Protection, Truth, Higher wisdom, Travel, Happiness, Astral projection, Loyalty, Tranquility, Induces prophetic dreams, Calming effect, Sleep, Heal headaches, the God, Air element, Good fortune, Devotion, Friendship, Gently moving, Reassurance, Understanding, Transformation, Mental and emotional control, Intuition, Health, Creativity, Hope, Sincerity, Opening blocked communication, Spirituality, Divinity, Dream magick, Inner peace, Water element, Protection during sleep, Wisdom, Peace, Honor, Psychism, Patience, Communication, Inspiration, Healing, and Contemplation.
Turquoise - Neutralizing, Stopping gossip, and Balances karma.
Light blue - Tranquility, Understanding, Patience, and Health.Sky blue - Hope.Royal blue - Power, Protection, Confidence, Friendship, and Success.
Indigo - To reveal deep secrets, Protection on the astral levels, Defenses, Changeability, Impulsiveness, Depression, Ambition, and Dignity.
Bluish Black - For wounded pride, broken bones, angelic protection.
Dark blue - Depression, Moodiness, Changeability, Impulsiveness, To create confusion (use with white or you will confuse yourself!).
Pale blue - Understanding, Health, Tranquility, Protection, Peace, Happiness, Spiritual awareness, Patience, Power to perceive, Protection of home, young, buildings, and young males, Inner peace, Purification.
Planets: Moon, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter
Days: Monday, Friday, Saturday and Thrusday
Energy: Female, but male with Jupiter/Thursday.
Blue Spells: Healing, Primary spiritual color; for rituals to obtain wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace; confers truth and guidance.
Royal Blue: Healing, Promotes laughter and joviality; loyalty; use to attract Jupiter energy, or whenever an influence needs to be increased.
Light Blue: Healing, Spiritual color; helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations; brings peace and tranquility to the home; radiates Aquarius energy; employ where a situation must be synthesized.
Dark blue: Healing, Spells for creativity, peace and communication. Also for deep meditation and karma work.
Magickal Purpose: Emotion, healing, mental, calming, tranquility, sleep peace, loyalty, good will, purifying and protection, hope, sincerity, truth and patience, Poet or Bard, communication mental, written and oral skills Sleep, twilight
The Personality: Sensitivity, introspection, communication .This person has the sensitivity of a poet or an artist. Loves family and home. Is loyal, conscientious and observant . Also, may be a little more psychic than he/she believes themselves to be.
Magickal Uses: Water magick. Balance, healing, peace and patience, communications, health friendships, dreams, sleep, inspiration, harmony in the home, meditations
CHAKRA: Fifth, Throat Chakra
PLANET: Neptune/Mercury
DAY: Monday/Moon, Light Blues - peace, patience; Wednesday/Merury, Blues - friendships, creativity, dreams Thursday/Jupiter,
Royal Blue - honor, happiness; Saturday/Satun, Dark Blues - communication
MAGICKAL TOOL: Wand, Cauldron, Chalice
SCENT / OIL: Lily of the Valley,Honeysuckle,Cedar, Basil, Jasmine, Sweetpea, Lotus
PLANT / HERB: Carnation, Honeysuckle, OrangeHeather, Cypress, Hazel, Oak Moss, Mallow, Aloe Vera Buttercup(communication), Daffodil and Baby's Breath
WOOD: Cedar
ANIMAL: Dolphin, Whale, Mermaid, BlueJay, Gull, Giraffe, Robin, Deer, Ass, Clam, Lizard and the Frog
BLUE/BLACK/WHITE: change and easy transition
STONES: Azurite, Turquoise, Coral, Blue, Opal, Tanzanite, Sapphire, Chrysacola, Hematite, Sodalite, Blue Laced Agate, Lapis Lazuli (children)Aguamarine, Sapphire.
TAROT: The Heirophant, Cups
GODS: Apollo, Asclepius, Bannick, Ceadda, Dabog, Dianceht, Esculapius, Forseti, Gucumatz, Hastehogan Lares, Kuan Ti, Penates,Tien Kuan
GODDESS: Alcyone, Aphrodite, Artemis, Bannick, Brigid, Cardea, Concordia, Dugnia, Eir, Gula, Harmonia, Hestia, Hygenia, Karusepas, Kedesh,Kikimora, Kwan Yin, Liban, Meditrina, Neith, Pax, Rhiannon, Salus, Vesta