense willpower and prayer and should be celebrated as such…well if it were that simple…too much aspects and variables to consider. Questionable if you did the world a favor by saving her, questionable if you did her a favor by keeping her in this life, debatable if you were a chosen medium for saving her or if you interfered with fate and she should have died (she will still die sooner or later anyway), no one even knows if you actually had anything to do with it or not. You work it out, I'm out of here.



Alright, well you tried, kek.

I don't know what to believe, whether God intervened, some weird magic shit happened, or the chick just got lucky as fuck and everything else is a coincidence.

I have had dreams on again off again since I was a child involving me pulling a woman out of a wrecked car, but the scene was much different.

Idk it was weird, /fringe/ seemed the place to ask.


File: 01c32b12edc18be⋯.jpg (54.06 KB, 500x645, 100:129, angel.jpg)

This is basic, but I've never had someone provide a real answer yet.

What's the point of working with demons or the Goetic spirits instead of working with angels, saints or God for something you want? The only logic I've just come across is that the demons will give you what you want regardless if it's not in congruent to God's ultimate plan for you, the demons let you "go off script." This is helpful if it was part of your purpose to suffer great so you could do greater things with that pain.

That's only a hunch.

Goetic grimoires are like every other Occult book I come across and I still don't understand their appeal over their more holy counter-parts.



Nice post.

I always felt like it was stupid to channel Saturn for better willpower and resolve, that it was an insult to the entity and I wasn't worthy.

Good to see someone validate that idea.


Who /manichaean/ here?


how do i set things on fire with my mind?



it's better to realize that dependence on other beings for power or desires is unnecessary. You are Sovereign, Divine and Free, and this means that you are the Creator and Observer of your own Reality (Personal Universe). Beware of bringing lazy parasites like these (as both "sides" are part of the corrupt demiurgic fake duality) into it, as they love to plant implants and hooks that slowly enslave you.

here www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/08/23/why-i-am-no-longer-a-light-worker/ and http://www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/11/21/tell-the-lords-of-karma-that-you-are-sovereign-no-longer-a-lightworker-part-2/ are relevant to the topic.



Disappointing how they went full retard open society shill. If they were truly awake, they'd be supernaturally ruthless in playing this game.

Maybe they're the special cuckold breed, lacking survival instincts, that's been carefully spread like a cancer. That's where I'd cram any 'do-gooders' if I were a demiurge. Their first instinct is always to open fire on the good guys just defending themselves.



If anyone was truly awake they would pop out of this existence immediately. If you think you're awake, or even lucid, just know that you are actually just dreaming you're lucid.



It would be a choice. You refuse to accept responsibility for anything.


I don't want to be "that guy" but does anyone know of any /fringe/ ways to get rich?



Literally the same way you get everything else. Read the recommended reading list.



I made a sigil to attract money and burned it some months ago. I found 60 bucks in my room, then got a raise, and now poised to inherit a business if I marry the owners daughter. Now I'm not sure I want to spend the rest of my life with this woman.

You've got to be able to handle the punches the universe throws at you with your desires. Maybe my desire for money and my boss' desire to marry off one of his daughters resonated with each other. End result I'm in another dilemma and possibly need a stronger sigil to get free.



>calls cuckold

>for dissing parasite entities instead of working with your Higher Self, the Earth (et al. Beings of a great caliber)




How do you know that?


File: 4225a0a8564dd13⋯.jpg (45.17 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ravioli.jpg)

How to invert myself? Note that I am not asking for a response from anything material, just writing this down somewhere so as to float it among whatever corner of the textual sea this counts as.

I wish to know how to invert being and nonbeing in a localized field around me so as to arrive on the other side as something still alive but via the negative space around a living form (my body) rather than the positive space of this contextual limitation.

I am aware that the contexts for entities which exist within the un-bounds of negative space are far thinner than those of positive space, as thin as those of positive space are thick, and I want in on the game, I want a piece of that anatman pie, at least long enough to achieve my goal, at which point I will reintegrate. My eventual goal is to find the nuclus of the metatextual something-or-other (you know who you are, I know your names) and to invoke it such that for the time I am incorporated it becomes my personal facultative symbiont-muse. Whether or not this is selfish depends on which self you ask and when, but first things first, give me the inversion patty secret formula.


How do I get started with mentalism?

I know I saw a PDF posted some time ago but now I can't recall the title. The MEGA libraries I have access to are too big for me to just look randomly.

I found this


Is there anything good on his recommended reading list relevant to this. Don't tell me to read some general book like kabbalah, I know there was one called "the mentalist's handbook" or somthing but I don't know the author's name.


Fuck, that link was misinterpreded as formatting, let's try this

http://www.hypnotistentertainment.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/mentalism_ _introduction_ _ _resource_list.pdf

Remove the spaces.


What does fringe think about Tarot? Anyone here can work with the cards? Legit practice or more bullshit? I would be inclined to learn about it and to buy myself a deck but only if it's not a bullshit practice.



The principles of tarot are rock-solid, and the degree of semi-controlled randomness is right in the sweet spot for insight, which may serve you better at first than trying to force a precise divination. It's tried and true, and . You don't have to buy a deck, though. Pre-made tarot decks are easy but if you're unsure, try making your own deck. A pack of index cards you've drawn on can have the same or more value/accuracy than a regular tarot deck, and the act of making your own deck is highly valuable in its own right.

With that said, you may get value out of a standard tarot deck as a means of connection to a relatively widespread magical language, and it could serve as a decent inspiration for a deck of your own. Look into tarot before you buy so that you have some idea of what it is you're purchasing.



clear energy pathways.


"The ability to perform and learn faster than ever before, like a child. "




i'm gonna say soulmates are anyone you develop with spiritually.

the 'one-and-only' type exists if you want(ed) it to. When you're ready within, that person or someone like that will show up.



honestly tho if we're so powerful

why can't we as divine beings just once say

enough of this shit

let me learn with light,

let me avoid any of these parasites unless I can overcome them with ease and joy and use this knowledge to help others heal (or whatever).

I'm on a light path that's just self development and helping empower others, much like you seem to be, but I don't think angels are bad by any means.

The ones I work with, anyway.



you probably miss her because you gave away a lot of your energy. it's not really her you're missing. Unless she happened to be someone you knew in another life or an energy that filled a hole in you.

Clear her energy from you. Call your energy back. Even let go of the situation as if you went back in time and didn't revive her, if you can deal with that.

Things look different when you're clear of others energies and have your own.

Either use Cameron Day's free meditation for energy clearing or check out the one on fringebay here






oh also asking that because I did do that. I affirmed I'm growing in light. Learning the lessons the easy way, the first time around so it doesn't have to whack me in the face.

and have lovely friends and teachers on the other side.

sure I can learn everything on my own but people specialize in different things on this plane and I don't see why not help and be helped. Wouldn't truelight beings wanna help other people go higher? I would. That's why I'm here.


Are montalk and Ascensionhelp new age? What about the concept of a higher self in itself? How can I recognize new agey concept? Because they seem to hijack genuine concepts and corrupt them



If you don't know new age when you see it… lol idk what to say. Try learning some more and meet real people and you'll understand. New agers dress funny and believe aliens are some weed smoking version of Jesus.



>let me avoid the parasites

>let me learn the lessons easily and effortlessly

it's perfectly possible and 100% doable, the thing is that many unknown about this easy shortcut.


real True Light Beings selflessly help everybody, indeed. However, the "false light" beings have (((motives))) beneath their help. It's known, for example, that false light pleyadians teach energy manipulation methods mixed in with outsourcing, and that outsourced energy is conveniently fed into their hungry maws (and the corrupt demiurge's).



>hijack genuine concepts

you will find that many of the concepts that me and similar others espouse are perfectly real, such as the presence of a Higher Self.



First I thought you are joking when you said the principles of Tarot are rock solid but you seem serious. I decided I buy myself a nice deck first and later when I am more experienced I will craft my own deck. Do you care, if you have the time, to hand me some usefull and trustworthy ressources, maybe links, books or guides about Tarot before I turn to google? I don't exacty trust most of the spiritual sites that google spits out.



>Wouldn't truelight beings wanna help other people go higher?

That's what you think. Certainly it's what people who'd like to take advantage want you to think. The reality is that nobody really wants to help anybody, those "altruists" in the world only want to help their own self-image by "helping others". In truth, nobody can be trusted.



but what of those beyond the world and matrixes?



Same story, everyone wants pawns to lord over. They'll happily accept your unwavering adulation in exchange for a paltry favor. If you're happy with being a pawn in a "good person's" schemes then that's fine, just don't be too upset at what happens when you outlive your usefulness.


File: 1d5b66552ffa55e⋯.jpg (148.63 KB, 720x960, 3:4, come with me.jpg)

What's the comfy position you use for a relaxing, clear mind meditation?

I like half-lotus until my back starts to ache too much after 5-10 minutes or my feet go numb.

Lying down makes my thoughts rapid and fickle.

I feel as if my legs keep locking when I try standing meditation and I have to consciously unlock them.



How do I time travel? Not even memeing I'm dead serious, I just want to go back a couple of years, back to 2014 when life was better.


Does anyone have any information on obscure nature spirits?

I had an interesting encounter last night. I woke up and saw what was almost like pale birch branches sprouting out of nowhere. Completely lucid, by the way, as it emerged by my bedside. I wish I could have faced it more clearly but I grew immensely fearful in just a "sheer panic" sort of thing. Not that I was feeling something terrifying in my room but in a situation that "this couldn't be happening". I sunk my head into the covers, or so I thought, until I heard this shuffling sound, like soft cloth on cloth. To my surprise, I felt a sort of caressing sensation at the top of my head until I fell asleep.

I immediately began to dream, in which I was with my family. Every now and then I would see this large, white-furred creature in the corner of my eye. Horns like birch branches without leaves. Stood like some sort of cervine creature. Head wasn't truly a head or a face, but more of a mask as all the features were smoothed save for two deep eye holes and a few black markings.

I'd like whatever info folk would have possible if y'all would be so kind.



Regarding the 2nd step IIH, how proficient one should be in "sound concentration" in order to master this exercise?

I have been going it for a few weeks, and while i notice improvement, i still can't hear the sounds as if they were completely real.



I dropped it after noticing it was linked to the qabballah




Liking jacking off to someone elses random sigil, you're donating your spritual energy to the qabbalah matrix, and unless you're a jew you'll hardly get any energy back.




>Originally Kabbalah is a Hebrew tradition based on an esoteric commentary of the Torah. Etymologically the word Qabalah, simply means "tradition" and its Hebrew root "to receive"

>and its Hebrew root "to receive"

They're going to bleed you dry goyim



File: 51c4319bbf8b7f7⋯.png (988 B, 150x150, 1:1, 51c4319bbf8b7f7e46c3146774….png)

Need info on this symbol. Some guy on /b/ tried to recreate it from memory. Apparently it's related to some time diety or demon.


Anyone here ever prank a demon or ghost for fun?



This looks like a meme and is probably nothing


What are some mental methods to power up thoughtforms? I'm unclear on the build up and transfer in the following procress:

>Write out its specific intention

>Go into a trance (like self-hypnosis)

>[Process of charging it your giving it energy which I'm still unclear on]

>Thoughtform now charged enough to carry out its task without you thinking of it


why the does my face spasm every time i attempt meditation?



say in your mind "i am charging up <thoughtform>", visualize the thoughtform (makes it more solid, and gives it energy) getting the energy, it flowing out of your body into it.

are you making a servitor to carry out your orders, a tulpa, or more than a tulpa: a true Consciousness? the procedure will vary depending on what you want to create. from what i read, you seem to be making a servitor, so what i said is enough for it.

as always… Intention is key.


hmmm… could be several things. entity interference? a physical manifestation of a spiritual issue? a quirk of your physical body?

you can try this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss, 1 time per day for 5 days, rest for 2, and repeat if you want. this will definitively dissolve many, many issues that you could be having.

drink a lot of water during the video.



Try to improve on any one of those processes. Do whatever you think would help you improve.




There's a lot of scammers out there huh?


File: ee1d07af0c37dfb⋯.jpg (80.8 KB, 420x630, 2:3, it runs in the family.jpg)


thanks, fun fact by the way, apparently my mother has been practicing chaos magic since she was 17, she just never knew that there was even a name associated with what she was doing



I am most certainly a truth-giver. I have seen results with my methods, and I attain great wisdom with them and my knowledge.


thank you for sharing that :D it's always good when fellow Beings are kind!



The only thing you obtain is newfigs you've enthralled. Nobody with any sense of spiritual OPSEC is going to touch your "methods" with a ten-foot pole.



This tbh


What's the most stranglingly systematic tradition?

Sounds like a question asked in bad faith, I know, but I have a friend I want to get started down a rabbit hole. He's an engineering major and a physics nerd, but he's not into Taoism the way a lot of his type are. Says there's too many contradictions. He deserves to have knowledge of that which lies beyond the Standard Model, and he's open to the possibility, unlike some others of his kind. I just need to find the right entry point.


Can some noble soul recommend to this here noob mundie the most effective magicks/rituals for causing positive real-world change, e.g., increasing the likelihood of a promotion; attracting a love-interest; healing a pet gibbon etc.?

I have boundless willpower, and, alas, an inversely proportional level of sense.

Also, is 'sex magic(k)' a meme? Will I lose valuable zinc for nought?




Nigga I came back here to help people rise above this junk.

I don't want pawns. Friends and lovers, though. Those are nice. Oh and my ego likes a complement/gratitude here and there ;)

Honestly tho, I've got infinite light-energy, what's the use of servants when I can auto-fellate?


does it usually do? might be a reaction to more energy flowing thru.



pretty sure the meditations I do are true light, they've taught me I'm safe and to affirm easy/joyful learning of lessons.


All magic is energy manipulation. So Kybalion teaches the way energy manifests, and New Energy Ways teaches some energywork. (or mantak chia's books like healing energy thru the tao)

Science of Breath.


>Also, is 'sex magic(k)' a meme? Will I lose valuable zinc for nought?

pretty much. Better to keep that energy inside and use it.



>are you making a servitor to carry out your orders, a tulpa, or more than a tulpa: a true Consciousness? the procedure will vary depending on what you want to create. from what i read, you seem to be making a servitor, so what i said is enough for it.

You're correct but what changes would I have to make if I were making a tulpa or a "true consciousness"?



nobody is enthralled to my will. everybody that has chosen to see the videos or check out the websites I write about have done so from their own Free Will.

you can be absolutely protected when you try a new method, or not. it's all your choice. even when entities attack you can choose to do zilch against them or to expulse them with all the Power you have.


to make a tulpa, you would make it like you would a servitor, but beside the intention of the tulpa, you put energy into defining its personality, its form, its aspect, how do you want it to relate to you, etc etc, if you want to let it become free from you, you teach it about Free Will, and if not, you do not. if you teach it about Free Will, it's about midway between a True Consciousness and a servitor, and can figure the rest on its own. if the teaching of Free Will is ignored, however, it is like… a glorified servitor with more complex consciousness-patterns that is more self-aware that a servitor.

to make a True Consciousness, you begin with the same standard as a servitor: define far less things than you would with a tulpa. with the energy blob present, you give it a "jumpstart from your soul DNA pool". i think that this can be achieved from Intention: it would be like cloning a bit of your soul DNA and giving it to the new Being, and it automatically inherits and comphrends the concept that It is One with the Infinite Source in a deeper way. if you do this, you have made a spirit that is your spiritual child. these are most certainly loyal to yourself.

for any of these 3 procedures, you may choose to grant the spirit or thoughtform in various degrees of advancement access to your Akashik Records, and "for reading". depending on its will to learn it will go in and discover a lot about everything.

take note that forcingly controlling a True Consciousness without regard to its Free Will is unappropiate and has consequences.

i'm sure that you can give a "cloned piece of your soul DNA" to any one of your creations and that they will begin to become True Consciousnesses.


Lately came upon an issue with visualisation. I struggle trying to visualise a person's face. I can kinda visualise the shape and some other details but none of the more subtle facial features. Not sure if it's a problem with memorization or visualisation.


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Industrial Society to an Information Society

Centralization to Decentralization

Institutional Help to Self Help

Hierarchies to Networking


Had dream girl I love was telling me she loved me but we couldn't be together because she only has one eye. She actually has both eyes, but in the dream she had one.

Does that mean anything? idk anything about this stuff it just stuck out to me and seemed strange.




Her third eye is open and yours not.

Therefore she is too good for you.

By the fucking way don't bother too much with dreams, most of them mean nothing.



Don't listen to this guy: >>116986

He's just trying to bum you out. Her only having one eye open could just as easily mean that she doesn't have her third eye open, it's literally a matter of perspective and what you feel, after all, it's your dream



That was not my intention at all. I was merely jesting. That dream could mean either nothing or anything. It is up to the guy himself to find out it's meaning. For this he must take the role of everyone that appeared in the dream. He must analyze the symbols from his own perspective, then he must analyze the dream from the perspective of the girl. He must see through her eye if you will. And so on. Then he also must interpret the symbols in the right way that relates most to his personal feelings, knowledge and experience


How accurate does automatic writing tend to be? I find it strange that something you'd do without being in much of a trance would actually have much of an effect. That said, I've been doing it lately and some weird shit has happened. When I do it, I don't tend to read it back or remember any of it until at least a week or two later. Here's one of the weird things that happened:

>a couple nights ago

>trying to go to sleep

>suddenly get a strange voice and a vague visual of a guy with long brown hair and a beard sitting full lotus

>says a couple things I forgot, but then says "help?" and I say yes, assuming he's offering help of some sort

>a bunch of information comes in, I'm 99% sure it's not anything I'm consciously thinking and that it's actual communication

>at one point he gives me a "password"

>tells me he'll see me again five minutes after my death

>flies off still in full lotus

>a couple days later

>reading some automatic writing from a week ago (so before that encounter)

>near the end

>"I have the liberty of telling you the secret code you will make to speak to the elders once you are truly in the depths. We will speak again soon."

I had completely forgotten any mention of a secret code or password or whatever when I had that encounter. There's this other bigger thing that came out of my automatic writing and my encounter with that entity (assuming it was real, since it seemed to be) that will have an immeasurable impact on my life if it turns out to be true, but I don't want to delude myself or do anything wrong. So if my greentext story came from automatic writing, does that mean everything else is probably accurate? I've had other things that were possibly synchronicities in relation to the bigger thing, but I can't help but be super skeptical about it. What do?

Also if anyone's curious, some other things that came out of my automatic writing were something about an oblong shape in the year 2001, something about the inner earth, something about a place called Summersfield, a lot about potatoes (which I'm actually thinking is meant to be some other concept and it defaults to potato as a word because maybe there isn't a word for it but the concepts are similar (maybe some of you who have read Far Journeys by Robert Monroe will get what I mean)), and general things about ascension.


Can someone give me the lowdown on medication?

I have to say, when I was taking an antipsychotic and antidepressant about 2 years ago, I was feeling a whole lot better and more enthusiastic than I do now.

Can medication be used to get out of a rut, or is it discouraged?

At least when I was medicating, I was also consistently meditating and on a regular routine.

I feel so beat down, angry, sad and hopeless lately. I just want to get back to at least where I was - at least TRYING to apply what I've learned in the occult.


Wizords! Please excuse the blogpost, but I'm at the end of all sorts of tethers. Potentially impossible situation here; hopefully someone can help me solve it

There's this girl-

Now, hold on, these are not typical 'mundie problems', there are some slightly alarming complications:

I've never officially met eponymous girl, but I've seen her, I know that she exists, and am hopelessly attracted to her. This worries me, because it's completely illogical. She's often in my dreams I'll keep these >>116986 >>116989 in mind; I catch myself thinking about her; I'm romanticizing this idea of a person I do not know, and I can't stop. I feel 'connected' to her in some visceral way; my stomach does things whenever I see her.

Thus, I've resolved to get her, wherein the main issue lies. I've tried mundane methods, e.g., ~thrice, I have literally gone to her place of residence and rung the doorbell, yet each time, some strange occurrence has prevented me from meeting her.

I was thinking perhaps some magical way to charm events into us both meeting irl? I'm ofc open to suggestions - nothing sinister like 'making her love me' etc.; as an 'above average' guy, I reckon I could win her over myself if we could only meet

I can't accept 'plenty more fish' type answers, because that's an inherently logical conclusion I've already come to. And it's not changed the way I feel, which is very new to me. I've been with other girls, but am still irrevocably drawn to this girl I don't even know sometimes thinking of her DURING sex with others. Is she a witch of some sort, wtf? I have no idea how this has happened to me, but it's starting to take a toll and it should be resolved

Any help would be much appreciated



if you guys are compelled to meet you will, if you are compelled not to meet you won't. most people are inbetween.

a few possibilities.

1) you know her from a past life

2) you know her from a future thing you might have

3) her energy fills a void in you

4) she's fucking with you energetically

what I would do is energy clearing first.

affirm your divine sovereignty and expel external energies


and clear your energy with either:

stuff from there (Idk how they are/if safe, haven't used em much, haven't had ill effects from the single uses I did)

or you can use this energy clearing or the soul star one soon after


and if you still want her then maybe she's not just fucking with you, Idk.

anyway. so then if you still want her, you can do some stuff. Intend to draw in the qualities that will attract her, and meditate on your energy to see what it is you're missing that her energy fulfils in you and makes you want her. Fill that hole.

you can also get an akashic reading from someone if you want a clearer answer on what's going on. those have helped me alot with lovestuff.


What's the truth about Indigo Children?



It's a term used by new-agers so it's probably mostly complete horseshit. There are bound to be children with more recognizable innate ability than others, but I wouldn't trust someone who's into new age to be able to recognize it or to set the parameters for it if I were you.



I propose the change of "IF THEY RESIST THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES" to "IF THEY RESIST THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES", zero need to delay to the ever-waiting future.

the videos which I have posted in the thread are safe. there are other videos from other anons, and these may be safe or unsafe.

and that fringechan meditation is sweet and loving. excellent! I add http://ascensionhelp.com's ones, too. if you are unaware of your Higher Self, the Level 1 of that page helps you to meet It.




How do I slow down time Max Payne style so I can do cool shit like dodge bullets? Don't give me bullshit psychological answers about time-perception, I want the real nigga shit.


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How much are you paying your internet defense force to spam your /cow/ thread, smiles?



Man im still having trouble with these entities in my mind.

When I was in meditation it finally got kicked out but the second the state started to wear off its tendrils came back and started speaking again.



while the entity is outside you, you should start to craft a Shield of Protection to cover your whole Divine Sphere of Influence (which goes up to the outermost point of the farthest subtle body).

your shield can have energies in it. for example energies of your Higher Self, and energies of the Infinite Source. you can call on each one of these so they give you the energies.

you can also add colours: each one has its meaning and should be used according to its meaning. for example, white represents Divinity, gold is a great protector, violet is a deep purifier, etc, or well, really anything that you can conceive, as the shield can also manifest in the densities that correspond to the astral and etheric (it can be present everywhere on all your Beings, as One is All and All is One :D) like menacing spikes… etc

this video may help you on this task: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVDGY5BKT5k

the kind wizard who helps me out and guides me (sometimes) said that this video in particular does work, but that it fails to measure to the caliber of power necessary for a true world healing (as in, the strength of having more than 50% of the world's population awakened and in a high frequency is enough to instantly expulse the (((nwo))) and (((them))))

however, it still works efficiently for "smaller cases".

peace! :D


Is there a way to summon a succubus with out any thing bad happening?


Someone please link me to the Pythagoras thread on /fringe/.

If it doesn't exist give me the archive or recreate the thread and point me to it.

I need me some Pythagoras, the ultimate master of sacred geometry.




<REEEEEEEE intensifies

thanks for the suggestions, but I've decided to make something happen; even if it leads to nowhere/she's a total bitch/turnoff etc. I must know

>draw in the qualities that will attract her

assume you're speaking to a delinquent. Into what/where am I drawing abstracts?

>see what it is you're missing

without being crude, I think we all know what I'm 'missing'

>Fill that hole

the absolute aim atm, yes


lel, get an escort ofc



Bump, anyone got any tips?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kind of similar to survivalist-flag-anon: I met someone recently who I felt overwhelmingly like I was meant to meet but I haven't been able to talk to them since. I've had intuitive pushes to go to particular places at particular times, which led me to see them every day since I met them (which is particularly weird since we don't really do much of the same kind of thing) but it's always a situation in which I can't strike up a conversation or they're quite far away. It's been bugging me this whole time why this person is meant to be significant in my life, especially considering I keep seeing them but not having any interaction with them. It's making me frustrated and impatient. Does anyone have any suggestions for either hurrying things along or at least more clearly divining the meaning of all of this? Or am I just a dick head and I need to live with whatever's happening and however slow it's happening?



That kind of thing takes practice and patience. It can also help to look at whatever you want to visualize for a while, then practice visualizing it, or maybe draw it without looking at it after looking at it for a while. This video series (this is video 1) might help too.


I’ve been reading a lot of Jewish stuff lately and I’ve been wondering: are books effective sigils? Is fanfiction magick?

The theory that words / letters are magical is the underlying theme of the Jewish conciousness. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet has its own esoteric meaning, ‘in the beginning was the word’ and the obsession with preserving the exact wording of the Tanakh (the vowel system (nekudot) is fucked up mostly because rabbis didn’t dare to actually reform the orthography, so they’ve been writing the vowels as annotations; since Hebrew already has had mater lectionis, the way of writing is kinda unpredictable, because you never can be sure if you need an additional vav, ayin or aleph or not). Jews had punishments for fucking up while copying the Torah and teaching the Torah orally (memorising scriptures was common in the antiquity) was avoided.

The story of Esther (the basis for Purim) is a testament of Jews kvetching about being persecuted while slaughtering the goyim. The whole Old Testament reads like a self-fulfilling prophecy about Jews being obnoxious and hated by everyone, yet finding a way to screw the goyim over in the end. Add to that the doubtful historicity and you may come to the conclusion that Jews actually enjoy being expelled and shoahed, because it’s just like in their tales.

Jews are just an example. I wonder if writing down a power fantasy like it was a real event that’s supposed to happen in the future is an effective sigil. I was never big on reading [fiction] nor writing, but I’ve noticed that writing about mundane stuff can lead to spiritual insight and being ‘in the zone’ is akin to meditating. I wonder what would be the implication of writing a self-insert fiction (or a fanfic, because I’m not creative enough) and treating it like some mystical truth (and maybe even publishing it to the unsuspecting normies).


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bumping for solutions to potentially misdirected unrequited passion



>led me to see them every day

>but it's always a situation in which I can't strike up a conversation or they're quite far away

I feel your pain, brother; it's like I can't escape her, but I can't interact with her either. Woeful game mechanics

>It's making me frustrated and impatient

This. I've taken to pacing like a gorilla

>Or am I just a dick head and I need to live with whatever's happening and however slow it's happening?

I don't believe this, anon. I think men are supposed to make things happen. Great or small. Manifest destiny, and the like.



Were the Indigo Children intentionally poisoned by vaccines, and turned into autists?




more- hey guys, more like… IndiSTOP children. Right?



can i be a vidya level wizard with enough training? like using your hand as a flame-thrower and the like.



as above, so below

unless you can change the laws of this world, no



then i'll change the laws of this world, if that's what it takes, i came her to become a god, being able to sprout flames from your hands is a requirement of godhood for sure.


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I want the GOC to leave.


I´m interested in "meeting" or "evoking" my guides.

i'll appreciate any help.




>"The biggest fear of the archons is for us to realize that we are a fractal aspect of the Creator Source being that has the ability to create reality and manifest from the organic background Source energy. They do not want us to realize that they have been feeding off of our Source energy because we are their last vestige of hope for survival, as they are caught in the astral realm. All we need to do is believe in who and what we are and the barriers begin to dissolve. Just like anything else, it takes intention, dedication, and belief in yourself…" – Michelle Walling


>"I do feel like I should wean myself off of them [entrapped by the false light matrix, like angels] and use my own power of manifestation to create my own reality. In a paradoxical way, I was creating my own reality by calling upon them to help me out of a particular situation. True mastery would be defined as not needing to call upon anyone outside of yourself to help…"

>"It is getting easier to recognize what the intention of these beings as the veil begins to shed light in the cracks and crevices. More and more realizations are coming with the increase in the true light source that is raising the vibration of the planet and everything on it. We are beginning to realize that many of our old spiritual practices and beliefs are no longer necessary." – Michelle Walling

You are your own guide! :D you can contact your Higher Self :D dissolve parasites!.

there are false things on "in5d" and "howtoexitthematrix" so be sure to take what resonates with your Being, and Realize that you are Sovereign.

peace! :D



Maybe i should be more specific

I want to experience about evocation, and i think "guides" could do fine for a start, its not like i want to give away my will or something like follow every command that gives me, just meet someone cool.

Thanks for the response anyway, i like you Montalk



>as above, so below

are we 'above' or 'below'?



If A = B, which would you rather be?



>A = B

mirrors? Two sides of the same coin? I suppose in that case it doesn't matter. However, wording it as 'above' and 'below' implies higher/lower; perhaps greater than/less than. So in that case, when it comes to what I'd personally

>rather be

I'd say above but it feels like we might be stuck below atm

got any advice on how I can attract this nigh unreachable succubus into my life anon? >>117039


Quite a long time ago someone posted about a book that produced some extremely fast and powerful result for whoever followed the procedure.

I believe the book was called something along the lines of 'The Avatar Method'. It was an orange book and involved invoking the names of various angels and god I believe.

Anybody know what I'm talking about/can link me to it?


File: c6b81f85011e83d⋯.jpg (205.41 KB, 634x901, 634:901, ss (2018-03-04 at 10.52.22….jpg)



si senor, Geoff Gray-Cobb - The miracle of new avatar power

I can't upload cause its 68mb



>what is catbox



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What do you recommend in lieu of IIH?



I'm not sure what you're implying with

"As above so below"

You can imagine yourself doing crazy shit in the mental, so if you can't accomplish it irl then "above" is not equal to below



Thanks man :)




Just like. Relax your body/etheric/emotions/mind, align with your soul, go higher/align with higher self, intend that situations be drawn to you where you can get the qualities that will make you more attractive.

Like I learned that when I'm leaving a place I shouldn't necessarily feel rude to interrupt a conversation for a brief goodbye and I'm sure that's better than hanging around. And I probably drew that to me in a gentle manner.

Meditation on your energy and making it nicer would help. bottom 4 or 5 chakras.

I once again say a good akashic reader will give you better advice.



The works of William Walker Atkinsson and eastern energy cultivation practices


So has anyone done a summary of W.W. Atkinson's books yet? I remember back a few months ago some people were discussing on doing it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Summaries? None that I know of, and I doubt they would be as beneficial. There are a couple of his books turned into audiobooks on jewtube



>I doubt they would be as beneficial.

For example science of breathe can be condensed into 2(about 6 if you include all the exercises)pages



I'm starting with Personal Power myself and the foreword imo is necessary as it describes Willy's state of mind and sort of introduction to the learning process in his system.

>The proper way in which to read this book for the purpose

of study—in which to extract from its pages that which is

condensed in them—is to start by reading it carefully, from

beginning to end, but without trying to memorize any

particular portion, or to impress any particular detail upon

your mind. Then lay it aside for a short time, while you think

over its teachings in a general way. In this mental rumination

try to classify the several most important topics and divisions

of the general subject, but without direct reference to the

book itself. Having done this, take up the book again, and this

time carefully absorb each and every phase and feature of its

instruction. Take your time in thus re‑reading and restudying

it. You will find something new in this book each and every

time you take it up—no matter how many times you have

previously “gone over it.”


An overwhelming percentage of my post numbers end in 96, am I being stalked?



Is that your birth year or something?




apologies if I'm missing the point entirely man, I really am trying to follow this

>intend that situations be drawn to you where you can get the qualities that will make you more attractive

I fully intend these things, but I'm not sure if I'm aligning myself with anything

>shouldn't necessarily feel rude to interrupt a conversation for a brief goodbye and I'm sure that's better than hanging around

are you saying I should just 'make something happen' irl? That I'm wasting time/energy looking for an answer elsewhere? Because as I mentioned earlier, I've tried doing things the 'normal' way; there seems to be some sort of glass wall between her and I. There's got to be a way around/through it

>a good akashic reader will give you better advice

perhaps about the nature of (myself, and thus) the issue at hand. What I require right now is a way to advance the storyline. I need to get past this plateau. How does one - magically or otherwise - draw a specific person into their lives?



>I fully intend these things, but I'm not sure if I'm aligning myself with anything

just have the intention and meditate on it/meditate on being the person that will be attractive in taht way, and do some energywork. It'll probably do the trick.

feeling it's working helps it work. reality manifestation thread is about this but not about relationships.

>are you saying I should just 'make something happen' irl? That I'm wasting time/energy looking for an answer elsewhere? Because as I mentioned earlier, I've tried doing things the 'normal' way; there seems to be some sort of glass wall between her and I. There's got to be a way around/through it

no I mean that the situations that will make you grow will be drawn to you. The conversation interrupting thing was a situation I was put in to learn how to be more assertive. And if there is someone you're looking at but can't get to, there's a doorway like that, traits/energies you need to make it work.

>perhaps about the nature of (myself, and thus) the issue at hand. What I require right now is a way to advance the storyline. I need to get past this plateau. How does one - magically or otherwise - draw a specific person into their lives?

that kind of thing is tough.

>specific person

because if you're not already someone that they would be attracted to/if they're filling a gap in you, then it requires either self-growth (past a certain degree may not be possible for some time) or forcing your way. The latter makes an energy tug of war kinda thing, where you make them need you but also hate you. Not gonna give advice for that one.

The advice you'll get depends on the akashic reader.

and if you know the nature of the issue it does help. knowledge is power.



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>meditate on being the person that will be attractive in that way

the main setback I have with this, is that I'm not certain where I should start; there's conflicting data. What I'm trying to say is, seeing as I know essentially nothing about this girl, and hence what might attract her beyond the primal, which I think I have covered, what part of myself do I focus on improving? I tend to get positive comments on my physical appearance not just from my mom lel; and those that know me, for some time at least, seem to value my company and character. Definitely not saying I'm perfect ofc - indeed much of my time is allocated to 'self-improvement'


anything that packs a punch? I do not care how draining/arduous/painful etc. it might be, I have the willpower to do it

>reality manifestation thread is about this but not about relationships

I suppose this applies, since there's no relationship to speak of (yet)

>there's a doorway like that, traits/energies you need to make it work

damn, I wish I was more perceptive/sensitive to this

>that kind of thing is tough

I'm a big tough guy, I'm telling you. I can do it, enlighten me if you will

>forcing your way

not sure what this might say about me, but it's been my experience that everything I have gained/achieved/survived in life, has been because I've driven for that outcome through sheer force of will. Visualised, believed, did it. Nothing has ever seemed to just fall into place for me, so I guess I'm used to operating in this way. In this case, however, things have not panned out as I'd envisioned at all, which confuses me

>where you make them need you but also hate you

as aforesaid, I definitely don't want this kind of malevolent effect. The whole point is that I have only good intentions for this person; something's telling me we'd make each other happy, as daft as that sounds. I'm not willing to potentially harm her simply to get 'my way' or w/e


>The idea/essence of her or someone like her can be your inspiration if you like, and use that to work toward being the person you'd be proud to be for you and for her/don't just conform to what you think she'd need, but more importantly what you need

maximum eerie. This completely describes what I've been subconsciously doing since this 'issue' began. I've only just realised wow

thanks again Akasha anon, really appreciate everything



might be a rehash but "meditate on your energy and their energy, realise what you're missing that makes them attractive to you, fill that gap within yourself. Realise also what aspects of yourself can attract them and attain those. Realise also what energies they need/desire, and attain those"

is what I wrote for someone else.

>what part of myself do I focus on improving?


>anything that packs a punch?

if it were me, a few things.

1) I'd just meditate. Focus on breath until you have enough focus to hold nomind for a minute. Move onto feeling over the whole body. This purifies the body, allows it to heal from stuff, channel divinity better.

It's vipassana. It's a form of shadow work and energywork.

Mantak Chia's books on energywork, I think, are great. Awaken Healing Energy Through the Tao. you can find all of his stuff on tpb if you search mantak chia.

Cultivating Male Sexual Energy might be another useful book by him, but probably least necessary?

You can also try reading Soul Love by Sanaya Roman. Probably you'll have to buy that one but it's good.

These things will purify/open your body/energy/heart.

>maximum eerie. This completely describes what I've been subconsciously doing since this 'issue' began. I've only just realised wow


I've been there.

You're welcome, and I hope it goes well for you. Always grateful to help a lover.



Do either of those have step-by-step guides to initiation?


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thoughts on this guy? i find him a bit larpy




> Let me say this, that "idiot", if it is who I suspect the e-mail is referring too, is beyond the descriptive limits of the word "idiot. This person (?) is a sexually transmitted as well as intravenously transmitted diseased pathological liar, a junkie, a sociopath, a thief, a danger to themselves and others, deserving of his impending incarceration. This person (?) has ZERO authority to speak and should be mocked into oblivion. Now, having said that, this person is once more grievously incorrect. One can in fact say what the names of the daemons really mean.


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Why is this board more lit than the mewch one?


New to meditation, how long should I try to meditate? I have trouble focusing past 5 minutes if I'm honest. What method is best? I've been focusing on my breathing or trying to empty my mind and focus on nothing at all. I notice my breathing crawls to a really slow breath, does that mean I'm doing it right?


What are the best translations for upanishads and gita?



Meditation is what ever you deem it as and that it will work towards your goal. There is know "right" way to meditate.



So it is meditation when I deaden my senses and lie absolutely still until I wake up in another world?



Lol like the definition of it


Are there any occult ways I can figure out what somebody's opinion of me is?



yeah, ask them.

(you can evoke them and ask or ask their soul or whatever. but have you considered asking them irl lel)



Oh yeah I'm totally going to ask someone their opinion of me when I can't tell whether they're just an autist who doesn't talk or if they think I'm a creep. Great idea. I also barely ever talk to them, and we don't know any of the same people, so this is the only way I can think of. Are there any books or links or whatever you could recommend on evoking specifically people rather than goetic entities and such? Thanks.



you can connect with the Being's Higher Self. you then ask It questions like "does X like me?" "is X's opinion of myself negative?" etc etc

the form of the reception of the answers varies. i personally receive them in a sensorial way.

you are skipping the possible negatives of the energy system by connecting to the Higher Self directly.

it's better, if you have connected to your own Higher Self first, and if you can see the individual (nearby).


Everytime I wake up early and go to sleep again, I have nightmares. Could this be something /fringe/ related?



Is there any book you reccomend that I can read to expand my knowledge about my astral chart?


Is it possible to throw lightning from hands? Is it possible to learn this power?



Or fire…



referring you to this thread: >>112478





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Does listening to Subliminals make anyone else really thirsty?



common symtomp. drink water. the subliminal draws water from whereever it can find it, including your brain. beware, and drink a lot of water.



Could you please explain why they use water?

I've been listening to them for the past month & the changes have been hard to deny. Why does this require water from my body?



water is one of the easiest materials to change. you can infuse it. you can make it hold an intention very easily. that's why.

also, your cells are composed of an inmense amount of water (the substrate and cytoplasm are mainly water), and your body in general of ~60%.



Thank you



no problem! :D



>Are there any books or links or whatever you could recommend on evoking specifically people rather than goetic entities and such? Thanks.

not really, I kinda just do it.

copypasta from earlier

>Relax your body/etheric/emotions/mind, align with your soul, go higher/align with higher self,

and then evoke their spirit or higher self


yo roman catholic Church…check out my responses to your bullsh*t before you b& me here in this thread


nice try



i keep hearing stuff about the "lords of karma" and the "demiurge". could anyone explain to me what these are?


Does anyone have a /fringe/ recommended reading book list? I remember seeing one around a while ago, and bought the Kybalion because of it. I regret not saving it though, and haven't been able to find it.


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There's a guy with a theory that duality is wrong and belief in duality keeps you trapped in this matrix. Pretty much LHP/Do what thou will in broad terms and analogies to hook us neophytes


I need obligatorily a sigil to evoke an entity?

Can i create my own sigil, or is preferable to use one already used?

What if i can't find the sigil for that entity?


It seems like eventually the whole world will be either 1984 or Ragnarok and I wonder how long we realistically have until that happens. How much time do we have left?



Make your own spirit and sigil


Here's the guide


can you guys greenpill me on Drunvalo Melchizedek. how much of shit is legit and how much disinfo



*how much of his shit



the more sensitive I become to the spirit the harder it is becoming to wake up in the morning. When I am woken up, rather than waking up on my own, it almost feels as if I am awake but only my body with extremely limited mental/spiritual awareness. And from there it winds up being quite a long time (hours) before I am awake enough to function normally. I've come to the conclusion that I am waking while my spirit is off fucking around somewhere and I am not ready to go until it returns. Yet, I have no awareness of whatever it is doing during this time.




The demiurge is from Gnosticism, so read about Gnosticism if you want to know about that. A short version is that it's a higher being masquerading as some kind of God that created the physical universe to trap us all here to make us suffer and farm us for our loosh. Robert Monroe learned the same concept without being Gnostic through astral projection, if that suggests anything about the possible validity of it. I haven't heard the phrase "lords of karma" so I can't help you there. Have you tried using a search engine?



Everytime I meditate on this topic the answer I get is that the demiurge is sort of like our reality's infrastructure. Like how the dirt we walk on is the foundation for our homes.




>"lords of karma"

It's just garbage being spouted by the guy who uses the Montalk flag to trick people into watching his subliminal videos



This montalk guy will only be able to spread his nonsense and pretend that he is souvereign for so long until eventually the harsh reality hits him in the face. Just wait and see.

What's up with those guys like him anyway? Can one have such a huge inferiority complex that he constantly needs to remind himself and other that they are somehow divine and sovereign and all is well? It doesn't work that way on earth obviously, never has and never will.



The point is that buying into karma either way is still a fetter to the round of rebirth, and in a more applicable sense to one life, so long as you always place things above you, you'll never reach the top. The illusion of progress along some path or other is an excuse used to remain in samsara while still pretending you want out. If that were the case truly, you just wouldn't be at all. Causal paths preclude attainment, after all, how are you going to get to a result outside causality by working within some system? It's like trying to cross the desert by buying a yacht.

Karma is a system designed for laity so they have a convenient excuse not to shit the bed, culturally speaking. It has really nothing to do with liberation except as a conceptual obstacle to the immediacy of attainment.


Can't do things. Am developing a video game right now but only usually do things a few minutes at a time so progress is glacial. When I encounter a problem I get immediately stressed and quit quickly, and I can feel my brain saying "NO!" when I think of working on it because of knowing I'll get to something hard I can't solve right away. I know intellectually I will finish this game, but I only feel dread at the prospect of working on it or doing anything that requires brain power really. I know one thing, but I feel it will not be finished.

I can't do things generally. I wish I could be one of those people that is able to set a schedule and stick to it for the day. I wish I could get out of bed and follow a strict morning routine and be highly ordered like that but I can't. I can never stick to anything and I'm just miserable.

Want more spiritually too hence my interest in this board. I don't know what to do though. Started reading the Bible. Got bored and stopped. Tried reading a book recommended on here, I don't recall which one it was but it all went over my head so I got bored and stopped too. Tried meditating and stuck with it for maybe a couple weeks just 5-10 minutes at a time. idk was nice after I finished it but tough to do in the moment and still don't know if I even did it right really. Tried fasting too because I know that this is a thing in some religious practices so I thought I'd try it and got to day 3 but stopped because headaches.

I also have problems controlling myself. Fapping and junk food are out of control, although my fapping has improved a lot (Down to 1 or 2 a day and sometimes not at all, from 5 or 6 every day).

I wanna live alone in the countryside and grow a big beard and read books and grow a garden go on walks and stuff. Maybe with a woman too so I don't get lonely, but I prefer being alone most of the time so she'd have to be OK with that I guess.

I don't really have a question I guess lol. Any general advice? Things I can read or do? idk. I want answers but I don't know what questions to ask lol.



you tickled my curiousity bone, what kind of game is it anon?



i must say that it is a self-fulfilling idea though, sorry but if you constantly tell yourself you're worse than everyone, you're obviously going to be worse than anyone.



It is a SHMUP.



I will do, but also i want to experiment with spirits that already exist.



Which ones?



http://www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/08/23/why-i-am-no-longer-a-light-worker/ and http://www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/11/21/tell-the-lords-of-karma-that-you-are-sovereign-no-longer-a-lightworker-part-2/

this should get you started!


you are thinking of the "normal" demiurge. what you describe would be appropiate for it: a maintainer.

the demiurge most people speak of is what i (and others too) call the "corrupt demiurge"



rather, investigate and ponder!

>subliminal videos are tricks

the 2 authors that are "sapien medicine" and "drvirtual7" are certainly, from what is reported and from personal sensings, undeceitful.



>pretense instead of reality

>"somehow divine and sovereign and all is well"


>saying that We (and by extension, oneself) are Sovereign is to have an inferiority complex

study and meditate upon this carefully. as i see it, you are confused.

what might be means for somebody to realize and remember Sovereignity? and how would this work?

reality-shaking questions!


this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZW_Q7VTkZE this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m74xiIc6o8A

also, stop saying "can't". by that, one subconsciously programs oneself, and runs the risk of starting a loop that drags you lower and lower.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvtMMLmlTQ0 can help

throwing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY75Ww6LSc4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjO7H5b9aEM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr4-mhbhrHA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wma7XWjcHdI for good measure

>what questions to ask?

meditate and look inward. ponder your information sources. discern.

peace! :D



Then I dont fully understand what this corrupt demiurge is then. I have always sort of likened it to the boogeyman; something to be aware of, but nothing to worry about. Though when I do think about it, isnt it sort of like what "hell" would supposedly be?


What exactly is the Logos? Is it the demiurge, Christ or something else?


how do you magick a gf? i already have one but i dont actually like her how do i magick a gf i actually want




I think i see him in a dream, but i dont know whats his sigil is.


"ctrl+f : ritual"

also open attachment with wordpad

Q: (L) Do any of the rituals we perform provide protection against further abduction?

A: Maybe. Some Crystals with energy fields. Don't need protection if you have knowledge.

Q: (L) How do we get this knowledge?

A: It is deep in the subconcious.


Q: Hello.

A: You are good to do it this way without ritual.

Q: (L) What ritual do you want us to do?

A: None.

Q: (L) Does ritual enhance or prevent communication?

A: Constricts.



Q: (L) Are there any rituals that can be performed to provide protection for one against intrusion by the Lizzies.

A: Rituals are self-defeating.

Q: (L) Are there any technological means we can use?

A: The only defense needed is knowledge. Knowledge defends you against every possible form of harm in existence. The more knowledge you have, the less fear you have, the less pain you have, the less stress you feel, the less anguish you feel, and the less danger you experience of any form or sort. Think of this very carefully now for this is very important: Where is there any limitation in the concept behind the word "knowledge"? Being that there is no limitation, what is the value of that word? Infinite. Can you conceive of how that one concept, that one meaning frees you from all limitation? Use your sixth sense to conceive of how the word, the term, the meaning of knowledge can provide with all that you could possibly ever need. If you think carefully you will begin to see glimpses of how this is true in its greatest possible form.

Q: (L) Does this include knowledge learned from books?

A: This includes all possible meanings of the concept of the word.

Q: (L) Can you think of how it would be that simply with one term, this one word can carry so much meaning? We sense that you are not completely aware. You can have glimpses of illumination and illumination comes from knowledge. If you strive perpetually to gain and gather knowledge, you provide yourself with protection from every possible negative occurrence that could ever happen. Do you know why this is? The more knowledge you have, the more awareness you have as to how to protect yourself. Eventually this awareness becomes so powerful and so all encompassing that you do not even have to perform tasks or rituals, if you prefer, to protect yourself. The protection simply comes naturally with the awareness.

Q: (L) Does knowledge have a substance or an existence apart from its possession or its acceptance?

A: Knowledge has all substance. It goes to the core of all existence.

Q: (L) So acquiring knowledge includes adding substance to one's being?

A: Indeed. It includes adding everything to one's being that is desirable. And also, when you keep invoking the light, as you do, truly understand that the light is knowledge. That is the knowledge which is at the core of all existence. And being at the core of all existence it provides protection from every form of negativity in existence. Light is everything and everything is knowledge and knowledge is everything. You are doing extremely well in acquiring of knowledge. Now all you need is the faith and realization that acquiring of knowledge is all you need.

Q: (L) I just want to be sure that the source that I am acquiring the knowledge from is not a deceptive source.

A: If you simply have faith, no knowledge that you could possibly acquire could possibly be false because there is no such thing. Anyone or anything that tries to give you false knowledge, false information, will fail. The very material substance that the knowledge takes on, since it is at the root of all existence, will protect you from absorption of false information which is not knowledge. There is no need to fear the absorption of false information when you are simply openly seeking to acquire knowledge. And knowledge forms the protection – all the protection you could ever need.

Q: (L) There are an awful lot of people who are being open and trusting and having faith who are getting zapped and knocked on their rears.

A: No. That is simply your perception. What you are failing to perceive is that these people are not really gathering knowledge. These people are stuck at some point in their pathway to progress and they are undergoing a hidden manifestation of what is referred to in your terms as obsession. Obsession is not knowledge, obsession is stagnation. So, when one becomes obsessed, one actually closes off the absorption and the growth and the progress of soul development which comes with the gaining of true knowledge. For when one becomes obsessed one deteriorates the protection therefore one is open to problems, to tragedies, to all sorts of difficulties. Therefore one experiences same.

Q: (L) While we are on the subject of knowledge and experiencing things that may or may not be pleasant, I would like to ask for Fred what it is he needs to learn?

A: He is moving in the right direction at the present time even though he is not completely aware of that fact. He can appear to be under more stress than he actually is and also he has an extreme store of innate information which is one reason why we are able to work through him because we opened those channels a long time ago. Interestingly enough, though you are not aware of it, your own existence has been influenced by this very same factor.



Q: (L) Should I dismantle the altar?

A: Altar is okay but other things are not okay like silly rituals.

Q: (L) Is V__'s altar okay?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay, during the period of time I was getting the hassle from the metaphysical church group, my pool was green. Was this symbolic of the attack I was under?

A: Yes but you left yourself open by association and buying too many concepts without careful examination.

Q: (L) Do you mean that, if, at that time, I had refused to acknowledge that any harm could come to me, that that would have made it impossible for any harm?

A: Close. But investigate before buying and practicing in future okay?

Q: (L) Investigate what? Ideas?

A: Yes. And concepts and especially practices

Q: (L) The ideas of candle burning, salt, sage, shamanistic rituals and so forth? Is all this useless?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) Is sage not useful?

A: You are learning; remember when we say "good no ritual"?

Q: (L) In other words, your knowledge and your strength which comes from your knowledge and knowing is the point and the protection?

A: Precisely. This is extremely important.

Q: (L) Alexandra David Neel quoted a lama who said we must beware of the children of our own minds as well as the children of the minds of others, such as thought forms perhaps created by higher negative beings. If we do not acknowledge that such things exist, are we then subject to being devoured by them?

A: Ritual drains directly to Lizard beings.

Q: (L) Even our saying of the Lord's prayer?

A: It is okay to pray. Why do you think organized religion is obsessed with rituals?

Q: (L) Is the same thing true of shamanistic practices and so forth?

A: Exactly.

Q: (L) What occurred to make my pool clear up?

A: You restored your own energy.

Q: (L) And it had nothing to do with rituals?

A: Correct. In spite of rituals but you were lucky could have gone the other way.

Q: (L) What prevented this from happening?

A: Divine intervention. [energy surge]

Q: (L) Well, my life seems to have been full of incidents of Divine intervention. Is this true?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What is the purpose of this intervention?

A: To preserve and prepare you for work.

Q: (L) What is this work?

A: You are extremely valuable to all on your planet.

Q: (L) What particular value? Is this common to all people?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is this something meaningful? What is the mission?

A: Faith in your opening channel; you will learn as you go. We cannot tell you all at once.

Q: (L) Since the energy is high at this time, we would like to know if you have anything to give in the form of a teaching?

A: Not ready for that yet; establish clear channel and forum first; one step at a time.

Q: (L) What is the forum?

A: What do you think?


ctrl-f: "blacks" and/or "negro"

Q: (L) Okay. Now, earlier we had a discussion about crime, the involvement in crime of black people versus white people, and, looking at the numbers, it seems that there is an inordinate number of black people involved in crime or criminal activitis, or negatively oriented behavior than white people; the figures are really outstanding: blacks are eight times more likely to commit crimes than whites. And many of the explanations that are used, such as poverty or discrimination do not seem to account for this disparity, considering the poverty and discrimination exhibited toward many other ethnic groups with no such relationship. Is there something significant in this fact, and is there some reason why this condition exists?

A: Perhaps you should try one question at a time.

Q: (L) Why do blacks commit more crimes than whites?

A: That is too broad spectrum a concept to be answered simply. Please try to break down the question into several parts so that the answers can adequately explain.

Q: (L) Can you suggest a way for me to break it down; it is a difficult subject?

A: Normally this is not the procedure, however, one suggestion may be, for example, to ask, first of all, what is it that causes individuals to commit crimes; secondly, is there any connection between one's race and national origin or physical state of being and one's proclivity to commit crimes, etc. In other words, this is a broad spectrum subject. In order for it to be answered adequately, it must be broken down into many consecutive questions.


Q: (L) What is it that causes individuals to commit crimes?

A: Well, now you see, that too, has many answers. We will choose one and then let you contemplate. One answer is, of course, as we mentioned previously, the alteration of blood, body and brain chemistry through the use of ultra- high frequency sound waves. Of course, as you can well imagine, one effect that this may have would be what you would refer to as anti-social behavior. Do you not see this?

Q: (L) I do. Okay, is there anything about a person of a particular race or body type which makes them more susceptible to this manipulation than another race or person?

A: Well now, that brings into question the physical differences between races, including the obvious body chemistry differences, a subject that has not been adequately explored on the third density level of existence. For example, it is very obvious the different "races" as it is called, are human beings that have different chemical make-up in their bodies. Would you not say this?

Q: (L) I would say that might be probable.

A: Now, if one takes this one step further, perhaps if one race has a brain chemistry make-up or blood chemistry make-up that can alter the emotions in such a way so as to commit what is called anti-social behavior, at least in social environment to which you are accustomed, then this, perhaps, would explain why there may be a higher percentage of crimes committed by persons of a particular race as opposed to persons of a different particular race.

Q: (L) Are there any specific chemicals that we could isolate or name that would be involved with this condition?

A: Tumoxifene.

Q: (L) And, what is that?

A: A hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. You'll find this particular hormone to be in high concentrations in persons of what is referred to as the Negro race.

Q: (L) And why does this hormone make a person susceptible to these ultra-high frequency sound waves, so that they exhibit anti-social behavior?

A: That's actually a question that skips over some necessary ingredients, however the best way to answer that is that when this hormone is in high abundance, then one's aggressive nature is heightened, since it already exists in higher levels within individuals of the Negro race, it does not require much alteration to increase it to what would be referred to as the danger level. Therefore, aggressive or anti-social behavior can be more easily faciltated in those of the Negro race, and those of other races.


Q: (L) Is it possible, or does it happen, that people of the other races, white, hispanic, or oriental, to have individuals born into those races, who, by some fluke, have higher levels of this hormone?

A: Are you asking: "Do some individuals of other races besides the Negro race have high levels of that hormone?" Well, obviously each individual situation is different. It is averages that make up the important composition.

Q: (L) So, this is what we could call, in a general sense, the "Crime Hormone?"

A: It is certainly one of them, anyway. Although, aggressive behavior does not necessarily translate into criminal behavior.

Q: (L) True. What is it in the blacks that tends to make aggressive behavior translate into crime?

A: That question is not answerable when put in that way. Please reverse and ask a more basic foundational question.


Q: (L) Well individuals such as members of the Celtic background are historically and evidentially quite aggressive, yet they do not as frequently, in fact less frequently, commit crimes as a result of their aggression. Why is this?

A: Well, there is more than one answer, of course. Everyone's chemical nature or make-up is oriented toward their native environments. Of course, if one thinks of the Negro race as having lived for many thousands, in fact millions, of years in the general climate and environmental situation they are native to, then perhaps it could be said that a greater level of Tumoxifene would be needed for survival in that environment. Now, when removed from that environment to an entirely different environment whereby such chemical balance is not correct for the new environment, then increased amounts of this chemical may produce aggressive behavior of one or two particular types. Whereas other races or cultures, when exposed to any stimuli which causes increases or changes in various brain chemistry, this may cause aggressive behavior of a different sort which can be channeled into more acceptable pursuits within the given society.

Q: (L) Is there anything that can be done chemically to alter this aggression or crime hormone to reduce it or to convert its effects into other behavior?

A: That's an extremely complicated question because any tampering with chemistry of the brain is similar to what you would describe in cliche as shooting in the dark at this point in your development, because you do not understand all of the intricacies involved. Therefore, it is very difficult also to positively answer that question when put in that form.


Q: (L) Is there any form that question could be put into where it could be answered more simply?

A: That is up to the one asking the questions to determine. Obviously the answer is yes, but if you are asking how to formulate the question, we cannot do that for you because that is part of your learning process. If we now are reduced to asking or rather telling, how to ask questions, this is rather like leading you by the hand, is it not?

Q: (L) Yes. Is there a simple, practical action that could be taken to assist members of the black race in reducing this aggressive behavior?

A: Well, again, you keep asking nearly impossible questions because, you must realize that this is not a simple black and white issue, no pun intended. What it is is trying to answer an extremely difficult question with very simple answers and this will not work because there are so many different directions involved here. There is just an impossible number of difficulties involved in trying to deal with this. Apparently you don't see that it is not something where one can simply formulate an injection, for example, and line up all the members of the black race for this injection. Can you imagine the extreme difficulty in even trying to contemplate such a thing? And, all of the resistance that would be received from every imaginable corner of your society at even the mere suggestion of such a thought? Obviously this is a problem that will only be taken care of at a later time, as you measure time, when the shift from 3rd density to 4th density takes place. There really is no point in trying to climb backwards up the side of a mountain with nothing but your slippery bare feet and hands to work with. That is what you would be trying to do if you tried to answer such a problem so simply.


Q: (L) Did they originate on this planet? Are they native to this planet?

A: Both. Orientals reserved for souls most advanced; Aryans most aggressive; Negroes most naturally attuned to earth vibrational frequency. So are "native Americans".


Q: (L) Is there any such thing as racial superiority regarding the races on the planet earth?

A: Only karmically determined by physical confinement assignment.

Q: (L) It can be karmically determined to be born into one race or another?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are the Aryan/Celts who came to this planet from the other one that was destroyed, were they, when they came, in any way superior to the humans already here?

A: Somewhat.

Q: (L) What was the nature of this superiority?

A: Durability.

Q: (L) Physical or mental?

A: Physical.

Q: (L) Well, blond haired, blue-eyed people seem to be somewhat more delicate or thin-skinned compared to, say, the blacks.

A: In this environment on surface.

Q: (L) Which race on earth is the oldest?

A: All are same.


ctrl-f: psychomantium

A: Time to consider construction of psychomantium.

Q: (Laura) What is a 'psychomantium?'

A: Use Latin knowledge.

[Group discusses possible definitions]

Q: (Laura) Is that it? Something that's in your mind?

A: No.

Q: (Laura) Is it something that you use your mind to direct or control or power?

A: Chamber for viewing other realms, possible futures and entities residing in other densities. Need clear depth… such as large polished mirror on stand, which can be adjusted as to angle… walls must be completely covered in black, so as to eliminate reflection… soft, low, indirect lighting.

Q: (Laura) Wasn't it Dr. Moody that did the life-after-death thing? (Terry) He's got a room with the mirror with the balck velour walls and the comfortable chair that you can look in the mirror without seeing yourself…

A: Yes, and it is real and it works. In the clear depths, you can even see us, on occasion!

Q: (Laura) Didn't we ask once about what this guy was doing, having people staring into a mirror, that it was opening them up to attachment, and was that not confirmed?

A: Attachment is merely a function born from a lack of knowledge… something you have enough of now so as not to worry.

Q: (Terry) This psychomantium, isn't it in essence a way of opening up a doorway to other realities and other levels and densities?

A: Yes.

Q: (Terry) Is that something you really want to do?

A: Yes.

Q: (Terry) Why?

A: Because you are ready now… and besides, what do you think you are doing here?!?

Q: (Laura) Is it a doorway that can be as Castaneda described it, where something can walk in, or walk out?

A: Possible… but… if you recall, what was the missing factor with Castaneda's story?

Q: (Laura) He didn't have knowledge. Is that it?

A: Not enough.

Q: (Laura) Is this something that can or ought to be done as a group, or singly… what's the deal?

A: Both.

Q: (Terry) So we're going to really construct one of those here? (Laura) Do we really want to do this at this house? Don't we want to buy something out in the country, where people won't be watching our bizzare behavior? (Terry) It doesn't really matter, we're watching everybody else's bizzare behavior, how bizzare can it be?

A: They won't watch, unless you invite them in.

Q: (Laura) Ok, we've got all of these little things that need to be done; we've got a hole in the cellar that needs to be dug, that's still sitting there, we've got a pool that's supposed to be built, now we're supposed to build a psychomantium.

A: This is not a daunting or costly project… materials: felt of the type you used for your charts, mirror and soft light, or candles.


[Terry describes a portable version that can be set up when using, and taken down when not needed.]

Q: (Laura) Is this basically the way that it is done, as Terry has described it?

A: Yes.

Q: (Laura) How long is it neccessary to sit and stare into the mirror before one experiences…

A: Varies, but not long.

Q: (Terry) It's going to vary from person to person… (Laura) OK, what advantage is there to using a psychomantium to using the board, I mean, is it going to replace the board?

A: No. Visualizations clarify and unite images.

Q: (Laura) Ok, what images would we wish, or would be suggested to unite and clarify, and particularly in the term unite? You've used the term 'unite' on a number of occasions, and in unusual ways.

A: Anything and everything in transcripts, for example… and all else.

Q: (Laura) Ok, so we would be able to see all of the things told about in the transcripts. Would we also be able to, by seeing a 4th density reality, be able to generate some sort of unification between ourselves, in some sense, and this new reality ?

A: Yes.

Q: (Laura) Is this part of the way and means of bonding oneself to 4th desnity reality.

A: Helps.

Q: (Laura) Can one also use this to visit other parts of the globe in real time?

A: Yes.

Q: (Terry) Visit the past and the future?

A: Yes.

Q: (Terry) There's other things on the other side. Can they come through?

A: Only if used ignorantly.

Q: (Laura) Is it the mental blocking technique that we are familiar with what prevents entry of something else?

A: Close.

Q: (Jan) 'Knowledge protects!' (Terry) Well, this is easier

than digging out under the pool, and building a reflecting

pool, and finding 75 square feet to build a labyrinth.

(Laura) It souinds like a damned amusement park! (Jan) Yeah,

'LauraWorld'!!! (Terry) It would give a whole new meaning

to an 'E' ticket ride!

A: "Amusement" denotes fun!

Q: (Laura) Ok, guys, it's late and Ark is waiting.

A: Goodbye.


Q: Okay, I was reading something that related to mirrors. What was said was: "Negative existence is the silence behind the sound, the blank canvas beneath the painting, the darkness into which light shines. Emptiness is the stillness against which time moves. Negative existence enables a man to be what he is. It is the mirror of mirrors. Non-anticipation is non-interference, and allows the most perfect reflection of creation." I thought that this was a nice way to express it. Could you comment on that and how it applies to other things you have told us?

A: Build a psychomantium.

Q: We are going to. As soon as Ark gets here…

A: Answers re: divorce, career, et cetera, come through that medium, as they are personal and thought center reflective.

Q: So, maybe I will build it BEFORE he gets here…

A: Or, use the mirror, and Ark too.

Q: Ark could also use the mirror?

A: In a darkened room, mirror pointed away from your reflection, indirect light, preferably candle, meditate…

Q: Anything further? I can just do it in my room?

A: To start.


A: Perception is key. If you really "dig" 3rd density, it makes you uncomfortable to see into the higher densities.

Q: (L) Can one use something like this and grow accustomed to the higher densities?

A: Ask Timothy Leary.

Q: (S) It's too late now! He's in 5 D! (L) Ask him for us.

A: We did, and he liked it a lot!

Q: (L) Did all of his use of hallucinogenics make it easier for him to transition?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Where is he now?

A: 5th density.


File: 211b30142ddc5dd⋯.jpg (166.35 KB, 514x513, 514:513, screenshot.1648.jpg)

Does this even mean anything? I remember someone posting this link on /pol/ ages ago so went and did it again.




the corrupt demiurge is a thing that is the massed belief of STS beings transformed into a thing that would carry out their works, like a super servitor. they did this after they saw that STO and non-dualitarians had the Infinite Source and the STS were getting separated from It, so they had nothing. thusly they made the corrupt demiurge.

the corrupt demiurge infected this reality and others, and its purpose here and there is to get energy to propagate itself more, to get even more energy, and has servants, called (((""archons""))) that sway even more beings under its control.

if you are familiar with the "krystic consciousness" (something that i'm in partway agreement only: meshing of methods), the corrupt demiurge would be described as a "dead-life construct": it has only the life that it gets from energy-sucking.

as it's disconnected from the Infinite Source, it needs to parasite and mooch others's energy or else it dies (this guy is spiritless too). this is the same thing for the (((""archons"")))

>hell like

servitude under the corrupt demiurge can be likened to such a great suffering, as you are turned into another (((""archon""))) and have to constantly give the corrupt demiurge a lot of your sucked energy. indenture.

i hope that this helps you.



Logos=Infinite Source



s/spiritless too/spiritless/



>the 2 authors that are "sapien medicine" and "drvirtual7" are certainly, from what is reported and from personal sensings, undeceitful.

You can find comments like that about pretty much any subliminal channel on youtube



When i'm done, I can be your girlfriend how you like it.



That specific name is hard to find a ready spell for.


link provided is a book of Mesopotamian demon invocation spells. It seems to be a class of demon titled Gallu-Demons or Ugallu



Thanks for the answers

Yeah, i know, that's why i was asking if i can create my own sigil for that same entity, is that possible or i will evoke just an alternative thoughtform of his "image".

In my dream the entity i evoke help me to banish an angry spirit of a child, he was pure light, they said its like an "angel" but more ancient.

Maybe was just a silly dream.


File: 095324c9c3e72f5⋯.jpg (187.11 KB, 1434x703, 1434:703, forneophyteanon.jpg)


>Maybe was just a silly dream

You've got to nip that doubt in the bud. Read >>116921 and the consecutive posts

after. It's probably a real call from a spirit just be aware of where you're going. The spirit's information is found in a demonology book.



Maybe i try to evoke Tiamat first, and ask her about Anzu.



it depends on the channel. in some, the comments sound normal. in others, they are unnaturally gushing, with nary a negative to be seen. in others, they are very depressive and many warn against the usage of it.

i have given sapien medicine videos to one of my friends, and he had positive results.

i have given quadible integrity's "love vibration" video to around 5 people, and all said that they felt from warmth on their chests to floaty feelings, and all relaxed.

i chose to leave quadible out from my "author menction" because my Higher Self said that her energies are more "mixed"; sapien medicine's energies are of good intentions, but he's somewhat "lost" in some certain things, but, so far, i have seen that these things are apart from the videos, which are of an excellent quality barring one that is quite strange (i asked him about it, he said that he only uses his own energies and is constantly attacked for all of them in general); drvirtual7's energies are of a good intention.

the last two also are from my Higher Self.

you can have a feel for a particular video's energy yourself and see if it's fully positive or if it has negative aspects within it (which would be felt as hidden affirmations, etc)


File: 315e5bef4dce06c⋯.jpg (25.42 KB, 320x320, 1:1, fug.jpg)

Convince me that this board isn't just psychosis.



Convince me your entire existence wasn't hallucinated



Only a psychotic person would ask such a question.


File: c81b6740b33fd8a⋯.jpg (103.51 KB, 413x395, 413:395, getaloadofthisguy.jpg)


Convince me that the only matter that exists is the one dense enough for you to feel and reflects light at a spectrum your eyes and brain can process



The very definition of moving the goalposts. The question is irrelevant to the issue of whether you are undergoing psychosis.



I met the demiurge on a bus heading out of Denver.



Did u suck his dick faggot?


File: 0f224f588cfd83d⋯.png (312.04 KB, 642x990, 107:165, really.png)


Not really, he is literally asking a question that is an inverse of your question.



Oh. You're asking if everyone on this board is undergoing psychosis. It would depend on your standard for the definition of the word, I would guess. Would you consider a christian to be undergoing psychosis?



What question?



What do you propose? To not program the demiurge to employ it towards more gnostic ends?

There seems to be two sides to this issue.

The "demiurge" is apparently programmable, and many people, including certain schools of gnostic thoughts, felt that it's important to fully understand the intricacies of the "code" in order to "program" it according to whatever, even towards "sto/gnostic" orientations, whatever you wanna call it. According to some views, that's the only way to "get out" or "escape."

Granted, the desire to control or be tempted towards extreme STS orientation will increase as you gain more personal power, but that's where the "test" is I suppose.

ALSO, as a reminder, this realm is 3rd density STS anyways, so there are some paradoxes to work with here.

According to Cassiopeians, even WANTING to be STO is a pure STS thought/action, because it's still all about YOU. You want to be STO for selfish reasons.

So you see in some ways there isn't much wiggle room out of your "STS'ness."

It's better to embrace it, observe/analyze where you stand right now AS IS, and let natural progression take it's course.

Humanity was apparently created by 6D STO, but have been corrupted towards more STS orientation through genetic engineering, etc.

But that doesn't mean STO tendencies have been totally snuffed out. Remember, STO has wider view of reality than STS.

I believe this is what the Jesus was talking about by the way with the "admit you're a sinner" stuff, rather than standing on a high horse acting like you can't do no wrong or shouldn't do any wrong, etc. That fear/anxiety of being punished by 'god,' etc., feeds STS.

I do not want this to be misinterprated as "I'm STS now. I do what I want"


In my "path" (god i hate using that word these days), I've found that even LHP philosophies can hlep in seeing your true nature in both STO/STS orientations. The lessons of balanced indulgence, learning, reading and individuation was an important lesson fort me to learn and it came from modern LHP schools of thought. What you do after you hacve mastered yourself is upto you. IMO, you can use it towards STO oriented stuff, but again without LYING to yourself.

In the middle pillar regardie talks about denial of our instinctive aspects due to societal/parental conditioning which causes psychosis and harm.

If we don't find a way to alchemicalize these primal forces, we are doomed to remain in a state of

STS stasis.

Personally, my motives for helping and building others up (seemingly sto) is actually for selfish reasons. I would rather interact with you at your fullest potential because that way I'll get more out of you for me.

Now I'm exaggerating to SOME degree, but it helps me personally to hyperinflate my selfishness and ego in order to see my actual capacity for selflessness. One can make the argument there is no such thing as being purely selfless, but that's a debate for another time.

Work with your STS self intelligently and with balance. Read the middle pillar if you're into magic, or find other means.

So I don't personally see anything wrong with knowing more about the demiurge syntax, at the least to protect yourself from some of it's crap.

In the words of my favorite comedian doug stanhope: "it's only when you realize that you're utterly and unapologeticvally fucked that you're free to move around the system."

good luck!



>Would you consider a christian to be undergoing psychosis?

Of course



Then yes, everyone but you fedora tippers is crazy. Enjoy your matrix.


How do I get a spirit to make me a Master at various magical schools of thought like HP Blavatski allegedly did?

I want to travel more places than humanly possible by the transportation available and become a master of eastern magical schools in 2 years or less per school, rather than a life time per each.

What kind of sacrifice does this take? Or is the whole life of H.P. Blavatsky (Blab-at-sky) just blathering at the sky? Is Crowley just Crowing Lies about his "Sex Magik"? H.P. Lovecraft written by the same group of hucksters that attributed works to Crowley (a "lovecraft" if you will); Doesn't H.P. = H.P.? Blabing at the sky is what HP Lovecraft does?

TL;DR: Need a magic demon to enlighten me or else a reason to invest years of my life into what seems to be an utter fraud. The apotheosis of false idols.

Is there no good occultist words in this world?

Also, do you watch anime? Some are occult AF I hear.



The Christian Bible is a Spell Book. If they just take shit at face value then they're just ignorant fools, not smart enough to avoid mental slavery. Not necessarily psychotic but, but unenlightened AF.

However they're not psychotic if the Christian is an actual folower of Christ and thus seeks out the truths of the universe, many readily available in extra-biblical works (Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees), and uses the divine spark within to discern whether various scriptures are divine; AND they don't deny, but research the occulted wisdom in their Holy Bible, such as the names of the Ten Patriarchs being a Messianic prophesy, or the Sun of God encoding a celestial event calendar as Jesus passes through the 12 disciple zodiac, etc.

Well, then no, they wouldn't be psychotic, they'd just be your run of the mill Christian Occultist.

Deus Vult.



On the threshold, I see lol. Grant Morrison put it best imo, to paraphrase "Magic, at it's most mundane is a way to knowingly "'Hack'" the subconscious". If you can submit your belief to that, then you've at least delved into one aspect of magic. The spiritual side, where you acknowledge that belief and faith can in some way be controlled to be to your benefit, then you'll be able to access the practical side of the other more esoteric/occult/spiritual schools.

I have a hard time pinning down a main issue you want resolved. There's tons of books on astral projection but I'm not at that stage of my education and can't give you practical experience.



alright then, enjoy living in the hell you create and uphold for yourself then.



meditate in the morning and ask your soul/spirit to focus more on you.

it's probably meditating on higher realms if it's off somewhere.

you might need to devote more time to Spirit in order to align yourself more with it. You said you were getting more sensitive to it, so it's possible it's trying not to overwhelm you with its power.



ohh now I know what that chick Anzu from YuGiOH is named after



are Subliminal Warlock Frequencie's videos any good? or are there bad shit hidden somewhere in the videos.



How do you download these Subliminals? I'm guessing youtube to mp3 won't encapsulate all of the necessary frequencies.


Is there a way to make your own subliminal videos? Im not a retard so I won't use videos made by someone



Like a sigil on a screen with music and whispered backwards voices on repeat? I don't edit videos myself but the audio could be done on fruityloops with a basic mic.


Johann Georg Albrechtsberger

>Austrian, studied music at Melk Abbey and philosophy at a Benedictine seminary in Vienna and became one of the most learned and skillful contrapuntists of his age.

>His fame as a theorist attracted to him in the Austrian capital a large number of pupils, some of whom afterwards became eminent musicians. Among these were Johann Nepomuk Hummel, Ignaz Moscheles, Josef Weigl, Ludwig-Wilhelm Tepper de Ferguson, Antonio Casimir Cartellieri, Ludwig van Beethoven, Anton Reicha and Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart.

> Probably the most valuable service he rendered to music was in his theoretical works. In 1790 he published at Leipzig a treatise on composition. A collection of his writings on harmony, in three volumes, was published under the care of his pupil Ignaz von Seyfried in 1826.

I have a suspicion that this Music Theorist studied the occulted wisdom of mental Harmonies / Frequency. Though, his works make no mention of the occult, they reek of alchemy as much or more than Isaac Newton ("Laws of Motion" are simply mundane explanations of the Alchemical Law of Equivalent Exchange). Albrechtsberger's work on Harmonies contains language sounding like allegory for brain waves, mood resonance and such. I'm sure the practice of studying the occult and pretending to have invented new shit based thereon was quite popular.

Anyone know anything esoteric about this guy? Was this the beginning of what western music would become today, steeped in subliminals, hypnotic chant & frequency based mind manipulation? It' seems that way to me. Mental Harmony linked with Musical Harmony, sounds esoteric AF.

He made Mozart and Beethoven.

What did he know?



I qmwrote this Po ost. Jyst wanna say think for yoursehf pls. Ive found myself to be wrong abt shit ive said on the web but onpoint as well. The part abt being tempted into being a dick as you gain more knowledge might be off.. just a heads up. I remember whem i used to dogmatize everything someone ssid on the net whem the reality is hes ptobably more clueless than you. Pick and pan



>you can put humanity into debt-slavery and seemingly dodge consequence tho?

To answer your question, you can literally get in trouble for healing someone, that can create a spirit war. Some healers have to not heal people they might otherwise want to purely because some spirit faction will be pissed if they do so. People lives basically belong to certain factions to some degree or another. Some people are of greater interest and importance too and there's always these struggles over them.


wrote this yesterday, but my electricity cut off and i saved this on a text file.


>demiurge can be programmed

yes, this is what i have heard too. by means of demiurge-programming, one can perform global magics more easily without having to involve the global consciousness (collective inconscious, etc etc) too much.

>parent posts's motives for helping and building others up are actually selfish

personally, i help others in an Unconditional way.

>no such thing as being purely selfless

Unconditional Love would like to have a word with you (take this in Unconditional Love; unmeant as an insult).

>sts self

your Being is United and thusly sts self, sto self are unexistent. your-self here and several densities above can express either sts or sto to certain degrees each (and combined), or just plain non-duality. in this case, it would be "work intelligently with the parts of your Being that express sts tendencies", imo.

sts gets pushed away and dissolved as one progresses and learns. in this form, one discovers about the non-duality: the lack of duality is filled by the Entire Wholeness of the One.


>think for yourself


>tempted to become a "dick" as one gains more knowledge

playing with others, as the ludical game of "joking" becomes more subtly refined?


wouldn't be sure. you can analyze the videos yourself. you can read comments in depth (really in depth). sense an individual video's energy to get a sample for the rest of the channel's, and continue broadening it with more videos. is the video's energy high, low, or in between? does it cause some negative reaction on you? does it cause dread experienced subliminal makers can hide these negative results over a positive veneer.

once, i saw hidden subliminals in the form of small red flickers, each around 0.25 or 0.5 seconds long in the 10kHz range (with the rest of it being clear, and the main spectrogram being concentrated in lower frequencies) that hadn't any reason to be there.


i wrote about this in other post. in short, use youtube-dl.


So many different occult systems these days. Chad occultism. Stacy ocucltism. Skyler the skatehoa


There is some dude named Skyler who smokes weed and delivers pizza, and this dude pops up in every fucking town in America and fucks every single girl. This dude does fucking nothing but get fucked up go


Woah and fuck everything. Seriously, look at this dudes eyes. He knows something we dont. Fucking skyle


There is not one fucking thing I could ever do, I will never fck the girls sks



as i said, Intention and Will are everything, alongside with Unconditional Love. stop negative beliefs and self-thoughts! they only drag you further down.

peace! :D



The best course of action during peacetime is gathering up everyone, pretending to love them, then having them spill all their secrets. You figure out every single invention, tip, experience, history etc, then you figure out a way to become immortal along with a failsafe incase there's a bug. Then you kill everybody. Every friend is a potential foe, and to avoid a situation where somebody beats you to this quest, you should kill them eventually. What is the point, after obtaining everything you could get from someone, in keeping somebody around who could turn you against your will? To achieve a perfect nirvana, which only exists when nothing can possibly interfere with that state, you need to cover every single possible hole. This includes every unpredictable human being who has a unlimited potential for good and evil.

A poor man could go up to a rich lawyer for evil Corp and say "why? You are missing out! You should be good! In the end you will end up missing out on the things that matter! Evil doesn't win in the end! Just trust me, there is a firewall outside this and if you do bad things you will have to become poor and suffer while I take your place and become rich and happy!

Zero lawyers give a fuck when anyone says stuff like this because it's just a weak attempt to brainwash somebody who exploits others. There is no real incentive for helping others. The only reason to help somebody who has nothing to do with you is so they don't kill you. "Be nice to me! Or I will kill you!" Um, or how bout I just figure out a different chess move and eliminate what really just amounts to a cancer on my life.

Every persons goal is advancing themselves. Nature shows that the fittest survive. There is nothing in nature that suggests that being a pacifist tiger leads to jungle peace. It leads to you getting fucking murdered.

This is why the people who rule the world could not give a fucking shit about any of the billions of people suffering. We are sufferers too, since we don't rule the Earth, so we sympathize with these people because we depend on the paths opened by our king's empathy to overthrow them. All they need to never lose power is not giving up their power, and considering the fucking shithole lives peasants have there is zero reason for them to leave heaven. Make a conscious decision to overthrow them. There are supercomputers from infinity years ago that will detect that and crush you somehow. The only way to get to their position is psychedelic drugs, and that is why fucktards ban things like weed. Now that I think about it that is a hole in their system, but that has to just be some limited hangout type shit to satisfy your urge for godhood.



irst there was energy, then there was life, then there was the inventions GOOD AND EVIL. Hilary Clinton raping a baby is, at the end of the day, just energy interacting with other energy. That is how the system sees it, and despite the ways that we dress up the physical realm, that is all that is happening. That means justice can never truely exist. We just made up that word to try to get the ideal world for these balls of energy we like to travel to. That means evil always prospers. If you aren't wasting time saving people, you are spending more time advancing your goals, and you eventually win. You can use all the tools you get access to to create anything that a hero would have had. You can input some shit into the console and then billions of fucktards will think you are Moses and worship you. That is literally what is happening today. Celebrities are genuinely evil people. Any of them could do some Alex Jones type shit and we could get that GOOD world we all want, but they don't, because they know good doesn't lead to nice things. I'll call them angels, since if the Bible was real I'd say Satan was the good guy. Demons would just be temporary good guys though, since like I said, why get a beautiful mansion and then share it with some fucking asshole? Nobody is going to do that. No matter how long peace is, eventually somebody is going to to wait I made a calculation and there is a chance that this person betrays me since they will eventually make the calculation that there is a chance that I betrays them, so I need to fucking destroy them. A perfect completely fucking actual 50/50 split would be the only fucking way to maintain equilibrium without war. As retarded as the Bible is it could be some limited hangout since I guess it talks about like a war with God and Satan and them battling for souls or some shit. If those faggots exist, they suck because their world sucks, and my goal is to completely destroy them both and become the ruler of my own reality. Fortunately, despite the truth that slaughtering a puppy really means nothing at the end of the day because this is just energy in a computer simulation and karma is a lie, I like puppies so I'd like to think my world will be a bit less barbaric, especially considering there are these things called fucking video games. There are some souls I've encountered who ive enjoyed, so I don't see why I couldn't incorporate them into that world too. Unfortunately, since control freak Demiurge psychopaths won't fuck off, war will be required to get me there, and there are no rules in war. I have empathy, which is a weakness, so I have no idea how to utilitize that, maybe I could use it to get more people to join my cause and speed it up, but evil fuckers will always have the upper hand. That is why the CIA rules the world. There is no disputing this or the fact that they are the most disgusting evil astral parasites who ever lived. Their "the ends justify the means" motto clearly establishes that they plan to use evil to create their heaven, and their game plan is exactly what I just laid out. If you aren't with them you are just mining new data for them. Your life purpose is building heaven for somebody who will dispose of you the moment you don't serve a purpose anymore, like someone killing their grandma as soon as she can't drive instead of having honor because honor is a weakness in faggot world.



I stated that there are supercomputers from infinity ago which detect an urge to overthrow faggots. Then I stated that the CIA is here doing their shit to try to accomplish the goal of getting into the supercomputer mainframe. I believe that that is just them covering holes. In the matrix they literally fucking give neo the ability to fuck around in the matrix and find Zion and shit. They are just doing trial runes to figure out where there are bugs. What does that make us? Who the fuck knows. My guess is we are from a separate system, we saw the fucktarded shit happening in here, and for the same reason you can't enjoy a movie if a child Is getting raped in another room we decided this has to stop. Maybe we were like ok let us go into your system under these conditions, maybe we just hacked in and they are just watching to collect data since they know we are useless fucks, maybe worlds have fucking collided and this is a high stakes battle for the universe, maybe they are stupid fuck humans like us and are just trying to transcend the machines to become the new machines, all I know is this is fucking retarded and the second I get a chance I'm deleting this world for good so I never have to deal with this shit again. Come to think of it, we are all one, so that means I'm the machines and I'm the CIA and I just did all this as another project to delude myself into believing duality so I can feel good while some whore who is just me twerks on my dick


>>117885 Careful with the words you use too. Unconditional love sounds good and using that word and hoping for the best might work sometimes, but if I skin you alive, you have to still love me? The soul occupying an ant must be helped just as you've been helped as it moves up to maybe rat, then toucan, then eventually human, then a god with completely equal powers as you? If we calculated your actions, have you used unconditional love, or are you trying to con me into becoming soft? What do you have to offer as something to hold you to your word? If you break you vow to unconditionally love, do you agree to become an ant again? I just figured out that a way to prevent the problem where two people living in peace eventually will want to kill each other when they discover the other is a potential risk is a system of voluntarily temporarily giving up power . You would need like millions of loops where you are always having to offer some sort of unconditional love towards your enemy at specific times so that you had a zero percent chance of having time to initiate operation destroy other person. The screen we are viewing that we believe is reality, this fucking 2D fucking screen we think is a 3D world is used to delude us into thinking we aren't computers by doing trillions of calculations every nanosecond like yes no yes no 10101010101 so that we believe we are human beings. There's like trillions of frames per second happening that fast because if we could view one indivual frame over like an hour or something we'd see what this really is and go completely insane. That system could be transferred over to the system established so that multiple people can be God's in this system and one person can never overthrow the other because things are going too fast. What would the fail safe be? Who knows. I've been trying to straight up eject from this reality since that 9/23/15 shit, that was the year when THE SHIFT happened right? I haven't succeeded though, so chance are we are permanently stuck in this box, and we can only hope that some alien faggot isn't just gonna use us like final fantasy characters for eternity, because that dumb fuck doesn't know what pain is and the fact that infinite things have happened and war is still a thing indicates that there is a good chance of that.


Should one listen to multiple of those that do very different things in one day or just focus one ones that do similiar things, achieve that and then jump to others?


How do I get rid of alien implanted impulses, like the urge to scream or kill something?

I'm a completely calm person, by the way and have no internal problems.

I just find myself doing introspection and I feel that awful emotion most of the time. To tear and kill and scream and let loose, it's a really disgusting feeling.





File: bc4e0213c155eca⋯.jpg (28.58 KB, 295x300, 59:60, alc.jpg)

Q: (T) Do they do this because of the implants that are in me?

A: All part of process.

Q: (T) Do I have implants?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) These implants are what they use to control my emotions and amplify them so that they can feed off of them?

A: Not control, influence.

Q: (T) No, not to control; influence. But when, say, I get angry, then I'm angry for a short time but then I'm angry for a long time because they have used this technology to amplify and extend this; is this what they do?

A: Yes. Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.

Q: (T) Can I feed back through their equipment what I choose?

A: Not necessary.

Q: (T) In other words, if I get angry and realize that I am being more angry than I should be, and I change that to something positive, and feed that back to them while they have their amplifiers wide open, will that affect them? Sour their milk, so to speak?

A: Now you are "fighting fire with fire."

Q: (T) Well, is that something that we are supposed to be doing?

A: Open. But what does phrase imply?

Q: (L) If you feed it back at them, in other words, what they are saying is, I think, when you feel yourself getting angry, the only way to stop the whole thing is to stop being angry and be happy or at peace. When you are happy and at peace there is not in you the desire to send anything back.

A: Bingo.

Q: (J) Redirect the energy into something positive. (F) You can't fight fire with fire. (LM) Well, actually you can in reality. (T) What I am getting at is, is it possible to do that, to change the emotional state to something more positive than what they are expecting and feed that back to them. Is that a possibility?

A: Why.

Q: (T) Just to give them a taste of their own for a change. (J) Do you want to antagonize them? You are still feeding them your energy. (L) The only change you could really have would be the opposite emotion which would be peace and if you are truly feeling peace…

A: 4th density STSers feed off negative energy.

Q: (J) So, give them nothing. (T) But what I am thinking about is the energy… I have a natural… They are feeding off negative energy. They put something in me, some technological thing, because they come into 3rd density to mess with us…

A: Yes.

Q: (T) …that will amplify this for them. Make it even stronger.

A: Analogy follows: How effective is a light socket without a plug in it?


Q: (T) Well, how effective is a light socket without a socket in it… I'm trying to learn here so you guys give me some lattitude.

A: What?

Q: (T) If you take a light socket and pull the socket… pull the plug on the light socket you no longer have light. (L) Well, the Lizzies are the light bulb and you are the power source so you just pull out their plug. (J) Unplug yourself. (T) Am I the socket?

A: How effective is a motor that is never turned on?

Q: (J) Do not be their source. If they feed off negative energy, starve them.

A: Implants are ineffective if not used.

Q: (J) The power source has to be on for the implant to work for them to get the juice and the power is negative thoughts and emotions. (T) But I am still a 3rd density being. I have all the emotions of a 3rd density being, the whole gamut, and that is part of what makes me a 3rd density being. Therefore I can't turn one emotion off without upsetting the balance of the other emotions, emotions are almost an analogy to the light and the dark.

A: No.

Q: (T) I have positive emotions and I have negative emotions; they both make up who I am.

A: If you choose, you may have only positive emotions.

Q: (T) Now, if I have only positive emotions, which is a nice thing to have and I'd like to have that, what does that do to the sensor equipment of the Lizzies?

A: Cancels them.

Q: (T) So they are tuned to negative frequencies?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Having positive feelings cuts off the implants. If I cut off the sensors by having positive feelings, what will the Lizards do?

A: Go elsewhere.


File: 13a0d01ef2433a7⋯.jpg (22.16 KB, 256x171, 256:171, yo.jpg)

Q: (L) Am I correct in my thought that when you first start turning this off that they may increase their efforts for a period and then finally they realize that you are really in charge here and then they go away?

A: Exactly.

Q: (L) So, when you first get a clue and you start getting a grip on your emotions and dealing with everything that happens to you with acceptance and knowledge that all is a manifestation of your own creation and for your ultimate good, for a period of time they may try ten times harder to get you back as a food source, but then once they realize they can't, then they do finally let loose?

A: You and Freddie are experiencing this right now.

Q: (L) This is true. (F) We have both been under massive attack. Just doing this work has been a struggle to keep at it with everything coming from every direction. (L) The hardest has been to stay in a frame of mind to do it. (J) Am I under attack?

A: Not yet.

Q: (T) Is what I have been under the past few months the first assault?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Now they are trying to sweet talk me?

A: Only first assault.

Q: (T) So, the more positive I become, the more they are going to continue trying, and I am assuming that because you said I have seven beings of some kind assigned to me, that they find something interesting in me that they want to keep?

A: Close.

Q: (T) Should it make me happy that they think I am important enough to have seven beings assigned to me personally? Should I take that as a complement?

A: No.


Smelly, do u still have control over mewch /fringe/?


What is the name of the clairvoyant ability to obtain information about something by reading a text about it and seeing words that aren't there?


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Whenever I mess with my sleep patterns weird stuff happens.

If I wake up even half an hour before my normal getting up time, I get lucid dreams.

I've heard of that happening to other people, so it's just context, but here's what's on my mind

If I go back to sleep after having a full night's rest, I will wake up with my body frozen.

Heard of this, it's dream paralysis.

The abnormal thing is I start vibrating.

I can't describe it any other way, I start vibrating, feel a crushing pressure in my chest and stomach, and hear really high pitched noises.

When It gets too strong I feel like I'll explode.

It happened a couple of hours ago, but something else did too.

I'm not sure whether it was real, or a realistic dream of me in my bed.

That frozen/vibrating thing happened, but on top of that, the lower half of my body started floating.

First my legs started coming up and down, without any force from me.

Then my torso, leaving me on an arc-like position.

Finnally the covers on top of me did it.

The thing is, I wanted it to happen.

I wanted to float, Iand I wanted to lift things with my mind.

I tried lifting heavier things, and opening my door, but nothing happened.


Does anyone have information on vibrating while on sleep paralysis?

Does anyone know about telekinesis while not quite awake?

How can I differentiate between a really realistic dream about being laying in my bed, and reality?

Thank you.





a few things. first, clear the energy there with a higher light. light of sun or powerful star or higher self or whatever.

you can try the drvirtual7 stuff.

goal is to banish/burn away any external entity energy in your sacral chakra but whole being helps.

then when you get the desire it'll be a lot less energy behind it and easier to resist.

also, work with your energy, draw the sacral energy up your spine to your crown, then tongue to roof of mouth just above teeth and draw the energy back down your front to either be emitted out your heart, stored in your lower dantien (3 fingerwidths below navel halfwayback into body), or out the bottoms of your feet or focus on your mingmen (point on your back directly opposite navel).


nice get.




who are these discussions about/who is talking here? where can I read about it



try the drvirtual7 stuff maybe. or ask your higher self/other higher entities you like to help.

put them in a box, flood it with higher light, dissolve em, take em out, etc.


>but if I skin you alive, you have to still love me?

sure. but I wouldn't ever deal with you, and I might even kill you, but that doesn't mean I'd hate you.

unconditional love doesn't need any action other than allowing to some degree. But loving myself or another means protecting them from your bitch-ass, nga.



lol remote viewing the akash/astral is what I'd call it. forgot to expand on my shitpost answer



I never heard of that before, so I had to look it up out of curiosity. I looked at all fifteen pages on Super Thesaurus for words related to clairvoyant and related words on Dictionary. Then I browsed some other websites dedicated to psychic abilities. I even made up the word clairlecture to see if anything came up, but nothing.


Can someone greenpill me on Tai Chi? Is it something that's worth doing? Does anyone here do it?


How do I contact my guardian angel if such a thing is real, how do I contact a good entity? I want to ask questions I feel have zero purpose in life, I have nothing to contribute to society I feel like such a waste of life, I want to ask if there's any hope for me. I am autism incarnate I feel I've been doomed from my birth even when I was a kid I was aware how stupid I was. I need guidance, I hope to find answers for all my struggles and shortcomings, I wish to cure my autism.






in its ideal form it is energywork/qigong in motion, and the way to move one's body in ideal ways.

worthiness is relative, but I would say yes it's worth doing as much as yoga is worth doing (which is totally worth doing if properly)


>want to stop being autistic

>also want to maintain my non-degeneracy/purity

How do you advanced wizard reconcile this?



How about "clairolexia"


Catlick Church:, we are the most divine people ever. We work for gawd. Gawd is gud.

*Catholic church rapes little boys*

Therefore, no, there is nothing to you. You are fucktards.



Oh, ok, so you are one of those fucktards who pretends like they are going to have a logical debate with people then runs like a fucking faggot when they are proven wrong because you lack the humility and intelligence to expand your world view. Thanks for identifying yourself. Now fuck off and let the big Boyz talk.

"We must stop this! I have integrity! Trust me! The new law is we must stop this!

*You do this*

"I know that by me doing this I'm contradicting the claim that I have integrity and that we must stop this, but now that you know I'm a fucking liar and my word means nothing you should just continue to trust the bullshit I spew out!"

Nah I'm good. You are seriously either brain damaged or are a genuine con artist. Either way, got the fuck away. Nobody likes you. I don't walk into chemistry labs and go NO ITS NOT H20 THAT MAKES WATER ITS H20B BECAUSE YOU NEED TO ADD BACON GREASE, because I'm not an aids person like you.


"I have love! I will unconditionally love everyone! If someone kills Dave, I can love both Dave and the person who killed him. For Dave to accept that my love means anything, I would have to avenge his death, but I also have to love the person who killed him because he doesn't want killed for my love to mean anything, but who cares I just used a buzzword without thinking about what the word unconditional means because propaganda!" - Smart Smartinson


do binaural beats work ?



So where can I find out more about it? What are some good books/videos on the subject?



quick questions lads

>if I fantasize about being someone else that exists in the world, who feeds off my loosh, is it the person in itself or some random entity?

>If I fantasize about having sex with this girl all day, is it she who benefits of my loosh?



Depends on a few factors:

How well do you know the person? And have they crossed "the other side"? Honestly you have to define your environment too, but I'll try something:

I don't subscribe to any one magical sphere and aren't trying to influence your will (right now, anyway), so here's some theories to mull over and decide which best fits your scenario:

Girl is someone you know and are around regularly: Strong Connection - She's likely getting your loosh unless she's dead inside or something (watch out for skinwalkers, the other psychic vampire). How much the loosh can benefit her depends on this connection.

Girl is someone you barely know and aren't around much: Weak Connection - You're burning loosh but it may not go anywhere except into the aether, or if you're about to be mad, a thoughtform. Emanations of this sort can attract both human and inhuman psychic vampires who may feed on your loosh without you knowing it (or just make you their bitch because u were ripe)

A gradient exists between them. You need to focused AF to even have a chance at pulling these off, otherwise see weak connection above:

Kawaii Dead Gurl - Body is intact, Had Strong Connection? Pretty fresh? You can feed her spirit (esp. if still warm) – this is necessary for creation of some types of magical items, from very lucky pendants to reanimated brides to the Sea of Heraclitus - A soul (life flame) trapped in a looking glass or gazing/scrying pool (water - Read Heraclitus if you don't know why – it's the origin of the "crystal ball" (cheap glass ball filled with water & a soul), used for divination since it hase a better connection to spirit world. If you forget to feed it, or the body fully decomposes, is cremated etc, the connection can grow weak very fast and they'll either be reabsorbed or have an afterlife of sorts, probably too mentally weak to have a proper one though. Funerary Urns are a form instant Just-Add-Water & SexJuice gazing pool / sexfluid scrying tool but they have a very short shelf life. Fantasizing about her all day is basically the only way to make this work newbies. Warding extends shelf life as less likely to be eaten (by a grue, i kid i kid, but srsly). If not used for divination can try to have a thought form eat it, then u get all the loosh back, but beware two brains are not better than 1 usually (damn near every-thing's backwards in this realm).

Kawaii Dead Gurl - Weak Connection. Same as above but less of a chance of success. Unless they happen to secretly love you (yeah right). Need some scary shit in the fish bowl / daggers / shattered edges around the mirror, etc. fear inducing stuff to keep the spirit trapped.

Both cases you can get haunted, and that bitch gets your loosh but you deserved it.

Chill out Gnosticfags, I'm getting there.

There are deceiving "spirits" which may steal your loosh destined for the girl. Will fuck up almost any spell, but you can trick one if they're fucking with you and think you don't know it, you can pretend to bind her (nearly) everlasting soul (or your thoughtform clone of her) into an item and then trap the spirit or other entity inside. Beware that you may have the tiger by the tail as that little bitch you trapped could be part of something bigger.

Then there's the Demiurge. Basically one bad ass creator spirit, which may or may not have actually done anything but can sometimes convince from 1 dude to the entire world to worship it - the parasite can grow very fast, so watch out, and you may need to DEUS VULT crusade / Ghostbust dat ass if it gets out of hand. Some believe all the thought forms and stuff that's not a human soul is part of the demiurge. Some say through the demiurge you can get to the prime source, become one with the universe, know everything, Attain Gnosis, God Head, etc. Others say you CAN NOT attain Gnosis through that parasite, it'll eatcha like a grue. I bet I could trick that demiurge shit into getting me close enough to the source I could shortcut and steal its loosh – if it exists (not sure, but "be prepared" is goy-scout motto). Anyhow, This mother fucker is always stealing loosh, so watch out. Your unused emanations draw it to you and it feeds and grows. Some say that there's only one demiurge thing, some say many, some say we're all the demiurge in various forms and we need to remember to be God again, etc.




TL;DR: It's a competition. If it was me, I'd be making a thought form and storing it in there.

There's also independent sentience, which is like demiurge but not parasitic (Gnostics will say otherwise, Satanists say the "black flame" is not part of them, but a part of them, there are many variations on this theme).

There's been claims of some great recent developments in hybridized solutions - whereby a witch or warlock becomes a living / dead. Give them all the loosh you can and they'll take it if you'll rub one out to them. Some say it's possible for multiple humans to transcend their mortal coil (ascended masters, etc. oracles, etc), and that they may either come and go as they please or are trapped at some level of existence, possibly ascending further with time or descending back to nothing over time. If she's one of those you might be able to help her ascend and depending on how strong she is she'll get your loosh or another ascended master will scoop it up, or even a ghost on their way to dissolution could prolong their life that way. This is largely an eastern belief (no true most high - but that's way up there in eastern occult, won't openly admit there's no "first diety", but you can decode it in their books - "without ultimate" = wuji. Hellooooooo NO ULTIMATE, that's why you can't get an audience with him. not because he retired to stare at his navel, derp. Most fringe friends are intermediary in occult tho, so try to play nice!

Then there are those who don't believe in any of that. That the spiritual realm exists within only living minds, and when you die so does your spirit, but while you're alive you can nab people's loosh so watch out.

I think the truth is out there somewhere between all of that and I even have my own theories but DO NOT tell them to anyone, at least not strangers in the open, so they can't take power over me by puling a Demiurge / psychic vampire / etc. This is the Primary Rule of the occult… Oh, and having a secret name that only you (and potentially a coven or master or spouse, etc knows, which is only used by others in a real bind, because if the name gets loose someone else can get hold of it and manipulate you hardcore). Yeah, that means steal all your damn loosh, and mebby your life.

I didn't cover the non-euclidiean angles and tesseracts which fall down here sometimes and cause interesting things to happen. Some claim they're angels, others ascended masters who crystalized spiritually and got blown off course by cosmic wind, etc. There's also all our potential neighbors and other humanoid races, etc. "Nigga stole ma loosh wif voodoo!" – straight up zombify ur ass if you're not careful.

Prolly missed some other shit too, Cthulu mythos allegories, etc. so do some research. My neighbor, RIP, went insane in the last years of his life, told me for years he was doing spiritual origama – that's the real occult of that "naruto" hand shit – folding space and time and qi, chi, etc. climing mountains to gather up the ascended masters crystalized selves, straitening them out, making them into parchament, spiritual swords, darts, etc. Yeah, sounds Chuunibyou AF to me too, but I know there's there's stranger shit in this world than that. This dude was in good health in his 80's on the roof cleaning gutters and shit. I'm holding this wooden ladder he made (all smooth poles, some magic shit rolled up in it for stability) then he screams out in pain and says he got the equivalent of a spiritual paper cut, there was no blood, but a burn, I'm guessing friction burn at first but then his arm swells up and the rest is history. Said it was ripping his soul in half, if I had to roll the die, well, that's how much I believe the old coot. Fucker never fell down or stumbled, ever… so maybe? Not like he was an adept, but OK, guess that had to come out, shed a tear. PRASE KEK. Anyhow, apparently out on the plains and desert and wide open "exposed to element" places etc. can affect your loosh, especially if there's aspects of ascended masters crumpled up blowing around like tumble weeds blocking and reflecting various energies, at least that's what some people think, anyway.

From my own experience if you're hanging out in places where they worship many gods, there's more spiritual "static" and it's harder for your loosh to make it to the destination. Maybe that's why authoritarian monotheism is so dominant? Loosh funnel?

> quick question

sorry, that's just a bit of rando meditation magic. I get it all out so I'm empty, then I can gather it back up and see what I was actually supposed to




another question

>how do i make the most out of my daily amount of loosh/energy or whatever, cause when i have nothing to do i get extremely bored and it triggers horniness at the same time cause i'm doing semen retention so i start going insane with sexual fantasies and such


Is there a way to grow taller using sigils?


What is real?


Not sure if I'm having trouble finding my heart chakra or not. When I try to bring in energy into my heart chakra there is that tingling feeling but it doesn't tense up like all the other chakras when I focus on them. Is that supposed to be like that or am I focusing on the wrong place? I try to focus on the center of my chest


Why is is that, for the most part, I am only able to consciously comprehend things when I am awake? Why cant I just be the totality of my entire being?


What is the best introductory book to Alchemy out there?


Theoretically wouldn't visualisation be most optimal if one were to enter a trance state with open eyes, focusing on a picture of what you're trying to get in life?


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What percentage of bullshit is this picture?



one hundred



Yes but manifesting thought to reality would take decades of dedication. Imagine visualizing a spoon that isn't there and eating a bowl of cereal.


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In Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski's Transcendence, he speaks at the beginning about the DP4 method. He talks about using two 'insight points' on the client's (which can be yourself) head. I am unclear about where these points are. It seems they are two physical acupressure points on the physical body. Intuitively it seems like they are on the temples, but I wanted to confirm this with someone else who has read the book.



>Imagine visualizing a spoon that isn't there and eating a bowl of cereal.

Can you not look at something and at the same time imagine what it would feel like to have it? Unless I'm missing something it seems to be a better method instead of visualisation as most can't visualise objects crystal clear

>manifesting thought to reality would take decades of dedication.

Why would this take longer than standard visualisation?



>as most can't visualise objects crystal clear

That's why it takes practice, and looking at objects is a very common exercise to practice visualization. So yes your intuition is correct that it would help but you wouldn't necessary master visualization by solely looking at things.

>Why would this take longer than standard visualisation?

I'm confused, did you mean manifesting thought to reality or desire?



>I'm confused, did you mean manifesting thought to reality or desire?

Well, isn't visualisation mainly used for attracting preferred futures? I'm talking about the same thing except focusing on a picture with open eyes instead of focusing on something in your mind



Visualization is a tool, it could be used for various things; manifesting desire, mental escapism, energy cultivation, whatever the mind can think of to adapt it to.


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>focusing on a picture with open eyes instead of focusing on something in your mind

I think you just described The Secret. I think there was something in there about making a dream/desire collage.


Is there anything around here that's worth looking into for someone who doesn't have long left to live?



there's something called refination, in which you take your sexual energy and refine it into general energy, spiritual energy, or any other kind of energy. refination is just another name for transmutation. every energy can be transformed into any other.

as always, your Intention is key.

sometimes it's as simple as "It is my intention, as the DIvine, Sovereign and Free Being that I Am, that my excess of sexual energy is transformed into spiritual energy. SO MOTE IT BE."


a sigil is like a spell on paper. it can do anything.


use this and check the feeling that it causes on you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTPTXTgfSrE drink a lot of water


Realize your Sovereignity! you are always understanding and comphrending even when you are asleep. the subconscious, the unconscious, your Higher Self/Divine Inner Self and the Akashik Records do exist.




do tell abput your issues.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss use 1 time per day for 5 days, rest for 2 and then you can continue if you want. drink a lot of water through the video.

it's a real heavy hitter and it heals an incredible deal of things, flushing both your subconscious and your Personal Universe.





Delete your posts and your life



Baby don't hurt me,

don't hurt me,

no more




>Now fuck off and let the big Boyz talk

*cricket noises*

If I love someone but also love myself, I can have them fuck off if they're trying to harm me. Unconditional love requires no action other than general benevolence. It's not all heart and no spine, nor all spine and no heart.


what is there to be reconciled?

what kind of degeneracy do you think will occur from being social?

there are spiritual/psychic people who are less degenerate than most.


hm, not sure. Mantak Chia has some Tai Chi videos, and you can find a torrent of his stuff https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5144546/Mantak_Chia_Toaist_Studies_Series

but I've taken Tai Chi with teachers so I don't know how good a video would be. I can ask my teachers if there are good books/videos about it but we'll see if I remember.


When doing affirmations, is it better to say like "I'm getting better" or "I'm better right now"



You want it to be present tense, so "I'm better right now" would be best. But then "better" implies that at one point in time you were worse, and that means giving attention to the past, which might mean it's not entirely present tense (I'm never 100% sure when it comes to mentioning the past in these things but I've always read that you should focus entirely on the present moment). If it's anything to do with health, it might be even better to say "I'm perfectly healthy" or something.


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Was "flying spaghetti monster" a meme to strengthen Azathoth's presence?


How do get the fuck out of this quicksand plane? Fuck the Kundalini path. All it is is about being broken, rebuilding, touching heaven 1, then you are like aight then you are broken again and have to go through hell 2, then you beat hell 2, then when you get heaven 2 you are thrown into a pile of trash, then once you get through hell 3 you get heaven 3, then you go to hell 4 where you just rexperience the same pain over and over, everyone you ever loved is getting fucked by chad 24/7, every action taken by anybody is just a reminder that everyone you loved is sucking Chad's cock and recharging him for free every day, then Chad becomes an engineer and has all the knowledge in the world, then you are homeless and dont know shit about anything except the spiritual plane, then you get over it and are like holy fuck I get it that was just about me getting over the ego then you have to face Ego 2, then all the girls you were over start pushing themselves into your head 24/7 and you are like haha I'm over that then they are like no you aren't pay attention to me then against your will you start thinking about Chad fucking the only things you love again then you are like wait I don't even love these people anymore but your brain still tells you to think about it then you are like whatever fuck them at least I figured out heaven 4 and at least I have knowledge which makes me worth something then you remember that you got tricked into giving everything you gained up the Chadmiurge because you thought the Jesus love thy enemy psyop wasn't just Facebook then Chad has all the energy that made you worth something and you can't even fix a door and you just want to fucking die and you feel like you are getting smashed with a hammer 24/7 in every single square inch of your body and everyone denied you are in pain then you find a way out and someone is helping you then that fucking bitch #2 finds a way to sneak into your universe again and then you say ugh fuck this I don't want anything to do with her and her big ass that everyone except you fucked like literally everyone you know had their dick sucked by her then she says she loves you just to say just kidding but damn some female companionship would feel good but fuck that toxic lying false light bitch she has hpv anyways I don't want warts and I got some revenge on her by fucking her friend after she fucked all my friends so she is probly just trying for round 12 to try to cuck me into suicide for good so fuck that shit get the fuck away from me you psycho bitch with so much energy that buffs me up and always tricks me into thinking I'm going to have a euphoric life now fuck off I'll find someone else oh wait no other girl on Earth has consciousness the only other person with anything resembling consciousness is your normal enemy and she has warts on her cunt fuck that ugly witch get through fuck away from me you astral fucking parasite literally all I did to you was help you while your mom was dying from cancer and my payment is getting shit on fuck your world if that's how shit works it's pointless but if I give up I will just have to solve these problems later so the best thing to do would be destroying all these people but I don't know how to build anything unless parts are alresdy set up for me I'm only good at enhancement so these people know my agenda and that I'm retarded but I have to be their slave because otherwise I'd die and holy fuck Obama just legalize fucking weed you aren't even black



Can we get ID's so we can block these curse posters?


Why is smilebergmaneitz so asspained that this board is still alive despite all his cursing? Like the first thing a capable neophyte would do was to take nonsensical jargon as esoteric knowledge.


Why do things in the world around me seem to keep getting worse over time? What can I do about it?


What are some of the ways I can make my will stronger? Is it possible to really get it strong enough to will weather effects instantly as is reported in the book of knowledge?


Can someone please direct me to legit resources about the formula of IAO?

All I know about it is what I read from Crowley, being that it pertains to Isis Apophis and Osiris - which means fuck all to me, tbqh.

How powerful is this formula, and what is it capable of? Where did it originate? How is it properly used?

I'd deeply appreciate any information.



This world was dead hundreds/thousands of years before we were ever born. Right now it's a festering corpse. Nothing can be "done" about it, just get comfy and watch it all burn.



>he doesn't into the yuga cycles

Golden age when



>he thinks there's any coming back from this

The golden age is in our dreams



Have you read any of the books yet? Just curious.


has anyone here managed to regrow their hair with magick here? asking for a friend…



heighten your Intention and Express Unconditional Love, and it is reflected back to you.


heighten your Intention, meditate, hone your awareness, raise your vibration and frequency…

as for the second answer: yes, it's possible. the raising of vibration and frequency has this as an effect.



it is magic, regardless.



>raise your vibration and frequency




Yes I have and they don't inspire any confidence. If you're right and I'm wrong things will be better thousands of years after we're dead, what difference does that make to us? All we get is this shitty world and life. If things get better by themselves then none of us actually has to do anything, so why bother doing anything?



How many of them and which ones? Because it sounds like you don't know much about the concepts from Gnosticism that explain why things are the way they are and why you shouldn't care about it (and the reasons why Gnosticism is the most feasible explanation), and it sounds like you're letting it control your emotions, which in turns lets it control your reality and forces you to continue worrying about it and feeling like shit about it.



> crow lie

You are already God.

Once you realize this, anything is possible.



It's best to not say anything.

Be the change you want to see in the whorld.



Did you not read my posts? I know full well that the world can't be changed and that it's not worth caring about, I'm simply stating the fact. I'm not worried about it, I don't care about it at all.


I work for twelve hours a day at a machine making parts…

Should I just talk to God the whole time or tulpamancing or what .___.


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Someone mentioned a thread or board about esoteric, hidden information, and meanings in songs and music videos. Didn't see that one. Anyone know a thread like that, or which one they were talking about?



Take a leap of faith and watch the magic unfold


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



What does that mean



Aren't we just sort of thoughts within The All/God? Like The Kybalion states (at least I think it was TK) a single bacteria in the gut cannot claim to be the man; and though there is an innate connection, if "As Above, So Below; As Below, So Above", wouldn't that mean a man could not claim to be The Source and not more than a "cell" within it?

Certain seemingly conflicting ideas have created some confusion for me lately, not sure what to make of it all.



What you're referring to is the ego becoming confused by its near-dissolution and latching onto the false idea that because pure consciousness is all that is, the ego is the 'boss' of reality. This is clearly not the case, but in its confusion, the ego tries to force its I-ness onto the idea of the cosmic self, or tries to attach itself to the idea of itself when it has no boundaries.

Many people experience a moment where the ego loses its anchor, and they call that enlightenment, only to them crystallize the experience as a point in time, a state they have lost. This is a guarantee that they will experience a dark night of the soul, so long as they believe they attained and then lost something, especially by causal means like meditation, entheogens, etc, because they then attribute the existence of the acausal source, the all, to a causal practice.

This is ridiculous, and a little bit like saying that the moon only exists when viewed through a telescope, but nevertheless, people get hung up on it all the time. They get hung up on the idea that now they personally are the boss and everything will bend to their wishes, as if the whole show exists to serve the ego's causal desires. That has never been the case. The ego stems from the root thing, not the other way around.


Have any of you guys thought about the occult capabilities of a VR headset? Seems like it could be used for powerful meditation or visualisation sessions.



Thank you very much.

Does that mean that magic, or willful change must not come from the ego? But isn't desire for change egoic?

No-self mentality, yet acknowledging your Godhood, is how the individual can enact change in consciousness?

I'm going to have to meditate on this for sure. It seems abiding as that "void" or "creative unmanifest" that we experience in meditation, but without clinging to it as an identity or a one-off experience is (a) key.

Now I've gone cross-eyed.



Extensively, personally. I have a rough idea of what I'd like to accomplish for an open source occult VR experience not unlike VRchat.

Guided meditation, perhaps. A vast library of public domain books. Scrying tools, tarot cards you can maybe step into and explore in 3D. I don't know. I literally have no actual coding experience, so it's only a dream for me atm.



You could use what little free time you have left over doing creative visualization for a better job. You could also use emotional resonance for that during the day but I'm always fuzzy on the details of how bringing a thoughtform you're creating back into your mind influences its ability to manifest.


Does anyone think they could explain properly how bringing a thoughtform you're using to manifest something back into your thoughts interferes with its manifestation? Like if you do creative visualization for a thing 10 minutes a night and then you think about it throughout the day too. I've heard that's a bad idea but I'm not 100% sure about the concept. I thought I'd make this a separate post to the above answer since I'm also curious.



They took away my overtime so I might as well look for something different.



Even though the book has a shitty reputation, the desire collage seems like a decent technique no?


I was dreaming of walking along a sidewalk with a somewhat dented and bent broomstick I was using as a cane, pushing children who were all over the sidewalk out of the way. Then a golden haired child then started walking behind me and I tapped her on the head a few times with the cane and stuff and tried to prod her away but she kept following me. She said she was deeply religious and a bunch of random other stuff and that I'd hurt someone and said something about olive cities. I asked her about what olive cities are and she said there's 5 of them in the world and she's been to them. I then woke up because I was choking since my nostrils were full of blood and mucus and I could barely breath through my mouth. I then went to sink and tried to swallow water and clear my nostrils so I could breath properly again.

What the fuck are olive cities /fringe/?


Suicide is the best way for a person to stick it to God/the higher self/etc. Yes or no?


I am in considerable distress with anxiety and depression, and emotional instability in general. I hardly leave my house, and most days are wasted away on a monotonous loop of internet browsing. I've lost quite a few years to this - more than I even feel comfortable divulging.

I have tried basic mindfulness meditation, but I'm not seeing much result in alleviating my anxiety, sadness or anger.

I don't want to be on medication (tin foil hat: engage) even though some have helped me more tangibly and immediately than any practices I've tried employing. I don't want to go to therapy again, since the last few (while nice people) were kinda incompetent and helped very little.

What do I even do? I even become super anxious and antsy after 10~ minutes of full breath pranayama and sitting in silence.

The one thing I have started trying is semen retention (which isn't hard, since my libido is almost flatline,) just to see if that might help at all. I also try to stay grounded in the present, and consciously relaxed - but it's hard to maintain.

Ugh, sorry. Rambling. This feels hopeless sometimes, yet something persists and insists within me and that has been one of my only boons. But I don't know how to consciously utilize that wellspring of hope in a practical way.

TL;DR: Halp, plz.



3 onions a day, intense martial arts training (brutalize), and a rigorous, varied, intense and thorough fitness regime. 4000 calories a day, and a multi-spice tea brewed by heating up water then putting every spice in your cupboard into it, adding some oil. 21 seasonings, turmeric, curry powder, black pepper, red pepper and sea or mountain salt are standard.

Don't be a pussy, bleed and sweat every day, man the fuck up and do as I fucking say.



While I appreciate you taking the time to reply, I'm not sure how to respond to this advice.

I understand the fitness, but the rest is kinda going over my head.

>>3 onions

But why? I imagine that combined with all the rigorous exercise would lead to some serious body odor.

Any specific martial art? And what is meant by brutalize? Is the martial art for discipline and an outlet for anger?

>>21 seasonings

My cabinet probably has like 6 spices max tbh. Do you mean like the Trader Joe spice blend? Or have I misunderstood…

Sorry, I feel there's legit advice here, but I feel I'm misinterpreting.

But again, thanks.



Onions are best for testosterone. Your testosterone will double in a couple months, and triple in six if you eat 3 onions a day. That's a conservative estimate. You want your testosterone to grow tenfold, not double.

The point of martial arts is to inflict bodily harm, and prevent or reduce harm to your own body. That's it. It's about physical and kinetic prowess. Example: Get into a plank position, then start punching the ground, alternating hands. Get to the point where you can keep yourself in the air with minimal contact time. Roll your wrists around on the ground to strengthen them as well. Do the wrestling neck exercise of rolling your neck in a bridge. Do everything relevant until you're completely lethal. Brawling training, learning on your own using intuition and common damn sense. Run until you puke. Squat until you piss yourself. Do pull ups until you have to do deadhangs. Do deadhangs until you have to do rows. Do rows until you have to try pulling your hands apart (body resistance). If it's slow, it's too slow. If it's fast, it's too slow. If you feel like dying, kill yourself for being weak.

Become undying, indomitable, the most powerful. When you're dead, fight death until you win. If you're injured, fight injury until you win. If you're suffering permanent injury, make the injury temporary, and the temporary injury stronger than before the injury.

Keep in mind opposites. You walk with your legs, why not walk with your arms? Why is lifting your legs weaker than pushing them down? Why is opening your hands weaker than closing them? Why are your fingers weaker than your thighs?

As for the seasonings, yes I mean the Trader Joe blend.

If you can destroy your body, why can't you regenerate it? If you can regenerate, why can't you destroy it? If you can make it weaker, why can't you make it stronger? If you can make it stronger, why can't you make it weaker? Body intelligence. Basic duality isn't the most intelligent, but people are body retarded anyways. Develop your body into a mind, a brain, on par with an intelligent brain. Your actual brain can also be developed to surpass anything before it, until it's inhuman. Dolphins and such porpoises can see into the human body through the flesh, hear space, see time, and think much better than humans. They have a brain layer extra; a paralimbic system. It's occult level shit. Develop that, and develop that specifically for VICTORY AND CONQUEST, POWER AND WAR. General development includes leadership, cooperation, invention, etc.



Nice LARP bro



Just my pubic why.



probably some wop shit


What's the best occult way to commit suicide?





Has there been any similar concept in antiquity? Before the whole new-age stuff…


How can I make a certain girl (a friend) love me the /fringe/ way? Any ritual or something…


there must be something behind the so-called "control by thought pulses". That's why we have good reasons to believe they are UFNOs [unidentified flying nonobjects], and not UFOs. Anyway, this makes no difference for what concerns how to tackle with them. It does make a difference on how you fight them, though.


So how do I break through the mental or spiritual barriers that hold me back in magick?


What's a good source for chi-gong? I fear that the mainstream side of it is as cucked as all other western adaptations of eastern thought.



The original script lol. Like learn ancient chinese pleb lol




thanks m8


Karma isn't even real is it? There's too many corrupt people with billions on tap living peacefully, and I say this without any jealousy or anything, just seems like their fortune debunks any existence of karma.



You assume their money makes them happy because it would make you happy. If money is what matters the most to you, then you've created a reality where you will have less, rather than making one where you're content gathering what you can.



Money isn't the single most important thing to anyone on earth unless you're some kind of delusional sociopath. But it's an equal kind of delusion to convince yourself money doesn't make people more happy. I don't see who would get depressed from being rich unless they don't have any hobbies or some kind of deeper lifelong goal they actively work to achieve.



i wouldn't say karma all works on the same timescales though, for some it might quite a while before they get justice.

and indeed, most of them are miserable, so that may be their punishment.



>most of them are miserable

Nice cope lol



nice materialism, enjoy your journey on a path to failure.


This board has become so pathetic. It's wonderful.



Surely successful buisinessmen who's main focus is making money are total failures my man, 100%



i never said that they were total failures, you're twisting my words a bit there. someone can be well-accomplished economically, and still feel like shit.

that's why there are non-depressed hobo's and deeply depressed successful businessmen. as i said before, money is not a direct road to fulfillment for most people (there are exceptions for everything though, keep that in mind). that's why there's only a slight correlation between overall happiness/satisfaction and money.

but by all means, don't let that stop you, if you succeed, you'll see for yourself how much you enjoy it.



consciously Intention it. eat healthy. receive and irradiate Inconditional Love. high vibrational music and/or tones aligned to 432 and/or 444 Hz and/or the Solfeggios except 741 (as it causes anger and madness)

this app can help https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.restwell.chiayaojun.restwelllite

it has been discovered that if you smile you are actually made happier, as your brain is tricked into releasing endorphins.


no. there's a reason you incarnated. but there is also deception surrounding it.


use the videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQIO9cqwgcE and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wma7XWjcHdI and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9af5Mxzupw

and the app i linked.


maybe forcing yourself out of your body, but for that, imo, it's better for you to kill it. but why? eventually after resting with the Infinite Source (do release yourself from (((""lord of karma"" trickery))) you would reincarnate in a moment, place, body, etc etc of your choosing, but you would need to relearn your lesson or do the thing you originally came here for.


it's better to be kind and loving. to oppress somebody by infringing their Free Will is a great offense.


karma hits worst when one is disincarnate. you can easily farm positive (net) karma by just radiating Inconditional Love and being positive. limit the ego's influence… there's so much that can be done.

as always www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/08/23/why-i-am-no-longer-a-light-worker/ and http://www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/11/21/tell-the-lords-of-karma-that-you-are-sovereign-no-longer-a-lightworker-part-2/

peace! :D



s/there is also deception/there also can be deception/

it's very common for (((""lord of karma parasites""))) to interfere and guilt oneself into endless reincarnations. but once you're aware, the ploy falls on itself and becomes useless. you are Free, Divine and Sovereign.



Idealism and goal-oriented mindset.




Karma is bullshit. If it isn't, it's a weak or easily manipulated principle force.






>le cope meme

right, come back when you've got something new.



>I'm going to have to meditate on this for sure. It seems abiding as that "void" or "creative unmanifest" that we experience in meditation, but without clinging to it as an identity or a one-off experience is (a) key.


>Now I've gone cross-eyed.

you are now a wizard


if someone asks you for a favor, and you intend to do it later, if they keep asking you about it you're gonna wanna do it less. I think that's how it works basically.


File: 4beb9f3d121be04⋯.pdf (3.48 MB, [Dan_S._Kennedy]_Official_….pdf)

Reading attached, found this paragraph.


"IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MY TEACHER TAUGHT ME ABOUT perspective by asking my classmates and me to look at a picture of an elephant. She asked us to imagine a blindfolded child who had never seen an elephant before, walking up to the elephant, feeling its trunk, and describing what he felt. Then another blindfolded child walking up to a leg and describing for her friends what she felt. And then a third blindfolded child approaching the elephant’s tail to describe what he felt there. Each would have a completely different report of what an elephant is based on what he felt. And every child would be correct, except that the children had an incomplete experience based on their limited perspectives. No one of them had a complete picture of the elephant."



>what is there to be reconciled?

Most people spend their time with drinking, mind control programs, recreational sex, etc. I don't see how one could integrate with such people without falling to their level. The reconciliation must be done between alienation and self-degradation.

>what kind of degeneracy do you think will occur from being social?

It necessarily involves the aforementioned activities or at least an intimate familiarity with them.

>there are spiritual/psychic people who are less degenerate than most.

Unfortunately there are also many who use occultism to justify degeneracy.

I'm sure my perspective on this is skewed because others seem to have reconciled these things just fine. A lot of people in high social standing are also occultists.


i posted this in the other binural thread,

so i know so far the safe bets for binural beats are Sapien med, Quadible, and Drvirtual but has anyone chhecked out any of these 3? i feel like warlock and Anthony could be legit but im not sure about the 3rd one.

Anthony Sommer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zq-nADpA0Yw

Subliminal Warlock Frequencies - https://www.youtube.com/user/seanote480

Archangel Ascension - https://www.youtube.com/user/ascensionarchangel/videos



Who said it isn't?


I guess the ADHD is too strong in you. You'd rather be distracted to brain death than do something repetitive that doesn't get different results each time you do it.


And then they open their eyes and they start arguing about if it's strong or just fat, if a rhino could beat it, etc. The "blind wisemen describe an elephant" parable is just another parable. Parables are brain dead simple and is milk for babes.


The solution is stop reconciling and stop being psychosocial. Your mind isn't meant for social issues ad infinitum. Socializing isn't a hyper critical point in one's life, unless you're female.

Men should be asocial. Stop giving a fuck what others are thinking, feeling, doing. Draw the line. Execute. Do. Judge. Society is pussified. Stop looking for the magic bullet, magic mindset, magic magic magic and do some shit. Fast from magic. Fast from mind.



How to remove sexual fetishes?


What's a good way to prove to myself that the thoughtforms I create have an effect on reality? I guess creating a thoughtform that would make me taller would be one good way, due to the change in perception that wouldn't be possible if it was a hallucination


>Trying NoFap for years

>Never gone more than a week

>Fapping to gross things I really don't like




Learn self hypnosis and reaffirm your goal at least three times every day until your mind clicks into place and you manage to follow it.


Well, I gotta say that over the last 6 months or so my life has been turning out pretty well, or at least in the way I like it to be. I tried to focus on visualizing me as a better person with a healthy social environment, and I also took action and put myself out there with a try and fail attitude. I basically got out of my comfort zone and it has shaped me.

I'm a lot more confident, I think I'm doing better in terms of how I relate to women, I'm far funnier and friendlier to others and I finally got laid at 21 years.

I still have things to sort out (for example, having and maintaining a relationship or how situations where I might 'steal' someone's girl pop-up often, however I keep "refusing" it), but I think I've understood myself a lot more in the past few months, probably I've gotten more aligned to my higher-self. Maybe I haven't changed in the outside that much, but considering how I used to be mentally, I've walked a long way. I think I have a lot more integrity, I act and speak the same way I think, I don't let other's actions affect me much and I've attracted a lot more people into my life which is wonderful. I don't want to say that this is all thanks to /fringe/ because I haven't read all the things I should, but I've taken a lot of advice from you guys and this is also the place that kick-started everything.

Maybe the quality of posts has degraded since I haven't been lurking for 2 months, but I sincerely and humbly thank anyone that has written something positive or helpful here. I hope everyone sorts their life out and gets to the point where they want to be.



Start with a way, waaaayyyy simpler one than making yourself taller. That is going to not only take a hell of a lot of time and effort but it's going to take even more time and effort for someone who isn't even completely convinced that thoughtforms really manifest physically yet, and it's going to make you think they don't and cause you to quit. Start with something like a simple emotion that you don't often experience. Maybe you don't laugh very often. Manifest laughter. Then, even when you start laughing at things, keep fueling the thoughtform. You might find you start laughing a weird amount. Then try manifesting another simple thing but a physical object this time, and something you don't see yourself ever having but that wouldn't take millions of dollars to get. You really don't want to go in balls deep like that if you don't even believe it would necessarily work, because that's a very big thing to try to manifest, so the fact that you'll doubt yourself along the way will make it infinitely more difficult and I can almost guarantee you'll give up.


Each time you fail, make sure as it's happening that you focus on being celibate. It's the same process as casting a sigil, just you're focusing on the thought instead of a picture. Also, no matter how much your habituation will make you want to look at porn, the only way is hard mode. I struggled with it for years too and now I'm currently on day 60. You've really just got to follow the steps you know are necessary, having read into nofap as much as you probably have. You already know what you have to do. The only obstacle is willpower.


Here here


What might protect me from a wifi modem other than removing myself or the modem? Would one of those orgon crystal thingies work?



Why do I procrastinate some days and not others? Like I wake up and I either will be productive or not from the get go. Some days everything seems like such an effort, other days not so much.



Not everything has a fringe reason. Maybe you're just messing with your sleep cycles the wrong way, or your diet isn't good enough or something.



I've already had success with simpler thoughtforms that brought some very big "coincidences", but I want to see if I can change the physical nature of objects with thoughtforms to truly cement to myself the "all is mind" thing



What is your thoughtforming process? in detail? Even if you are only use to making simple ones, I'd like to know someone else's complete process so I can get an idea with how others do it. I mean, if you don't mind sharing? Also Bumping this same question



Lie down, enter a deep relaxed state, imagine a ball of light hovering above me, breathe in through my nose, tense all of my muscles very hard for ~10 secs, breathe out through my mouth and relax muscles again but imagine the energy leaving my body and entering that ball of light. While charging it or thinking about it, have in mind the one task that the thoughtform must complete.


File: b5450163bc5600e⋯.png (217.16 KB, 921x1190, 921:1190, Zivorad method.png)


So pic related? That's good. What have you made thoughtforms for and how did they end up working for you?



Made several for good university grades, job opportunities, getting calls from a few important people etc. When I do make a thoughtform I charge it with that method every night, but the completion of the task differs usually


There must be some kind of occult significance to edging and not ejaculating, anyone have any experience with this?



Well, sure, in the sense that you're still wasting your loosh (even if it's less) and time on some dumb bullshit and you're neglecting your own development and discipline for no good reason.



"Wow I am having a good d…"


You are beyond fucking retarded. Let's assume you aren't trolling and actually believe that shit. You are one of the most fucking retarded fucking people I have ever encountered. You are also a fucking douchebag for deluding people into thinking that there is such thing as karma when every country on the fucking planet was built by murderers who were never held accountable by some magikal force.

Sure would be nice to have some divine judge up there, you know, like an unbiased one, not one who lets people suffer until you PRAISE HIM, but you have had thousands of years to provide any basis for your claims and have failed to not run from any debate. You are fucking pathetic.


Dewd I go it! By working for liberal corporations who exploit child labor, tax loopsholes, dodge anti trust laws, and have rigged the entire world in their favor, we will defeat the conservative corporate establishment!

Obama was a socialist who stood in solidarity with the poor and suffering, and that is why he only associates with rich celebrities, wouldn't even make a statement when somebody killed themselves in Washington DC to protest income inequality, told people whose lives are ruined for smoking a plant instead of supporting Miller Coors to "get over it and focus on bigger issues like getting back to his work", and wore expensive suits and acted like a fucking uncle tom faggot who would never break one white tradition. Good one dude.




I think edging is tantric training. I don't follow that degenerate path though


What's the most plausible theory on reincarnation? And are we living the same life over and over again like a loop?



From what I understand, reincarnation is a choice. You can choose what you want to do. Reincarnation as a loop doesn't make any sense because you wouldn't learn anything significantly new. What would be the point in doing the same thing over and over again?




>What's the most plausible theory on reincarnation?

>Reincarnation as a loop doesn't make any sense because you wouldn't learn anything significantly new.

Sorry to soil that line of thought but there's no reason or care in reincarnation. It's just life-masturbation. You keep doing it over and over and achieve nothing. People trying to enlighten themselves to leave the cycle but failing lifetime after lifetime are like those anons posting in the renouncing lust threads and failing every time after 5 days. You'll keep reincarnating despite not learning anything because you're a retarded addict and degenerate.




What if there is no choice to be had wether to reincarnate or not?



The spiritual survival of the fittest version. Weak/undeveloped souls evaporate over a certain period of time. Advanced souls stay to be reincarnated; depending on advancement they can choice their next vessel. This makes the most sense to me.


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Should I do the Four Adorations based on True North or Magnetic North?



Magnetic. Follow the vibrations.


If you could give ANY advice/resource(s) to yourself back when you just began your magick/mystical journey, what advice/resource(s) would it/they be and why?



Suicide would save a lot of time and effort.


I can easily see how the body, emotional states, thoughts are just the tools of the true self and not parts of the true self. But I struggle to fully get how the will is just a tool of the true self. I can see that the will changes all the time and the self remains constant but consciousness without will would seem like non-existence to me, like a computer machine receiving code.


What happens if you bless food and someone else eats it, or you split it? Has anyone gone into more detail about blessing food than Franz Bardon?


Anyone have clever ways of incorporating more magic into ones mundane lifestyle? I mean, magic shouldn't be contained only in the darkness of our moms' basements; we should be living it as much as possible, right?

How do you do it, personally? What would you suggest? I want to live my magic.



When it no longer is a chore/hobby but becomes a habit. You live it just as any devout person lives their religion.



How do I rebound from non-self, or take something positive from it? That experience mixed with depression has really fucked with my head and has made me doubtful of everything that has led up to this moment in my life. Please nothing super abstract, as straight forward as possible. Thank you.



Please help.



What makes you think we do not have a choice?



What do you mean by "non-self"? Do you mean that, no matter what you do, everything feels pointless?


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"Finally, we can also dissolve saṃskāras in our daily life, whenever they are triggered. (This is really good news.) When a saṃskāra is triggered, it's a golden opportunity: if you can fully be present with the emotion that is arising (fear, pain, or craving, for example), allowing it to pass through without judging it or yourself for having it, then a portion of the samskāra that it is arising from is dissolved. It's important to suspend judgment because all value judgments are a form of resistance to reality, and it is resistance that creates and strengthens saṃskāras. Note that even attachment is a form of resistance, because attachment is (among other things) the feeling "I don't want this to go away" and thus is resistance to the reality of impermanence. Western psychology focuses a lot on pain and its healing — but in yoga psychology, the samskāras arising from our experiences of pleasure need 'healing' just as much; because the attachments we form on their basis are just as obscuring of our ability to experience reality as it is, just as hindering of our capacity to access true joy (ānanda), as the pain-based samskāras of aversion are."





A teacher who says or implies “I will help you transform yourself into the best version of you, the person you were always meant to be” is NOT conveying traditional yogic values. In all forms of yoga, the concern is (first of all) not to transform oneself but to become fully connected to the intrinsic value of your innate being.



If I were to attempt suicide what are the chances of being interfered with by outside entities?


How do you overcome an intense fear of aliens? This is not a joke. If I even think of them my anxiety skyrockets.


wat does the grand wizard think bout dis >>>/4chon/253827



Ramp up your psychic defenses


File: 638e93ca4501904⋯.png (626.35 KB, 1276x2268, 319:567, C5BF41AC-A6FA-47D7-ADDD-7D….png)

Oh how the mighty have fallen…



There's a lot of books to read. I monitor for any fledgling neophyte posts



Meditating while sitting down or meditating lying down on bed? What are the pros and cons of each one? What is the best position to meditate? greenpill me on this pls



It depends on the meditation. In general I'd say whatevers the most comfortable though.



For some types of meditation you need to sit or you need to lie down. It depends. If you're just meditating to quiet your mind, it doesn't matter.


Anybody else noticing that there seem to be four major spirituality 'faction' archetypes?

Seems there is:

Chaos - Generally associated in a negative light. A more 'every man for himself' lifestyle ideology. Survival of the Fittest. High Competition.

Void - Most normies/mundanes are this. "There is no god". "YOLO". etc etc. Inviting a void or absence of spirit due to a lack of belief in their own spirit.

Neutral - The remaining normies/mundanes are this. Agnostics or the like that 'want' to believe in some form of soul or spirit but want science to prove it first.

Law - Generally in a positive light, as humans have built a lot on lawful society. It is also persistence and stagnation, a maintenance of the status quo without upheaval.

Can it truly be this simple to categorize?



>Can it truly be this simple to categorize?



Who are some deities I can call upon to better learn and understand math/science/?

I know hermes and thoth are two I can think of off the top. Any others?

What about music?



I've been theorizing along the same lines to be an 'Ideal Man'. But do you attempt to invoke Ares, Apollo, Hermes and Athena or create your own amalgam thoughtform?



Wow, I need to get some milk from the fridge, but I can't remember the password I need to tell the magical jewish ghost so that my body absorbs the nutriets… was it Jesus God, Holy McJesus, 299, 95959, Six million, PASSWORD, hitler1, or floobadi cringialus?


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File: 13e95282f297352⋯.jpg (136.64 KB, 550x387, 550:387, Beautiful-Jesus-Picture-Ea….jpg)


As well as remind and motivate me to cultivate the mind and body


How does one silence the mind without thinking about silencing the mind?


File: 70574508b94bfcc⋯.jpg (51 KB, 634x499, 634:499, be20ca71152669aafa9804bb8f….jpg)


Observe THAT


File: 01d52d8259d7c44⋯.pdf (5.08 MB, [Christopher_D_Wallis]_Tan….pdf)

Anyone got an original scanned copy of Initiation into Hermetics? Not the digital copy floating around the web.

Big bucks for original publisher / first edition version.

For your troubles, here is a book you'll enjoy. I guarantee it.


I'm just curious and have no intention of actually doing this but is it actually possible to reanimate the dead?



nothing is truly impossible and my source says yes


File: 8156cec7c32900e⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 656x368, 41:23, 1521810857626.gif)

How into hypnosis, both normal and auto? Can you recommend me some books?


is there anything to heal a personality being taken offline by influence of entities? Sometimes my personality comes out again and my thought process goes to normal but most of the time its just taken offline





File: 397147b57a1d20d⋯.jpg (230.1 KB, 1024x974, 512:487, Genetic-Adam.jpg)

Has anyone altered their genetics using magical means here?

Epigenetics is the science of changes in gene expression without actual changes in genetic sequence, surely with the aid of magic one can do great things with their genes.


is edging to porn as bad as just fapping to porn? am i still giving away my energy by physically viewing lewd images?



Focusing your attention on something and feeling emotions (like lust) towards it does do pretty much the same thing. It's obviously to a lesser extent, but you're sitting there staring at naked women and jerking off in frustration over your lack of will to stop and the fact that you know you shouldn't be doing it. Your best bet is to stop trying to find excuses to keep having useless habits that waste your time and energy. Hardmode is bestmode.


This board is dead. It's time to move.



It's not supposed to be as active as /b/ or /pol/. We all have a lot of reading to do smileberg



Ive got third edition but i dont have a scanner, if theres a certain page you want i can take a picture for ya.


How easy is it to enter people's dreams while astral projecting?



if the meditation is about expanding your consciousness/energy, it's better to sit up for better energy flow.

otherwise it shouldn't necessarily matter if you do it right.


does a river have will?

yet it rivers, does it not?

a clock has no will but it does what it is supposed to.


Curious why there isn't much talk about psychedelics on this board.

Have ya'll tried being wizards on mushrooms? Much easier.



they make you vulnerable you undisciplined hippy faggot


File: 0d2f3fb8a8a8382⋯.jpg (22.3 KB, 320x320, 1:1, art8.jpg)

Can i believe in quantum inmortality without believing in astral prohection or would that be illogical?


File: 98180e7f5277453⋯.pdf (1.36 MB, Robert A. Monroe - II - Fa….pdf)


>without believing in astral prohection

You have much to learn. Read the first 73 pages of this.



You seem cool.

There's a rich history of psychedelics and magic. Just because (you) wither up like a little dandelion doesn't mean everyone else is just as weak.

Magic works when your consciousness is heightened/altered. Don't be such a pussy and try to drop the programming.


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In the course of my practice over the years I've heard quite a number of stories and parables (never from any actual sutras or tantras mind you) that convey the idea that the way in which we view others is in fact how we view ourselves. A yogi who walks around and sees all as Brahman is himself Brahman, and a Buddhist monk who views all others as Buddha is himself Buddha, etc. If you view everyone else as a dumb, stupid animal that's how you yourself are.

I try not to think ill of others, however about 6 months ago I moved in with a friend of mine and over the course of time I've came to see him in a very negative light much of the time. For one example, he often bitches about his phone running slow, which is because he has about 30 apps on there he's never used or even seen that just clog shit up, and he's never once emptied the caches for anything. He had over a gig of useless shit on his phone and it was so bad that even CCleaner couldn't fix it and bugged out. When his phone acts up often what he does is simply hit it in anger against something, or when his car stereo bugs up sometimes he starts punching it, or the walls in the house at other times. So anyways I cleaned up his phone for him, but in the process of cleaning the caches out manually I accidentally lost his facebook info.

It turns out he has no idea what his facebook password is, and so he was walking around hyperventilating and cussing angrily about losing his facebook profile. I got it back for him a few minutes later using some password recovery stuff, but still.

How am I supposed to see him as an emanation of deity, tat tvam asi, he is Buddha just as I am. Most of the time thoughts just flash through my head calling him a "fucking retard" and other stuff similar. What do?



How you see people IN GENERAL is who you are. It's totally ok not to think of a retard as the wise reincarnation of fucking Gandhi himself every now and then. It's about the general state of mind.


>>118776 there isn't any information here that would help develop actual solutions, although one person with a trillion dollars could press a button and give you peace, yet they don't. Every day there is a door you can't reach within your view, and in that door you have freedom for eternity, but somebody with enough money to feed the entire planet doesn't press that butto, despite the fact that all it would lead to is a world full of people who can do brain surgery. Literally, fucking blindless and shit could be fixed in like five years if we walked through that door, but instead stupid fucks play stupid games. It's the same viruses who pop up over and over throughout history, and it will never end until the problem is solved.


Seriously, every day there is a goblin with the key to your eternal paradise who just laughs then sticks the key up his ass. Approach every situation with the knowledge that this person, whether they know it or, exists. The energy that would make a hurricane kill you is another form of these goblins. All pain is energy, and all pleasure is energy. Every problem on Earth, ok so if Earth is a house, a problem is a pool of piss and blood, and you have a mop, but if you use that mop outside the designated times then you are given more pain.


If a problem exists it can be solved. If a problem isn't solved you will face it later. Even if it's just the next guy who has to deal with it it will catch up to you.

Here's some valuable Intel. Up until like three years ago the world was going in the right direction. Now it's not. I speak in truth only because conning just leads to you getting conned, accountability is a thing and it's scary. The world is not going in the right direction and time is being wasted.



I know for a fact that sapphic love will save the universe.



I'm in the same dilemma with my fiance. She's an enormous self abosrbed, bi-polar hypocrite. Always contradicts herself, get's angry when any sort of non-positive remark is said to her, get's angry when she doesn't get the attention she feels she deserves for doing "nice" things for people so they're obligated to indulge her at a future date. I used to get hit as a kid for crying and my mother was a very loud angry woman as well so I feel very uncomfortable with loud tantrums. Every time she's bawling over the most pettiest things I get a feeling like there's a black hole next to my heart.

How do I protect my energy and shield myself from her negativity?



poor baby can't please his waifu?


Pleasure for all and selfrestraining from evil are the

primary principles taught in the Black Bible; with them

you will do great good and do no evil. All Magick Users

must practice a Hedonistic Lifestyle, thus pure good

Hedonism in all practitioners in the ways of Black

Magick; to seek pleasure teaches the ways of magick with

every experience. Be observant for improvements to your

understanding in magick, however finite everything is

physics and physics is the base of all Black Magick.


Is suicide really so wrong?



probably because the people who are always talking about never them provide useful links or resources.


still waiting for FREE aychusa



give links and I'll think about it.


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>tfw random access memory

>tfw "as above so below" and vice versa

>tfw you realize YOU ARE RAM for Monad

>tfw Receivership capability + 50


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attached related.



You deserve to be loved.


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aw little animus is going through it's first ego trip. everything passes



>Hardmode is bestmode.


literally all you guys do is shill advice you don't follow yourselves,amazing



>everyone masturbates

I currently have spurts of willpower that are defeated by moments of weakness. Progress, no one attains enlightenment in a day.


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Anyone know what book this is from? I've tried searching fragments of text from it but to no avail.



I've read many times in Gnostic theory about how YHVW is one of many entities and that Moses happened to bring specifically that one into this world through the Mosaic Covenant in order to free the Jews, thus starting all the organized religions based on this asshole entity masquerading as the ultimate thing. But what kind of entity is YHVH? All I've ever seen is "entity". Is it a Goetic entity? Is it an archon? What is it?


>/fringe/ is one person



What do you guys think about William Wraithe and his books?



Upload them and we'll talk. There is only one pdf out there.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>le bulshitt-oculist faec.mp4



I couldn't find most of them as pdfs that's why I'm asking. I was thinking of buying them if people recommend them



I know a lot of books written by authors that are equally as pretentious and full of shit. Why is this board attracted to complete and utter bullshit occultism?


I've been struggling with the idea of consciousness and consensus reality.

For instance, all we can prove exists is what we experience. We cannot with certainty know that others claim to experience what they say, or even sustain consciousness as I myself/you yourself know it.

But this seems like a slippery slope towards solipsism, and I'm not entirely sure what to make of that paradigm. Does it invalidate the experiences of others?

Basically, how divergent can the phenomenologically (that even the right word? idk) experienced reality of, say, a powerful magus be so different from "mundane, consensus" reality that the two compared would be unrecognizable?

As an absurd example, could someone be living a Harry Potter-esque mindscape, while at the same time their neighbor nextdoor is living in a droll, depressing daily grind?

Sorry… That's a lot of questions. But I'd sincerely appreciate some insights or random thoughts about the concept.



>I know a lot of books written by authors that are equally as pretentious and full of shit.

>not "I've read"

confirmed non practitioner shilling his nihilistic view



It would be a good addition to the library. I read something before I judge it.


So I have started reading the recommended reading list. When does the actual practicing come in? I have read the Kybalion, Arcane Teachings, and Formulas. Also, there is some contradictions I have noticed between the interpretation of the All/Law. In the Kybalion, the All creates by itself through "medtitation" since it is a mind. The Arcane Teachings flat out through this out (or not, I'm not an expert on this) by saying that the Law creates by the Cosmic Will and the Infinite Nothingness, and the author says that there is no meditation involved. Which one is the more accurate/approved viewpoint, or is there something I'm missing and there is no actual contradiction.



*a part of Formulas


WWA says that after we die we relive our lives near-infinitely until our personality is assimilated. How do I know I'm not doing this right now?


Seconding this.



Do you believe everything Atkinson says?




>is there something I'm missing

Think for yourself



No. Inquiring about the details of a belief system does not mean I blindly adhere to it.




>neophyte flag





What do you mean when does the actual practicing come in? The Arcane Formulas has a bunch of different practices, not only throughout the beginning but also throughout the end. The magic lantern thing is what creative visualization is. The practices in the beginning parts are used to raise your degree of will. There are a bunch of other things at the end too. What else do you want to learn? Because if you've read that much and you take it seriously you probably know enough theory to do most of the other stuff in the Mega.



Your post didn't come off that way. Anyways, those two viewpoints are just that, two different viewpoints. They're both based on subjectivity. In many ways, they're both talking about the same thing in different sequences of words. Even a "law" creating universes out of cosmic will and infinite nothingness is a form of meditation is it not? Depends on how you even define meditation in the first place.

I think what you're getting at here is the implication that reality as we know it is merely a fleeting dream (not even that) in the face of infinity as postulated by the kybalion, whereas arcane teachings blatantly say that is not the case. To be perfectly honest with you, that is not an answer you will find on 8chan's fringe section. There is no definitive answer to your question. I suppose you can use the concepts in the arcane teachings as a model for your own consciousness. I would recommend using what is said on there and applying it to your own mind. You (or rather your pristine consciousness unfiltered from social/cultural/genetic/memetic conditioning is in many ways a microcosm of the macrocosm, or to put it in indian mystical terms, an atman (soul) that is a holographic replication of the brahman (absolute). Keep in mind however (and this is yet another viewpoint) that the soul does not mean you ARE the absolute, but you are able to exercise it's characteristics (more and more as you level up I guess). The RHP (right hand path) idea is to ASSUME a God-Form, whereas LHP (left hand path) is to assume you are God or a god (or in some extreme cases the one and only god). Buddhists say there is no soul, no self… there is nothing. nothing is actually happening.

Then there is the idea of cultivating the ego, the self to a healthy crystallized form and attain some form of continuance of aware consciousness even in the afterlife. Zen buddhism goes into how it's meaningless to try to even think about any of this shit and just live life, which is inherently magical in many ways (in many ways, it's not, but thats just my view).

Why are you looking for an "approved" viewpoint? Please think for yourself. I was kind of in the same boat as you (still am to some degree though it's more subtle). I would highly suggest reading up on mind control and some carl jung textx on individuation because you are subconsciously looking for someone to provide the answers for you. Not saying you can't be open to suggestion, but if you're integrating shit without proper filtering, you're gonna have a bad time.

You're no less than the authors you read from. Every human being has access to the secrets of the universe but everyone has a different way of accessing it.

The so-called "elitist" mind (and as of right now I am of the opinion that there is such a thing as "good elite" and "bad elite") thinks they're in a better position to access whatever than the rest, but that is because there are systems in place to restrict individuated access. But shit happens in some crazy ways, you just have to be open to it.

Try putting all the books down, go into the woods and do a rain dance or something or scream at the top of your lungs… whatever … tell ((them)) they'll never be able to control you. ((they)) want you wasting your time looking for exact answers to questions that only answer back symbolically back at you, mostly in the form of questions TO your questions.

When you do some crazy shit like stopping all the random cyclical habitual shit you've been doing, running around the hamster wheel talking shit about the system and blah blah and actually going into the woods out of NOWHERE and professing your allegiance to fuckin… whatever… with passion and from your heart… THEY don't like that. They don't like that AT ALL!! And they'll try everything to get you back into the hamster wheel… don't let them. Just an act like that will trigger something in your astral body. Do random shit like that and you got it! Don't just take my idea of going into the woods (though it wouldn't hurt) but you get the point. Just do stuff you've never done before. Go hit on a girl. Beat up some douchebag. Fuck ego/conditioning. Get out of your habits…


I think this rant was more for me than for you.



Anyways, I'm waaayy beyond kybalion, arcane teachings/formulas, although I think maybe I should re-read them.. it's been awhile. They're good books, although I would suggest taking the philosophical stuff and using them as subtle guidelines to be used on occasion and not dogma. Don't make these ideas central to your practice, because when you believe them as such that is what your life will be like.

I would suggest just practicing the exercises in arcane teachings without reading any of the philosophy behind it. That's something I've been doing these days. Just go straight to the practical because reading all the colorful language ultimately does nothing. Through practice, most of these ideas will be attained more purely within you in the way it's meant to through you. If you want colorful beautiful language read some shakespeare and go to an art museum.

Well well this has been quite the rant. I think I'm going to do some pushups RIGHT NOW.


I think I may have gotten whiplash on the left side of my neck doing pullups. The pain is pretty bad I can barely move my neck. I'm going away on a business trip and I would like to heal quickly. I've been meditating on the fast healing of my neck, what else can I do?



Don't move your neck more you twist it the longer it will take to heal. You could go to an acupuncturist and harass him or her into giving you a one minute massage. The source of the whiplash isn't on your neck most likely it's probably a knot somewhere by your shoulder musles on your back. Try putting pressure there. Don't be relentless.



are you implying you can't practice after reading the material? That it's somehow negative to read source material before partaking in an exercise?



>it's probably a knot somewhere by your shoulder musles on your back

I can feel tension and stiffness there. I've been putting an ice pack on it and doing light neck stretches I have more motion in my neck but not without pain, or is stretching not a good idea? Should I use a neckbrace, I made one out of a towel. Thanks.


Hey guys I potentially have a chance to help Parks Canada with eradicating invasive plant species in the national parks and I've got a personal contact for this. Anyone here have any information or can point me in the right direction about radionics being used to kill plant species? I've only heard of it being used to induce disease conditions in populations of humans and animals but not plants. If there is some way to use it to target plants and it can be used to safely kill invasive plant species over a large area without disrupting anything else in the environment and I build a device to do this they will be very thankful.



You can try Cybershaman. I'd be interested to see how effective it works on something like this.

There's some info and a download here >>78028


I want to study Hermeticism, where can I begin from?

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