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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit.
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread.
3. No creating new threads purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET).
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/).

/edgy/ has recently been fixed for all you indigopills out there

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EVERYTHING on youtube about chakra is binural beat new age BULLSHIT.

I'm better off learning on my own, yeah?



If you don't like it, don't watch it. Leave it to others who can make use of it.

There's a lot of misconceptions and prejudice associated with the new age movement.

I won't ask you to look into it since it's obviously not your cup of tea, but please respect other people's beliefs. There's a lot of similarity between what most people here practice and New Age.

And while this might come out as conceited, I believe most here would behoove from giving it a shot, specially those who hold a lot of hatred for others and themselves.


You are right, OP. But you broke rule 2.


lol fagget




Rule 2 killed this board.



No, nazi shitposters scared all the good users away. We could've build an amazing occult community here but no, muh edge, muh racism.

You reap what you sow.



Where do we go now? >>magick isn't very alive. What about forums?


Is there any non shitty/active forum alive ?

Perhaps we will have to create one…



No, faggots who don't put any effort into creating threads is killing the board, and you are part of the cancer apparently.

Is it really so fucking hard to write a paragraph of text and present something substantial when creating a thread?



Fuck off race traitor. Magick should only be taught to pro-whites so we can dominate the world and exterminate shitskins.




Atlantis was a long time ago, buddy. When your consciousness extends far enough that thinking may cease…

OP can learn where I did.







Looks like some good info, but this guy doesn't seem to understand where the knowledge really comes from.



Where does it come from, then?

It's a woman who has collected/created all that. I doubt you could find more in-depth meditations or explanations.

Oh wait, did you only explore one page? Plebs, please… The Gods are irritable.



Hah you fucking faggot everything on that site is sourced from Franz Bardon's books and everyone ought to go direct to the source.

I am way more advanced and powerful than you, Atlantean hater.

I've read every Satanic group and studied them and the people behind them extensively.


Maxine Dietrich is getting her info from Franz Bardon as a primary source. There's a few other books she has read but nothing important as what Franz Bardon wrote.



Also, "Maxine Dietrich" isn't even her real name.


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It's known that Maxine is married to an American NatSoc figure. The entire organization is. Wait, you didn't discover that…

Stop being so trivial, kid. Franz Bardon was likely a fraud and when you get advanced enough you obtain sauce from the Gods direct. Saucy, sauce.



>It's known that Maxine is married to an American NatSoc figure.

No fucking shit I already knew that.

> The entire organization is. Wait, you didn't discover that…

It's a NatSoc inspired Satanic Group and I know that you fucking faggot.

>Stop being so trivial, kid. Franz Bardon was likely a fraud and when you get advanced enough you obtain sauce from the Gods direct. Saucy, sauce.

You stop being a faggot, I have the actual powers, and immense knowledge from years of study and I've been on /fringe/ much longer than you.

We literally had threads about this group ONE YEAR AGO. You're talking about stuff we moved on from long ago.



Then y are you so buttmad?

Perhaps you should enlighten your brethren on updated techniques if your not here to act like some constipated shill.



and /fringe/ shows absolutely no signs of advancement it's like the entire place is populated by schizophrenic teenage girls



Your just all talk, homie. Look at my flag, look at it real good.



>we could've

This board was no more destined to be a good source of anything any more than water could have turned into gold if it were lead. Everything arises depending on everything else. This board IS what is was predetermined to be and will become what the forces and elements that exist will lead it to become.


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As an ex-student of Esoteric Hitlerism and the occult practices of the Third Reich I laugh at Joy of Satan's pretense of knowing what National Socialism was or wasn't.

For those not familiar with the writings of Miguel Serrano you may find the word and term ‘Lucifer’ in the wrong context. In the Martial Order of A-MOR 'Lucifer’ is the supreme Guide for the Walkers of the Dawn. He is the God of Light and Beauty. 'Lucifer’ is also known by other names in his Archetype such as Wuotan-Wotan-Odin, Shiva, Apollo and Abraxas. LUCIFER must not be confused with any sort of “Christian Devil” or “Satan”. If anything Lucifer is more closer to the Kristos than any sort of 'boogeyman’ with a pitchfork since Christ said “I am the LIGHT of the world”. LUCIFER is the Supreme Guide in the Kali Yuga and God of the utmost Beauty and Light. Light in the sense of “Gnosis” or Knowledge, light in the sense of Inspiration and Wisdom and also Light in the sense of Spectral Light.

Below the Black Sun of the Wewelsburg, in the crypta, is his sign - a swastika extended by sig runes.



A creation is governed by the laws set forth at it's creation.


That's easily discerned, but being a mundane as you seem to be, it would make sense that you cling explicitly to names/labels. God forbid you have to enter the realm of deception called exopolitics.





>Being an edgy nazi fucktard with divine power is totally possible, we all believe you…

If you actually had the powers, you:

>Would be humble enough not to brag about it

>Would know that all humanity is actually one consciousness and that we are all part of something much greater, thus since we are all contributing and part of an "organic system" (as in organism, all working and connected together) we are all equal: if you are ready to exterminate your asshole, you are full of shit…

Go invent yourself a better life schizophrenic teenage girl…



So who's to say that JOS is not in contact with the 'Lucifer' you have recognized? That would be a grave flaw in perception…

The 'Christian Devil' is the kike god, however, this image was also superimposed onto traditional Pagan Gods as a type of blame casting and utmost deception.



Eh, let's just call it separate and maybe equal but without race-mixing. One consciousness yada yada, that's a little too advanced for now.


I don't know. It takes time of study and cross correlation to get to the bottom of things. Am I here to qualify it for you? No, not really. Perhaps you should look at the website if you have questions. Then ask for guidance from your higher self or whatever. Blind ridicule and condemnation without investigation is very mundane. I already posted a link that leads to the outline of practices. Franz is irrelevant if the meditations hold water, and they do.

One major matter is etymology.

"Satya (Sanskrit: सत्य) literally means truth, reality."

"These Sanskrit sounds, Sa, Ta, Na, Ma, translated respectively, mean birth, life, death, rebirth."

"Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation is becoming scientifically recognized as a powerful tool for preventing

or stopping Alzheimer’s disease, increasing all aspects of cognitive function, (perception,

thinking, reasoning and remembering) and reducing stress levels while improving short term


Those are 3 independent sources, I'm sure you can figure out the rest.



And experience trumps all.


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>all these butthurt naziboos getting rkt in this thread

Feels good man


New Age is quite literally an NWO scheme to create a one world religion. Refer to Lucis Trust and the Crestone/Baca.



To be honest the people that they would have scared away (blacks, women, mongrels, white liberals) probably wouldn't have much to offer.


chill dude. "Maxine" has done a great service putting all that info out there in an easy to understand/applicable way for former mundanes. If the information on her site isn't wrong why be so hostile?

>hurr hurr if your not Franz Bardon your not allowed to post his teachings.


JOS isn't just a magic site, but also a political one(which is anti-jew). its like fringe and pol combined.

For the "GLBT" the recognize that homosexuals are simply a pawn in the jews game for divide and conquer. nothing wrong with a homosexual as long as their not a degenerate (the kind that marches in parades in their underweaer and acts as flamboyant as possible). jews promote the flamboyant type to cause backlash between hetero and homo gentiles.

as for the practices they are legit. the "Satan" shit can be a little edgy and is there for recognizably in mundanes, but it's legit.



>Perhaps you should enlighten your brethren on updated techniques if your not here to act like some constipated shill.

What do you think I've been doing in many other threads on this board for the last couple years huh?


>and /fringe/ shows absolutely no signs of advancement it's like the entire place is populated by schizophrenic teenage girls

What would you take as "signs of advancement"?


I see your flag and I don't get what you're going on about. Were you even around on old /fringe/ on freedomboard.kirara.ca when we got into JoS, ONA, Temple of Set, etc.?


>For those not familiar with the writings of Miguel Serrano you may find the word and term ‘Lucifer’ in the wrong context. In the Martial Order of A-MOR 'Lucifer’ is the supreme Guide for the Walkers of the Dawn. He is the God of Light and Beauty. 'Lucifer’ is also known by other names in his Archetype such as Wuotan-Wotan-Odin, Shiva, Apollo and Abraxas. LUCIFER must not be confused with any sort of “Christian Devil” or “Satan”. If anything Lucifer is more closer to the Kristos than any sort of 'boogeyman’ with a pitchfork since Christ said “I am the LIGHT of the world”. LUCIFER is the Supreme Guide in the Kali Yuga and God of the utmost Beauty and Light. Light in the sense of “Gnosis” or Knowledge, light in the sense of Inspiration and Wisdom and also Light in the sense of Spectral Light.

Shit like this is why names don't fucking matter and I avoid entities in the astral that go by names of famous figures. Nobody knows what is meant anymore by Satan, Jesus, Lucifer, Demon, Angel, etc. without them being defined beforehand.



>If you actually had the powers, you:

Guess what faggot our world is in the state is in because AS ABOVE SO BELOW you fucking niggerfaggot. That means even at the higher states of consciousness there are entities like the greys going around fucking others shit up. I can invoke any personalities I want from New Age Hippie Dipshit to Edgy Nazi Shitposter and it doesn't make a single fucking difference to the fact I can perform high magick.

We are not equal. The cell is not equal to the human. The individual cells within the human are not equal to each other. Furthermore, as a part of the All, something undeniable by the logic inherent within that term "All", I do not have to do anything to strive towards oneness.

All I have to do is my Will which is an extension of the Cosmic Will of the All.

I'm proud to be a vector for hatred and to express preferences towards ideal forms. I am disgusted by your willed blindness to beauty and that you would rather have all the forms degenerate.


I do, I read shitloads of it, but I talk more about magick than politics except when some faggot egalitarians show up to disturb my talks of pure arcane magick.


Bardon is not a fraud and I know this because I actually fucking do the practises in Initiation Into Hermetics. Bardon was fat and I've heard he smokes (haven't found confirmation on this) and he has excuses but I don't care because I find his actual book very useful.

...and here's proof JoS takes from Franz Bardon: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=lm&q=Joy+of+Satan+Franz+Bardon





Furthermore, if like me you have read both the JoS.pdf and the books by Franz Bardon, you will see that when it comes to describing the actual magickal practises it's almost word-for-word copied from Franz Bardon.

...and "Maxine Dietrich" herself makes reference to and recommends Franz Bardon.



>as for the practices they are legit.

>the "Satan" shit can be a little edgy and is there for recognizably in mundanes, but it's legit.

OP here, this was my perspective, try out the teachings, see how they work, and ignore anything edgy that I find to be distracting.

This board sure has gone downhill, or rather, most of the users have.


Racemixing is self-hatred.



>If the information on her site isn't wrong why be so hostile?

I'm trying to help you faggots out by avoiding reading a 500+ tl;dr pile of shit that is the JoS site once condensed to PDF form and go direct to the source for a higher signal-to-noise ratio.

I'm "hostile" because it is my Will that I be so.

…or at least that's how you perceive me.

I don't give a fuck though.

*sharpens edges*



>nothing wrong with a homosexual as long as their not a degenerate

Get the fuck out of my /fringe/ you fucking faggot all homosexuals are degenerate and imbalanced by default. Homosexuality IN AND OF ITSELF is DEGENERATE.


There is nothing wrong with being edgy but there is something very wrong with being weak, lost, powerless, and burdened with noise and that's why I am warning you about JoS; true edgelords will not benefit from JoS simply because it's full of shit mixed in with good stuff taken from Franz Bardon just go read Bardon / the books recommend in the library already and don't waste your time then go out and commit acts of edginess to please the hatred which grows within you every day…



From one we come, to one we go. All things are fleeting, and constantly new things are being born.



Actually that's fucking wrong because you don't come from one and you don't go to one you are One and always are One.


Nothing need a change at all, all is as it should be, and you and your personal set of desires and your Will are a precious part of the Greater Reality. Self-denial is a confusing state of being and you ought to let your Personality run wild or else become Possessed of the Qualities you Desire. It is not so hard at all but some can not comprehend why I would choose to be as I am; yet I am that I am and I watch and I hear and I listen as I express myself in this hostile manner and it's ok.

t. void frogs



>Actually that's fucking wrong because you don't come from one and you don't go to one you are One and always are One.

I am One, and from One I come, and when I go, One I shall remain.

You're so argumentative.


…and sometimes I forget (lose resonance with) this vector yet I have a form of consciousness growing outside of linear time and physicality which is why I remember being more than just the vector expressing itself right now that you are reading and I can translate astral memories into physical copies and hold the connection very well, many times it's so strong that the darkness is filled with the images of other places and states of being and wherever it be, be it behind my eyelids or in the dark corners of rooms I see into the other worlds and I hear the sounds of other personalities, other entities, that I am in resonance with…



Fuck you ok?


If you feel ashamed and insulted then you have given allegiance to an ideal.


*reveals true form*



Questions belong in the question thread.



Most of the anti-JOS pages(such as those that you linked) are most likely written by butthurt kikes that are more upset by the nazi shit than the actual "magick" aspect.

>Since JoS preaches that the holocaust was a complete hoax that was created by the jewish, I have a question for you to all think about:

> “If you were face to face with a person from one of the concentration camps, who still have that number tattooed on them…what could you honestly say to them? Could you stand there and say it was all a lie?”

from your links. lol. your most likely reading the literary trash of a kike.


the NSDAP had nothing against homosexuals as long as they werent communist(though lots of homosexuals did have a tendenacy to be communists). Ernst Röhm was a homosexual and the Nazis actually let gays to request to be in the same unit together as it raised komadery. I'm not homosexual, but I am aware there are much bigger problems to worry about than what some guy does in his bedroom, as long as he is a nationalist.

the JOS is also HEAVILY against racemixing too which you complained about in another post.

Also noone is trying to argue that JOS is superior to Bardon or anything. But people have options, do what suits you. Just do what suits you.



>There is nothing wrong with being edgy

"And occultists know that that which is known to them as “Spiritual Power” may be employed for evil as well as good ends (in accordance with the Principle of Polarity), a fact which has been recognized by the majority of religions in their conceptions of Satan, Beelzebub, the Devil, Lucifer, Fallen Angels, etc. And so the knowledge regarding these Planes has been kept in the Holy of Holies in all Esoteric Fraternities and Occult Orders,— in the Secret Chamber of the Temple. But this may be said here, that those who have attained high spiritual powers and have misused them, have a terrible fate in store for them, and the swing of the pendulum of Rhythm will inevitably swing them back to the furthest extreme of Material existence, from which point they must retrace their steps Spiritward, along the weary rounds of The Path, but always with the added torture of having always with them a lingering memory of the heights from which they fell owing to their evil actions. The legends of the Fallen Angels have a basis in actual facts, as all advanced occultists know. The striving for selfish power on the Spiritual Planes inevitably results in the selfish soul losing its spiritual balance and falling back as far as it had previously risen. But to even such a soul, the opportunity of a return is given—and such souls make the return journey, paying the terrible penalty according to the invariable Law." -The Kybalion



>the rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/


Fucking trolls check my trips.






>Most of the anti-JOS pages(such as those that you linked) are most likely written by butthurt kikes that are more upset by the nazi shit than the actual "magick" aspect.

No shit but some of the things they say is true and legit and checks out and I don't care about that other shit I only care about them having such an incredibly limited source of actual magickal knowledge which is just Franz Bardon.

You can waste time reading all their political shit even though you're already redpilled and don't need to and waste time with the Satan entity even though it's fucking stupid or you can straight up go to the signal and get condensed, useful, magickal knowledge to realize the 14 words with.

>from your links. lol. your most likely reading the literary trash of a kike.

bthrt fgt

>the NSDAP had nothing against homosexuals as long as they werent communist(though lots of homosexuals did have a tendenacy to be communists). Ernst Röhm was a homosexual and the Nazis actually let gays to request to be in the same unit together as it raised komadery. I'm not homosexual, but I am aware there are much bigger problems to worry about than what some guy does in his bedroom, as long as he is a nationalist.

Everything in life is about what goes down in the bedroom. Fuck you for not caring. National Socialists were moderate faggots which is why we need a Divine Edgy Monarchy to burn away all you lustful faggots.

>the JOS is also HEAVILY against racemixing too which you complained about in another post.


>Also noone is trying to argue that JOS is superior to Bardon or anything. But people have options, do what suits you. Just do what suits you.


We got a race to save, niggers to exterminate, there ain't no time for tl;dr rants about muh Satan and muh NatSoc. We've already got redpills coursing through our veins we just need to inject that pure green looshed up pills.


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Confirmed trawl, you checked my trips. What do you have to say about yourself Master Ruseman?



Edginess is a force of Good you fgt and you need to really understand Atkinson's views on "good" and "bad".

He's amoral as fuck.



>What do you have to say about yourself Master Ruseman?

You're asking questions :^)


I AM ______.

Whatever you put after those words is very powerful statement to self.

Yet more important than the words still is what you feel in your heart when you affirm them to yourself.

You can not fool your heart.

For what the heart knows, it is.

As a man knoweth in his heart so is he.


I wield pure arcane power and see out from the void and I produce words with awareness of null in-between moments of astral sound and visions pour in front of my field of view as I reflect upon places that I am and I am not.


Deep, deep, deep into my mind and riding along rhythmic currents I have grown through suggestions rising up from my base to my singular eye and I have realized the power of the void.


Oh god please no…


You take into yourself what you focus on, you are what you are aware of.



I counter your spiritual myopia with the truth of living and outliving one's desires.

and >>42083


I lose definition without the interaction of your algorithm with my own.



What if a slave race for the merchants is something we don't want our children to become?

Our Aryan race may change, advance, and evolve without breaking that law. There is no reason to change in a downward fashion when we can rise up instead.

There is no reason to devolve into a genetic abomination.



And to add to that, new things ARE indeed being born. We are the spiritual offspring of our ancestor's nat soc movement. We of course inherited many of our parent movement's traits.



>What if a slave race for the merchants is something we don't want our children to become?

The Merchants ARE the slave race.






>such an incredibly limited source of actual magickal knowledge which is just Franz Bardon.

When you get down to it this site is essentially only Franz Bardon practices too mixed with William Walker Atkinson theory shit. it's what gets posted everywhere. The fact is 99% of /fringe topic books are bulshit and if the JOS Doesn't want to include any possible disinfo contradictory bullshit that's fine with me. makes it nice and simple. Their meditations/"magick" DO work.

Some people just have a case of elitism as in they want to feel superior and view JOS as "filthy casuals" even though when you get down to it, its pretty much the same thing.



Atkinson and Franz Bardon are all you need.



>Some people just have a case of elitism as in they want to feel superior and view JOS as "filthy casuals" even though when you get down to it, its pretty much the same thing.

No shit it's the same thing because they literally copypasted out of Franz Bardon and slightly reworded things.


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I'm just not a fan of new age because they tend to be searching for 'eternal joy and light' and I simply cannot picture anything I'd dislike more.

I can appreciate their experiences, and sometimes they can contain something useful, but if I disagree completely with their goals I will inevitably disagree with their procedures for reaching it.


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i like to call it "new age fluff"

There is knowledge to be found but theres alot of shit to sift through before you find your nuggets of truth. Dont hate on "the fluffers." You should pity them instead. They get soo excited about finally finding a piece of the truth that they often overlook any further knowledge. Its sad, rly. They mean well.

You might be better served to try and keep as open a mind as possible. You will see a bigger and bigger picture the farther down the rabbit hole you go. Take whatever knowledge you can from each moment and it will lead to the truth of divinity

also, chakras are a handy visualization tool… lrn2meditate.gif


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If eternal joy was possible, what's wrong with that?


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That's cute how your post reminded me of this and everything else was futile.


Where does the contempt I taste rank on that chart? Joy and light are all well and good. I question the nature in which the information was presented as a means to counter the validity of his emotional (inepetutide?) choices. However, is it not better the grace the spiral where you will rathar than just fight against change get lost in this 'love and light'? Can you get bored of being loved? How you ever been victimized by a 'killjoy' Love and light doesn't magically fix people. People break apart and fix themselves all the time. Love helps and keeps warm, love also hurts. I'm not happy being happy. I am happy being as I am.

P.S. watch out for dem energy vampires. 2spoopy



Unconditional Love is entirely on a different level.


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Indeed, and in a world where expectations run high and people are starting to get more and more entitlement issues, we find that anything less than hippy dippy feelers "Just isn't good enough." I agree entirely. There is divine (unconditional) love, which if we are lucky enough to experience, is truly awe inspiring. What about something like divine contentment? Is it possible to just be sublimely content? How about Righteous Anger? Smiley seems to have that one down pat, and we still love him for who he is because he simply is. The problem with >>42686 is mistaking the symbol for it's meaning. Also Durr Hurr dualistic thinking "Up are good down are bad."

It's a good guide, and I am thankful s/he posted it as I have been looking for that picture again for some time. It is folly however to discount someone's experience [bold] because you don't like the way they feel.[/bold]


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These two charts are compatible.

The idea is, that higher levels always win out against lower levels. It's known that when in higher states of joy you attract and manifest more powerfully, while the opposite spectrum of fear/limitation shrinks the aura.

The second chart is interesting to muscle test yourself on. I rank in the uppermost level.

And it's sadly stupid to see people argue over JOS, like trying to say Franz Bardon was some significant character when all he did was manage to be an instrument to pass on archaic knowledge.

Even more futile to see those disregard the motivating force behind that organization, which would be Enki EA (Arya) himself. I mean, not aligning oneself with that higher supportive/creative power… Just LOL!


And imo, the main problem with the New Age movement is that they are giving their power away. That's what it always comes back to. There is a lot of 'savoir' programming in those philosophies, with their "Ascension Chambers" "Ascended Masters" who are all deceptive. In fact, it's linked to the UFO abduction scene and all the old characters there, using shifty masks. Reminds me of Dr Karla Turner's great book "The Masquerade of Angels", an apt title.

The New Age Movement is largely shallow, superficial, but the heart is in the right place. It's a large trapping and many get blindsided by the intense deception/war that has been taking place for a long time, only now under fluffier pretense. If they don't want to look at the dark side of global agendas on this planet, that's ok I guess, but I'm certainly stronger for braving that and coming out the other end.



>The idea is that the higher levels win out over the lower.

I can see what you are getting at. There are however, ways to manipulate and shift people on the scale, which the jew agers strive to do in mostly beneficial ways (Or they like to believe that.) The most subtle things effect us the most profoundly.


>And imo, the main problem with the New Age movement… ..with their "Ascension Chambers" "Ascended Masters" who are all deceptive.

This is also a big part of what has gone terribly wrong. People want so badly to be the love and light they will take the advice of charlitans because the message is thus. "Pretend you love people more and you'll get super powers."


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I prefer a full range of experience. I know it's not the same as doing drugs, merely easy to mistake the feeling of using drugs as actual eternal joy.

I feel that the assertion of "the only thing a human being wants or needs is love and joy" is selling short a human being's potential. Human beings are naturally strengthened through hardship; I only wish to see humanity in a state of their maximum potential strength.



In which case, surely what you seek then is an eternal sense of empowerment as you continually get stronger? My problem with your statement is that I thought it implied that seeking an eternal emotional/mental state is inherently bad. For instance, I personally prefer the state of equanimity. Not the feeling of apathy, just the feeling of inner peace and harmony. The feeling of having a strong "emotional gravitational center" I guess.


Look up 7min Chakra tune up is good one


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Rather, an eternal sense of development. Constant change and alteration, adaptation to changing circumstances.

By nature, it is not very fair to label a state of development and adaptation as eternal and unchanging, even if the state of development continues forever. Misleading at best.

I also feel it is misleading to say eternal light and love is "the most important thing" when the road to it is paved with hard work and a bit of blood.




Are you sure? I think a fairly popular adage is "the only thing that's constant is change". That's what I wanted to portray but whatever.



>I only care about them having such an incredibly limited source of actual magickal knowledge which is just Franz Bardon.

what else is there?


I like binaural beats. The effects are greatly exaggerated, but they're still nice occasionally.

On websites with search functions, many allow you to have an exclusion in your search by putting a - before any keywords you want to omit from your search. So try adding "-binaural -beats -beat" in the search bar.



If you are unsure about which colour you need, use white.

Lily white - Mother Candle….burned for 30 minutes at each moon phase.

Off white - Peace of mind.

Planet: Moon

Day: Monday

Energy: Female

A balance of all colours; Spiritual enlightenment, cleansing, purity, consecration, healing, truth seeking. Used in Rituals involving lunar energy (represents the Maiden). May be substituted for any colour candle.

White Spells: Purity, protection, the moon

Personality: Spiritual, devoted, psychic, protective, open spaces, neatness, Spiritual strength, Faith, Truth, Breaks curses or crossed conditions, Righteousness, East cardinal point, Purification of a home, Consecration rituals, Divinations, Healing, Clairvoyance, Water element, Protection, Purity, Sincerity, Peace, Devotional magick, Inner peace, Meditation work, Purification, Exorcisms, and Lunar energy.

Magickal Uses: Moon magick, divination, spirituality, protection, psychic powers, healing, truth, peace



CHAKRA: Chakra

PLANET: Moon/Mutable

DAY: Monday/Mutable


MAGICKAL TOOL: Crystal ball, wand, cauldron, mirror, glass(scrying)

SCENT / OIL: Sandalwood, Wormwood, Myrrh, Lemon Frankincense, Honeysuckle, Anise, Cedar Heliotrope, Betony, Lavender, Parsley, Thyme.

PLANT/HERB: Rosemary, Woodruff, Mugwort, Marigold, Moonflower, Mustard, Rue, Sage, Tansy, St. Johns, Betony, Burdock, Mint, Fern, Elder Flower, Heather, Lilac, Lily, Mint, Dahlia, Gladiola

WOOD: Birch, Elder, Almond, Hawthorn, Ash, White Heather, Cedar, Coconut Elm, Hazel, and Juniper.

ANIMAL: Dove, Snowy Owl, Chameleon, Cat, Lizard, Magpie, Whale, Swan, Bear, Hawk(perception), Lizard, Cat, Dog, Whale, Wolf, Praying Mantis

STONES: Opals, Clear Crystals, Mother-of-Pearl, Quartz, Moonstone, Pearl, Aquamarine, Agate Geode Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Abalone.

TAROT: The Fool {New Beginnings}

GOD: Fati, Gou, Iah, Llmagah, Mah, Mani

GODDESS: Al-fat, Anumati, Artemis, Ashima, Belili, Castillisto, Diana, Jerah, Levana, Luna, Re, Selene




Associations: Love, Sexuality, Good Health, Energy, South cardinal point, Passion, Vigor, Physical Desire, War, Pain, Stimulator, Aphrodisiac, Willpower, the God, Power, Chrisma, Career Goals, Survival, Force, Impulsiveness, Danger, Courage, Strength, Vitality, Romantic Atmosphere, Protection, Exorcism, Lust, Anger, Blood, Attraction, Fertility, Revenge, Fire, help in Legal Difficulties, Sacrificing something, Creativity, Action, Vibrancy, Magickal Defense, Attacks, Charity.

Planet: Mars

Day: Tuesday

Energy: Male or Amazon Female


Ruby Reds - passionate love, anger.

Light Reds - deep affection of a non-sexual nature

Cherry Reds - physical AND mental lovemaking.

Red Spells: physical desire and passion, courage, victory, and physical strength. Stimulates energy and vitality.

Magickal Purpose: Fire, passion, life, birth, stimulating, intense, highly-charged, will, ego, potential, anger, aggression, lust, war, courage, strength, fear. Its use in magick must be cautiously guarded as it can be very wild and unpredictable, as a candle color, it should be used with caution.

The Personality: Bold, assertive, impulsive, extroverted, passionate, aggressive. There is no in-between for this person, they go from one extreme to the other. But it can be a fantasy ride for anyone who joins them!

Magick Uses: Energy, passion in love, courage, lust, power, transformation, loyalty, force, sexuality, blood. May be used with black candles.



CHAKRA: Root Chakra


DAY: Tuesday


MAGICKAL TOOL: Sword, Cauldron, Incense Burner, Candle

SCENT / OIL: Dragons Blood, Basil, Pine, Cinnamon, Mullein, Musk

PLANT / HERB: Sunflower, Nettles, Holy Thistle, Crowfoot, Hops, Wormwood, Cranesbill, Chili Pepper, Chives, Spikenard, Onion, Cornflower, Rose, Mustard, Garlic, Rosemary, Dill, Hibiscus, Woodruff, Tobacco, Pepperwort, Heather and Yew .

WOOD: redwood, cherry

ANIMAL: Bear, Horse, Wolf, Ram, marsupials and night creatures, Tigers, Lions, Badger, Alligator, Ants, Beetle, Cardinal, Porcupine, Chicken, and Peacock.

STONES: Ruby, Garnet, Bloodstone, Spinel, Red Tourmaline, Red Topaz, Agate, Rubelite Rhodochrosite, Quartz Crystals, Tigers Eye, Pyrite, Tektite, Diamond, Red Jasper.

TAROT: The Magician, Cups, Fives.

GOD: Achilles, Ares, Atlas, Hercules, Mars, Thor, Zeus

GODDESS: Athena, Athenam, Eris, Kali, Minerva




Overcomes evil, Honor, Morality, Friendship, Kinship, Relaxation, Leisure, Success, Romance, Nurturing, Fidelity, Positive attitude, Harmony, Binding magick, Romantic love, Youthful femininity, Peace, Planetary goodwill, Healing of emotions, Affection, Caring, Partnerships of emotional maturity, and femininity.

Rose - Healing/Healh, Blessing a home, Love.

Pale pink - Young females.

Deep pink - Harmony and friendship in the home.

Planet: Venus

Day: Friday

Energy: Female

Pink Spells: Promote romance and true love, friendship; standard color for rituals to draw affections; a color of femininity, honor, service, brings friendly, lively conversation to the dinner table.

Magickal Purpose: The hearts emotions, creativity, marriage, friendship, beauty, compassion, relationships, kinder, gentler then red

Personality: This person is a romantic at heart. Likes candlelight dinners and movies, always tries to find the good in everything and everybody, very friendly.

Magickal Uses: Love, beauty, friendships, partnerships, romance, attraction.



CHAKRA: Heart Chakra


DAY: Friday

NUMBER: 1, 0

MAGICKAL TOOL: Wand, Cauldron

SCENT / OIL: Sandalwood, Rose, Apple Blossom, Gardenia, Jasmine, Lavender, Ginger Sweetpea, Tuberose, Strawberry, Apricot.

PLANT / HERB: Aztec Lily, Beans, Bishops Weed, Violets, Winter Cherry, Dropwort, Feverfew, Cotton Rose, Basil, Coriander, Crocus, Avocado, Ginseng, Kava-Kava, Ladies Mantle, Yarrow, Yerba Santa, Maidenhair, Allspice, Pennyroyal.

WOOD: Orange, Olive, Peach, Sycamore, Pink Dogwood

ANIMAL: Cat, Dove, Sparrow, Deer, Conch, Clam and Oysters.

STONES: Pink Sapphire, Kunzite, Pink Tourmaline, Pink or Rose Quartz, Pink Diamonds, Pink Spinel, Pink Garnet, Ruby, Red Jasper, Emerald, Peridot, Aventurine.

TAROT: Sevens.

GOD: Amun Ra, Angus, Cupid, Kama


ODDESS: Anat, Aphrodite, Astarte, Belili, Belit-llanit, Benten, Cybele, Erzulie, Hathor, Ishtar, Isis, Venus




Encouragement, Concentration, Attraction, Compassion, Energy, Good harvest, Warmth, Power, Adaptability, Prosperity, Fortune, Stamina, Discourages laziness, Psychic energy, Appetite, Solar aspects, Business goals, Career

goals, Selling, Studiousness, Plenty, New home, Material Gain, to Seal a spell, Justice, Positive thinking, Strength, Courage, Luck, Stimulation,

Success, Vitality, Encourages fun, Enhances mental agility, the God, Abundance, Property deals, Ambition, Legal matters, Action, Active finances, Kindness, and Creativity.

Peach - Trust.

Burnt Orange - Opportunity.

Reddish Orange - Failure.

Planets: Sun, Mars, Mercury

Days: Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

Energy: Male

Orange Spells: to encourage concentration ,encouragement, copassion, energy, prosperity. Aids in repellying laziness and appetitie.

Magickal Purposes: Moving house, attraction, energy, fertility, career and studying.

Personality: Intelligent, business-orientated, strong, courageous, positive and honest.

Magickal Uses: Encouragement, concentration, intellect, knowledge and understanding.

Element: Fire

Direction: South

Chakra: Second, Endocrine Charka

Planet: Sun and Mercury

Day: Sunday, Wednesday

Number: 2

Scent / Oil: Lemon, Juniper, Nutmeg, Sage, Lavendar, Rosemary, Lilac

Plant / Herb: Rosemary, Amber, Lilac, Lemon Peel, Agrimony, Anise, Betony, Dandelion, Hyssop, Juniper Berries, Mistletoe, Nutmeg, Sage, Lavender, Cherry, Periwinkle

Wood: Cedar

Animal: Tiger, Lion, Phoenix

Stones: Tiger's Eye, Citrine, Topaz, Carnelian, Amber, Orange Calcite, Opal, Moss Agate, Aventurine, Sodalite, Flourite

Tarot: The Sun, Twos

Gods: Apollo

Goddesses: Brighid, Diana, Fortuna.




Attraction, Money, Prosperity, Attracts the power of cosmic influences, For rituals performed in honor of solar deities, Blessing a home, Wealth, Success, Drawing things toward you, Strengthens other colors, the God, Promotes winning, Safety and power of the male, Happiness, and Playful humor.

Pale gold - Prosperity in health.

Deep gold - Prosperity, Sun magick

Planet: Sun

Day: Sunday

Energy: Male and Amazon Female

Gold Spells: Promote understanding; Rituals to enhance energy and power, & vitality, and to bring success and luck or in rituals needing solar energy.

Magickal Purpose: Intellect, thought, mental, analysis sun, sunlight, memory and creativity

Personality: Intellectual, learned, introvert, creative, imaginitive

Magickal Uses: Concentration, creativity, learning, intellectual, knowledge, understanding, astral projection, telepathy, mental abilities, thoughts. Good for students.



CHAKRA: Solar Plexus


DAY: Sunday- Mental Action , Wednesday - Physical Action



SCENT / OIL: Lemon, Frankincense, Bay, Patchouli, Marigold, Lavender, Laurel, Cinnamon Orange Blossoms, Musk, Vanilla, Cloves.

PLANT / HERB: Laurel, Vine, Ash, Rue Marigold, St. Johns Wort, Centaury, Chamomile, Mistletoe, Saffron, Begonia, Geranium, Morning Glory, Snapdragon, Daffodil, Rosemary, Sunflower and Daisy.

WOOD: Ash, Willow

ANIMAL: Phoenix, Snake, Beetle, Dragonfly, Meadowlark, Chameleon, Antelope, Snake, Crow, Bobcat, Goat, Lion, Mouse, Gull, Sea Lion, Parrot and Oriole.

STONES: Topaz, Yellow Diamond, Pyrite Yellow Jacinth,Rutilated Quartz, Clear Quartz, Chrysolite, Goldstone, Citrine, some Tiger Eye, Carnelian, Amber.

TAROT: Knights, Sixes.

Gods: Amun Ra, Apollo, Baldur, Bochica, Bragi, Da-bog, Dyaus, Helios, Hyperion, Maui, Mithras, Odin, Ogmios, Ptah,Surya, Tvashtri, Veveteotl, Wayland

Goddess: Anaterasu, Artemis Calliste, Athena, Aya, Asva, Bast, Brighid, Eos, Hsi-Ho, Igaehindvo, llmater, Maya, Minerva, Muses, Namagiri, Phoebe, Sul, Sunna, Sunniva, Surya




Passion, Professional growth, Career maneuvers, Monetary goals, and Fertility in business.

Planet: Sun

Day: Sunday

Energy: Male and Amazon Female

Similar to Gold and Orange




Friendship, Persuasion, Self-confidence, Mind, Movement, East cardinal point, Communication, Learning, Theorization, Solar magick, Conscious mind, Sun magick, the God, Memory, Selling yourself, Accelerated learning, Drawing (pulling/compelling), Joy, Captivation, Comfort, Visions, Mental powers, Attraction, Charm, Creativity, Activity, Healing, Imaginatin, Happiness, Intelligence/Intellect, Divination, Sun deities, Concentration, Fertility, Health in body and mind, Logical imagination, Breaking mental blocks, Hypnosis, Fascination, Travel, Jealousy, Wisdom, Psychic powers, and Air cardinal point,

Sunlight Yellow - new home.

Yellow Spells: enhance knowledge, communication skills and to give confidence and aid in visualization. Aids in repelling negative energy.

Magickal Purpose: Intellect, thought, mental, analysis sun, sunlight, memory and creativity

Personality: Intellectual, learn, introvert, creative, light-hearted and outgoing.

Magickal Uses: Concentration, creativity, learning, intellectual, knowledge, understanding, astral projection, telepathy, mental abilities, thoughts. Good for students.



CHAKRA: Solar Plexus


DAY: Sunday- Mental Action, Wednesday - Pysical Action



SCENT / OIL: Lemon, Frankincense, Bay, Patchouli, Marigold, Lavender, Laurel, Cinnamon Orange Blossoms, Musk, Vanilla, Cloves.

PLANT / HERB: Laurel, Vine, Ash, Rue Marigold, St. Johns Wort, Centaury, Chamomile, Mistletoe, Saffron, Begonia, Geranium, Morning Glory, Snapdragon, Daffodil, Rosemary, Sunflower and Daisy.

WOOD: Birch, Oak, Rubber

ANIMAL: Phoenix, Snake, Beetle, Dragonfly, Meadowlark, Chameleon, Antelope, Snake, Crow, Bobcat, Goat, Lion, Mouse, Gull, Sea Lion, Parrot and Oriole.

STONES: Topaz, Yellow Diamond, Pyrite Yellow Jacinth,Rutilated Quartz, Clear Quartz, Chrysolite, Goldstone, Citrine, some Tiger Eye, Carnelian, Amber.

TAROT: The Sun, Knights, Sixes.

Gods: Apollo, Janus,

Goddess: Anu, Brighid, Carna, Diana. Fortuna, Syn.




Material success, Money matters, Prosperity, Fertility, Cooperation, Faith, North cardinal point, Good luck, Children, Growth, Rejuvenation, Counteracts greed and jealousy, Calmness, Earth element, Things and ideas that grow and prosper, Earth Mother, Personal goals, Nurturing, Friutation of a project of plan, Beauty, Luck, Financial success, Good crops, Good harvest results, Healing/Health, Abundance, Harmony, Finances, Employment, Ambition, To make contact with faeries, Sucess, Physical healing, Tree and plant magick, Charity, and Masculine divine.

Emerald green - money, prosperity, and wealth.

Medium green - Healing/Health.

Spring green - children, fertility.

Light green - improve the weather.

Avacado green - beginnings.

Mint green - financial gains, usually used with gold and/or silver.

Greenish Yellow - cowardice, jealousy, anger, discord, sickness, quarrels, and fearfulness.

Dark Green - love, invoking the Goddess of regeneration, agriculture, financial matters.

Planets: Venus and Mercury.

Days: Friday and Wednesday

Energy: Female OR Male.

Green Spells: Promote prosperity, fertility, success; stimulates rituals for good luck, money, harmony, and rejuvenation.

Dark Green: Color of ambition, greed, and jealousy; counteracts these influences in a ritual.

Magical Purpose: Nature, growth, prosperity, luck, fertility, changes, rejuvenation, jealousy, envy.

Personality: Extroverted, happy, optimistic, status, possessive, direct

Magickal Uses: Earth magick, Faerie magick, money, luck, fertility, faerie contact, guide contact



CHAKRA: Fourth, Heart Chakra

PLANET: Venus, Jupiter, Mars

DAY: Friday/Venus - love, friendship; Wednesday/Mercury - business transactions; Thursday/Jupiter- Luck, prosperity


MAGICKAL TOOL: Wand, Cauldron

SCENT/OIL: Elder, Mint, Musk, Sage, Vanilla, Pine, Sweetpea, Mugwort, Patchouli, Vervain, Cinnamon, Marjoram.

PLANT/HERB: Birch, Catnip, Blackberry, Coltsfoot, Foxglove, Thyme, Yarrow, Feverfew, Burdock, Pennyroyal, Plaintain, Briar, Verbena, Elder, Basil, Cedarwood, Sage, Dill, Clove and Mugwort.

WOOD: Birch, Elder, Almond, Hawthorn, Fig, Oak, Palm, Pine

ANIMAL: Gnomes, Dwarfs, Fishes, Bee,Bull, Rabbit, Rat, Alligator, Turtle, Grasshopper, Bison, Frog.

STONES : Emerald, Peridot, Jade, MalachiteCoral, Green Tourmaline, Aventurine,Green Quartz, Gold, Silver, Rock Crystal, Onyx, Azurite.

TAROT: Emperor, Sevens

GODS: Agathadaimon, Bonus, Daikoku, Eventus, Buddha, Diakoku, Gansea, Inari, Jambhala, Jupiter, Pluto, Tamon

GODDESS: Anna Koun, Anna Perenna, Benten, Brighid, Buddhi, Carna, Chala, Felicitas, Fortuna, janus, Kichijo-Ten, Lakshmi, Ops,The Muses, Vasudhara, Syn




Protection, Truth, Higher wisdom, Travel, Happiness, Astral projection, Loyalty, Tranquility, Induces prophetic dreams, Calming effect, Sleep, Heal headaches, the God, Air element, Good fortune, Devotion, Friendship, Gently moving, Reassurance, Understanding, Transformation, Mental and emotional control, Intuition, Health, Creativity, Hope, Sincerity, Opening blocked communication, Spirituality, Divinity, Dream magick, Inner peace, Water element, Protection during sleep, Wisdom, Peace, Honor, Psychism, Patience, Communication, Inspiration, Healing, and Contemplation.

Turquoise - Neutralizing, Stopping gossip, and Balances karma.

Light blue - Tranquility, Understanding, Patience, and Health.Sky blue - Hope.Royal blue - Power, Protection, Confidence, Friendship, and Success.

Indigo - To reveal deep secrets, Protection on the astral levels, Defenses, Changeability, Impulsiveness, Depression, Ambition, and Dignity.

Bluish Black - For wounded pride, broken bones, angelic protection.

Dark blue - Depression, Moodiness, Changeability, Impulsiveness, To create confusion (use with white or you will confuse yourself!).

Pale blue - Understanding, Health, Tranquility, Protection, Peace, Happiness, Spiritual awareness, Patience, Power to perceive, Protection of home, young, buildings, and young males, Inner peace, Purification.

Planets: Moon, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter

Days: Monday, Friday, Saturday and Thrusday

Energy: Female, but male with Jupiter/Thursday.

Blue Spells: Healing, Primary spiritual color; for rituals to obtain wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace; confers truth and guidance.

Royal Blue: Healing, Promotes laughter and joviality; loyalty; use to attract Jupiter energy, or whenever an influence needs to be increased.

Light Blue: Healing, Spiritual color; helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations; brings peace and tranquility to the home; radiates Aquarius energy; employ where a situation must be synthesized.

Dark blue: Healing, Spells for creativity, peace and communication. Also for deep meditation and karma work.

Magickal Purpose: Emotion, healing, mental, calming, tranquility, sleep peace, loyalty, good will, purifying and protection, hope, sincerity, truth and patience, Poet or Bard, communication mental, written and oral skills Sleep, twilight

The Personality: Sensitivity, introspection, communication .This person has the sensitivity of a poet or an artist. Loves family and home. Is loyal, conscientious and observant . Also, may be a little more psychic than he/she believes themselves to be.

Magickal Uses: Water magick. Balance, healing, peace and patience, communications, health friendships, dreams, sleep, inspiration, harmony in the home, meditations



CHAKRA: Fifth, Throat Chakra

PLANET: Neptune/Mercury

DAY: Monday/Moon, Light Blues - peace, patience; Wednesday/Merury, Blues - friendships, creativity, dreams Thursday/Jupiter,

Royal Blue - honor, happiness; Saturday/Satun, Dark Blues - communication


MAGICKAL TOOL: Wand, Cauldron, Chalice

SCENT / OIL: Lily of the Valley,Honeysuckle,Cedar, Basil, Jasmine, Sweetpea, Lotus

PLANT / HERB: Carnation, Honeysuckle, OrangeHeather, Cypress, Hazel, Oak Moss, Mallow, Aloe Vera Buttercup(communication), Daffodil and Baby's Breath

WOOD: Cedar

ANIMAL: Dolphin, Whale, Mermaid, BlueJay, Gull, Giraffe, Robin, Deer, Ass, Clam, Lizard and the Frog

BLUE/BLACK/WHITE: change and easy transition

STONES: Azurite, Turquoise, Coral, Blue, Opal, Tanzanite, Sapphire, Chrysacola, Hematite, Sodalite, Blue Laced Agate, Lapis Lazuli (children)Aguamarine, Sapphire.

TAROT: The Heirophant, Cups

GODS: Apollo, Asclepius, Bannick, Ceadda, Dabog, Dianceht, Esculapius, Forseti, Gucumatz, Hastehogan Lares, Kuan Ti, Penates,Tien Kuan

GODDESS: Alcyone, Aphrodite, Artemis, Bannick, Brigid, Cardea, Concordia, Dugnia, Eir, Gula, Harmonia, Hestia, Hygenia, Karusepas, Kedesh,Kikimora, Kwan Yin, Liban, Meditrina, Neith, Pax, Rhiannon, Salus, Vesta




Belief, Power, Causes tension, Devotion, Spirituality, Psychic ability, Spiritual power, Sobriety, Meditation, Tension, Success, Household protection, Self assurance, Clarity of thought, Overcoming business difficulties, Healing mental conditions (MY NOTE: If you are VERY depressed, please seek help from professionals too, do NOT go by "color alone"), Feminine divine, Magickal forces, Power over obstacles, Richness, Influencing people in high places, Third Eye, Independence, Business progress, Healing of severe disease (again…get professional help too), Spiritual growth, Abstinence, Knowledge, Spiritual healing, Sensitivity, Strengthens willpower, Business success, and Ambition.

Violet - Healing, Meditation, Tranquility, Stops arguments, Tension, Power, Saddness, Piety, Sentimentality.

Lavender - To invoke righteous spirit within yourself and favors for people, inner peace.

Dark purple - Used for calling up the power of the Ancient Ones, Sigils/Runes, and Government.

Planet: Jupiter

Day: Thursday

Energy: Male

Purple Spells: Power, success, idealism, psychic manifestations; ideal for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial rewards, or to make contact with the spiritual other world; increases Neptune energy.

Magickal Purpose: Justice, royalty, the psychic, meditation, idealism, mysticism, guidance, divination.

Personality: Proud, independent, mystical arts, religious nature. This Person will not turn a blind eye, if they feel a cuase of action is worng, no matter the side they take.

Magickal Uses: Protection, justice power, spirit contact, breaking of bad luck, drive away evil, divination, spiritual and psychic powers, Astral Projection. This color is good to use when you don`t have a white candle.



CHAKRA: Brow Chakra

PLANET: Jupiter

DAY: Thursday


MAGICKAL TOOL: Wand, Cauldron

SCENT/OIL: Cedar, Carnation, Nutmeg Lotus, Angelica, Bay, Cinnamon, Ginger, Sandalwood, Jasmine.

PLANT/HERB: Mimosa, Wisteria, Mugwort Hazel, Eyebright, Rowan, Elder, Rue, Shamrock, Clover, Oak, Dandelion, Betony, Meadowsweet, Begonia, Cactus, Dahlia, Iris, Violet.

WOOD: Willow, Lilac, and Mulberry.

ANIMAL: Elephant, Unicorn, Rabbit, Jaguar, Chickadee, Cuckoo, Eagle, Elk, Penguin, Vulture, Grasshopper, Chameleon, Lizard.

FEATHER: Spirituality, religion

STONES: Amethyst, Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli and Beryl, Clear Quartz, All Opals, .

TAROT: Justice, Fours.

GOD: Anase, Apollo, Forseti, Ida-ten, Mishara, Mithras, Musku, Tyr, Varuna

GODDESS: Aleitheia, Astraea, Athene, Hecate, Justita, Kali, Maiat, Mens, Morrigan, Syn




Cancellation, Stalemate, Neutrality, and Glamouries.

Planet: Moon

Day: Monday

Energy: Female AND Male

Grey Spells: Neutral color useful when pondering complex issues during meditation; in magic, this colour often sparks confusion; it also negate or neutralize negative influence.

Magickal Purpose: Neutral, calm, peace, darkness with light.

Personality: A balanced type that stays out of conflict, introverted, a loner, likes solitude, peace and quiet.

Magickal Uses: Water Magick, Moon Magick, balance, peace, patience, vision quests.



CHAKRA: Not attributed


DAY: Monday

NUMBER: 6 and 1

MAGICKAL TOOL: Seashells, Scales, Chalice

SCENT / OIL: Ginseng, Jasmine, Comfrey, Mullein, Sandalwood, Vervain, Myrtle, Willow, Wormwood, Heliotrope, Betony, Thyme, Basil, Chamomile, Myrrh, Lotus

PLANT / HERB: Clove, Hyssop, Oak Moss, St.Johns Wort, Rosemary, Yew, Cumin, Birch, Blackthorn, Feverfew.

WOOD: Oak, Alder

ANIMAL: Armadillo, Ass, Cat, Dolphin, Opossum, Snow Leopard, Weasel, Wolf, Chameleon, Lizards, Spider, Lion

STONES: Moonstone, Black Pearl, Abalone, Opals, Quartz, Onyx, Malachite and Rock Crystal.

TAROT: Hanged Man, threes

GOD: Terminus

GODDESS: Artemis, Carna, Diana, Liberta, Liberty.




Quick money, Moon magick, Channeling, Astral energies, Cncellation, Neutrality, Stbility, Lunar spellwork, Enhances psychic powers, Divination work, Gambling, Invocation of the moon, Clairvoyance, Psychic protection, Stalemate, Removes negativity, the Goddess, Fertility, and the Subconscious.

Planet: Moon

Day: Monday

Energy: Female

Silver Spells: Remove negativity and encourage stability; dispel evil or negative influences; help develop psychic abilities; attract the influence of the Mother Goddess.

Magickal Purpose: Purity, Protection, Ice, Heavenly, Stars, Potential, The Cosmos.

Personality: A person who wants attention, clean, trendy, sharp with soft edges, glitter

Magickal uses: Moon magick, clairvoyance, divination(scrying), Astral travel, repelling spells.



PLANET: Moon/Mutable

DAY: Monday/Mutable

MAGICKAL TOOL: Crystal ball, Glass,Wand, Cauldron, Mirror (good scrying tools)

SCENT / OIL: Sandalwood, Wormwood, Myrrh, Lemon Frankincense, Honeysuckle, Anise, Cedar Heliotrope, Betony, Lavender, Parsley, Thyme.

PLANT / HERB: Rosemary, Woodruff, Mugwort, Marigold, Moon Flower, Mustard, Rue, Sage, Tansy, St.Johns, Betony, Burdock, Mint, Fern, Elder Flower, Heather, Lilac, Lily, Mint, Dahlia, Gladiola.

WOOD: Birch, Elder, Almond, Hawthorn, Ash, White Heather, Cedar, Coconut Elm, Hazel, and Juniper.

ANIMAL: Dove, Snowy Owl, Chameleon, Cat, Lizard, Magpie, Whale, Swan, Bear, Hawk(perception), Lizard, Cat, Dog, Whale, Wolf, Praying Mantis, Dolphin.

STONES: Silver, Opals, Clear Crystals, Mother-of-Pearl, Quartz, Moonstone, Pearl, Aquamarine, Agate, Geode, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Abalone

Tarot: The Moon {clarity}

GOD: Bannik, Evander,Odin, Shamash, Thoth

GODDESS: Adrste, Ashtoreth, Carmenta, Dione, Egeria, Filia Vocis, Gaia, Gwendydd, Inanna, Kwan Yin, Mari, Namagiri.




Earth energy. It is feminine in nature and related to its sister the

Moon and Saturn. Being a relatively balanced combination of Red, Yellow and Blue,

depending on the intensity level, it can be used successfully on Monday,

Friday or Saturday. Brown is one of the more complex colors, with varied associations.

Planet: Moon (tan browns), Venus (all), Saturn (dark browns)

Day: Monday/ Friday/ Saturday

Colors: Browns, earth tones

Used For : Spells to locate lost objects and improve powers of concentration

and telepathy, protection of the familiars and household pets, ground and center

your conciseness with the earth, to attune with trees and communicate with their


Brown Spells: Rituals of material increase, justice and retribution; eliminates indecisiveness; improves powers of concentration, study, telepathy; increases financial success; locates objects that have been lost, Animal Healing

Magickal Purpose: properties and associations for magick, dreams, witch craft and divination Mental, business, legal problems, ambition

Personality: Agreeable, extroverted, excitable, sociable

Magickal Uses: Personal creativity, career, legal issues, business



CHAKRA: Spleen Chakra

PLANET: Mercury/Mars

DAY: Tuesday-Physical Action Wednesday - Mental Action Sunday - Both Actions


MAGICKAL TOOL: Wand and Censer

SCENT/OIL: Dill, Lily of the Valley, Savory, Honeysuckle, Sweetpea, Jasmine

PLANT/HERB: Fern, Lily of the Valley, Marjoram Savory, Valerian, Vervain, Alstonia, Buckwheat, Calamint, Snapdragon, Flax, Senna, Wandering Jew, Mugwort, Rue, the same as the Red and Yellow for enhancements, Fenugreek, Gardenia.

WOOD: Hazel, Beech, Lemon Tree Maple, Lime and of course the Orange Tree.

ANIMAL: All of the RED animals, Swallow, Prairie Dog, Butterfly, Scallop, Bison, Butterfly, Catbird, Crane, Fox (clarity), Hawk, Martin, Prairie Dog and Squirrel.

STONES: Moss Agate, Carnelian, Alexandrite, Orange Sapphire, Quartz, Orange Calcite, Petrified Wood

TAROT: Eights.

GODS: Atlas, Janus, Terminus, Pan, Zeus

GODDESS: Athena, Bast, Carna, Diana, Lilith, Kali, Melusine, Minerva, Rhiannon, Syn




Almost no colour, it absorbs light. Unlike other

colours, black reflects very little, if any, light back to the viewer. This can give the false impression that black is the absence of colour. It is actually the absence of colour reflection. Think of this colour as a black hole in space. It absorbs all light with little or no reflection back, thus it becomes a receptacle or a transporter for all that you do not need or want. Properly used, it can be one of the most useful and powerful colors available. However, misused, it can cause disaster.

Planet: Saturn

Day: Saturday

Energy: Female

Colors: Dark blues, Black, Dark Browns and most dark colors

Used For: Meditation rituals, uncrossing rituals and spells to banish evil

and negativity, to break up a blocked or stagnant situation. The Crone, the


Black Spells: Use in rituals to induce a deep meditative state, or to banish evil or negativity as in uncrossing rituals; attracts Saturn energy.

Magickal Purpose: Absorption, why it is used for funerals. The void of all colors, it has the ability to absorb Quiet power, self-control, restriction, depression sickness, but new changes, rebirth. Wisdom, Control, Resilience, Discipline.

Personality: Someone who often dwells in his own dark recesses.A loner, but through choice. A strong silent type but someone you don't want to deal with if crossed. A night person as the darkness seems to be their safe place, their solace and quiet space. The things that make the "black" person unique, has also the tendency to dwell on things and has more bouts of depression than most others. This person tends to keep a lot of secrets.

Magickal Uses: Banishing negative thoughts and situations, reversing, uncrossing, binding negative forces, releasing, removing confusion, contact with spirits, dark magick, defensive spells (can be used with RED to increase intent).

ELEMENT: Air, water, fire, earth


PLANET: Saturn

DAY: Saturday



SCENT / OIL: Holly, Juniper, Yew,Myrrh, Cypress, Pine, Apple, Yarrrow,Rowan, Vervain, Peppermint, Basil.

PLANT/HERB: Oak, Yew, Beech, Elm,Comfrey, Holly, Ivy, Horsetail, Reeds,Solomons Seal, Mullein, Cedar, Clove,Cypress, Rue, Betony, Elder, Fern, Yarrow,Cayenne, Dragons Blood, Mandrake, Flax.

WOOD: Oak, Ash, Aspen, Birch, Hazel,Rowan

ANIMAL: Bobcat, Dragon, Panther, Raccoon, Rhinoceros, Groundhog, Blackbird, Lynx, Bat, Owl, Jaguar, Praying Mantis.

FEATHER: Hidden secrets, changes.

STONES: Onyx, Jet, Obsidian, BlackQuartz, Black Star Sapphire, Agate,Tektite, Pyrite, Diamond, Moonstone,Galena, Pumice.

TAROT: Death, Threes and the Queens

God: Achilles, Amathaon, Atlas, Cernunnos, Ea, Eterna, Janus, Terminus, Odin, Thoth, Untunktahe

Goddess: Aradia, Ayizan, Carna, Cerridwen, Circa, Dakinis, Demeter, Diana, Gulleig, Habondia, Hecate, Herodias, Hlle, Kwan Yin, Lilith, Mari, Rangda, Syn.



>JoyofSatan related

I swear /fringe/ is being raided by satanic filth

Yall need some mother fucking jesus



>Yall need some mother fucking jesus

And you need to get the fuck off this board, you worthless Saturn jew worshipper.



Are you ignorant or just shitty at hiding your loosh farming attempts?




You are part of the problem



>not enjoying the Nous and Logos while hating the Demiurge

Get out kid.


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>that tripcode


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Problem is, most of the people making these tones don't even understand how they're supposed to work.

1) chakras don't need just sound, they need vibration. As in actually feeling the vibration in your body.

2) binaural beats were created for frequencies lower than the audible range, and it's absolutely fucking pointless to use them for anything higher than 20 Hz. Furthermore, they need headphones, no way around that, which goes against 1)

So, forget about binaural beats (retarded to use them for higher frequencies) and forget about headphones (not enough vibration).

What you want are the biggest speakers you can get your hands on and either a normal sine wave of one of the Solfeggio frequencies depending on which chakra you want to work on (download audacity, generate, sine wave, 852Hz for the third eye for example), or a recording of some music written with this specific purpose in mind (friend tells me Tony O'Connor's Awakenings is good)



>download audacity, generate, sine wave

should be

>download audacity, generate, tone, waveform - sine

the frequencies for individual chakras are:

root - 396 Hz

sacral - 417

solar - 528

heart - 639

throat - 741

3rd eye - 852

crown - 963


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>There's a lot of misconceptions and prejudice associated with the new age movement.

fuck you jew hindu satanist bullshit eater


New Age is the only pro-white and redpilled paradigm.



>Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation



>the second chart is interesting to muscle test yourself on

indeed. Thank you.

>Enki EA (Arya)

never heard of 'im, but sounds cool.




that's why we exist in a physical manner rather than being one; development. or so I've seen posited.

but eh. I'm fine with centered/oneness, even if another part of me wants to experience things, make stuff, be with my twin.



to add to my last thing:

"and post here. lol. >_>"



I agree with you. Most what you can find on internet is new age mumbo-jumbo, trying to fit every religion and tradition into one by force.

The chakras, from what I recall by Hindu/Buddhist experts are not even close to what most people see depicted them as, ie carbon copy of Tree of Life. That there are many, in different places, depending on the individual tradition, too many to count.

Occult often accepts unsourced/unchecked info as a fact, or fabricates it (pseudoepigrapha). Best example of this may perhaps be astrology. There should be some quality control.

Things like "Westernised Buddhism" is pure cancer.

I would like to study Aryan and Sinic religions a bit more, but have no idea where to find non-biased material.



Truer words have never been spoken on this board before.

That's why it's so important to learn from the source and not from someone's interpretation of wrongly understood tradition.

This goes for chakras, Kundalini, Buddhism, Tantra, Yoga and pretty much everything Eastern.



Or you can do it yourself.

At some point in time, someone had to discover these chakra's, why not go through the same process he did ?

Try to see and feel them, for some weird reason, you'll see that what you feel and see is exactly like what the classic yogic texts describe. Even the fucking shapes, mandalas and representations are the same, I have seen exactly these, even though I've never memorized them or even payed attention to those representations and always treated them as doodlings, all are perfectly described, except the heart chakra, which for me isn't green but kind of a smokey grayish color.

Haven't seen te sanskrit letters in any of them though.

Same for kundalini, why not rise yours and see what hapens, that also goes for tantra, why not play with the kundalini you rised and try new things, you'll come to see that what you discover isn't that far from what the multiple classical tantric text describe, hidden behind dialogs of Shakti and Shiva, interpretations of Lama's and mistraduction of texts there is still truth, a lot of it.

There is no 100% right guru, anywhere, on any plane, at this point it's just you against the world, so why bother, just do it, books are great as introductions and gurus are nice to pump you up, but no one else is going to do the work for you.



Yeah, but I always wondered - do everyone experience these things in the same way?

I mean, the first tantras touching on the subject didn't mention seven chakras, and the belief that there are seven chakras is common when it comes to Westerners. In fact, most tantras and other tantrik materials I've read say that there are six chakras (Kaulajnana-nirnaya tantra for example). I've heard of tantras that give eight, three, seven or thirteen chakras.

Does the number of chakras varies depending on the person? If they are, indeed, something which is discovered and not invented why their numbers (not to mention functions and colors etc) varies?

Also, funny thing is, I've never heard of a Westerner, who has only ever heard about a seven chakra system, who would experience any other number of chakras.

As for Kundalini - right now I'm gathering information and focusing mostly on mantras and sadhana, when I overcome some difficulties I have I plan on raising mine.



The tantra teachings of tibet generally mention 5 chakras + the secret one, this doesn't mean that there is only five chakras but that for their purpose, aka, reaching enlightenement and their system, the Six Yogas, only five are needed. Same for the other cultures and traditions, they are tons of other chakras, the bindu, the well of dreams, the different dan tiens (which aren't really chakras, but still) and much more,,.

However, I have, to an extent, experienced that all of those can be seen and experienced the same way for different people. They are also different chakras according to the subtlety of the body, they are different chakras in the mental body and different chakras in the astral body, each bodies have heir own chakras, even the physical ones has it's organs.

All those "planes" and numbers are nothing but illusions and concepts for us to understand the universe, but in their essence, they do exist, kind of the same way as inches and centimeters, they are both constructs of the mind, but they mesure a thing that is "real", length.

Again, try to primarily do your own experiments and then compare it with other sources and peoples, I have found that it's really the best way to get new insights, the more you progress on the path, the less the informations, techniques and wisdom you get stems from books or others, the more comes from pesonal experience.

>Also, funny thing is, I've never heard of a Westerner, who has only ever heard about a seven chakra system, who would experience any other number of chakras.


I must be rare

much special

very snowflake

I used to think that the solar plexus chakra was below the navel, I could clearly experience it, but yet, it was different from the things I have read I should experience.Later, I learned it was supposed to be at the navel, and was really confused, so I tried to do it at the navel and sure enough, I felt what I was "supposed" to feel.

Another point I'd like to make, chakras are not really delimited too, the subtle bodies kind of works like the physical one, an organ is simply a bunch of cells who have mashed themselves into tissues and those tissues have bound and grown together to finally create an organ.

Organs are just bundles of cells, Chakras are just bundles of energy. Some organs are less developped then others, some chakras are less developped then others, so you don't feel them as much or don't pay attention to them as much and don't use them as much. All that is below is simply a reflection of All that is above. All things is a reflection of the One thing.

>But is a reflection really….real ?



That name "Arya" has been echoing in my mind for a while now.



>Tantra teachings of Tibet

Well, only Tantric teachings in Tibet I'm aware of is Varjayana but it's more Buddhist than Tantric, so what are you referring to exactly?

But we are on the same page really as I feel the same way as you do.




made a mistake there.



I blame it on the hippies. People thought that spiritual practice was some feel good shit, when in reality a lot of it is strugle. Most of us get into this because at some point we had a vision, a vision of the true potential and purpose of human existence. That vision however is not easily turned into actuality, in fact people throghout history have and will continue to kill themselves because of their recognition of the fact that they are stuck and not at all progressing in the path of internal fulfilment, which is only accomplished by at-one-ment with the god like nature of humans. In fact it seems like the closer you get to it the more you take this seriously, I can only imagine the mental hardship it must be being in that one step before achieving that master level we all seek.



Think of the number of chackras like the number of notes used in music, we as westeners use twelve now but as anyone with a BASIC physics understanding knows, the number of notes are actually infinitesimal because it is a spectrum which can be devided infinitely into ever ao many diferentes sounds. But, there is a reasom for the twelve notes just like there is a reasom for the seventy two notes or the five notes, there are also reasons for the exact frequencies used.

Keeping the analogy between musical notes and chackras the original notes (which we used to have) were chosen because they resonate with diferentes parts of the humanos body or the environment. For imstamce an A use to be 432 hertz now its 440, might not seem lime much but 432 resonates with the human heart producing a calm state of being while 440 sounds unseteling. I have tried it on concerts before on people unaware of the frequency they were listening to, on every ocasionalmente when I did 432 hertz as the A people came to us aftet to say how something sounded diferent but incredibly good and they couldnt tell what it was. Going back to chalras it seems there are centers which are chosen among infinite possibilities because they "resonate" with the reality of human physichal existence which seem to work as guides or roadmaps for our spiritual existence



I was referring to theSix Yoga's of Naropa, they are multiple "Six Yoga's" tratiditions but they are pretty much the same. It's the Highest Yoga Tantra, a tradition that evolved straight from the teachings of Buddha and has been kept secret by adepts for centuries, it's only 30 years ago that they have been translated, as Naropa wrote in his last will that they should be revealed to the public after 13 generations.



Yes I know of it (was even reading some related texts yesterday), but this tradition is IMHO far from being "Tantric". More like straight up Buddhist with Buddhist interpretations of Tantric ideas (eg. deity yoga - sadhana).

And I'm not trying to bash you or anything. As an adherent of Hindu Tantra I just was interested what did you mean by "Tantra of Tibet".




Also, seeing your post in question thread about Tantra being a branch of Buddhism - you are mistaken.

Tantra is a thing in itself, certainly not related to Buddhism (apart from Vajrayana) and certainly not being only a branch of it. I don't deny you knowledge, but it seems, when it comes to Hindu Tantra (which is the original Tantra from which Vajrayana came forth by mixing Buddhist and Tantric ideas), you are clueless.

Tantra is Shastra for the age of Kali, just how Veda was Shastra for previous age. Orthodox Tantik would claim that Tantra in itself is eternal, and, a view I'm partial to, is not invented but revealed by Gods.

Buddhist Tantras are newer than Hindu ones and are viewed by lenses of Buddhist thought.

Hindu Tantra is the original one.



If anything, it was Tantra which influenced Buddhism not the other way around.




Ay Moksha Rat(your name in skype I think), I was the guy who recommended for you the tantra without tear thingy(sorry bout dat). Anyway I wanted to ask you about what are the main text or book you recommend on tantra(Excuse that I ask you to spoon-feed me here ), but 90% of tantra shit is ERR MUH GUD SEX MAGIC .




Good to see you! Yesterday I saw an advertisement of some product which name was only one letter different from your name and started to wonder what are you up to lately.

If you wrote to me on Skype I apologize, but I stopped using Skype altogether. Maybe I will go back to it, provided I still remember my username and password lol

Anyways, regarding your request, I've given some advice in other threads, dunno if you've seen them.





Check out Eastern folder from this mega (courtesy of Frater K).

Kali Kaula is a good place to start, it don't have many practical exercises, but it gives a lot of information on various Tantrik movements and you can basically see what resonates within you.

The Tantratattva of Sriyukta Siva Candra Vidyarnava Bhattacarya Mahodaya is a bit more advanced read but it is marvelous.

Sir John Woodroffe material is solid, Osho is solid (although more "spiritual" than "magical").

Were I on your place I'd go Kali Kaula, then would check out other books from Eastern folder, then I would have knowledge to know what interests me and I could start searching for materials and doing research on my own. Wait, that's exactly what I did when I were on your place!

Be sure to read some original tantras and not only books *on* Tantra. One of my favorites is Karpūrādi-Stotra (Hymn to Kali).



>knowledge to know

Yeah, I'm retarded.



>90% of tantra shit is ERR MUH GUD SEX MAGIC




I might need to screencap this, I have stopped posting in fringe for a while because of the MUH MEME MAGIC , and of course hard headed people who will brag about their shit or noscope you whenever you try to argue with them.( MUH HERMETICISM MUH NEW THOUGHT MUH GNOSTICISM MUH MUH MUH PSIONIC VS MAGICK )

> what are you up to lately.

Sadly my magical routine go to shitter and that why I was going to leave PC all together to focus on repairing my magical daily routine and not make half-excuse. One question no offense were you serious about the mind control mantra?? are they the Vashikaran mantra?



>Vashikaran Mantra

Sadly, I do not know what are you talking about. What I referred to were some Mantras and rituals given in one tantra which bestowed upon practitioner some mind - controlling abilities.

Mantra is unappreciated in the West and regarded as some gibbersih you say to yourself, while in fact Mantras have meaning and consciousness of their own. Additionally proper conduct isn't a prerequisite to achieving siddhis via Mantra, so anyone can go and conquer the universe with it.

But I'm reluctant to speak about it further as it is said in scriptures that someone who discloses practice regarding Mantras to general public won't have success with it himself, so if you want to know more you should check out those books I mentioned. Their authors apparently were more brave than I am.


Yeah, but haven't it been always like that?



>Sadly, I do not know what are you talking about. What I referred to were some Mantras and rituals given in one tantra which bestowed upon practitioner some mind - controlling abilities.


>Mantra is unappreciated in the West and regarded as some gibbersih you say to yourself

Don' tell me about it, they see mantra only as a focus point.

>Additionally proper conduct isn't a prerequisite to achieving siddhis via Mantra

repeat it 125,000 time in less than 40 day and then you get it? or are there any other thing to achieve siddhi of it?

>so anyone can go and conquer the universe with it.

Hmmm seem interesting tbh, I have been reading Peter Dexhiemer book on energy work **don't be fooled by the name, it is about using the formula in Key to True Qubbalah as mantra to manifest with them.Bardon's KTQ seem to have same view that each letter is a symbolic representation of a consciousness and the letter can be combined to form akashic/mental/astral/physical formulas just by combining and and rearranging the letters. Bardon's seem to have a good view on Tantra/Mantra tbh(can be found in KTQ).

>so if you want to know more you should check out those books I mentioned.

You're saying that I should read each one of them and one of them have them?can you tell me the author who said it in most direct way?I am sorry if I am begging in a please spoon-feed me way but I am short on time atm, so excuse me(I need it to help me with a personal issue).

Thank you if you don't give me,

Thank you if you give me either way.

>Yeah, but haven't it been always like that?

it seem like that, but nowadays when you move a little from the shitstorm you see how big and messey it is. =p

Hope we can stay in contact, today might be my last day online( tomorrow I might check it once and close it to see if you have anything that would help me)



Nice trips friendo!

>repeat it 125,000 time in less than 40 day and then you get it? or are there any other thing to achieve siddhi of it?

Some mantras require you to tell them a set number of times, but others do not. So it depends on the mantra, but it mostly depends on how you repeat it. You can't do it mindlessly and there are some other aspects of it one must pay attention to, the details are in books.

>You're saying that I should read each one of them and one of them have them?

Well, each one of them will have them, in one way or the other. Start with Kali Kaula (it's in the mega library I posted here), it explains the basics nicely, provides you with many Mantras, and explains what you must do in order to get the most out of it.

>personal issue

I'm glad that you are interested in Tantra, but I don't know if it's the best way to resolve any pressing issues you might have right now. The reason being - it takes some time to get some basic knowledge regarding Tantra practice, but if you can gain it quickly than go for it. Kali Kaula is best if you want something that isn't going into too much detail but is still true to original Tantrik ideas and based on solid research. It's Western friendly too and not heavy on Sanskrit names and terms.

>Hope we can stay in contact, today might be my last day online

You mean last day online on /fringe/ or last day online generally speaking? I think I could get into my Skype account.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Let me help you with that. New Age movement is literally a box is complete misunderstandings and misinterpretations. You know why, because it was deliberately created to be that! To misguide the ones who have passed surface level traps. There are more than one layer of traps anon. Here, watch this.



This post contains more wisdom than half the newfigs combined.

Take it to heart.


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good share actually


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Tests done that cause altered perception through sound binaural beats were probably caused by the magnetic oscillation of the headphones used. It wasn't the sound at all more then likely. If sound effected us to the extent these videos claim life would completely different I assume.



but anon, just about everything anyone in the west claims about chakras is bullshit



new agers are spiritual gate keepers. they redefine old terms so that they both seem new and to cut the link from genuine ancient traditions, they have given up on a logical worldview and instead rely on faith and good feelings, they have an immense reliance on channeled material where they accept anything blindly that agrees with the group consensus, easily 90% of Helena Blavatskys (who I consider to be a major new ager) material is the same thing stated over and over again, fluff and relabled neutered ancient tradition. I will say that the people who are invested in that paradigm at least make an effort to stay positive all the time, however this world is simply too dangerous and too filled with lies to wantonly consume information unskeptically.

if you have information to prove me wrong then please present it.



>government means mind control

this is blatant fear mongering, this guy is going to make his supporters look insane by getting them to repeat this utter nonsense


I don't hate the guy though, its impossible to wade so far into these topics without picking up a lot of bullshit, as a great man once said paraphrased "if I were lucky enough to be right even 75% of the time I could win millions betting on horses" and I've yet to listen to more of his information.




Interesting read. Especially this part.

> many! The theory of the subtle body and its energy centers called cakras (or padmas, ādhāras, lakṣyas, etc.) comes from the tradition of Tantrik Yoga, which flourished from 600-1300 CE, and is still alive today. In mature Tantrik Yoga (after the year 900 or so), every one of the many branches of the tradition articulated a different chakra system, and some branches articulated more than one. Five-chakra systems, six-chakra systems, seven, nine, ten, fifteen, twenty-one, twenty-eight and more chakras are taught, depending on what text you're looking at. The seven- (or, technically, 6 + 1) chakra system that Western yogis know about is just one of many, and it became dominant around the 16th century (see point #4 below).

If you consider this while reading The Body Electric, then there's definitely something here that hasn't been (publicly at least) examined in depth.

Then when you consider Western views of chakras being an unexplainable phenomena similar to how most religions have operated in the past, I really wonder just how much out there is controlled disinformation on this subject.


File: 1457774066436.jpg (1.15 MB, 1688x2535, 1688:2535, iGNUcius.jpg)


>download Audacity

Reaching enlightenment with libre software.

I like it.

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