Question Thread #10 Post All Questions In Here 05/19/15 (Tue) 04:05:24 No. 39377 [Last 50 Posts]
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: FAQ: /fringe/faq.html
05/19/15 (Tue) 04:06:08 No. 39378
You can't defile freewill of individuals that have yet to manifest any actual freewill.
They are excuses for hedonism and detract from actual advancement towards higher powers.
There's one such text in the library in the chaos magick part and well you don't need to read any further on them just make one and start experimenting with it yourself.
I don't know, it's not a problem for me, but in general you have to relax in the trance state and maybe you are prone to falling asleep while relaxed.
One of the most cursed races on this planet I hate to ever be around them and I've never come across a jew that I didn't find reprehensible. Something about jews is rotten to the core.
That's one rare Pepe I haven't seen before.
If you entertain those ideas you will end up making them a reality so will yourself to perceive reality clearly and do not fear to makes mistakes for few people are fully free of delusions if any and yet they live their lives just fine.
Real fucking trippy, they are a total mindfuck to interact with, I know a few.
*tips fedora*
Knowing the statistics about doctors I'd avoid the fuck out them and use magick and diet to fix my heart.
The very last section of the Personal Power book is what you're looking for however I'd just use the technique of learning to use your emotions to charge the events you want to take place and putting them through a few thoughtforms to transmute them.
There's an astral internet and I tried some experiments before with posting on /fringe/ from the astral and a lot of weird shit happened on /fringe/ as a result.
Y'all could use a virtual environment + visualization and have everyone in a group recreate that virtual environment in the astral and you all meet up in there then.
I intentionally avoid awareness of my breath and have a hard time ignoring it. It is more important to become aware of the void, the nothing behind everything, and in so doing connecting to its power. Yet your physical senses assault you all the time making it so hard to perceive the nothing behind everything... do void meditation muh nigga.
Remote viewing the stock market.
>and that this reality isn't really malleable
Not true.
All great "artists" whatever their field be, salesman, sculptor, military strategist, painter, musician, architect, etc. are essentially occultist wizards because all of them develop the powers of imagination to extremes to be able to do their work. See also: Magical Use of Thoughtforms by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki to understand what I'm getting at.
Also some of the other books in the library will stress the point that magick was always interconnected with all other fields in the past (mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc. all had their esoteric sides) and even now it hasn't really stopped as occultists continue to this day to be the ones really advancing humanity forward.
Programming / software engineering has whole books and sites written about using magick while doing this. There's a whole cybershamanism / technowizard thing going on that is closely related to chaos magick. Being as you call yourself "a software engineer" doesn't have to be mundane at all.
05/19/15 (Tue) 07:46:30 No. 39406
Can I use magick to prosper in academia? If so, where should I start? I'm a complete newfig , only read the Kybalion from the sticky so far, and don't really know what to do next.
05/19/15 (Tue) 09:48:17 No. 39412
Is the zero-sum of entropy rebellion the means in which life is sustainable?
05/19/15 (Tue) 10:20:45 No. 39416
Not sure if something like this was posted in the previous thread but would anyone like to share how practicing magic has affected their lives for the better/worst?
interested mundane here trying to find the encouragement for taking the first steps into wizardry. Thanks in advance!
05/19/15 (Tue) 11:07:13 No. 39424
To those of you that believe in putting emotion/energy into your occult studies to attain a greater knowledge and memory from the texts I have a question for you.
I have not slept at all last night, would it be wise to start reading some essential texts or will I not remember them well since I lack energy/emotion from no sleep?
I kind of want to catch up on them but want to remember them at the same time.
05/19/15 (Tue) 11:22:04 No. 39425
05/19/15 (Tue) 11:45:52 No. 39427
Hi /fringe/, I have some things to ask you all that you guys might be familiar with. I'm not really sure if these questions have been answered before.
Okay so, I wanna start off with this space in my head.
No, really. Ever since I was young, I was always "aware," would be the word I guess, of this space inside my head. It's the space where I assume thoughts would be. Thing is, I'm detached from the space of thought, and I just sit here filled with literally nothing inside my head. It's so hard to describe in detail so I guess I'll just describe it in action.
So let's take for example, me and my friends are discussing some TV show. As everyone else is snowballing and snowballing their own points of discussion, I would retreat into, or unto? not sure how to define it, myself and I would be aware of my thoughts but so far detached from them because that's what I'm used to, that is literally how I think. Then one of my friends would tap me in the shoulder and shake me out from my reverie, saying that I've been so quiet, which is usually disjointed from my usual lively self.
Adjunct to this, is that when I have no strong stimuli, it's like I'm just floating in this space of nothing, so much so that I can zone out and things start looking very black-staticky (think static if it was in hues of violets, blues and blacks instead of white and black.)
I thought that the above was caused by the fact that my dominant is introverted intuition (an MBTI bullshit thing,) where one of the signs of its dominance is detachment from the surroundings. However, I'm questioning myself if that really is the case because of my next point.
I've been meditating every day for about a month now. Now, whenever I do meditate, I don't become "aware" of the space in my head, but rather I fuse? merge? I am the space in my head I guess would be the term. And also, whenever I do meditate, I switch from void to focal meditation depending on how I feel, I get this throbbing headache right at the middle of my forehead.
Any thoughts?
05/19/15 (Tue) 13:23:04 No. 39437
That's not Introverted Intuition, that's Introverted Thinking.
That throbbing in the middle of your forehead? I still have no idea what it is. Many months ago when I first asked this question, I was told that it was my third eye awakening but then I find out a few months later that the third eye is just another word for your mind's "eye" i.e. your ability to visualise so that's not it. Personally, I'm of the idea that the action of self-observation activates particular parts of the brain in that area and that what we're strengthening them through use. Pic related is what I think is occurring.
Ever since starting meditation, I've felt more acutely aware of how my brain feels when I internalise particular ideas. As though I can now "feel" changes in my mental architecture and the ideas themselves. When I'm trying to see what my internalised beliefs are, why I react in certain ways to certain stimuli, I really do "feel" the thought and try to "feel" its structure and its authenticity. I think I've unearthed a lot of childish beliefs that I was still clinging to as an adult with this new dimension of "feeling".
05/19/15 (Tue) 13:49:47 No. 39439
I was under the impression the the third eye was the ajna chakra? Am I confusing one definition for the other, or is something amiss in my mental landscape?
Also, may I ask what meditation you do?
Wow, that last paragraph. You've pretty much described into words the vague idea I have about how I think. Like, I can describe the shape of my own thoughts to other people, and when I learn more and more about that idea, the shape changes.
05/19/15 (Tue) 14:01:00 No. 39441
File: 1432044060480.jpg (Spoiler Image, 129.68 KB, 780x692, 195:173, tumblr_mnfzcwoVRS1rq1bdzo1….jpg )
05/19/15 (Tue) 14:48:44 No. 39447
Hi fringe, i've had a pretty wierd dream last night. What's interesting about it is that it had the exact same eerie and dreadful atmosphere as my other dream that happened a long time ago, although i was not feeling very well in both situatons. So here goes:
I'm walking home along a familliar path with my friend at night, and we come across a crossroad. We mention how it's scary going this way or that way, so we go straight. Eventually we come across two fluffy white dogs, which i start cuddling with, and my friend starts being amazed because they aren't biting me. Then we continue walking, and suddenly, we notice some really scary bear in the distance behind us with a blue rag on it's body. It wants to chase us, so the dogs go there and chase him around. Or i think that's what happend.
Btw, i had yet another dream at the exact same location where a black dog bites me.
Yes, the two dogs went and delayed the bear, while we contined on home.
Then, all of a sudden i have to carry some crippled old woman who is very powerful so she could protect us from some monsters coming out of a portal, the dream basically becomes a videogame and even goes as far to breaking the fourth wall by saying: "Wow this is like an RPG".
The second dream is like im going to find a place for a field trip with my friends, and we come to a mansion. The dream is giving me the feeling i've always known this house, i've always been here, and it has an even stronger eerie feeling going for it. So i get a lot of chained dreams about this house, going through it's hauntings, unlocking it's doors, checking it's rooms etc. but there are a lot of mysterious people and voices inside it. When im finally able to get out of the courtyard, i come across some iron gate with a sink next to it, right when i try to look at the sink, some woman starts shrieking and i get dizzy from it.
What i wanna know is, why the exact same locations, animals and symbolism? Is it my subconscious telling me i should solve some problems? Some dude was telling about entering your inner world and cleaning up the things that make you feel fear, but that's kinda hard to believe. Is this my inner world? How do i "enter it"? Or am i just in the wrong part of the astral, since the moments i've had these dreams are times when i was feeling down.
Would be glad if someone could tell me what's going on here, thanks.
05/19/15 (Tue) 15:44:01 No. 39452
>I was under the impression that the third eye was the ajna chakra
Actually, that makes a lot of sense. I guess people are just using the same term to refer to different concepts, just like the word "ego".
I don't know what kind of meditation I do but it's most likely a form of One-Pointedness. I simply sit still and just try to strengthen my awareness of a central point in my abdomen as I'm breathing. When my mind starts rushing with ideas, I try to be aware of both this central point in my abdomen, my breathing (expansion and contraction of abdomen wall) as well as the thoughts and of course, the forehead-pressure. It's tough but I'm slowly getting better. Basically, rather than just get swept away by my thoughts and emotions, I try to use my abdomen and the sensation of breathing as an anchor to my experience of reality. It makes it easier for me to remember that I am not my thoughts and I am not my emotions, these are just some of the many things I, as a consciousness, can see.
05/19/15 (Tue) 16:13:03 No. 39457
What's an easy way to make some runes?
05/19/15 (Tue) 16:21:30 No. 39458
>take pen and paper
>draw some runes on paper
I'm selling an ebook: "How to avoid asking retarded questions", hit me up if you want a copy
05/19/15 (Tue) 16:33:07 No. 39463
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Dank new video of a UFO coming out of the moon
Didn't think this was worth a thread so posting it here
05/19/15 (Tue) 17:21:56 No. 39475
"If you imagine anything, if you dream, and if you remember; you are interacting with the astral. The astral is not far away from you and not super inaccessible." (From FAQ)
If we interact while dreaming with Astral Planes. So if I dream the same dream few times, so It's basically I gone to the same Plane?
I remember that it was apocalipse. I was running though the city. Fire caught everything. I ran in one building and opened one tile from the floor, and there was a snake.
And from that moment I don't remember.
Second time it was pretty much the same only, it was opened and when looked down there was still a snake.
So Did I interact with the same Astral Plane twice?
05/19/15 (Tue) 17:22:22 No. 39476
I think your confused? I meant rune stones, I wasn't asking how to write down the runic alphabet. I suspect this is an attempt for Loosh.
05/19/15 (Tue) 17:34:53 No. 39478
05/19/15 (Tue) 18:02:46 No. 39484
I find I have very little control over what I do and do not remember…
If I make an intent to throughly enjoy a book before reading it I wont be able to maintain that intent if I dont find myself resonating with the content of said book.
So regardless of your state if the text doesn't intrigue you you probably wont remember it
05/19/15 (Tue) 18:03:37 No. 39485
Anyone have easy way to astral project??
05/19/15 (Tue) 18:06:37 No. 39486
I just read "aibi" while I did find it fascinating and incredibly informative the part referring to the Awareness That Is Aware Of It's Own Existence" really threw me off near the end, can anyone please explain what the author means in this section?
05/19/15 (Tue) 18:32:23 No. 39493
>I just read "aibi" while I did find it fascinating and incredibly informative the part referring to the Awareness That Is Aware Of It's Own Existence" really threw me off near the end, can anyone please explain what the author means in this section?
Go read William Walker Atkinson's The Arcane Formulas in order to understand what he's talking about.
Post last edited at 05/19/15 (Tue) 18:32:59
05/19/15 (Tue) 18:35:17 No. 39494
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>39406
Of course you can. Listen to / read this book it will help a lot. Also develop your visualization and other abilities and create thoughtforms and you will excel even more in academia.
05/19/15 (Tue) 18:38:40 No. 39496
*tips fedora*
The way memory works is you actually remember everything so even if you're in a tired state and barely seem to be absorbing anything you may still find that later on you can recall everything perfectly even if immediately after you could not.
That said, it's most important to read in a fascinated state of mind. Deeply involved, emotions flowing, it makes a stronger impression in the astral and stronger memories. It's not good to read in an agitated, anxious, sad, or emotionally blank state of mind.
See also this book.
05/19/15 (Tue) 18:40:34 No. 39497
If anyone is in a rush btw just read Chapter 20 in that book then proceed with the reading of other books. The book as a whole is only 135 pages long though.
05/19/15 (Tue) 19:53:59 No. 39506
IS anyone here familiar with treasure mapping?
And if you are could you explain it to me?
I read about it in a book but other sources are really scarce
05/19/15 (Tue) 20:08:28 No. 39508
Can someone give me a run down on power levels in the astral? Why are humans so shit?
05/19/15 (Tue) 22:21:19 No. 39545
How much Iodine is enough? I found this great powdered kelp shit and one teaspoon is 900% to 1000% of my daily needs according to the FDA. Is this enough to decalcify and stay decalcified?
05/19/15 (Tue) 22:21:46 No. 39546
05/20/15 (Wed) 00:47:10 No. 39568
How can I commit suicide through occult means?
05/20/15 (Wed) 00:56:13 No. 39570
Cut the silver cord or Mahasamadi. Choose one.
05/20/15 (Wed) 03:26:11 No. 39597
How do I get into the skype group?
05/20/15 (Wed) 04:13:40 No. 39610
Was Hermes Trismegistus Enoch?
☻ 05/20/15 (Wed) 04:15:00 No. 39611
Paste this into a random chat on Skype and then click on it.
I warn you though Skype is a huge fucking timewaster and you should only ever use it when you intend to arrange some magickal operation over it or something else important and otherwise keep away from it. Also you're liable to be loosh harvested, cursed, etc. while there as others will magickally attack you and have become skilled in it.
05/20/15 (Wed) 04:15:48 No. 39612
Yes; eat honey and then begin meditating and stretching your astral body and just walk out.
05/20/15 (Wed) 04:22:47 No. 39613
>So if I dream the same dream few times, so It's basically I gone to the same Plane?
Any kind of mental stuff happens on the astral plane although there are subplanes and within each subplane numerous (infinite) realms.
Btw you might want to read Robert Bruce's Psychic Self Defence book in the library it talks about astral snakes.
Just remember that Astral Plane and Mental Plane are synonymous.
I highly recommend you read Life Beyond Death by William Walker Atkinson (writing under the pen-name of Yogi Ramacharaka) to properly understand what the astral is.
05/20/15 (Wed) 04:31:50 No. 39615
Just random astral fuckery.
If you want to play le sycnhronicity game formulate a question to the Universal Mind while in trance and then start reading your reality, whether you be awake or in a dream, for the answer. Make sure you have a language of symbols that you understand to look for, it doesn't matter what, and then you just read your reality and you should get the answers.
…you could also just go ask Michael to divine for you. He's good at divination now. Go here for that: >>39384
Also try to develop your astral senses and so on better so you can get clearer and more straightforward messages.
☻ 05/20/15 (Wed) 05:25:57 No. 39643
I have no routine because I dynamically adjust depending upon ever-changing variables. I just know and feel I can do something at a time and it's the right time for it and I do it. I ultimately end up getting a shitload of things done in this way rather than wasting time artificially forcing something when my mind and body is not ready.
05/20/15 (Wed) 05:35:05 No. 39645
05/20/15 (Wed) 05:44:42 No. 39646
That's the easiest way for me at this moment. What is easiest always depends upon your natural talent and practise and skill. Eventually you can go full 4D and be constantly connected to the astral.
Here do the following (I'm doing it RIGHT NOW).
>eat one spoonful of honey (I already completed this part)
>go lay down now on the floor (about to do this part)
>start some basic number thoughtforming, do 0 to 60 or if you feel you need it 0 to 300
>next do another thoughtform which can be of a number (what I usually use) or a simple geometric shape
>now hold that thoughtform clear and start creating and dissipating other thoughtforms around it at random while rotating the main one, lets say it's a pyramid or a number 8… or if you want to go to a specific realm in the astral go use a sigil or if you want to target a person use a picture of them and rotate the picture or if you got a 3D model of them use that
>keep rotating and throw around some random clouds of astral matter around it, kind of just fogs of colour, preferably indigo colour although if you want you can use other colours but for this purpose just trust me and use indigo as it's going to activate your mind's eye very fast
>as the main thing continues to rotate and you throw energy around it you're supposed to use your emotions to charge it. The emotions you feel will be automatically charged into it as you focus on it but can also be conveyed along belts of astral matter and you also start charging the ether more through a sense of touch/vibration/earthiness than anything else
>you maintain the expectation of seeing more around the thing
>if you do this right it might be extremely fast, practically immediate, that you get random shit appearing to you and sometimes it takes awhile longer
>let the random stuff keep flowing and don't lose the connection
>let it draw you in while also maintaining a healthy dose of awareness of Self unless you wanna take a ride on someone else's consciousness and experience through them
>keep going! Soon you'll be in the astral.
Also if you want to meet me then hold the intention of visiting the guy who made this post on /fringe/ while charging up with your emotions (which are astral energy).
See you in the astral anon (hopefully, it's easy to get distracted and lost kek). Going to go now.
05/20/15 (Wed) 05:54:46 No. 39650
can you give me what I should experience?
05/20/15 (Wed) 06:01:21 No. 39651
>can you give me what I should experience?
No idea man, it's different stuff all the time, I'm a novelty addict myself and love it.
If you want to do specific things in the astral then you need to use psychomancy and thoughtforms to get productive shit done. If you just want to experience the astral and explore it at random then this will work just fine.
If you want to meet entities near you do a modification of what I told you expect pulse these waves of astral light around in your room like you're using sonar and use your emotions to scan on different frequencies for what's around and you can meet with them while in your body or out of it.
If you want to meet with me and start building a specific astral realm we can start using for /fringe/ operations over & over well just talk to me about it in the astral. Your intention to connect with me and meet me should be enough to bring you into contact with me and my own intention to be receptive and open and not to block you should further strengthen the probability of a successful connection.
Is it night time where you are right now? Hopefully it is, it is here for me, going to go now will respond to any further posts from you later.
05/20/15 (Wed) 06:46:13 No. 39659
I mean as is it all in my mind eye or am I going to experience like OBE and begin out of my body
05/20/15 (Wed) 06:46:43 No. 39660
05/20/15 (Wed) 07:20:07 No. 39664
lol everything about us
is a time capsule
05/20/15 (Wed) 07:31:22 No. 39666
How about using a standard deck of cards (52) instead of Tarot?
05/20/15 (Wed) 07:45:02 No. 39670
I'm going to start this off with something of a story, but I think it's an important preface for my question to you lot. I'm not much of a believer in anything, but I am hard pressed to explain this, and no one really seems to understand exactly what I'm getting at when I tell them.
My first memory in life is waking up in the backseat of a car. I remember it very clearly. I was sitting in a car seat. In front of me there were two people I could not recognize. I now know them as my parents. At the time, I was distinctly unable to recall who I was, where I was, what I had previously been doing, or what was happening. The thing that most disturbs me is the feeling though. It was nothing like really waking up, so much as jumping into my own body. I was definitely not asleep when I "woke up". I think I was already conscious. I have never experienced anything like that feeling in the entirety of the rest of my life.
Ever since that day I have consistently been unable to explain what occurred that day, nor make people fully understand that what I am describing is not "I don't remember anything before this", but literally "waking up" (if that) in the backseat of car with complete Amnesia aside from basic English.
Every time I attempt to think back on this moment, I am left with a deeply unsettled feeling, as though there was something horribly, awfully wrong with it, that I can't quite grasp.
I often have the faint feeling of some kind of impending doom leaning over me from time to time, as if a voice in the back of my head is telling me something is coming, and I am not yet ready. I constantly feel as though I am still unready, despite intense… preparations. As though there is something missing from my arsenal for whatever is coming. Perhaps this is not the right board, but….. I am sometimes left doubting my humanity. I sometimes think I have inadvertently stolen this body, or been put into it. For what, I do not know. Pic related, I suppose.
I've been waiting many years for an answer. I hope someone actually has one.
05/20/15 (Wed) 07:47:07 No. 39672
They can essentially be interpreted as the pip cards since they did come from tarot after all. But the page and the knight have been turned into a jack. It could work for some basic divination
05/20/15 (Wed) 08:13:10 No. 39676
05/20/15 (Wed) 08:15:42 No. 39677
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. that wasn't a question btw 05/20/15 (Wed) 08:27:02 No. 39678
File: 1432110422250.jpg (23.27 KB, 470x346, 235:173, 452302_1280616238237_470_3….jpg )
Living in canada and you don't have a sk8ter grill named avril levign as ur girlfrand. Pls explain! Kthnx! Fuck you canada! I want you 2 explain! She was a fuckin sk8ter grill and u were a sk8ter boiii.. pls explain
05/20/15 (Wed) 09:34:55 No. 39704
I had sleep paralysis last night. I hadn't had it for a couple of years and I knew to remain calm until I either went back to sleep or woke up, but then I looked at my arm and realised it was being held up at about a 45 degree angle but there was nothing holding it and then kind of lost it.
I tried as hard as I could to move and make a sound but all I could do was groan weakly. I remember eventually toppling over the bed and landing on the floor. I cant remember anything after that and woke up in my bed so it may have been my astral body that fell on the floor.
Why was my arm up in the air?
05/20/15 (Wed) 09:42:01 No. 39705
Hello, Ophiel-bro. Info is scarce because he himself took it from theosophists supposedly, and those bastards don't like to share.
The principle is simple:
-have an assortment of things you want to have, experience, be etc. "cut out" on a sheet of paper (to have a physical representation of it, to ease up use of imagination. Just as easy to do without, if you don't forget them)
-frequently use reality creation to see yourself as possessing them.
It's nothing outlandish.
05/20/15 (Wed) 09:49:13 No. 39706
>Life Beyond Death
I found Robert Bruce's Psychic Self Defence book. But I didn't find it Life Beyond Death. Could you share it?
Btw. Thanks for your anwser.
05/20/15 (Wed) 09:56:16 No. 39707
Different anon. The name's are hard to decipher at first.
05/20/15 (Wed) 09:57:48 No. 39708
You can use whatever the hell you want, but the symbols need to have an interpretation. Tarot is easier to use since it has a wide range of explanations with the different cards and it already has enough systems/spreads created for you to be able to learn to use it.
05/20/15 (Wed) 10:03:20 No. 39709
05/20/15 (Wed) 10:30:48 No. 39711
Oh, that simple?
Thought there could be something more to it.
Have you had any experience with it?
I'm trying to make a personal variation of this method and reports from people who used it would be much appreciated.
(Excluding unity christian church members and LOA affictionates of course)
05/20/15 (Wed) 11:05:32 No. 39714
Do any of you wizards follow specific morals when it comes to doing magic? Like avoiding anything that injures/kills someone else?
Also what is the limit of your abilities? Like if you're making something appear how crazy can it be?
05/20/15 (Wed) 12:17:12 No. 39719
>Do any of you wizards follow specific morals when it comes to doing magic? Like avoiding anything that injures/kills someone else?
You'll find that /fringe/ has a pretty diverse set of beliefs. Some people are morally sound and don't use magic to hurt people while others sometimes band to curse someone.
>Also what is the limit of your abilities? Like if you're making something appear how crazy can it be?
If you mean reality manifestation that highly varies but I don't think anyone really pushes themselves here past their current needs and desires except that one time people were spreading the poltergeist creation guide to create an entity to fuck with its creator by throwing objects around and other such silliness.
05/20/15 (Wed) 12:39:05 No. 39721
Everything that hurts me in any way is immoral and bad.
Everything that makes me less perfect is immoral and bad.
05/20/15 (Wed) 13:11:27 No. 39723
You mantra is not fully wise.
05/20/15 (Wed) 13:13:27 No. 39724
So, Long story short it seems my hair has started thinning. Not very noticeable right now but I don't know how long I have left.
I'm not very good at thinking hermetically yet, but does anyone have any suggestions on anything /fringe/ I could do to avoid looking like a cueball in a few years?
Any suggestions would be very very appreciated.
05/20/15 (Wed) 13:28:41 No. 39727
Consider the following and its place in the context of your life.
Millions of years ago humans lived for up too 100,000 of years. Then was born ones who thought to themselves "These gift giving trees are MINE and exist for my purposes."
blah blah blah we degenerate as a race over millions of years
Now people live at most 100 years and life expectancy is getting lower. It is because of the environment which has ACCUMULATED ill stuff from previous and current generation.
Now, one who taking stock of his compartively short lifespan were to ask "How can I live for 100,000 years in this very age?" A wise man might say "Fool! Do not do what is not of the age and the now. Do that thing which is wise in the age. Strive not to live for longer than is the providence of your body. For the world is a sea of contamination and this is a mortal plane. Seek to make best of your time as it exists. Extending one's time directly is not best use of one's time. I tell you truthfully."
Your hair loss is inevitable unless you can magick it back. I tell you truthfully that the world is a sea of contamination and as long as you hold on to the object of desire which is vibration "I want…" the spring which vibrates "I need…" will not spring up from your soul and nourish the tree of life which is yourself that it might bear fruit.
Basically, deal with it. Turn your eyes on those heuristics which you've been creating and cataloging since before you were born and contemplate why one would seek to go back into childhood rather than making their home in truth of the present. Then, deconstruct, renounce, and let fade those things which do not contribute to your present happiness.
This is complete wisdom I relay to those with brains to perceive and the willingness to understand.
05/20/15 (Wed) 13:37:59 No. 39728
I read about the method a month ago, but figured out something similar for myself before. I didn't have the need for grand use before, so long term results are pending.
I'm breaking it down in 2 parts - making and invoking a godform that has all the virtues, powers, capabilities etc. I want and, second, creating the environment in the material plane with the things and people I want. The first is pretty self explanatory, the second you just do it like Goddard did, living in all things.
I feel like the big treasure map type of creative visualization is, I dunno, clunky? Feels more natural to use CV for smaller things as the need arises or just to simply put yourself at the center of all power (wealth, joy, knowledge etc.) and then just see what happens, but that's just me.
Do tell why you don't agree with it.
>Everything that makes me less perfect is immoral and bad.
This seems based as fark.
05/20/15 (Wed) 14:08:48 No. 39732
Can a based wizard supply noob with basic astral projection/astral plane guide/what the see and expect/the experience?
05/20/15 (Wed) 14:39:59 No. 39738
>Everything that makes me less perfect is immoral and bad.
The truth is: you're not perfect.
Therefore, the truth is immoral and bad.
Words are very powerful, be careful with what you say specially if you already started walking the path.
05/20/15 (Wed) 16:04:19 No. 39746
Poorly reasoned and foolish.
05/20/15 (Wed) 16:10:31 No. 39747
>Do tell why you don't agree with it.
I don't have the energy to do that.
>Everything that makes me less perfect is immoral and bad.
>This seems based as fark.
I will explain the deficiency in that mantra for you and all who hear.
Perfection cannot decrease. It is true that perfection progresses perfectly. Therefore, that which can be decreased following increases is not perfect. That which is subject to decreasing following its own increasing is imperfect.
With those truths in mind, renounce and allow to secede that mantra which is based on untruth, made of untruth, and bears fruit of untruth.
Hear, listen, and understand.
05/20/15 (Wed) 16:52:22 No. 39751
In your mind's eye? The fuck do you mean by this? You perceive all of the astral through your mind's eye and depending upon how you use the astral you can remote view any part of this world in the present or the past or its probable futures or you can go to places far removed from the scenes of Earth.
If you want a typical OBE then just project your astral body nearby your physical body.
If you just want out of your body period and don't care where you're going there's lots of places you can end up besides nearby your body.
05/20/15 (Wed) 17:16:01 No. 39753
Fred should make an option. Where you can delete every post you ever made.
05/20/15 (Wed) 17:34:01 No. 39754
With one click. Like a red terminate button.
05/20/15 (Wed) 18:13:27 No. 39763
lol there's an option to turn off the ability of users to delete their posts and the post deletion thing is mostly there for if you fuck up and need to fix you spelling mistake. People like you are the strongest argument in favour of just disabling the post deletion option because you've gone full autist about deleting your posts.
05/20/15 (Wed) 18:16:16 No. 39764
Oh you're that guy again who talks all weird.
05/20/15 (Wed) 18:16:45 No. 39765
What kind of person might you say I am?
05/20/15 (Wed) 18:19:44 No. 39766
One that things he's got it all figured out and talks all retarded and is full of himself and needs to keep developing but probably thinks he has nowhere to go from where he is right now.
05/20/15 (Wed) 18:29:37 No. 39773
You are not wholly wrong. You are not wholly right. I tell you this truthfully.
05/20/15 (Wed) 18:35:15 No. 39778
Oh my goodness stahp talking like this. You aren't an arbiter of truth, you're working within a fuzzy and incomplete modality, therefore you can still be a vector for misinformation unintentionally or otherwise. No need to insist you're telling things "truthfully".
05/20/15 (Wed) 18:39:14 No. 39779
05/20/15 (Wed) 18:44:14 No. 39782
Pls answer is 1 milligram a day enough to decalcify and stay decalcified?
05/20/15 (Wed) 19:04:11 No. 39786
More is better. Japaneseses get like up to 13 milligrams a day because they eat made sea vegetables which are iodine rich.
To one wishing to use their own energy to guide their actions I would advise they look up the symptoms of iodine toxicity, eat as much seaweed as they like and avoiding amounts which bring on those symptoms, and use that as their amount.
05/20/15 (Wed) 19:05:21 No. 39787
Hypocrite! If I am to be silent for possibly being a vector for misinformation unintentionally and/or intentionally then you too should be SILENT. I am elder to you.
05/20/15 (Wed) 19:09:45 No. 39790
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Jews have great ideologies, too bad they're jews.
05/20/15 (Wed) 19:12:49 No. 39793
Fuck you bitch stop taking like that you sound like a fucking fedora.
05/20/15 (Wed) 20:50:53 No. 39817
The only thing for sure you will experience is your senses all much deeper than normal. Everything will be more clear, vibrant, beautiful, etc. Black will be extremely black, white will be incredibly white, the feel of a breeze in the astral will be so much more real than one in this world. Everything will have greater depth and feel more real than in the physical plane which will seem insubstantial to it in comparison.
Besides that the rest varies. You could end up in some demon-infested shithole, you could go on random adventures, you could wander around some buildings, tons of things can happen and you never really know what to expect.
Now, if you go to a specific place in the astral such as Veelox which was a place several astral projectors made then there's more specific stuff for you to see and do there. Don't go to Veelox though it was abandoned after awhile and although one wizard cleansed the place of demons for fun sometime ago it's probably all infested again now.
05/20/15 (Wed) 21:05:31 No. 39821
You're not the guy I replied to, the guy I replied to never gets mad like this, he's one of those guys that at least pretends never to be rustled all the time. A brownpilled sort of guy.
05/20/15 (Wed) 21:05:39 No. 39822
Drinking distilled water will pull calcium out of all of your body not even just your pineal gland apparently.
05/20/15 (Wed) 21:07:44 No. 39823
>Hypocrite! If I am to be silent for possibly being a vector for misinformation unintentionally and/or intentionally then you too should be SILENT. I am elder to you.
Faggot! I am not a "hypocrite" because I make no claims of speaking the truth all the time. It is YOU who constantly says "truthfully I say"!
You don't have to be silent just stahp saying that you are speaking truth all the time when you can be a vector for misinformation unintentionally and/or intentionally.
Also wtf do you even mean by "elder to me"?
05/20/15 (Wed) 21:20:52 No. 39824
The implication of your words, that I should be silent because… implies that you need not be silent because the opposite is true. I believe the opposite is not true. Thus you are, in my eyes, a liar and a hypocrite.
05/20/15 (Wed) 21:27:13 No. 39827
No you faggot you just need to stahp adding on "truthfully I say" or "I tell you this truthfully" not stop talking altogether. Get over your faulty perception now or be forever an hueg fgt .
Your reasoning here is fallacious and polarized when it should not be.
When I talk I do not keep adding on that I am "speaking the truth" as if the truthfulness of what I was saying was somehow in doubt in some manner and that this needed to be addressed. It is under only very rare circumstances that I ever find the need to assert that what I have said is in fact true; circumstances where there is doubt and I want to be believed.
You're stuck in this weird habit of always declaring everything you say truthful even when it makes no sense to do so.
Why can't your autismal mind understand this?
05/20/15 (Wed) 21:42:29 No. 39833
Anyone with experience on self-hypnosis? Is there a limit to what you can accomplish with suggestion? Specifically, I've been completely numb for a few months now, and would like to regain my feelings. It'd be great to get some recommendations that I could try out on myself. It doesn't have to be hypnosis, if there are more effective ways to accomplish this, of course. Thanks in advance.
05/20/15 (Wed) 21:58:21 No. 39838
Does anyone have a PDF of the magickal use of thoughtforms? I need it but cant find it.
05/20/15 (Wed) 22:02:29 No. 39842
What exactly are you trying to do?
The standard hypnosis texts you will find are really mundane and they do not understand what is going on.
If you read the books suggested in the library especially Mental Influence, Mind Power, etc. by William Walker Atkinson you'll have a far better technique to work by.
I can hypnotize you easily, I know how it's done both in the clinical mundane way and the occult way, and there are no limits but whatever conscious resistance you put up to my command.
Hypnosis and magick in general requires the use of emotions btw to work so… you're pretty fucked.
There are many potential ways to reactivate your emotions from changes with diet, to extreme exercise, to void meditation, to giving yourself an electrical shock via extreme body energy manipulation, to recovering traumatic or emotionally charged memories, to banishing entities that are depriving you of all your loosh, etc.
If you want a copy ask someone to finish converting it in this thread here: >>31562
05/20/15 (Wed) 22:37:29 No. 39860
I look down at you.
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:09:41 No. 39891
Also can anyone (insert color here)pill me on fourth/fifth way? Where can I learn more about it? Google has yeilded little
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:11:21 No. 39893
I look down at you.
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:13:49 No. 39896
You look down on everyone, you're always on a high pedestal talking down to us, but you can't even do shit. Do you even read the books or practise anything? Lets hear about that and not just your wishy washy wise guy ramblings?
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:22:59 No. 39908
Your metric is criticism-worthy.
>Lets hear about that and not just your wishy washy wise guy ramblings?
I am inclined to not oblige.
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:24:43 No. 39912
Then I have no reason to take you seriously at all. It is evident you have no powers.
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:24:45 No. 39913
Why are you narrating your thoughts?
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:27:22 No. 39915
Today I wasn't able to get shit done in my garden and I'm trying to relax as my healing ritual continues to take effect and cleanse parts of my body and I wait for it to reach a perfect condition.
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:40:25 No. 39925
Do you want to be my friend?
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:42:47 No. 39929
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:44:17 No. 39931
I was in a past life.
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:48:07 No. 39936
What made you regress?
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:49:21 No. 39938
Well you sure fucked up then. ayy lmao
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:49:40 No. 39939
lol. Regression is not how one who is wise describes a white person being reborn as a non-white person.
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:49:49 No. 39940
You're right a more appropriate term would be degeneration.
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:50:04 No. 39941
I smell fear. And insecurity. You're dripping it from every one of your pores. I can SMELL you across the entire ether.
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:51:00 No. 39943
You sure are trying hard to pretend like you are anything but insexure.
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:51:41 No. 39944
That's weird because all you should be able to smell is honey.
From you all I smell is butthurt.
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:52:58 No. 39945
Why do you always toy around with the English language and use it in weird schizosperg ways?
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:55:22 No. 39952
>all you should be able to smell is honey.
Cause. Reasons. Dummy.
05/21/15 (Thu) 01:56:14 No. 39954
Pause what? Stop sperging.
05/21/15 (Thu) 02:03:30 No. 39962
Will you post a pic of yourself, Smiley?
05/21/15 (Thu) 02:08:14 No. 39964
Smiley's pictures are found in the shitposting thread and in one thread about 4chon members on /4chon/.
05/21/15 (Thu) 02:10:58 No. 39969
"Will you please post a pic so I can perform magick upon you"
No. I do not trust you to do magickal operations that I would like to have done on me.
05/21/15 (Thu) 02:12:10 No. 39970
>implying I a Smiley
05/21/15 (Thu) 02:17:05 No. 39972
Stop gaslighting Smiley.
05/21/15 (Thu) 02:19:16 No. 39976
Smiley are too distinct a presence for such a lie to be not-pathetic.
05/21/15 (Thu) 02:25:29 No. 39979
05/21/15 (Thu) 02:26:36 No. 39981
05/21/15 (Thu) 02:26:37 No. 39982
Smiley I said stop it.
05/21/15 (Thu) 02:27:54 No. 39983
05/21/15 (Thu) 02:28:19 No. 39984
wtf I'm not smiley
and what am I supposed to stop? Calling you on your samefagging?
05/21/15 (Thu) 03:05:26 No. 40018
Is manipulating girls into loving you and sucking & fucking a method of gaining loosh? Could clout be synonymous with loosh? How could you use loosh for spiritual advancement and or power?
05/21/15 (Thu) 03:08:55 No. 40020
>wanting to engage in sodomy with a girl ("sucking")
05/21/15 (Thu) 03:09:31 No. 40021
You could end up in a situation where a person is fugging you but dispassionately.
You need to cultivate the strongest emotions in the other person you can.
You can use loosh to power up thoughtforms and do all forms of magick so obviously it's essential to spiritual advancement and the attainments of power.
05/21/15 (Thu) 03:17:29 No. 40025
Say the friends of this girl do not want her hanging out with me because they say all I want is sex, would fucking her then gain me even more loosh from said friends? Is the actual process of gaining loosh as simple as breathing it in?
05/21/15 (Thu) 03:24:44 No. 40027
Loosh can be acquired from food and also from any emotions directed your way.
The more raw and unprogrammed the loosh is the easier it is to use but some people are very capable of entering trances and channeling all their loosh energy into thoughtforms that will fuck your shit up.
You don't have to breath in loosh, you can absorb it through your astral body automatically.
If you want to understand more pay attention to what William Walker Atkinson is saying about thoughtwaves, currents, etc. in Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic .
05/21/15 (Thu) 05:19:10 No. 40038
Is recreational marijuana use bad for visualization / the pineal gland?
I've been eating seaweed chips and taking Activator X. Unfortunately still drink fluoride water.
05/21/15 (Thu) 05:36:05 No. 40041
In the same way that taking antibiotics weakens your immune system yes. Temporary boost to functioning at the cost of dependency and not being able to achieve those states without the drug.
05/21/15 (Thu) 08:40:10 No. 40062
I have another query, one that may be of urgency. While cleansing my aura and chakras I got an odd sensation in my chestt to the left of my heart. I've had a pain here on and off for years now. When I got to my heart chakra the feeling was quite odd. Like something there was nervous. I'm fairly sure there is a being there and it's been feeding off of me. How do I get rid of it? It has been causing issues for a while now (such as an erratic heartbeat while meditating for no reason and some anger throughout the day) and I'd like to get rid of it now. It seems quite upset about my recenattempt at cleansing. I have bad asthma and have since childhood if that helps identify it.
I have my chakra closed for now.
???? 05/21/15 (Thu) 10:35:50 No. 40068
is weed better than acid for the mindset?
05/21/15 (Thu) 11:55:30 No. 40071
>relying on drugs to alter mindset instead of using your unshakable will to mend your mind however you like it
Addicts should either make their respective renunciation thread or leave.
I sure hope you didn't come here for validation of your bad habits.
05/21/15 (Thu) 13:36:41 No. 40082
That's a good analogy!
No, weed and acid are different things. They work on different spiritual pathways which are synergistic but do not overlap. Weed high is thus. Acid high is thus. Weed and acid high is greater than the sum of the parts. Its apples and oranges.
05/21/15 (Thu) 14:47:15 No. 40113
I'm going to make a story about how words lose their meaning over use, and how they gain power when actively avoided (taboos), both on the individual level and the societal level, often because of the efforts of organized movements, which may or may not be misguided. I'm asking /fringe/ for input, because: a) I have a natural inclination towards magic, which includes processing thought in esoteric language and concepts (both verbal and visual), and b) the story is about magic in both inner meaning, and in surface imagery. I need to think of at least one central icon (trope) at first, and ultimately several, that would best convey a conflict or conflicts relating to word trickery like this. The story and thus choice of icons have to fit in a medieval fantasy setting which includes several factions, and some kind of fantasy version of magic. Maybe someone here happens to know a fitting image on the top of their head, or an appropriately similar story perhaps.
05/21/15 (Thu) 15:07:54 No. 40120
There's the thing about kikes not saying the name of god (YHVH). So even in english they always say "G-d" or "Lord" or something to this effect.
05/21/15 (Thu) 15:23:08 No. 40126
05/21/15 (Thu) 15:24:26 No. 40127
God without the "o".
05/21/15 (Thu) 15:41:04 No. 40138
05/21/15 (Thu) 15:45:52 No. 40141
So that the name of their god is not defaced.
05/21/15 (Thu) 16:17:27 No. 40151
I always see people saying thing about "Next blood moon", " wait for next October" , "Le meme egregore"
can you greenpill/educate me on this topic?
05/21/15 (Thu) 16:18:21 No. 40153
Ignore prophecies. None have ever come true.
05/21/15 (Thu) 16:24:43 No. 40156
I didn't know it was even a prophecy
I just heard some people babbling about it
05/21/15 (Thu) 16:51:15 No. 40164
supposedly Jade Helm is preperation for a military coup of America and the next blood moon will be when it begins and when the NWO enters its final phase of take over
egregores are real
05/21/15 (Thu) 17:10:32 No. 40169
Basically, stupid people think that the fourth blood moon (there have been 4 blood moons in 2 years) will mark the beginning of some great or minor HAPPENING.
05/21/15 (Thu) 17:12:31 No. 40170
Being true and coming to pass is what makes a prophecy a prophecy, mortal. You sound ignorant through your action of calling somethings untrue and which did not and will not come to pass prophecy.
05/21/15 (Thu) 17:35:08 No. 40173
About body of light astral travelling
can the body of light recive it's own mind and fuck off and go somewhere else you don't want it to go?
any in depth article/book about it and not just "HURRR DO THIS IMAGINE THIS"~Crowley.
like some warning and what not
05/21/15 (Thu) 20:37:28 No. 40222
How do I improve my cognitive performance/intelligence through meditation?
05/21/15 (Thu) 21:37:54 No. 40230
By fucking meditating man. Do different meditations for visualization, memory, subconscious processing, character enhancement, etc. they're all listed in the meditations superthread and if they're not make a request in there and you shall receive.
05/21/15 (Thu) 21:40:29 No. 40231
It's how jews say God.
05/21/15 (Thu) 21:54:20 No. 40249
Yeah I have read through that thread. I understand that the numbers meditation helps with computing and I've done the memory/walking meditation which does in fact allow crazy visual memory but I mean just becoming smarter in general altogether. Any meditation for that?
05/21/15 (Thu) 22:05:06 No. 40255
05/21/15 (Thu) 22:20:47 No. 40261
Planning to start reading Goddard as part of my exploration into the New Thought movement.
Can anyone point tme to his best books?
05/21/15 (Thu) 23:10:36 No. 40276
Why would you bother to read his books?
05/21/15 (Thu) 23:22:47 No. 40283
What do you mean by that?
Shoud I focus on his lectures instead?
05/21/15 (Thu) 23:35:52 No. 40288
05/21/15 (Thu) 23:39:19 No. 40292
☻ 05/22/15 (Fri) 00:27:20 No. 40301
I'm ready through his books right now, about half way through Psychic Self-Defence as we speak.
He seems to be heavy on empirical evidence is finding weird shit regarding EMFs and neg entities and running water and ink circles and violet and so on.
How it's all connected I don't know.
I like a lot of my other books better.
05/22/15 (Fri) 00:30:02 No. 40302
Oh sorry you're talking about Neville Goddard.
The New Thought movement is extremely diverse and Neville's stuff is very different from various of other New Thought authors.
No his lectures aren't important, I'd just read the books.
05/22/15 (Fri) 03:34:35 No. 40321
Greenpill me on honey, when I eat one spoonful of honey do I just swallow it whole or sip it?
I ate 2 spoons of honey and have a very slight headache for some reason.
Does this have anything to do with my fluoride filled decalcified pineal gland?
05/22/15 (Fri) 03:36:21 No. 40323
Niggaroids /fringe/
da fuck
I mean srsly people say shit bout Christianity/Judo
but I see none about muslims, are they in same group
what about the shit going down in October??
05/22/15 (Fri) 04:52:27 No. 40340
Why do you type like that?
Religion is bad. It makes people follow rules when there are none. They just want to group you in.
Do I really have to say something about muslims? Look at ISIS and what they do.
There is supposed to be the last blood moon in September. There was also a /pol/ prophecy about something going on in October. Same thing with Jade Helm 15. Supposed to start soon I guess.
05/22/15 (Fri) 05:09:41 No. 40351
You can eat it however you want.
I don't think it helps with calcification or decalification. For that you need a special diet and Nascent Iodine.
>pic related
How to tell good honey from shit.
05/22/15 (Fri) 06:34:25 No. 40362
yes its me as i cannot fucking find what i linked to pirate it as i dont want to pay for it
05/22/15 (Fri) 06:55:47 No. 40363
What's it good for then?
Why is this recommended before Astral Projecting?
05/22/15 (Fri) 07:14:35 No. 40364
What are some good Occult/Fringe /tg/ games or board games?
05/22/15 (Fri) 07:21:46 No. 40365
What is the Astral Plane?
Is it real?
Is there any proof for it?
Is it deep/outer space?
05/22/15 (Fri) 07:38:57 No. 40366
Also, why is Robert Bruce important to the astral plane and the occult?
05/22/15 (Fri) 07:39:51 No. 40367
same i keep hearing his name popping up when it comes to astral projection
05/22/15 (Fri) 07:59:00 No. 40370
This one goes out to those with knowledge of eastern traditions.
When reincarnating, is it possible to jump timelines and end up on a different earth from the one you'd left? This came to mind due to details of early childhood memory stories of reincarnation being precise up to a point where they wildly deviate from the established history.
05/22/15 (Fri) 10:26:02 No. 40380
I can't direct you to a book but I remember someone posting here that while you're awake your astral body fucks off somewhere and interacts with the astral on its own. It is thus worth learning to control it so that it does some specific tasks that you want it to while not being in direct control of it.
Not that anyone here plays /tg/ games but the W40k universe with its wide range of psykers and a white Imperium of Man is a desired world of /fringe/.
A plane you enter after your death but through practice you can enter it without dying first.
About as real as your mind.
None that I could show you, it's best you try to experience it on your own.
Robert Bruce is often mentioned along side the astral due to his excellent guide to enter the astral.
I doubt it, I think you always reincarnate further down the time since you've developed yourself spiritually in this life and living in the past would teach you little and bring little ennoblement of character.
Then again they say time is an illusion so I'd like to hear someone else share their knowledge on this.
05/22/15 (Fri) 11:39:38 No. 40385
Planescape might be interesting, it has some Discordian elements it.
05/22/15 (Fri) 11:53:01 No. 40386
>and living in the past would teach you little and bring little ennoblement of character
I'm not speaking exclusively of being reborn the past. I meant something more akin to being reborn on an Earth similar to this one yet not quite the same due to some quirks of planetary formation, like a differing number of continents/heavenly bodies and/or altered climate. These quirks then being expressed in the human cultures that occupy that Earth resulting in novel conflicts which cannot ever be experienced on this Earth. You feel me?
05/22/15 (Fri) 12:19:52 No. 40388
that may be possible, in fact you may be reborn not on this planet at all but in another galaxy altogether, no way to know for sure
05/22/15 (Fri) 12:34:59 No. 40392
Peter Jackson's illuminati playing card game.
05/22/15 (Fri) 13:14:34 No. 40395
Raw, Organic Honey is what you want. The clear stuff is stripped of the good stuff. 1/2
05/22/15 (Fri) 14:30:36 No. 40407
Last night I entered sleep paralysis, near me there was a reptilian and a beautiful angel with long blonde hair.
I felt an incredible rush of energy when the angel touched my forehead.
Today I tried to meditate on my chakras and I felt and saw electric buzzes when I focused on my solar plexus.
I feel confused as fuck and I can't focus on my university studies for shit.
What the fuck is happening to me? Hold me /fringe/.
05/22/15 (Fri) 14:52:58 No. 40411
I believe the quote in your picture is the exact opposite of reality. It's easy to find men in this age who will endure infinite suffering but who will never give into death for fear of dying.
05/22/15 (Fri) 14:59:44 No. 40415
What do you think a tortured person would do?
You're being tortured for months, you have the choice to endure the torture for indefinite time, maybe for decades, or to die now.
What would you do?
What would a normie do?
05/22/15 (Fri) 15:10:06 No. 40417
Neville Goddard had a very similar experience . He talked about it in one of his lectures (they're on YouTube )
I forgot the link, but u should read law & promise. Also mental diets and pruning shears of revision
☻ 05/22/15 (Fri) 15:20:31 No. 40422
>tfw just added a whole bunch of books to my library but I'm anxious to just be finished with books and begin muh ascent in earnest
>tfw it's still May and I still have tons of gardening to do
>tfw incredibly tired
05/22/15 (Fri) 15:21:42 No. 40423
I was tortured not for months but for years and I lived because I was too afraid to kill myself.
05/22/15 (Fri) 15:24:21 No. 40424
Do not consume any other sources of sugar than honey except maybe you can eat one or two fruits a day.
Time it so that your brain gets the optimal amount of sugar and you don't just stress your body with muh insulin response all day and night.
If you do this correctly you will experience positive results but if you overload on sugar you're going to suffer.
05/22/15 (Fri) 16:03:59 No. 40431
Did u ever read illuminatus trilogy sniley?
I did and got mindficked pretty Also mademe want to read like 20 more books though
05/22/15 (Fri) 16:12:46 No. 40432
RAW is a saint
my art improved a fuckton after reading his books
05/22/15 (Fri) 17:05:59 No. 40440
I've finished reading the Kybalion, what books should I read, and in what order?
05/22/15 (Fri) 17:23:19 No. 40443
Prometheus Rising first.
05/22/15 (Fri) 17:34:26 No. 40450
You should read The Arcane Teachings right after The Kybalion.
05/22/15 (Fri) 18:23:52 No. 40461
Yeah nah, Wilson is CIA shit and you can read it after you've grounded yourself in actually good books. The FAQ even has a listed order, man. Arcane Teachings and Arcane Formulas
05/22/15 (Fri) 18:34:12 No. 40463
prometheus rising is good, the others i don't know
A New Fag 05/22/15 (Fri) 19:28:17 No. 40483
okay im just wondering what you guys think of this site:
i saw this site once before /fringe/ and i thought it was some satan cult stuff but someone here said that satan was the true creator or something like that. i havent red much into that but in just wondring if the teachings on there are accurate and dont sell my soul or someting okay thanks.
05/22/15 (Fri) 19:29:01 No. 40484
>prometheus rising
How new are you?
05/22/15 (Fri) 19:44:53 No. 40490
How do I fucking stop diverting my attention away from occult books?
I have an awful video game addiction and I am always thinking about reading the books but always divert my attention elsewhere on my computer
05/22/15 (Fri) 19:49:48 No. 40491
why isn't it good in your opinion?
it explains how your brain works
even if you are a wizard, you're confined to a biological body
05/22/15 (Fri) 19:52:07 No. 40492
look into Order of the Nine Angles
if you wanna be edgy, do it right
05/22/15 (Fri) 20:52:41 No. 40528
>looking into the now defunct feminist edgelord organization that was abandoned by its creator who then joined Islam and then renounced Islam later and became a standard secular bluepill
05/22/15 (Fri) 21:19:51 No. 40538
today a girl in class told me i am Christ (no context to this, she just randomly said it)
she gave me a few occult magazines (mostly about demons and initiation)
another kid in class said i am a silent ruler who is plotting
any idea what the significance to this is?
never talked to them before btw
05/22/15 (Fri) 21:22:28 No. 40540
They are mindfucking you, although I can't distinguish the intent.
05/22/15 (Fri) 21:31:21 No. 40547
05/22/15 (Fri) 21:52:26 No. 40553
significance = recruiting you to cult
05/22/15 (Fri) 22:00:17 No. 40554
What do you recommend than?
05/22/15 (Fri) 22:09:19 No. 40557
Just being an >>>/edgy/ lord and reading the books in the library and using the knowledge towards sinister ends.
05/22/15 (Fri) 22:10:15 No. 40558
Every piece of Magickal Knowledge that Joy of Satan has is from Franz Bardon btw.
05/22/15 (Fri) 22:35:19 No. 40569
☻ 05/22/15 (Fri) 23:24:51 No. 40585
Robert Bruce is so fucking annoying and boring holy shit on page 91 of 163 of Psychic Self-Defence and just want to stop reading the book.
This is going to be a real pain to get through.
05/22/15 (Fri) 23:25:08 No. 40586
Through mastery of desire and start doing one-pointedness meditation and now apply it to your reading. Eventually you will have trouble with stopping to eat and sleep and will just desire only to read your books to completion.
05/22/15 (Fri) 23:45:32 No. 40588
Yesterday I ate that "pure honey" right?
And I had a mild headache after that, didn't even like swallowing it.
Then I also had another "Manuka Honey" and I tried that one today, had that slight burn and no headache at all. Tasted pretty good and definitely better than that other golden "pure honey" from China.
05/23/15 (Sat) 00:14:17 No. 40593
This is a good side book to read, it'll take a while to get through it so read it alongside other stuff. It's fun and there's occult gems in there, some obvious ones and some timebombs.
05/23/15 (Sat) 00:16:42 No. 40594
Pimping my mega, it's got 300~gb of material and will be up for another month, download while you can. If you want to buy a voucher to keep it up longer info on how is in the A8) folder!C5wQ1JqZ!ics3BJ1RrVWtCOpA1XZyqw
05/23/15 (Sat) 03:22:56 No. 40640
If you guys are NEET and want mad shekels learn to do this shit then get about $1,000 dollars somehow and invest it all.
All I'm going to say it is works, it's fool-proof, and you can learn it easily right now and start testing yourself to see how good you are at it.
Also that Psychomancy book in the library along with Mind Power will help you too.
05/23/15 (Sat) 03:51:20 No. 40644
Does giving LSD fractal entities loosh even work? One taught me something and it deserves a reward.
05/23/15 (Sat) 03:55:44 No. 40645
Use ixquick instead of Duck Duck Go.
Much more secure.
05/23/15 (Sat) 04:47:13 No. 40647
Why is the dead freedomboard link still in the announcements
05/23/15 (Sat) 06:11:32 No. 40652
05/23/15 (Sat) 06:45:58 No. 40659
That feel when constant moodswings going all over the place unless i focus to make them stop.
If im not careful and just let my thoughts and emotions run wild im gonna get bipolar.
My question is, give me the flag sizes.
05/23/15 (Sat) 06:51:34 No. 40660
How to decalcify pineal gland?
Is there a guide you guys have?
Will I be able to visualise more vividly when the pineal gland is decalcified?
05/23/15 (Sat) 07:38:47 No. 40666
if you believe your pineal gland is calcified, it will stay calcified
the universe is mental
05/23/15 (Sat) 08:44:48 No. 40670
05/23/15 (Sat) 09:54:49 No. 40673
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>40670
I think the stellar man is the best book on the subject but I haven't read it. Its probably in the sticky.
05/23/15 (Sat) 10:09:28 No. 40674
Why not just read books from the authors? Supposedly the fifth way is the complete system of the fourth way, where it's goal, as another anon mentioned, spiritual advancement, egohood without magic, like most of /fringe/ is doing.
Boris Mouravieff books are in >>40594 under montalk recommended reading > Esoteric.
05/23/15 (Sat) 11:13:39 No. 40677
nigga i do magick only to get money and fuck bitches
05/23/15 (Sat) 11:30:21 No. 40678
How to become demonic/vampiric?
I'm an edgy fuck, might as well go all in.
05/23/15 (Sat) 12:05:24 No. 40681
In relation to this:
How do you learn remote viewing? Any books or worthwhile material? Smiley has previously mentioned Atkinson's Psychomancy book in relation to this, but I'd like some other suggestions as well.
I've tried just practical exercises trying to "see" what the next card I shuffle from my taro deck might be, but so far I've had negligible success.
05/23/15 (Sat) 12:14:09 No. 40683
Be sure to passively drain the energy of everyone around you to get dat vampiric loosh.
05/23/15 (Sat) 13:32:58 No. 40689
What effects do steroids have on your magickal abilities?
Extra testosterone and muscles means extra etheric energy, right?
Trenbolone makes people become psychopaths, is Trenbolone demonic?
Also, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a magician, he always said that THE MIND IS EVERYTHING and visualization is crucial for success. Now I understand what he meant. Based Arnie.
05/23/15 (Sat) 15:23:12 No. 40699
Jesus said "The best thing to do with money is to give it to someone who won't give it back."
05/23/15 (Sat) 15:36:52 No. 40700
>Jesus said "The best thing to do with money is to give it to someone who won't give it back."
Sounds like a jew plot to fleece the goyim.
05/23/15 (Sat) 15:39:06 No. 40701
05/23/15 (Sat) 15:48:49 No. 40702
I'm beginning work on sigils. In order to charge and fire off sigils most sources tell me i need to destroy it. I'm looking to create a protection sigil to give to someone, so i dont want to destroy it.
Would the best course of action be to -create, charge and fire off the sigil, then re-draw it on something like a rock or wood to give to the person?
05/23/15 (Sat) 16:07:50 No. 40705
Assuming I just came out of being an ordinary bluepill, are there any specific physical things I should pursue/accomplish before I start getting into somewhat serious magicks?
05/23/15 (Sat) 17:41:01 No. 40717
Is there anything else to the Kybalion other than the Law Of Attraction? If i want, for example, a new drumset so i just think about drums drums drums drums and somehow i will get them? Not that i'm not searching in the physical world, but i have some money issues.
05/23/15 (Sat) 17:58:03 No. 40718
Well if you are serious about it then you should probably go on a good diet (there's an active thread) and start working out. Being outdoors is good for you, i can say for sure. Some more good habits include cold water showering, getting a water filter, but i don't think thats very crucial or overly important.
05/23/15 (Sat) 18:23:31 No. 40720
Well I've been reading things about decalcifying pineal glands and such, and wonderimg how important that was and if there was anything else in tht degree of things I should do.
05/23/15 (Sat) 21:10:45 No. 40727
Okay /fringe/ this has been bugging me for quite some time so I want to know whether or not my theory could be considered correct.
I don't mean to come across as an edgy fuckwad or anything, but theoretically is it possible that Lovecraft's Old Ones do exist because of him? I've been thinking about egregores and godforms lately and I realised that there genuinely are cults out there who worship Lovecraft gods like the Cult of Cthulhu. Coupled with the fact that Lovecraft's been said to of based the Old Ones off of hallucinations (see: astral visions) he had as a child it just makes me think that there might actually be these gods out there now.
05/23/15 (Sat) 21:23:27 No. 40729
The universe is mental.
There is no laws on magick except for what is stated in the Kybalion.
If you can imagine it, than it is real.
05/23/15 (Sat) 21:24:56 No. 40731
What if I imagine that magick isn't real?
05/23/15 (Sat) 21:27:58 No. 40732
Anon didnt mean it like that. You can't imagine away the earth because you're not The All as much as you can't imagine away magick, I believe he was just saying that because there are no rules on magick, what I suggested might hold some ground.
Then again, maybe I'm wrong and it is entirely possible to imagine away magick.
05/23/15 (Sat) 21:29:13 No. 40734
Oh fuck, actually now that I think about it, you probably can. It'd explain why fedoras seem to have very little magickal experiences compared to the average neophyte.
05/23/15 (Sat) 21:34:10 No. 40738
What if the entire world has been imagining magick away for centuries and their will overrides most of you attempts to progress? Perhaps you're trapped on an imagined reality where magick isn't real, but the reality itself is a product of magick.
05/23/15 (Sat) 21:59:14 No. 40742
Actually It could be.
## Board Owner 05/24/15 (Sun) 03:46:24 No. 40776
What should I do about the constant violations of rule 2 that are ruining /fringe/'s quality and the general uncontrolled shitposting of new threads that are utter garbage?
Awhile ago I decided I'd just ban them (they are 10 minute bans) and people would hopefully see all these ban messages and learn but it's not working.
I'm thinking maybe covertly sage them then bump a whole bunch of threads over them.
…or go back to the original method of handling them; just locking or deleting them all.
Also where the fuck are my janitors at? I swear I don't have a single active janitor.
I think a lot of people are disappointed with how /fringe/ has been ever since it got onto the top 25 boards and shitloads of newfigs that can't be fucked to read the stickies and rules started taking massive shits all over the place constantly.
I don't want to censor anyone at all but I need to devise some way to enforce compliance here.
Maybe I could just delete the threads and then repost their questions into the questions thread for them? Then their free-speech isn't violated at all, I basically just moved their shit for them.
05/24/15 (Sun) 03:50:04 No. 40777
I'd think the best coarse of action for not obvious shitposts would be to move them to the questions thread though this does require more work on the janitor's part.
Obvious shitposts should be auto saged but not covertly.
## Board Owner 05/24/15 (Sun) 03:56:02 No. 40780
All auto-saging is covert as far as I know. So that was a redundant statement for me to make.
>them trips
Can you please take a look at the first 5 pages of /fringe/ and tell me which threads you feel need moderator intervention and what you'd do for each given one? (lock, sage, delete, whatever)
05/24/15 (Sun) 04:35:48 No. 40789
I'm willing to be a janitor.
I'll do it for free. :^)
I'm on 8chan all the time. It would be easy for me to come here every 5 minutes and clean up newfigs.
05/24/15 (Sun) 04:45:59 No. 40790
/fringe/ how do I deal with a spider mechanism. I barely scaped it's attack. I can't exactly describe this, but he is inside my tv or in an stral plane part of it. I calmed my soul and did some mediation.
What the fuck do I do in case some of those things reappear???
It this mechanism benign?
Help please, I am a complete neophyte new to the secret arts.
Ex Uno disce Omnes
05/24/15 (Sun) 04:47:02 No. 40791
IS*** this mechanism benign
Typo typo
05/24/15 (Sun) 05:30:42 No. 40795
Which of these two brands of honey are preferable? The former is Don Victor pure honey with comb, it is very good honey. Sticky and clearly has impurities in it, there is no foam. It melts in my tea quite nicely. The latter is Millers organic stuff, when I opened there was foam on top, but the entire mix had the consistency of peanut butter and was very clean. No foam reappeared after mixing it. It melts in my tea almost instantly and makes a tiny bit of a fizzing sound. It is however quite clean and uniform through the mix, not sure if they grind up the whole hive to make it or what. Which brand is preferable? These are the only two available at an affordable price in my area, I can go to another store and probably have more available brands, but the price would probably go north of $10. If neither of these brands are preferable, then which ones should I get?
05/24/15 (Sun) 06:15:05 No. 40802
You really suck at choosing janitors.
05/24/15 (Sun) 06:21:54 No. 40804
Do we really still need that roleplay faggotry thread up?
05/24/15 (Sun) 07:06:05 No. 40805
I am the anon who has "advertised" Fourth/Fifth Way here before.
The Stellar Man, while not strictly "Gurdjieffian", is definitely a recommended read for anyone interested in this paradigm. It touches upon many important subjects and concepts that Fourth/Fifth Way works elaborates on. I recommend it because it is good and very empowering work.
Perhaps this selection of literature is beneficial?
>The Stellar Man by John Baines
>In Search of the Miraculous by P. D. Ouspensky
>Gnosis I/II/III by Boris Mouravieff
And if you want more;
>Views from the Real World
>The Fourth Way
>. . . and other letters/meetings books, check out PDFs, most of the works are in PDF form!!
I wouldn't bother with Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson, it's all obfuscated mambo-jumbo and the content of that book can be found in better understandable works. But that is my opinion.
Yes, the system is very non-magical but highly practical. The goal is indeed to achieve permanent egohood, that is, a permanent state of high consciousness subject to the "Superior I". In John Baines' terminology, you become a Stellar Man, or in 4/5th Way terminology, a Seventh Man, (the highest possible stage of human conscious evolution).
I prefer Fifth Way because it is a lot more comprehensive and factual than Fourth Way. I disagree with Gurdjieff's doctrine that we need to grow souls from the start along with etheric/astral/mental bodies, because we've reincarnated plenty of times to have grown and developed these faculties so there is no need to grow them again - what we need to do is to stimulate them and awaken them.
05/24/15 (Sun) 07:30:39 No. 40807
Thank you
Why is there no fifth way flag? Also, I thought smiley was the board owner
05/24/15 (Sun) 14:41:20 No. 40836
>Maybe I could just delete the threads and then repost their questions into the questions thread for them? Then their free-speech isn't violated at all, I basically just moved their shit for them
I like this idea
05/24/15 (Sun) 14:49:54 No. 40837
>>Maybe I could just delete the threads and then repost their questions into the questions thread for them? Then their free-speech isn't violated at all, I basically just moved their shit for them
Good idea. Do it.
05/24/15 (Sun) 14:50:42 No. 40838
>>Maybe I could just delete the threads and then repost their questions into the questions thread for them? Then their free-speech isn't violated at all, I basically just moved their shit for them
Good idea. Do it.
05/24/15 (Sun) 16:06:25 No. 40840
05/24/15 (Sun) 20:52:17 No. 40863
What does it mean when the Kybalion says "To the pure, all things are pure; to the base, all things are base." ?
05/24/15 (Sun) 21:33:36 No. 40870
I just watched some 2 hour documentary on how badly the goverments (or Jews if you like) are influencing our civilization. What's their ultimate goal? I mean, i don't see how they want to get richer and richer because they already own so much money they don't need more.
05/24/15 (Sun) 21:39:50 No. 40873
It's all about the loosh.
05/24/15 (Sun) 21:40:54 No. 40874
If i understood correctly, loosh can be used to power thoughtforms, egregores and the like?
05/24/15 (Sun) 21:57:47 No. 40880
Reality is a mirror, the base are blind to the pure and the pure see the purity in the base.
☻ 05/25/15 (Mon) 01:13:22 No. 40889
>can be used
Not just "can be used" but is absolutely essential to powering them.
☻ 05/25/15 (Mon) 01:14:03 No. 40890
Post a 16x16 fifth way flag if you want it added.
Sage 05/25/15 (Mon) 02:39:52 No. 40908
based, add these smiley
☻ 05/25/15 (Mon) 02:56:38 No. 40912
Can you make a set of these that are more visible against the background of posts on /fringe/?
05/25/15 (Mon) 03:02:05 No. 40913
05/25/15 (Mon) 03:51:00 No. 40924
Raw and Organic Honey is preferable to one who knows the virtue of honey and seeks to bring into practice the consumption of that honey which is most virtuous.
05/25/15 (Mon) 03:55:00 No. 40925
To one who has made himself thus-pure, the path from baseness-to-purity is revealed and thus all things are seen in degrees of "pure" and "purity-in-potential" and one sees the inherent purity in the infinite paths infinite people travel to that self-similar destination.
To the base, to the liars, etc. they can see NAUGHT which is not base, deceptive, etc. They have no basis for understanding something which is unlike themselves.
"Know yourself and know the universe."
None can understand, truly, that which transcends the amount to which they have understood their life.
05/25/15 (Mon) 04:03:39 No. 40933
I have a theory about that. Probably they're using the massive loosh they got to create an extremely powerful sentient thoughtform (their false messiah/antichrist thingy)
05/25/15 (Mon) 05:09:27 No. 40953
Does alcohol remove sobriety?
Does heroin remove sobriety?
Does coffee remove sobriety?
Does tobacco remove sobriety?
Does marijuana remove sobriety?
Does opiates remove sobriety?
Does sugar remove sobriety?
Does atheism remove sobriety?
Does any form of media remove sobriety?
Does any appetite of the flesh remove sobriety?
is sobriety simply to be satisfied on truth and wisdom alone? And to accept no substitute?
What is it to be sober and thoughtful?
What substances remove the status of sober and what resources will bring a being closer to sobriety?
Be it allegorical, be it exact
05/25/15 (Mon) 06:46:31 No. 40959
Anybody interested in my writings here?
05/25/15 (Mon) 06:47:25 No. 40960
I suppose true sobriety is contentment with your own existence. i.e. being purely self reliant in gaining happiness and pleasure rather than needing material sustenance.
Modern living is literally cancerous.
05/25/15 (Mon) 06:48:39 No. 40961
fucking 8chan is borked I have to double click a post to reply to it now?
>>40953 see >>40960
05/25/15 (Mon) 08:41:57 No. 40965
How to improve visualization?
I want to visualize very vividly.
05/25/15 (Mon) 10:17:28 No. 40969
Would very much like it megad or rared if you felt like it.
05/25/15 (Mon) 12:51:53 No. 40973
through regular practice with occasional increases in complexity
05/25/15 (Mon) 13:04:53 No. 40976
Yes, I'll put it on my mega under friends of fringe if you want, is there a name you want associated with it?
05/25/15 (Mon) 13:06:25 No. 40977
Any name would work fine. Appreciate it.
05/25/15 (Mon) 14:30:36 No. 40981
upload it to mega so I can mirror it
05/25/15 (Mon) 15:48:38 No. 40988
>Trolling and Flaming - "No life accusations"
Judging by the number of essays you wrote about irrelevant subjects, I'd say those accusations are founded in reality.
05/25/15 (Mon) 15:53:11 No. 40989
Where do I get loosh? Don't get me wrong, i want to know about doing magic but i'm not used to reading books. It's just too much bullshit without getting to the point.
05/25/15 (Mon) 17:30:08 No. 41001
What are the limits of astral projection? Can I visit places like chernobyl and haunted houses? Currently doing the 90 day course, looking to see some results soon.
05/25/15 (Mon) 17:35:08 No. 41003
Magic is based on lifetimes of reading my friend, loosh is recieved when you cause anyone to feel an emotion. Loosh is given when someone causes you to feel an emotion. Become proficcient with auras, they'll help stop loosh leaks.
05/25/15 (Mon) 17:55:51 No. 41005
Is it to be sober to know that satisfaction is achieved within with your own hands, and your own work and not in the hands and work of others?
To find satisfaction where ever life may take you because it is your will that ultimately allows you to feel and know that satisfaction?
An example from my past: it is not sober to feel heart broken and smoke away all the pain and emotion
But it is sober to know my past, and to know myself, and know my work which brings me satisfaction on my own accord and to seek to and see through my works to fruition?
05/25/15 (Mon) 18:01:26 No. 41009
I pray for understanding by the immortal. I have no desire to spend eternity with the darkness.
But in the back of my mind I fear that this society is built around trapping every last soul from ever reaching immortality. Despite all efforts I fear that this system is the doom of us all. Which is why I work so hard and why I ask if what I might be doing will be fruitless.
05/25/15 (Mon) 18:15:18 No. 41014
So who set up this "Charlie charlie challenge?"
Some smart loosh farmer?
It's going all around twitter and the world and everyone is dumping their loosh on it, someone give me some insight.
05/25/15 (Mon) 20:36:44 No. 41037
So controlling emotions (feeling nothing) is containing and keeping your loosh? Is that why people who don't have sex until 30 are considered wizards?
05/25/15 (Mon) 22:45:26 No. 41043
hey lads
I had an idea question. Has anyone ever used greentexting as a form of reality creation or LoA?
For instance, I want a certain event to occure, so I go to a cuckchan thread that would be relevant (bigger user base/more loosh). I greentext out what I want to happen as if it has already happened. Maybe loosh from readers/replies can help fuel it? or would it be too minimal?
Has anyone tried this before? would this even work in theory?
tl;dr greentext as a method of LoA
05/25/15 (Mon) 22:49:58 No. 41044
Try the ones that I posted in white idk if they look good but i guess they would look good :)
05/25/15 (Mon) 23:22:50 No. 41045
>be me
>be super rich
>also mega wizard in the astral
>top 10 aesthetics
05/25/15 (Mon) 23:38:42 No. 41047
Well not that broad of a topic, but more of outlining a specific timeline opposed to fuck bitches make money.
05/26/15 (Tue) 00:35:38 No. 41069
If it was that simple all those internet badasses would become ubermen IRL and all those tumblr landwhales yelling "I'm beautiful" all day would shape into goddess.
Magick isn't just stating something, although words are a powerful component. You need to manifest your will.
05/26/15 (Tue) 01:17:21 No. 41073
good answer, thanks lad
Indoor plants 05/26/15 (Tue) 02:36:31 No. 41080
What plants are recommended for filtering the air, providing oxygen, and providing general ambiance for practicing magick.
Bonus points if they do not require much sunlight to thrive.
05/26/15 (Tue) 02:43:47 No. 41081
Hey Fellas, skeptic here
So what particular experience did you have with magick that "solidified" it in your mind? As in, what truly convinced you at first that is is a real process that works?
05/26/15 (Tue) 03:06:47 No. 41084
For my answer send me loosh!
Think of my post and send me as much as your emotion as you can!
05/26/15 (Tue) 03:15:48 No. 41086
Uhhhhh…….consider yourself thoroughly looshed!
05/26/15 (Tue) 04:45:50 No. 41098
Can anyone explain any of the occurences in this thread?
05/26/15 (Tue) 07:17:12 No. 41113
You're not going to be spoonfed here.
05/26/15 (Tue) 07:56:19 No. 41116
one time I was doing some meditation/rituals for lols and felt what I later found out to be astral projection symptoms such as increased heartbeat, intense heat and what I thought back then were hallucinations.
Science couldn't quite explain my experience but I've found that meditation has a direct effect on brain waves and started seriously researching the occult. Shortly after I did some other experiments that completely solidified my belief in the power of the mind.
too many for me to read though but I can only make educated guesses from greentext stories.
it can be a whole range of things from satanic sex cults to aliens manifesting in woods to do their rituals.
05/26/15 (Tue) 09:35:55 No. 41124
I don't even need all this loosh
05/26/15 (Tue) 09:43:00 No. 41126
Thanks for the power of CHAOS
05/26/15 (Tue) 09:47:25 No. 41129
I'll keep this golden apple forever and it's your fault for gifting me. You have no idea what you have just done but it was my plan all along.
05/26/15 (Tue) 13:55:00 No. 41143
Does anybody else find themselves searching the internet a lot… for something?
I don't know what I'm looking for, something that will get me out of this, something that will bring me closer to Heaven. I'm looking, searching, trying to find.
05/26/15 (Tue) 14:21:59 No. 41144
My guess is that you're pretty sad like most of people coming here that aren't satisfied with their life and seek enlightenment.
And now for my question: If the universe really does react to our thoughts, then how do i make it react even more drastically? I've noticed if i change my thoughts to be more positive, i get a similar response from the outside world (feel better, do things better, etc.). How do i get to the wacky level when whatever i think of, happens? I mean is it just having a ton of loosh and directing them to your thoughts/thoughtforms or something else?
05/26/15 (Tue) 14:40:13 No. 41145
>How do i get to the wacky level when whatever i think of, happens? I mean is it just having a ton of loosh and directing them to your thoughts/thoughtforms or something else?
Tune yourself to the world and try not to lose your mind.
05/26/15 (Tue) 14:44:54 No. 41146
You didn't answer my question
05/26/15 (Tue) 16:19:13 No. 41153
Ignore him he's a roleplayer. I'm a neophyte but if you haven't watched it already - this should open your mind to the possibilities
05/26/15 (Tue) 16:20:36 No. 41155
While attempting to astral project, I began feeling a significant pressure in the center of my forehead. It felt like someone was drilling through my skull, I'm fairly sure this was my third eye trying to open, how do I open it? The feeling ended up going away after a while.
05/26/15 (Tue) 16:37:15 No. 41156
When you're sync'd up to the world you'll get thoughts about things before they happen as well as influence things with thought, which is what I meant by try not to lose your mind getting confused over which is which.
I don't know the answer, I think it just kinda happens as you progress.
05/26/15 (Tue) 16:42:13 No. 41158
well be more descriptive next time ya dip
05/26/15 (Tue) 16:54:49 No. 41161
What do you think you see here?
05/26/15 (Tue) 17:23:34 No. 41163
This is roughly what I see. A short, demonic, hooded figure.
05/26/15 (Tue) 18:06:03 No. 41166
where do the hallucinations come from when you take drugs? are they just illusions? i've heard the worst hallucinations you get are from jimson weed, and im not to keen to try it
05/26/15 (Tue) 18:55:21 No. 41167
Why You Should Not Smoke Weed or do a Keto Diet
>Nightmares a fairly common, if you remember them you might have overactive systems related to choline. Try an anticholinergic drug to help settle you down. If you have legal access to medical marijuana, this is one of it's medical uses, THC reduces REM and dream recall.
>A last resort would be for an adult to try a ketogenic diet, as this can reduce REM and increase SWS. If you are unsure about any of this just talk to a trusted doctor.
05/26/15 (Tue) 18:56:13 No. 41168
They are not illusions/hallucinations they are thoughtforms from the astral. The drugs are basically killing you and dislodging your consciousness from its physical body and that's letting you see astral phenomena. You should learn to achieve astral-states without the use of drugs.
05/26/15 (Tue) 18:58:24 No. 41169
05/26/15 (Tue) 18:59:59 No. 41170
You can do that while awake? I thought the only way was to do it in your sleep
05/26/15 (Tue) 19:05:13 No. 41173
Thoughts on Moon Matrix/Soul Recycling?
Do Atkinson's books mention that?
## Board Owner 05/26/15 (Tue) 19:07:13 No. 41174
>tfw there's like 5 new question threads every single day now
05/26/15 (Tue) 19:07:43 No. 41176
You can connect to the astral awake or asleep it doesn't matter both work.
05/26/15 (Tue) 19:08:48 No. 41177
Do i have to do it sleeping before i can do it awake?
05/26/15 (Tue) 19:12:17 No. 41179
No but doing it awhile awake is more advanced and dangerous and you might not be able to just leave the 4D state. If you want a safe compromise between the two make a magic mirror (Read Atkinson's Psychomancy & Crystal Gazing book and also Franz Bardon wrote how to make one and there's an article by Tom Montalk about how to do it as well) and use that to scry into the astral while keeping it safely contained within the mirror.
05/26/15 (Tue) 19:13:26 No. 41180
It did seem more difficult and risky for me, thanks.
05/26/15 (Tue) 19:29:26 No. 41182
For me it's not more difficult at all but I am an initiate and I've practised for a long time to get to where I'm at.
05/26/15 (Tue) 19:36:23 No. 41183
But what's the worst thing that can happen to me if i do it while awake?
05/26/15 (Tue) 19:50:13 No. 41185
Well, what do you think could happen to you while you're basically dreaming while awake and also they can influence EMF (electromagnetic fields) and disrupt and destroy any electronics around you, hurt you, throw objects at you, cause you to crash a car, possess you, etc.
Usually when doing evocation you make a magic circle either to stand in yourself and the entity can't get through or you do it the Tibetan style and you evoke the entity within a circle it's contained in.
If it's a nice entity you can let it out after you trust it.
…and if you feel like taking risks you can always evoke a companion, guide, or whatever that will accompany you anywhere and not be restricted in its movements at all.
The worst that can happen basically is you die, end up in a mental institution, get confused what is astral and what is physical, get possessed, etc.
This shit is High Magick man. It's best to prepare a long time for it.
05/26/15 (Tue) 19:53:21 No. 41187
I thought it was that way, because i asked this question and it sorta explains why we behave the way we behave on drugs
and the answer >>41168
05/26/15 (Tue) 19:56:49 No. 41188
If you've read a shitload of occult books like me you'll see a common theme repeated over & over; those people who are most skilled in astral projection appear to be dead while doing AP and basically are, temporarily, dead.
05/26/15 (Tue) 19:59:36 No. 41190
reading is death for me, i usually start reading and go about other business on the computer ;_;
Meditation 05/26/15 (Tue) 20:02:05 No. 41191
First time poster here, I'm planning on doing some meditation tonight. The inner journey through my mind and serenity is what appeals me most.
Do you guys have any tips or guides on how to practice my first meditation?
05/26/15 (Tue) 20:02:15 No. 41192
I don't think you understand me anon. A person who has astral projected, if someone walks into the room and sees them, they are pale as fuck and don't appear to be breathing and look like they're dead.
05/26/15 (Tue) 20:03:01 No. 41193
05/26/15 (Tue) 20:03:23 No. 41194
what do you mean i don't understand you, im saying that im not used to reading so reading alot of occult books like you is hard for me. it's sort of a digression that has nothing to do with the convo
05/26/15 (Tue) 20:56:42 No. 41213
I'm almost entirely sure that all imageboards are moderated and controlled by the same faggots
It's not safe to post on the Internet or read anything on the Internet anymore.
05/26/15 (Tue) 21:04:43 No. 41216
Whatever you do, just don't go into the light when you die.
05/26/15 (Tue) 23:03:26 No. 41260
If magic is real, why does nobody use it?
Enter the Void (2009) 05/26/15 (Tue) 23:47:58 No. 41264
"Basically, when you die your spirit leaves your body, actually at first you can see all your life, like reflected in a magic mirror. Then you start floating like a ghost, you can see anything happening around you, you can hear everything but you can't communicate. Then you see lights, lights of all different colours, these lights are the doors that pull you into other planes of existence, but most people actually like this world so much, that they don't want to be taken away, so the whole thing turns into a bad trip, and the only way out is to get reincarnated."
05/27/15 (Wed) 01:05:13 No. 41269
That's good. Jesus said "Seek and ye shall find." So your seeking guarantees that you will find that thing in a finite amount of time.
05/27/15 (Wed) 01:40:40 No. 41276
The Veil blocks people from using it. Along with religions. Humanity made some huge mistakes in the past, and the Veil was created to stop people from using magick. Along with the veil, there are people who do not want that sort of power to fall into the hands of the masses.
Lord Quabala✘Confusus !MerZyl9pb. 05/27/15 (Wed) 02:10:57 No. 41279
If you mean the enigma of the mind by "the veil" then you're wrongly correct.
It was created at the end of the last cycle of chaos and control. or was it the cycle before? Perhaps,maybe not.
The forces that seek control use it to lead this species.
It's a pointless fight though,in the end we already won.
More and more people are waking up because of their pretty funny delusions.
05/27/15 (Wed) 02:34:01 No. 41285
Your assumption that nobody uses magick is completely wrong.
05/27/15 (Wed) 03:39:40 No. 41297
When I was younger I and I visualized stuff there was always a grid around it and these weird mental feelings, at one point I willed it to be broken and it has never returned. Tf did I do /fringe/
05/27/15 (Wed) 04:12:55 No. 41304
You and your consciousness broke through a wall of emotion.
some barriers are physically present
this wall was made up in your mind
I congratulate you on your success
05/27/15 (Wed) 04:26:31 No. 41305
Grids are useful for thoughtforming. They define a space and open it up to work in. You can recreate it again by an act of will. All thoughtforms, including your grid, are made out of loosh/emotions.
Why the fuck would you interpret a grid thoughtform as a wall/barrier?
05/27/15 (Wed) 04:58:49 No. 41314
I don't know whether I should respond genuinely to people who curse at me or genuinely take to heart what those who curse at anonymous persons.
Perhaps I interpreted a grid as a wall at the perspective of looking down or up
A grid can be oriented in any vertical or horizontal plane and all angles In between.
I am of the understanding that in the English language such vague uses of words is entirely possible and acceptable in non-formal communications such as an image board discussion
Perhaps I am bold with my liberal uses of words.
Perhaps I am hungry for mundane loosh subconsciously
None the less it's rude to curse, anon.
Unsymemetrical Eyebrows 05/27/15 (Wed) 05:07:08 No. 41318
My right eyelid is smaller than my left eyelid, this might not really be noticeable so I don't mind as much as my fucking right eyebrow.
This right eyebrow is raised higher than my left, and makes me look hideous.
How do I fix this?
Please help ;-;
05/27/15 (Wed) 05:08:08 No. 41320
>None the less it's rude to curse, anon.
05/27/15 (Wed) 05:09:24 No. 41321
I was excited that someone replied but it seems it wasn't aimed at me :/
05/27/15 (Wed) 05:24:07 No. 41322
"Attempting to loosh farm the Wizard (Erisian) is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon; it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory."
05/27/15 (Wed) 05:32:00 No. 41323
Step 1) Acquire loosh
Step 2) Imagine yourself in the image that you wish to become
Step 3) Cut your hair and sport bangs that cover your eyebrows
05/27/15 (Wed) 05:44:34 No. 41324
05/27/15 (Wed) 06:01:24 No. 41325
>all of this butthurt
05/27/15 (Wed) 06:03:55 No. 41327
So much Eris… I need the full collection! Upload it all to mega!
05/27/15 (Wed) 06:04:18 No. 41328
I already have my hair in a way that it can cover an eyebrow, which makes me look normal.
Will work on step 1 and 2.
How to acquire lots of loosh btw?
05/27/15 (Wed) 06:18:53 No. 41329
>How to acquire lots of loosh btw?
Generate emotions and participate in events where emotions are generated en masse and create thoughtforms and find ways to link them to your emotions and then to other sources of emotion, other people, etc.
Also loosh is obtained from diet too. Raw honey, raw milk (preferably goat's milk), nectar, blood… these are extremely high in concentrations of etheric energy (a baser form of loosh).
Read about loosh on
05/27/15 (Wed) 11:32:53 No. 41347
Hi guys I was wondering if you can help me.
I've heard of chakras and how you can generate and pass energy up from the root chakra all the way up to the crown chakra and doing so is how you achieve a tantric orgasm.
Everynow and then I've always liked to test whether I can correctly guess lottery numbers.
Two methods I have tried is closing my eyes and trying to "see into the distance" of the blackness and see which shapes form and look for numbers in those shapes.
The other method I have tried is going over each number and pausing and waiting to see if I get any feeling in my root chakra/Pubococcygeus muscle.
I've had little success with the first method but have had an above average success rate with the second method.
I was wondering if you knew of anything that might increase the signal I get from my root chakra or Pubococcygeus muscle when engaging in the second method as I believe the stronger the signal the easier it will be to "divine" the correct numbers.
P.S. I don't know if doing this is against your boards rules or "magical ethics". If so then please ignore.
05/27/15 (Wed) 12:05:40 No. 41351
most people here don't give much of a shit about ethics.
magic is a force of nature like fire, it can burn but it can also warm you up depending on how you apply it. some people here frown on magic that hurts mundanes and allows the wizard to indulge his base desires but other than that everything goes.
In regards to your question the reason why you've had bad results with the first method is your eager desire for the result, just let it go and blank out your mind while having faith that the number will come to you.
Going into a trance should help you with the second method too but specifically get into the habit of doing chakra meditations, those should make the signals clearer.
There are heaps of tutorials online but the gist of it is you must fill the respective area with its specifically coloured energy and spin it rapidly causing you to feel a sensation in that area.
Read the meditation superthread and apply things like quiet mind meditation to further get in tune with your energies. I can't remember where I read it but you're basically using the water style of waiting for the number to come to you, there's also the fire way of willing the number to become the winning one as well as an akashic way which combines the two. Practice on a random number generator between 1-9 and try to get a feel of how you can will a number to appear but try to keep a clear an leveled head for as long as possible. As soon as you get excited from getting the right numbers you lose concentration and everything goes to shit.
05/27/15 (Wed) 15:12:11 No. 41376
File: 1432739531788.jpg (19.18 KB, 200x311, 200:311, 200px-PrometheusRisingCove….jpg )
05/27/15 (Wed) 16:19:26 No. 41382
Only if you actually do the exercises.
05/27/15 (Wed) 16:58:43 No. 41385
Are Will and Desire independent of the mind?
05/27/15 (Wed) 18:36:21 No. 41393
>Two methods I have tried is closing my eyes and trying to "see into the distance" of the blackness and see which shapes form and look for numbers in those shapes.
That's literally how you do psychomancy in a rough way you know. You really should read Atkinson's book on Psychomancy right now and see if it helps you with further efforts along these lines.
>P.S. I don't know if doing this is against your boards rules or "magical ethics". If so then please ignore.
You can literally spam gore and do whatever the fuck you want as long as you're not creating new threads to do it. All of the board rules only apply to the creation of new threads.
05/27/15 (Wed) 18:38:30 No. 41394
I really don't even understand your question and what you mean by it. I guess I'll just answer with All is Mind .
05/27/15 (Wed) 18:48:11 No. 41396
>You can literally spam gore and do whatever the fuck you want as long as you're not creating new threads to do it. All of the board rules only apply to the creation of new threads.
would you let your board be spammed????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
05/27/15 (Wed) 18:54:19 No. 41398
…well, the spammers always tire themselves out, and lose motivation to keep going when I just don't give a shit.
Even though we let spammers spam we rarely ever get spam here.
05/27/15 (Wed) 19:42:55 No. 41407
After reading almost a hundred of greenpill books and practicing for years, I came to a conclusion.
99.99999% of the shit out there is pure garbage.
Everything you need is right under your eyes all the time:
1. The Kybalion
2. The Arcane Teachings
3. The Arcane Formulas (tl:dr you're Will and Awareness, not more, not less)
4. The Science of Breath (tl:dr do complete breaths)
5. Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic
6. Psychomancy
7. Mental Influence
1. Initation Into Hermetics
1. Magical Use of Thought Forms
2. Chasing Phantoms to get thought form ideas
Don't spend time fucking around with
gnostic shit (stellar man, montalk, spooky theories about the ayy lmaos and shit like that)
psychological stuff (robert anton wilson,
chaos magick (oh god, all the books out there on chaos magick are crap made by non-initiated fuckers)
cryptic stuff (fuck you aleister crowley)
niche stuff (satanists, lhp edgelords etc.)
And remember, practice is 95% of this journey.
If you know how to do 1 thing you know how to do anything.
05/27/15 (Wed) 19:51:56 No. 41417
Doesn't Chasing Phantoms get you attacked by ayy lmaos or something?
05/27/15 (Wed) 19:57:41 No. 41426
Nah, this is only if you're in a downward spiral like smileyberg, then you'll get attacked by entities anyway.
As long as you're not vibrating in negative frequencies 24/7 and have a couple wards in place you can study in peace.
05/27/15 (Wed) 20:08:35 No. 41432
Don't worry man.
Even if they come, that would be just confirm that magick is real to a neophyte.
05/27/15 (Wed) 20:08:54 No. 41433
would just confirm*
05/27/15 (Wed) 20:30:39 No. 41441
What about Robert Bruce, Carlos Castaneda and The Book of Knowledge?
05/27/15 (Wed) 20:36:17 No. 41442
Turns out I'm shit at pdf searching and can't find Atkinson's The Mystery of Sex or Sex Polarity''. Could anyone please share it?
In a sense. Guess it might be more intense for fags from the Americas, all I got was more invasive thoughtforms and frequent energy draining for a while, so go figure. Interesting book nonetheless.
05/27/15 (Wed) 20:37:43 No. 41443
Ever since I started reading The Kybalion I'm getting so many synchronicities. Why?
05/27/15 (Wed) 20:39:52 No. 41445
Because it was something spiritually significant.
05/27/15 (Wed) 21:18:00 No. 41463
>don't bother with Robert Anton Wilson
I don't care how much of a master wizard you are, if you don't go through this or a similar system you're simply an automated robot with no will or awareness of your own. Knowing how to throw energy around doesn't suddenly make you capable of seeing your own bullshit and delusions as evidenced by this entire board.
05/27/15 (Wed) 21:45:08 No. 41477
Kybalion page 67:
"And occultists know that that which is known to them as “Spiritual Power” may be employed for evil as well as good ends (in accordance with the Principle of Polarity), a fact which has been recognized by the majority of religions in their conceptions of Satan, Beelzebub, the Devil, Lucifer, Fallen Angels, etc. And so the knowledge regarding these Planes has been kept in the Holy of Holies in all Esoteric Fraternities and Occult Orders,— in the Secret Chamber of the Temple. But this may be said here, that those who have attained high spiritual powers and have misused them, have a terrible fate in store for them, and the swing of the pendulum of Rhythm will inevitably swing them back to the furthest extreme of Material existence, from which point they must retrace their steps Spiritward, along the weary rounds of The Path, but always with the added torture of having always with them a lingering memory of the heights from which they fell owing to their evil actions. The legends of the Fallen Angels have a basis in actual facts, as all advanced occultists know. The striving for selfish power on the Spiritual Planes inevitably results in the selfish soul losing its spiritual balance and falling back as far as it had previously risen. But to even such a soul, the opportunity of a return is given—and such souls make the return journey, paying the terrible penalty according to the invariable Law."
Inevitable? INEVITABLE?
05/27/15 (Wed) 21:46:44 No. 41478
Not him but I've been reading through Robert Bruce and I'm just disappointed in him. His stuff is extremely low-level and basic and not that useful. I will probably write up a summary of everything he has written soon once I'm done reading his garbage. The tl;dr of all the energy stuff is to use a bunch of awareness-actions with intent on your body.
05/27/15 (Wed) 21:48:00 No. 41480
>Atkinson's The Mystery of Sex or Sex Polarity''. Could anyone please share it?
See: ( >>31562 )
05/27/15 (Wed) 22:07:18 No. 41488
Now you know why we scoff at edgefags.
05/27/15 (Wed) 22:10:30 No. 41489
The irony.
I'm getting way to many synchronicities here.
05/27/15 (Wed) 22:40:54 No. 41498
To be frank, I'm not entirely fond of most of his work myself but his treatment of the 8 circuit model of consciousness in Prometheus Rising is priceless because it includes exercises to get you started in gaining true awareness. It's basic, yes, but that's exactly why it is so good.
05/27/15 (Wed) 22:41:41 No. 41500
Oh fuck, I misread the quote and the name, thought you were responding to the Robert Wilson post. I better go to sleep.
05/28/15 (Thu) 04:52:51 No. 41530
Robert Bruce = fat noob faggot. Ignore. IIH does it better.
Book of Knowledge is kinda cool. I get terrible negatives vibes when reading it. Something's fucked up with the writer.
Didn't read castaneda.
I've obviously read everything he wrote, but I already was self-aware as fuck.
Prometheus Rising is okay if you have a couple of hours to spare.
05/28/15 (Thu) 05:01:46 No. 41532
I'm reading through Book of Knowledge currently, and also notice that I feel weird reading it, almost as if the writer was lying? I'm only reading it for the exercises rather than his worldview on "The One!".
Should probably start IIH if I want exercises.
Do you have any other training books like IIH you'd recommend?
05/28/15 (Thu) 06:40:33 No. 41536
bumpin, also just cheqdem
I've been doing a bit of reading but I haven't found a book that gets into wards, what would you recommend? I'm about to overhaul my studies and would like to set some of those up
05/28/15 (Thu) 08:18:49 No. 41544
How do I will things into existence with 100% reliability. I want to make it happen like I can in lucid dreams, but when I'm awake.
05/28/15 (Thu) 08:30:36 No. 41545
Hi /fringe/. Any tips/guide that I should follow on summoning a succubus?
05/28/15 (Thu) 13:35:34 No. 41554
Who else here has given up on the occult?
I haven't gotten any tangible benefits, in the end it just seems to be self-help/psychiatrisy with spooks.
05/28/15 (Thu) 13:50:01 No. 41557
me, after reading everything i could put my hands on
it just isn't worth it
make money, lift, fuck bitches, have fun and when you die you'll have lived a better life than any "occultist"
05/28/15 (Thu) 14:49:44 No. 41562
What do I need to know about caffeine and meditation? Does it stop the good effects of it?
05/28/15 (Thu) 14:51:14 No. 41563
Anyone /iot/ here? How long did it take them to get back to you about your application? I applied a little over a week ago and I figure it will be a couple weeks, but I'd like to know how long to expect.
05/28/15 (Thu) 15:07:25 No. 41564
Couple of hours to spare? The exercises would take much longer even if you ignore the basic shit a magician would've already experienced. It's the exercises that matter, intellectually absorbing the theory does fuck all.
Not to mention you can create your own relevant exercises if you're more advanced. Wilson does assume a too basic level of the reader but that's why it's an entry level thing.
05/28/15 (Thu) 16:19:29 No. 41566
File: 1432829969994.png (80.64 KB, 300x422, 150:211, principiadiscordia.png~ori….png )
>It's the exercises that matter, intellectually absorbing the theory does fuck all.
I disagree, I think that's the ghost of wilson talking through you. You don't need to willfully create your own exercises to absorb the message meaningfully you'll end up doing that by applying what you've read to your life.
Not to mention there's enough blinds in his stuff to have you knock yourself out with the meaning behind it instead of coming across the meat of it by doing the exercises. Although this is considerably more painful.
This is why he's a geurilla ontologist, do the exercises and you have the experience, absorb it intellectually or as a meme and you risk getting hurt by the experiences that follow.
Repeat the memes of discordianism at someone and you're asking for an (unpleasent) headfuck.
05/28/15 (Thu) 16:54:41 No. 41572
Considering that we're talking about active development, it would make more sense in the context to go all the way with your very own boot camp on the matter and then going into life with that training instead of relying on info that you read somewhere years ago.
I still hold that the experience is vital and the intellectuality meaningless but that's probably because I'm personally trying to emphasize that as a balancing act against my bias towards empty intellectualism.
05/28/15 (Thu) 17:11:10 No. 41573
Actually, don't know why I'd give up on the importance of the exercises so easily. Let's try that again.
Imagine going into a fight and having two possible previous backgrounds - you've practiced fighting from info in a book or you've simply read the book. There's people who've become decent by practicing something from a book but nobody has ever learned a practical skill just by reading about it.
In the same vein nobody has learned math by reading about it nor has anyone helped himself by reading a self help book while sitting on his ass.
Intellectual absorption is only the very first step of understanding.
05/28/15 (Thu) 17:14:34 No. 41574
What is /fringe/s stance about nofap?
05/28/15 (Thu) 17:44:47 No. 41576
>Repeat the memes of discordianism at someone and you're asking for an (unpleasent) headfuck.
What does this mean? Eris will fuck with me?
05/28/15 (Thu) 17:54:30 No. 41577
No fap is good. Resisting fapping is a good test of Will.
05/28/15 (Thu) 17:57:58 No. 41578
How do I will things into reality guys? Fast and good.
05/28/15 (Thu) 18:01:33 No. 41579
05/28/15 (Thu) 18:02:05 No. 41580
Eris will act through people around you. And she will make you grayfaced. It will become a bad joke at your expense.
Except this isn't fighting or math, it's much more intrinsic to our nature. The books and reflection alone can be enough if you practise the general principle.
A lot of the exercises are cheap compared to practising the general principle and piercing behind "Wilson's" veil.
05/28/15 (Thu) 18:02:24 No. 41581
That is the only way to get better.
So try things out, sigils, gnosis meditation, whatever the fuck you want.
If it works, then keep doing it. The more you do it the better you get.
05/28/15 (Thu) 18:03:10 No. 41582
What does it mean being 'grayfaced'?
05/28/15 (Thu) 18:06:43 No. 41583
Read the principia discordia.
Also look into the history of discordianism (google adam gorightly), it was full of pranks, mindfucks and inside jokes which are not the fluffy nice picture you get from a light reading/interpretation of discordianism.
They're not on your side, don't identify with them. "Think for yourself schmuck."
05/28/15 (Thu) 18:06:43 No. 41584
What works for literally everyone? I'd like to start with the universal best. I know there is one.
05/28/15 (Thu) 18:09:26 No. 41586
Hard work, effort and real world application.
05/28/15 (Thu) 18:09:54 No. 41587
Thank you. I'll keep far away from that stuff.
05/28/15 (Thu) 18:11:30 No. 41588
What if you just want Eris on your side?
05/28/15 (Thu) 18:14:29 No. 41589
You want the god of chaos on your side.
That doesn't make sense.
05/28/15 (Thu) 18:15:18 No. 41590
Impossible and futile.
It's not the material you need to stay away from, it's the spirit behind it.
Eris is a principle, an archetype. If you want Eris on your side you're courting a phantom. Eris is a trickster, do you fit in socially enough to understand every trick in the book? Do you stick apart enough to understand every trick that isn't written in the book?
If you adopt the right attitude you can probably get her on your side. Adopt the wrong attitude and people will fuck with you because of it and your life will become a chaotic hell.
05/28/15 (Thu) 18:27:58 No. 41591
Chaos is better than boredom.
Evoke Eris often and just have fun.
05/28/15 (Thu) 18:47:27 No. 41593
I've pretty much been an non-studying occultfag my entire life; but once I AP'd in a dream and was writing/talking about the orthodox church to a girl; whilst writing on near-by walls in greek. I was talking about how the Catholic Christ wasn't actually true/real, but the one worshipped through the orthodox faith was the one that would help her and love her.
For whatever reason, I remembered thinking that the word for church in greek looked like 'ekkanoia'.
>mfw I googled it
>mfw I had another spontaneous AP dream and learned some old english
05/28/15 (Thu) 18:52:34 No. 41594
05/28/15 (Thu) 18:55:06 No. 41595
The second dream seemed like a memory of a past life (it was in a forest with people wearing saxon clothing I think? I walking with a man discussing our gods). Both dreams involved knowledge that I had no previous awarement of/interest in; so how would I know other languages? Past lives maybe?
05/28/15 (Thu) 19:02:31 No. 41596
Good, because I'm going for a nofap June
05/28/15 (Thu) 19:46:28 No. 41601
Okay, I can get behind this argument of practicing the general principle. The reason he stressed the exercises seems to be because he knew most people would be too lazy to do exactly that.
05/28/15 (Thu) 21:43:07 No. 41619
I think the 8 circuit model is a good model to understand in theory regardless to be honest.
I also think most young people these days understand the message already or are at least half way there making some of the exercises redundant. Neophytes could do with the exercises, so could people who have genuine experience who could do with some skepticism, but there's a breed who don't really need it as such, though I'm sure all could benefit from it.
05/28/15 (Thu) 22:38:25 No. 41624
I wish I could share your optimism. I've never met such people in the flesh. I had already come to realize some deal of what that model has to teach us but I still intend to go above and beyond exercising those principles with utmost scrutiny.
Trust no one, not even yourself.
05/28/15 (Thu) 22:45:47 No. 41625
How can I into chakras?
I'm practicing meditation at the minute, but I haven't got to the point where I forget my name - I can only ever forget the room I'm in. I'm pretty sure I've done it in the past when I was a kid though by repeating my name a ton, so I know I haven't got to that point yet through normal meditation.
Anyway, I've read a bit about chakras, and I'm really interested in the third eye.
How do I feel it, and how do I start using it?
05/28/15 (Thu) 23:14:27 No. 41627
05/28/15 (Thu) 23:20:00 No. 41628
Based anon, I've been looking for guided meditations, these seem great.
Do they cover entering deep meditation, like gnosis? I heard that state is where you can feel your chakras as pressure points.
05/28/15 (Thu) 23:21:45 No. 41629
Not really, you just focus your awareness at the point of each chakra when told to. In between each direction of chakra is vocalisation aimed at turning each chakra on.
☻ 05/29/15 (Fri) 01:43:50 No. 41634
>tfw falling into the wageslave trap and getting my time massively wasted
>tfw a whole year of my life is being lined up to go down the shitter because of working when I should be reading and self-improving
05/29/15 (Fri) 02:34:52 No. 41635
Anyone can enlighten me on this matter? Cause i really dont want to resort to mundane mean of relief (masturbating). Help me out /fringe/
05/29/15 (Fri) 02:37:34 No. 41636
>Oh noes!! XDD I habe do worg dwo dayz ber weeg
>How awbful :DD bedder guid my job sdaring ad orangez adn leech more money from my lobely daddy XDD
05/29/15 (Fri) 03:16:22 No. 41638
>tfw you'll never get loosh as easy as smiley
05/29/15 (Fri) 04:39:35 No. 41644
he's a cuck who gives it all to ayy lmaos anyways
05/29/15 (Fri) 08:25:37 No. 41648
as a noob I agree with this post. I feel like theres an autistic train of thought around here where "the more books I read the more powerful I am".
I think it's best to focus on the meat and potatoes and really immerse/practice from that. None of this shit like reading 1000 books.
I also recommend the website. It has really helped me in practical application.
05/29/15 (Fri) 08:30:15 No. 41649
Thats my one compliaint with William Walker Atkinson. He's into the whole "karma" thing which I think is bullshit. Other than that he's pretty good though. Just not the god people on this site say he is when jerking off to him.
05/29/15 (Fri) 08:34:56 No. 41650
Evaluate and Apply
Then Evaluate and Apply
Reading is important
Practicing is important
Balance is key
05/29/15 (Fri) 15:32:52 No. 41672
Is there any way to see past? To see ancestors or history events?
05/29/15 (Fri) 16:16:33 No. 41673
Why does no one, ever, discuss Alchemy on this board?
A question i would like to ask is, are you doing a visualization while making elixirs because one guy said that when you are doing a ritual you are also unconsciously doing a visualization? So is making a potion some sort of ritual in alchemy?
I started making spagyrics, but i have yet to find a mortar and pestle lol
05/29/15 (Fri) 16:54:34 No. 41679
Why would you put The Stellar Man in the recommended list?
05/29/15 (Fri) 17:00:44 No. 41680
Because they're gullible faggots.
05/29/15 (Fri) 17:04:46 No. 41681
It's an awful book. The book is full of crap like this:
"Returning to the spiritual powers of the Hermeticist, we
must state that his higher qualities do not let him escape or
elude material reality; on the contrary, he must respect the
laws of the All, as no one can go against the laws. From the
moment he takes life in a material body, he must feed, sleep,
rest, and entertain himself the same as any other person; he
must suffer the same problems as any biological organism in
a hostile environment."
05/29/15 (Fri) 17:05:54 No. 41682
"The power of the Stellar Man does not emanate from his
third eye, nor from chakras or the Kundalini. Nor does he pos-
sess parapsychological abilities. "
What's the fucking point in reading that shit?
05/29/15 (Fri) 17:09:27 No. 41684
Even that ridiculous book "The Antichrist Training Manual" written by an imbecile who can't spell proves to be of more use than "The Stellar Man".
05/29/15 (Fri) 17:16:21 No. 41685
Some stuff on that book is real, other stuff is shit.
I'm an artist in real life, I consider myself a magician.
I'm practicing magick, but I use it to make art.
I don't know if magick can program reality, but I know for a fact that it can program yourself.
05/29/15 (Fri) 17:17:58 No. 41686
No one can answer ? (Bump)
05/29/15 (Fri) 17:35:36 No. 41689
Anyone read Max Heindel's "The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception"? What do you think about book and author?
05/29/15 (Fri) 18:53:22 No. 41696
Yes, I think the author is dishonest or at least misguided. He espouses "the Law of One" and I think he said the One (God) told him to write the book - I doubt something manipulated the author with an ego hook to write this thing. I mean, there's some good information there but it is mixed with suspicious material (like more chakras than seven, even the Ra Material (which originally espoused the Law of One) mentions there's only seven chakras), plus all the genetic manipulation spells seem very negative in nature. . .
The first few meditations are good but the rest exercises should be met with discernment. I think the author might be corrupted by some STS forces or it might be deliberate, who knows for sure? Just be cautious.
He just says that you don't need to practice any magic whatsoever to develop consciousness or spirit. Obviously magic gives a lot of benefits that can enhance your being, but you don't really need most of the magical abilities you can learn. Really, the Stellar Man just gives a non-magical way to develop yourself, though I agree it's not a perfect work. For majority of /fringe/ this work doesn't work because you're focused on magical development while Baines, the author, is focused on the development of consciousness through non-magical way. His Stellar Man is not a magician, because his Stellar Man can operate without magic with his high consciousness and elemental equilibrium.
John Baines is somewhat traditionalist in his views, he espouses the importance of work and gender roles.
To add, he makes valid points; you are under the All and its laws and by living in the material realm you have to participate in its limitations - until you learn to overcome them in some degree.
05/29/15 (Fri) 19:07:27 No. 41698
It sounds more like justyfing mundanity under some metaphysical pretense.
05/29/15 (Fri) 19:17:42 No. 41699
how to be mindfucked by eris?
05/29/15 (Fri) 19:30:51 No. 41700
Read illuminatus trilogy by RAW, buy discordian badges from me (picture related) for $666, wear them on your face and wait for initiation.
05/29/15 (Fri) 19:36:22 No. 41701
you are nothing but a fucking bitch fuck you motherfucker you don't know fuck all about fucking magick fucker
05/29/15 (Fri) 19:43:34 No. 41703
Thanks for the loosh mundane.
05/29/15 (Fri) 19:44:31 No. 41704
thank YOU for the loosh :D
05/29/15 (Fri) 19:45:42 No. 41705
How do I farm loosh?
Any good books that explain in detail the methods for farming loosh? I see you wizards have a really good time farming loosh from both channers and non-channers mundanes.
05/29/15 (Fri) 19:48:54 No. 41706
troll people, don't be obvious
make them spill emotions
05/29/15 (Fri) 19:53:01 No. 41707
You also have to be open to recieving it which takes a certain mindset.
I was more interested in bartering down my badge price than harvesting loosh ._.
05/29/15 (Fri) 19:55:28 No. 41708
>You also have to be open to recieving it which takes a certain mindset.
Care to elaborate?
I kinda comprehend, it's like generating strong emotions in the target and then absorbing it, but how do I absorb it?
05/29/15 (Fri) 19:56:46 No. 41709
Practise trolling for a while and note when and how you get high off it. Also reflect on life situations where people get mad, notice the vibe exchanges.
05/29/15 (Fri) 20:05:54 No. 41711
Observation is kinda counterproductive with this cus its easier when its natural. If you have the right type of personality it'll come on its own.
05/29/15 (Fri) 20:08:12 No. 41712
>but you are obvious
also gr8 b8 m8
05/29/15 (Fri) 20:20:04 No. 41714
Illuminatus trilogy is the best primer there is on discordianism imo. If anyone is looking for an erisian mindfuck read it and practise the work implicit in the book.
Discordian badges (limited edition and not publically available) are optional but I can hook you up. I'm thinking of using them as rewards for funding the mega or supplying original book rips.
didi 05/29/15 (Fri) 20:20:48 No. 41715
all you have to do is grief noobs in a video game to completely loosh out someone, i mean - play a ranked league of legends match and make it seem like you're the victim while trolling everyone but end up winning and you will generate wulfgang puck-tier loosh from nerds, the best is from foreigners with little english as they hate the living fuck out of americans and certain europeans, but then you realize that it's useless because it's just a fucking buzz, and like all buzzes you get addicted eventually, didn't you see the southpark episode where satan explains addictions bro? as above so bellow, better just powerup and learn to generate your own chi and then find your opposite gender counterpart or if you already have em go ahead and cycle infinite energy using ankh and taoist magick methods. If you want to be a hollywood+anime type dork then go and learn to do this on your own..
oh hey, i haven't seen these books recommended here so here we go - do these exercises once you get the level of mindset where you aren't toxic to others and yourself anymore - like, the nazi racist noobs on this forum, they are seriously fortunate to have a lot of based as fuck people to explain that physical external display of the generated construct is not anything different, you should remember that there exists little elf folk and odd beings and many other beings of different nature which harness the exact same principles and axioms that any magi does - so fuck on off outa here with that setback bullshit, we need to progress and get things good - nothing is good if you build your castle in a valley of salted land, nothing will grow - your economy will be shit, we want abundance, well how the fuck would a video game be if it was all the same looking entity in the entire game as everything, diversity is flavor, each flavor has their aptitude - you're 6'3 and white and blonde with green eyes, meet an asiatic male who is 6'8 and has a larger body density than you - nothing changes the outcome of the situation if strife where to be, as any option could be in effect, one could have more ability in combat, one could have lucky outcome due to terrain difficulty .. etc.. it's really completely fucking dumb - guess what - the asiatics have a larger breeding ground and population - they have a larger % chance for magi incarnations and such on.
didi 05/29/15 (Fri) 20:24:04 No. 41717
05/29/15 (Fri) 20:42:17 No. 41725
Prometheus rising and the exercises in it would probably help in getting people over racism.
05/29/15 (Fri) 20:58:59 No. 41727
What should I read to start practising sigil magick? They were mentioned in some chaos book I've read, and I already know the basics from /fringe/, but I'd like to know more.
05/29/15 (Fri) 21:04:49 No. 41729
You don't, magick isn't real :^)
05/29/15 (Fri) 21:14:55 No. 41730
hehehehehe so this is what looshbaiting is. Okay, I think I am starting to get it.
Anon, I don't know if you conciously did this, but thanks for helping understand how to loot loosh.
didi 05/29/15 (Fri) 21:47:14 No. 41734
I read it, it's spot on to a lot of human behavior.
05/29/15 (Fri) 21:59:56 No. 41735
05/29/15 (Fri) 22:07:33 No. 41736
05/29/15 (Fri) 22:24:28 No. 41738
Why do you believe in history?
You know the holocaust is fake. But what about the rest of written history? Why do you choose to believe in ancient Greece and Rome, or the Dark Ages? Why are you so easily fooled?
05/29/15 (Fri) 22:33:29 No. 41740
>You know the holocaust is fake
stormderp pls go
05/29/15 (Fri) 22:44:11 No. 41741
What do you guys think of Michael Aquino's books?
05/29/15 (Fri) 22:59:50 No. 41742
A while back on here I found an image that was just a list of books called "How to into western occultism", not the same thing as the /fringe/ essential/recommended. Wondering if you guys could dig that up for me. I remember a couple books on it were Prometheus Rising, some Isreal Regardie, and Three Books of Occult Philosophy.
05/30/15 (Sat) 07:35:46 No. 41770
2 questions:
1) Can I use magic to kill niggers?
2) Can I use magic to kill jews?
05/30/15 (Sat) 08:22:36 No. 41772
I'm looking for some help at least identifying what I am capable of doing or if this is anything at all. I Know nothing about magic, only basic meditation techniques, which may not really relate, but I did see a meditation thread, so i'm hopeful.
Once I reached a zen like state through meditation I began to attempt to create in nothing. This instinctively lead me to use my hands, which I discovered were capable of feeling and moving even though they weren't in reality. At first, this would shock me out of my meditation, I would open my eyes to confirm that my hands weren't actually moving, and they never had. I came to realize also that there was something of a breeze in this state of nothing, but that I could only feel it on my arms/hands. Unlike in reality, the breeze wasn't affected by my movements, and there is certainly no breeze in the room in which I meditate.
Over months of this state I've managed to connect my entire body into a mobile state that can feel this constant breeze, however it seems almost impossible to travel in a meaningful direction or interact with anything. While my "new" hands now have a soft, liquid-like shape and form, the rest of my body is not visible, I assume this may develop over more time. The entire process is a slowly building, wonderful mental feeling, which is much of the reason why I have continued to cultivate it.
My question is multi tiered:
Has this been discussed before?
Does this process have a name?
Is there any significance/danger?
Thank you for your time!
05/30/15 (Sat) 09:05:00 No. 41776
yes and yes
The terminology for these things isn't quite set in stone but what you described can be attributed to either your astral/mental/energy body.
You can do plenty of nice things with it such as breathing in energy, elements and strengthen your astral body with such exercises.
You'll learn to project your consciousness outward and flow your energy(breeze) into other object people. Incidentally that's one of the methods of healing or killing a person depending on what intent you charge your energy with.
If you want to travel further with it go into a trance first, either create a feeling of falling for a while or visualize yourself stationary first in that body and slowly remove bodyparts, getting a feel for the true you that remains.
Alternatively create that body in the void, then build up a playground of sorts around it with objects you interact with on a daily basis and know what they feel like. Then transfer your consciousness into your mental body and interact with those objects.
All that and more is in the books recommended in the FAQ so get on that.
05/30/15 (Sat) 09:39:04 No. 41780
05/30/15 (Sat) 09:45:30 No. 41781
How does Taoist sexual magic and injaculating work?
05/30/15 (Sat) 11:27:11 No. 41788
05/30/15 (Sat) 12:38:17 No. 41793
Punishing those who are still underdeveloped so that the learn that their actions are wrong is more helpful to their spiritual evolution than just letting jamal have his way with your wife and kill her after which he may or may not realize that killing people is bad and won't do it in his next incarnation.
Sure they may be slowly climbing the evolutionary ladder by themselves but for their own sake I'd be more than happy to pull em up as high as I can by teaching blacks the error of their ways through forced reeducation and removal of affirmative action. Whether you call that racism or not is of no concern to me, I act on my higher impulses and there's nothing you can say to stop me.
>the asiatics have a larger breeding ground and population - they have a larger % chance for magi incarnations and such on.
I guess that's why China is the beacon is spirituality in the world compared to the west's materialism.
Not to mention advanced magi can chose where they are born and the average quality of life is higher in the west than in asia. It's literarly counter intuitive for a magus to incarnate in asia since that would put them through unnecessary hardship which they most likely went through in one of their previous incarnations.
>he doesn't instinctively feel the ruse cruise of the holocaust
top lel, bet you think jews should have Palestine because Yahweh said so and mutilating infants is alright.
I'm not even saying that no jews died but the number is grossly exaggerated, even intellectually you should be able to deduce that the krauts couldn't have cremated 6 million during their rule.
I'm keeping all my loosh right here m8s.>>41740
05/30/15 (Sat) 15:03:49 No. 41808
File: 1432998229683.jpg (16.71 KB, 225x346, 225:346, 41PJ07r82dL._SY344_BO1,204….jpg )
Pic related
Thank you!
05/30/15 (Sat) 15:55:01 No. 41811
05/30/15 (Sat) 19:42:02 No. 41824
Any good books on remote viewing? Any tips? I wanna try my hand at remote stock viewing like >>40640 suggests.
05/30/15 (Sat) 19:42:56 No. 41825
What are they?
Discordians? Chaos magicians?
05/30/15 (Sat) 20:02:14 No. 41827
They appear to be wiggers of the hip hoppitus species.
05/30/15 (Sat) 20:05:56 No. 41829
What god/egregore/ethereal entity do I pray to to help speed up the arrival of WWIII?
05/30/15 (Sat) 20:18:14 No. 41830
05/30/15 (Sat) 20:21:34 No. 41833
05/30/15 (Sat) 20:22:51 No. 41834
I live in center ;-;. There would be no chances for me to survive.
05/30/15 (Sat) 20:23:21 No. 41835
Read the illuminatus trilogy.
05/30/15 (Sat) 20:43:29 No. 41839
Arcane Teachings, p. 92:
"It must not be supposed, however, that all persisting Egos are
“good.” On the contrary, there are many persisting Egos who
are giants of “evil,” possessed of the sense of the “I,” but filled
with personal desires of material aggrandizement and selfish
attainment which makes them stand out above the crowd. But
such, sooner or later, are taught their lesson and either change
their natures or else sink to annihilation, for all real progress
must lead toward the life of the One, not in the direction of
Survival of the Fittest selfish personal attainment and Separateness."
At this point I'm starting to wonder if people on this board even comprehend what they're reading.
05/30/15 (Sat) 20:48:54 No. 41840
>implying most of them actually read.
05/31/15 (Sun) 00:38:29 No. 41869
What is wrong with what it says? It is pretty straight forward. What here is 'wrong'?
05/31/15 (Sun) 00:56:20 No. 41870
Any greenpill headache remedies? I get cluster headaches and am tired of needing meds
05/31/15 (Sun) 01:10:25 No. 41872
So.. freemasonry. I've noticed quite a bit of masonic roots within my local area:
>centuries old documentation
Apparently the first known written mention of freemasonry is found in an old local history document.. strangely written by a chemistry professor of Oxford on request of an esoteric "officer of arms" mason, as a gift for King James II. This Mason must have had a peculiar relationship with King James II, because he fought for the royalists in the English civil war and stepped down from a winning election upon the personal request of James II one year.
>video footage of masonic symbolism
Disguised on banners across decades of local protests.
>counter-masonic organization
I don't know much about it, but I stumbled upon them on YouTube, and they meet up in a small, little-known church with academic guests
>a place I used to live turns out to be named after a local lodge
It was knocked down and the pub that replaced it has a connected name also and still retains some masonic symbolism.
>placards in many places saying things were funded/donated by Freemasons
That's what originally got me curious. I only knew Freemasons from pop culture references before then.
I realize I'm probably looking into things too much, but I live in a small, un-noteworthy town, so anything like this is curious.
Anyway. How do I find out more without getting into danger? Is actually joining a lodge an option for a mundane like me? or is it really as manipulative and corrupting as the conspiracy theorists makes it out to be?
If the latter - is it something to come back to when I'm more knowledgeable, or is it never worth it?
05/31/15 (Sun) 01:23:42 No. 41877
The "Psychomancy and Crystal Gazing" book by William Walker Atkinson is literally the only book you need.
05/31/15 (Sun) 04:39:02 No. 41902
is evolution real? where do we come from? what is our goal?
05/31/15 (Sun) 06:11:37 No. 41907
on the contrary, he's implying that the edgemasters who use magic for wrongdoings are wrong.
05/31/15 (Sun) 06:16:18 No. 41908
That quote agrees with the Ra Material and Cassiopaean sessions, if you're interested.
05/31/15 (Sun) 06:36:51 No. 41910
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>41902
Watching this presentation will answer your questions.
Lloyd Pye - Everything You Know is Wrong
05/31/15 (Sun) 07:46:45 No. 41915
No, sir, I am the one who has obtained the loosh :^)
05/31/15 (Sun) 12:16:54 No. 41937
As a child, sometimes I would wake up to some strange feeling. After I opened my eyes, I realised I was holding my arm up in a 90 degree angle and the feeling was my muscles stretching, in order to keep it from falling over.
So, something similiar to this, but why, I don't know. It simply stopped after I got a little older.
05/31/15 (Sun) 13:20:24 No. 41941
He also said that in the Kybalion why are you guys all acting like this is a big revelation or something? To me it looks like you are the ones not reading.
05/31/15 (Sun) 16:35:07 No. 41979
I've seen similar quotes by Manly P. Hall, and Zen literature is filled with that notion that it is impossible to attain enlightenment for selfish reasons
05/31/15 (Sun) 16:47:25 No. 41982
If we can use the Law Of Attraction to influence the future, what's the point of rituals?
I've read the Kybalion and atkinson is boring as fuck to me, i've picked up a beginner's book on alchemy, and i don't know what to read next until my first elixir is complete. Help?
05/31/15 (Sun) 18:15:32 No. 41993
Rituals allow for some very intense reality engineering if you construct and execute them properly.
Never use someone else's rituals though unless you resonate perfectly with them. Learn to make your own perfect rituals for what you need to do.
05/31/15 (Sun) 18:42:14 No. 42013
I'd recommend the science of breath if you haven't read that already, has useful techniques on breathing properly and breath tricks.!bgR3hYiS!nTP7YvJ2Jg3LKfOm4h06iDuXLTMOI0zTiDRCgx1OSpQ
Also this book is full of occult exercises, generally enriching your mind rather than material results based. (Brain magick - philip h farber)!rt4lAYha!CVTtFzNiZHI9roekbVUS20SN8eSibyEVX19Y8RQ1CDU
05/31/15 (Sun) 22:23:12 No. 42069
Can anyone help me with Tulpas? I might be a little too autistic for this. I've read a bunch of stuff on them, but would appreciate it if anyone wanted to give further guidance.
I basically want to have a main tulpa(a giant house). Within that I want to have 3 filer tulpas that sort different information for me. A Soldier Tulpa (for exercise, weapons, fighting, survival skills), a Wizard Tulpa (for all kinds of /fringe material; meditations, spells, psychic defense, etc.), and then a German tulpa for Deutsche Sprache.
could I make them all at once? What method to do that exactly? And I heard people say they are dangerous what the fuck?
05/31/15 (Sun) 22:24:47 No. 42070
An astral house is not sentient and therefore not a tulpa.
Tulpa means sentient thoughtform not thoughtform in general.
The method is to use your imagination.
05/31/15 (Sun) 22:25:34 No. 42071
Just one thing, do not imagine them to be unreal, imagine them as genuine physical real existent etc. and do not hold any doubts about this. Doing so will cause them to be so and make them far more powerful.
05/31/15 (Sun) 23:22:08 No. 42097
Would writing sigils on money charge them greatly? It's something that will pass from hand to hand, might be worth the try.
05/31/15 (Sun) 23:34:36 No. 42109
Tulpa's can be extremely dangerous and extremely helpful. They are living beings that can make decisions like you and I.
But unlike us, they use emotions as food instead of fruits, veggies, ect. So when you give love and happiness to a tulpa, they will want more and will do things to make you happy to get more.
If the tulpa scares you, or makes you fear it, it will feed off of the fear similar to how demons do.
Never forget that they are living beings.
06/01/15 (Mon) 02:29:44 No. 42147
>Tulpa's can be extremely dangerous
>They are living beings that can make decisions like you and I.
Tulpas are illusion.
06/01/15 (Mon) 02:57:08 No. 42151
How are they an illusion if they act without you puppeting their actions?
06/01/15 (Mon) 03:00:39 No. 42152
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Is Julius Evola for sperg lords or /fringe/ warriors?
06/01/15 (Mon) 03:15:10 No. 42154
He isn't pro-white if that's what you're asking.
06/01/15 (Mon) 06:21:32 No. 42175
He was a mystic though.
06/01/15 (Mon) 07:09:08 No. 42177
are demiurge tulpas possible?
06/01/15 (Mon) 07:16:33 No. 42178
What are the recommended bible translations?
06/01/15 (Mon) 07:29:18 No. 42180
Tibetan monks created tulpas and then they killed them, because they're in the mind, they're not real.
06/01/15 (Mon) 09:43:51 No. 42188
Awesome, thanks. Going to try this soon. Any idea how long it takes to fully have a functioning tulpa? One meditation session? A weeks worth? Months worth? thanks again.
06/01/15 (Mon) 11:35:08 No. 42191
That's only within the buddhist paradigm though. The same phenomenon can be utilised and interpreted in different ways. Buddhists only see tulpas as not being real as they are part of maya.
06/01/15 (Mon) 15:27:57 No. 42230
What's the source of this? All I have is random clips from a /pol/ webm thread a while back.
06/01/15 (Mon) 18:29:21 No. 42275
Tibetan monks believe in maya which is not the same as "unreal" you faggot.
They saw them as real.
06/01/15 (Mon) 18:31:09 No. 42276
Just one hour will do if you have enough loosh and concentration.
If you're shit at it, it'll take months.
06/01/15 (Mon) 18:32:04 No. 42277
I heard they were taught to see them as illusions, a resting point not a setting stone, to be transcended along with everything else.
06/01/15 (Mon) 18:33:17 No. 42278
>a setting stone
I think I just coined a phrase accidently, I meant end goal.
06/01/15 (Mon) 18:49:56 No. 42279
They din't see them as "illusions" or "unreal" in the sense Western Fedoras see it.
They saw them as relative and not absolute, transient and not eternal, etc. which is obviously so; just like the whole world and its every inhabitant.
When you guys say tulpas were unreal illusions then you imply they tipped their fedoras to the tulpas as if they were somehow different from the rest of the world.
06/01/15 (Mon) 20:05:56 No. 42281
The pdf of "The Mystery of Sex" in the huge file size folder is missing several words. Is anyone kind enough to share a good pdf?
Also, "Chasing Phantoms" is missing from the /fringe/ mega folder.
06/01/15 (Mon) 20:06:49 No. 42282
06/01/15 (Mon) 22:33:24 No. 42292
Not even one day into my no fap adventure, and I already have questions /fringe/
- to save loosh, should I abstain from looking at all kind of porn?
- is it okay to start fapping to stimulate arousal, so long as I don't "spill my seed"? (aka ejaculate)
I can't help it. I'm a degenerate, horny, pervert. I want to prove to myself my will can conquer such primal forces. Any tips you have on keeping at it?
And last question: say if I hypothetically ran a porn site that gets thousands or so unique visitors a week. If I stop indulging in masturbatuon, but leave it up for to, is that bad? Can I farm THEIR loosh? I want to learn from the best the jews
06/01/15 (Mon) 22:45:16 No. 42293
I need all the vital information on protecting myself from astral/mental/psychic attacks in my dreams. Where can I find this information without having to read a bunch of cryptic tomes and shit?
What are some easy things a mundane who studies the occult occasionally can do hastily before tonight?
06/02/15 (Tue) 00:56:51 No. 42299
Need all the help I can get. This torture better be worth something.
☻ 06/02/15 (Tue) 01:22:27 No. 42301
>Also, "Chasing Phantoms" is missing from the /fringe/ mega folder.
wtf? Did you not check under the Montalk folder?
☻ 06/02/15 (Tue) 01:23:51 No. 42302
File: 1433208231684.png (76.58 KB, 1383x484, 1383:484, Screenshot from 2015-06-01….png )
I just checked, it's still there in the montalk folder silly.
06/02/15 (Tue) 01:25:34 No. 42303
You should really just get a succubus and have sex with her in order to get off of mundane masturbation and then transition from succubus sex to total celibacy.
Help ;_; 06/02/15 (Tue) 01:34:09 No. 42304
There are a lot of synchronicities happening suddenly.
Everything seems to be aiming at destroying my personality.
My opinions and tastes get ridiculed, everything that I took for granted about myself gets hard blows from all sides. I can't maintain my personality like that, I'm almost forced to drop it.
My personality starts flowing and changing randomly.
I'm seriously losing my identity on this plane right now. My hobbies won't get any support, things I like get denounced as crap. My friends ignoring me.
I'd be okay with it, because that's what I was aiming at, but it's coming so suddenly that I feel like going insane. My existence is being trashed.
What should I do, I'm a bit overwhelmed?
06/02/15 (Tue) 01:40:11 No. 42305
I have been having that for a while now too…
Where I talk to a certain friend every day and suddenly we stop talking out no where and when I message them I am ignored even though nothing happened between us, I think it's just forcing us to become more occultish and less focus on the physical.
06/02/15 (Tue) 01:40:18 No. 42306
Step 1: Read Magick
Step 2: Acquire Magick
Step 3: Apply Magick
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit!
What do you mean by 'likes'? Is it like sexual preferance, food, color, clothes and such? That is what you should control. Control what you like, do not let them control you. Make yourself like different things, maybe 'like' something that you once hated.
More control you have over your body and self, the more will power you have.
'Liking' specific things is not what makes you, 'you'.
06/02/15 (Tue) 01:41:51 No. 42307
Just because you can become powerful in the occult side of things, it is good to have a strong physical body. Workout for at least 20 minutes a day. Whether it be run/walk/job, lifting weights, pushups, situps, ect.
06/02/15 (Tue) 01:50:25 No. 42309
> I think it's just forcing us to become more occultish and less focus on the physical.
This might be going on my whole life already. Not sure if I'm deluding myself here though.
> Is it like sexual preferance, food, color, clothes and such? That is what you should control.
It's more the immaterial things that get targeted. I actually received compliments for my appearance lately.
I never paid too much attention to what I like, I hardly controlled my tastes. I'd take what would come along and fit my taste. But my environment suddenly doesn't approve of the few things that I choose to be "mine".
I know about the basic magick stuff and don't care if my superficial personality gets destroyed, but it's coming really suddenly, I don't know what's going on.
06/02/15 (Tue) 02:36:48 No. 42313
Today I was at the gas station and I think I encountered a wizard. He had a tattoo and said he was an initiate in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and that he was a real magician. I was in line behind him and he turned around to show me his tattoo and he winked at me. When he left the cashier made fun of him, but I couldn't help but think he was talking more to me than to the cashier. Could this guy have been legit? How do I meet more wizards? I have so many questions if only I could meet a wizard in real life.
06/02/15 (Tue) 02:46:18 No. 42314
Do you not realize the problem here? It is not a matter of "how do I meet x?" It is a matter of "how do I meet people in general?" If you know the latter you'll be able to meet any specific kind of person you want eventually.
06/02/15 (Tue) 03:11:52 No. 42315
I'm too mundane to pull off something like that. I have heard that you can effortlessly call a succubus by maintaining no fap for an extended period of time. But I'm still confused by what I ask here:
So should I not LOOK at any porn? (Even if I don't fap?) Should I practice masturbation without ejaculation? How do I farm loosh from users visiting my site? (Don't even know if it's possible,j ust wondering)
06/02/15 (Tue) 04:34:08 No. 42319
Find the most detailed art depicting the female form in the most perfect way, visualize it, recreate it completely with the imagination, this will help you on the path towards overcoming your mundane expressions of lust.
06/02/15 (Tue) 04:36:24 No. 42320
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is legit. I am a Hermeticist and not part of any order other than Order of Fringe Wizards but I tell you, you are very lucky to have come across an initiate of the Golden Dawn.
06/02/15 (Tue) 04:42:48 No. 42322
This reminds me too much of all the Bill Murray pasta's to take seriously.
06/02/15 (Tue) 05:03:27 No. 42323
Seems I completely missed that. Thanks.
Still, anyone has a good pdf of "The mystery of Sex" that is not missing words?
06/02/15 (Tue) 05:49:52 No. 42324
Try joining I guess.
You can look at /r/freemasonry and decide yourself if they're all "le spooky people controlling ze world!!"
Lots of conspiracies, especially ones that are on the forefront of conspiracie theories (Freemasonry) are just funded so that other actual conspiracies don't gain any merit.
06/02/15 (Tue) 06:35:17 No. 42328
Should one join the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn then?
Miracle HealinIg 06/02/15 (Tue) 08:40:15 No. 42329
had loving unblocked open aura, auric shield around me
now got attacked and pretty much drained of energy, if before was 1000 energy wise, now i'm 55
I need a miracle healing to get back what is mine, to unblock all of these 1000 holes and mk ultra programs i had previously conquered . So is there some miracle healing out there? or some fucking herbal magic boost, i must spiral up
06/02/15 (Tue) 09:58:31 No. 42333
Drink milk with honey mixed into coffee
06/02/15 (Tue) 11:37:25 No. 42337
Order of Fringe Wizards? Please tell me more.
06/02/15 (Tue) 12:32:52 No. 42344
he means the /fringe/ community, aka anons on this board.
06/02/15 (Tue) 13:33:31 No. 42349
Sup fringe
I was introduced to the spiritual way of looking at life some time ago and, to be frank, I've not progressed as well as I would've liked. Now this has to do with two things mostly. First and foremost, I'm not awfully bright. Second, I'm not very outgoing either. Actually I don't have a single good friend because I'm afraid of letting people too close.
Aside from the obvious, exchanging views, experiencing synchronicities among peers etc., what am I missing? How far can I expect to get just by myself in my own room and how much faster would I be able to get there with a couple of social links?
I'm thinking group rituals, shared dreams and that kind of thing. What else?
06/02/15 (Tue) 13:41:50 No. 42350
No he means skype chat.
06/02/15 (Tue) 14:12:37 No. 42353
*where nobody ever writes
06/02/15 (Tue) 14:15:05 No. 42354
How do i make my thoughts manifest to the physical plane faster? I'd like to make them seem like magic
06/02/15 (Tue) 14:20:22 No. 42356
first tell me why im a fool then i'll gladly admit that i am one
didi 06/02/15 (Tue) 15:12:21 No. 42361
the fool is the most powerful card.
06/02/15 (Tue) 15:44:59 No. 42363
Portrayed as a jester laughing very close to a cliff, accompanied with a dog at his heels. The Fool represents innocence, divine inspiration, madness, freedom, spontaneity, inexperience, chaos, and creativity. This Arcana is originally the only one that doesn't have a number, thus it is considered as the Arcana number 0 or number 22.
The Fool Arcana tends to be the "jack of all trades," since its Personas can inherit all skills without preference for any type. Mythological figures of the Fool Arcana are often heroes, fools, or the protagonists of their own mythological stories.
06/02/15 (Tue) 15:46:46 No. 42364
I can't find "The Arcane Teachings" Can someone give me a link. Thanks
06/02/15 (Tue) 15:49:10 No. 42365
06/02/15 (Tue) 15:49:47 No. 42366
06/02/15 (Tue) 15:53:16 No. 42367
The only way to counteract the devastating effect of the sorcerers' world is to laugh at it. It's your duty to put your mind at ease. Warriors do not win victories by beating their heads against walls but by overtaking the walls. Warriors jump over the walls; they don't demolish them.
There are three kinds of bad habits which we use over and over when confronted with unusual life situations. First, we may disregard what's happening or has happened and feel as if it had never occurred. That one is the bigot's way. Second, we may accept everything at its face value and feel as if we know what's going on. That's the pious man's way. Third, we may become obsessed with an event because either we cannot disregard it or we cannot accept it wholeheartedly. That's the fool's way. There is a fourth, the correct one, the warrior's way. A warrior acts as if nothing had ever happened, because he doesn't believe in anything, yet he accepts everything at its face value. He accepts without accepting and disregards without disregarding. He never feels as if he knows, neither does he feel as if nothing had ever happened. He acts as if he is in control, even though he might be shaking in his boots. To act in such a manner dissipates obsession.
You must cultivate the feeling that a warrior needs nothing. You have everything needed for the extravagant journey that is your life. I have tried to teach you that the real experience is to be a man, and that what counts is being alive; life is the little detour that we are taking now. Life in itself is sufficient, self-explanatory and complete. A warrior understands this and lives accordingly; therefore, one may say without being presumptuous that the experience of experiences is being a warrior.
If a warrior needs solace, he simply chooses anyone and expresses to that person every detail of his turmoil. After all, the warrior is not seeking to be understood or helped; by talking he's merely relieving himself of his pressure. That is, providing that the warrior is given to talking; if he's not, he tells no one.
You indulge. You feel that indulging in doubts and tribulations is the sign of a sensitive man. Well, the truth of the matter is that you're the farthest thing from being sensitive. So why pretend? I've told you, a warrior accepts in humbleness what he is.
We confuse ourselves deliberately. All of us are aware of our doings. Our puny reason deliberately makes itself into the monster it fancies itself to be. It's too little for such a big mold, though.
No one develops a double. That's only a way of talking about it. All of us luminous beings have a double. All of us! A warrior learns to be aware of it, that's all. There are seemingly insurmountable barriers protecting that awareness. But that's expected; those barriers are what makes arriving at that awareness such a unique challenge. You are afraid of it because you're thinking that the double is what the word says. A double, or another you. I chose those words in order to describe it. The double is oneself and cannot be faced in any other way.
The double is not a matter of personal choice. Neither is it a matter of personal choice who is selected to learn the sorcerers' knowledge that leads to that awareness. Have you ever asked yourself, why you in particular? I don't mean that you should ask it as a question that begs an answer, but in the sense of a warrior's pondering on his great fortune, the fortune of having found a challenge.
To make it into an ordinary question is the device of a conceited ordinary man who wants to be either admired or pitied for it. I have no interest in that kind of question, because there is no way of answering it. The decision of picking you was a design of power; no one can discern the designs of power. Now that you've been selected, there is nothing that you can do to stop the fulfillment of that design.
A warrior is in the hands of power and his only freedom is to choose an impeccable life.
You're in a terrible spot. It's too late for you to retreat but too soon to act. All you can do is witness. For you there is only witnessing acts of power and listening to tales, tales of power.
The double is one of those tales. You know that, and that's why your reason is so taken by it. You are beating your head against a wall if you pretend to understand. All that I can say about it, by way of explanation, is that the double, although it is arrived at through dreaming, is as real as it can be. It is the self. It is the awareness of our state as luminous beings. It can do anything, and yet it chooses to be unobtrusive and gentle.
06/02/15 (Tue) 16:08:44 No. 42368
06/02/15 (Tue) 16:09:17 No. 42369
06/02/15 (Tue) 16:17:30 No. 42370
What is a "bukbilon" or "bookbylon"?
I was astrally in some tree house with little elves and they asked what my "bukbilon" was. I asked what it was and they started to spell it to me, but I didn't understand it pas the first three letters "k-y-b-* *".
06/02/15 (Tue) 17:04:06 No. 42372
Existence is infinite. A single word has infinite meanings. It depends where you are in existence. The only way to communicate with pure meaning is to communicate from that place which is the infinite-most center of your being.
Granula Erto Grom Son Eferto Juan
06/02/15 (Tue) 17:09:04 No. 42373
Kybalion you mean?
06/02/15 (Tue) 17:32:21 No. 42375
Use this to ignite occult interest in /v/irgins. Michael Kirkbride, TES lore writer, is an occultist. The nature of the Elder Scrolls cosmos is dripping with hermetic ideas.
“The Tower is an ideal, which, in our world of myth and magic, means that it is so real that it becomes dangerous. It is the existence of the True Self within the Universal Self …
The secret of the Tower is how to permanently exist beyond duplexity, antithesis, or trouble. This is not an easy concept, I know. Imagine being able to feel with all of your senses the relentless alien terror that is God and your place in it, which is everywhere and therefore nowhere, and realizing that it means the total dissolution of your individuality into boundless being. Imagine that and then still being able to say “I”. The “I” is the Tower.”
CHIM is the realisation that your entire world, everything you experience, does not really exist. It exists as the dream of a power, which, since it must be called something, is called God. Everything that exists is just part of the dream of God, including yourself. You are just a tiny fraction of the Godhead, that has managed to gain a modicum of self-awareness.
To successfully attain CHIM, one must take the next step: to hold the two conflicting statements simultaneously. To add one and minus-one, and come up with something other than zero. Instead of following the mental path of “it’s all a dream… I don’t exist”, you instead move to “it’s all a dream… I can control it.” Reality is mutable, and yours for the changing. ES forumite Darkom compares it to lucid dreaming:
“To achieve CHIM is to realize this, to recognize the Godhead, to see that everything is him, that you are him, and still maintaining your individuality. You are still able to say I, and thus you have achieved CHIM. In knowing that everything is merely an extension of the same thing, an extension of you, you have power over it in the same way you can move your arm. It is like a little part of the Godhead having a lucid dream, where he is still dreaming though he knows he is dreaming and thus has control over the dream.”
06/02/15 (Tue) 17:46:21 No. 42376
You're right of course. I was just wondering if anyone was familiar with it. I've heard many weird names in the astral and dreams.
Among Babylon and Kaballah, Kybalion was one of the words that sounded similar.
06/02/15 (Tue) 17:58:10 No. 42378
06/02/15 (Tue) 19:58:48 No. 42393
Where is the new freedomboard? I heard it got a .onion address after closing.
06/02/15 (Tue) 22:15:51 No. 42399
06/03/15 (Wed) 03:04:24 No. 42427
Info on strawberry moons?
06/03/15 (Wed) 08:13:11 No. 42440
wtf are strawberry moons?
06/03/15 (Wed) 12:00:11 No. 42451
As I take it, earworms (songs that are stuck in your head) are thoughtforms that feed off of your annoyance (to obtain loosh). What is the best way to get rid of an earworm?
06/03/15 (Wed) 14:39:18 No. 42476
Lately I keep seeing stuff when I'm sleeping, I wake up in the middle of the night (at least I'm pretty positive I was awake) and see my blanket moving by itself. It keeps happening what the hell is this? I mean it's probably some sleep paralysis hallucination or something I really dont know anymore but it gets pretty real.
06/03/15 (Wed) 16:58:46 No. 42483
Try and ignore it I guess.
Whenever I have a song stuck in my head is because I'm singing it to myself.
Other than that, songs don't stick to my head.
Try doing meditations, there are a bunch of them in the meditation thread.
06/03/15 (Wed) 17:34:27 No. 42485
Not him but I too have songs that stuck in my head and I begin to sing them BECAUSE they are there. It's pretty hard to get them out for me at least but you can do it by meditating.
06/03/15 (Wed) 18:40:56 No. 42490
Hey wizards, are there any good books about the history of
06/03/15 (Wed) 18:41:36 No. 42491
06/03/15 (Wed) 18:59:01 No. 42493
06/03/15 (Wed) 19:03:32 No. 42496
when doing energy work via meditation, what exactly is the process like? Intuitively getting a feel for energy and then consciously moving it around your body and chakras?
06/03/15 (Wed) 20:01:37 No. 42515
Yes, look within, use intuition. Books about this stuff are usually crap imo. Pick up techniques, try them out, find what works for you, create your own system and then write a book about it for gold.
06/03/15 (Wed) 20:01:43 No. 42516
The search function doesn't work for people who don't own the mega.
06/03/15 (Wed) 20:42:37 No. 42521
Thanks for the link, but as >>42516 said, the search button doens't works.
06/03/15 (Wed) 21:56:20 No. 42528
Are there any other laws other than the Law Of Attraction extracted from the Kybalion? I mean, what are some examples of using the Kybalion's seven axioms throughout the magic world?
06/03/15 (Wed) 22:15:27 No. 42530
how do i ignore radio music/television (in public)?
06/03/15 (Wed) 22:37:17 No. 42532
You just do it, simple as that. Remove those distractions from your own focus.
06/03/15 (Wed) 22:41:40 No. 42533
Do shapeshifters exist?
I know about psychic vampires and spirits and demons and angels but when does believing too much become a problem?
06/03/15 (Wed) 23:46:06 No. 42537
The universe is mental. If you can think it, it exists.
But you don't have to live in constant fear. Make yourself a shield. Use your imagination. ANYTHING you think can be used.
06/03/15 (Wed) 23:48:41 No. 42538
Can anyone here /fringe/pill me on mo pai?
06/03/15 (Wed) 23:58:59 No. 42539
Hello /fringe/ I want to know if this dream means anything, I always have a very similar dream every few years.
I only have it on days where I won't be disturbed, and I always wake up once, then go back to sleep again.
In my dream there is a person I don't know, and I always end up forgetting the details of the dream, but I always end up close to this person, and I -think- we always end up falling in love, I am not sure though, because right after we do I wake up, and go back to sleep, but end up with that person again in a different setting, but this time the dream doesn't last that long.
I also think it always starts with me being lost and that person finding me, that person may not always be alone, it may be a group but I am always drawn to one of them, and their face, or atleast bits of it stays with me for a couple hours, however the feeling which I -think- may be love stays with me all day. I also do not know if it's the same person from years ago.
06/04/15 (Thu) 00:19:37 No. 42541
Use auto-suggestion to remember the entire dream. Try writing it down as soon as you wake up also.
06/04/15 (Thu) 01:42:48 No. 42547
Is there a major difference between "magic" and "magick"?
06/04/15 (Thu) 02:03:54 No. 42549
The real difference is that there is no difference at all, because magic isn't real and this board is full of schizos and autists, like you :^)
06/04/15 (Thu) 02:04:52 No. 42551
Magic is slight of hand. Stage show stuff.
Magick is where you do /fringe/ stuff.
06/04/15 (Thu) 02:15:33 No. 42553
06/04/15 (Thu) 03:59:04 No. 42560
Yo. newfig here. I always thought this shit on halfchan /x/ and here was a bunch of fags roleplaying and trolling. Something clicked the other night and I got interested. I'm downloading the mega archive now and it's a little overwhelming. What do you guys recommend I start my spiritual learning with?
06/04/15 (Thu) 04:36:15 No. 42565
See the first question in the faq:
06/04/15 (Thu) 04:50:24 No. 42566
06/04/15 (Thu) 07:43:01 No. 42569
How do I "visualize" in a way that I can feel stuff on my body?
Such as, let's say I can visualize intensely enough that I can feel myself stroking my back, temperature of hand and etc.
06/04/15 (Thu) 08:09:27 No. 42576
Yeah that's what happens to me
06/04/15 (Thu) 11:59:23 No. 42592
Visualize something that can stroke and scratch you and feel the feeling of being stroked along with visualizing this something doing the action.
Can be anything from a mental body to a disembodied arm.
06/04/15 (Thu) 15:27:11 No. 42607
Asking for the final fucking time, how do i raise my vibration or whatever so my thoughts become more powerful?
06/04/15 (Thu) 16:27:18 No. 42614
So if I kept practicing that, something scratching me, some day it will feel real enough?
06/04/15 (Thu) 17:31:43 No. 42625
By focusing.
06/04/15 (Thu) 21:03:20 No. 42664
I have been suffering from a GERD and acid reflux for a month now, medicine does not seem to help.
Please help fringe. Should I just imagine the feeling that its over and healed?
What to do?
06/04/15 (Thu) 22:01:47 No. 42670
Recommend me books to start the LHP?
06/04/15 (Thu) 22:02:16 No. 42671
What are the downsides to having a sexuality that is deemed degenerate by you guys? I see a lot of posts talking shit about faggots and traps, but seldom any reasons for abandoning homosex or whatnot, just "fuck off degenerate scum", pretty much.
I'm asking this specifically because I've never felt a need to fuck anyone or anything in my whole life, so I pretty much fit the description of asexual. As far as I know, I'm physically healthy and have no mental troubles either, so I've never considered it a problem, so it'd be productive to hear another perspective, instead of insulating myself from challenging opinions.
tl;dr tell me why I suck, and what I can do to change for the better.
06/04/15 (Thu) 22:09:39 No. 42672
06/04/15 (Thu) 22:38:35 No. 42675
Just ignore the edgelords on their downward spiral. They have no wisdom to offer.
06/04/15 (Thu) 22:42:32 No. 42676
If you masturbate or whatever, you should just stop that, work on sexual transmutation. Other than that, stay celibate and continue your magical pursuit. Virgins are the best wizards.
06/05/15 (Fri) 00:41:21 No. 42682
>Virgins are the best wizards.
go back to
white tribalist men who breed with white women are the best wizards.
06/05/15 (Fri) 01:14:35 No. 42684
Can anyone explain what this sensation is that I am experiencing? Over the last 3 weeks I have started to notice a ringing sensation and pressure entering my right ear canal as soon as I visualize something. This doesn't happen with every visualization but if I am in a concentrated state and have been able to silence my mind then I immediately experience this uncomfortable feeling in my right ear.
To me, it seems like something is being "downloaded" or forced into my head like I am being programmed with that reality. Do any anons experience this? Are there signs that I should take when I feel this sensation? I'd love some answers.
06/05/15 (Fri) 03:36:32 No. 42690
(not a question but i do not want to start a new thread for this)
check this /fringe/ related thread out
06/05/15 (Fri) 05:17:18 No. 42698
when i masturbate and ejaculate semen, does eating semen regain that loosh?
06/05/15 (Fri) 05:34:52 No. 42699
How exactly do you gain loosh?
06/05/15 (Fri) 06:21:56 No. 42701
Yes. You lose loosh when you poop too so if you eat all of your fecal matter you'll get a ton of loosh back. You can even eat others for some mad loosh farming, sewers and used condoms are a gold mine.
06/05/15 (Fri) 06:29:47 No. 42703
We should really set up a tl;dr for beginners. I had to ask this question over and over because I couldn't find the answer.
Loosh is emotional energy, you get it by causing others to have emotional reactions. Any emotions whatsoever that other people feel because of you transfer their loosh to you.
I'm pretty sure loosh ultimately comes from the all or the demiurge, and it's impossible to be loosh negative, but possible to be loosh positive. Like if you have 10 whole looshes and cause someone to get upset and you gain 5, you know have 15. Now if someone were to cause you to spill your spaghetti everywhere and you lose 20 whole looshes, you'll just end up with 0 and the remainder will be paid by the demiurge. Perhaps I'm overthinking this, any wizard may feel free to correct me. This entire paragraph has been personal speculation.
06/05/15 (Fri) 10:07:10 No. 42720
yes of course, like most things practice makes perfect. how quickly it will become so depends on your talent and dedication.
>not finding a wife to practice magical work with you
fuggen plebs
I get that too not only when meditating but also when thinking about some tough questions from uni. I am yet to discover what's the underlying cause but it seems heavy concentration causes that ringing.
06/05/15 (Fri) 11:37:33 No. 42726
Does anyone else find it more likely that loosh is emotional energy stirred up in yourself rather than gained metaphysically from another person? From reflection this seems to be how it works for me.
Causing someone to feel emotion can go unlooshed if you're in the right state to recieve it which makes me think its mostly internal. You can also loosh yourself up with energy work which suggests its internal too.
This doesn't mean other people aren't powerful sources of it though.
06/05/15 (Fri) 11:57:58 No. 42728
you can certainly excite your loosh but I'm almost always able to receive an influx of loosh before seeing the replies to my troll bait posts.
This corresponds to the timeless and spaceless thought currents travelling to me from the buttblasted anons so I don't think it's all in my head.
06/05/15 (Fri) 12:03:24 No. 42730
Yeah there are definitely timeless and spaceless elements to loosh and thought currents so you might be right.
I think I might have burnt myself out from being a troll prior to /fringe/ and troll loosh isn't enough anymore. Either that or I'm not in a receptive enough state.
06/05/15 (Fri) 15:45:33 No. 42745
So, how good do I have to get at psychomancy to recover a password I haven't even seen?
06/05/15 (Fri) 16:03:37 No. 42748
Practise on my picture.
06/05/15 (Fri) 16:04:20 No. 42749
If we can influence the universe using our thoughts, then what's the purpose of edgy rituals with pentagrams, chants and so on?
What is Chaos Magick?
06/05/15 (Fri) 16:05:28 No. 42750
06/05/15 (Fri) 16:06:08 No. 42751
06/05/15 (Fri) 16:11:24 No. 42752
Ritual has multiple functions. It is something that can be monitored and evaluated over the course of years using daily logs and recording what happens related to them and during. This advances understanding and creates a space where magic can happen to be recorded separate to every day events.
They also have practical effects in creating physical and spiritual change by directing thoughts and ideas. Using the lbrp will connect you with and balance the four elements and protect you with archangels of the directions. There is a point to doing this, you are setting up a sacred space which logically fits into every direction and therefore protects you "from all angles", which is at the very least psychologically benefitial.
06/05/15 (Fri) 16:13:08 No. 42753
Sorry, let me re evaluate my question. I'm not asking you for the benefit of them, im asking you "how" do they actually work?
06/05/15 (Fri) 16:21:34 No. 42755
>If we can influence the universe using our thoughts, then what's the purpose of edgy rituals with pentagrams, chants and so on?
>If we can influence the universe using our thoughts
You already answered the question.
Ritual is the acting out of thought, placing thoughts physically around you, connecting with them, forming them strongly in your mind and directing them etc.
06/05/15 (Fri) 16:35:32 No. 42758
so anything we do is a ritual? why the flashy robes, swords and chatning?
06/05/15 (Fri) 16:37:22 No. 42759
You have to spell right to tip your fedora this hard.
06/05/15 (Fri) 16:38:15 No. 42760
06/05/15 (Fri) 16:38:47 No. 42761
There's no spellcheck on ms paint >:C
06/05/15 (Fri) 16:40:31 No. 42762
Psychodrama. Creates an atmosphere that compared to mundane thoughts are more magical. It's about creating a magical space, same reason you have a magical pseudonym, robes are talismanic in some sense, it all says "i'm doing magic stuff now, so fucking work"
06/05/15 (Fri) 16:43:03 No. 42763
can i create my own ritual without reffering to grimoires?
06/05/15 (Fri) 16:49:14 No. 42764
Grimoires have the advantage of following a tradition and being new to you though.
06/05/15 (Fri) 16:53:50 No. 42767
Thanks. Any good material on making one?
06/05/15 (Fri) 17:10:28 No. 42771
Lmfao cant tell if your joking or serious
06/05/15 (Fri) 17:19:29 No. 42772
Can anyone direct me to some good reasources on remote viewing? Psychomancy and crystal gazing doesn't really go into detail on how to do it, and I don't know of any other books that cover the topic.
06/05/15 (Fri) 18:41:57 No. 42780
>Psychomancy and crystal gazing doesn't really go into detail on how to do it, and I don't know of any other books that cover the topic.
It literally tells you everything that you need to know to do it though anon. What more do you want to know? There's a technique you could use in Initiation Into Hermetics if you want.
06/05/15 (Fri) 20:16:31 No. 42818
How to gain from others loosh?
I mean how you get from loosh baiting.
06/05/15 (Fri) 20:47:49 No. 42831
/fringe/ listen, back when I vvas really little I once realized that I could 'cause' things to happen by thinking in a certain way. I finally remembered how to do it back when I was an edgy 12 year old and I have been using this 'power' to bring about desired outcomes since.
Do you have any idea what it means?
06/05/15 (Fri) 20:51:10 No. 42832
06/05/15 (Fri) 21:03:04 No. 42834
What's wrong with koetting, people always mention him in a bad way but never explaining why he's bad.
06/05/15 (Fri) 21:17:53 No. 42837
I think it's his image, he's got an edgy teen persona. I like his stories and he's got practical experience.
06/05/15 (Fri) 22:08:31 No. 42843
Hello, fuckers. So I'm not new to the occult (or so I thought) but I am very new to /fringe/, I downloaded the folder of books (thanks a lot by the way) and have been very much enjoying reading the books and lurking the board. My question is, why all the hate on Crowley and Thelema? I saw in another thread where someone said "thelema is at the bottom of the trash heap of the occult" or something like that and I don't really understand. Crowley, Grant and Spare have been my major influences for the last couple years as well as Alan Moore and Robert Anton Wilson and I feel like they have done a lot for me. Of course I plan on trying the /fringe/ system and integrating whatever I like. Just curious what makes Thelemites "the bottom of the trash heap" and what makes /fringe/ wizards so much better.
06/05/15 (Fri) 22:10:51 No. 42845
Because it's cryptic shit and the practioners are often powerless as well as degenerates.
06/05/15 (Fri) 22:31:19 No. 42856
>it's cryptic shit
The words of the master will make sense to you when you're ready to listen.
06/05/15 (Fri) 22:40:05 No. 42869
Shut up faggot, Crowley ramblings are not equivalent with true knowledge.
06/05/15 (Fri) 22:41:54 No. 42873
What the heck is a "demon"?
I've kind of romanticized them into other beings thoughtforms running wild or stirring shit up on command
06/05/15 (Fri) 22:44:32 No. 42875
I'm sure they look like ramblings to you.
A rainbow must be a very silly thing for someone who's colorblind.
06/05/15 (Fri) 23:02:56 No. 42892
Shut the fuck up nigger Crowley couldn't even cure himself of a very simple ailment and was a trolling fucktard that Atkinson would never have approved of.
06/05/15 (Fri) 23:48:22 No. 42903
I've been getting 666 sincronicities and I'm a bit worried. What should I think about this. I don't really want to fuck up my future; in this life or the next.
06/06/15 (Sat) 03:01:33 No. 42923
Are you sure? I haven't read any books like all of the people on this board.
I'm self taught
06/06/15 (Sat) 03:02:16 No. 42924
Stay far from timid
Only make moves when your Heart's in it
And live the phrase "Sky's the limit"
- Notorious B.I.G
06/06/15 (Sat) 03:42:39 No. 42927
Hello /fringe/, has anyone here heard of "Mulhaupt&Son"? I found a very antique looking key on my table and I most certainly didn't put it there, and neither did anyone with access to my home. I did some research and I believe it's linked to someome who made antique furniture. It's clearly old and says "RI" on the back. What should I do with it? I'm only asking here because no one could have placed it here, in such an obvious place. I think I'm supposed to do something with it.
Sorry for shitty pics
06/06/15 (Sat) 04:23:38 No. 42929
Not that I know of, just do whatever feels right and fits your current system of beliefs, let your higher self guide your hand.
Because Crowley is a degenerate who wasted his potential on degenerate acts such as his sex cults.
06/06/15 (Sat) 05:23:18 No. 42933
Does anyone else here find themselves torn and constantly switching back and forth from valuing kindness and compassion and hoping for the excellence and perseverance of humanity to having no morals, valuing strength and machiavellianism and having nothing but hatred for humanity and wanting the world to die?
06/06/15 (Sat) 06:49:55 No. 42942
Should people who are a burden/selfish kill themselves?
Do those people get into the astral after death?
06/06/15 (Sat) 07:10:05 No. 42943
Everyone is always connected to the astral and everyone, no matter how they die, always will end up in the astral. The exact sort of stuff that happens in the astral though will reflect their general mood and negative mindsets attract negative experiences until either the mind decides to focus on positive emotions and attract positive experiences or else exhausts itself of fear, anger, etc. … ultimately all loosh/emotions are exhausted in the astral, both positive and negative, and then they die the second death and are forced to reincarnate in order to generate more desires again in order to renew their life purpose. The average human spends a few hundred years in the astral after death. Advanced ones spend thousands of years. The most advanced ones may have mastered the secret of immortality; which lies in the understanding and cultivation of desire.
06/06/15 (Sat) 07:15:57 No. 42946
Is there any way to prevent memory loss when going to the next life?
06/06/15 (Sat) 07:44:18 No. 42947
You know how when you wake up it's hard to remember a dream? Even if you are very good at remembering dreams you still tend to hold onto only a little.
Well, after you die, you wake up sporadically and then fall asleep again and wake up again each time losing more and more. By the time you reach the point of staying awake completely without going under into unconsciousness again, maybe around 5, you've probably forgot everything and your resonance matrix has gone into discord.
So what do you do to counter it? Well for one keep practicing remembering your dreams and everything else you can. For another, make your connection to the astral permanent, without it destroying your life here. For another, create thoughtforms (tulkus in this case) to outlive you and bring back your memories for you or at least teach and guide you in your next life. If they are powerful enough they will survive your death and manage to last long enough to be around for your next incarnation. Make also an effort yourself to speedily and consciously reincarnate.
If you develop your astral senses and create very powerful thoughtforms in general you can really enhance your ability to store physical memories into the astral and then reproduce them again in physical mediums (brains / nerves).
You can also take over other people's bodies. It's hard work though, you have to really rewire them a long time, and stuff like muscle memory is typically lost until you redevelop it all again in the new body. So many things like writing and other tasks become odd.
There are many many methods but the main keys are concerned with working with thoughtforms to preserve and restore your memories.
Memories also can be made stronger by pouring more loosh (emotions) into them. That which fascinates, moves, traumatizes, excites, etc. is easier to remember then that which barely holds your attention. The cultivation of the faculty of concentration here also helps.
If you forget who you are when you dream right now chances are you will forget who you are when you reincarnate again and accept the new life you get as yours.
I myself reincarnated with barely any of my memory left, just enough was still with me when I gained proper consciousness at five to feel this world was completely alien to me, that my parents were not really my parents, that my so called friends were not really my friends, that my language and other knowledge within me was not really anything but a preprogrammed something I had tapped into and not really mine, that the place I lived was not really my home.
It was all weird, dream-like, yet I didn't wake up from this dream I'm still here with you and all the other characters in this dream now.
It's all governed by resonance matrixes. Your spirit obviously has those faculties of awareness and will. Somehow in this process it comes into resonance with events, worlds, thoughts, etc. that it can interact with.
All memories are held in the akasha. Whichever ones you bring out, you bring out through resonance. As far as I can tell, the absolute ultimate reality is static, and does not change.
You know why rhythm often works to induce trances btw? The repetition of noises, sights, etc. in a uniform way causes the mind to lose its attention on those things and then it can see and focus on the more subtle things behind the veil as it filters out the noise of physical existence.
06/06/15 (Sat) 08:24:20 No. 42948
Awesome response. I got another question, i need some advice on how to communicate with this succubus i brought in. I dont want to get rid of her yet, but just having her around makes me wanna meditate but im not sure if its gonna get her to manifest in some way. Ive heard they can help you spiritually improve. Right now i feel slight energys on my legs and sides.
06/06/15 (Sat) 10:43:13 No. 42951
yes, I suspect it's a part of my spiral path to ascension
06/06/15 (Sat) 12:22:33 No. 42956
I had that period of turmoil when I discovered /fringe/ and it is still going on, after a year, though in a lesser and manageable degree.
View it as a spiritual struggle between two different poles and impulses. It's an inner fight between positive and negative impulses in a microcosmic or humanly scale; this "struggle" happens everywhere, in all times and places.
If I may relate my own story; whenever I was struck with the "Machiavellian negative", I really felt like advocating eugenics, monarchism, Nazism, mind-control and Luciferian doctrines. However, I couldn't fully submit myself to these because something inside me was resisting this ardent negativity. And little by little, the negativity around me began to diminish and I got a conscious hold of it. The 'armor of light' that was inside me really saved!
In my view, the negative impulses that try to instill upon you their Luciferian doctrines are based on limited STS understanding of things. What use does eugenics have in a spiritual universe? Eugenics is a really, really physical thought based on 3D thinking. Think of this.
Monarchism? Nazi fascism? Again, it is based on STS limited thinking. Hierarchies form around limited supplies of things and are founded on prey-predator-dichotomy. But there's no limited supply of anything if you don't 'cut' yourself from the source; when you live from the spirit, you become more and more connected to the universal energy source aka God. This sounds really cliched but it is quite true! And if you don't have to compete for energy anymore, what use do monarchism and fascism have? If you live in spirit, there is no need for politics anymore. Think of this because it is hard to translate for me.
I cannot submit to amoralism. The armor of light in me - I believe this is my spirit - prevents me from submitting to it. When I managed to fight off the negativity, I've become more connected to my spirit which has given me an increased understanding of morality. Being amoral means ignoring your spirit - this means disconnecting from God - this means STS existence - and this means limitations. Think of this again.
I think you have it well if you are having this period of turmoil. I think it means you are connecting with something. I won't give any tips on it, you just have to 'survive' the inner darkness you hold in you. When I sank beneath this negative darkness and then rose up, I became more aware and positive.
Sorry if I haven't said anything of importance. And sorry that I cannot offer logical explanations for my 'understandings'. All I can say with certainty is that you will have to struggle with this and you will feel confused and puzzled by these impulses. It's an experience that is hard to translate to others.
If you someday feel you cannot bear the immense negativity, read your favorite spiritual text or something which has always made you feel more inspired. I like Joseph Benner's books for that purpose, oh, and Neville Goddard. Whatever suits you, bro.
06/06/15 (Sat) 13:24:53 No. 42957
06/06/15 (Sat) 13:31:21 No. 42958
This is easily the most helpful post ever made.
06/06/15 (Sat) 13:38:44 No. 42959
"Personal Power" looks like tl;dr. Is it?
06/06/15 (Sat) 14:48:11 No. 42961
How you brought in this succubus m8?
06/06/15 (Sat) 16:47:50 No. 42971
I really wanted my answer for >>42831
Come on /fringe/ you must know
06/06/15 (Sat) 17:08:07 No. 42973
This is called reality creation and everyone has this ability. You happen to have inituitively realized it without anyone telling you, congratulations. See Neville Goddard's and Montalk's commonly recommeneded writings about this to gain a more conscious understanding of it.
06/06/15 (Sat) 17:11:25 No. 42974
06/06/15 (Sat) 19:06:51 No. 42984
Can I remote view the girl I like while she is showering?
06/06/15 (Sat) 19:11:31 No. 42985
Yes, /fringe/ skype group used to do it to Jenny all the time.
06/07/15 (Sun) 00:49:20 No. 43002
06/07/15 (Sun) 00:52:07 No. 43003
g_d is already dead
06/07/15 (Sun) 01:39:09 No. 43005
Is it "wrong" for a male to feel that he can fok many women but he will only marry a virgin?
06/07/15 (Sun) 01:44:36 No. 43007
Go back into the hole you crawled from.
06/07/15 (Sun) 04:27:18 No. 43015
Most of what's in the /fringe/ library is. I'm current "compressing" it into a great big /fringe/ book of tl;dr to help newer folks out, but it will take a few years to finish.
06/07/15 (Sun) 04:41:18 No. 43016
What does /fringe/ think of the library of babel?
06/07/15 (Sun) 09:17:20 No. 43022
That doesn't really sound good, the books are as lengthy as they are for a reason. Dumbing down everything in a chapter might look like a good idea on paper but in the end
.The "message/s" risk to appear without concrete roots
.The brevity risks to make a non-existant impact on the reader. Think when you see a copypaste with occult infos. You tend to give it less importance than you'd give to a book simply because the more effort you put on something the more you'll give it credit. The same goes for more books possibly from different authors, you give them more credit plus you see the infos coming together and have an understanding built upon different angles. You NEED to read everything you can to build the confidence on what you will be doing, it's a personal voyage and no "read this and u wil b GODLIEK" will ever feel right.
.The kind of people who would (at least try to) read said book aren't people who have an aptitude for this kind of things. It's the same people who keep asking basic questions on here that have easy, specific answers elsewhere or the ones who say "they're not into books". They want the easy way out and aren't cut for these kind of things so making a book for them explicitly sounds like a waste of time.
Your heart is probably in the right place but I don't think you thought this thoroughly.
06/07/15 (Sun) 11:45:55 No. 43034
But the truth is you don't really need books. Just learn how to go into trance and go get into the astral as quickly as possible. Everything else is mostly a huge waste of time. Especially cryptic/mystic shit like the Kaballah and other nonsense that only exists to keep you trapped in this consensual reality.
06/07/15 (Sun) 11:48:24 No. 43035
Isn't the book of knowledge such a book?
06/07/15 (Sun) 12:01:14 No. 43037
pretty much this, anything you do in the astral completely surpasses this density
>spend months trying to get to the astral
>finally manage to do it, appear in some city
>nordic gives me an amulet that now makes AP a piece of cake, almost instantaneous
get to the astral ASAP neophytes, it's a complete gamechanger
06/07/15 (Sun) 13:01:34 No. 43041
I'm so jelly it hurts. :(
06/07/15 (Sun) 13:06:57 No. 43042
Don't worry about it, we're all gona make it, let this passion drive you as you grow in power and consciousness.
You'll AP in your own time, build your other mental faculties in the meantime and improve your astral senses. Took me a year of solid work since finding /fringe/ to do it, thanks no inborn talent.
06/07/15 (Sun) 13:44:14 No. 43049
Is there any truth in Lovecraft's works?
06/07/15 (Sun) 16:21:42 No. 43058
06/07/15 (Sun) 16:46:26 No. 43062
They carry so much fame, instilled terror in so many people's hearts and inspired so many other artworks that their thoughtforms became monsters of their own. If those deities existed before the books or were created by them it's irrelevant: they exist now.
06/07/15 (Sun) 17:50:09 No. 43066
So what's the best book to learn to astral travel?
06/07/15 (Sun) 18:08:45 No. 43069
William Walter Atkinson - Practical Pyschomancy and Crystal Gazing
Robert Bruce - Mastering Astral Projection
06/07/15 (Sun) 18:37:26 No. 43072
Thanks. Best order? I'm gonna go with Bruce which seems more direct from the title.
06/07/15 (Sun) 19:21:32 No. 43079
What about Atkinson's personalpower and serieslessons? They all look like endless talk with minor practical parts…
06/07/15 (Sun) 19:47:14 No. 43081
Anyone here heard of It seems like a great resource
06/07/15 (Sun) 21:59:00 No. 43093
Exactly. Lots of pages, lots of bullshit.
Go to the astral and look for /fringe/ Illuminati.
We're there, and you'll learn lots from us.
Stop reading, start doing.
06/07/15 (Sun) 22:04:43 No. 43094
Is there a practice you recommend in particular? I don't know how to get there so it might take a while.
06/08/15 (Mon) 00:07:58 No. 43101
Don't troll me, please. I really want this to be true. :(
06/08/15 (Mon) 00:55:10 No. 43105
I've been thinking about just doing because if you think about it the people who are writing these books did it on their own first..
There must be a way for us to do it without reading, it just makes sense.
06/08/15 (Mon) 01:18:01 No. 43108
I just finished reading "The Arcane Teaching" and want to know which of Atkinson's works I should read next (or are worth reading)? I'm already going through "The Arcane Formulas" as well. I feel like AP is the next best step, so I'll probably pick up "Practical Pyschomancy and Crystal Gazing" as >>43069 suggests. Plus, crystal gazing seems pretty interesting.
LOOSH 06/08/15 (Mon) 01:34:01 No. 43110
Very dramatic cases of telepathy have been recorded; there is often an emotional element in such cases.
06/08/15 (Mon) 01:51:35 No. 43116
06/08/15 (Mon) 03:10:57 No. 43124
Just read the Kybalion. It was a fun read and many things did actually make sense but I don't feel any happier right now. I was told that I can completely change my reality with occult and magic, so what kind of occult stuff is it that I need to get into to create a more positive reality in this material realm?
Before you answer, keep in mind that I'm not interested in satanic/luceferian stuff, new age, or hindu/buddhist stuff. Sorry for sounding picky as hell. But thank you to anyone for reading and,or answering if at all.
06/08/15 (Mon) 04:11:02 No. 43131
You could try robert anton wilson's prometheus rising which you can find a pdf of with a google search. Other than that you're not leaving many doors open.
Atkinson is the other option.
06/08/15 (Mon) 04:43:09 No. 43133
I'm pretty sure there is more to occult then Satanism, Hindu and new agery. But thanks for the answer, I will check it out .
06/08/15 (Mon) 05:30:15 No. 43135
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Yall need some 2000 Avril! Dis is gunna be the only way yall gunna find some jesus!
06/08/15 (Mon) 05:38:55 No. 43136
Depends how broadly you mean new age. Ruling out buddhism/hinduism and new age leaves the western esoteric tradition with mostly christian and jewish influences.
Prometheus rising is here:!SpQjEJAB!kXzMxTvC303cPuppHy9Qtg
Science of breath is good for breathing techniques.
Initiation into hermetics is also good for longer term practise. New avatar power is good for short term results based magic.
06/08/15 (Mon) 05:42:32 No. 43137
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Yall need some Blink 182! Dis is gunna be the only way yall gunna find some jesus!
06/08/15 (Mon) 05:58:30 No. 43138
I am currently reading Arcane teaching. I will go down the list and read everything from /fringe/ book list in the FAQs so I will get to the initiation into hermetics soon. How is Hermetic magic? I read that it takes a while to do but do you know/think its worth it?
I will also look into those other things as well
06/08/15 (Mon) 06:45:53 No. 43139
Hermeticism in general is the best of the paths left, possibly the best overall anyway. Maybe someone who's worked with that book specifically all the way through can tell you more about it.
06/08/15 (Mon) 08:28:26 No. 43147
Note for anyone who wants to see the aura of a person there are actually multiple auras.
1. There is the aura which is the very same seen in kirlian photography. This one just lets you see the electrical coronal discharges occurring all over a body. It doesn't really mean anything as far I can tell / it's not useful.
2. The other type is a form of synaesthesia in which certain information about a person is converted into colour perceptions.You can develop this intentionally or accidentally. Just try to think of how various information about a given person would look if it appeared as colour in an aura around them. I am unsure if there is objectivity here at all, like I don't know if two Synesthetes who are converting the exact same basic information into colour will see the same colours or not, but I do know for sure that information can be represented in many different ways and a person can read it carefully even if it is something that is only applicable to that one person alone or not. If you want to read a person's emotions in the form of an aura for example you can do just by imagining their emotions as colours emanating from them and also certain details like how much the colour flares out from their body, how intense or drab it is, can carry additional finer degrees of detail about the information you are trying to read.
Being able to see auras is in my opinion a silly skill to intentionally develop when you can just create thoughtforms that give you the same information faster, more accurately, and can even process large bodies of information for you to get what is relevant relayed to you.
06/08/15 (Mon) 08:33:49 No. 43148
A bit I also forgot is there's a lot of information sources even for the same query when you are converting say their emotions into colours. You could be reading their facial expressions, or you could be responding to the chemical scents that tell you their emotions, or you could be reading their astral emotions, and so on converting these different information sources into colours. Perhaps if you convert different sources you might get different colours? For example reading the facial expression and muscle tension of a person to get their emotional state as a colour might produce a different colour from say reading their chemical scent they give off. I don't know.
All research into the matter has pretty much stopped.
06/08/15 (Mon) 08:37:50 No. 43149
You've got to study like 2 years minimum before you can do shit, depends how much time you can devote to reading as well. After about your third year of just reading is when you can start to really put things in practice. After about 5 years you probably won't be able to find any new information in books, every-time you read anything it'll just be repeats of concepts you've already become very well acquainted with, but at that point you'll probably be exploring through the astral in search of books that only exist there and not in this world.
Luckily /fringe/ has made the initiation process a fuckload faster by getting all the good information together in one place.
06/08/15 (Mon) 09:08:27 No. 43153
This sounds about right, yes; I am soon at the point where I'm beginning to put things in practice. I think I will have a good literary foundation before the end of this year – I've studied for two years then – and I am becoming very restless and excited to just begin my initiation.
Probably the most dramatic thing you will notice during your studies is how occultism becomes demystified – all fantastic notions vanish, all unfounded dreams disappear – and what is left is only the most practical information you have had to digest thoroughly for a long period of time and with this a strong appreciation for practice over theory.
06/08/15 (Mon) 09:17:02 No. 43154
Two years studying here as well (started at 20, now 22) and feeling the exact same as you. I am very anxious to begin adepthood and seriously put everything into practice but I'm holding back to finish the last books in the library I still haven't read that I deem necessary for me to read before I begin in earnest.
It all is very simple indeed in the end but still incredibly beautiful, wonderful, and full of potential.
06/08/15 (Mon) 09:50:49 No. 43159
did you end up making some sort of sigil to designate a meeting place?
06/08/15 (Mon) 10:45:16 No. 43163
What books should I read if I want to make a tulpa exist physically?
06/08/15 (Mon) 12:24:36 No. 43173
Is there any reason why I shouldn't be a Christian?
Jesus Christ is proven to be extremely divine by the NDE and Christianity is evidently beneficial by just looking at the history of Europe.
I believe in God and Jesus and I love it but I'm interested in your perspectives.
06/08/15 (Mon) 12:45:41 No. 43175
Being a christian for the sake of evoking christian egregores isn't too bad of an idea and there's a lot of wisdom in old christian teachings that you can assimilate in your own beliefs but don't start believing that christian god is the only god and that non believers go to hell or other such nonsense.
06/08/15 (Mon) 12:51:01 No. 43176
Yes I understand that there are other Gods, but they are subservient to the one true nameless creator.
Does /fringe/ every feel like the forces that they are working with are evil? This place has crazy Satanic self-worshipping vibes
06/08/15 (Mon) 12:50:51 No. 43177
>but don't start believing that christian god is the only god and that non believers go to hell or other such nonsense.
But what if that is actually the case?
06/08/15 (Mon) 12:55:23 No. 43178
There's a lot corruption in Christian scene, so to speak. The Bible has a lot of disinformation in it which encourages submission to authorities, blind faith and passiveness. The Church is not based on Christ Jesus' teachings, for it has ignored or twisted that what he taught.
This doesn't stop you from incorporating Christian ideas to your practices, however. The Beatitudes, or the Sermon on the Mount, is a beautiful teaching which I consider to be mostly original, something which Christ taught.
The authoritarian, blind-faith and modern "Christianity" - this I do not advocate. There is no Christian Hell nor does the Church have any authority or ownership on Christ's teachings.
There's true Christianity more beautiful and better than the other. It's gnostic and Hermetic in essence and it doesn't demand blind worship.
But this is my personal opinion, the choice is of course yours. If I would recommend literature, I would recommend these;
>The Way to the Kingdom by Joseph Benner
>The Gospel of Thomas (this can be cryptic at worst, but when you study other sources more it starts to make sense)
>The Imitation of Christ (take this with grain of salt – I am not fond of the ascetic teaching in this (Christ never taught asceticism!) but it has some good bits here and there)
>Gospel of John (again, take it with grain of salt)
06/08/15 (Mon) 13:16:58 No. 43181
Thanks brother I agree that Christianity is a bit wonky and sometimes inaccurate but I reckon it's definitely the best teaching we have. God bless and thanks for the lit
06/08/15 (Mon) 13:47:41 No. 43185
>Does /fringe/ every feel like the forces that they are working with are evil?
Is fire evil because it burns down the things we built? Or maybe it's good because it can warm you on cold days?
Magick is only as good or bad as the person using it.
Contrary to new age beliefs, bad people in relative terms can use magick too.
It's not, when normies die they experience the astral according to their beliefs, meaning fedoras experience a great emptiness and christians experience golden gates/angels etc. however the underlying mechanics of the astral and beyond do not show any evidence of a Christian God being behind the universe.
Agree with this 100%, incorporate the core morals of Christianity but avoid the worship aspect.
06/08/15 (Mon) 17:59:04 No. 43209
Hey /fringe/, I'm a kike. Do I have any potential for the mystic ways or does my Jewary ruin it?
06/08/15 (Mon) 18:01:11 No. 43211
Yes. No, it doesn't.
06/08/15 (Mon) 20:44:20 No. 43226
>Is there any reason why I shouldn't be a Christian?
>This place has crazy Satanic self-worshipping vibes
06/08/15 (Mon) 21:03:30 No. 43229
Magic doesn't real, my fellow jewish friend. We should leave these goyim to their silly role playing and meet up at the synagogue later for rugelach. The word of G-d is all you need and this site is pure posing, it will only do you harm!
tulpa help 06/08/15 (Mon) 21:06:30 No. 43230
ok I"m in and odd predicament. I made a tulpa by accident, and it wants to end it self. It see its self as a burden and looking at my life, can't help but agree. can i have some help on this please??? I'm begging please.
06/08/15 (Mon) 22:11:46 No. 43237
I know someone on this board has a better version of
"The Mystery of Sex or Sex Polarity" pdf by William Walkert Atkinson.
The one being shared in the "mega huge file size" folder is missing TONS of words.
Help a Neophyte in his path towards spiritual ascension and ego conciousness. Ex Uno disce Omnes.
Good vibes to all of you.
06/08/15 (Mon) 22:12:29 No. 43238
Small typo.
06/08/15 (Mon) 22:47:23 No. 43242
The 14 mega one? What is it missing?
06/08/15 (Mon) 22:55:21 No. 43244
From the first chapter the book is already missing words.
A blank space is located where the words are supposed to be.